The Northern Horizon - August 2, 2024

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Grasshoppers in the Peace Region


n mid uly most field crops are approaching or beyond the flowering stage in development. his is also the time when concern about grasshopper damage can be at its highest. rasshoppers are nown to cause damage in a wide variety of crops including forages, oilseed crops, cereals, legumes and vegetables. Damage can be noticed prior to the budding stage of the plant, but proceeds into the ripening stages where they can feed on the ripe seeds and grains. rasshopper damage can occur as early as during the germination stage. As the crop continues to develop, more damage can be detected by noticeable bites in the plant leaves. However, if they continue to feed on the plants later into the season, they will cause significant damage to the ripening seeds and grains themselves. Stem damage and defoliation are also factors in reduced yield caused by grasshoppers. here are multiple prominent species of grasshoppers in the BC eace. he species which shows the highest numbers currently is the Bruner Spur hroated grasshopper. he young Bruner Spur hroated grasshoppers are found to have dar bands’ around their legs, and a green abdomen. n adults, the bands can be pin red or green.

he wo Striped grasshoppers are nown to have the second highest numbers found in the BC

eace egion. hey are found to be green or brown in colour and uite large. hey present two light coloured stripes on the head and body, and a blac mar ing on the legs.

astly, the Clear inged grasshoppers are not found in high numbers in the BC eace egion, but are still monitored. hey present a brown yellow colour, also presenting two stripes on the body. heir wings are clear with dar spots.

For more information about grasshoppers in the region visit the eace egion Forage Seed Association website. You can find information factsheets about this pest and others. eep an eye out for our next article about the crop diseases Clubroot, Aphanomyces, and Fusarium.

Scheduleof Weekend Events


7:00PM –9:00PM Early Entries

7:00PM –9:00PM Open forCamperSetup


7:30 AM GatesOpen forCampers&Exhibitors

7:30AM–4:00PM Concession Open

8:00 AM SilentAuction Opens(Scarecrows, Swing,ChainsawCarving)

9:00 AM Heav yHorseShow

9:00 AM Vendors Open

9:00 AM Tumbler Ridge Geopark Educational Trailer

10:00 AM Sheep &GoatShow

12:00PM Stock DogDemonstration

12:00PM DisplayBuildingsOpen


3:00PM Office Open forCash Payouts

4:00PM Heav yHorse Pull

5:00PM Gate PrizeDraw

6:00PM Supper –Ticketsmustbepurchasedearly

6:00PM –9:00PM FamilyDancefeaturingNight Sounds Sunday

Formoreinformationor to volunteerpleasecontact: Selina:250-782-0457orRachel:250-219-1630


8:00 AM –5:30PMConcession Open

8:00 AM –7:00PMOfficeOpen forCashPayouts

8:30AMChurch Service

9:00 AM LightHorseShow

9:00 AM Vendors

9:00 AM Tumbler Ridge Geopark Educational Trailer

9:30 AM DisplayBuildings Open


12:00PM Lunch BreakEntertainment

12:00PMColouring Contest Closes


4:30PM SilentAuction Closes

Funforthewhole Family

•Cattle Show



•Heavy HorseShow&Pull

•HomeCooking (c anning/baking) &more •Horticultureand Field Crops •Light HorseShow •Photography •Poultr y&Rabbit Show •Sheep Show •School Work

Alberta Grains Announces Funds for Western Crop Innovations

Alberta rains, in collaboration with the provincial government and industry partners, is proud to announce inaugural funding to support estern Crop nnovations C in advancing agricultural research and innovation tailored for the western rairies.

Alberta rains’ contributions of 7 ,000 will support C through arch 1, 202 . t will enter further discussions with C to create a long term funding agreement.

he announcement was made uly 10 by Alberta rains chair ara Sawyer during the Alberta rains and Alberta Small Brewers Association oint event Combine to Craft,” held during the Calgary Stampede. his investment in estern Crop nnovations reflects Alberta rains’ commitment to supporting sustainable agricultural practices right here in Alberta and enhancing productivity for Alberta farmers,” said ichael Flynn, Alberta rains’ executive director.

By collaborating with C , we are accelerating the development of innovative crop varieties and breeding technology that address the evolving needs of our agriculture sector.”

estern Crop nnovations, established this year as a not for profit organi ation, builds upon a 0 year legacy of pioneering crop development. Formerly nown as the Field Crop Development Centre under lds College of Agriculture echnology, C is dedicated to developing feed and forage barley, malting barley and triticale varieties optimi ed for Alberta’s agricultural conditions.

perating on a core land base of 00 acres in acombe, Alta., C ’s team of researchers conducts evaluations across 0,000 plots annually. heir breeding program integrates cutting edge technologies such as molecular mar ers and N spectroscopy to identify superior varieties with enhanced disease resistance, high yields, and superior end use uality characteristics.

C is particularly dedicated to developing malting barley varieties that meet the standards of end users li e maltsters and brewers.

eremy Boychyn, director of research, agronomy and extension at Alberta rains, emphasi ed the benefits of the partnership.

hrough our collaboration with C , we are leveraging state of the art technologies, research approaches and long standing expertise of the C staff to drive meaningful advancements in crop genetics and breeding. his partnership enables us to deliver farmer focused solutions that will bring value to the farm gate across Alberta.”

Peace Country Beef & Forage Association Play Host to Their Annual Field Day

Thursday, July 25th saw the Peace Country Beef & Forage Association welcoming area members to the research farm just outside of Fairview for their annual Field Day.

Attendees, and especially those wearing boots and waterproof jackets and pants, were given a farm tour, a number of vendor booths and product demonstrations, wagon rides, kid’s activities and an update on two of their three 3-Year Projects being done in conjunction with Saddle Hills County nterim xecutive Director imi anderheide and xtension ffice anager Alaina Archibald, with the assistance of one of the best agricultural research staffs anywhere, made the best of the weather conditions while showcasing all that the CBFA has to offer eace Country farm operators.

CLAAS Rolls Out Lexion 8900 Terra Trac in North America

CLAAS unveiled its Lexion 8900 Terra Trac for the first time in North America uly 1 at the Ag in Motion farm show near Langham, Sask. he top model in the exion lineup offers the most available horsepower in the largest combine range, delivering 779 horsepower, an increase of 89 hp over the 8800 model.

he erra rac class 10 combine is particularly suited for large-scale grain operations common in estern Canada. hile new to North America, it’s been offered in select regions around the world since 201 .

The machine displayed at Ag in Motion is special for a couple of reasons. t’s the first exion 00 erra rac combine available in North America, and it features a unique paint scheme and graphics commemorating the production of more than 500,000 combines since CLAAS started producing them in the 1 0s.

“For 25 years, the Lexion combine has delivered unparalleled performance and efficiency for growers across the globe,” said combine product manager Greg Frenzel at CLAAS of America.

The latest edition to the CLAAS combine offering is steeped in exion DNA, featuring leading

fuel efficiency, superior grain retention, massive throughput and the most advanced track system in the industry.

Threshing and separation are handled through the A S Synflow hybrid system featuring an accelerated pre-separation system that threshes up to 30 per cent of the grain before the crop reaches twin rotors that finish the separation process.

Unlike other combines in its class, the threshing and separation speeds are controlled independently, giving the machine the ability to harvest quickly without compromising grain quality. The unit makes autonomous and automatic real-time in field ad ustments as field conditions change.

The grain handling system is sized to match its throughput. he machine features a 10 bushel grain tan and a .1 bushel per second unloading speed. Adding to efficiency is another CLAAS-exclusive feature. The dynamic cooling system on the Lexion combine is found on the top of the machine, where the air is cooler and cleaner. The system senses the workload and directs more power to the cooling fan when the load is high and less when it isn’t.

Coupled with its auto lube system (standard on the machine), the performance of the cooling system also reduces daily maintenance.

The Lexion 8900 is exclusively offered with the Terra Trac undercarriage, for a smooth ride, superior traction, minimal compaction and header stability. CLAAS offers a wide range of headers designed to maximize performance.



•AAC WildfireHard RedWinterWheat• •SUPERFORMERHybrid FallRye• ExcellentDualPurpose -Grainand Forage|Midheight(-12cmHazlet) EarlyMaturing -2daysHazlet |Ver yHighRatingsforfallandspringvigour INTRODUCINGTWO NEW VARIETIESTOOURSPRING2025LINEUP

•CDCRenegadeSmooth Awn2-Row FeedBarley• Excitingnewsmooth awnbarleyfor forageandfeed •AACJuliusHighY ieldingYellowPeas• Improvedseedcoatbreakage,smallseedsize,improvedprotein

Annuals&Perennials;singlevarieties tocompletesilage,pastureandhaymixes

•CustomBlends Give FORASEED acall beforeyoumakeyournextpurchase.


