The Oberlin Review
News Brief: Inn Construction Begins
Local News Bulletin News briefs from the past week Student Union Board Modifies Wilder Hall Room Booking Policy The Student Union Board has reconfigured its system of assigning student organizations offices this year. The new system decreases the number of offices in Wilder Hall in order to add more general meeting rooms and storage space. The board has allocated five new meeting spaces available to any student organization. In an effort to keep rooms open for meetings, these spaces can only be reserved in advance by student organizations, though the rooms are still available to anyone on a walk-up basis. College Hires New Vice President of Finance Michael L. Frandsen assumed his duties as Oberlin’s new vice president for finance and administration this past July. Prior to arriving at Oberlin, Frandsen served as the vice president for finance and administration and later as an interim president at Albion College. The appointment of Frandsen coincides with the retirement of Ron Watts after 37 years serving as Oberlin’s chief financial officer and vice president for finance and administration. New Students Volunteer at Sites Across the Community On Aug. 30, the Bonner Center for Service and Learning hosted the 18th annual Day of Service. New students volunteered at 30 different sites across the community, including the George Jones Farm, the Dubois Project and the Prospect Learning Garden. The Bonner Center described the Oberlin Day of Service as an opportunity for students to explore the community and an entry point for engaging in further service and activism.
Demolition of the Oberlin Inn began in earnest this week, marking the start of a 15-month period of construction on the corner of Main and College streets. The new facility, which will open in its entirety in the fall of 2016, will include a refurbished 70-room hotel, conference facility, retail space, restaurant, lobby area and admissions wing, all combined into one 100,000-square foot complex. According to former Vice President for the Office of Finance and Administration Ron Watts, the Inn will serve as a large financial stimulus for the Oberlin community. “ The old Inn is obsolete and has been obsolete for 30 years,” Watts said. “This will give us the ability to do larger events, weddings and to have a sit-down building for 300 people — there is nowhere in the area for that capability. We need to make it a destination point, to program the building to truly increase revenue and the number of people coming to Oberlin to utilize it.”
See page 3
Photo by Julia Herbst, Editor-in-Chief
Committee Convenes to Plan College’s Fiscal Future Oliver Bok This Tuesday will mark the first meeting of the Strategic Planning Steering Committee, an organization whose purpose is to determine the future of Oberlin’s educational and financial endeavors. While College President Marvin Krislov has described the plan as “an opportunity for the College and all the different constituencies of the College … to think about the future,” some students and administrators are skeptical about how accurately the committee will address their needs. “I’d like to see the College admit that it maintains at least partial culpability — and more culpability than a lot of its peer institutions — in the student debt crisis in the United States, and [that] it commit itself to increasing economic diversity on this campus,” said College senior Zachery Crowell, a student activist who served as a leader in last year’s protests against the financial aid policy change. “I think I can speak for a lot of people who would like to see a more diverse campus — not just
racially, not just culturally, but also economically.” Committee member and Politics Department Chair Chris Howell described the past Strategic Planning sessions as “disastrous.” “We had a large number of essentially focus group-type discussions of faculty and staff,” he said. “We weren’t asked to talk about concrete issues or concrete challenges, and then the draft report itself appeared to reflect none of the discussions that had taken place. It was unclear who wrote it or how it was written or what conversations it reflected. But it didn’t reflect the conversations in those groups. I think it’s fair to say there is a healthy skepticism amongst the faculty about Strategic Planning, in general, given that experience.” Howell, like many other students and administrators, is largely basing his opinions on past Strategic Planning sessions, the most recent of which occurred in 2005, when the committee published a plan that was students and faculty later cited as contributing to making Oberlin less economically diverse.
Grand Opening
Beah Returns Ishmael Beah, OC ’04, kicked off this year’s convocation series.
Phase one of the new complex, which includes the hotel, conference center and retail space, will be completed by this November and will continue to operate while the rest of the complex is developed. The remodeled Inn will also host a number of sustainable features, including a geothermal system and 30,000-gallon tank to store rainwater for reuse. The facility is also the first building to be a part of the Green Arts District, a development plan that aims to “transform downtown Oberlin into a thriving and environmentally sustainable center for community and the arts,” according to its website. The College is largely responsible for funding this phase of the complex, using finances garnered from private donations and new market tax credits. The College is also investing some of its own revenue into the facility’s new admissions and development wing.
Morbid Melodies Folk duo Vandaveer performed a set full of dark yet charming folk songs at the Cat in the Cream Friday. See page 12
Opinions 5
This Week in Oberlin 8
The Austin E. Knowlton Athletic Complex opened its doors to student-athletes on Monday. See page 15
Arts 10
Sports 16
Several of the 2005 Strategic Plan’s initiatives came to the attention of student activists and leaders in April, when the administration made unpublicized changes to the College’s financial aid policy in a way that for many students would drastically reduce the institution’s affordability. Some student activists pointed to language in the 2005 Strategic Plan that called for increasing “net tuition revenue per student” by “gradually lower[ing] the institutional discount rate” and “retain[ing] the same number of full pay students” as an explanation of the administration’s actions. Asked if raising net tuition was on the forefront of the committee’s initiatives this year, President Marvin Krislov said that financial issues “certainly were a focus of the 2005 [Strategic Plan]” and that they will be a large portion of the 2015 or 2016 report. “I think the 2005 plan was very successful in terms of framing the direction of the College,” Krislov said. “I think it’s certainly helped guide a lot of See Students, page 4
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