The Northridge Reporter

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girl... he so



annoys student

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tornado season presents danger

The Northridge


Room for change: December 17, 2010 • Volume 8, Issue 4

page 5 “Whip My Hair” entertains page 9

Northridge High School • 2901 Northridge Road • Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35406

New bonus period provides additional enrichment, chance to make AYP

Scholar Bowl practices, or time to do Jazz Band or Honor Choir. Our biggest draw is going to be an ACT prep class,” he said. Espy said that students could choose how Isaac Espy, principal, spent Dec. 2-3 in assemblies explaining the new schedule they wanted to spend time. “It’s not going to be a time to hang out arrangement, to be enacted in January, to with your buddies. At first, all students will students. “It’s so easy a caveman could understand be defaulted to study hall. Once we get a bit more settled, we will send out registration it,” he said. He said that the only change to the forms sometime in January and give around three days for students to current schedule was choose a class,” he said. the addition of a bonus The bonus period period. will take place between “We’re going to first and second period, change the way we have namely 9:30-10:05 p.m. school a little bit. We’re Conner Fridley, going to cut eight or ~Isaac Espy, principal senior, wants a solution nine minutes off of all four classes, and those minutes will form a for students who desire more than one way 30-minute bonus period, or a study hall, or to spend their bonus period. “We should have one class on Mondays, whatever you’d like to call it,” he said. He said that the bonus period is the Wednesdays and Fridays, and another one on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It would change solution to making AYP this year. “Whether or not we make AYP is up to things up and people could be a part of more our juniors. A certain percentage of them than one activity,” he said. Espy said that any suggestions for the have to pass the graduation exam in order for us to meet AYP. We haven’t made it for schedule will definitely be considered. “Some people may love this or hate this, the last two years. This bonus period will be used to prepare students for the exam, so but we have to do it. We have to succeed. that students who have passed all parts of Someone once told me to never confuse the graduation exam can use the period for having good intentions and working hard with getting results. And we have to have additional enrichment. “It can be a study hall, or a time to hold results,” he said. anu pandit editor in chief

photo by andrew lattner Isaac Espy, principal, discusses the new bonus period with sophomores on Friday, Dec. 3. “Some people will love it, and some will hate it, but we have to do it,” he said.

It’s so easy a caveman could understand it.

Don’t forget to flush

Bathroom system responds to misused break time alexandra stewart staff writer

is not a manageable number,” he said. “Sometimes they would not return as promised. There you go,” he said. Mary Catherine Vale, junior, said she does not agree with the policy. “I don’t like it; they will only let one or two people go. What if people really have to go to the bathroom, and there is a line just waiting to go to the bathroom with a pass?” she said. Vale said it could help the bathroom situation, but it might cause students not to go to lunch.

enough bat h


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“Come to the bathroom with me! I have to tell you something really important,” said Anna Kate Hughston, junior, as Sara Beth Hartley, junior, decided to go to the restroom. Frustrated, they came back, announcing that you have to have a bathroom pass from the cafeteria to go. Isaac Espy, principal, developed a new policy that one must have a bathroom pass in order to leave the cafeteria. “We were having about 500 students wanting to leave the lunchroom compiled by anu pandit 50 students polled to go the restroom. That

However, lunch is not the only opportunity to go to the bathroom.

“I can run a mile in 6 minutes, I can go to the bathroom in five minutes and still have time to visit my friends and write a letter to my grandmother,” Espy said. He said that students have plenty of time to go between classes. Lane Russell, sophomore, said she has had bad experiences going to the bathroom before class and does not think that there is enough time. “One time, I had math and I had second shift lunch. We had thirty minutes of class time before lunch, and I don’t like going to the bathroom during class because I don’t want to miss anything. So I would go to lunch and then go the bathroom after lunch,” she said. “When the bell rang, I went towards my class to go to go to the bathroom, and I saw my teacher standing by the classroom door waiting for us to comeback in. So I went to the bathroom, and right as I was about to walk into the class, the tardy bell rang. My teacher made me walk all the way back to Mr. Curry’s office and get a pass. I ended up missing a lot more in class, when my teacher could have been nice and just let me in,” she said. Kevin Liew, junior, said that you should go to the bathroom before class. “I think that it [the bathroom policy] makes students more responsible,” he said.


How will you use your bonus period? Grad exam preparation:


ACT preparation:


Study Hall:


Club or Band practice:





“I’m using mine to study for the grad exam, so I can excel.” anna margaret davis, freshman compiled by ellie cauthen 80 students polled

in brief

Closed door provides safety madison frazer staff writer Although some students don’t like that not all doors get opened at lunch, there is a good reason behind some doors are locked. Darrin Spence, dean of students, said it is on purpose because of the number of students. “It channels all students through one door, so it is easier for us to check for IDs and the dress code,” Spence said. Anna Lee Petitt, freshman, said it is hard to get into the lunchroom when you want, and it makes your lunch time shorter. “If they [all doors] were open, we could get in faster and not have so much commotion and pushing that we have now because of only one door being open,” Petitt said.


The Northridge Reporter


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opinion our thoughts

Proactive approach removes blemishes from school system The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. The Northridge Reporter would like to commend the administration for organizing the “bonus period” – a very sane and very good approach to our low graduation rates. We do not believe the school was entirely at fault for the low AYP and graduation rates, but as it has taken responsibility for them for the past two years, we too see the need for a change in operation. The bonus period provides a refreshingly simple and direct way of combating our failure to make AYP. An additional benefit is time for added enrichment without overly altering the current schedule. This system also has the built-in ability to enrich the education of students who are not having trouble graduating. Students who do not have to take graduation exam tutoring can opt to take study hall or ACT prep instead. The schedule will equally help at risk students on all academic levels. Perhaps more importantly, the system offers accessibility for students who are too swamped with after school extracurricular activities to attend tutoring. It is, however, minimally intrusive, causing no changes to the current accreditation system or the number of official classes students are taking. The school has designed an accessible thirty minute solution for everyone with few drawbacks. We are encouraged by our administration’s ability to use a proactive approach to improving the school. It is this kind of forward thinking that will save the school. SEE STORY ON FRONT PAGE.

staff opinion

agree (14) disagree (4) neutral (1)


The Northridge Reporter welcomes letters to the editor. Bring yours to room 109 or email it to

Reporter The Northridge

Northridge High School 2901 Northridge Road Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 (205) 759-3734 ext. 235

