JULY 10 - JULY 23, 2018
Writer’s Block: UAA alumna operates space for art to flourish
College Cookbook: Try Spam musubi to fuel your summer snack needs
Estimated $5 million spent on failed UAA classes in fall 2017 By Cheyenne Mathews cmathews@thenorthernlight.org
UAA students did not get credit for approximately 30 percent of the classes they registered for in the fall of 2017. That amounts to an estimated $5 million tuition dollars spent on classes students did not receive credit for. Research by Interim Vice Provost for Student Success, Claudia Lampman, shows that students did not receive credit for courses they took because they failed, withdrew from the course or took an incomplete. “What it means is that students are spending a lot of money on courses that they’re not actually getting credit for. That’s the bottom line, and I don’t want to see that happen anymore,” Lampman said. “I would like to fix that.” Lampman thinks some of the problem can be attributed to a lack of advising for first year students. Students take classes they are not prepared for and would benefit from mandatory advising, Lampman said “One of the biggest things we need to do is make sure that students are taking courses that they’re prepared for and that will be a good fit for their goals and their level of preparation coming into the university,” Lampman said. “It’s not that I don’t think people can’t pass these classes —I think they can— but maybe not [in] their first semester.” Natural science courses like physics A123 and biology A111 are particularly difficult for students. Only 33 percent of stu-
dents who were also enrolled in developmental education courses passed physics A123. Comparatively, students that were not concurrently enrolled in developmental education courses passed 49 percent of the time in fall of 2017. Travis Rector, professor of physics and astronomy, taught physics A123 last fall. Teaching that class comes with a number of challenges including its large 200 plus student size and its location in the Wendy Williamson Auditorium. “I think one of the biggest challenges we face at UAA is that we are open enrollment, and we have a wide range of students, and not only a wide range of physics and math abilities but a wide range of skill sets in taking college courses,” Rector said. “So for students who are motivated and know how to take advantage of the additional resources we offer, they actually do quite well.” Rector said 19 different programs at UAA require physics A123. The department offers supplemental instruction taught by former physics A123 students, and students who attend supplemental instruction have a higher pass rate than those who don’t. “The failure rate is cut in half for the students who attend supplemental instruction,” Rector said. “So for those who didn’t [attend supplemental instruction] last semester, the failure rate was 36 percent. For those who did it was 18 percent. Now the problem is only a quarter of the students went to the instruction, because it’s purely option-
al.” Lampman’s research also found that, by a student’s second year at UAA, almost half have changed their declared major. “Switching majors is costly for students because it means maybe you’ve taken classes that won’t count towards your new major,” Lampman said. “I think what we need to do is help students coming to the university taking courses that will count no matter where they end up and taking courses where they are set up for success, and what that really means is foundational tier one GERs.” After studying pass rates, Lampman started building a First Year Advising program. Valerie Robideaux, director of First Year Student Advising and Success, hopes personal first year advising will help students enroll in classes they are prepared for and take courses that can count for credit if students change their major. “Hopefully we’re going to be making sure that students sign up for those foundational courses in those first years,” Robideaux said. “That they’re working on their writing and math and that they’re properly placed in the right courses for that.” Robideaux predicts the department will be fully functional in advising all first year students by fall 2019. In addition to new mandatory advising, Lampman said this fall, students will be able to access an app called Seawolf Tracks to help them navigate UAA and connect with advisors and professors.
