The Nueva Current | February 2022

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131 E. 28TH AVE. SAN MATEO, CA 94403

Student Standoff: Should the upper school relax the mask mandate?

Steel drum band performs with worldfamous calypsonians




Chinese 510 Advanced Research class curates social justice art installation PAGE 4

OPINION Amy Coney Barett shouldn't rule on the Roe v. Wade repeal

Deebo Samuel is the San Francisco 49er’s star wide receiver



CURRENT FEB. 18, 2022 | VOL. 5, ISS. 4

Grappling with teacher turnover

Upper school community adapts to an atypical spate of mid-year departures STORY ANISHA K. ART STEPHANIE S.

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It's not rocket science... oh wait, it is


Sophomores Logan R. and Alyse G-M start Rocket Club, American Rocketry Challenge their goal


PREPARE FOR BLASTOFF Members of Rocket Club prep their rocket for their first-ever test launch at Snow Ranch, a regulated launch site in Central Valley.

hat started as a group text to his freshman COVID-19 cohort has now turned into a multi-member competitive club launching a 2-foot rocket 800 feet into the air. In his first message, Logan R. ’24 hoped to gauge interest surrounding a space club and when Alyse G-M ’24 responded by expressing her desire to start an aerospace club, the two saw the overlap and opportunity to collaborate. Logan, whose love of rocketry stemmed from watching things “go really high and explode,” and Alyse, whose Star Trek obsession progressed into one of aerospace in general, became the co-leads of Rocket Club. The 10 person club is currently working to produce an operative rocket for The American Rocketry Challenge— the world’s largest middle and high school rocket contest with nearly 5,000 students nationwide competing each year. Teams have the opportunity to win up to $20,000 and receive up to $1,000 for their school. John Feland, the club’s past faculty adviser, encouraged the club to register

for the competition at the beginning of the 2021 school year after guiding the upper school rocket club through the challenge in 2017—the last time Nueva participated in the competition. “I think after all those seniors graduated the club didn't exist anymore,” Logan said, reflecting on the school’s formerly consistent participation. “It's really great to be reviving a Nueva tradition.” Now advised by I-Lab Engineer Rob Zomber, their team, Mission Maverick, meets at least twice per week in the I-lab to design, fabricate, simulate, and iterate their rocket. Zomber has been crucial in the club’s development through providing connections to people in the rocketry field—like his rocket scientist brother-inlaw—and is someone the team believes they can rely upon. In addition to gaining valuable insights from experts and mentors, Alyse remarked on the team’s internal growth. “Everyone has learned a lot about how to be self-motivated, how to structure club time, how to plan ahead, and how we

can move forward to hopefully qualify,” she said. In order for the team to be one of the 100 that qualify for the national competition in Virginia on May 14, they must pass a qualification launch by April 4 in which their rocket is fully functional and safe. They hope to have around four practice launches before the qualifying one to sort out any defects in their product. On Feb. 5, the club drove two and a half hours to Snow Ranch, a regulated launch site in Central Valley, for their first ever test-launch. “You could feel the tension on the drive over,” Alyse said. “At Nueva, we can test the various parts of the rocket and run simulations, but it’s practically impossible to know exactly how it will work when the time comes to actually test it.”

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