3 minute read

“Journey On” Campaign Garners Three Awards

Cover Photo: The “Journey On” marketing and creative team is represented in part by Jim Dill, 33°, Director of Support Services; Linda Patch, Sr. Director of Marketing and Communications; and Len Cercone, 32°, whose agency, CerconeBrownCompany is the NMJ's marketing partner responsible for the campaign's creative concepts.

by Joann Williams-Hoxha, Content Manager

Supreme Council is the proud recipient of three awards for stellar marketing for their newest anthemic campaign, “Journey On.” The Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction now stands alongside the likes of the American Heart Association, AARP, ADP, Cisco, and others as recognized leaders in marketing excellence.

The SRNMJ was honored with two gold awards by the 2022 International MarCom Awards among more than 6,000 entries: one in the Web Video category for the “Journey On” anthem video and one in the Digital Media category for the accompanying print campaign.

Scottish Rite, NMJ was cited for “inspiring members to reconnect with the journey.” The campaign will be posted on the MarCom Awards website presenting the message and good works of the Scottish Rite to new audiences of millions.

Scottish Rite, NMJ’s suite of “Journey On” videos and print assets also won a Davey Award from The Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts. The Davey was selected by a panel that includes marketing experts from mammoth brands like Disney, Conde Nast, and Microsoft.

These awards show how impactful the “Journey On” campaign is in delivering this message.

The campaign is brought to life through an anthemic video, “Journey On,” and six complementary videos that reflect on the six Core Values of the Scottish Rite. In addition to seven videos, “Journey On” also includes over 25 campaign concepts made available for print, social media, and personal use. Each concept aims to show not only the diversity and caliber of men that belong to the Scottish Rite, NMJ but also how the Fraternity can help Master Masons continue their quest for self-improvement.

Linda Patch, Director of Marketing & Communications and lead on the Path Forward initiative, shares: “There’s a world of good men out there that are looking for their identity group, their tribe to belong to. We hope with this campaign that people are able to see how the Scottish Rite, NMJ lives up to their promise of helping men become better versions of themselves. These awards show how impactful the “Journey On” campaign is in delivering this message.”

Brother James Dill, 33°, Director of Support Services and a key contributor to the production of “Journey On,” shared “Our hope for the “Journey On” videos is to not only inspire our Brothers to reconnect with the fulfillment that comes from seeking more light but to also demonstrate what it really means to live by our six Core Values. Our intention is to show that being a Scottish Rite Freemason is not about grandiose gestures, but about doing the right thing in the small, quiet moments of our day-to-day lives. I’m proud that we were able to accomplish this and that our work is being recognized by some of the top creative minds of today.”

View the award-winning campaign and download “Journey On” materials for personal or Valley use: https://scottishritenmj. org/journey-on-assets. The campaign can be used as-is, or it can be customized with your specific call-to-action or URL.

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