The Northern Light - May 2020

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MAY 2020

VOL. 51 | NO. 2




May 2020

Inside this issue…

2 Leadership Report

Looking Down the Road

4 From the Editor’s Desk

A Cause for Celebration

11 Southern Jurisdiction Scottish Rite Journal 24 Sovereign Grand

Commanders (1813-Present) 27 The Northern Light

5 Honor Recipient

Daniel D. Tompkins Award

6 Operations

Our New Executive Director 7 Congratulations Bill! 8 Valley Resources Valley Road Show 9 Exhibition Opened George Washington Masonic National Memorial


CULTURE 12 Growing Together

From Masonic Dolls to Masonic Lamps: Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library Collections in The Northern Light 15 Cropping, Printing, and Proofing 16 A Man, a Mason, a Millennial

Our Editors in Chief Brief E

30 Past Meets Future

46 It’s All About Legacy


Outland(ish) Freemasonry

On the cover THE


EDUCATION 18 22nd Degree

Princes Among Men

22 12th Degree

Master of Mercy


M MEMBERSHIP 34 Promoting Freemasonry

Throughout North America

Introducing 36 A Historic Partnership 38 Around the Jurisdiction For 50 years, The Northern Light has celebrated the very best of Scottish Rite Masonry. We have brought you stories of the people and places that are the lifeblood of the Craft as well as the thoughts of some of Masonry’s great thinkers. Half a century later, our mission remains the same. We hope you enjoy this very special anniversary issue.

May 2020

M MASONRY 42 Greetings From Abroad

Around the World

44 Freemasonry

“Rite-Sizing” Your Officer Lines 45 The More Things Change…



Looking Down the Road

by David A. Glattly, 33˚, Sovereign Grand Commander

Greetings! With this being the 50th anniversary of The Northern Light, we can certainly be proud of this long-time communication reaching our members for five decades. Throughout the magazine, you will find several reflections on the history of this publication and how our Scottish Rite has evolved over the years. I hope you enjoy this special edition.

This occasion allows me to look toward the future of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite, not only for our magazine but for our entire organization. What follows is what I see now, and if you will allow my predictions, what I feel we will see in coming years.

We will have a new Scottish Rite membership program in the coming months… At present, I feel the energy and excitement from the field. Many of our members are charged up for a new era of Freemasonry and Scottish Rite. As the staff and I make our visits to the Valleys, the energy is intense and getting stronger. At headquarters, we have built a remarkably talented team of staff, all working together for our Rite. We have the best of the best to move our fraternity to new heights.

Newly launched website launch page


We will have a new Scottish Rite membership program in the coming months designed to interest Masons in becoming members of our organization. This program will mirror our “Not just a man. A Mason”

The Northern Light


campaign as a first-class look into membership in Scottish Rite. Our membership team at headquarters is working on more recruitment tools for the Valleys to use. All membership recruitment is local, but we certainly can assist in providing materials for the local level to use. Most of our Valleys are seeing increases in initiations for two consecutive years now. That’s very positive. I predict that the NMJ will show positive growth in total membership within a few years.

We know men want to join Freemasonry, and now we are providing an avenue for them to make that happen more easily. Another way to assist with our growth is to focus on our retention and restoration. We need to provide our members with quality programs and a worthwhile experience to make them proud to be members. With all of the good things we are doing within the NMJ, including our Grand Almoner’s Fund and our Children’s Dyslexia Centers, members should be proud of our success. The NMJ has been the leader in supporting our Grand Lodges with Blue Lodge membership support. The Brother to Brother calling program is a priority program to keep in touch with our members. I predict that we will

May 2020

have fewer members departing our organization as they see the value of their membership increase. Our new website, along with our partnership with the Shriners International and the Southern Jurisdiction Scottish Rite, is historic and ground-breaking. We know men want to join Freemasonry, and now we are providing an avenue for them to make that happen more easily. I predict that we will strengthen the ranks of Freemasonry with good men and that our Scottish Rite will become well known among Freemasons for helping to make that happen. Men will want to be a part of our success.

within all of Freemasonry. As stated previously, you better hang on, as we continue our high speed run into the future. Wishing you all the best of health! Fraternally,

I fully expect the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite to lead with innovative and remarkable programs and continue to be a shining light





A Cause for Celebration Whether

it’s a birthday, wedding, graduation, or some other significant milestone in life, anniversaries are important. They allow us a chance to reminisce. In that reminiscence, we typically think about who we were then, who we wanted to become, and how we planned to get there. Anniversaries also provide the opportunity to see, with the clarity that only time provides, how well we stuck to those plans, or adapted when the plans needed to change.

In the first issue of The Northern Light, our then-Sovereign Grand Commander, George A. Newbury, 33°, shared these thoughts: “We envision it [The Northern Light] as a most useful working tool in continuing the building of Freemasonry. There are many ways in which it can be of indispensable service—as a news medium bringing you information of Masonic happenings…as a source of inspirational material from the pens of great Masons of today and yesterday…[and] as a means of stirring the initiative of present and future officers of Masonic Bodies in developing more meaningful programs for their members… As time goes on and we gain more experience, it is our hope and belief that we can make it ever more useful and attractive to you and your families.”



A magazine of 32˚ Scottish Rite Freemasonry

by P.J. Roup, 33˚, Editor, Active for Pennsylvania

It is abundantly clear that those who have held this position before me have taken that mission seriously. For 50 years, the staff of The Northern Light has labored to bring the very best of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction to your homes with regularity. We have shared the inspired words of our great thinkers, we have witnessed the heartwarming stories of our very own heroes, and we have celebrated the triumphs that are only possible when Masons work hand in hand with unanimity.

For 50 years, the staff of The Northern Light has labored to bring the very best of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction to your homes. Fifty years later, our mission remains the same: to provide news, inspiration, and education to the Masons of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction and beyond. On a personal note, I consider it quite an honor to be at the helm of this magazine as it celebrates such a noteworthy milestone. I hope you enjoy reading this issue of The Northern Light as much as we have enjoyed putting it together for you. Here’s to 50 years of light— The Northern Light!

May 2020 Vol. 51 No. 2 EXECUTIVE EDITOR Linda Patch EDITOR P.J. Roup, 33° CREATIVE DIRECTOR Rodney E. Boyce, 33° CONTENT MANAGER Joann Williams-Hoxha DESIGN CONTRIBUTOR Matt Blaisdell, 32° COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Thomas R. Labagh, 33°, Chairman Richard V. Travis, 33° Donald R. Heldman, 33° Donald G. Duquette, 33° P.J. Roup, 33° Linda Patch SUPREME COUNCIL, 33° Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, U.S.A. SOVEREIGN GRAND COMMANDER David A. Glattly, 33° THE NORTHERN LIGHT (ISSN 1088-4416) is published quarterly in February, May, August, and November by the Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, U.S.A., as the official publication. Printed in U.S.A. Periodicals postage paid at Boston, MA, and at additional mailing offices.   POSTMASTER Send address changes to The Northern Light PO Box 519, Lexington, MA 02420-0519 MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 519, Lexington, MA 02420-0519 EDITORIAL OFFICE 33 Marrett Road (Route 2A), Lexington, MA 02421 Ph: 781-862-4410 email: WEBSITE:

@scottishritenmj @TNLMagazine Copyright ©2020 by Trustees of the Supreme Council of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, U.S.A.




Daniel D.Tompkins Award

by Thomas R. Labagh, 33˚, Active for Pennsylvania

Photo Credit: Bro. Richard Kline, 32°

Brother Kuhn thought he had been brought to the stage to be the first recipient of the Sammy Lee Davis Peace and Freedom Award, and then to assist Ill. Thomas R. Labagh, 33°, Active for Pennsylvania, in presenting them to all the veterans present. When the Tompkins Medal was hung around his neck, Bro. Kuhn was almost rendered speechless, but he expressed his gratitude in a letter to Sovereign Grand Commander Glattly very eloquently:

The Daniel D. Tompkins Award for “outstanding distinguished service and exemplary service to country, or to the Masonic fraternity at large not often witnessed in the Craft” was awarded to Illustrious Brother Earl Thomas Kuhn Jr., 33°, Colonel (ret) in the United States Air Force, and Brigadier General (ret) in the Pennsylvania Air National Guard, on November 16, 2019, at the Fall Reunion of the Valley of Harrisburg.


rother Kuhn served 31 years in the United States Air Force, retiring as Commander, 193rd Special Operations Wing. The 193rd Special Operations Wing is the most

May 2020

decorated wing in the Air National Guard and one of the most decorated in the USAF. This is only the 18th time the award has been presented since its inception in 2013.

“There were four significant events in my life that I took an oath and accepted an obligation… the first was to my God when I was confirmed; the second to my country when I was commissioned; the third to my wife and family when I was married; and the fourth to my Fraternity when I was raised. In as much as knowledge is acquired by degrees, for me, it is the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite that binds these obligations tightly together. Thank you for the high honor you have bestowed on me. May I be worthy of such recognition!” Following the presentation, the officers and distinguished guests of the Valley pinned each veteran with the Sammy Lee Davis Peace and Freedom pin, and Gen. Kuhn greeted each one personally. As they departed the stage, each was congratulated by Ill. Brother Labagh who announced their name, rank, and branch of service to the assembly. It was an inspiring experience for all who were present!




Our New Executive Director Michael C. Russell, CAE has been named the Executive Director of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, USA (Scottish Rite, NMJ), effective March 19, 2020. Brother Russell will oversee our membership, marketing, communications, information systems & solutions, and charities at Supreme Council headquarters in Lexington.


ichael Russell has been a dynamic leader these past few years and has my full and complete confidence. Since joining the Scottish Rite, NMJ, Brother Russell has continually demonstrated the ability to lead,” said Commander Glattly. “Scottish Rite, NMJ will continue to thrive under his leadership and candor. Additionally, he will serve as the Chairman of our Path Forward team and continue our work to benefit all of our Masonic Grand Lodges with our ‘Not Just a Man.’ campaign. Michael will help lead our Fraternity into a new era of growth and excitement.”

“I am beyond excited to serve our great Fraternity in this new capacity.”


“I am beyond excited to serve our great Fraternity in this new capacity. To have the confidence of Commander Glattly means the world to me. I look forward to continuing the great work done by our NMJ teams,” Russell said. “There is little doubt that I work with an amazingly talented team of staff and volunteers. I do not take this responsibility lightly; I will never forget that everything we do will continue our vision of fulfilling our Masonic Obligation to take care of our members.”