Pass Rates in Courses with High Enrollments (>250 students in Fall 2017) Natural Sciences Courses
BIOL A102 - w/ Dev. Ed
BIOL A102 - w/o Dev. Ed
BIOL A103 - w/ Dev. Ed
BIOL A103 - w/o Dev. Ed
BIOL A111 - w/ Dev. Ed
BIOL A111 - w/o Dev. Ed
GEOL A111 - w/ Dev. Ed
GEOL A111 - w/o Dev. Ed
PHYS A123 - w/ Dev. Ed
PHYS A123 - w/o Dev. Ed
Did Not Pass * “w/ Dev. Ed” means students took course while taking a developmental education course at the same time
Students lose sleep over increased air traffic brief durations. There will be a three-week full closure startarts2@thenorthernlight.org ing on June 18, 2018. Between these fully closed periods, the For Alaskans, summer is shortened runway is anticipated synonymous with construction, to remain operational. The full road closures, detours and oth- length of the North/South Runer traffic inconveniences. But way will be returned to service this summer, residents of East for the winter 2018/2019,” states Anchorage are having to put up the portion of the post on the with an unfamiliar kind of con- construction season. struction noise, and it’s coming The project, which is mostly from the sky. federally funded, will cost about A large maintenance proj- 70 million dollars, according to ect at Ted Stevens International Szczeniak. Airport has changed the route Students and guest staying for flights taking off and landing in summer housing have taken from over the water of Cook In- notice of the audible increase in let to over the city of Anchorage. noise. “The issue is [that] the last Taylor Cook, a junior studytime the runway was recon- ing health sciences, is working structed was 15 years ago. The this summer as a guest service runway has reached its life ex- representative for UAA Conferpectancy,” Jim Szczesniak, the ence Services, and living in the airport manager at Ted Stevens MACs. International Airport, said. Cook says that guests staying “In the name of safety, we on campus have “voiced conneed to recondition that runway cerns and annoyance” about the so that it’s up to standards, and planes flying overhead. that requires that we close our “Personally, I’ve found the north/south runway to do that planes to be really annoying,” this summer and next,” Szczesn- said Cook. “[It] messes up my iak added. sleeping and disturbs me when The runway renovation, I’m studying because it’s really which began in June, will con- loud and distracting… I can’t tinue into October before pick- help but pause mid-study.” ing up again for the summer of Jamie Logan, a senior study2019. ing sociology who has lived on According to the Alaska De- campus for four years, has also partment of Transportation and been affected by the increase in Public Facilities website, con- noise. struction is being scheduled in a “It’s been driving me nuts,” way to maximize the amount of Logan said. work that can take place in the “It’s a temporary situation,” summer. Szczesniak said. “Flights will go “To expedite project deliv- back to normal once construcery, construction is scheduled tion is over this construction 7 days per week, 24 hours per season, and it will resume next day, from the middle of June construction season. Everything through October 2018. During will go back to normal, hopethe 2018 construction season, fully, for the next 15-plus years the North/South Runway will until we have to do it again.” have full or partial closures for By Robin O’Donoghue
TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2018
| 02
University changes union requirements following U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in labor case rector of UA’s Labor Relations, said. mremaklus@thenorthernlight.org There are four collective bargaining agreements for employOn June 27, the U.S. Supreme ment within the university, and Court voted 5-4 against the each one has different percentAmerican Federation of State, ages of pay for both agency fees County and Municipal Em- and membership dues. For memployees in the Janus v. AFSC- bers of Alaska Higher Education ME case, ruling that non-union Crafts and Trades Employees members are not required to Local 6070, dues are $26.61 per help pay for collective bargain- pay period and agency fees are ing. $21.69 per pay period. This ruling overturned four These rates changed every decades of precedent and comes year, Bacon said. after Mark Janus, a child supNow, paying either one of port specialist from Illinois and these fees is not a condition of the plaintiff in the case, decided employment. to challenge AFSCME as well “When it comes to forming a as states’ authority to allow pub- union or choosing not to join a lic sector labor unions to collect union, it’s the employee’s right fees from non-union members. and we encourage everyone to On a Liberty Justice Cen- exercise that right themselves,” ter website called standwith- Bacon said. workers.org, Mark Janus said He also said the court’s dehe worked a government job in cision and overturning of the the 1980s and wasn’t required to 4-decade-old precedent is a pay money to a union then. Af- “dramatic change” for Alaska, ter returning to the public sector but the university’s partnerships in 2007, he learned of AFSCME with labor partners and leaderand had money automatically ship haven’t changed. deducted from his paycheck for Brandy Stachowski works at the union. the Alaska Public Employees “The government gave AF- Association/Alaska Federation SCME the power to collect mon- of Teachers, and she said the ey from almost every employee case’s outcome was not a surof state government, even if we prise, though it was disappointdidn’t support the unions’ poli- ing. tics and policies. I had no choice, “It was something that our and no voice in the matter,” Ja- members and, as an organizanus wrote. tion, we were aware of and try“It turned out that I was one ing to prepare