February 5, 2016

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The Oberlin Review


Local News Bulletin

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News Brief: Residents Form Energy Co-op

News briefs from the past week New Bike Paths Expected Lorain County Metro Parks began building new bike paths earlier this year in Elyria at Cascade Park. These paths will extend to Lake Erie and will be completed within the next four years. LCMP is currently in negotiations with Wellington Reservation and Findley State Park to bring accessible parks to the greater Ohio area. Annual Transportation Forum The Lorain County Transportation Forum was held Wednesday Feb. 3, 2016. Residents met to discuss the lack of public transportation, which has been a long-standing issue in Lorain County. Residents stressed the importance of public transit at the meeting because many people in Lorain County do not have access to cars. The consequence is that jobs and public resources have become inaccessible. According to AECOM Cleveland, 6.6 percent of households in Lorain County do not own cars. Lorain County is currently considering plans for expansion of the transit system. Oberlin College Ranks 68th in Nation for Value Oberlin College is among 11 colleges in Ohio included in Kiplinger’s annual ranking of 300 Best College Values. Kiplinger, a finance magazine that publishes business information and personal finance advice, evaluated schools according to their admission rates and student-to-faculty ratios among other information. Oberlin College is one of the most expensive colleges on the list.

Adam Gittin Kerensa Loadholt News Editors Oberlin residents have begun forming Lorain County’s first solar energy co-op, Oberlin People’s Energy Cooperative, which will give consumers more resources and information about installing solar panels on their homes. The initiative is spearheaded by Ohio Solar United Neighborhoods, a local nonprofit working to organize solar co-ops across the state. Chaired by Carl McDaniel, OC’64, the Oberlin’s People Energy Cooperative will educate community members on alternative energy sources and help homeowners in the switch to solar, a shift that can cut costs y up to 20 percent, according to OH SUN. In Ohio, energy co-ops have worked with nearly 500,000 homes and businesses across the state. The exact price of solar energy system installation is dependent on a ho-

Photo by Bryan Rubin, Photo Editor

Krislov Responds to ABUSUA Demands Kerensa Loadholt News Editor While the list of ABUSUA student demands has attracted excessive media attention over the past eight weeks, it wasn’t until recently that College President Marvin Krislov issued an official response to the 14-page document. In his email, which was sent to the student body Jan. 20, Krislov says the administration is taking the necessary steps to improve campus race relations, and subsequently invites all faculty and staff to join them in their efforts. “Racism and all forms of injustice hinder us from achieving our mission and must be challenged by the College wherever they undermine our goals for

academic, artistic and musical excellence,” Krislov said in the email. However, while the email expressed a sense of deep commitment on behalf of the administration, it also showed their reluctance to respond to the document as it is. In the email, Krislov says that he will not respond to the document directly because it does not allow room for “collaborative engagement.” ABUSUA members are currently in the process of reorganizing in order to increase efficiency moving forward. Rather than having a divided front, members have committed themselves to focusing more specifically on individual issues. Members of ABUSUA have also expressed uncertainty surrounding the administration’s

true plan of action regarding their demands, as Krislov has yet to respond directly to them. The 14-page document was addressed to the Board of Trustees, President Marvin Krislov, Vice President and Dean of Studies Eric Estes and “all other appropriate governing bodies.” An overarching concept of the demands was to give credit to Black people who helped make Oberlin College and Conservatory what it is today. The demands included renaming several buildings (e.g. the Kohl Jazz Building to the Wendell Logan Building), offering assistance for Black students on campus, more Black students in the sciences and in the Conservatory and the rehiring of local Black workers. The second page detailed

Ball Up

Departing Dean Dean of Studies Eric Estes will be moving to Brown University.

meowner’s energy consumption. While solar panels are initially expensive to install, they tend to be more economical in the long run. A survey conducted by Clean Power Research in 2011, which analyzed more than 45,000 solar estimates from homeowners across the U.S., found that Ohio residents could save an average of $17,527 over 20 years by switching to solar power. When a homeowner first signs up for an energy co-op, the their roof is examined and a quick assessment is taken to see whether the roof is viable for a solar panel installation. Solar panels cannot be installed if there is too much shade on the property or if the roof has holes, bad angles or other hindrances To choose an installation company, a selection committee of around 15 volunteers from the co-op takes bids from local solar contractors and determines the price that best fits the co-op’s needs. The chosen contractor will then examine the properties of co-op members and issue individual price estimates, or decide that a property is unfit for solar energy.

Periscope Performance

The Yeowomen dropped a heartbreaker to the Denison University Big Red.

Students created performance art during Winter Term. See page 3

See page 16

See page 10


Opinions 5

This Week in Oberlin 8

Arts 10

Sports 16

that the larger goals of the group were to see an increase of Black and POC students and faculty on campus, divestment from Israel and all prisons, safe spaces exclusively for Black people, an end to any erasure of Black contributions to the College, an end to College gentrification of the town of Oberlin, an end to hegemony in the curriculum of both the College and the Conservatory and action on the behalf of the administration. Shortly after the demands were released and the accompanying petition was sent out over Facebook, anonymous attacks poured in from online sources. Hate speech and racial epithets, including depictions of Adolf Hitler and swastikas, flooded a See News, page 2

on the


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