Brother Russell joined the Scottish Rite, NMJ as the Vice President of Charities in 2017. His professional experience includes leading DeMolay International as Executive Director, Chapter Relations Manager for the Institute of Internal Auditors, and Regional Director for Tau Kappa Epsilon, Inc. He has served as a nonprofit professional for more than 12 years. Brother Russell received his Bachelor of Science in Speech Communication from Northwest Missouri State University. He earned a Master’s in Business Administration from the Jack Welch Management Institute, Strayer University. He earned the prestigious non-profit designation Certified Association Executive (CAE) in 2015, through the American Society of Association Executives. Brother Russell was raised a Master Mason in Calvin W. Prather Lodge No. 717, Indianapolis, IN. He is a Deputy member of the DeMolay International Supreme Council, a noble from Ararat Temple, a member of the Royal Order of Scotland, and a 32° Mason from the Valley of Indianapolis Scottish Rite, NMJ. Michael Russell is the proud husband to Megan and father to daughter Maeve.

The Northern Light



Congratulations! Ill. William E. Holland, 33°, MSA • 18 Years of Service

Thank you for your many years of service to our fraternity. Congratulations on your retirement! Ill. Bruce T. Work, 33° Deputy for Connecticut

Ill. Donald M. Moran, 33° Deputy for Massachusetts

Ill. Douglas N. Kaylor, 33° Deputy for Ohio

Ill. Herbert J. Atkinson, 33° Deputy for Delaware

Ill. Walter F. Wheeler, 33° Deputy for Michigan

Ill. Robert J. Bateman, 33° Deputy for Pennsylvania

Ill. Gregory L. Clark, 33° Deputy for Illinois

Ill. Mark C. Roth, 33° Deputy for New Hampshire

Ill. Steven E. Smith, 33° Deputy for Rhode Island

Ill. Keith Hoskins, 33° Deputy for Indiana

Ill. Douglas R. Policastro, 33° Deputy for New Jersey

Ill. Donald G. Duquette, 33° Deputy for Vermont

Ill. Jeffry A. Simonton, 33° Deputy for Maine

Ill. David P. Spencer, 33° Deputy for New York

Ill. Jeffry L. Bryden, 33° Deputy for Wisconsin

May 2020




Valley Road Show

by Michael A. Himes, 33°, Secretary, Valley of Cincinnati

The Rite on the Road kit was unveiled earlier this year to make it easier for Valleys to bring the Scottish Rite experience to members and potential members closer to their homes. While this kit is new to many of us, the Valley of Cincinnati has been using the concept with great success for many years. Here’s their take on it.


ince October 2011, the Valley of Cincinnati has participated in almost 50 events outside of its normal quarters at the Cincinnati Masonic Center. They include fellowship experiences, Valley of Cincinnati degree events, and degree days where they shared the duties with other Valleys.

These events required an immense amount of planning, and some, like the visit to Pittsburgh in 2018, required an overnight stay and chartering a bus. Even events in neighboring Valleys usually necessitated renting a van or truck to transport paraphernalia, robing, and music committee

members to assist the cast in presenting degrees that would be inspiring to our candidates and members. The Valley has utilized the 4° video several times during recent years. We always traveled with our own projecting and sound equipment in case the venue did not have what was needed.

While the effort is sometimes great, the results far outweighed the work involved. While the effort is sometimes great, the results far outweighed the work involved. Many members cannot travel to our downtown location and the road events afford them a chance to witness old and new degrees as well as share in the camaraderie that is the hallmark of our great institution. Several members have thanked the Valley leadership for bringing the degrees to them and allowing them to feel a part of the Scottish Rite. Rite on the Road allows us to spread the word about Scottish Rite in person rather than just electronically or on the printed page. While technology is useful in communicating our core values, personal contact is still essential to keep old members and recruit new Scottish Rite Masons. Rite on the Road is great for our officers and members. You will not regret the time and effort spent on spreading the light of our great fraternity. top: Performing the 23rd Degree in Wilmington. bottom: Taking part in the Steel City Invitational in Pittsburgh.


The Northern Light


by Shawn Eyer, 32°, Director of Communications and Development, George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association.


New Scottish Rite Exhibition at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial The George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia, is pleased to announce that The Family of Freemasonry exhibition has at last been completed by the recent addition of displays relating the purpose and history of both Shriners International and the Scottish Rite.


he Sovereign Grand Commanders from both Scottish Rite jurisdictions in the United States, along with the Imperial Potentate from Shriners International, attended a special ribbon-cutting ceremony for these displays on February 22, 2020, as part of the Memorial’s celebration of George Washington’s Birthday. The Memorial, erected nearly a century ago, is a popular attraction that draws visitors from around the country and the world. Each year, thousands of guests visit the Memorial to experience a guided tour that teaches them about George Washington and his connection with Freemasonry. Along the way, they learn about the different aspects of American Freemasonry in a special exhibition called The Family of Freemasonry on the Memorial’s third

The beautiful George Washington Masonic National Memorial rises 333 feet from the brow of Shuter’s Hill in Alexandria, Virginia, just south of Washington, D.C.

Photo credit: GWMNMA

May 2020

floor. This exhibition tells the story of appendant and concordant bodies such as the Grottoes of North America, The Order of the Eastern Star, The Tall Cedars of Lebanon, the York Rite bodies, and the Shrine. It also features information about the three Masonic youth orders. In this exhibition, the colorful costumes and regalia of the various groups are displayed on mannequins, while the history and present activities of each organization are portrayed through artifacts on display nearby. The Scottish Rite’s display was developed by the Memorial’s Director of Collections, Mark Tabbert, 33°, working closely with both the Northern and Southern Jurisdictions. It allows visitors to the Memorial to learn about the core values of the Scottish Rite: Reverence for God, Devotion to Country, Integrity, Justice, Toleration, and Service. Artifacts

on display include regalia, caps, jewels, ritual books, and rings. The Northern Masonic Jurisdiction’s display highlights the important work accomplished by the Children’s Dyslexia Centers, the Grand Almoner’s Fund, the White Flower Society, and the Leon M. Abbott Scholarship Fund. Also featured is information about the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library in Lexington and the Hauts Grades Academy. “The Family of Freemasonry exhibition at the George Washington Memorial is a first-class tribute to the many facets of the Craft. It is also a testament to the spirit of cooperation between the Northern and Southern Jurisdicitons,” Commander Glattly said. The Memorial Association is deeply grateful to both the Northern and Southern Jurisdictions of the Scottish Rite for making this educational display possible. While the Memorial has been closed to tourism for a period of time because of the coronavirus emergency, once restrictions are lifted, it is hoped that Scottish Rite Masons and their families will visit the Memorial to see this informative exhibition for themselves. Cutting the ribbon to the new museum display on the Scottish Rite are: David A. Glattly, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction (left), Memorial Association President J.F. “Jeff” Webb (center), and James D. Cole, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction (right).

Photo credit: GWMNMA




1733 SIXTEENTH STREET, NW WASHINGTON, DC 20009-3103 TELEPHONE 202–232–3579 FAX 202–464–0487




April 10, 2020

To The Northern Light, ds. Thus it is with great Birthdays are always times of happiness among frien greetings on this your 50th. pleasure the Scottish Rite Journal sends you birthday 30 years ago, and over the I first started working with The Northern Light some al, and fraternal. decades all interactions have been productive, profession rather emulation The only contention has been that noble contention or so. of who can best work and best agree. May it always be Sincerely and fraternally, S. Brent Morris, PhD, 33°, Grand Cross Managing Editor, Scottish Rite Journal

Photo Credit: Bro. David Peabody


The Northern Light

A dedicated Mason at 104 has lived a life of service to the Nation and to Masonry


orn in Lee County, South Carolina, on March 16, 1916, Brother Leonard Levenson has just celebrated his 104th birthday! Of those 104 years, he has been a Scottish Rite Mason for 60 of them. He was a member of Bishopville Lodge, No. 104, Bishopville, S.C., when he petitioned Newport News Scottish Rite Degrees on March 25, 1959. As a member of the “Greatest Generation,” Brother Levenson was in the Marine Corps during World War II and served in the Pacific. During his time overseas, Bro. Levenson attended the “Solomon Island Masonic Club.”

One day I received a note from Brother Levenson, with a donation to the NNSR Building Fund and in the note he said that he was 102 years old and wanted to donate to the Building Fund as long as he was able. I wrote him a thank you note for the donation and asked him if he would Brother Levenson receiving a special send us a picture, so I could share it Masonic apron from members of the Grand with the members of the NN Scottish Lodge of Georgia Rite. Brother Leonard sent several always sends a joke or witty remark with pictures of him receiving a “Special his notes. Apron” from members of the Grand —“Pete” Eure, 33°, Secretary, Newport Lodge of Georgia on his 103rd Birthday. News A&ASR He has a great sense of humor, and he

2020 Scottish Rite Workshop • Charlotte, North Carolina


Passing the Tools of Leadership

he theme of the Scottish Rite Workshop this year is “Passing the Tools of Leadership.” Leadership is a quality often misunderstood until there is lack of it. This year’s workshops aimed at tackling that obstacle by helping us understand what qualities make a great leader, how to identify men with those qualities, and how to create programs to cultivate and develop them to be the leaders of tomorrow. One of the highlights was the discussion group breakout session. The membership was divided into three groups by valley size to discuss strategies that have been implemented to make our valleys successful. A few of the topics focused on how to create alternative revenue streams, attract new members though

May 2020

community involvement, and increase membership participation. These challenges are being addressed in creative and different ways such as renting out our buildings and parking lots, blue lodge ambassador programs to seek out new potential members, and adding new degrees and roles to increase involvement. As proven during the course of the discussion, if we communicate and work together, we can overcome almost any adversity. Leadership in the Scottish Rite is about inspiring others to greatness all while remembering this wisdom from Albert Pike: “What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.” It is very unfortunate that the other workshops had to be cancelled due to the

public health and safety concerns resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. —Nathaniel G. Kemmer, 32°

SGC James D. Cole, 33°, and LtGC Michael Smith, 33°, at the Charlotte Workshop demonstrate new grip and step for these times of social distancing



From Masonic Dolls to Masonic Lamps: Scot Museum & Library Collections in The Northe The Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library opened on April 20th, 1975, five years after the first issue of The Northern Light was published. Since its opening, the Museum & Library has contributed dozens of articles about collections, exhibitions, and events to the magazine. As The Northern Light celebrates its 50th anniversary, we take a look back at a few of the extraordinary objects highlighted in the publication over the years. Foxy Grandpa January 1980 A January 1980 issue featured a printed cloth “Foxy Grandpa” doll from the collection in an article titled “Was Foxy Grandpa a Mason?” The Art Fabric Mills Company of New York manufactured the doll, associated with a comic strip of the same name, in the early 1900s. On some models of the doll, originally sold in printed sateen sheets to be cut out, sewn, and stuffed by the buyer, Grandpa wears a Masonic fob attached to his vest. Though he was never touted as a Mason in the comic strip, this model of the doll did and still does beg the question: was Foxy Grandpa a Mason? The doll was included in the 1980 SRMML exhibition “American-made Dolls, 1850-1979,” which featured over 100 dolls, doll furniture, and memorabilia lent by the Massachusetts doll club, the Yankee Doodle Dollers. 12

“Foxy Grandpa” Masonic Doll, 1903-1912. Art Fabric Mills Company, New York. Museum Purchase, 77.36.