FARMS LTD. Box181,Rycroft,AB |53012TWP774 &Hwy2 (780)402-8910 ||

ToddSadlier,HinesCreek,AB|780-772-3978| 786161


DailyGrainPrices -July26,2024

Obesity: The Silent Pet Killer

As veterinarians, we’re deeply concerned about the rising rates of obesity among pets. Just as in humans, obesity in pets can lead to serious health issues that affect uality of life and longevity.

Let’s explore why this is happening, the health problems it can cause and what we can do about it.


Recent studies indicate that over 55 per cent of dogs and 59 per cent of cats in the United States are overweight or obese. This trend is worrying because excess weight isn’t ust about appearance. t’s a serious health concern that can affect every aspect of the pet’s life.


he first challenge is recogni ing your pet is overweight. he easiest way to do this is to body condition score it on a regular basis. This is a scale from one to nine, where one is extremely s inny and nine is severely obese. A score of five is ideal.

The main area we assess is fat covering over the ribs and spine, whether there is a waist present and whether there is a tuck under the groin. Cats commonly have

a pouch under the belly and this is where they will deposit fat first. efer to the scale attached to help assess your pet.


Obesity isn’t just cosmetic. It can lead to a range of health problems that can signi cantly a ect your pet’s well-being.

1.Joint Issues: Excess weight puts strain on the pet’s joints, increasing the risk of arthritis and making it harder for them to move comfortably.

2.Diabetes: As in humans, obesity can lead to diabetes in pets. his re uires careful management and can impact the pet’s overall health.

3. Heart and respiratory problems: Obesity can strain the pet’s heart and lungs, making it harder for them to breathe and increasing risk of heart disease.

4.Shortened lifespan: Obese pets often have shorter lifespans (by up to two years!) compared to pets that maintain a healthy weight.

5.Decreased quality of life: Being overweight can ma e it difficult for pets to enjoy activities they once loved, like playing fetch or going for walks. It can also lead to fatigue and reduced desire to interact with humans.


Understanding the causes of obesity in pets can help us prevent it.

1.Overfeeding: A primary cause is overfeeding or feeding the wrong types of food. t’s important to follow feeding guidelines based on the pet’s age, si e and activity level.

2.Too many treats: iving too many treats or human food can uic ly add calories and contribute to weight gain.

3.Lack of exercise: Pets, especially indoor ones, need regular exercise to stay healthy. A sedentary lifestyle can contribute to weight gain.

4.Medical factors: Sometimes underlying medical conditions or medications can contribute to weight gain. Work with your veterinarian to rule out health issues.


Obesity in pets is preventable and manageable with the right approach.

1. Healthy diet: Feed your pet a balanced diet that’s appropriate for their age, breed and si e. here are low calorie food options available. Avoid excessive treats and stick to pet food that’s nutritionally complete.

2. Portion control: Measure your pet’s food portions to ensure they’re getting the right amount of calories. Avoid freefeeding, where food is always available.

3. Regular exercise: Make sure your pet gets enough physical activity every day. This could include walks, playtime or interactive toys that keep them moving.

4. Veterinary check-ups: Schedule regular check-ups with your veterinarian. They can monitor your pet’s weight and health, and provide guidance on nutrition and exercise.

5. Avoid overindulgence: While it’s tempting to give treats as a sign of love, find alternative ways to show affection that don’t involve food.

As veterinarians, our goal is to help your pets live long, healthy lives. By understanding the ris s of obesity, recogni ing its causes and taking steps to prevent it, pets can stay happy and active for years. If you’re concerned about your pet’s weight, reach out to your veterinarian. Together, we can make a positive difference in your pet’s life


•Isver yfinegroundkiln lime(92%passes through100meshscreen),givingitaquicker reactiontimeinsoil;normallywithin12months.

•Piles wellinthefield.Windhasminimaleffect onthepileinthefield,reducingdustwhile appliedduringspreading.

•Contains685lbsofcalcium,21lbsof phosphorous,5.6lbsofnitrogen,5lbsof sulphur,4lbspotassiumpertonneoflime.

•Peastake200lbsofcalciumtogrow acrop.

•Ever ypoundofphosphorustakesonepound ofcalciumoutofthesoil.

•Ever ypoundofnitrogentakesupto3pounds ofcalciumoutofthesoil.

•Itincreasestheavailabilityofnutrientswhen soilisbalanced,enhancingsoilmicrobial activitywhichproducesgoodresults.

•Provendatashowslimingbenefitsarestill prevalentupto20year safterapplication.

•Increasedplantdensity(higheryields, moretonnes/bushelsperacre).

•Betterabsorptionofnutrientsessential tooptimalplantgrowth.

•Provenbalancedsoiltakes325gallonofwater toproduce1bushelofgrainperacreversus poorsoiltakingupto20,000gallons.


Reductionintheuptakeofnutrientsandappliedfertilizer duetolowpH/highmagnesium/highsodiumcanhavea significantimpactonyieldpotential. Researchhasshowndramaticlossesinnutrientutilization canoccurinlowpHconditions.

pHandfertilizerefficiency HowsoilpHaffectsavailabilityofplantnutrients

Even“mildly”acidicconditionscanhave amajorimpactonnitrogenandphosphorousefficiency. -Canyouaffordtoignorethisrisk?

TheVHS-600/900verticalor horizontalbeaterspreader,the perfectbalanceofpower,capacity, androbustdesign.Offeringa substantial600or900cu/ft car ryingcapacity.Truckmount, andcustomsizesavailable.

Startingat: $117,115 Delivered

16’,18’,20’ &22’ Hopperlengths available

Upto580cubicfoothaulingcapacity. Fullyclosed hydraulicsystem. Variablerate,scalesandmonitors available

Startingat: $94,536 Delivered

Allunitscome withradialtiresand oilbathhubs Availablein

Upto10tonsofmaterialStandard adjustableflowcontrolfor weband spinner selectronicfloorshutoff andheavyduty walkingbeamsFully closed hydraulicsystem Variablerate scalesandmonitor savailable. StainlessSteel available

Startingat: $82,735 Delivered

Cattle Directory


Gomack Red Angus

Braydon Gough & Scott Gough Whitelaw, AB 780-274-0099 / 780-618-4747

Northway Cattle Co. Hwy 64 & RR 94.5, Cleardale, AB Albert 780-834-7055 Peter 780-835-8291

Bulls&ReplacementHeifersforSale OfftheFarmbyPrivateTreaty


Grant & Tanya Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-284-0684

Crystal Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-204-2005


TheFriesenFamily|GrandePrairie,AB Chad780-831-9106|Anna780-831-8338 800747

Binks Angus Farm

Evan Binks, Grande Prairie, AB 780-518-2020

Brandl Cattle Co.

Byron & Gwen Brandl, Jarvie, AB 780-954-2599

Broken Stick Ranch

Black Angus for Sale off the Farm

Tom & Amber Ditner, Baldonnel, BC


Crestland Farms Ltd.