NSPA 5th Place Best of Show 2008 • NSPA 8th Place Best of Show 2008 • NSPA 9th Place Best of Show 2006 • CSPA Silver Medalist (2003, 2004) • CSPA Gold Medalist (2005 - 2008) • SIPA All-Southern (2003, 2005 – 2009) • ASPA All-Alabama (2003 – 2009) • All-American, four Marks of Distinction (2004, 2008) • Best SIPA Newspaper in Alabama (2003 – 2007) • NSPA News Story of the Year ( 2005) • SIPA First Place News Story (2007) • SIPA First Place Review (2009) • Rick Bragg Award for Feature Writing (2009)

Editor-in-Chief: Entertainment Editor : Feature Editor: Opinion Editor: News Editor: Beat Editor: Sports Editor: Business Manager: Photographers: Copy Editor: Infographics Editor: Art Editor:

Anu Pandit* Nick Pappas* Alex Hauser Raiha Naeem Bajwa* Samuel Yang* Laine Elliott Regan Walker Raiha Naeem Bajwa* Brock Hartley, Nick Pappas* Renu Pandit, Maia Wade, Trent Clanton Craig First, Foster Beck, Ellie Cauthen Maia Wade, Zoey Simpson, Trent Clanton Staff Writers:

Foster Beck, Ellie Cauthen, Madison Frazer, Brooke Houston, Maddy Ingram, Justin Jackson, SaVanna McLaughlin, Claire Nicholson, James Roberts, Chelsea Shepard, Alexandra Stewart, Destiny Stewart, Sami Story, MacKenzie Underwood


Susan Newell*

*Denotes state, regional and national award winners

Advertising and Subscriptions: Contact The Northridge Reporter Staff at (205) 759-3734 ext. 235 or if you wish to advertise in or subscribe to The Northridge Reporter. Editorial Policy: The opinions in The Northridge Reporter are those of the students and not of the faculty or administration of Northridge High School or the Tuscaloosa City Board of Education. It is the policy of The Northridge Reporter to publish all nonobscene, non-libelous, signed letters to the editor, regardless of the opinion expressed in them. All letters must be submitted to Mrs. Newell in room 109. The Northridge Reporter reserves the right to edit letters and verify allegations. Tuscaloosa City Board Policy: It is the official policy of the Tuscaloosa City Board of Education that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, disability, sex, religion, national origin, age or creed, be excluded for participation in, be denied the benefits of or be subject to discrimination under any program, activity or employment.

the northridge reporter december 17, 2010

Can’t. Exemptions.

You look really sick! Shouldn’t you, you know, go home?

Uh, I think only unexcused absences should count againt exemptions. Tell me about it.

barf bag

trent clanton

Gliders: appearances can deceive brooke houston staff writer

When I wrote a column on my sugar gliders, I made everything sound so hunky-dory. Yet when the time came to get a picture of Skittles, one of my gliders, things became lively. Mackenzie Underwood and I went to get Skittles. I put her in a pouch with a mesh window that I hang around my neck so I can carry her. We shut the door to the classroom, so if she got out of the pouch, she would not run into the hall. Mackenzie took a few pictures before she got too curious and wandered out of her pouch. The pictures did not turn out, so we had to retake them. We went into a side room in our classroom, and it jumped out. She moved so fast I just had to

sit there and let her wear herself out before I even thought about grabbing her. She finally stood still, and I grabbed her with my sweat shirt, and she jumped on my head and started screaming at Mackenzie. Mackenzie ran out of the room as Sam Yang came in. We spent houston about 30 minutes trying to get a picture of that darn thing. When I finally caught it, it was screaming and striking at me, and it bit me all over my hand. I tried so hard to calm it down, but it would rise up like a snake and strike. Through all the chaos, Sam just yelled, “smile,” so I did, and that was the only good picture we got. The picture actually looked like nothing was going wrong, and the glider was cooperating, but it was the complete opposite.

Right after we took that picture, it got out of my grip and jumped on my head and was just having a grand old time terrorizing Sam and me. Honestly, it is a love hate thing. I look at the other groups in Zoology and see them holding their docile pet, and there is not a moment where I wish my group would have gotten another animal. Even though the noise they make is absolutely excruciating, I know my hard work will pay off in the end. Some of you may be reading this and deciding right now that this is not the animal for you. Well, don’t write off a glider. It will be so rewarding to get them out of their cage for the first time without them squawking and biting. I look forward to the moment when I can say I did it. I definitely recommend these animals for you future Zoology goers if you have a lot of patience and dedication, but if you don’t, get a fish.

Junior loves Christmas; sharing with others alexandra stewart staff writer

I get in the car, turn on the radio, and I hear, “Rudolph the red nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose…” Excitedly, I realize it is my favorite time of year: Christmas time. Christmas is a time of year for sitting by the fire in a warm blanket, watching a Christmas movie such as Elf, while sipping my favorite holiday coffee, the Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks. It is a time to decorate my entire backyard as a Christmas wonderland with tons of lights. It is the time to put up the mistletoe, the holly and the tree. Christmas has a different meaning to each individual. To kids, it’s all about Santa and the magic of it all. To some its all about the presents. It is one of the busiest times of the year. It is full of studying for semester exams, raising grades

and buying gift after gift after gift. Everyone gets so busy with it all, and it seems as if the reason for the season gets lost Now don’t get me wrong, I think studying is pretty important, and I love getting and giving gifts, but I think Christmas is just a bit more. I believe t h a t stewart Christmas is not just about gifts and lights and food and movies. I believe Christmas is a time to be thankful for all that you have,



think about what you could have had. I believe that it is about being close to the family. It is not only about buying gifts for those you love, but also for those who are less fortunate. Christmas to me is a time to share the warmth of your heart with others, and I would do anything just to see a person smile or to make a person’s day. This Christmas, as I am studying for an exam or buying or receiving a gift, I will keep in mind the true reasons for the season. W i l l you?

art by trent clanton


the northridge reporter december 17, 2010

Teacher talked about respect savannah mclaughlin staff writer

Attention. Salute. Pledge. Talk. Years ago, it would have seemed disrespectful for someone to remain seated, carrying on a conversation while the Pledge of Allegiance was being said, but nowadays that’s just the normal thing to do. I believe our generation is lazier and less respectful than the ones before us, especially Americans. If you Google the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance, you get pretty much the same thing. It is “a pledge to be loyal to your country.” I’m

sure the millions of people that have fought and died for this country would be disgusted with our generation.