Masonic Trench Art Lamp February 2014 A trench art lamp, featured in a February 2014 issue, was made from a shell “probably a naval artillery shell” and converted to an attractive lamp intended for use in a Masonic lodge. A brass plaque on the base of the lamp explains that Robert T. Woolsey (18931944) presented the lamp to his lodge, Union Lodge No. 31, in New London, Connecticut, on December 25, 1922. Woolsey, born in Appleton, Missouri, in 1893, enlisted in the Navy in June 1917. After the war, he moved to Connecticut and joined Union Lodge No. 31, in March 1922. During and

Trench Lamp with Masonic Symbols, 1922. France or United States. Museum Purchase, 2000.059.8. Photograph by David Bohl.

The Northern Light


ottish Rite Masonic hern Light

by Ymelda Rivera Laxton, Assistant Curator, Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library

after World War I, soldiers and civilians made or bought decorated shell cartridges as souvenirs. Sometimes they were made into household items. Union Lodge No. 31 used this particular lamp to let brothers know which degree the lodge was working. All-Star Masonic Baseball Game May 2018 This 1935 photograph, titled, “AllStar Masonic Baseball Game,” commemorates a game played in Trenton, New Jersey, between National League and American League players. The photograph, one of the most popular objects in the collection, was featured in a May 2018 issue. The Tall Cedars of Lebanon, Trenton Forest No. 4, sponsored the game, played on October 13, 1935, at Wetzel Field. The National League beat the American League 7-6. The game was part of a fundraising event that included a banquet and entertainment at Crescent Temple and benefited the Masonic Tall Cedar Hospital Endowment Fund. The photograph features several Baseball Hall of Fame members,

including Arthur “Dazzy” Vance and James “The Beast” Foxx, wearing their respective fraternal headgear. The wife of New York Yankees third baseman Robert “Red” Rolfe gave a copy of this photograph to nephew Don Randall. Randall later donated the photograph to the Museum & Library in 1990.

With the striking arrangement of Masonic symbols on the back, it is possible that it may have been used as a Master’s chair in Europe or America at some point. The painting on the back of the chair bears similarities in content and style to tracing boards from the 1700s and 1800s.

Armchair February 2015 This armchair, made in England or France between 1780 and 1800, is in the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts’ collection on loan to the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library. It was featured in a February 2015 issue and in the Museum exhibition, “‘Every Variety of Paintings for Lodges’: Decorated Furniture, Paintings and Ritual Objects from the Collection.” The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts purchased this elegant armchair for its collection in 1938 from a “non-Masonic source.” All-Star Masonic Baseball Game, 1935. Moyer, Trenton, New Jersey. Gift of Donald Randall, 90.42.

Armchair, 1780-1800. England or France. Loaned by the Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts, GL2004.0793. Photograph by David Bohl.

May 2020


C RECENT ACQUISITIONS continued To see a gallery of museum objects featured in The Northern Light publication visit https:// If you have any questions or comments or are interested in donating objects to the collection, please email Ymelda Rivera Laxton, Assistant Curator, at or call 781-457-4123.

John Glenn Scottish Rite 33° Ring 1998 While never before included in The Northern Light, this gold ring, a nod to this very special Golden Anniversary, has proven to be one of the most popular objects in our collection, and for good reason. This 33° degree ring, owned by astronaut and Freemason John Glenn (1921-2016) made a trip into space! The first American to orbit the earth, in 1962, Glenn circled the planet three times in the Mercury capsule Friendship 7. Glenn later represented Ohio in the United States Senate for 25 years. The Grand Master of Ohio made John Glenn a Mason at sight in 1978. In 1998, soon after Glenn received the Scottish Rite’s 33rd degree, he wore this ring when he returned to space in the shuttle Discovery. On the journey, he became the oldest American to participate in a NASA mission.

These objects are just a snapshot of our collection. The Museum is grateful to the many readers of The Northern Light who, inspired by articles about the Museum’s collection and exhibitions, have donated objects and photographs. We are also appreciative of all who have offered their insights about objects in

the collection over the years. We thank the readers of The Northern Light for making our collection better and look forward to the future. To find out more about the items featured here and about our collection, visit our website at

fun fact:

MOST FEATURED OBJECT 1847 portrait of George Washington by Rembrandt Peale (1778-1860). Donated to the Museum in 1975 by John Bartholomew Webster. Featured in 1975, 2005, and 2010 issues.

George Washington, 1846. Rembrandt Peale, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Gift of John Bartholomew Webster, 75.6.

Masonic Scottish Rite 33° Ring, 1998. Irons and Russell Co., New York. Gift of John H. Glenn Jr. in memory and honor of Vern Riffe, a good friend, 33° Mason, and the longest serving Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives in history, 2000.018a. Photograph by David Bohl.


The Northern Light


The Northern Light at 50: Cropping, Printing, and Proofing


he Northern Light began publishing fifty years ago, in 1970. The magazine grew out of an earlier publication called the NewsLetter which the Supreme Council published from 1942 until 1969 (see The Northern Light, August 2015). The News-Letter was an altogether different publication originally intended as “a channel of frequent communication between the Supreme Council and the responsible leaders of the Scottish Rite in the Northern Jurisdiction.” Initially, only 3,000 copies were distributed among an NMJ membership that numbered just over 200,000. With only four pages and no illustrations, one could argue that, in format, it had more in common with the eighteenth-century Boston newspaper that it was named after than it did a mid-twentieth-century magazine. The Northern Light was conceived as something different: a modern, engaging publication with lots of illustrations and a colorful cover, intended for all NMJ members and their families.

The Van Gorden-Williams Library & Archives is located in Lexington, Massachusetts, at the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library and is open to the public 10-4, WednesdaySaturday.

? Have questions? Drop us a line at or give us a call at 781-457-4109.

May 2020

It is easy to forget the physical process of making a magazine. Even in our digital age, presses still run to print the magazine you are holding in your hands. The Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library has a collection of photographic prints that were reproduced in The Northern Light during photography’s pre-digital age. This material reminds us that, when The Northern Light began half a century ago, the photographic process was physical and time-consuming. Consider how much more labor went into each photograph. Photographs were taken, film was developed, prints were made, and then measured and cropped for publication. Pictured here is one item from this collection, a photographic print that was reproduced in the second issue of The Northern Light. It shows editor George E. Burow, 33°, and assistant editor, Richard H. Curtis, 33°, at the Williams Press printing plant in Albany, New York, checking

by Jeffrey Croteau, Director of the Van Gorden-Williams Library and Archives

the press run of the very first issue. It includes instructions for the printer about enlarging and cropping the image. In the magazine, the published photo shows just Burow and Curtis, not the worker on the right carrying a stack of The Northern Light magazines. You can compare the photo here to the final image, reproduced in the April 1970 issue at A look at the early days of The Northern Light shows how much has changed in fifty years, which begs the question— what exciting changes lay ahead in the next fifty years?

Editor George E. Burow (right) and Assistant Editor Richard H. Curtis checking the press run of the first issue of The Northern Light, 1969. Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library, SC 068.



A Man, a Mason, a Millennial 16

The Northern Light


by Brett J. Treichler, 32˚, Valley of Reading

When I first heard about the “Not just a man. A Mason.” campaign, I did not give it much thought, but later that night as I sat on my couch enjoying a beer, I took time to think about what that Scottish Rite campaign meant to me, a millennial.


has been said about the millennial generation. Our flaws and weaknesses have been well covered, and our strengths have even been raised by the fair-minded. I do not seek to change your opinion about my generation. Many of us were unprepared for the realities of life, and many are frightened by the world we face. We learned painful lessons very late: life does not give out participation trophies, and life doesn’t come with a reset button. Who is to blame for this situation is a topic for another time, but we feel that the world is full of fake news, global warming, violence, and yes, fear. You may disagree with this assessment, but the feelings still persist among millennials. I argue that we feel this way, because we do not know who to trust, as so much of what we were taught in childhood has proven to be false. So, what does it mean to a millennial to be Not just a man. A Mason? As I sat on my couch, I began to connect a few dots. A man is defined as an adult male human, but what does that mean to me? I made a list. Then I realized man can also be cruel, vengeful, vindictive, lustful, petty, and dishonest. In short, man is flawed and imperfect. I began to think that my own rational powers might not be as great as I first assumed they were because I am surely far from the first to see that man is flawed. So, I added arrogant to that list, and satisfied that my approach proved the point that May 2020

man, or at the very least this man, is flawed, I moved on to thinking about the traits of a Mason. Masons build. Genius, right? A Mason builds in the operative sense—in stone. A Mason builds in the speculative sense— the temple in the heart

of man. That is when it dawned on me. I realized that my initial definition of man (honest, hardworking, etc.) was somewhat true for me. I may not be perfect at all of those things, but that is the man I want to be, I strive to be, I hope to become. Being a Mason brings out the best in this man. I am a better father, husband, and friend because I am a Brother of this wonderful fraternity, and I bet you are too. Realizing I

had come full circle, yet hardly made any groundbreaking philosophical discovery, I headed to bed. That’s where this story would have ended, except I decided to share this tale with my Brothers one night after degree practice. Practice had gone well and we decided to go out for a few beers. At the bar (where so many good conversations happen), I recounted the story of my “deep thoughts.” I got a few laughs but also an unexpected discussion about why each of us became Masons. Truth, Hope, Honest, Real, and Experience. Those were the words my millennial friends and I used that night to describe what we were seeking when we first asked a friend about becoming a Freemason. Millennials want to become better men. We are all too painfully aware of our faults, but most of us don’t know how or where to begin the process of smoothing our ashlars. Or for that matter, who can help us? Masons are those better men we seek because Masons have truth in spades, hope in abundance, we are honest and real, and we have experience beyond compare. Think about why you’re a Mason. Discuss it with other Masons. But most importantly, tell non-Masons why you’re a Brother—especially the millennials and Gen Z, because those generations desperately need to hear that message. Some of these men may not be worthy of membership yet, but your good example and message might make all the difference. Never underestimate the power a positive role model can have on another human. We don’t need to sell it, just be honest about why this is truly the greatest fraternity.



