Q&A with the New Executive Director The Northern Light recently sat down with Michael Russell to see how he’s settling into his new role as Executive Director of Scottish Rite, NMJ. We learned his work style, what he hopes to achieve over the next few years, as well as a few of his favorite things. Q The Northern Light
Tell me a bit about your experience prior to your time here at Supreme Council? How have your past roles prepared you for your new role as Executive Director of Supreme Council as well as your former role as VP of Charities? A Michael Russell, 32˚
My education started at Northwest Missouri State University, where I majored in Speech Communication and minored in Criminal Justice. I also met my wife, Megan, at Northwest, which is one of the most impactful and amazing relationships of my life. A few years after graduation, I continued on to complete my Master’s in business administration at the Jack Welch Management Institute at Strayer University.
While working towards my bachelor’s, I interned at Tau Kappa Epsilon, Inc., and shortly after graduation was offered a full-time position on the Membership team working Expansion. Working in day-to-day membership trained my thought process to always be member driven. Many memories and nearly six years of incredible measurable success, led by my mentor Kevin Mayeux, I was offered a position at a trade association, the Institute of Internal Auditors, in Orlando working in Chapter Relations. Two years there helped me truly fall in love with all non-profit work, not just fraternal. My wife and I wanted to, at some point, move back to Kansas City, my hometown, and settle a bit. At this time, I had been a Freemason
by Joann Williams-Hoxha, Content Manager
for about four years, and a Brother sent me a message about a job with DeMolay, and as they say, the rest is history. I have spent 12 years working in both trade and fraternal non-profit associations. I couldn’t be happier with the trajectory one internship has had on my life. Q
Following up your role as Vice President of Charities, how do you plan to expand on your work in your new role as Executive Director? A
The employees and volunteers on our teams make a tremendous difference in our ability to work together for a common goal. That’s something that I’ve always felt particularly good about—working together and making sure that everybody feels like their opinion is heard. I’ve always been a good project manager and I feel like sometimes we have some projects that maybe need a little assistance in making sure that those checklists get followed up on.
The age demographic you work with are mostly men aged 55 and above. As a younger man in your 30s, do you ever have conflicting opinions with older generations in the workplace? If so, how do you advance new ideas? A
You’re going to make some people angry when you make changes to certain things, but what you want to do is make sure that you’re changing it for the right reasons. Masons, and all people really, are more willing to change if they understand the reasoning and logic behind the decision. Again, that’s where transparency and communication play a role for Masons to be more confident about change. Q
What can members expect from Scottish Rite, NMJ over the next few years? A
Continued communication. As an example, our Thursday Night at the Rite events were the brainchild of us brainstorming how to continue to connect with
The Northern Light