Is ten seconds to pay a little Well, yeah, this is true, and respect for what they are dying for the great thing about America is too much to ask? having freedom to do what you Now that saying the Pledge of want, but why would anyone not Allegiance is optional, people are want to show respect for something just choosing not to. so significant? Some students don’t stand When I went to Tuscaloosa because they’re too Academy, I had a civics teacher lazy or because they’re and coach, Wayne Brantley. He right in the middle of always talked about things that talking would get I believe our him in a lot a b o u t generation is lazier and of trouble w h a t happened public less respectful than at l a s t school, which the ones before us, weekend. is mostly mclaughlin especially Americans. Some because he students may not even wasn’t afraid associate loyalty to to make our country with the his beliefs Pledge of Allegiance, so therefore known. they think it is just a pointless daily He spent a great deal of time routine. talking about amendments, the People who read this will symbolism of the American flag probably think “Why is and the significant meaning of the she making such a Pledge of Allegiance. big deal about He always made his students the Pledge of leave class feeling like they could Allegiance? change the world. J u s t His speeches are what pop in my b e c a u s e head every morning at 8:00 a.m. I don’t When my whole class is sitting say it and talking, I think back to some parts of his speeches. “This generation is full of lazy doesn’t and disrespectful people,” he said. mean I’m not loyal to my Is he right? country...”


your thoughts Want to make AYP? Try neighborhood schools

Lately in our school, many measures have been instituted by the administration centering on the issue of Adequate Yearly Progress [AYP]. There is growing concern over our continual failure to meet the standards set forth by it. These failures, however, have been marginal, but still cast a bad light upon the school’s reputation overall. Perhaps, the deficiency is not with our school’s educational output but the attitudes of some students which are quite adverse to learning in general. One step the city board should consider is not flooding Northridge with students from all over town as

opposed to more localized zoning. Our school is overflowing while Bryant High, a school built for around twelve hundred students, has little more than nine hundred enrolled and while Central runs a few hundred below its capacity. Many students live extremely short distances from these schools, yet are sent to Northridge. Why is this? Is the fact that we cannot even fit our entire student body into our gymnasium not a large enough red flag? If Northridge was relieved of this insensible burden and lotfi possessed localized school zones like other schools, the margin of failure that keeps AYP out of our grasp would be dissolved.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Heterosexual finds homophobia stupid, almost hilarious nick pappas entertainment editor The way I see it, the only reason the 17-year-old Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) policy is still in effect lies in the fact that people still find gay people, you know, kind of weird, maybe even scary. Even though there have been many attempts to repeal the plan that restricts openly gay men and women f r o m serving in the U.S. Military, including a

worldwide injunction from Judge Virginia A. Phillips calling to ignore the policy, thousands of citizens are being held from becoming soldiers. (Yes, there are that many gay people in the world, maybe even more!) In my AP U.S. History class, always a hotspot for debate, we were discussing DADT, and I heard some unsettling pappas opinions on the matter, most specifically: “If they choose to be gay, they should bunk

with the women.” I was shell shocked. (War reference, get it?) As a straight, young adult hoping to pursue a career in the predominately gay man’s profession of musical theater, I have met lots of completely “out” homosexuals. Those of you who are in complete support of DADT might be surprised to find out that they are pretty nice people, despite the oppression they have to face. And given the This o n Could e is gay. you te ll?

circumstances overseas, their sexual preference probably wouldn’t have an effect on anything when it comes down to defusing a bomb or surviving the war. My readers should also consider this: Why would anyone make a choice every day to be subjugated, insulted and hurt by millions of the U.S. population? The only problem I foresee tagging along with the repeal of DADT is abuse towards gay men and women who decide to openly serve in the military. In fact, a lot of t h e soldiers being “honorably” discharged from the

army as a result of the policy are only being found out because another soldier felt distressed and decided to report them to an officer. While I can’t say my personal pursuit of happiness would be disrupted if I was withheld from serving in the army, tons of people truly want to be a part of it, even gay people. I don’t think being uncomfortable about something like a person’s sexual preference should keep them from something like that.

art by zoey simpson



the northridge reporter december 17, 2010

Graduation rate needs improvement in brief

maddy ingram staff writer


raduation rate: 79 percent. That means about 59 of our 281 seniors will not be graduating. Jackie Hudgins, counselor, said the current graduation rate could be better. “There is always room for improvement,” she said. Hudgins said no student is exempt from the graduation rate, special needs or not. “The special needs students are not exempt, but they can earn different diplomas that

count against our graduation main reasons people do not graduate. rate,” she said. “Either Hudgins Students need to learn the student said to the importance of being h a s n ’t graduate in school, focusing on earned the you need number of 28 credits; getting their credits and required 16 core staying out of trouble. credits, classes, four ~ Jacqueline Hudgins, counselor t h e y required dropout electives before reaching graduation or and eight other electives. “Students need to learn the they don’t pass the required importance of being in school, parts of the graduation exam,” focusing on getting their credits she said. The school has added a bonus and staying out of trouble,” she period to improve graduation said. Hudgins said there are three rates.

“It will provide tutoring opportunities during the school day for students who wouldn’t normally be able to stay after school,” Hudgins said. Naz Syed, senior, doesn’t understand why people don’t graduate. “I don’t think the school should lower its standards to make the graduation rate seem better,” Syed said. She said while school isn’t challenging, AP courses are. “I’m not concerned about graduating, I just don’t think school is challenging,” she said.

Heavy backpacks can have serious side effects maia wade copy writer

Sore shoulders and an aching back is a familiar feeling, so Adrika Venkatanarayanan, senior, said. Her backpack weighs 20 pounds. “I have really bad posture now... I slouch when I sit, when I walk,” Venkatanarayanan said, her backpack sitting at her feet. Xantha McFarland, sophomore, said she has a similar story. Her backpack weighs 22 pounds. “My back starts hurting,” she said. McFarland’s backpack is jam-packed with textbooks and binders; a lot to carry, but only what she needs for any school day. Arti Pandey, physician, said there was a whole host of effects that a heavy

backpack might have on a young body: neck problems, spinal disfiguration, muscle fatigue, bad posture and soreness. Students wonder who to blame. “There aren’t enough supplies for schools... or the teachers [are at fault], I guess,” McFarland said. Venkatanarayanan said she thinks the school is to blame. “If we had lockers, it’d really reduce the amount of weight on my back,” she said. Pandey suggested rolling backpacks as a solution. She said teachers might administer fewer textbooks and perhaps students could “use computers, and do more of their work electronically.” Mallie Humber, teacher, said her students complain about the weight of their books, but the ratio of students to textbooks is what ultimately decides how much they have to carry.