Princes Among Men 2 2 N D



The Northern Light


by Thomas R. Labagh, 33° Active Member for Pennsylvania Member of the Committee on Ritualistic Matters

If you happen to be one of the rare people who not only likes your work but thinks you have the best job in the world, you are a very lucky person. More importantly, you are an exemplary Mason!


Twenty-second Degree, Prince of Libanus, emphasizes work ethics. By doing good work, we improve our character and become better citizens. It should be understood that Libanus is actually Lebanon, and that, according to traditional history, it was the Sidonians who cut down cedars on Mount Hermon (1) for the building of Noah’s ark, (2) for the Ark of the Covenant, (3) for Solomon’s Temple, and (4) for use by Zerubbabel as he rebuilt the Temple. The action is very straightforward. The single scene opens on a College of Sidonians who are at work in the forest—hewing, sawing, planing, copying designs, and so forth. The Candidate, a high-born Prussian Knight at the time of the Crusades, enters and seeks admission to their craft and fellowship. He is denied entrance unless he can perform satisfactory labor. This being proven through a series of tests of his skill, he becomes a Knight of the Royal Axe. End of story.

referenced in the Francken Ritual of 1783 but was nothing more than a recitation of the legend and a list of names to be remembered and venerated. Albert Pike, who wrote that very thick and weighty tome, Morals and Dogma, was at his most understandable when writing about the 22nd Degree.

By doing good work, we improve our character and become better citizens.

This is one of our older degrees. It actually has a parallel degree in the Southern Masonic Jurisdiction which further attests to its age. It was

“Masonry has made a working-man and his associates the Heroes of her principal legend, and himself the companion of Kings. The idea is as simple and true as it is sublime. From first to last, Masonry is work. It venerates the Grand Architect of the Universe. It commemorates the building of a Temple. Its principal emblems are the working tools of Masons and Artisans. It preserves the name of the first worker in brass and iron as one of its passes. When the Brethren meet together, they are at labor. The Master is the overseer who sets the craft to work and gives them proper instruction. Masonry is the apotheosis of work…” which means, work in its highest and most developed and most challenging state.

Members of Boston Consistory perform The Prince of Libanus at the Valley of Portland last October.

Pike continues, “Man must be a worker. He is nothing, he can be nothing, can

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achieve nothing, fulfill nothing, without working. It is better for the Mason to live while he lives, and enjoy life as it passes: to live richer and die poorer. It is best of all for him to banish from the mind that empty dream of future indolence and indulgence; to address himself to the business of life, as the school of his earthly education; to settle it with himself now that independence, if he gains it, is not to give him exemption from employment.” “It is best for him to know, that, in order to be a happy man, he must always be a laborer, with the mind or the body, or with both: and that the reasonable exertion of his powers, bodily and mental, is not to be regarded as mere drudgery, but as a good discipline, a wise ordination, a training in this primary school of our being, for nobler endeavors, and spheres of higher activity hereafter.” Having written its philosophy, Pike also wrote most of the text in 1855, and with few alterations, that text is what we now perform. Now, let me tell you why this Degree is unique: it is one that can make people smile! It can be played for comedy— not that the lessons are funny, or any less important, but that we, as human beings, can learn and laugh at the same time. There is nothing funny about most of the Scottish Rite Degrees, but the 22nd Degree can actually




PRINCES AMONG MEN continued encourage laughter and frivolity while teaching important Masonic values. In 1931, a musical version of the degree was developed by Ill. Julius B. Christman, 33°, founder and director of the Choir of South Bend (Indiana) Consistory, and by Ill. Otto J. Goffeney, 33°, of South Bend, then Grand Organist of the Supreme Council. It was filled with joyful music, in the style of a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta. That version was retired in 1993, and the new musical version is filled with simple, happy music—the folk songs of our childhood—the music of our American heritage. It can be performed with or without music. The language of the degree did not change. It is purposely simplistic. No political intrigue or great religious truth is being dramatically portrayed. It is a simple affirmation of the responsibilities of leaders and citizens in our world. Bro. and Dr. Jim Tressner, a scholar of modern Scottish Rite Masonry,


reminds us that the Scottish Rite teaches each person to be responsible and productive, not just in his own life but in the lives of others. The Scottish Rite Mason who holds the 22° is pledged to the support of civilization and culture and, above all, to work to assure those goals. Masonry teaches the concept that all work is honorable. Scientists and authors labor with their minds. Construction workers and farmers labor with their whole physical body. Both are to be equally respected for their persistence and motivation. It has been said that “a society which honors its philosophers, while sneering at its plumbers, will soon discover that neither its pipe nor its ideas will hold water.” A common quote found on the internet, with an unknown origin, but most recently attributed to a 2008 issue of the Valley of Sioux City’s newsletter, states that “Work should not be regarded as a curse but a blessing. To be able to work, to create something, whether it is a

poem, a piston, or a pot roast is a priceless privilege, in which God allows us to participate in His creative nature.” The Master Workman in the 22nd Degree, when instructing the candidate on the use of the axe, says this: “The axe is mightier than the sword. The sturdy pioneer, armed with the axe, strides onward in advance of civilization. As the great trees fall before him, never to rise again, so Masonry hews at the trees of INTOLERANCE, BIGOTRY, and SUPERSTITION, to let the light of reason and truth shine upon the human mind.” If we never learn another Masonic lesson, or practice another Masonic virtue, defeating intolerance, bigotry and superstition would make us princes among men. And it certainly should be enough to justify expanding the influence of Freemasonry around the world. So mote it be!

The Northern Light


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Master of Mercy 1 2 T H


Since being raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason twelve years ago, my journey has taken me to many places. These places do not dwell in the profane world, but within me—intellectually, spiritually, and morally. Since embarking on my journey, I have been drawn, repeatedly, to the ritual—particularly to the allegorical lessons demonstrated in the lectures. This continues to be true now as I witness and participate in the beautiful degrees of our Scottish Rite.


The Northern Light


by Daniel J. Frawley, 32˚ Valley of the Hudson Hauts Grade Academy


my first draft, I focused entirely on the allegorical lessons of the degree, and not on the core values —Integrity and Justice, but was unsatisfied with my work. I read and re-read the degree trying to discover any obvious reference to the core values. Upon my third reading of the degree and failure to identify any reference coded or not to integrity or justice, I began to get a little frustrated. Realizing that this was not the intent of the assignment, I physically and mentally stepped away for a week and focused on my work. I do not believe in coincidences. I provide consultation for executive leadership and facilitate leadership classes for new managers. The first class is always a reflection on the values of the organization. One of the core values is Integrity. I simplify the example of integrity as not just doing the right thing but doing the right thing even when alone. The example I give is: You are at a stop sign and there is a police officer parked across the street. Most of us come to a full stop, pause for two to four seconds, look both ways several times, and proceed. However, do we also do that at one o’clock in the morning when no one is around? Or do we slowly roll through the stop sign? After I ask this question, I do not want any of the leaders to answer; just

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to reflect upon it. It was during this exercise that I realized I was looking at the degree from the point of view of the wrong character, Joseph.

Integrity is not just doing the right thing but doing the right thing even when alone. In Scene One, Sepa and Pentur are discussing the qualities of Joseph. Pentur relates the story of how Joseph was imprisoned. In a very private setting, Joseph refused the advancements of one of Pharaoh’s women. The lesson of integrity is subtle here. The audience or reader is left to his own imagination and conclusions: Joseph was lured to this woman’s chambers but refused to succumb to her seduction and advances. Perhaps she tried to convince Joseph that it was their secret and no one would know. Being a man of integrity, Joseph refused her advances even after she threatened to produce false charges against him. Joseph knew that the false charges would cause the Pharaoh to punish him severely, but Joseph still did not yield. Both Sepa and Pentur are impressed by Joseph’s integrity.

Universe. Simeon confessed that they felt the oppression from their great sin of selling Joseph into slavery 23 years prior. Hearing this confession of guilt and remorse, Joseph knew that God had served justice upon his brothers, and they had truly served a sentence for their crime. The Seventh Degree, Provost and Judge, also shares the same core values —Integrity and Justice. This degree presents the values in a more obvious method. Comparing and contrasting both degrees, I learned and have reflected that even though the allegory is clearly presented, the core values are underlying and have caused me to read through each degree from all perspectives. Interestingly, each time I re-read Master of Mercy, I discovered something new about myself. I will continue to use my example of the stop sign to drive home the importance of integrity in my classes. I will not be so swift to judge because the truly remorseful person will most certainly have already been judged. We all make mistakes, and we also suffer and pay for those mistakes in some way. Those payments or suffering, however, are not necessarily obvious to mortal man.

Similarly, I had to find the core value of Justice from the perspective of Joseph’s brothers. Although the brothers did receive mercy from Joseph, justice was delivered to them by the Great Architect of the


Sovereign Grand Commanders (1813-Present)

Daniel Decius Tompkins

Sampson Simson

John James Joseph Gourgas

Henry Lynde Palmer

Samuel Crocker Lawrence

Barton Smith

Leon Ma

George Adelbert Newbury

Stanley Fielding Maxwell

Francis George Paul

Robert O











Giles Fo




The Northern Light


onda Yates

Edward Asa Raymond

Killian Henry Van Rensselaer

Josiah Hayden Drummond

artin Abbott

Frederic Beckwith Stevens

Melvin Maynard Johnson

George Edward Bushnell

Odel Ralston

Walter Ernest Webber

John William McNaughton

David Alan Glattly




May 2020












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Our Editors in Chief Brief In

January 1970, in Volume 1, No. 1, of The Northern Light, George E. Burow, 33°, the magazine’s first editor, pledged to his Scottish Rite brethren that the staff would use “the very best of our abilities in bringing you the best publication possible, one in which you can take justifiable pride.” Since that time, The Northern Light has been a source of light, knowledge, news, and information, not only for the members of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction but for Masons the world over. In its 50-year history, the magazine has had only four editors which is a testament to its stability and sense of purpose. Let’s meet the men who have shaped the magazine and helped make it what it is today.

