November 20, 1016

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The Oberlin Review


Local News Bulletin News briefs from the past week Group Holds Human Trafficking Awareness Fundraiser Project Unbound, a student group that raises awareness of the threat of human trafficking, will hold a Voices Against Human Trafficking fundraiser tonight at 8 p.m. at the Cat in the Cream. The event will include performances, trivia, music and speeches by student activists. The money collected from this event will be donated to the Human Trafficking Collaborative of Lorain County to support and provide aid in its fight against trafficking in the Lorain County area. According to College sophomore and Project Unbound member Sarah Blum, Toledo, Ohio — less than a hundred miles from Oberlin — has the highest per capita rate of human trafficking in the country. Students Petition A-House Dining Students in the Afrikan Heritage House are circulating a petition calling for higher quality food and more options at the residence hall’s cafeteria. The students also questioned Bon Appétit’s labor practices and asked that the dining hall utilize the skills of the chefs instead of relying on Bon Appétit recipes. “It is obvious from the food that’s been served over the past two years that there are no Black recipes in Bon Appetit’s approved list of meals, ” the petition states. Group Covers Trail Costs Oberlin City Council received $5,000 in donations from the Silver Wheels Cycling Club to improve the city’s section of the North Coast Inland Trail. The sizable donation, the largest sum of money the group has ever given, is intended to improve parts of the bike trail where the pavement is decaying and tree roots are posing a threat to cyclists.



Students Ticketed by State Police at ’Sco Louis Krauss Staff Writer College sophomore Alizah Simon unsuspectingly encountered undercover state police officers outside the ’Sco on Friday night. For carrying a Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, Simon was confronted and ticketed by the two officers for underage drinking. “I was with my friends, but I was the only one carrying beer,” Simon said. “Two big burly guys in snapback hats were standing along the ramp smoking cigarettes and said, ‘We’re state police, do you have your ID?’” After finding that Simon was 19, the officers flashed their badges and led her up Woodland Street to an unmarked police car, where they issued a ticket and took a sample of her beer as evidence. Simon was one of three students ticketed for underage drinking. Simon’s friends were initially confused and asked the men to prove they were officers. “They showed us their gun and handcuffs to prove it, and it was just this long process of going over the implications of being caught underage,” Simon said. While the punishment for underage drinking can be as severe as six months in prison and a $1,000 fine, first-time offenders are much more likely to receive community service or online classes as punishment. The officers were from the Ohio

Investigative Unit, a group of exclusively undercover state police officers managed by Agent in Charge Greg Croft. The unit’s operations are based in Cleveland and cover much of the Northeast Ohio area. “Basically it was a random thing,” Croft said. “My guys were driving through town and noticed youthful people carrying alcohol on the sidewalks. To be honest, we didn’t know there was a bar in there. They did a walkthrough in the bar, didn’t notice any underage drinkers in the bar, but did ticket three students outside.” While Croft and Dean of Students Eric Estes both stated that no one notified the College prior to the incident, Safety and Security Assistant Director Clif Barnes said they interacted with the state police officers “very briefly.” According to Barnes, this incident marks the first time in years that undercover police have visited Oberlin. Since Oberlin is traditionally a laidback campus that generally doesn’t punish or investigate students for underage drinking, Simon said she was very surprised by the incident. “It felt really arbitrary. It’s a college campus, obviously kids are going to be drinking underage,” Simon said. “If you’re state police, don’t you have something better to do? The ’Sco always felt like a safe place to be casually drinking, so I’ve been a little on edge all week.” According to Croft, his team

College senior Shea Renusch drinks a beer outside the ’Sco Thursday. Police ticketed three students for underage drinking last Friday. Benjamin Shepherd, Photo editor

spends much more time investigating areas around Cleveland for illegal drug usage along with underage drinking. He said it was just coincidence they were there. “Going to Oberlin College is not a priority for me,” Croft said. “I don’t see a crazy underage consumption issue, but that doesn’t mean we won’t be back next month. It’s all either complaint driven or, in this case, random investigation driven.” Some students, like College senior and Student Senate Liaison Megs Bautista, said that Safety and Security should have done more to prevent the police from investigating students. “If [the College is] looking to be proactive in student safety, they