“In my AP class, there’s enough [books] for [the students] to have one at home and one at school. But, if there aren’t enough, and they end up carrying a textbook back and forth, it’s really heavy; it doesn’t help that we don’t have lockers,” she said. Humber said the issue has come up in discussion amongst teachers. “I think it’s really hard on kids to carry everything around. It’s a shame we don’t have the money to get the books we need,” she said.

What pickled this frog,

Salvation Army starts Christmas charity through Angel Tree chelsea shepard staff writer This holiday season, someone somewhere in Tuscaloosa will not have a Christmas. Since Santa cannot come to everyone each year, the Salvation Army steps in. Marketing director Rebecca Royen said that every year from “November to December,” the Salvation Army gets together to help children whose parents cannot provide them with gifts this Christmas. “Salvation Army, a charity itself, has a program aside called the Angel Tree,” Royen said. The Angel Tree sits in front on the visitors’ center. On the side of the tree is a table consisting of two to three people from various organizations. Organizations like Focus, Teen Team and volunteers that sign up though the Salvation Army help out with the cause. Charles Johnson, volunteer from the Focus, said he’s been doing Angel Tree for “eight years.” “Before the cards would be hanging on the tree, now they set them on the table,” he said. Rhema Ross, sophomore, said this is her first time doing it since being on the Teen Team. “I’m not doing this just for points, but because it’s nice to help out others,” she said. Royen said this year has been “pretty slow” and that she hopes “before Dec. 11” it will pick up.

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the northridge reporter december 17, 2010



Twister 10 years later, tornados remain present and dangerous Talk brooke houston staff writer “The night of April 3, 1974 I was dispatched north to Jasper to help in the relief agencies in Birmingham. I saw many people coming into the emergency department with severe, life-threatening injuries from a major tornado outbreak that night,” James Spann, chief meteorologist of ABC 33/40, said. Spann urges people to come up with an emergency plan in the case that a tornado is eminent. Tornados are not to be doubted in power. Some people believe that the weakest of tornados should not be feared. “Even an EF-0 tornado can be life-threatening. Winds with the “weaker” tornadoes can blow a car off the road and knock a tree into a house,” Spann said. There is a scale that measures the strength of tornados called the EF (Enhanced Fujita) scale. The scale ranges from an EF- 0 (weakest) to an EF5 (strongest). In addition to the EF scale, the visibility of the tornado is also a very large contributing factor. For example, Spann said that some tornados are rain wrapped and very difficult to see and others may be clearly visible. “Lately there have been a lot of false alarms in Tuscaloosa, so I am worried that people are not as concerned as they need to be,” Clifton Baker, senior, said. Baker said that his family has designated a hallway towards the middle of their house that does not have any windows for

compiled by renu pandit photos by zoey simpson

tornado warnings. Spann said that in a house, the best place to take cover for a tornado is in a small, windowless, downstairs room in the middle of the house. “I think it is a good idea to have a NOAA weather radio,” Corbitt White, senior, said. A NOAA weather radio is battery powered, so it will still deliver messages even when the power is out, and it is portable. Spann said, “The best way [of getting tornado warnings] is a NOAA Weather Radio. Every Alabama home and business needs one; you should never rely on an outdoor warning siren. They are very ineffective, and you can’t hear them in buildings.” There are two distinct seasons for tornados. One of the seasons consists of the months of March, April and May, and the other season includes the months of November and December. Tornados can form at any time of the year but Spann said the most activity occurs in those months. Spann said that there is an average of 25 tornados in Alabama per year. For those of you who lived in Tuscaloosa in 2000, you may remember the devastating Dec. 16 tornado. Spann said the death toll of the tornado was 11 people. Spann urges people to come up with a plan as soon as possible if you do not already have one. We are coming up on the anniversary of the December 2000 tornado, and Spann said he wants everyone to be safe during this tornado season and take every necessary precaution.

What do you think about during a tornado warning? “I’m not scared because I’ve been through it so many times.” Amanda Taylor, sophomore

What’s the scariest thing about tornados? “The damage is the scariest thing.” Charles Hurst, freshman

What do you think about during a tornado warning? “I don’t really think. I just go with the flow.” Carrie Nguyen, junior

Do you remember the Dec. 2000 tornado? “Yes, I helped clean up after it.” Maggie Snead, junior

art by trent clanton

“Passion for automotives” leads Olvera to be “model student” in male-oriented class james roberts staff writer


ourdes Olvera, senior, is a female student in a class that is generally considered to be male-oriented: automotive tech. Olvera said she originally wanted to be in archaeology, but enjoyed watching her father fixing his car. She soon began asking

him questions on what part he was my passion for automotives,” she said. fixing and what it does. S h e “When is now I entered the most high school, advanced I saw there student was an and a automotivemodel tech class, photo by brooke houston student in so I decided Lourdes Olvera, senior, works on a car. to try it, and since then I discovered her class, sRonnie Phillips, auto-

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tech teacher, said. “I am very proud of Lourdes and the things she has and will accomplish,” he said. If she eventually becomes an auto mechanic, she will join a predominately male-oriented line of work. Women make up just 10,000 of the nation’s 621,000 auto service technicians and mechanics, according to 2009

federal statistics. Olvera said that it can be awkward to be the most advanced out of all her classmates because the teacher “expects her to teach the class sometimes.” “I see no difference [between a male-oriented class and a femaleoriented class] because a class is a class, and you’re there to learn,” she said, “and of course, have fun.”

