Hall of Fame MASONIC
he Masonic values of brotherly love, relief, and
and our fraternity. This Hall of Fame—to be located at the
truth are deeply embedded in American history.
Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library in Lexington,
When you look back at the timeline that led to great
Massachusetts—will showcase American Freemasons from
American achievements, it is easy to see the impact
all walks of life and all eras of our rich history.
of Freemasons upon the world. From titans of industry and celebrated inventors to Revolutionary War heroes
We are proud to play host to this incredible showcase
and Presidents, there are innumerable examples of how
of Masonic achievement and through it, continue to
Freemasonry has touched our daily lives.
emphasize to the public the fraternal connection that Masonry has shared with historical figures since the very
In October of this year, we collectively celebrate the
beginning of our country. This first class of inductees
influential works of Freemasons in American history
includes some of the most well respected and recognizable
when the Scottish Rite, NMJ unveils The Masonic Hall
faces in our history. Their induction will be honored in late
of Fame—a formal recognition for those members of our
2021 at our inaugural Hall of Fame Gala. Stay tuned
Craft who have made incredible contributions to mankind
for further information about the event.
Benjamin Franklin
1706 – 1790
Meriwether Lewis & William Clark
1774 – 1809 1770 – 1838
Irving Berlin
1888 – 1989
George Washington
Mark Twain
John Glenn
1732 – 1799
1835 – 1910
1921 – 2016
Prince Hall
John Lejeune
John Lewis
ca. 1735 – 1738 – 1807
1867 – 1942
1940 – 2020
Harry Truman
1884 – 1972
The Northern Light