for. While not of millions of American work- surprising, it’s nonetheless disers who were forced to support appointing,” Stachowski said. a government union as a condi“It was very much an attack tion of employment,” he contin- on working people from very ued. “This is a gross violation of heavily-funded anti-union forcmy First Amendment rights to es,” she added. free speech and freedom of asSo far, in response to the sociation. So I’ve asked the U.S. ruling, the union has been takSupreme Court to end this prac- ing steps to notify people of the tice.” changes. It has also been imporAnd so the court did. In the tant to reassure members that ruling, Justice Samuel A. Alito, they are still part of a union and Jr. wrote, “We conclude that this have their collective bargaining arrangement violates the free agreements in place, Stachowski speech rights of nonmembers said. by compelling them to subsidize Procedures concerning wagprivate speech on matters of es, benefits and working consubstantial public concern.” ditions are not impacted by The University of Alaska re- the ruling, but those regarding sponded to the court’s decision union security and dues authoand addressed new changes on rization are being modified with its website for Labor Relations, the university. which are effective immediately. Stachowski said that it’s posThe university no longer en- sible the university will be afforces Union Security provi- fected in the long run. Part of a sions in contracts, meaning em- union’s strength is being able to ployees are no longer required to do advocacy work, whether it is either join a union or pay agency progressive legislation or trying fees. Additionally, the university to increase funding. will continue to deduct member“Many people have interpretship dues from employees’ pay- ed this to be a rallying cry for rolls unless they revoke it. labor as a whole and specifically In May, the university em- membership because the longployed 6,274 non-student em- term effect is that union memployees and 2,716 of those em- bers don’t just advocate themployees will be impacted. selves, like through collective “As a condition of your em- bargaining and for wages and ployment within the university, for working conditions. They’re you were required to either join advocates in this context for the union and pay the full dues their students and for universior to pay the lower agency fee ties as a whole,” she said. amount,” Geoffrey Bacon, diBy Mariah DeJesus-Remaklus
University rated with high confidence in public survey local community college or university, including what the value mremaklus@thenorthernlight.org most about those institutions,” Musick said. This spring, the University of Out of seven institutions, Alaska worked with McDowell including the university, local Group, a research and consult- K-12 schools, federal governing firm, to conduct a statewide ment, state government and the survey on public opinion. The Alaska Legislature, the universisurvey evaluated Alaskans’ per- ty received the most confidence ceptions of a variety of themes, from respondents. 28 percent such as confidence in institu- reported significant confidence tions, the economy and their and 42 percent reported moderlevels of concern for issues like ate confidence. crime and employment. “This indicates public confiMonique Musick, public in- dence in our mission and value,” formation coordinator for UA Musick said. Public Affairs, said one of the Respondents rated the lowuniversity’s goals with the sur- est confidence for Alaska state vey was to “better understand government and legislature, rethe mood of Alaskans about porting 6 percent and 4 percent, the economy and respondents’ respectively. views of their confidence in McDowell Group has also their own economic well-being.” conducted prior surveys for the There were 623 randomly university to help analyze public selected households throughout opinion. Alaska and the results were then Susan Bell, principal at Mcweighted by age and region. Key Dowell Group, said a report findings showed that Alaskans done in 2016 included an ecorated the current condition of the nomic impact analysis. It was state’s economy 5.1 on a scale of used to communicate the impor1-10 with 1 being “very weak” tance and value of the university and 10 being “very strong.” to the public as well as the legis“The questions were de- lature, she said. signed to help the university unThis report, published in derstand if Alaskans have con- May of 2016, specifically evalufidence in the future, in their ated the economic impacts of state and in their institutions, the university by examining the and what they think about their public’s opinions on university By Mariah DeJesus-Remaklus
revenues, employment and Arctic research. Results indicated that Alaskans saw the university as “very important” (95 percent) to the state of Alaska. For this year’s survey, 9 out of 10 residents, or 89 percent, saw the university as “important” or “very important” to the state of Alaska. “Prior McDowell Group research clearly identifies financial issues as one of the most important drivers of postsecondary enrollment and completion,” Musick said. “The economy affects the earning power of students, particularly among the significant portion of students who work while attending UA.” The household survey also noted a significant difference in results concerning respondents’ ratings of their household’s economic well-being: responses correlated with income levels. Households earning less than $50,000 in annual income were more likely to give low ratings, and those that were in the upper income bracket were most likely to give high ratings. McDowell Group reports, including the Household Opinion Survey 2018 and previous analyses, can be found on the University of Alaska website, alaska. edu/alaska.
TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2018
| 03
Artistic passions bring local artists to The Writer’s Block
The Writer’s Block has a wide selection of books by Alaskan authors.
By Mizelle Mayo
Various books written by local authors are displayed throughout The Writer’s Block, along with paintings hanging on walls from Anchorage artists. Officially opening their doors January 2018, The Writer’s Block houses books, music, art and food based on the four owners’ passions for the arts. “Dawnell [Smith] has done a lot of the community, social media, all the outreach that goes with just communicating to the public. Teeka [Ballas] has spearheaded all of our events. She has those kinds of connections and background in music, theatre and art,” Vered Mares, one of the owners, said. “Kathy [McCue] has been this kind of quiet behind-the-scenes person who is always making sure the building is actually functional. She’s not directly involved in the day to day operations, but she is very much active.” The four women wanted to create a space where various artists can showcase their work and allow the community to connect and interact with one another.
“Vered [Mares] and I met about five years ago over coffee, and we talked about how we needed what we called a cash cow. It’s something that can help find that space for artists and for literary aficionados and for our love for these things,” Ballas, a UAA alumna, said. “That’s when we started building this idea. It took a lot of work.” Mares, Ballas, Smith and McCue all met through Out North Contemporary Art House and F Magazine. Ballas has lived a life filled with art and travel from an early age: her father was part of a booking agent called Bebop Bands that moved her family around quite often. She went to music school in Los Angeles, California when she was 16 years old. As she grew older, she hitchhiked to Rainbow Gatherings and Grateful Dead shows, did travel writing in Australia, and radio and print journalism in Texas, Russia and Alaska. Ultimately, Ballas moved back to Alaska to finish her degree in journalism and stayed ever since. Smith led a nomadic life from California to Europe and finally Alaska in 1988. She paid the bills as a brewer, journalist
Writer’s Block creates an open space to interact and connect with one another simultaneously showcasing local artists’ work.
and events coordinator. With the remaining time she had for herself, she wrote poems, essays, stories and created art. Aside from the Writer’s Block, Smith is an environmental lawyer at Trustees for Alaska. Before settling in Alaska in 2002, McCue’s medical career took her to Haiti. She also took up various roles from a radio DJ in college, editor, graphic artist, soccer player, teacher, volunteer and currently an emergency physician. Mares grew up in a family full of poets, writers and musicians who traveled frequently. Moving from one place to another, travel and books comforted her through vast changes within her family. She paid her way through art school by bartending and managing a bar in Idaho before settling in Alaska. She had also worked numerous jobs like construction, commercial art, and being a pilot. Now, she has dedicated herself to The Writer’s Block. What once started off as the notorious “Adults Only” shop in Spenard has now been refurbished allowing people to have an open space to interact and share their art.
William Kozloff was one of the first local artists to utilize and display his artwork. “When I walked into this space, everything was open. I had a lot of plans, and I had no idea what to do with them. I’m very appreciative,” Kozloff said. The Writer’s Block also hosts live performances of local singers, songwriters and musicians. ASA Songwriters Showcase is one of the events that lets artists exhibit their talents once a month. “[The] Writer’s Block is very unique and never disappoints. They have opportunities to see local artists in a very intimate way,” Tiara Merculieff, a local who attended the ASA Songwriters Showcase, said. Mares says the business is open to everyone in the community. “People can come and be comfortable — they’re not going to be turned away,” Mares said. The Writer’s Block is located at 3656 Spenard Road. They are open Tuesday through Sunday from 8 a.m. – 10 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday and 8 a.m. – 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday.