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Ill. George E. Burow, 33° Editor, 1970-1977

Ill. Brother George E. Burow, 33°, served as the sole editor of The Northern Light since its inception in 1970, until 1975. In 1976, Bro. Burow, 33°, served as co-editor of the magazine with Richard H. Curtis, 33°. Brother Burow was born in Danville, Illinois, and stayed close to his hometown. He attended Illinois Wesleyan University, earning a B.A. degree in 1931. He continued his education at the University of Illinois, earning a Master’s degree in 1937. He also did graduate work at Syracuse University. He became a DeMolay in 1929 and was raised a Master Mason in Olive Branch Lodge No. 38, A.F. & A.M. in Danville, Illinois, in 1939, serving as Worshipful Master in 1945. He was so proud to have raised his father, his brother, and his son to the degree of Master Mason as well, all in Olive Branch Lodge. Ill. Brother Burow started as a cub reporter for the Bloomington Daily

by Joann Williams-Hoxha, Content Manager

Pantagraph followed by a summer job at Danville Commercial-News in 1931. He recalled that he was not sure whether the summer position even paid anything, but was still overjoyed at the prospect of becoming a newsman in the midst of the Great Depression. From 1931 to 1946, he was a high school teacher, coach, and principal at Warsaw High School, and later a teacher and swim coach at Danville High. In 1942, he became a part-time editorial writer for the Commercial-News. He took the position of managing editor in 1949, a job he held for 20 years. His “retirement” in 1969 certainly did not slow him down, rising high in the Masonic ranks and establishing The Northern Light magazine. In 1974, he became Deputy of Illinois for the Scottish Rite, a post he resigned when appointed as Grand Minister in 1981. He served on several Scottish Rite Committees, including Fraternal Relations and Benevolences. He also led fundraising efforts for the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library. In addition to his commitment to Masonry, he taught water safety for 41 years at his local Red Cross Chapter, volunteered with Boy Scouts of America for 20 years, and served on the board of the YMCA for 15 years. He was a lifetime member of St. James Methodist Church of Danville where he was a trustee, Sunday school superintendent and teacher, and board member. Ill. Brother Burow joined the Celestial Lodge on December 28, 1984. A colleague wrote in a remembrance column in the Danville CommercialNews, “We are reminded that men like Ill. Brother Burow do make a difference in this world; that they endow our lives; that they leave for us a quality of character, a spirit, and a commitment to follow always the highest and the best.”




as its President until his passing. Dick was very active in the different bodies of Masonry. He was a member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Boston and served as Past Commanderin-Chief of Massachusetts Consistory. He was a member of the York Rite and was High Priest of Reading Royal Arch Chapter in 1969, and was a member of the Aleppo Shriners of Wilmington. He was coroneted a Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33° Honorary Member of the Supreme Council in 1980.

Ill. Richard H. Curtis, 33°

Editor, November 1976-November 2006

Ill. Richard H. “Dick” Curtis, 33°, was a lifelong resident of Reading, Massachusetts, and served as editor for The Northern Light for 30 years. Born in nearby Stoneham, Massachusetts, Dick graduated with degrees from Boston University and Nasson College in Springvale, Maine. He proudly served his country in the U.S. Army as a Specialist 4th Class from 1962-64. Very active in his community, Brother Curtis was a member of the Quannapowitt Players community theatre, a Town Meeting official, a Library Trustee Chairman and the producer of several programs for his town’s access cable TV station. Brother Curtis was raised a Master Mason in Good Samaritan Lodge A.F. & A.M. in Reading in 1961, where he served as Master from 1973-74. He was an original member of the Reading Masonic Building Association, serving


Brother Curtis was awarded the Joseph Warren Medal for his distinguished Masonic service and was highly active in both DeMolay and Reading Rainbow, serving on advisory boards for both organizations. Brother Curtis was awarded the Joseph Warren Medal for his distinguished Masonic service and was highly active in both DeMolay and Reading Rainbow, serving on advisory boards for both organizations. Ill. Brother Curtis joined the Celestial Lodge on September 14, 2013. Brother Alan Foulds, 33°, who was a close friend and served as Editor of TNL following Dick’s retirement, said Ill. Brother Curtis “saw every project as a new adventure, attacking them with the zeal of a young person.”

Ill. Alan E. Foulds, 33°

Editor, February 2007-November 2019

Ill. Alan E. Foulds, 33°, worked as editor of The Northern Light from 2007 until his retirement in January of this year.

From Computer Programme Brother Curtis, 33°, Recruits Brother Alan Foulds recalls quite vividly the moment his career path changed so dramatically from computer programmer to assistant editor of The Northern Light. It was the spring of 2003, and the day began quite simply as a meet-up at his wife’s coffee shop to work with Brother Dick Curtis, 33°, on a commemorative book for their town’s 350th anniversary. Alan was contemplating a career change, since the company he worked for had gone

The Northern Light


From its humble beginnings as a 20-page magazine, The Northern Light has grown to a 48-page quarterly publication that is read all over the world.

He graduated from Northeastern University with a Bachelor’s degree in Business and then earned his Master’s degree at Suffolk University. In 2006, Alan was raised a Master Mason at Good Samaritan Lodge in Reading, Massachusetts, where he currently resides with his wife. If you live in the area, you may find him on one of his daily runs around the neighborhood, a hobby he thoroughly enjoys, in addition to his commitment to local civic service. Brother Foulds served as President of the Massachusetts Moderators Association in 2006 and has served as Town Meeting moderator in Reading since 1997, running unopposed for each of those years. Alan is the author of Boston Ballparks and Arenas, a comprehensive look at the venues and teams that comprise Massachusetts’ long-standing history in the world of sports.

mer to TNL Editor: s Brother Alan Foulds, 33° out of business as a result of the dotcom crash. “Dick [Curtis] heard about it, met me at the coffee shop, and asked if I had ever thought about changing careers. He felt we made a good team working on the book,” Alan said. “At the time the IT world was quite shaky, so I answered, ‘Every day, Dick.’ The following Monday, I was second in command of The Northern Light.”

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Video Productions shortly thereafter, where he is both owner and artistic director. Whether it is acting, directing, or screenwriting, PJ keeps busy in all facets of theatre and film production. He even did the voiceover for our new 4th degree video!

Ill. PJ Roup, 33°

Editor, February 2020 – present

Ill. Paul Jeffrey Roup, 33°, known to most of his friends and Brothers as “PJ,” is the newest editor for The Northern Light. A contributing columnist for the Valley of Pittsburgh’s magazine, The Rite News, for eight years, as well as writing his own Masonic blog for more than 10 years, he is no stranger to writing for a Masonic audience. PJ has a gift for storytelling that speaks to the modern Mason of the 21st Century, seeking ways to apply Masonic values into our daily lives and relaying those lessons in non-traditional ways. Brother Roup was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and still resides in his hometown. He graduated from Penn State University in 1990, with a Bachelor’s degree in mathematics. For the last 15 years, PJ has run a successful insurance agency. If that was not enough, he started Dreamscape

PJ has a gift for storytelling that speaks to the modern Mason of the 21st Century, seeking ways to apply Masonic values into our daily lives. Ill. Brother Roup was raised a Master Mason in 1998 at Plum CreekMonroeville Lodge No. 799. He is also a member of Lodge Ad Lucem No. 812. Like Ill. Brother Burow, PJ also had the honor of raising his father, Paul, as a Master Mason. Pennsylvania Masons know PJ well. He was Worshipful Master of his lodge in 2002 and District Deputy Grand Master from 2007 to 2016, as well as serving as Director of Communications for the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania from 20162017. In the Scottish Rite, PJ served as Thrice Potent Master for the Valley of Pittsburgh in 2015 and as Treasurer from 2016-2019. Brother Roup, 33°, is currently an Active Member of the Scottish Rite, NMJ, for the state of Pennsylvania. Outside of Freemasonry, he enjoys writing, cooking, running, cycling, golfing, and fly fishing.


Past Meets Future:

Outland (ish) Freemasonry


The Northern Light


by Martin B. Bogardus, Past Master

For those unfamiliar

with the acclaimed books and television series, Outlander is a Starz original series based on the Outlander books written by Diana Gabaldon.


follows the story of Claire Randall, a married combat nurse from 1945. She is mysteriously transported back in time to 1743, in the Highlands of Scotland, where she is immediately thrown into a strange world where her life is threatened. When she is forced to marry Jamie Fraser, a chivalrous and romantic young Scottish warrior, a passionate affair ensues. The Outlander series is a juggernaut of genres seamlessly combining history, science fiction, adventure, and romance all into one epic tale. Did I also mention that it has Freemasons in it? As Jamie’s Jamaican plantation overseer Kenneth MacIver says, “I’d like to introduce you to a Freemason who’s acquainted with almost everyone on island and may know something of your nephew.” Throughout Gabaldon’s books, we discover at least eight men identified as Freemasons— Jared and Jamie Fraser, Lionel Menzies, Roger MacKenzie, Robert Cameron, Thomas Christie, Governor Colonel Harry Quarry, and physician Daniel Rawlings. Although I won’t be writing in detail about each of these men individually except as to how they relate to the main character, Jamie Fraser, I thought it important to mention how each of these characters influences Jamie Fraser’s decisions throughout the series. The main protagonist, James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser, is a Scottish soldier and landowner. He is well-educated and has a knack for learning languages. Raised to be the future Laird of Lallybroch, Scotland, he is a natural leader—both in the homestead and on the battlefield. He

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first meets Claire Randall on his return home to Scotland from France. Jamie is forced to marry Claire to save her life. Intelligent, principled, and by 18th century standards, educated and worldly, he is a natural leader of men. He has no political ambitions or desire for battlefield glories. Instead, he wishes to remove the price he has on his head and return to his family’s ancestral farm. So, what is the significance of Jamie being a Freemason? Why did he decide to join the Freemasons while in prison? Did this cause any conflict with his strong Catholic faith? In Diana Gabaldon’s fifth book, “The Fiery Cross,” we learn that Jamie Fraser is made an Apprentice Mason by Governor Colonel Harry Quarry in his Masonic lodge in 1753 while imprisoned in Ardsmuir prison. Jamie becomes a Master Mason, and he makes a lodge with several of his fellow prisoners, one of whom is Tom Christie. Tom is head of the Protestant faction in the prison, and Jamie is head of the Catholic faction. Tensions had been rising steadily between these two disparate groups, and it was through Freemasonry that an amiable solution was finally reached. Soon, all the men in the prison were made Apprentices, and tensions were abated. Governor Quarry was head of a small Masonic military lodge at the prison, composed of the officers of the garrison. One of their members had died recently, though, leaving them one man short of the required seven men to open a lodge. Quarry had considered the situation, and after some cautiously exploratory conversation on the matter, invited Fraser to join them. A gentleman was a gentleman, after all, Jacobite or no.