University gives young writers opportunities regan walker sports editor

The University of Alabama Creative Writing Club is a free after-school program for Tuscaloosa-area high school students interested in creative writing. Katy Berger, Creative Writing Club assistant director, said that the club is taught by graduate students from the University of

Alabama’s Master of Fine Arts program. “[The Creative Writing Club] gives young writers the opportunity to work closely with published writers,” Berger said. The Spring 2011 Creative Writing Club will be held Wednesdays from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. from January 26 to April 27. “[To join], the student must have a love for writing and in interest in exploring new types of writing,” Berger said.



the northridge reporter december 17, 2010

Teen moms balance present and future weeks and $10 to $30 dollars a month in medicine,” Davis said. Davis said that being a pregnant teen wasn’t difficult for her. It’s 5:30 in the morning and Niesha Vanhorn, senior, “I did the normal things that any teen did, married or is up to getting her and her daughter Amari ready for not,” Davis said. “And I didn’t care about what people the day. thought about me because I knew they weren’t going to “[After I get me and Amari dressed] I walk to the bus be supporting me.” stop to go to school,” Vanhorn said. Davis said she has been through a lot of physical After school Vanhorn said she goes to band practice, changes becoming a teen mom. and after band practice she goes to work. “I don’t get any sleep, I’ve lost weight and I even “I get off work at nine p.m., and then I go home, give have migraines,” Davis said. Amari a bath and I play with her for a while after that,” She said she has undergone mental changes becoming Vanhorn said. a teen mom too. She said her family is very supportive of her and that “I have matured a lot; I do my best in everything everyone in her family pitches in. now because another life depends on me. I don’t take “I was mad at first when Amari’s dad didn’t help me anything for granted, and I put my son first in everything take care of her, but now I just play the role of mom and I do” Davis said. dad,” Vanhorn said. Porchia Tartt, freshman, said she went through a lot She said Amari inspires her to do her best in of pressure during her transition from a normal teenager everything. to becoming a teen mom. “I want her to be smarter than me and to make better Tartt gave a speech in her class about the statistics of decisions than I made,” Vanhorn said. teen moms, including one stating that daughters of teen She said even though she hasn’t made the best moms are more likely to have decisions, her dreams and goals kids while they are teens too. aren’t crushed. Tartt said she is not worried “Just means I have to work At first I was scared [when I found about her daughter Jermeria harder to achieve my dreams,” out I was pregnant],” Tartt said. “I though. Vanhorn said. didn’t know how people would react “I’m going to talk to It’s 5 a.m., and junior Ashanti or if I would fit in with my friends. [Jermeria] and tell her why Davis has already been waking ~ Porchia Tart freshman not to became a teen mom,” up throughout the night, but she Tartt said. “I hurt my family has to get her and her son Von Jr. and my dad didn’t want to be ready for the day. there for me.” “[I have to get up that early because] it takes so much Tartt said her initial reaction to her pregnancy was to get both of us ready, and I can’t be late for school,” one of fear. Davis said. “At first I was scared [when I found out I was She said her family is very supportive of her. pregnant],” Tartt said. “I didn’t know how people “[My family] knows how being a teen mom is a would react or if I would fit in with my friends.” challenge, so they help me out financially and even Tartt said she has developed a new attitude about the more emotionally,” Davis said. situation. She said her son inspires her to do well in life and to “I feel like God put my daughter Jermeria here for a show him things her parents never taught her. reason,” Tartt said. “That’s all I think about.” “[I am going to] lead by example, so he can go on Lauren Long, head of the Teen Mom Organization, and succeed and do great things,” Davis said. goes around to four different local high schools to work Davis said she faces a lot of challenges and difficulties with teen moms. being a teen mom. “[The Teen Mom Organization provides] support “[Time is a problem.] I don’t have enough time in group meetings, mentoring, emotional and spiritual the day to do school work or consistently be on time support and connects moms to local agencies for to school since daycare doesn’t open until 7:30 in the moms.” morning.” Long said the organization also provides monthly Davis said she wants to go to college at Alabama A activities and events for moms and their children, and M, but it would be very difficult for her to do. weekly Bible study and physical resources such as “I don’t know anyone in Huntsville, and I have to diapers, clothing and other items for babies. have someone to watch Jr. while I go to classes and Long said she gives all teen moms the same advice. work,” Davis said. “Don’t give up,” Long said. “Just because you have Davis said she’s not able to set aside money for had a child [young] does not mean you have to give up herself because there is always something that her son on your dreams. Continue to pursue your dreams for a needs. brighter future for you and your child.” “His daycare ranges from $360 to $400 a month, he goes through around 100 diapers every two and half

regan walker sports editor

laine elliott beat editor “We’re so in love, we’ll be together forever.” This sentiment is often expressed by high school students in new relationships. Ashlin Shuttlesworth, sophomore, and Zach Adams, sophomore, said their relationship is “going great.”

“We get along really well,” Adams said. As she looks over at him and smiles, Shuttlesworth said, “We almost have too much in common.” They don’t say “I love you” yet because they’re not “mature enough,” Adams said. Mary Leigh Derry, freshman, and Taylor Goodall, sophomore, said they have been dating

“about three months now.” Derry said the “opposites attract” saying definitely applies to them. “We don’t have a lot of things in common, but that’s okay, it keeps things interesting,” Goodall said. “We say ‘I love you’ to each other, and I mean it. Even if it is new love,

it’s still love,” Derry said. Another new couple, Grace Tant and Owen Oneal, both seniors, have been dating for four months. “Owen and I don’t say ‘I love you’ yet. We don’t want to say it if we don’t mean it,” Tant said. “It’ll be difficult when we both graduate this year and go to different

schools, but we try not to think about it,” Oneal said. Students such as Vyt Puzinaskaus prefer not to date seriously in high school. “My last girlfriend and I had differences, so we broke up. Relationships are pointless in high school. It’s just a time to learn what to do and what not do,” he said.


the northridge reporter december 17, 2010

Hugs and kisses

“I love goi not awk ng to the mo vies beca wa use it’s and drin rd, and he bu k.” ys your popcorn Natalia


a go on place to ill ch e t a ri vo a it has “(My f t s because nd it’s not tha a Hooligan’ , t h a rt re o g ’s ollingsw the food -Joe H

) date is , nt e m o envir .” e iv ns pe x e senior

rt and foster beck compiled by: alexandra stewa design by: alex hauser






Let it die:

Too many sequels don’t just beat dead horse, they killed it in the first place

leather couch to discuss their experiences. Having one’s plot pulverized must be traumatizing, after all. The over-sequeling process starts with a decent movie that happens to be a hit with audiences. Hey, it might even gain a cult following. After the initial hype dies down, a follow-up appears. If the movie sinks, the fun ends here. For the successful, the torture continues with one money-drenched installment after another. The sequels in question are often of lesser quality than the original, but still make boatloads of cash. I usually continue to see the films in the hope that maybe this movie will be better, and perhaps live up to the original’s standard.

maia wade copy editor

I walked out of Cobb Hollywood 16 Cinemas feeling cheated after seeing Saw 3D, the seventh and final installment to the lucrative Saw franchise. It was exactly like its six predecessors. Furthermore, as the series’ plot (which, in my opinion, wasn’t half bad at the start) filtered through its visceral generations, it was reduced to the most basic moneymaking element: shock value. There was nothing else. Saw has joined the shivering, wretched group of films known as the oversequeled. Shrek, Nightmare on Elm Street, Free Willy, Star Wars all take their turns on the psychiatrist’s

the northridge reporter december 17, 2010

Voilà, it appears our Hollywoodian overlords have taken note of this whole false hope phenomenon. I always think to myself, “Maybe this one will be better... The first one was great, so why not this one?” So, the process continues, and the box office keeps getting the patronage of gullible moviegoers like myself. My wallet feels lighter and lighter until the dead horse that the movie producers were beating falls apart. I think the higher-ups in charge of movie production should know when to leave the horse alone. If the movie is already good, there’s a phrase they should keep in mind: “Quit while you’re ahead.”