Romanticism lives on through the legacy of Professor Clay Nunally
By Mizelle Mayo
In the class, Literature of Romanticism English A330, Professor Clay Nunnally often recited poems. He recited long poems that stretched to not just one or two stanzas, but 30 plus lines filled with romanticism from the 1780’s to the early 1800’s. Nunnally passed away on April 28, 2018. He has left a mark on staff and students who appreciated his passion for literature. Nunnally graduated with a Ph.D. in romanticism and Victorian literature in 1968 and moved to Alaska to teach in 1971. He taught for 45 years at UAA and was awarded the “Clay Nunnally Teaching Award” in 2015 for his excellence before retiring. Nunnally was known for his threepiece suit, a pince-nez and a flower in his
lapel he wore every day, said Patricia Linton, senior associate dean for academics. “His love for the beauty of literature reflected in the way the he carried himself and the way he cared about people,” Daniel Kline, professor, said. He was an impressionable professor with a scholarly aura calling his students “Mr.” or “Ms.” When teaching his classes, he talked about his personal life to relate and engage students with each passage. “I took away a lot of personal life lessons from his classes. He talked about his wife and his marriage in such a positive way that I decided I was going to bring positivity to my future marriage. He also taught us to find something you love so much, you never want to retire,” Abby Slater Whipple, a journalism major and former staff member of The Northern Light, said. “I’ll always remember the way that he spoke about literature with so much reverence. His classes were always packed full.” Robert Foran, a UAA alumnus, took his literature of romanticism class in 2015. Foran was moved by Nunnally’s passion for teaching literature that he created a video of Nunnally for a final journalism project. “I found that behind his teaching persona, he was a regular, humble and happy man who led a life of love, travel and positively affecting students’ lives,” Foran said. “Most of all, he pursued what he talked to me a lot about — a quiet, simple lifestyle. He was a sensible and compassionate human being. I genuinely enjoyed him as a teacher and a person. I never missed a class, and I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to be his student.” With his fashionable suit, pince-nez, wry humor and care for his students and colleagues, Nunnally’s significance at UAA lives on beyond his years.
TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2018
College Cookbook: Spam musubi By Malia Barto
Growing up, my family would spend plenty of time in Hawaii visiting relatives during the summer. On days we would spend at the beach with our cousins, spam musubis were the go-to snack for us to refuel with between swimming and sandcastle building. While Spam isn’t always in everyone’s comfort zone, this savory snack is as fun to eat as it is to make.
Ingredients • 2 cups of white rice
• 1/8 cup of soy sauce
• 1 can of Spam
• 1/2 teaspoon of sesame oil
• 1 package of dried seaweed
• 1/2 teaspoon of garlic (optional)
• 1/4 cup of maple syrup
Directions 1. Wash two cups of rice and start cooking it in a pot or rice cooker. 2. Cut Spam into 12 slices, widthwise. Rinse the empty can and save for later. 3. Using kitchen scissors, cut seaweed into inch-thick strips, if not already precut. 4. In a bowl, mix together the maple syrup, soy sauce, sesame oil and garlic to make the teriyaki sauce. 5. Spray a pan with no-stick cooking spray and lay as many slices of Spam down without overlapping. 6. Once all Spam is cooked, place it all back at once into the pan on low heat. Pour the mixed sauce over the slices. 7. With the empty Spam can, fill it one-fourth of the way with rice and flatten. Flip the can around and pat the back to remove rice. Lay Spam onto the bed of rice. 8. Use a seaweed strip to gently wrap around the musubi. Continue until all slices of Spam are used. Serves 12.
