The upper school boys varsity basketball team break school records by advancing to CCS Finals and CIF Championships for the first time in school history.
Fyre Festival was much less than a festival, and now with the creator in jail, Netflix and Hulu have released dueling docs to reveal the true damage.
With so many students celebrating Chinese New Year, should Nueva take the day off to allow for adequate celebrations with family and friends?
If you won an Oscar, who would you thank in your speech? We asked the community for their opinions on the question.
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The Nueva Current
Volume 2, Issue 4
131 E. 28th Ave. San Mateo, CA 94403 @thenuevacurrent The Official Student Newspaper of The Nueva School
Photo by Jordan M.
FEBRUARY 27, 2019
p. 24
Taking Flight
The journey to college: how we talk and act about the post-secondary process
Gitika P. In the fall of 2016, a dozen members of the Upper School’s founding class gathered in Emily Ross’s (‘17) living room to talk strategy. Their task? Establishing—and hopefully demystifying—the postsecondary culture for a community that had never experienced one. The College Wellness Task Force emerged later that day, analogizing their experience to flights, complete with a Lufthansa-style safety demonstration video and related safety card. The task force, made up entirely of seniors,
also created the Relaxation Elves of the Postsecondary Process (REPPer) Program, a partnership between juniors and seniors aimed at fostering de-stressing activities and mutual support. Three years later, these efforts have largely faded from memory. As Nueva prepares to send its third class of seniors to elite institutions, it is worth exploring whether any of its original postsecondary customs remain. Administration and faculty members are increasingly concerned about
“It was a way for us seniors to take some control back in a particularly uncontrolled period in our lives.” VARUN MEHTA ('17)
Concerned over climate change, students seize the spotlight in viral video Bay Area youths debate with Senator Dianne Feinstein about the Green New Deal Beatrice S. In a video that went viral late last week, a group of children and teens held a handwritten letter urging Senator Dianne Feinstein to support the Green New Deal, a 10-year proposal to mitigate climate change through renewable energy, economic reform, and social justice. The group, which was comprised of members from the Youth vs. Apocalypse (YVA), Earth Guardians, and the Sunrise Movement met with Sen. Feinstein at her San Francisco office on Friday, Feb. 22. The video shows Sen. Feinstein becoming agitated at the group’s questioning, at one point saying “I've been doing this for 30 years. I know what I'm
doing. You come in here and you say, 'It has to be my way or the highway.' I don't respond to that...I've gotten elected. I just ran. I was elected by almost a million-vote plurality, and I know what I'm doing. So, you know, maybe people should listen a little bit.” The video currently has a cumulative 9 million views and counting and has been written about by The New Yorker, Fox News, CNN, The Atlantic, and more. Seniors Gitika P. and Celia M. have been members of Youth vs. Apocalypse since early January. They have attended protests, teachins, and even met with members of Nancy Pelosi’s staff. CONTINUED ON PAGE 7
becoming a college-prep school, while students and parents want more information and time devoted to the process. Is it possible to find a culture that works for everyone? The founding class attempted to do just this. Beyond forming a mutual pact about admissions discussions—something every Science of Mind (SOM) class does in the 11th and 12th grade— they shared their norms in an all-school assembly. While it may not have seemed relevant to most students or faculty, Varun Mehta (‘17) believes it was
important for the whole school to see. “With such a small, tight-knit community, lots of potentially awkward conversations were hanging around every corner,” he says. “It was a way for us seniors to take some control back in a particularly uncontrolled period in our lives.” While it was difficult to prevent intrusive questions from visitors, they felt empowered and compelled to put an end to such behavior within the community. CONTINUED ON PAGE 12