November 6, 2015

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The Oberlin Review


Local News Bulletin News briefs from the past week Norenberg to Leave Oberlin for New Job Oberlin City Manager Eric Norenberg announced that he is leaving his post next month. He has served as city manager for the past eight years, helping Oberlin earn awards like Climate Action Champion, Clean Energy Community of the Year and Solid Waste Operator of the Year. Norenberg is moving to manage another city but has not yet disclosed where due to employmentagreement negotiations. The Review will cover the full details of his departure in next week’s issue. Student Senate Hosts Campus Dining Forum Student senators will hold a Campus Dining Forum event on Saturday at 3 p.m. in Wilder Hall. The meeting comes on the heels of the Board of Trustees meeting last month, where multiple groups of students complained about Campus Dining Services. Some concerns mentioned before the event included portion sizes, prices per meal and menu selection in dining halls across campus. Steering Committee Holds Strategic Plan Draft and Listening Sessions The seven students who sit on the Steering Committee will host three listening sessions over the next two weeks to hear feedback from the community about the most recent Strategic Plan draft. The draft, which was released last Tuesday, contains the Board of Trustees’ financial plans for roughly the next 10 years. Sessions will take place next Tuesday from 12:30–1:30 p.m., Wednesday from 8–9 p.m. and next Monday, Nov. 16 from 12–1 p.m. in Wilder Hall, room 115.



Issue 3 Flops in Election Day Turnaround Tyler Sloan and Eliza Guinn News Editor After the proposed legalization policy went up in smoke, many Ohioans were left wondering why the pro-marijuana support had seemingly vaporized behind the polls. The push for marijuana legalization, which previously accrued 90 percent approval from those vying for medical marijuana and 53 percent from recreational cannabis supporters, was shot down by 64.1 percent of voters last Tuesday. Issue 3 flopped after the language of Issue 2, an initiative fasttracked to counteract the legalization amendment, swept through the Buckeye state. Because Issue 3 required 10 growers to maintain exclusive commercial rights, many raised concerns over ResponsibleOhio creating an oligopoly over the industry. To prevent this, Issue 2 called for the institution of a Ballot Board to review whether the initiative constituted a monopoly, oligopoly or cartel and to reject it if it did. But the main backers of Ohio’s pro-weed campaign have confirmed that they are going to continue their attempt to cultivate the necessary approval rating for their initiative. “We started the conversation, and we’re going to continue the conversation starting tomorrow,” said Ian James, executive director of ResponsibleOhio, in a statement Tuesday night. “The status quo doesn’t work, it’s unacceptable, and we’re not going away. All the things we’ve fought for are true. Ohioans still need treatment and deserve compassionate care, and our state needs the jobs and tax revenue that marijuana legalization will bring.” While future campaigns may not involve at-

College sophomores Josh Biales (left) and Christian Bolles file out of Philips gym after casting their votes on Election Day. Ohioans voted yes on Issue 1, which calls for redrawing voting districts, and on Issue 2, an anti-monopoly initiative, but rejected the initiative to legalize marijuana. Bryan Rubin, Photo editor

tempting to legalize recreational marijuana outright — several politicians have cautioned against attempting to garner voter approval in an off-year election — it is likely that James’ vision of a legalized state will find room to grow. Democratic Rep. Mike Curtin of Columbus, one of the authors of Issue 2, told USA Today that he predicts Ohio voters will first vote in medicalized marijuana, paving the way for recreational cannabis to gain necessary traction. As for the influence of Issue 2, ballot measures in Ohio will no longer be allowed to grant monopolyies oligopolies or cartels exclusive financial benefit. “I think the speculation could be endless that

See Singleton, page 4

Campus Reform Targets College in Video “Sting” Oliver Bok News Editor Oberlin College has joined an exclusive club that includes NPR, the New Jersey Teachers Unions, Planned Parenthood and ACORN — organizations that conservative activist James O’Keefe has infiltrated under false pretenses, secretly recorded and then sought to embarrass. In a video posted on the conservative website Campus Reform Tuesday, an associate of O’Keefe posing as an Oberlin student named “Angela Boynton” asks College professors for support, saying she had been triggered by someone handing out the United States Constitution on campus. “Boynton” secretly videotaped the professors’ responses without their consent. Responding to the fake student’s fabricated mental health issue, Professor of History and Director of Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies Carol Lasser called the Constitution an “oppressive document.” The video

also shows Chair of Comparative American Studies Wendy Kozol saying, “The Constitution in everyday life causes people pain.” The bulk of the video focuses on Vassar College, where administrators assisted the fake student in shredding the Constitution as a therapeutic measure. O’Keefe himself appears in the video dressed as the Constitution, distributing copies to Vassar students and asking women for their phone numbers. To Oberlin Director of Media Relations Scott Wargo, the video represented a blatant violation of journalistic ethics. “Posing as a student in crisis, secretly recording a private conversation and then strategically editing the footage in order to support a specific, predetermined agenda is deplorable,” Wargo wrote in an email to the Review. Wargo also stated that the administration would not let this incident affect how the College operates. “When someone reaches out to

faculty and staff for support, saying they are a student, it is reasonable to take that at face value. We are not going to let one incident shatter the trust that inherently exists in our community.” According to Lasser, both she and Kozol have received a large amount of hate mail since the video was posted. However, Lasser also stated that community support has made the experience less upsetting. “One of the really lovely things that has happened as a result has been an outpouring of support from my colleagues and especially from students,” Lasser said. “And it’s been really wonderful to hear from students who have been terrifically supportive of me and Wendy Kozol, and we both really appreciate that.” College junior Tory Sparks described the video as containing multiple “layers of bullshit,” including misogyny. “[T]here is an inherent misogyny to all of it that we should be paying attention to,” Sparks said. “All of the

Saving South Woods An environmental group recently purchased land at Oberlin Great South Woods.

unions, any type of corporation, anybody who where a court or the ballot board could construe that there is some sort of financial benefit, they may say that that group cannot bring that ballot initiative or has to go through this extra hurdle,” said Mike Brickner, senior policy director at the ACLU of Ohio, in an interview with Ohio Public Radio. The final initiative on the ballot, Issue 1, was not nearly as controversial as Issues 2 and 3. Issue 1 creates a bipartisan committee that will redraw Ohio’s voting districts, which have been historically sub-

Dive In! Oberlin swimming and diving hosted its home opener Saturday.

Subversive Songwriters Salvadoran musician-activists performed at the Cat.

See page 4

See page 16

See page 10


Opinions 5

This Week in Oberlin 8

Arts 10

Sports 16

victims to this were women — especially women professors, who are a minority in their own right. … At the very end of [the video], you see he’s very creepily hitting on someone, a woman, and she’s very clearly uncomfortable.” Sparks also attacked the video for undermining mental health issues. “There’s a mockery of a very serious mental health issue at stake and then a manipulation of the feelings of people who are concerned about that mental health issue,” Sparks said. O’Keefe told the Review that he chose the College as a target for two reasons: the College’s reputation and the laws of Ohio. “Oberlin is renowned for being a place where political correctness has been taken to the extreme,” O’Keefe said. “I doubt that someone like me has very many fans at Oberlin College. We typically work in what they call one-party consent states — that See Right-Wing, page 4

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November 6, 2015 by The Oberlin Review - Issuu