John Harms, Buffalo Head Prairie, AB (C)780-926-9540 (H)780-928-4649

Excel Ranches

Ron & Barb Miller, Cody & Amy Miller Westlock, AB 780-349-0644

Fourth Creek Angus Ranch

Ryan Lacey, Spirit River, AB Ryan 780-864-7753 / Office: 780-517-3507

Heart Valley Angus

Nat Tschetter & Chris Tschetter Wanham, AB 780-978-6407 / 780-978-6406

Horizon Red Angus

Philip Driedger, La Crete, AB 780-926-5896

Kjos Black Angus

Marty & Miriam Kjos, Fort St. John, BC 250-787-0970

Lakeroad Black Angus

Jim & Donna Rowe, Worsley, AB J 780-835-0455 / D 780-835-9588

Lazy B Livestock

Trevor Binks & Melanie Klassen Grande Prairie, AB 780-539-7128 / 780-518-0630

Mountain Side Angus Bulls for Sale by Private Treaty

John & Judy Mayer, Beaverlodge, AB 780-831-8497

Nicklason Stock Farm

Brad Nicklason, Deadwood, AB 780-836-5197




MaynardBoese (780)568-4340

Landaker Charolais Farm

Alan&ShelleyLandaker,Brownvale,AB 780-618-3928

732066RangeRoad111 Beaverlodge,AB




Dry Creek Ranch

Seth Harmon, Cecil Lake, BC 250-793-1858

JayDawn Farms

Jason & Nikki McQuaig, Sexsmith, AB 780-933-5530

TheSchweitzers Roy&Erika (780)402.5617 Beaverlodge,AB

LazyS Charolais

Pro-Char Charolais

SchweitzerRanch Troy&Kristina (780)814.3598• DawsonCreek,BC 787690

David & Kristina Prokuda, Glenevis, AB 780-932-1654

Rosebud Creek Charolais

Dan & Holly Schleppe, Dawson Creek, BC 250-219-5698 / 250-786-5698

Whiskey Jack Black Herefords & Simmentals

Tamara & Darcy Kuriga, Whitelaw, AB 780-834-7108 / 780-835-8090


Chittick Family Hereford Ranch

Raymond & Mona Chittick Mayerthorpe, AB 780-305-3925

Eureka Hereford Farms

Tom Basnett, Eureka River, AB 780-834-8170

Friesen Farms

Chad & Anna Friesen, Grande Prairie, AB Chad (780) 831-9106/Anna (780) 831-8338

Gold Stock Hereford Farms

Steve, Ashley & Brad White, Beaverlodge, AB 780-518-0064 / 780-354-3190

Gurtler Polled Herefords

Garry & Ethan Gurtler, North Star, AB

Garry 780-836-0117 / 780-836-2125 Ethan 780-836-0552

Jonomn Hereford Ranch

Norm & Joanne Parrent, Clyde, AB Norm 780-307-6586 / Mike 780-307-3385

M.C. Quantock

Mac & Pat Creech, lloydminster, AB 800-561-2855

Reber's Polled Herefords

Serena & Kasey Reber, Woking, AB 780-518-2643

Richardson Ranch

Tlell Polled Herefords

Don & Les Richardson, Tlell, BC 250-566-5114 / 250-557-4348

Dry Creek Ranch

Gordon & Carla Harmon, Cecil Lake, BC 250-793-2384

Excel Ranches

Ron & Barb Miller, Cody & Amy Miller Westlock, AB 780-349-0644

Hillview Farms

Raymond & Corine Verbeek, Sturgeon County, AB 780-982-2176 / 780-939-2173

Hillview Farms

Raymond & Corine Verbeek Sturgeon County, AB 780-982-2176/780-939-2173

Lakeroad Black Angus

Jim & Donna Rowe, Worsley, AB J 780-835-0455 / D 780-835-9588

Pinnacle View Limousin

Rob & Cheryl Swaan, Quesnel, BC

Erin & Eric Kishkan, Quesnel, BC 250-747-2618






Dean&MarshaAnderson–FortStJohn,BC (250)827-3293• 778275

EOverI Salers

ProudMemberofthe AlbertaSalers Association

Salers BullsforSale of fthe Farm by PrivateTreaty

KarenEastman,Brownvale,AB (780)625-7248 | 84907002august24








North 42 Cattle Company

Heath Barnfield, Sexsmith, AB 780-897-3339

Crooked Post Shorthorns

Kirk Seaborn, Rocky Mountain House, AB 403-322-0142 / 403-729-2267

Janell Shorthorns

Melanie Barkley & Michelle Duncan Stettler, AB 403-740-4958

Poplar Creek Farm

Sean & Michelle Thompson, Cremona, AB 403-681-8316

Sharom Shorthorns

Tom & Shari Barto, Thorhild, AB 780-307-4043 / 780-398-2093

Starbright Shorthorns

Rena Nelson, Bonnyville, AB 780-201-2785

Yearling &Two-Year-Old ShorthornBulls forSale offtheFarm byPrivateTreaty


AlvinJohnson|Brownvale,AB Cell:(780)618-9044|

Trieber Farms

Fred & Naomi Trieber, Beaverlodge, AB F 780-831-1346 /N 780-814-0052


Albrecht Farms

Steve, Tammy & Ryan Albrecht, Spirit River, AB R 780-933-5448 / S 780-832-0883

Blazin" J Simmentals

Darcy & Caitlyn Lind, Sunset House, AB D 780-536-5203 / C 780-552-4934

Clearwater Simmentals

Chad Smith, Olds, AB 403-586-4714

Crystal Springs Ranch

Eckbert & Crystal Weitzel

Georg & Sarah Weitzel

Charlie Lake, BC 250-263-8237

KIN-KIN Cattle Co.

Gary & Faye Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-786-4500

KMR Simmentals

Kent & Robin Malcomson, Grovedale, AB 587-298-5404

Kruger Farms

Ryan & Chelsea Kruger, Sundre, AB 403-586-0125

KSL Simmentals

Keegan Scorgie & Brad Smith

Beaverlodge, AB K 780-518-6572 / B 780-202-0254

Lakeroad Black Angus

Jim & Donna Rowe, Worsley, AB J 780-835-0455 / D 780-835-9588

Lakeroad Simmentals

Sarah Hayward & Kody Rowe, Worsley, AB 780-835-8841

Gardner Livestock Olds, AB

Tracy Gardner 403-586-0378

Tyson Gardner 403-586-1598

GB Farms

Garrett Biggelaar, Lacombe, AB 403-877-7661


Grant & Tanya Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-284-0684

Crystal Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-204-2005

Hodges Simmentals

Roy & Scot Hodges, Beaverlodge, AB 780-512-4669

M.C. Quantock

Mac & Pat Creech, Lloydminster, AB 800-561-2855


(780)518-3536 786551





Polar Farms

Joe & Lindsay Loomis, PRRD, BC 250-784-5150

Rachido Ranch

Randy & Donna Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-674-1986

Rosefield Simmentals

James & Martha Wiebe, Prespatou, BC 250-630-2621

Sadlier Cattle Co.

Todd Sadlier, Hines Creek, AB 780-772-3978

Short Grass Farms

Kurtis & Chelsie Dillabough, DeBolt, AB 780-402-9578

Southpaw Cattle Company

Ron & Tammy Daley, Carstairs, AB Brandon & Shallaine Sharpe, Carstairs, AB 403-519-3401

Swantewitt & Sage Simmentals

Yellowhead County, AB

Gerd 780-712-2096

Jordan 780-712-3600

Whiskey Jack Black Herefords & Simmentals

Tamara & Darcy Kuriga, Whitelaw, AB 780-834-7108 / 780-835-8090

Olds Auction Market

Olds, AB Office 403-556-3655

Tyler 403-507-1782 / Patrick 403-559-7202

Red&Black Purebred Simmental Seedstock

WillowCreekSimmentals|CrookedCreek,AB Mike&MariKlassen|(780)832-7343 Colby&TiffanyKlassen|(780)832-6714

Willowdale Simmentals

Dale & Judy Smith & Family, Valleyview, AB 780-558-9337 / 780-524-2790

Wolfe Farms

Tony Wolfe, Valleyview, AB 780-524-9322

Wolfe Lake Farms Inc.

Olin and Sarah Rosvold, La Glace, AB

Tarril and Kare Rosvold, La Glace, AB 780-518-1997

Wolfes Fleckvieh

Shane & Shannon Wolfe, Sundre, AB 403-556-0729

Thorsby Stockyards Inc.

Thorsby, AB Office 780-789-3915

Chance 403-358-0456 / Jeff 780-203-4953

Viking Livestock Market

Cliff Grinde, Viking, AB 780-336-2209

VJV Livestock Marketing Group

Office, Dawson Creek, BC 250-782-3766

Office, Beaverlodge, AB 780-354-2423

Office, Westlock, AB 780-349-3153 Office, Ponoka, AB 403-783-5561 Office, Rimbey, AB 403-843-2439

Wembley Livestock Exchange

Glen Mayer & Nolan Mayer, Wembley, AB G 780-897-9570 / N 780-518-0709


Barrhead FeederAssociation Ltd.

Admin - Ann Gerhardt, Barrhead, AB 780-674-2456

Fort Feeder's Co-op Association

Admin - Cathy Axley, Two Hills, AB 780-290-0293

B.C. Livestock Producers Co-operative

Cordy Cox, Kamloops, BC 250-573-3939

Innisfail Auction Market

Danny, Mark & Duane Daines, Innisfail, AB 403-227-3166

Jennings Martin Direct Buying

La Glace, AB

Jennings Martin 780-933-1023 Ron Kramer 250-793-2713

North Central Livestock Exchange

Garth Rogers, Clyde, AB 780-348-5893

Grande Prairie Feeders' Association Ltd. Admin - Dawn Hollins, Grande Prairie, AB 780-538-1263

North Peace FeederAssociation Ltd. Admin - Donna Haakenson, Berwyn, AB 780-338-2270

Prairie River Feeders Co-op Ltd. Admin - Tammy Roberts, High Prairie, AB 780-523-4887

Westlock Feeders Association Ltd. Admin - Megan Keith, Westlock, AB 780-348-5850



THURSDAY S WEEKLY Office (780)349-3153 Fax(780)349-5466

WEDNESDAY S WEEKLY Office (403)783-5561 Fax(403)783-4120

n/an/a$420.00$480.00$380.00$460.00$390.00$430.00$430.00$460.00n/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/a 400-499









$330.00$345.00$325.00$347.00$320.00$345.00$325.00$345.00$322.00$342.00$310.00$333.00n/an/a$320.00$356.00n/an/a 900-999




DawsonCreek:301 –116th Ave., Farm& Beaverlodge: TwpRd720 &RR104,Beaverlodge, PonokaPh:403-783-5561 |Westlock:Ph:780-349-3153 |Rimbey:Ph:403-843-2439 |

