The Northern Light - February 2021

Page 31


by David L. Sharkis, 33°, Director of Operations Children’s Dyslexia Centers, Inc.





When looking for a word to describe the year 2020, “chaos” immediately comes to mind. For most of us, the COVID-19 pandemic has completely uprooted our lives. It has changed the way we work, educate, socialize, worship, and even how we gather with family. Yet even in the darkest of times, our greatest challenges can also usher in great progress. The ritual of the 33rd degree introduces this idea as “Ordo ab Chao”—“Order out of Chaos.”

high, and 26% rated it high for a 99% favorable approval rating. The remaining 1% rated it neutral. We did not receive a single negative response! We needed to take some risks and be creative which led us to develop new processes that will serve us long after this pandemic has subsided. Our monthly Zoom calls with Center Directors and Board chairs are unifying a formerly decentralized team. Our ever-expanding virtual tutoring expertise will enable us to continue to serve children during times when illness or


other factors prevent them

s our Dyslexia Centers began to

The Accountability Loop

close last March with COVID-19

• Focusing on desired outcomes

We have developed advanced

• Forgiving those who may have contributed to the situation

training courses which provide

• Determining your role in the solution

education taught by our own

• Taking action—any action that leads you to your goal

revenue streams.

numbers rising around the country, we found ourselves in

chaos, but with the benefit of hindsight, chaos was exactly what we needed. This virus pushed our team to a fork in the road, and the path we chose—the path of accountability—led us to adapt and thrive as an

from coming to the Center.

consistent, high-quality online experts that may lead to future

We will emerge from the As the Director of the Children’s

pandemic a strong, dynamic,

Dyslexia Centers, I can attest

and unified organization. We

that we were guilty of playing

will not only survive when

victim for a few days before we

others fail, but we will become

took accountability and began to

stronger. The lesson here is a

act. Our goal: to continue serving

simple one though it requires

children despite ever-changing

courage and commitment. In

restrictions. Since then, our

the future, when confronted

Dyslexia Centers have conducted

with a situation that is not

• Ignoring the problem

over 30,000 Zoom lessons

entirely of your own making,

• Denying a problem exists

serving over 1,000 children. We

avoid being a victim. Be

are currently training over 250

accountable. Take ownership

educators virtually. In a recent

and control of your situation,

survey of our parents, 73% rated

and create order out of chaos.

organization. The book The Power of Personal Accountability introduces us to the Victim/Accountability Loop models of engaging challenging situations. The Victim Loop

• Blaming others • Hiding from the problem altogether

the quality of our program very

February 2021


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