1 minute read
Take the Survey
The Northern Light magazine has seen many changes in the past two years. The design was updated, and we continue to add new content and memberfocused stories. Just as importantly, we retired several features you told us were outdated and no longer useful.
The editorial team wants to continue to refine the magazine to serve the NMJ in the best ways possible. That's where you come in.
Please participate in our survey and tell us what you like, what you don't, and changes you would like to see. It will take about 10-15 minutes. All answers are completely anonymous. The survey closes at 11:59 pm (ET), Tuesday, June 10, 2022.
You can find the survey at srnmj.us/survey2022 or scan the QR Code.
We will report the findings when compiled and let you know what we found out! Thank you for your help and support.