FieldRepresentatives: RogerAlbers (Westlock-Sheep &Goats)780-777-7416• ShelbyBlosky (Westlock,Ponoka,Rimbey)587-277-7207 • MikeBrennan (Ponoka,Rimbey,Bashaw)403-783-1074• RalphCalder (NorthernAB& B.C.)780-618-7655• NeilCampbell (Rycroft) 780-814-4113• TrevorDuke (Castor,Coronation,Stettler,Hanna)403-740-5753• DarrylFriesen (Rimbey)403-318-1630• MarkGillett (Fairview)780-834-7063• TrapperGreen (NorthernAB& B.C.)780-837-0171• JoeHowlett (Westlock)780-920-8708• MarkJacklin (DawsonCreek,Beaverlodge)780-882-5456• CharlieKessler (AB&Sask)403-357-4779• BradLohr (Ponoka)780-679-5500• KyleMiller (Westlock)780-689-9373• Barr yNeumeirer (Rimbey)403-350-8222• WadeSchaupmeyer (Westlock)780-305-4104• DanSchleppe (NorthernAB&B.C.)250-219-5698 •TravisSekura(Rimbey)780-621-6841• StanSkeels (Rimbey)403-704-0288• JasonUngurian (NorthwestAB)587-343-2162• NansenVold (Ponoka)403-783-0349• Mark Wall (NorthernAB&BC)250-261-1235

• EdWilson (Rimbey)403-392-1689• HerbWylhuizen (Rimbey)403-844-0294•



NETWRAP WesternRawhide

WesternRawhideNetwrapsetsthenewstandardforquality, performanceandrollconsistency.Proventimeandtimeagain thenetwrapisyourworr yfreesolutionto awell-madebale. Manufacturedtoinalmostever ybaleronthemarket.Whether choosingthe48”or67”widewrap,youcanbeassuredthat yourinvestmentiscovered.Guaranteed.






64”x8,000’Green78.2lb.64in8,000ft16$289.00each 64’ x9,000’Green87.4lb.64in9,000ft16$319.00each



SuperNovatwinerunstroublefreeinthebaler.Alwayshasuniformconsistencyand withstands“dropshock”.ThistwinecontainsspecialUVlightinhibitorswhichallow ittowithstandintenseexposureoverlongperiods.Hasnotaste,smell,oil,orfood valuetoattractrodents.

Colour Roll Weight RollLengthRoll/PalletPrice/Each

Brazil’sextra-longandstrongfibersensureuniformknotlesstwines forbothsquareandroundbales.Treatedwithall-naturallinseedoilfor rodentsandinsects.



VJVDawsonCreek(250)782-3766 |

VJVBeaverlodge(780)354-2423 |


RycroftRanchSupplies,Rycroft,AB| (780)765-2991

PeiferFeeds,50021Hwy685,HinesCreek,AB| (780)835-8540





500-599 $400.00$480.00$400.00$470.00

600-699 $390.00$450.00$380.00$445.00



900-999$300.00$346.00$280.00$330.00 1,000+ N/AN/AN/AN/A FEEDERHEIFERS


300-399 $400.00$495.00$400.00$460.00






900-999$270.00$329.00$265.00$311.00 1,000 +N/AN/AN/AN/A SLAUGHTER CATTLE D1-D2 COWSD1-D2 COWS

$185.00$204.00$185.00$202.00 D3 COWSD3 COWS

$170.00$180.00 $165.00$178.00 SLAUGHTER BULLS SLAUGHTER BULLS

$190.00$235.00 $190.00 $230.00 REPLACEMENT

300-399 n/an/a$375.00$500.00

400-499 $400.00$500.00$400.00$504.25






600-699$335.00$416.00$330.00$400.25 700-799$310.25$340.50$320.00$365.00

800-899$305.00$340.00$300.00$330.00 900-999$285.00$315.00$285.00$310.00 1,000 +$250.00$300.25$230.00$300.00

Dave Ross Equip. Ltd Since 1943


Ph: 780-864-3731, Spirit River Fax: 864-3468, Toll Free 1-800-661-7401

Web site:

SALEs, 864-0236 864-0217 978-0188

2024 620 4wd Versatile 620hp, 6 65hp @ 1900rpm, 16x4 Cat P/S tran rev- fan. HD drawbar, Tow Cable ,900/60R42 Trelleborg duals, 110gpm pump 6 E. hyd remotes, 3/4”return 2 sets diff lock, PTO, Deluxe Pro, Cab, 12”monitor, L/seat, Susp/Cab, Radar, Jake Brake, 21 Led lites, V6700 A/S/R, Isobus, Rear camera, Frt- Rear -Upper -Side wts, wt 61,250# #852700 PO# 201299 SN 708852, 2024 msrp $1,095,750 same 620 4wd $ 995,000

2022 DT620 Delta Track Ver satile ,620hp, 665hp @ 1900rpm, 16x4 P/S, rev- fan, diff lock, HD drawbar, Tow Cable, 36” 6500 Series Tracks, PTO, 110gpm pump 6 E. remotes, 3/4”return 2 sets, Deluxe Cab, 12”monitor, L/seat, Susp Cab, Radar, 19 Led lites, V6700 A/S/R, Isobus, 2-C/drain, Rear camera, wt 64,000# PO201296, #249650 SN 70824 2022 msrp $ 995,65 0


TheGroundbirch4-HMultiClubwouldliketosay THANKYOU

to thoseindividuals, volunteers, companiesandorgani ationsthat showedtheirsupport orourclub andourlocalmembers by playingapartinourAnnualAchievement ayShow Sale onSaturday,July6th,2024 at the awsonCreekExhibitionGroundsin awsonCreek.


BUYERS: Arcwork Welding Ltd. C T Trucking Chetwynd Petroleum Chetwynd Veterinary Hospital Curtis ork Trucking Ltd. Fore ront Production HFNodesConstruction Ltd. HollandEnergyServices Ltd. SandiOdden SLEnterpri es Ltd. orkOil eldServices( denotesa multiplebuyer)

SPONSORS: AckermanLogging AIM Trucking Andrew MillerHoo Trimming Argo Roads JessicaBidwell BLTFirstAidServices Ltd. BCAngus Association InMemory o FredBurton CampShaw Ou i ers Canadian exterCa leAssociation Chetwynd Veterinary Hospital Chris Heather Collins CommunityFutures evelopmentCorporation PeaceLiard CorlaneSportingGoods Ltd. awsonCo-operative nion awsonCreek ExhibitionAssociation awsonCreek VetClinic C J Shelby eSmet Meleah ewe er FP Ventures GCMLaundryServices Gear-O-Rama Supply(Chetwynd) TheGiesbrecht Family TheGranger Family GroundbirchLivestockAssociation Hyper Toys TheJessen’s LaGrecaRanchSand Gravel Ltd. Lawrence’s Meats La y SCharolais TheSchweit er Family Leo’sSigns Things Chelsea AydaLindley Rod CharleneLineham BonnieLoupret LPBuildingSolutions BrendaLukey TrudyMcAllister Mc onalds PamMcGregor McLeodCommunityHall MoiraMcRann MugahawHoldings NathanRBauderLawCorporation NorthernHori on NorthSlopeCa leCo. NWP Fairview-AnimalHealth Technology

InMemory o ChrisOdden Bailey Craig Penner RafterHHRanch Rainey Ranch RatRaceContracting Red Fox Rentals HotshotInc. ReverseGJCa leCo. The Roadhouse RR Ranch–TheLukey Family Secure EnergyServices ShellCanada SignLine FSJ TheSimmental Associationo BC ChadSmith South PeaceColony South PeaceGrain TheTiet en Family TigerPrinting Stationers TimHortons TLa y TRanch The nruh Family VJV- awsonCreek Courtney Wallace Peter Weit el TheWince Family

Tim Hortons Spreads Smiles with $14,145 Donation

Tim Hortons Fort St. John has donated $14,145 to the Fort St. John Hospital Foundation, the result of sales from its recent Smile Cookie campaign held April 29 to May 5.

Tim Hortons has supported the Fort St. John Hospital Foundation through this campaign since 2007, raising more than $110,000 to date.

his year was the first time the foundation pre campaigned for this fundraiser. t introduced pre order options for individuals, families and businesses, including delivery for orders of five boxes or more. Supported by several local businesses, this significantly boosted sales.

e are very than ful to im Hortons and the Fort St. ohn community for their generosity,” said elly Amboe, executive director of the FS Hospital Foundation.

t was wonderful to be out in the community delivering coo ies, ordered through the pre order feature this year, helping us spread even more smile to the community and increase engagement.”

he Smile Coo ie campaign has been a beloved tradition for im Hortons since its inception in 1996. Across Canada, the campaign supports hundreds of local charities, hospitals and community programs, raising over 111 million to date.

renovated cattle alley.

