4 minute read
Annual Membership Education Fund in Full Swing
by Bridget Steele Associate Director, Charities
What is the Membership Education Fund?
Our newest Scottish Rite charity, the Membership Education Fund, provides Brothers with the tools they need to build a better tomorrow for the Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. Each initiative supported by the Membership Education Fund works to carry out our Fraternity’s vision to care for our members and enhance the Scottish Rite experience through education.
So, what does this charity help make possible?
Beginning the Journey:
From the moment a Brother joins the Scottish Rite, NMJ, the Membership Education Fund is there to help him expand his knowledge and understanding along his path. Each new Scottish Rite member is gifted with an informative New Member Kit. It is filled with introductory information to help him get up to speed on the many programs Scottish Rite offers.
The Scottish Rite, NMJ, is committed to being a leader in Freemasonry, offering an experience like no other appendant body. New member kits kick off this experience.
Enhancing the Experience:
Many of the educational programs introduced in the last few years were formed to break down the barriers that have kept Brothers from experiencing all that Scottish Rite has to offer. Our Rite on the Road kits do just that, giving Brothers the chance to witness degrees closer to home. Rite on the Road provides Valley officers with the tools necessary to initiate members anytime and anywhere while ensuring proper protocols are still followed.
When the COVID-19 pandemic halted the regular performance of degrees at our Valleys, the Supreme Council was determined to find a way for these experiences of connection and education to continue. That’s where the idea for Thursday Night at the Rite was born. Just wrapping up its third season, Thursday Night at the Rite has allowed Brothers to enjoy the full Scottish Rite experience from the comfort of their homes.
These efforts grew to include the Scottish Rite, NMJ’s Virtual Reunions, where members were given the opportunity to gather virtually through one-day events to further their quest for light. More than 1,500 new Scottish Rite Masons were initiated through our Virtual Reunions, joined by thousands of current members who tuned in to view the degrees and lend their support to their new Brethren.
Seeking Further Light:
The Hauts Grades Academy (HGA) was designed to promote the education, knowledge, and engagement of members in the Scottish Rite, NMJ. Operating under the motto Sapere Aude, or “Dare to Know,” the HGA is a multilevel program for members looking to delve deeper into the lessons of the Scottish Rite’s 29 degrees. Through research, reflection, and writing, members learn more about the Scottish Rite, NMJ degrees and how to apply their Core Values in everyday life. More than 70 Brothers have completed this enriching experience, earning the honor of becoming a Scottish Rite Hauts Grades Academic.
Exploring New Paths:
Our newest educational initiative, the Pathfinder Program, seeks to answer the question: “What’s next for Brothers once they receive the 32nd degree?” Using a multitude of activities called “Mile Markers,” the program leads members to discover the experiences, knowledge, and objectives that speak to them while taking the time to engage in personal reflection to get the most out of their Scottish Rite journey.
These important efforts are only possible because of your support of the Scottish Rite Membership Education Fund. Thank You!
Support Incentive
When members donate $50 or more to the Membership Education Fund, they receive a limited-edition coin highlighting one of the Scottish Rite’s six Core Values. This year’s coin features the Core Value of Integrity, a guiding force along every Scottish Rite Mason’s journey.
Visit DonateRite.org to secure your coin today!