& AE
TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2018
| 05
Get pumped: Six summer festivals for you By Robin O’Donoghue arts2@thenorthernlight.org
With the wide variety of music festivals and functions going on this summer, there is just about something for everyone to enjoy. The Bear Paw Live Music and Beer Festival will be held on July 14 from 10-12 p.m. in the Eagle River Commons in Eagle River, Alaska. The festival will feature a line up of names such as Woodrow, Conway Seavey, I Like Robots, Yachtly Crew and more. More information on the event can be found at bearpawfestival.com. For those looking to make a road trip out of a music festival, there are multiple options.The Cantwell Bluegrass Festival will be taking place from July 2022 in Cantwell, Alaska and the
Cantwell Lodging and Longhorn Saloon. For the more adventurous who don’t mind an even further drive, the 40th annual Dawson City Music Festival will be taking place in Dawson City, Yukon Canada also from July 20-22. This year’s lineup features acts such as Chippy Nonstop, Goodnight Sunrise, Elliott Brood, Sonic Titan and many more bands and musicians. According to their website the Dawson City Music Festival’s mission,“celebrates and supports its local environment by presenting world-class grassroots musical programming in Dawson, including but not limited to the annual Dawson City Music Festival.” For a full lineup and more information on lineup, tickets and camping options visit dcmf.com. Salmonfest, an Alaskan sum-
mer staple will be taking place from Aug. 3-5, at the Kenai Peninsula Fairgrounds in Ninilchik, Alaska featuring a line up of acts such as; Brandi Carlile, Fruition, Front Country, Apashe, Gasoline Lollipops and numerous other bands and artists. For more information on camping options, ticket prices and the full lineup of performers visit salmonfestalaska.org Country music star Gary Allan, known for hits such as “Man to Man,” and “Right Where I
Need to Be” will be performing right on campus at the Alaska Airlines Center on Aug. 7. The concert will feature special guest Ken Peltier, for more information visit the Alaska Airlines Center website. To finish off the summer, the Alaska State Fair is bringing up multiple acts between Aug. 23 and Sept. 3 to the concert stage of the Alaska State Fairgrounds
in Palmer. With large names like the Goo Goo Dolls on Aug. 24, Three Dog Night on Aug. 26, world famous comedian Jim Gaffigan on Sept. 2 and internationally renowned violinist Lindsey Stirling on Sept. 3 there is an experience to be had for everyone. For more information and ticket prices visit the Alaska State Fairs Website at alaskastatefair.org.
TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2018
| 06
Four new ‘skiwolves’ added to the roster
Skiwolves display the Seawolf flag. Four new recruits will join the team this year.
By Lauren Cuddihy sports@thenorthernlight.org
It’s already July and UAA coaches are working to secure last-minute signers to their teams. Head Ski Coach Sparky Anderson has been successful in his attempts, adding four official athletes to his alpine ski team. Two Canadians, one Alaskan and one Norwegian will be joining the rest of the team in the fall. Didrik Nilsen will travel the farthest to join the Seawolves; the Olso, Norway native is coming to UAA with a ton of experi-
ence from Europe. Nilsen has been skiing for as long as he can remember, ever since he started visiting his family’s cabin in Kvitfjell, Norway in 2001. He was eager to choose an option for college that allowed him to continue competing. “I sent Sparky [Anderson] an email just to see what my possibilities were... I knew a few people who went/are now attending UAA and they told me a lot of good things and I’ve seen a ton of cool stuff of social [media,]” Nilsen said in an email. Nilsen explained that coming from Europe, he wanted to
choose somewhere unique. He didn’t know anyone else from his country who had been come to UAA. Experiencing this new adventure on his own was something that was appealing to him. “[I want to be] an all-American, hopefully, win some races and do a couple podiums at the NCAA finals and represent UAA and the ski team the best way I can,” Nilsen said. Coming from Canada are Liam Wallace and Kristina Natalenko. A talented skier and recent member of the Canadian National Team from Alberta, Wallace is a pick that Anderson worked hard to get. Wallace decided to end up at UAA for both the environmental and social aspects. “I have been to the campus once earlier this summer to check out the scene... I really felt drawn to Alaska due to the person I am,” Wallace said. “Also, the ski team has lots of people I get along with and can see myself progressing there.” Wallace has ample experience that he will be bringing to the Seawolves. He won the Canadian U18 slalom champion-
ships which earned him his national team spot, after already being named to the Alberta Ski Team in 2016. Both Anderson and Wallace’s current coaches are working together for his transition to UAA. “As far as skiing goes, I just want to progress my skills and enjoy it as much as possible,” Wallace said. In addition to Wallace, another Canadian will be joining in the fall. Natalenko comes to UAA after being a previous member of the British Colombia Team. Anderson is excited to have Natalenko join the team. He expects her to progress well after recently winning the British Colombia FIS Cup Overall Championship in both 2017 and 2018. In addition, the health sciences major to-be is the 2018 champion of the U19 super-G national race and finished in the top-10 of the Nor-Am Cup super-G. The final addition to join this fall is the first local that Anderson has successfully recruited since 2009. Sky Kelsey is an Anchorage resident that has seen success on a national level.