O er validwith o purchasepricedown. oadersare actoryinstalled.Itemsmay notbee actly as shown,accessories, attachments,andimplements cost e tra. ta es, set-up,deliverychargesnot included.Adocumentation eeo upto . Programsand prices sub ecttochangewithoutnotice. SeePrairieCoast equipment or ulldetails. Somerestrictions mayapply,whilesupplieslast.Financing on approved John eereFinancialcreditonly. I R

Worryabouttheweather, notyourwarranty.

Youhaveenoughto worr yaboutwhenit’sbalingseason. Worr yaboutthe weather,not yourwarrantywith newindustry-leadingcoverageonNewHollandRoll-Belt™andPro-Belt™ roundbalers.Fromthehitch tothebaleramp,you’llbebacked by a2-year/15,000-balefactor ywarranty,aswellasa3-year/22,500-bale pickupwarranty.Balerswithfactory-installedendlessbeltsalso receive a3-year/15,000-baleendlessbelt warranty.Thisisn’tapurchaseprotectionplaneither,butrather afullfactor ywarranty*withextended coverage .It’stimetobalewithgreaterpeaceofmind. GetallthedetailsonthenewwarrantycoverageonRoll-Belt™andPro-Belt™ roundbalers. Stopintoday

The Sales Crew At Douglas Lake Equipment In Dawson Creek, Along With Representatives From Cnh, Took Over The Clubhouse At The Dawson Creek Golf & Country Club July

Providingsoundindependent beef nutritionandmanagement consulting servicestocattleproducersandtheindustry.


Ahailstormhasdamagedthecrop Thedecisionhasbeenmade to salvagewhatremains If insured,clearancehasbeenobtained to cutthecropandproperyieldcheckstripsare le inthe eld Ifnotinsured,proceedwithsalvagingthecrop

Whenac�velygrowingplantsarein ured by hail,theroot system con�nuestomovewater andnutrientsinto theupperstemsandleaves Thisincludesnitrates In uredleavesareless efficientinconver�ngnitrateintoproteinandthusnitrateaccumula�onoccurs Nitrate levelsincreaseandpeakat4 to 5daysa erthein ury Cutimmediately, ifpossible, to minimize accumula�on Otherwise, wait12 to 14days forthecrop to recoverandnitrate levels return to normal

Dependingontheseverityofthe storm,plantmaterialcanbe very closetotheground Thetempta�onis to cutaslow to save asmuchaspossible Cu�ng toolow mayintroduce dirtintothe swath This canalsooccurwhenthepickupheight ontherake,silage cu�er, or balerisset tooclose to theground

Unfortunately,dirtinthewindrow cancontainlisteria,coliforms,clostridia,salmonella, andfungi(AHDBEngland) Allhave thepoten�altocausehealthproblems Mucorand Molnilabacterialspecies foundindirtwill causewhite moldstoform Whiletheseare not poisonous,butthey will reduceforagequalityand feedintake

Ifmakinggreenfeedfromthesalvage material,ensurethatthematerialisproperlycured

Ifbaled toughordamp,hea�ngwilloccur Whenbale temperatures exceed35 C, the Mailliard reac�onoccurs Thisreac�onbindssomeoftheproteintothe bre makingit unavailabletotheanimal Someofthenitratecanbe convertedtonitrite Nitrite is10x more toxicthannitrate

Feedsamplesshouldbesubmi�ed foranalysis Thestandard analysisanda nitratetest shouldbe rou�ne Peas, canola,andbrassica cropsalsorequire sulfuranalysis Polioisthe concernwithhighsulfurlevels

Foraddi�onalinforma�ononsalvaginghailedcrops andpoten�alrisks,contactBarryat 403-741-6032 or e c l c

Canadian Grain Grading Changes for 024-25 Crop Year

Canadian Grain Commission

The Canadian Grain Commission is making several grain grading changes for the new crop year following consultation with sector stakeholders and members of the Western Standards Committee and Eastern Standards Committee. These changes are designed to allow Canada’s quality assurance system to better meet the needs of the grain sector in Canada and grain buyers around the world. Here are highlights of some of the upcoming changes.


Food barley varieties are uni ue and different from malting or feed barley varieties due to the distinct quality features desired for food, such as high beta-glucans.

To ensure Canadian producers and the agriculture sector can realize the benefits of developing and growing these varieties, the commission is creating variety designation lists for barley, Canada astern Food, which too effect on uly 1, and Barley, Canada estern Food, which will ta e effect on Aug. 1, 202 .


As part of the grain grading moderni ation pro ect, the fficial rain rading Guide will be updated to clarify the assessment of seed coat discolouration in soybeans effective Aug. 1, 202 . he changes include updates to definitions and grade determination tables for factors related to soybean staining. The commission will also add new photographs to the web version of the guide to assist in evaluation of seed coat discolouration.


The grade determination tables are being changed to be more clear, user friendly and accessible. ffective Aug. 1, 202 , grain grades will be moved to column vertical format and grain grading factors will be listed in row hori ontal format. his change is to formatting only and won’t change grading factors or tolerances. The new and previous versions of the tables will both be available in the online version of the fficial rain rading uide for a minimum of six months to help with the transition.

Ourpeopleare what make ourworldgo round -and we love celebratingtheir achievements.

Everypersonand every taskcreatesthebigger picturethatisPrairieCoast equipment.

From thefieldtothedesk, we areconstantly challengingourselves to bethebestwecanbe. We’reCommitted. Employeeshavethe opportunity to invest in PrairieCoast.The result?A significant portionis employeeowned.

Day1 WedJuly10-24

8-11’x4.5”Pileswith 9”Capsinstalled 156Drierssoldin18 yrs w/noFireLoss

DaveROSS Equip Since1943 Ph:780-864-37351-800-661-7401 RR63-Hwy49SpiritRiver, Ab alross@rossequip.ca780.864.0236

WecanInstallyour1st Dryerforyouin3daysor your2ndDF22in3days forthelowpriceof$340,000 fortheDF22Dryerplus $19,000forthe OptionalBase delivered&installed. Whenweleaveyouwillbe readyforGAS& POWER. Youcanhaveadryerheight from10inches to36inches Customdrying24/7yeilds $300/hrwhileyousleep.


DeliveredDrier& Installed it. THENInstalledtheGasTrain, thedischargeauger andalltheotherParts

ThisDF22 hasdried1.8m/buofpeas per yearfor the last10 years = 18 million/buofpeasw/allthe original parts&onenew Bed chain @13 m/bu.BuilttoLastthisDF22 weights 30,000#s

John Deere Launches Gator XUV 845 and Gator XUV 875 Utility Vehicles

John Deere launch its new gas Gator XUV 845 and diesel Gator XUV 875 utility vehicles July 2, designed to assist farmers and ranchers with a variety of jobs around the farm.

he utility vehicles offer options for integrated precision ag technology, a larger, more versatile cargo box and added comfort and convenience elements.

“The Gator XUV 845 and Gator XUV 875 are built with farmers for farmers,” said Eric Halfman, John Deere go-tomarket manager for Gator utility vehicles. “We worked with farmers across the U.S. and Canada to make this machine more versatile for all the work they do on the farm.”

he two vehicles improve upon the reliability of previous models and have a noticeably improved sound uality due to a new exhaust system.

ther improvements include a new location for the air intake, raising it by 12 inches, drawing air from the best location to protect the engine. n addition, there is a new C air inta e and exhaust to help pull cleaner air and protect the system from debris, water and mud.

With the new HVAC models, each can be customized to include a factory-installed GreenStar Ready option, giving owners the ability to uic ly add a StarFire receiver and universal display to the machine. All of the needed brac ets and wiring to support the installation of the receiver and the display are included from the factory.

The JDLink modem will also be included, enabling the ator to be integrated into the ohn Deere perations Center. With the JDLink modem, data is wirelessly sent to the ohn Deere perations Center or to the cab of the machine.

his technology pac age gives farmers a plug and play solution for adding precision ag components to the Gator,” Halfman said. “The Gator XUV 845 and Gator XUV 7 ma e tas s such as boundary and field mapping, tile mapping and other similar tas s easier to complete with a smaller, more nimble machine at a lower operating cost.”

A new brac et for the integrated technology offers more control and less effort for the operator. An added switch ban features switches for Auto rac resume, S implement connector on off and display on off. he new on off switches provide more control of implements such as sprayers and displays.

For customers adopting autonomy on their farms, they will need to create autonomy boundaries,” Halfman said. emapping of existing boundaries may have to ta e place and the integrated precision ag technology features on the Gator XUV 845 and Gator XUV 875 make either a go-to machine for farmers.

“One of the most desirable traits of a Gator is the versatility it offers all over the farm,” Halfman said. he new Gator XUV 845 and Gator XUV 875 include a redesigned cargo box that provides 1 per cent more space than our previous model, ma ing it a class leader in cargo box volume and allowing you to carry more in one trip.”

