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The Value of Being a Scottish Rite Mason: A Zillennial's Perspective

by Brennan Parken, 32°, Director of Membership

In Freemasonry and the Scottish Rite, we commonly ask ourselves: “How do we recruit new members and engage current members from the younger generations?” At times, we can fall into the trap of overthinking this question and assume that recruiting younger members is nearly impossible. However, this is far from the case. Younger generations prioritize experiences that provide value. There are many values to being a Scottish Rite member that align with younger generations’ wants and needs.

I am 24 years old. In 2013, I took my first steps into the Masonic world through DeMolay International and became a Mason seven years ago. Currently, I serve as Director of Membership for the Scottish Rite, NMJ where I work with our Valleys in membership recruitment and engagement. I am a Zillennial.

Now, you are probably asking yourself: “Brennan, what in the world is a Zillennial?”

When it comes to generations, we commonly hear about Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. I was born in the year 1996 which, depending on who you talk to or which article you read, falls in an awkward place where we are considered a Millennial in some sources and a Gen Z in other sources. Some researchers have named this specific group “Zillennials”—a microgeneration of people born between 1994 and 2000 that exhibit both Millennial and Gen Z qualities.

Based on my experience as a Scottish Rite member and a Zillennial, I will share four areas where the Scottish Rite can offer value to younger generations.

Networking. Younger generations are at that pivotal time in their lives when they aspire to achieve their career and social goals. As a result, they seek groups that can help them accomplish these goals. The Scottish Rite offers a rich network of Brothers of all ages and professions that can provide career advice, experience, and even potential connections for jobs and internships. Take advantage of this and discover what kind of network you have in your Valley to support your membership. Make this network a way for members and potential new members to engage with the Scottish Rite while also helping them achieve their professional goals. Host networking events or build a “networking directory" of the members in your Valley. This network is something already available in your Valleys - you just have to utilize it!

Brother Brennan Parken, 32°, poses with then-Grand Master of Oklahoma, Ridge Smith, and DeMolay Chapter advisor Kenneth Allsen at his raising.

“Zillennials”— a microgeneration of people born between 1994 and 2000 that exhibit both Millennial and Gen Z qualities.

Making a Difference. Studies show that younger generations are socially focused. They are passionate about making a difference in the world and are all about committing themselves to missions that they care about. The Scottish Rite offers many diverse opportunities for service and charity— both nationally and locally. Many Master Masons who aren’t members of the Scottish Rite already believe in the importance of service and charity, so make sure these opportunities are communicated!

Technology. It’s no surprise that technology is a huge factor. Younger generations grew up in a time when computers and smartphones became everyday tools. We also witnessed the expansion of the Internet and the growth of online social channels. Our fraternity and our Valleys have adapted to this, providing information on channels such as social media and e-mail to engage members and recruit new ones.

Now more than ever, we see our fraternity utilize technology to engage with its membership. Members have the opportunity to take part in watching degrees online with fellow Brothers at productions such as our Thursday Night at the Rite. Master Masons have even had the chance to take their first steps into the Scottish Rite through our Virtual Reunions. The combination of our traditional fraternal experiences and the technology available to us today creates unique opportunities for younger members to engage with the fraternity in a familiar way. This helps these members feel more comfortable in connecting to the fraternity and their fellow Brothers in the Valley which helps with retaining those members. Take advantage of this and look for ways you can engage your members using technology. It can be as big as a Virtual Reunion or as small as a Brother check-in Zoom call. The sky is the limit!

Fraternity. The Scottish Rite, at its heart, is a fraternity of Brothers that seeks to support each other. Younger generations seek to foster relationships and look for groups that provide a stable support network for them. We can all give testimony to what our Brothers have done for us. Share this passion to support your Brothers. Show it in everything your Valley does, such as programs, events, and even Brother to Brother calling. This fraternal connection is the ultimate benefit to being a member of the Scottish Rite.

As you can see, being a Scottish Rite member has many benefits that would interest the younger, upcoming generations of Masons. All generations of Scottish Rite Masons bring unique experiences and perspectives that serve to make the Scottish Rite experience even richer. This is why it is important to embrace these generational differences in our Valleys which in turn will attract Master Masons of ALL ages to join the Scottish Rite and create a strong bond of fellowship in our Valleys. Remember the wise words: “Learn from the past, live for the present, hope for the future.”

Out of the 1010 new members who joined in our Fall 2020 Scottish Rite Virtual Reunions, 327 new members (32.7%) were under the age of 40.

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