“So Quarry made him (Fraser), and he moved from Apprentice to Fellow Craft in a month’s time, and was a Master himself a month after that—and that was when he chose to tell us of it. And so we founded a new lodge that night, the seven of us— Ardsmuir Lodge Number Two.” Later, we learn of these seven men, including Tom Christie, becoming oath-bound to help Jamie Fraser despite Christie being a Protestant and Jamie a Jacobite Catholic.

“Aye. You six—and Christie. Tom Christie the Protestant. And Christie, stiff-necked but honorable, sworn to the Mason’s oaths, would have had no choice, but been obliged to accept Fraser and his Catholics as brethren…” “To start with. Within three months, though, every man in the cells was made Apprentice. And there wasna (sic) so much trouble after that.” And there wouldn’t have been any more dissension since Freemasons hold as basic principles the notions of equality— whether gentleman, crofter (a person who works a small rented farm), fisherman, laird; such distinctions were not taken account of in a lodge—and tolerance. No discussion of politics or religion among the brothers, that was the rule. What about the potential conflict of Jamie Fraser being a Freemason and a Catholic? Didn’t the Pope forbid members from joining the fraternity? The short answer is yes, but the Catholic Church did not condemn membership in Freemasonry until Pope Clement XII issued his Papal Bull, In Eminenti, in April 1738. His primary objection to Freemasonry was that it fostered notions of democratic over autocratic government which conflicted with the Church’s long-standing support of autocratic monarchs. Speculative Freemasonry was so strongly entrenched in Scotland, where it began, that most Freemasons simply ignored the Papal condemnation. King James VI of Scotland was a Freemason and a Catholic, and so were many of the courtiers and Catholic nobility. There were two opposing types of Freemasonry in the 1700s, the Ancients and the Moderns. The Tories, who supported the Stuart cause, tended to be of the “Ancients” type of Freemasonry, which included Scottish and Irish Freemasonry. This is where most Catholic Freemasons were found. While the Whigs, supporters of the Protestant House of Hanover, tended to be of the “Moderns” type of 32

Freemasonry. These were the London stuffed shirts. Many, many Jacobites, mostly Catholic, especially among the Scottish nobility, were Freemasons and continued to be so well into the 19th century. “I dinna ken how it was Mac Dubh found out that Christie was a Freemason, but he knew it. Ye should have seen the look on Tom’s face when he realized that Jamie Roy was one besides! “It was Quarry did it,” Kenny explained, seeing the question still on Roger’s face. “He was a Master himself, see.” A Master Mason, that was, and head of a small military lodge, composed of the officers of the garrison. One of their members had died recently, though, leaving them one man short of the required seven. Quarry had considered the situation, and after some cautiously exploratory conversation on the matter, invited Fraser to join them. A gentleman was a gentleman, after all, Jacobite or no. Not precisely an orthodox situation, Roger thought, but this Quarry sounded the type to adjust regulations to suit himself. For that matter, so was Fraser. “So Quarry made him, and he moved from Apprentice to Fellow Craft in a month’s time, and was a Master himself a month after that—and that was when he chose to tell us of it. And so we founded a new lodge that night, the seven of us­—Ardsmuir Lodge Number Two.” Roger snorted in wry amusement, seeing it. “Aye. You six—and Christie.” Tom Christie, the Protestant. And Christie, stiff-necked but honorable, sworn to the Mason’s oaths, would have no choice, but been obliged to accept Fraser and his Catholics as brethren. “To start with. Within three months, though, every man in the cells was made Apprentice. And there wasna so much trouble after that.” There wouldn’t have been. Freemasons held as basic principles the notions of equality—gentleman, crofter, fisherman, laird; such distinctions were not taken account of in a lodge—and tolerance. No discussion of politics or religion among the brothers, that was the rule.

The Fiery Cross, Diana Gabaldon, page 825

Although Freemasonry is not a major theme in Gabaldon’s books, it does provide further insight and background into Jamie Fraser’s character as a man of moral principles that guide his dealings throughout the series. Jamie uses his Masonic connections to achieve his goals and motivations in his fight for Scottish independence and his own struggles, allowing the principles of Freemasonry to guide his faith and action. Although Jamie is ostensibly a Catholic, he refuses to recognize the Pope’s ban on Catholics becoming Masons. Jamie takes advantage of being a Freemason to unite all the men in the prison together. This also had the desired effect of making Jamie the leader of all the inmates which was his intent. Practically, it was the most effective way of ending the religious strife within the prison, since it got the men to think and act as a cohesive unit rather than as individuals. Without his membership in our gentle Craft, he would never have been able to broker peace between the Catholics and Protestants in Ardsmuir prison to become a leader of men. We learn several years later that when Tom Christie uses the Masonic grip to introduce himself to Roger Mackenzie, a fellow Freemason, he instantly recognizes it. We can tell by the following passage that although it’s been a while since Roger has associated with other Freemasons, he still remembers what the Mason’s grip feels like when he receives it. This simple The Northern Light


grip allows Mackenzie to deduce that Christie is a Mason, and therefore a man of sound moral character. It also causes MacKenzie to connect the dots between Tom and Jamie to suss out that Jamie Fraser must indeed be a Freemason as well. “I’m afraid my father-in-law is … not available at present. Could I be of service to you?” Christie frowned at him, assessing his potential, then nodded slowly. He took Roger’s hand, and shook it firmly. To his astonishment, Roger felt something both familiar and grossly unexpected; the distinctive pressure against his knuckle of a Masonic greeting. He had not experienced that in years, and it was more reflex than reason that caused him to respond with what he hoped was the proper countersign. Evidently it was satisfactory; Christie’s severe expression eased slightly, and he let go. “Perhaps ye may, Mr. MacKenzie, perhaps ye may,” Christie said. He fixed a piercing gaze on Roger. “I wish to find land on which to settle with my family—and I was told that Mr. Fraser might feel himself in a position to put something suitable in my way.” “That might be possible,” Roger replied cautiously. What the hell? he thought. Had Christie just been trying it on at a venture, or had he reason to expect that sign would be recognized? If he did—that presumably meant that he knew Jamie Fraser would recognize it, and thought his son-in-law might, as well. Jamie Fraser, a Freemason? The thought had never so much as crossed Roger’s mind, and Jamie himself had certainly never spoken of it. The Fiery Cross, Diana Gabaldon, page 209

Later, in book five, “The Fiery Cross,” we read another passage where Jamie and Claire are discussing a Masonic compass left by Robert Cameron who is a member of the same Masonic lodge as Roger MacKenzie. Although Jamie shrugs when Claire asks if Cameron is a Freemason, he does confide in her that physician Daniel Rawlings is one and thereby confirms Claire’s suspicions that Cameron was one as well.

I shouldna think so, Sassenach. It’s a Freemason’s compass.” “It is?” I blinked at it, then glanced at Jamie. “Was Cameron a Mason?” He shrugged, running a hand through his hair. Jamie never spoke of his own association with the Freemasons. He had been “made,” as the saying went in Ardsmuir, and beyond any secrecy imposed by membership in the society, he seldom spoke of anything that had happened between those dank stone walls. “Rawlings must have been one as well,” he said, clearly reluctant to talk about Freemasonry, but unable to keep from making logical connections. “Else he’d not have kent what that is.” One long finger tapped the sign of the compass. “Let me keep it a bit longer, Sassenach,” he said. “There’s something verra odd about the notion of a French Freemason wandering River Run by night. I should like to see what else Dr. Rawlings might have to say when he’s speaking Latin.” The Fiery Cross, Diana Gabaldon, page 217

Though Jamie doesn’t speak publicly about his association in the Freemasons, he does advertise his membership in the fraternity by the symbols he uses on his print shop sign. Of course, symbols are subjective—the meanings change depending on who is using them, who is reading them, and how they are being used. Symbols were often used as secret code or replaced written words in populations that did not know how to read and write. So, A. Malcolm’s print shop sign was an advertisement, a means of conveying who he was to his customers (Freemasons included), and he imbued his shop sign with symbols—both supernatural and religious—that had meaning in his life. May 2020

In the center of the shop sign, we see the square and compasses, a widely used, easily identifiable symbol to all Freemasons. It’s a clever way for Jamie to advertise his status as a Freemason and as a signal that it was safe for other Freemasons to patronize his print shop, to keep the secrets of Freemasonry safe from outsiders. The square and compasses also come together to form the letters, A and M, for Jamie’s nom de guerre, Alexander Malcolm. Also, something less obvious than the square and compasses are the fleurs-de-lis adorning the sign. In Catholicism, the fleurs-de-lis represents the holy trinity, the Virgin Mary and the Archangel Gabriel. But in Paganism and throughout antiquity, most interesting of all is that the fleurs-de-lis is often interpreted as a deconstructed bee. We as Masons know that the honey bee has a special meaning to our fraternity; the bee and the beehive have long been symbols of industry and regeneration, wisdom and obedience. The hive is often seen in Masonic illustrations of the 18th and 19th century and both Clovis and Napoleon adopted the bee as their symbol. It is this author’s opinion that Jamie was representing both his Catholic and Masonic heritage by employing the fleurs-de-lis in his print shop sign.

Jamie Fraser and his print shop sign

The thematic addition of Freemasonry adds an interesting level of complexity and insight into Jamie Fraser’s moral character. By using his wits and connections to the Masonic order, Jamie is able to make lasting relationships with other men of means, furthering his fortunes and goals in life. When he seeks safe passage to Europe from a cousin who owns a vineyard in France, the cousin tests him by saying “We meet upon the level.” Jamie replies “and we part upon the square.” Voyager. [p. 514.] For those who haven’t read Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series, her writing style is a rich tapestry of compelling interwoven characters set against the backdrop of the fight for Scottish independence in the 1700s. I highly recommend adding it to your reading list!