Saw 7D:


Rocky Wins the Geriatric Championship

Indiana Jones and the Curse of Too Many Sequels

No Really, This is the Last One Yes! Fire drill! Squeek!




Buster! What’s wrong, dude?

Squeek! Squeek!


hh h


Most great films have stood alone. How could one ever make a sequel to The Shining? Roman Holiday? There are exceptions to the rule (think of The Godfather, The Blues Brothers). Nonetheless, lines must be drawn. The Godfather might not have maintained its flawless reputation had it been followed by six more parts. The Green Mile was not meant to have a second installment about the mouse’s migration to Alaska. To my dear film studios: though it may not benefit your wallets, exercise some moderation. You too can help protect your future brain-children from the horrors of oversequeling.

Buster! It wasn’t a real fire!


That’s why it’s called a fire drill!

Squeek! Squeek!



Shepard’s Liars piques interest foster beck staff writer

Sara Shepard has written an amazing book series. Pretty Little Liars made me paranoid and intrigued at the same time. It left me wondering what would happen next. Five friends have their annual sleepover at the end of their 7th grade year. Ali wanted to hypnotize her friends. So Aria, Emily, Spencer and Hanna sat in a circle as Ali started to close the curtains. Spencer shot up and started to open the curtains.

Ali said, “It has to be dark in here for this to work.” Spencer argued with her and told her to get out, so Ali left and Spencer ran after her, but she was gone. Three years later, the four are still grieving, and Ali is still missing. Eventually, some suspicious notes signed “A” come along. In the series, you should be prepared to expect the unexpected. You will want to read ahead, but you don’t want to ruin anything. You’ll never be able to guess what will happen; you’ll just have to read it to find out.

Illegal music provider shut down chelsea shepard staff writer

Music is a necessity in some people’s lives. Some people will even go as far as to get music illegally. They are willing to take the risk of being fined or serving jail time. Limewire was a program used for these purposes. It allowed people to download an endless amount of music for free. Crystal Rawls, senior, said “about 80%” of her music came from Limewire. She said, “Everyone I know used it.” It was the source of some people’s music endeavors for four years. On Oct. 28, Limewire received a court injunction, to shut down until further notice. Rawls said, “I was very disturbed, upset [and] sad. “I miss it,” she said. The court injunction was filed by the “music industry,” which consisted

of multiple record labels. Diamond Quarter, senior, said, “They had the right to shut it down.” She said, “[It was] costing artists money. People were going on Limewire to get songs instead of buying them.” She said, “Then again [if] I like one of your songs, I’m not going to buy the CD, so….. Limewire.” People who used this illegal program said they were irate and confused over the shutdown. This leaves people who used this program in an unfortunate predicament. Now where will they get their music for free? “They may have to just buy their music for now on,” Rawls said.



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the northridge reporter dcember 17, 2010


Mercedes Davis junior

Bublé’s concert bubbles with fun


Anondo Bannerjee senior

alexandra stewart staff writer

I could feel the excitement as I arrived in Nashville, looking around in amusement as snow fell. I knew it was going to be a great night. When we got to Nashville, we went to eat dinner. I was so excited I couldn’t eat. After many attempts to get tickets for one of his concerts, my mom and I had finally succeeded. When we pulled up to the Bridgestone Arena on Dec. 5, there was already a huge group of people waiting outside. Luckily, we got there in time, so we didn’t have to wait outside for long. This was great since it was snowing. Finally, after watching the opening act and waiting anxiously, the moment was upon us: Michael Bublé walked on stage, opening with “Cry Me a River.” I was so excited to finally see him and get to hear him sing. The concert was everything I had expected and more. He sang all of my favorite songs, and I was surprised by how funny he was. Bublé is an extremely talented singer, and I was very impressed by his ability. The way he could project his voice was incredible. At one point, he sang without a microphone. Everyone in the arena, which holds 17,113 people, could hear him. It was one of the best concerts I have ever been to, and I am glad I was given the chance to go, even though I got back late. When I got home at 3 a.m., I realized how thankful I am for snowy nights in Nashville, Michael Bublé’s concerts and a wonderful mother to see them with.

photo illustrations by kate davis In the senior courtyard, Clifton Baker, senior, Jared Lotfi, sophomore, Adrika Venkatanarayanan, senior, Katie Manos, senior, and Teddy McMullen, junior, whip their hair back and forth. Lynn Kyle sophomore

Jack Aured sophomore


Ten-year-old Smith whips her hair back and forth claire nicholson staff writer

“I WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH! I WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH!” This is the beginning of ten-year-old Willow Camille Reign Smith’s hit debut single. Willow Smith, daughter of award winning actors Will and Jada Pinkett-Smith, is the youngest solo artist in history to make #11 on the Billboard Top 100.

If you haven’t already heard this song’s upbeat tempo, which is sure to keep you dancing and singing, then you are missing out on something that will stay in your head for the rest of the day in that good kind of way. Some may feel the song and video is repetitive and pointless, but I think both the song and video reflect her age and is appropriate for a ten year old. If you think about it, would you really want a talented ten-year-old girl like her to sing about drugs, sex and violence? Or her hair?

The video itself is original. In the video Willow dips her hair in paint and whips it around in a white room. Then she breaks out in a series of different dances, which her brother Jaden Smith is featured in, along with a step routine. I think the song is addictive, and the video is colorful and creative. I really think Willow Smith will go far in her career, just like her parents. -And remember “No matter if it’s long, short, do it, do it, whip your hair!”