To learn more, visit or contact a John Deere dealer.

10 quiet mixed cow/calf pairs. May/June Angus calves, $4500/pair on choice. Call 780-536-4986.

(2) two-year-old Red and Black Angus bulls for sale by private treaty. 780-2740099 or 780-618-4747.

3 yearling Red and Black Angus bulls for sale by Private Treaty. 780-2740099 or 780-618-4747.

Registered Black Angus yearling bulls for sale. Semen-tested. Vetinspected. Ready to go. 780354-2726 or 780-831-8497.

(2) two-year-old Red and Black Angus bulls for sale by private treaty. 780-2740099 or 780-618-4747.

3 yearling Red and Black Angus bulls for sale by Private Treaty. 780-2740099 or 780-618-4747.

Registered red/Simmental bull. Semen tested/vaccinated. Soundness evaluation completed, easy calver, good feet. Reg/papers Available. 780-354-8842.

Purebred Speckle Park 1-2 year old bulls. Lasting genetics. KD Ranch, Grande Prairie, AB. 780-882-3541.

(1) 11-Year-Old Paint Mare. Broke to ride and drive. Call for details 780-835-0452 or 780-685-2624.

Custom built livestock shelters, windbreak panels and rig mats built to order Delivery options. 780-5187469.

16ft Cattle guard for sale. Call for details, $1500. 780957-2434.

Windbreak panels for sale with 2-7/8-inch pipe and 1.5-inch thick slabs. Delivery available. Call 403-894-7633.

(3) Border Collie cross cattle working dogs for sale. Used on pasture, $500 OBO. 780-834-6548.

18” Kiefer all-purpose English saddle, 2 pads, 2 girths. Like new. $700. 250793-3139 or 250-827-3391.

Association 16” Western saddle for sale. In good shape, $500. Call 250-7933139 or 250-827-3391.

Ferrier service available in the Fort St. John, BC area. Call Ashleigh at 250-2611994.

Registered AQHA& APHA yearlings/foals. Excellent cattle breeding! North of Grande Prairie. Cell: 780882-3541.

Buying Antiques: Coins, toys, advertising, tools & more. Willbuy bulk. Call/text 780-832-8216.

1981 Chevy Cheyenne 1ton. Rebuilt 454, cab rebuilt 5-years ago. Leather headliner/bucketseats/console. $25,000 OBO. 780-296-5010.

Looking for an older tandem water truckin good condition. Call 780-8360153 or 780-836-2580.

1975 Ford 8000 w/Box & Hoist, 6V"Jimmy" Engine, 13spd Transmission. Not Running. 780-836-2107, 780-618-9161.

Looking for a tandem truck in good running condition. Would prefer Kenworth. Call Bob 250-759-4956.

Looking for a tandem truck in good running condition. Would prefer Kenworth. Call Bob 250-759-4956.

2004 Chev Cavalier Z-type, 123,000 kms, runs good. Alberta registered, $2900. 250-786-0409.

2007 Mitsubishi Eclipse SpyderGT. V-6, Convertible, Bluetooth Stereo, Htd/Seats, Silver. 89,656kms. Asking $15,000 OBO. 250-7844318.

2010 Dodge Grand Caravan for sale. 238,000kms. Recent work order. $4500. Call for details 780-2859990.

2021 16' Mustang stock Trailer. Shedded. Mint condition. Call for price. 780-831-4233 or 780-7662538.

Looking for a bumper-pull 3-horse stock trailer. Call Bob at 250-759-4956.

1)Areaugersand orconveyorsguardedto preventlimbs,hairorclothing romge ng caught

2)Aresilosand eldbinsregularlyinspected or structuraldamageorwear

3) oyousecurehatchestoprevent unauthorisedaccesstothesiloor eldbin

4)Is allprotectionprovidedandwornwhen: a)climbingverticalladders,or b)workingontopo thesiloorbin

5) oyouwatch orpowerlinesandmaintain sa etyclearanceswhenmovingortransporting e uipment

6)Arecon nedspacesprocedures ollowed whenenteringsilosor eldbins

7)Areappropriaterespiratorswornwhenloading dustygrains

8)Arerespiratorskeptcleaninaccordancewith manu acturer’sinstructions

9)Aresiloladders arenoughabovetheground tobeouto reacho children


1978 Knight 19' triple-axle end dump trailer. Asking $4500. Call 780-814-0523.

8ft-x-16ft single-axle trailer. 12" high for moving sheds or small buildings. Asking $3000 OBO. 780-296-5010.

SRI HOMES (FSJ,BC) accepting orders for 24ft and 32ft Double-Wides. Email

salesfsj@pineridgemodular.c Sales(Warren Martin) 250262-2847.

Built right sheds. Building quality shelters. Call John 780-835-1908 for your quote today.

Double-wide house for sale. Free tobe picked up and removed. Call 780-6189161 or 780-836-2107.

SRI HOMES (FSJ,BC) 16ft, 20ft, 22ft Single-Wides now on Sale. Email salesfsj@pineridgemodular.c Sales(Warren Martin) 250262-2847.

Custom built livestock shelters, windbreak panels and rig mats built to order Delivery options. 780-5187469.

14' Metal grain bin in Hines Creek area for sale, $4000. Call 780-85-7827.

Butler 14' grain bins for sale. Most have aeration. Call for details 780-6189161 or 780-836-2107.

WhitemudGrazing Association


Year-roundcontractforadministrative andfinancialduties.Compensationtobe negotiatedbasedonexperience. Successfulcandidatemusthave bookkeepingexperience.Experience workingwithasocietyisconsideredan asset.Additionalinformation regarding thecontractandjobdescriptionmaybe obtainedbycontactingCarlyat Interestedindividualscansendtheir resumeby emailto


CATD6NLGPwith ripper for hire. Located in Birch Hills County. Call Eugene at 780-835-0601.

CATskidsteer for hire. Located in Birch Hills County. Call Eugene at 780835-0601.

Extended side cutter and Vcutter w/transport for CAT D8K. Call for details 780618-9161 or 780-836-2107.

Looking for an older skidder for farmuse. $15 – 20,000. Call Jonathen 780-2851299.

Acreage for sale, 8.64 acres, 1700 sq. ft. house, 40'x60' shop. Call for details 780532-6469.

Attention cert/organic farmers. 100+ acres to rent, currently in mixed hay/grasses. Call for details 780-568-3495.

Have Poplar/Spruce to log. Cypress Creek/Pink Mountain area. To start late Oct/early November. Call 250-772-5407.

Looking for a moveable modular/home/house/cabin to buy. Call 778-838-1055.

Located: Bonanza Northwest 33-79-12-W6, half ownership. 587-7269002.

Quarter section for sale. All cultivated. 2miles West Cecil Lake Store. Call for details 250-261-1943.

Augers, Coil Packers, 9ft Dozer Blade,Grain Cleaner & Westeel Grain Bins (3300bu). Call 780-8376996.

Dismantling cultivator, disc, and plows for parts. Some air drills. 780-831-6747.

For sale: Cultivator, harrows, packers, augers, combine with straight cut header. Call 780-323-4364.

Ears to Hear, your local hearing aid provider, serving Athabasca and outlying areas. High Prairie Clinic, 1st Wednesday of every month at the Golden Age Club 10am-1pm. Athabasca Clinic, 3rd Tuesday of every month at the United Church 10am-1pm. Hearing tests, hearing aid cleaning and home visits. 780-228-5965, 587-746-0540. Call for info.

Full Grizzly Bear mount for sale/trade for guns. Made record book. Call for details 250-615-1583.

2016 Wheatheart heavy hitter Trlr/Model Post Pounder. Shedded. Mint. Call for Price. 780-8314233 or 780-766-2538.

1984 CATD8K, hyd angle & tilt blade, ripper, hitch, G/Cab w/AC-heater. 780618-9161 or 780-836-2107.

Fencing services for hire. New builds, repairs, tear downs. Free estimates. Call Todd 780-518-6319.

Selling 7.5 miles of 4-strand barb wire fence, taking offers. Call 780-274-0810.

13' Steel table. Folds for railings, asking $1200 OBO. Call 780-296-5010.

1500 lbs. hydraulic motorcycle jack, asking $150 OBO. Call 780-2965010.

200-amp Lincoln Pipeline welder. Lowhours, $5000 OBO. Also 300' welding cable, $1000. 780-296-5010.

TOX-O-WIK 570 grain dryer for sale. Very reasonable. Call for details and price, 780-518-0348.

Advertiser at a Glance

Feed Grain Feed Grain

Seasonal Tractors

Seasonal - ATV, Boats & Watercraft

1994 Polaris 400 quad. Ondemand 4x4, 2586 kms, $3200 OBO. Call for details 780-772-0462.

2012 John Deere 850i RSX side-by-side for sale, $11,500. Call for details 780-518-4575.

2012 John Deere 850i RSX side-by-side for sale, $11,500. Call for details 780-518-4575.

2013 Honda Foreman 500 ATV. 6000kms, Asking $5500. Call for details 780285-9990.

SeasonalLawn & Garden Equipment & Supplies

Selling red landscape bricks for sidewalks or patios. 4"x8", $2.20 each OBO. 780-864-8998.