Introducing The welcome mat is out, and the front door is open to good men seeking self-discovery and light through Freemasonry.


hat is the idea behind, a newly launched website made possible through a first-of-its-kind partnership between Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction (NMJ), Shriners International, and Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction (SJ).

How It All Began The project started at the NMJ as part of our strategic marketing initiative known as The Path Forward. We surveyed men across the country and from all walks of life on what would motivate them to join Freemasonry. The findings from the research were clear from the start: the core values of Freemasonry are alive and well and continue to resonate strongly with men in society today. If positioned correctly with messaging reflecting the true, spiritual core of the craft, Freemasonry remains an engaging and viable fraternal membership option for the modern man.

In fact, a survey of 1,000 non-Masons from across the United States revealed these results: •

79% of those surveyed are looking to associate with an organization that enables them to become a better person while improving the quality of life for others.

• A full 90% are interested in organizations built on the principles of integrity and justice.

75% are looking to form deep and lasting friendships regardless of race, religion, or geography.

Not Just A Man. A Mason. What followed the research was the launch of the campaign, “Not Just a Man. A Mason.” Each image and headline for the campaign was carefully chosen to reflect key findings in the research. By pulling back the curtain on what Freemasonry really is, “Not Just a Man. A Mason.” has become a rallying cry of pride in the fraternity while serving as a powerful lead-in for men looking to join.

To date, the “Not Just a Man. A Mason.” campaign is being used in 47 states and more than ten countries internationally. launch page


The Northern Light


by Linda Patch, Executive Editor, Director of Marketing and Communications

To date, the “Not Just a Man. A Mason.” campaign is being used in 47 states and more than ten countries internationally. The campaign has been translated into Spanish, French, and Portuguese. Translations into Russian and Afrikaans are underway. As the Path Forward initiative evolved, the consensus among project stakeholders was that something was missing. An online “front door to Freemasonry” needed to be built.

The Next Step: Advancing the Craft through opens the “front door” to Freemasonry, guiding a man on the first steps of his Masonic journey. It is a place where men can discover the truths and rewards of Freemasonry. What’s more, a man interested in joining can fill out a form on the site and be referred directly and instantly to Grand Lodge contacts in his local area. The site went live in February 2020 at the Conference of Grand Masters in North America in Louisville, Kentucky, and was met with much excitement. As of this printing, 48 of our 50 states and all Canadian provinces have opted into the site’s referral function and are receiving the names and contact information of men looking to come into the Craft.

May 2020

Reclaiming our Story tells the story of our historic Brotherhood. It does so through truth and with honor. It will be an essential tool in attracting other worthy men to blue lodge Masonry and

helping them begin their journey. Help us spread the word. Share the site with the great men in your life who are interested in learning more about the gifts Freemasonry has to offer.’s Powerful Referral Function opens a front door to Freemasonry. It is carefully crafted to guide a man on the first steps of his Masonic journey. The site is designed to be easily discoverable on the web and provide a visually compelling online experience. It is a place where men can discover the truths and rewards of Freemasonry. The referral system built into the site sends prospects to specific Grand Lodges throughout North America.

How It Works 1

Prospect Visits The prospective Mason visits the site, reviews our messaging, and decides to inquire about how to join Freemasonry.


He Clicks the “Start Your Journey” Button The prospect will then submit basic contact information which identifies his Grand Lodge jurisdiction and will provide the Grand Lodge leadership the information needed to allow them to make initial contact.


The Prospect’s Data The prospect’s information is transferred via email to the appropriate contacts which have been identified by the Grand Lodge of that particular jurisdiction. Up to

10 contacts for each Grand Lodge can be submitted. If a Grand Lodge does not opt in for this service, prospects will be routed to the Grand Lodge web site.


The Ball Is Now in the Grand Lodge’s Court With the information submitted by the prospect, the Grand Lodge membership team will be able to make contact and engage thier prospective new member towards the petitioning process.


Nurturing the “Hot Lead” A prospect who submits information in order to join is known in the marketing world as a “hot lead.” Proper and timely follow-up is key. Local lodge leaders work in conjunction with their own jurisdictional requirements to guard the West Gate and assure that all processes surrounding membership are followed.


M by Linda Patch, Executive Editor, Director of Marketing and Communications

A Historic Partnership

SCOTTISH RITE NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN JURISDICTIONS AND SHRINERS INTERNATIONAL COME TOGETHER TO SUPPORT BLUE LODGE MASONRY More than just a website, is emblematic of a historic, first-of-its-kind partnership between the Scottish Rite Northern and Southern Jurisdictions and Shriners International to support the growth of Blue Lodge Masonry.


he partnership was greeted with great applause at the Conference of Grand Masters in North America as David A. Glattly, 33°, Sovereign Grand Commander, NMJ; Jeffrey L. Sowder, Imperial Potentate, Shriners International, and James D. Cole, 33°, Sovereign Grand Commander, SJ, took the stage together to make the announcement. In a combined statement they said, As we open our plans to Grand Lodges across North America, there is no doubt that, together, we can achieve the extraordinary and continue to share Freemasonry with the world. Our goal is to help raise more worthy men and allow them to find their journey in Masonry. Above all else, this endeavor is to support the growth of Blue Lodge Freemasonry, and its long-term sustainability. will welcome a man and help him to declare to the world, “I am not just a man. I am a Mason.” will continue to be supported by the Scottish Rite, NMJ, SJ, and Shriners International on an ongoing basis.

“ “ will welcome a man and help him to declare to the world, “I am not just a man. I am a Mason.”

We surveyed men across the country to see if Freemasonry is still a viable organization in today’s world. And what we found out is that there is absolutely nothing wrong with Freemasonry. We know men want to join. They just don’t know how to join. opens that front door and invites worthy men to take the first step on their Masonic journey.

—David A. Glattly, 33°, Sovereign Grand Commander, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction

You can see a video of the announcement at


The Northern Light

Let me give you one of the ‘whys’ to this. It’s because it’s what we need today. We want to build on the foundation of our organizations, and that foundation has always been, and will continue to reside, in our blue lodge system.

—James D. Cole, 33°, Sovereign Grand Commander, Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction

May 2020

I can tell you this is a historic day in Freemasonry: The three of us, Scottish Rite Northern and Southern Jurisdictions and Shriners International, partnering for the benefit of our Grand Lodges. And today, we invite you to join us and work together to better our fraternity.

—Jeffrey L. Sowder, Imperial Potentate, Shriners International



Around the Jurisdiction The cast of the 31st Degree in Stratford.


Bro. Fred Schmalz receives his MSA at the Valley of Hartford Spring Consistory Day. He is congratulated by MW Mel Johnson, 33˚, Grand Master, Ill. Bruce Work, 33˚, Deputy for CT, and Ill. Kevin J. Hecht, 33˚, Active for CT.

CT Members of the Valley of Wilmington during their Rose Croix reunion in February.

DE NJ The Valley of Southen New Jersey went on the road to host their Reunion on the Road event, where they welcomed 20 new brothers!

IN Presenting the SPRS jewel for completing their Gold Passport to Ill. Bill Munson Commander-in-Chief and Ill. Bill Ludlow, are Ill. Tom Fallis, COD Membership Chairman for Indiana and Ill. Greg Jordan, Active for Indiana.

IN Members and friends of the Valley of Ft. Wayne gathered for the 19th annual Wine Tasting & Auction. This is one of the biggest and most popular member engagement events of the year. This year’s theme featured wine and food pairings from around the globe.


MI The Valley of Detroit performed a radio broadcast of Orson Welles’ War of the Worlds. The script was modified to keep it under 30 minutes, and was an enjoyable event for members and their spouses.

The Northern Light


Scott E. Sutherland, High Priest, Carson Council Princes of Jerusalem, as Orson Welles.

Deputy for Illinois Gregory L. Clark, 33°, with candidates from around the State.




The Valley of Boston welcomes their newest member, Brennan Parken (shown in center). Brother Parken is also the latest addition to the team at Scottish Rite, NMJ, serving as membership services coordinator.


OH The Valley of Dayton took the Rite on the Road when they visited Hamilton Masonic Temple with Solomon Ascending, the modern 8th Degree.

ME Members of the 5th Degree cast pose with visitors from the Valley of Chicago at their winter reunion.

May 2020

NY The Valley of Rockville Centre had 40 candidates for their Rose Croix degree day!



Around the Jurisdiction Brother John Dinkel receives his Hauts Grades certificate and jewel at the Valley of Pittsburgh’s Fall Reunion.


Candidates and members viewing the exemplification of the 15th and 16th Degrees at the Valley of Providence.


IL Commanders-in-Chief from across Illinois at the All-State Reunion, left to right: Eric E. Miller, 33°, Freeport; Jeffery L. Edwards, M.S.A., Southern Illinois; Jerry H. Askren, 33°, Danville; Daniel S. Yandel, Bloomington; William J. Shaner, 33°, Peoria; Timothy J. Vice, M.S.A., 33°, Moline; Lance J. Welter, M.S.A., 33°, Chicago; and Craig A. Kennedy, M.S.A., 33°, Springfield.


WI Joining the Candidates and members for the exemplification of the 15th and 16th Degrees are Asst. Director of Membership, Brennan J. Parken and MW Ill. Kenneth F. Poyton, Grand Master. This is one of the most popular events of the year. MW Poyton spoke to the members assembled about, and congratulated the group on continuing their Masonic Journey.


The Valley of Milwaukee hosts their second annual Swingin’ with the Blues night held on February 8th. Proceeds from this 120 guest event were donated to the Children’s Dyslexia Center of Milwaukee.

The Northern Light


The Royal Entourage enters the feast during a banquet at the Valley of Burlington’s fall reunion. The degree was performed in conjunction with a meal served to all attendees.

You can’t have a Reunion on the Road without the Rite on the Road kit!

On March 7, 2020, eight candidates (6 from the Valley of Concord, 1 from the Valley of Nashua and 1 from the Valley of Portsmouth-Dover) took their first step in Scottish Rite. The Valley of Concord did an exceptional job exemplifying the 4th and 15th Degrees, and a video of the 17th Degree was enjoyed.





Members of Valley of Scranton’s David A. Glattly Class pose with the Sovereign Grand Commander and Robert J. Bateman, 33˚, Deputy for Pennsylvania.

