The Oberlin Review
Local News Bulletin News briefs from the past week Pipeline Battle Heats Up City Council has hired the Law Offices of Carolyn Elefant, a firm based in Washington, D.C., that specializes in issues relating to the energy industry to legally force Spectra Energy to build its NEXUS pipeline outside of city limits. The natural gas pipeline, if approved, will pass near the Splash Zone and the city’s recreational complex. Spectra filed its request with the Federal Energy Regulators Commission on Nov. 20 and plans to have the pipeline up and running by the end of 2017. Council Begins Manager Search City Council has begun looking for a consultant to help with the search for a new city executive, the first step in the search process. The Council wants an outside firm to recommend a salary, advertise for the position and find qualified candidates. The search firm will then help the Council narrow the field down to five candidates, hopefully concluding the search within four months. Finance Director Sal Talarico will serve as interim city manager after current City Manager Eric Norenburg steps down at the end of the year. College Sends Letter to White House As the United Nations Climate Negotiation in Paris comes to an end, President Krislov released the text of a letter the College sent to the White House on climate change. Before the talks began, the White House requested that the College reiterate “Oberlin’s commitment to climate action.” The letter describes the College’s main goals in terms of environmental sustainability, including the College’s goal for achieving carbon neutrality by 2025 and assisting the city in becoming carbon positive by 2050.
New Fund Supports Low-Income Students Katherine Kingma Staff Writer A new fund to support students without the means necessary to front certain financial needs, such as fixing broken technology or paying for groceries over break, launched late last week. Dean of Students Eric Estes sent out an email last Friday announcing the creation of a new $35,000-per-year Student Support Fund that will go toward financing students with specific needs that are not met by other current funds. The fund has provided financial assistance to 10 students over the past week, and will be in place for a minimum of three years. “The earmarked funds will be more flexible and broadly defined than existing resources in order to prioritize the needs of students from low-income backgrounds,” Estes wrote in an email to the Review. Students who want financial support from this fund apply directly to Estes. “The goal is to make requests happen with as little bureaucracy as possible,” he continued in the email. “While all inquiries will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, the typical range of funded requests will be up to $500. Many students also share that often smaller amounts of support can make a huge difference.” The Student Support Fund is the latest addition in an effort to increase financial accessibility for students, which includes the expansion of both the Endowed Book Fund, which provides aid for books and supplies, and the Emergency Medical Fund, which helps students pay for medical emergencies. Like these funds, the Student Support Fund
Student Senator and College sophomore Anjali Kolachalam speaks at plenary on Sunday. Senate, Dean of Students Eric Estes and the Board of Trustees have worked together to start a new Student Support Fund for small grants for low-income students. Benjamin Shepherd, Photo editor
is financed by the Student Support Initiatives Fund, which was launched March 15 of this year by the Board of Trustees and Board Chair Clyde McGregor, who made a $500,000 commitment to get it started. The Student Support Fund came out of feedback from the student body on how to best use the money donated by McGregor. “Eric took it upon himself after some of the concerns raised by students during the Trustee Forum,” said Megs Bautista, Student Senate liaison and College fifth-year. “It was kind of this spur-of-the-moment thing in response to what students were interested in and what they were needing. I think it’s really impor-
Students Protest in Wake of A-House Petition Melissa Harris Staff Writer Rather than Sunday dinner, student diners at Afrikan Heritage House were met with protestors blocking the entrances. According to members of Oberlin’s Black student union, ABUSUA, as well as other students, the protest was their response to Campus Dining Services’ failure to address their concerns outlined in a petition submitted to the College in late November. A petition protesting both the quality and selection of food options served at Lord-Saunders Dining Hall began circulating on Wednesday, Nov. 18. Students called for CDS to adhere to more traditional meals, including making fried chicken a permanent feature on the Sunday night menu
and providing more vegan and vegetarian options. “The food quality at Afrikan Heritage House has decreased dramatically,” wrote Kendra Farrakhan, College senior and one of the authors of the petition, in an email to the Review. “Residents and other students have complained in the past through comment cards, etc., but no improvements were made. The protest on Sunday was a response to CDS and Bon Appétit’s dismissive response to our petition. The petition received almost 500 signatures, yet the administrative response shows that they don’t take us seriously.” The petition also outlines a list of proposed meals, offering authentic food ideas, recommendations on how to properly prepare food and reduce the amount
of cream used in dishes because, as stated in the petition, “Black American food doesn’t have much cream in it.” While food quality and preparation were major concerns, –––––––––––––––––––––––––––
“The petition received almost 500 signatures, yet the administrative response shows that they don’t take us seriously.” Kendra Farrakhan Petition author ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– students also called for better treatment of CDS staff, saying that they wanted “a guaranteed
The Search Continues MRC director candidates will finish presentations next week. See page 4
tant, and it has been a long time coming.” Senate worked closely with Estes when coming up with the idea for the fund. “I sent out a Google form to the whole student body for people to give suggestions on what the funding should be used for,” said Anjali Kolachalam, student senator and chair of the Student Support Initiative Fund Working Group. “And a lot of students wanted individual funding for little things. So Eric emailed me and Jeremy Poe and Meg[s] Bautista and was like, ‘Hey, do you think is a good idea?’ And at this point I’m looking through all this nonsense and thinking, ‘Wow, these students aren’t taken care of on campus.’”
Up, Up and Away Track and field began their winter season at Mount Union College Saturday.
Political Punks Perfect Pussy played a rowdy, subversive set Monday. See page 10
Opinions 5
This Week in Oberlin 8
See page 16
Arts 10
Sports 16
40 hour work week, benefits for part-time workers, personal days, funding for job training and increased wages.” The students also want to maintain the house’s orientation toward the community and promote greater benevolence and humanity for CDS workers. “Bon Appétit is owned by Compass Group, which is a huge international organization that has received food violations in numerous countries,” Farrakhan wrote to the Review. “Until you’ve worked [ for] CDS, you don’t realize how rude, condescending and overbearing the managers are. And you don’t realize how much food gets thrown away. I would like to see Bon Appétit fired and replaced by something other than See Students, page 4
on the
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