Baling Equipment

Versatile 4750 swather, 22ft., $10,000. Call 780274-0810.

Sprayers - SP

& Harvesting

- Kubota

Kubota 39HP4WD tractor, 3PTH, loader, hydrostatic trans., 200 hrs. $31,000. Call Ron 780-864-8998.

Kubota 39HP4WD tractor, 3PTH, loader, hydrostatic trans., 200 hrs. $31,000. Call Ron 780-864-8998.

Oats for sale, milling and feed grade, good bushel weight. Call 780-781-4457.

& Straw

Round and square straw bales for sale. Located 12 kms Northeast of Manning, Alberta. 780-781-4457.

JD 455 25ft 2-section folding box drill, 7.5” spacing. Call for price, 403894-7633.

JD 455 30' 3-section folding box drill, 7.5” spacing. Call for price, 403-894-7633.

33ft Flex-Coil packers set $4000. 403-601-6895.

Vicon hay rake for sale. Call Greg for details and pricing 780-538-9115.

1992 Prairie Star 4800 swather w/MacDon 25' Triple delivery header, Blanchard 8' roller. 780618-9161, 780-836-2107.


Tillage & Seeding Various

John Deere 9450 40' hoe drill, c/w factory transport, small seed attachment. 780380-9676 or 780-933-6363.

Tillage Equipment

25' Vibra Shank cultivator, c/w mounted harrows. No reasonable offer refused. Call 780-835-0452 or 780685-2624.

AUGUST /SEPTEMBER /OCTOBER BayTree |Bay TreeGeneralStore OutdoorRink Tuesdays |11:00a.m. to 1:00p.m.| Aug 6,13,20,27| Contact:780-353-3771 | Checkusouton Facebook Beaverlodge |Beaverlodge AgComplex(1400 –5th Ave) Tuesday |4:00p.m.to7:30p.m.| Aug 6,13,20,27| Sept 3,10,17,24| Oct 1,8,15,22,29 Wednesday |11:00a.m. to 2:00p.m.| Aug 7,14,21,28|Sept 4,11,18,25| Oct 2,9,16,23,30| Contact:(780)

Beaverlodge -SouthPeace Centennial|NuVista EnergyCentre (1024 –4th Avenue) Thursday |4:00p.m.to7:00p.m.| Aug 1,8,15,22,29

SpecialMarkets:Sept 7| 10:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. |South PeaceCentennialMuseum(Hwy 43)| Oct26 |10:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. |PumpkinMarket Contact:(403) Berwyn |BerwynAgBuilding(5001 –51stSt) Sunday |1:00p.m.to4:00p.m.| Aug 11|Sept 8| Oct6

SpecialMarkets:Aug 10 |10:00a.m. to 3:00p.m. |LacCardinalPioneerVillage | Sept 14|4:00p.m.to9:00p.m.|Harvest Moon Festival,Grimshaw Contact:(780)625-4190,780-625-7248or Enilda |Women’s Institute Hall(First Ave,Lot808)

Saturday |10:00a.m. to 2:00p.m.| Aug 3| Sept 7| Oct 5| Contact:(780) Fairview |FairviewLegionHall(10315 –110thSt)

Wednesday |3:30p.m.to6:30p.m.| Aug 7,14,21,28| Sept 4,11,18,25| SpecialMarkets: Aug 28 |12:00p.m. to 5:00p.m. Contact:

GrandePrairie |Big RedBarn(10032 –101stAve)

Wednesday |4:00p.m.to7:00p.m.| Aug 7,14,21,28

Friday |4:00p.m.to7:00p.m.| Aug 2,9,16,23,30| Sept 6,13,20,27| Oct 4,11,18,25

Saturday |10:00a.m. to 3:00p.m.| Aug 3,10,17,24,31| Sept 7,14,21,28| Contact:(780)

HighLevel |HighLevelSportsComplex(10101 –105thAve)

Saturday |10:00a.m. to 2:00p.m.| July 6,13,20,27| Aug 3,10,17,24,31| Sept 7,14,21,28|

HighPrairie– Marigold |4724 –53rdAvenue

Wednesday |12:30p.m. to 5:30p.m.| Aug 7,14,21,28| Sept 11,25| Oct 9,23| Contact:(780)523-4588 Kinuso |KinusoAgHall(55Centre Street)

Saturday |10:00a.m. to 2:00p.m.| Aug 3,17,31| Contact:(780) LaCrete |JubileePark(9102 -100thStreet)

Wednesday |3:00p.m.to6:00p.m.| Aug 7,14,21,28| Sept 4,11,18,25| Contact:(780) Manning |RoyalCanadianLegion(115 –3rd AveSW)

Friday |10:00a.m. to 1:00p.m.| Aug 2,9,16,23,30| Sept 6,13,20,27| Oct 4,11| Contact:(780)

PeaceRiver |HoltbyHoldingsLtd.(8002B –102ndAve)

Saturdays |10:00a.m. to 2:00p.m.| Aug 10,24| Sept 7,21| Oct 5,19|

Rycroft |RycroftAgCentre(5010 –49thAve)

Thursday |3:00p.m.to6:00p.m.| Aug 1,8,15,22,29| Sept 5,12

SpecialMarkets:Oct 12 |12:00p.m. to 4:00p.m.| Contact:(780)831-8792or

Sexsmith |SexsmithCurlingRink(9913 –99thSt Tuesday |4:00p.m.to7:00p.m.| Aug 6,13,20,27| Sept 3,10| SpecialMarkets:Sept 28 |10:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. Contact:(780)568-3688or

Tangent |Tangent CommunityHall(101 –3rd Ave)

Tuesday |4:00p.m.to8:00p.m.| Aug 6,13,20,27| Sept 3,10,17| Contact:(780)837-7179or Valleyview |ValleyviewMemorialHall(4808 –50thStreet) Wednesday |11:00a.m. to 6:00p.m.| Aug 7,14,21,28| Sept 11,25| Oct 9

SpecialMarkets: AgSocietyGrounds(4202 -40thAve)| Aug 10 |11:00a.m. -5:00p.m.| Aug 11 |11:00a.m. -5:00p.m. Contact:(780)552-6362or

Kubota 8560 tractor w/cab, bale forks, bucket. Low hours. Well taken care of, $62,500. 250-615-1583.

Tractors - Various

Miscellaneous used tractor tires including 24.5x32 rice tires for sale. Call for details/price 780-518-0348.

Wanted: Starter to fit a Cockshutt 40 or 50 with Buda gas engine. Call 780835-0601.

Air Drills

Motorcycle tourism has grown in Canada and globally, attributable to an increasing desire for unique, experiential travel and the freedom and adventure that motorcycle ourneys can offer.

n Canada, pictures ue landscapes have always been a draw. otorcycle tourism adds a new dimension to scenic travels, offering an immersive experience that car trips or hi es can’t match.

Globally, Italy, Spain and Vietnam are witnessing a surge in motorcycle tourism. he appeal lies in exploring the countryside and historic cities at a more relaxed pace, something that aligns well with the growing trend of slow travel.

Motorcycle tours in these countries often include cultural experiences, local dining and overnight stays in quaint towns, making them appealing to a broader demographic.

he growth is not ust in leisure travel motorcycle tourism has become a significant part of adventure and eco tourism.

Riders are increasingly aware of their environmental impact and are seeking tours that offer sustainable and responsible travel options. his has led to the growth of eco-friendly motorcycle tours, which use electric bikes and promote conservation efforts.

he industry’s growth is also supported by advances in motorcycle technology, ma ing bi es safer and more comfortable for long ourneys. Furthermore, the rise of motorcycle tour operators, who offer itineraries and logistical support, has made such trips more accessible to novices and seasoned riders ali e.

As the world opens up post-pandemic, this trend is likely to continue, with more people ta ing to two wheels to explore the world’s beauty and diversity.

Canola Prices Flounder

Canola prices eroded from last August to a February low and then rose during spring to gain more than 100 per tonne from those February lows, says Neil Blue, provincial crops mar et analyst with the Alberta government. In June, canola prices again moved lower and are trading in a lower range, close to but still above the February lows near 00 tonne for the November futures contract.

hese price levels are historically strong, although much below the record high prices of une 2022.

here are several factors affecting canola prices and constraining a significant price rally, says Blue. Despite dryness in much of estern Canada last summer, 2023 canola yields were close to average and much above the drought-reduced yields of 2021.

Canadian Grain Commission data shows that 11 months into the 2023-24 crop year, producer deliveries of canola were at 1 . million tonnes, ust below the year ago level.