High schoolers, marines, older people still enjoy spongebob savanna mclaughlin staff writer “Spongebob Squarepants,” a Nickelodeon show that has now been running for seven seasons, focuses on a sea sponge’s adventures in a fictional underwater town called Bikini Bottom. The show, considered by some a children’s show, still interests some teens and even people past high school. Clifton Baker, senior, said the jokes in the show aren’t limited to just one age group. “Spongebob has humor that appeals to all ages and some things you don’t even pick up on until you’re older,” Baker said. U.S. marine staff sergeant Robert Jones, aged 24, came to visit the school. He said he uses Spongebob to remember his childhood. “You never get too old for Spongebob because you got to stay young at heart, right?” Jones said. Jerret McElwain, freshman, said he thinks SpongeBob is not a show people get too

old for, but instead, a show that has gotten repetitive and boring. “I just stopped watching it in fourth grade because the episodes were all a bunch of reruns,” he said. In 2004, there was a controversy about the possibility of Spongebob being gay. Nick Coleman, freshman, said he believes this is true. “Spongebob is a sissy because he’s always with Patrick playing,” Coleman said. He said with age, you stop seeing the show as just a funny cartoon and you start noticing other things. “It’s all okay when you’re like five or six but at fifteen and sixteen, you begin to wonder about their sexuality,” he said. “I mean how old is Spongebob anyways?” However, Matthew Langston, freshman, said that sort of speculation doesn’t matter. “The show just never gets old. Some friends and I were actually just talking about an episode a minute ago. I mean who doesn’t love a talking sponge,” he said.

Do you think SpongeBob is for all ages? 31 Yes 19 No

= 10 students compiled by madison frazer infographic by nick pappas

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the northridge reporter december 17, 2010

Hit, shoot, run

Arnold put lacrosse on the map

Arnold said he has to drive about one hour if traffic is good to Hoover to practice or play. “Practice is every day, and it is about three Running down the field, he jukes, gets hit hours, and the games are two hours long, and then shoots. David Arnold uses strategies and they are about once or twice a week,” from every sport to play his sport, lacrosse. Arnold said. Arnold said he likes to play lacrosse Arnold practices at because it is a mixture Hoover High School and between every sport. plays at high schools around “I hit like football, the state. shoot like basketball “I play on the Hoover team and run like soccer,” January through March, and Arnold said. then on the Bama Lax high Arnold got into school all-star team summer lacrosse because of and fall,” Arnold said. his grandfather who Arnold said that he used taught him everything to play on the Homewood he knows now. team, but he now plays on “He taught me four higher level teams. photo by sami story years ago, when I was Arnold “It is cool because I play 11,” Arnold said. on a team of all seniors, and He said it’s sad I start and play attack which now because he passed away and didn’t see is like striker in soccer,” Arnold said. many games. His short term goals are to score goals and Jackson Wilburn, Arnold’s best friend, to win every game that he can. said that while he shoots basketball, Arnold “Someday, I want to play college, then go shoots lacrosse in the backyard. pro, and then I want to coach and help kids “David is really good, but lacrosse doesn’t become really good and encourage lacrosse interest me, and I wouldn’t want to play in Alabama,” Arnold said. competitively,” Wilburn said. madison frazer staff writer

Martin demonstrates a ballet move in the hallway.

photo by anu pandit

‘I do dance’ Martin and Steiner dance around at school and in ballet classes renu pandit copy editor

Mallory Steiner, freshman, and Marianne Martin, freshman, bend over and tie up their pink ballet shoes. They talk to each other for a while, and then begin to stretch. When the music starts, they stand up and begin to dance. Steiner has been dancing since she was five years old, and Martin has been dancing since she was three. “I had a lot of energy, and I needed something to do,” Steiner said. Steiner and Martin dance at The Academy of Ballet and Jazz (ABJ). “Mallory and I do ballet, jazz, hip-hop, contemporary, tap and company,” Martin said. Steiner said she does those types of dance because they are required for company

members, and because “they’re lots of fun.” Steiner and Martin dance from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays, and from 3:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Thursdays. “We occasionally dance on weekends,” Steiner said. Martin said she likes dancing because it keeps her in shape. “I’m also glad I can say ‘I do dance’ when people ask me what I do for fun,” Martin said. Martin and Steiner said it’s hard to balance dancing and school. “It’s especially difficult around competitions and recitals,” Steiner said. Martin said that she loves dancing at recitals. “They’re so much fun,” she said. “A lot of work goes into them. This year, the company

costumes are going to be handmade,” she said. Martin said the only problem with recitals and competitions is that there are a lot of late practices. “Dance takes up so much time that it’s sometimes hard to get the energy to do my homework,” Steiner said. Jamie Tarbox is Martin and Steiner’s dance teacher. Tarbox said Martin and Steiner are very dedicated to dance. “Marianne works very hard in the classroom, but lets her bubbly personality shine through often which always makes me smile. She never complains,” Tarbox said. “Mallory knows the meaning of the phrase ‘work hard, play hard,’ which is one of her best qualities as a dance student. When she’s inside the classroom she knows it’s time to focus.”



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Love for running

Runner recovers from hip fracture maddy ingram staff writer Jessica Procter started track because she’s “always liked running.” Too bad she can’t run. “Well, this track season, I fractured both my hips, and tore my IT band [muscle], which is near my knee, so now I’m not allowed to run.” Procter had been doing track for three years. “When I fractured my left hip, it hurt really badly. I was crying. Then the right one happened over time, so I didn’t notice as much. Courtland Wells, senior, who does track with Jessica, said she is a hard worker. “I think she worked really hard to get to

where she is, and it’s sad that she doesn’t get to do track for a while,” Wells said. Procter was supposed to wait to run for two weeks for each hip. “That was when I tore my IT band, and I had to wait ten more weeks to run again,” she said. Procter attended track every day she could with a goal of getting to state. “I was out of track for twelve weeks, so I missed sectionals, state and other meets,” she said. “It’s really disappointing because I would’ve gone to state for high jump.” Doff Procter, Jessica’s father, said he thinks it is a good sport for her. “It is more about her competing against [herself] and improving. She is very self motivated,” Procter said. “I think she is very dedicated.”