Anderson first caught a glimpse of Kelsey years ago and had his sight on pursuing him to the team since. However, Kelsey has always been motivated to stay in Alaska. “I hope to inspire the next wave of racers and give back what I can to my community to continue the tradition of racing in Alaska,” Kelsey said. Kelsey said that Anderson’s perseverance and dedication will help the team become competitive on the NCAA circuit this upcoming season. In addition, he hopes to bring some enthusiasm back to Alaska for alpine skiing. With his experience, Kelsey believe he has the ability to bring competitiveness to the Seawolves. When he was 16 years old, he was recruited to a national skiing team to race in the North American Cup Circuit in the wintertime. While the new four recruits have plenty of training with the Seawolves ahead of them, the season doesn’t take off until November 2018 for the Alaska Cup.
TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2018
| 07
A S S O C I AT E D CO L L E G I AT E P R ES S The Northern Light is a proud member of the Associated Collegiate Press. The Northern Light is a weekly UAA publication funded by student fees and advertising sales. The editors and writers of The Northern Light are solely responsible for its contents. Circulation is 2,500. The University of Alaska Anchorage provides equal education and employment opportunities for all, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, Vietnam-era or disabled-veteran status, physical or mental disability, changes in marital status, pregnancy or parenthood. The views expressed in the opinion section do not necessarily reflect the views of UAA or the Northern Light.
N OT I C E O F N O N D I S C R I M I N AT I O N The University of Alaska is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educational institution. The University of Alaska does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, citizenship, age, sex, physical or mental disability, status as a protected veteran, marital status, changes in marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, parenthood, sexual orientation, gender identity, political affiliation or belief, genetic information, or other legally protected status. The University’s commitment to nondiscrimination, including against sex discrimination, applies to students, employees, and applicants for admission and employment. Contact information, applicable laws, and complaint procedures are included on UA’s statement of nondiscrimination available at www.alaska.edu/nondiscrimination.
L E T T E RS A N D CO R R E C T I O N S P O L I C Y The Northern Light encourages readers to express their views in the newspaper. The Northern Light reserves the right to reject or publish any submission, online or in print. Letters to the editor can be submitted to editor@thenorthernlight.org. The maximum length for a letter to the editor is 250 words, and 150 words for letters specifically endorsing candidates for federal, local, or university office. A letter to the editor is written by someone who does not have authoritative knowledge on the subject they are discussing. Contributors are restricted to one published letter to the editor per month. Opinion pieces can be submitted to editor@thenorthernlight.org. The maximum length for a contributor’s opinion piece is 450 words. Contributors are restricted to one published opinion piece per month. Opinion pieces written by staff of The Northern Light are limited to 800 words. An opinion piece that is published in The Northern Light should be written by someone who has authoritative knowledge on the subject they are discussing. Letters and opinion pieces are subject to editing for grammar, accuracy, length and clarity. All letters and opinion pieces must include names, major and/or group affiliation and contact information for verification purposes. The Northern Light will not publish anonymous letters or pseudonyms. Requests for corrections can be sent to editor@thenorthernlight.org. Print publication is subject to accuracy and available space. All corrections are posted online with the original story at www.thenorthernlight.org. The deadline for submissions is the Friday before publication at noon, no exceptions. The Northern Light newsroom is located on the first floor of the Student Union Room 118.
Executive Editor
Sam Davenport 786-1313 editor@thenorthernlight.org
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Mizelle Mayo features2@thenorthernlight.org Robin O’Donoghue arts2@thenorthernlight.org
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