The Valley of Buffalo Players produced their WVOB Radio version of A Christmas Carol. It was a blending of the original story and the 1939 radio show.


! May 2020

If you would like to have your Valley featured in Around the Jurisdiction, be sure to submit photographs and descriptions to




Around the World

James D. Cole, 33°

Robert S. Whitmore, 33°

Alan Englefield, 33°

Sovereign Grand Commander, AASR SJ USA

Sovereign Grand Commander, Supreme Council AASR, Canada

Sovereign Grand Commander, England and Wales


he Northern Jurisdiction is blessed to have the motivated and energetic presence of Dave Glattly as Sovereign Grand Commander. Commander Glattly’s impact is appreciated by Masonic

His enthusiasm for thinking beyond prior horizons can assist other leaders. leaders in other countries, where his enthusiasm for thinking beyond prior horizons can assist other leaders in utilizing the necessary vision to succeed in this next chapter of our Craft. I view Dave as a valued partner who has strengthened the relationship between the Southern Jurisdiction and the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.



otivator, energetic, leader, mentor, friend, and innovator-all words that come to mind when we, in Canada, think of Sovereign Grand Commander David Glattly. The Supreme Council for Canada always has treasured our very close relationship with the Northern Jurisdiction, and we watch with admiration as Commander Glattly works tirelessly for the good of all Scottish Rite and Freemasonry.

We look forward to many more years of your leadership and your friendship. His new ideas, his interactive use of the electronic media, the ongoing and ever-increasing demonstrations of benevolence, and so much more, serve as an inspiration to us all. Scottish Rite throughout Canada congratulates you, Commander Glattly, on your accomplishments thus far and we look forward to many more years of your leadership and your friendship. Well done David!


he Supreme Council for England and Wales celebrates its 175th birthday this year, having received the Patent authorizing its formation from the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, USA, in 1845. We have always enjoyed close, fraternal, and very friendly relations with our

He has impressed everyone with his dedication to the Scottish Rite. “Mother” Supreme Council and have been especially delighted to meet Sovereign Grand Commander David Glattly both in the USA and abroad when he has impressed everyone with his dedication to the Scottish Rite and his skill at fostering and encouraging good relations between the many countries involved. We are proud to be the brothers and friends of this internationally respected Freemason.

The Northern Light


Photo Credit: William Alex Cosmescu

The world over, the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction in general, and Commander Glattly, in particular, are gaining attention for our innovative programs, selfless charitable endeavors, and focus on the future of Freemasonry. Here’s what a few of our dear friends are saying.

Stelian Nistor, 33°

Eberhard Desch, 33°

Evangelos A. Biniaris, 33°

Sovereign Grand Commander, Supreme Council for Romania

Sovereign Grand Commander, Supreme Council AASR, Germany

Sovereign Grand Commander, Supreme Council for Greece


here are many who love our Rite. But there are fewer between us, the many, about whom we can say they are also loved by the Rite in return. David Glattly, certainly, has in his dough this rare leaven that makes him not only respected but also loved by the Rite. How? His deeds speak for him.

His deeds speak for him. Masonry takes a good man to make him even better. However, there is no specific limit, as in medicine, after which “treatment” is declared successful or not. The machine to measure that is yet to be invented. The measure of success is and remains only in our deeds, in Masonry as in society. According to his actions, I can believe Dave was already born a fulfilled Mason. Everything he’s done and still does is just a bonus for us! Thanks for that, Dave!

May 2020


ear Brethren, greetings from the Supreme Council for Germany!

The Supreme Councils are embedded in the worldwide Chain of Fraternity which has proven to be the more

He started innovative concepts based on brotherly love, selfless support, and search for truth and understanding. important in a time of globalization, migration, and mobility. Commander David Glattly faces these challenges. He started innovative concepts based on brotherly love, selfless support, and search for truth and understanding.


s humanity and our fraternity have been experiencing challenging times, the Scottish Rite in 2017 had the divine destiny to be enriched by the enlightened leadership of David A. Glattly. An honest, humble, and sociable leader with a straightforward manner who listens and demonstrates patience and attention to his brethren. These qualities, virtues, and abilities were of course already well known among brethren of the Jurisdiction and constituted the spiritual dowry and legacy which elevated him to the highest office. On behalf of all the members of the Supreme Council for Greece, we do not forget that, among others, with his inspiration and encouragement we established the first DeMolay Chapter in Greece in 2019. Grateful and honored by his continuous support we wish him good health, and may God bess him to continue his inspirational work for the benefit of our brotherhood in general.



“Rite-Sizing” Your Officer Lines

by Robert F. Ogg Jr., 33˚, Active Member

We hear it all the time: “Good officers are hard to find.” The reason we hear it all the time is that it is true. Finding people amongst our membership who are good leaders and managers is not an easy task. Let’s face it, most people are good at something, but quality leaders have that special thing that sets them apart. If you agree with that, then you probably agree with this: Everyone is after the same leaders, and very often, there are just not enough of them to go around.


ity the poor new member who displays any sort of ability because he immediately has to deal with “recruiters” coming at him from every direction. That puts quite the burden on a new, young Freemason anxious to please his brothers but having to weigh that with family duties. Can we avoid this? Maybe not entirely, but we can at least make sure that we are not trying to fill officer slots the way we always did it. Valleys must conduct their business in conformity with the Supreme Council Constitutions, and as we all support the Constitutions of the NMJ, we all try to do the right thing. Does the “right thing” include a way to right-size your officer line? Yes, it does. A quick look at Article 346 of the Constitutions tells us that a fully populated Consistory line would have fourteen officers. The other lines are somewhat smaller. Together, it could take as many as 45 members to fill every position with no repeats in a four-body Valley. That is a lot


of people, but does a Valley really need that many? Let’s take another look at the Constitutions. It says that the Presiding Officer of each body must be elected. Well, that accounts for as many as four people. Next, the Secretary and Treasurer must also be elected, but they are permitted to serve in all four bodies. That brings us to a total of six people. All other officers may be appointed. The Bylaws of the Valley may call for more elected officers than

those I have mentioned, but it does not have to. What that means is that the same appointed officers can serve in more than one body. In fact, they can serve in all four bodies. Doing the math tells me that you could, if you wanted to, have four fully populated officer lines with as few as 17 people. Not many Valleys would want to go to that extreme, but some might.

You could, if you wanted to, have four fully populated officer lines with as few as 17 people. The message here is simple. You need somewhere between 17 and 45 members to adequately staff a fourbody Valley. What is the “Rite” size? Clearly, one size doesn’t fit all, but knowing that there are options allows the Valleys to choose what best suits their needs.

Another way to ease the burden on officers is to have a Casting Director to cast the degrees and perhaps not insist that the line officers do all of the degree work. They could also try a “Candidates Degree,” letting last year’s class of candidates fill the roles for a degree.

The bottom line is that it is up to you to do what works best for your Valley. “Ritesizing” is just one of the possibilities.

The Northern Light


The More Things Change… The more they stay the same. The Northern Light will continue to be The Northern Light! With almost 300 submissions, we had a lot to choose from, and one thing is certain: there is no lack of creativity among our members. The suggestions ranged from the clever (The Compass, EnLIGHTenment, The Rite Way, The Eagle’s Lair), to the practical (The Path Forward, The Double Eagle, Beacon of Brotherhood) to the esoteric (The Royal Secret, The Mystic, Fiat Lux, The Torchbearer, Diogenes’ Lantern), just to name a few. We also had our share of traditionalists who were not in favor of changing a name which has stood the test of time. Some of our members made precisely that argument for leaving the name alone. Others were in the camp of If it ain’t broke, why fix it? Our most empassioned plea, however, came from Brother Robert Siebold, MSA, Valley of the Hudson, who wrote: The Northern Light reflects a tradition of great Masonic insight and information. It has a legacy that has stood the test of time. The magazine provides a look back, a snapshot of where we

May 2020

are presently and most importantly where we are headed as Scottish Rite Masons. I truly consider this publication one of the finest within our Masonic circles. In a world where so many things are changing around us, it’s nice to have something you can always count on that is evolving for the better but at the same time staying the same. The name is solid. Brother Siebold’s words so perfectly capture the mission of The Northern Light: To remember our past, record our present, and chart a course for our future—all the while evolving to meet the needs of our members. From the editorial staff, a heartfelt thank you to all of you who took the time to submit your recommendations. If space had permitted, we would have listed them all. Your creativity and passion made the choice a difficult one. Congratulations to Brother Seibold. As our winner, you will receive a $500 credit to


The legacy of Scottish Rite Freemasonry creates a special bond with our Brothers and with the long line of Scottish Rite Masons who have come before us. This Fall, we honor and celebrate the legacy that is the cornerstone of our fraternity.


For many of us, one of the most defining moments in our Masonic Journey is when we transcend generations and share the Bond of Brotherhood to ensure the family’s legacy continues. George T. Taylor, IV’s Masonic legacy started in 1923, in Western Pennsylvania when both his greatgrandfathers joined the same lodge and later, the Valley of Pittsburgh.

WE WANT YOUR STORY Are you a second, third, or even fourth generation Scottish Rite Mason? We want your story for The Northern Light this Fall! Are you a first generation Scottish Rite Mason? Tell us how you would like to begin the legacy in your own family. Tell us your story at and attach photos of your Scottish Rite legacy. (You may have to scour the attic for that photo of your great-grandfather!) Deadline for submissions is August 1, 2020.

It continued through his grandfather, his father and uncle, and now his brother and him. Bro. Taylor said, “While we didn’t have the opportunity to take the iconic generational photo, many of the Masonic keepsakes I have, have been passed down through four generations.”

Send us your story at


Polo Shirts starting at $29.50



Our Vision

We will strive to be a fraternity that fulfills our Masonic Obligation to care for our members. Our Scottish Rite, NMJ vision is more important now than ever. If you are in need of brotherly help, contact your Valley. If you can help with the Grand Almoner’s Fund, go to

Frank’s Story; Bro. Frank C. Clark joined us at our luncheon in Orlando with his family. As a member of the Valley of South Bend for nearly 50 years, Frank said “I’m so proud to be a Scottish Rite Mason for the last 49 years. The work of our Charities gives me hope for our future.”

The Northern Light P.O. Box 519 Lexington, MA 02420-0519 A Freemason is committed to bettering himself, his community, and the world. He is on a journey of self-discovery believing in something greater than himself, a journey in which he will be supported by other good men. Become the best version of you. Answer the call. Begin the journey.

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