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the northridge reporter december 17, 2010

Pound the mat

New wrestling coach sets high standard maddy ingram staff writer

An average day at wrestling practice starts off with warm-ups, drills, running and live wrestling. Vyt Puzinauskas, sophomore, who has been wrestling since he was four years old, said he thinks wrestling is the hardest sport. “I’ve loved wrestling since I was little,” Puzinauskas said. “My favorite part about the sport is probably winning. Winning is always good.” Don McNabb, wrestling coach, has never coached wrestling before but has coached other sports for 34 years. “I’ve always been interested in wrestling. I just never had the opportunity to coach it, so when I saw the opportunity I took

it,” McNabb said. “My goal this year is to have a wrestler in each weight class. Next year, I’d like to have our first on campus match.” He said he chose to coach because it gives him an opportunity to stay close to the students once football season is over. McNabb has coached football, baseball and basketball. “I like the interaction with the students and trying to make them as good as they can be,” McNabb said. Whit Chambers, junior, who has been wrestling for three years, said wrestling is a fun, competitive sport and is a great way to stay in shape. “My favorite part of wrestling is when I pin someone. I feel dominant, and it gives me a feeling of accomplishment,” Chambers said.

“People are way more dedicated. We also have a great new coach that puts all his time into [the team].” Sophomore Vyt Puzinauskas

“We seem more motivated. Everyone’s having more fun.” Senior Dedric Stewart

“[This year], there are a lot more people on the team.” Junior Ty Brock

“We are better coached, and we understand the sport better.” Senior Ryan Buffer

Weight Classes for Wrestling

•0-103 lbs •103-112 lbs •112-119 lbs •125-130 lbs •130-135 lbs •135-140 lbs •140-145 lbs

•145-152 lbs •152-160 lbs •160-171 lbs •171-180 lbs •180-189 lbs •189-215 lbs •215-275 lbs



Swim team comes together Freshmen make sacrifices to swim for school

renu pandit staff writer

“Swimmers take your mark...,” the official said. His words are followed by a loud beep and eight swimmers immediately dive into the water. Martha Kate Mullins, freshman, has been swimming for seven years. “I like swimming because it’s really demanding. If you don’t practice, you don’t do good,” Mullins said. Mullins swims with the Crimson Tide Aquatics at the aquatic center on campus. “I swim three to four times a week, usually on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays after school,” Mullins said. “I stay there from 5:00 to 7:15 p.m.” Mullins said her favorite thing about swimming is that it’s an individual sport. “You work together as a team, but when you get up on the block it’s not about your team. It’s about how well you do once you get in the water,” Mullins said. Mullins said that to be

succesful at swimming she has to be responsible with her time, which means sacrificing going out with friends for practice. “I have to balance my social activities with my swimming, “ Mullins said.

“I also teach kids in the summer,” Mullins said. She said that she loves teaching kids and watching them get good over the years. “It’s great when they join the team,” Mullins said.

There have been plenty of times when I couldn’t go to the movies with my friends because I had to practice.

~ Martha Kate Mullins, freshman “There have been plenty of times when I couldn’t go to the movies with my friends because I had to practice,” she said. Mullins said that she also competes in swim meets. “Swim meets are fun; we practice as a team before we swim, and then we keep up with what event is taking place. When it’s our turn we go line up,” Mullins said. Mullins said her favorite event is 200 free, which is when you swim 200 yards freestyle.

Kaitlyn Duren, freshman, said she swims with Mullins. “Martha Kate’s a great swimmer; it’s really nice to have her on the team,” Duren said. “She always encourages us, and she makes practice fun.” Neal Mullins, Martha’s father, said Martha is truly dedicated to swimming. “I was very proud of her when she was swimming at a meet and her goggles fell off in the middle of the pool, but she just kept swimming,” Neal said.

McNeil strives to excel, desires role model sami story staff writer

McNeil said it’s not exciting being one of the only female runners. “I feel I have to try harder because there is no other girl in high school I can look up Kelsey McNeil, sophomore, is one of only to,” McNeil said. two girls on the cross country team. Sparks said that “I feel I have I feel I have to try harder McNeil has improved to try harder since her freshman because there because there is no other year. is no other girl girl in high school I can “She’s very good in high school with pain,” he said. I can look up look up to. McNeil said they to,” she said. ~ Kelsey McNeil, sophomore practice around four Jeff Sparks, times a week track coach, “It makes me feel said McNeil is like I’ve gotten something accomplished,” a hard worker and is very dedicated. she said. Sparks said “she needs more support.”

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the northridge reporter december 17, 2010

What makes someone RATCHET?

“Being sloppy, dirty, and wearing too many colored weaves in your hair.” Brittany Spencer, sophomore

“Being loud, talking too much, having stains all over your clothes.” Kailin Mills, freshman

When your clothes smell and are way too big or way too small, and you look messy, then you’re ratchet.” Damion Childress, senior

Words can’t hurt you

the beat

Slang word assimilates into teenage vocabulary

destiny stewart staff writer

“Our freshmen are ratchet,” Jamie Rogers, senior, said, “Just kidding,” she later said. “I heard that the word is actually supposed to be wretched, but our generation just says it wrong,” Rogers said. “I think the people who are loud in public for no apparent reason and the people who run towards fights are beyond ratchet,” Rogers said. Terica Billups, senior, said, “Ratchet is the need for attention” while Kendall Shaw, senior, said ratchet is the “state of being out of control.” Wright said that “the appropriate term is illmannered or uncivilized, but since many students don’t understand those words, we use ratchet.” Wright said that she is occasionally ratchet. “I like to think I rise to a higher level of ratchetness,” she said. Carrie Nguyen, junior, said the word ratchet is becoming so common that students don’t think of it as slang. We hear this word everyday, so it’s only natural that it becomes a part of our everyday language; however, there are some limitations. If you are ratchet, then you shouldn’t even think about calling someone else ratchet until you get it together she said.

OMG! They are SO RATCHET! Have you ever wondered what this word really means? Some people describe it as a nice way to be mean. Donna Wright, drama teacher, said it described somebody who looks extremely rough or who has no home training. “[I classify] wildly ill mannered kids as ratchet,” she said. Cody Harris, sophomore, said he thinks that “being ratchet is more of how you present yourself” “[I use the word ratchet] more to correct someone. I think it’s strong constructive criticism. If you’re ratchet, then fix it,” Harris said. So is “ratchet” a disease you can catch? “Yes, because so often [teens] won’t fit in, and if they are around people who are ratchet, they’re inspired to be ratchet. There are people who behave in one class, but then in the next class they’re a completely different person,” art by anu pandit Wright said.

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If someone’s ratchet, they’re dressed like a bum!

Paige Ware, senior

Which school is the most ratchet?





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