Community Funds Scholarship for Undocumented Students Leila Miller After sustained student activism, the College is beginning to develop resources for undocumented students, who often face financial and emotional strain and require more institutional support than those who are documented. Sophomore Zury Gutierrez-Avila, co-chair of Obies for Undocumented Inclusion, said that the school currently lacks the community support and education for undocumented students to feel comfortable on campus. “A lot of people see immigration and undocumented issues as hypothetical,” she said. “It’s a very untalked-about issue. There isn’t really a place where undocumented students can go.” This may be starting to change. In September, Oberlin announced a partnership with Golden Door Scholars, a nonprofit that provides

financial aid to undocumented undergraduate students with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status, a policy that exempts undocumented immigrants who arrived in the United States before age 16 from deportation. A faculty-sponsored Winter Term this year will focus on researching the resources available for undocumented students at other liberal arts colleges and possible policies for Oberlin. A crowdfunding campaign organized by students and the Office of Development to fund a scholarship for undocumented students is around $8,000 away from the $50,000 it needs to be endowed. Endowed funds exist in perpetuity. Responding to rising student activism over the last few years, Julio Reyes, the Latinx community coordinator at the Multicultural Resource Center, has pushed for administrative support for undocumented students. “They are worried about the constant fear of being detained and

asked for identification,” Reyes said. “Being at Oberlin offers some kind of safety net, but [the fear] is still there. Navigating the challenges of college if you’re thinking of your parents being deported adds an extra layer of tension.” In addition to bringing speakers to campus, Reyes helped facilitate a meeting in October for faculty and staff from the divisions of student life to discuss ways to offer support. According to Reyes, clear access to resources prevents students from having to drop hints about their status in order to receive help. “It invites people to find different allies, even if they don’t want to disclose their identity or status,” he said. Undocumented students, regardless of their DACA status, are not eligible for federal financial aid and in many states, including Ohio, may not pay in-state tuition at public universities. Last year, Oberlin changed its admissions policy to consider un-

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documented students as domestic, rather than international, applicants. However, in an article by Oberlin Communications staff, administrators held that, in practice, they already had been treating undocumented applicants as domestic students. According to Vice President and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid Debra Chermonte, Oberlin, in partnership with Golden Door Scholars, may offer up to two scholarships a year to undocumented students with DACA status, starting with this year’s applicants. Once students are admitted to Golden Door Scholars program, they can apply to one of its partner schools. GDS will provide two scholarships of $7,500 each per year, and Oberlin plans to fully meet demonstrated financial need. “One of the outcomes as a partner with GDS is to establish a small cohort of undocumented students over See Undocumented, page 4

on the

Smoking Hot The College assessed tobacco ban implementation strategies for this summer.

should’ve stepped up and had S&S officers intervene before the officers showed up, because now they’re wrapped up in all this legal bullshit,” Bautista said. “I find these manipulative and coercive tactics extremely unsettling and deplorable, and my heart goes out to the students affected by such an abuse of power and an abuse of the law.” Estes noted that incidents like this rarely occur at Oberlin. “I think the good work of the student and professional staff in the ’Sco hopefully means that any outside law enforcement presence is extremely rare because it only confirms that we are doing things the right way,” Estes said. “Shirley runs a tight ship.”

Shutout The Yeomen moved to 2–0 for their first games of the season.

Britten Brought to Life Oberlin Opera Theater grappled with difficult material in The Rape of Lucretia. See page 10


Opinions 5

This Week in Oberlin 8

See page 16

Arts 10

Sports 16


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November 20, 1016 by The Oberlin Review - Issuu