Domestic use of 10.2 million tonnes, mainly canola crushing, was 900,000 tonnes above year ago at the end of June and is on pace to set a crop year record.

Conversely, Canadian canola exports to une 0 were 1. million tonnes below last year’s pace. he lower total Canadian canola use will lead to a further increase in canola carryover, although still not as high as in 201 and 201 , Blue says.

Canola prices are closely related to world vegetable oil prices. For example, .S. soybean oil prices have had a similar price movement as canola during the last year, as shown in the chart.

Regarding 2024 crop prospects, canola crops in the Canadian Prairies and the .S. were in overall good condition to mid uly. he .S. soybean crop is rated as per cent good to excellent, higher than last year’s 7 per cent rating in mid uly.

South American soybean production, despite being reduced in Brazil due to dryness, was high overall and is being mar eted to the world.

“Subject to a major crop-threatening weather development, market action indicates expectations of average or higher production of Northern Hemisphere oilseed crops. ediocre western Canadian canola basis levels indicate complacency among buyers,” says Blue.

Also affecting mar ets is the speculative fund position, reported to be record short in .S. soybean futures. Development of a weather threat could lead to funds buying back some of those short positions and that could cause the canola price to rally.

hat happened in early uly and, although the price rally was temporary, it did provide a brief pricing opportunity.

Following crop mar ets is a year round activity, even when there are no crops in the bin,” says Blue.

“Although prices have moderated from those of 2022, it is (a) potentially profitable strategy to have target prices in mind and keep at least in casual contact with the markets to be able to take advantage of pricing opportunities when they arise.”

OILFI LD F RM ICL S 2002Sterling-Actara Vac Truck•2001 PeterbiltModel378Sliding5thWheel•1997 PeterbiltModel300•1994 Ford E350Cube Van•1981IH1754Floater•1981IHFloater•1978IH 2050AFloater•1995IH4900 Van•2001 Ford F350SuperCrew •2000 Ford F350•1999 Ford F-2504x4SuperDuty•1981GMC6500Deck Truck•1990IH TandemAxleGrain Truck•1976 Ford F-500Gasc/wB&H TR CTORS S DING TILL G SteigerCougarCM-280•SteigerCougar PT-270(needs repair)•SteigerBearcat(Co-op)•20’MorrisDiscDrill• 32’MorrisCul�vator•32’Spiral Packers•30’ KrauseDisc•Seed Tank• DrillFill•2Bo�omBreakingPlow •10Bo�omMorrisPlow •10’–210 OffsetDisc•50’ Renn-VertecHarrows•CableScraper R ST BINS T N S MISC LL N OUS NewHollandTR97Combinec/w Ford Motor • NewHolland24’Straight CutHeader•18’ Versa�le4400Hydrosta�c Swather•8”x60’ Wes�ieldAugerc/wHonda•(4)2000BuButler FlatBo�omGrainBins•(4)500GalFuel Tanks•Fuel TankStand•21’ Boat c/wInboardMotor•Camp KitchenonWheels•GasStove(camp kitchensize)•Herman Nelsons•2 WayRadios• Parachute•3 Point Hitch Post-HoleAuger•SandBlaster•OtherGrainAugers • Klongskilde Grain Vac S OP TOOLS MISC LL N OUS 3”BowieHydraulicDrive Pump,HydraulicMotors •3”Suc�onHose,Screens&Pump Parts•3” GasPumps•Quan�tyof VariousJacks•ChainStand&Chainsalso Truck Chains• Rollerchain&#70Chain• TableSaw, RadialArmSaw•John Deere314Garden Tractorc/w Roto�ller•Airline&Fi�ngs•Lights–Clearance&Marker•Boomers,Belts,Filters •Underground110Cable •Fire Ex�nguishers,Propane Torches•Assortment of Tools,Socket Sets •Pipe Wrenches,OpenEnd Wrenches•2”–3”CamLocks&Fi�ngs• Tiresplusmuchmore toonumerous to list OUS OLD COLL CTIBL S HouseholdFurniture, Tables,Chairs &Accessories• WeavingLoom, SewingMachine•Child&Baby Furniture,Accessories,Bikes& Toys • BarbieDolls&Accessories•OfficeFurniture,Chairs &Cabinets•Office Computer,Printers &Accessories• KitchenFurniture,Dishes,Cutlery& Appliances•Golf&FitnessEquipment • Woodheater,Cast IronStove• Wall Vacuum• Toys,Puzzles&Games•Lawn&Garden Tools&Supplies • PetSupplies,Cages&Fish Tank•MiscellaneousHouseholdItems, ChristmasDecora�ons

Figure 1. Canola futures vs. U.S. soyoil futures

New Holland and Bluewhite to Bolster Autonomous Capabilities

New Holland, a brand of CNH, and Bluewhite, a leading autonomous technology company enabling AI-driven autonomous farming, have announced a multi-phase partnership to collaborate on distribution, manufacturing and integration of Bluewhite’s autonomous solutions for New Holland tractors in North America.

This partnership will enable New Holland tractors to operate fully autonomously in orchards, vineyards and other specialty crop operations.

“Bluewhite has proven to be the leader in terms of implementing autonomy in the specialty crops space, a market in great demand for this type of innovation,” said Carlo Lambro, brand president of New Holland.

“The integration of Bluewhite into our technology stack allows our customers to access much-needed autonomous technology in an attainable aftermarket solution. With our leadership position in specialty crops, the partnership with Bluewhite complements our mission to continue to better serve our customers, elevate their capabilities and bring more autonomy to their operations.”

Bluewhite, formerly Blue White Robotics, brings sustainable autonomous innovation to growers worldwide. The company’s AI-driven autonomous farm solution leverages AI, sensor fusion, advanced vehicle integration and precision implements control to help growers manage their fleets and data — and, ultimately, produce more with less.

Bluewhite works with more than 20 leading permanent crop growers, enabling autonomous farming on multiple crops and tractor models across 150,000 acres in the U.S.

Founded in 2017 by Ben Alfi, Yair Shahar and Aviram Shmueli, Bluewhite is headquartered in Tel Aviv with offices in Fresno, California.

“We’re incredibly excited about collaborating with CNH and New Holland to accelerate the adoption of autonomous technologies in the field that not only improve productivity and profitability for growers but also promote safe and sustainable methods of producing food,” said Ben Alfi, Bluewhite chief executive officer.

The capabilities of Bluewhite in orchards and vineyards bolsters New Holland’s strategy to bring

autonomous solutions across all segments it serves, especially in the specialty crop market.

Building on its parent company CNH’s acquisitions of Raven, Augmenta, and Hemisphere, which are driving New Holland’s autonomy offerings for row crop and broad acre farmers, Bluewhite’s unique technology helps New Holland customers address immediate challenges, such as labour shortages and rising operational costs in the specialty crop market.

Depending on the specific use, Bluewhite technology has proven to reduce operational costs by up to 85 per cent through a combination of savings in inputs, labour and maintenance costs.

The partnership includes a three-phase, multi-year initiative that advances the development and integration of Bluewhite technology across the New Holland portfolio.


Miramichi,NB –Aug15

Commercial,Recreational&Residential Parcels

Birsay, SK –Aug15


Rocky MountainHouse,AB –Aug15* ResidentialPlot to Develop

Breton,AB –Aug20* Commercial Property

ColdLake,AB –Aug20* Upper-FloorCondominium

Grouard,AB –Aug20*

Industrial Landw/OfficeTrailer

Hilliard’sBay,AB– Aug20* GatedCommunity Parcels

Plenty,SK– Aug20


Leoville,SK –Aug20

Industrial Landw/Restrictions

Kerrobert,SK –Aug20

Industrial Land forDevelopment Iroquois Lake,SK– Aug20 LotforDevelopment

Calling Lake,AB– Aug20* 37-Room Lodge

Flinton,ON –Aug20

UndevelopedWoodland Valleyview,AB– Aug20* SmallCommercial Lot Valleyview,AB– Aug20* UndevelopedResidence Valleyview,AB– Aug20* UndevelopedLand

HighRiver,AB– Aug20* RestrictedIndustrial Land

Gravelbourg,SK –Aug20

Industrial LandwithRestrictions

Carnduff,SK– Aug20

RestrictedCommercial Land

Leoville,SK –Aug20

Industrial LandwithRestrictions

Plenty,SK– Aug20

UndevelopedCommercial Land

PeaceRiver,AB– August20*

0.24± Acre Commercial Parcel

High Prairie,AB –Aug20* Revenue-GeneratingProperty

Wabamum Lake,AB– Aug29* LakeviewResidence

Millet,AB– Aug20* IndustrialBuildingw/Mezzanine

Rockwood,MB –September30


Valleyview,AB–September30* Car Washw/Shop &ColdStorage

*Brokerage:RitchieBros.RealEstate ServicesLtd.


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