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Around the Jurisdiction - May 2021
The Valley of Michigan presented a fun virtual evening with George Washington (professional reenactor Michael Grillo) on February 9.
New Hampshire Consistory rehearses for the Thursday Night at the Rite 30th degree. John Lobdell, 33˚, Ed Waible, 32˚, and Guy Martineau, 32˚ make their point.
It’s not all work for Brothers Dennis Webster, 33˚, MSA, and Tref Sage, 33˚, MSA.
This year, the Valley of Reading recorded the Feast of the Paschal Lamb to safely remember and honor those Brothers who have passed. (left) Most Wise Master Seth Anthony, 32˚, HGA is filmed by Brother L. Kenneth Bray III, 32˚.
Nearly 40 Scottish Rite members were in attendance to see whether George Washington chopped down the cherry tree. Spoiler alert: he did not!
In early March, the Valley of Burlington presented Legacy pocket jewels. Pictured (l to r) are Sandy Karstens, IV, 33˚, Active; David Schuler, 32˚, jewel recipient; John Oleszkiewicz, 32˚, MSA, Secretary; Barry Duquette, 32˚, MSA, Deputy's Representative, Central Valley; Bill Brown, 33˚, Secretary of Central Valley and jewel recipient; and Donald Duquette, 33˚, Deputy for Vermont.
Members of the Rhode Island Consistory display their banner in front of the Scottish Rite Masonic Center, Valley of Providence. (l to r) Richard L. Ault, 33˚; Peter Iacobucci, 33˚; Thomas R. Yeaw, 33˚
Steven E. Smith, 33˚, Deputy for Rhode Island, and Dennis Pothier, 33˚, Active for Rhode Island, pose with the Scottish Rite banner at the Rhode Island Veterans Cemetery in Exeter.
Instead of canceling their annual KSA Burns Supper, members of the Valley of Syracuse went virtual and had a Zoom call with almost 70 Brothers from all corners of New York state.
The Valley of Central New Jersey opened their facility to host their eighth blood drive since the start of the pandemic. So far, nearly 1,200 people have donated blood through their efforts.
The charter members of Knights of St. Andrew, Valley of Allentown Chapter, pose with the installing team from Knights of St. Andrew, Valley of Altoona Chapter. The Allentown Chapter is the third chapter to be chartered in Pennsylvania.
Brothers from the Valley of George Rogers Clark after a Sunday church service.
Constans socially distances in Delaware’s all-state Degree Day.
The Valley of Boston held a family life holiday dinner as a drive-up, non-contact event. All guests received a fully-catered holiday dinner.
A festive Minuteman greets the guests at Boston’s family life dinner.
In January, Tom Ewald, 32˚, of the Valley of Milwaukee visited Supreme Council and received a full tour of the offices and Masonic Library & Museum from the Commander. He poses here with the Commander in front of the Lexington Battle monument in town. Brother Tom will receive his 33rd degree in Cleveland in August.
Couples enjoy the Valley of Springfield’s Valentine Party.
Brother Craig Kennedy, 33˚, MSA, and his wife, Julie
Sweethearts Sarah Pickett and Brother E. Lee Picket Jr., 32˚
Brother Bob Kennedy, 32°, and his wife, Linda
Scottish Rite Masons from the Valley of Bridgeport, Connecticut, joined forces with Brothers from Corinthian Lodge No. 104 and Pyramid Shriners to conduct a food, toy, and clothing drive for needy people in the southern Connecticut area.
Scottish Rite Masons Pedro Garcia II, 32˚, and Donald M. Casey Jr., 32˚
Pedro Garcia II, 32˚; Hall Neighborhood House Director Robert Dzurenda; and Travis Gerald, 32˚
Nearly 110 Brothers turned out for Indiana’s Council of Deliberation Winter Cabinet Meeting on January 23
(Left) Brother Joe Geiter, 33˚, of the Valley of Freeport, is recognized by IL State Senator Brian Stewart (right) for his more than 20 years of service to the community as Chairman of the Stephenson County Emergency Telephone System Board.
On March 1, the Valley of Worcester hosted a virtual talk entitled “The Ego and the False Self” by Brother Matthew N. Parker of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina.
The Valley of Hartford held an after-degree discussion following the January 7 Thursday Night at the Rite.
Calling members throughout Maine during this time of inactivity are (l to r) Tom Pulkkinen, 33˚; Jeff Simonton, 33˚, Deputy for Maine; A. Paul Williams, 32˚, Valley of Portland; and A. James Ross, 33˚, Active.
If you would like to have your Valley featured in Around the Jurisdiction, be sure to submit photographs and descriptions to Communications@SRNMJ.org