The Oberlin Review September 29, 2017
established 1874
Volume 146, Number 5
NEXUS Pipeline Faces Continued Opposition Xander Kott
Professor of Geology Steven Wojtal guiding students in an Earth’s Environments lab. The Geology department is one of the many departments facing staffing concerns after the College announced a hiring freeze this semester. Photo by Bryan Rubin, Photo Editor
College Implements Hiring Freezes Sydney Allen News Editor
Each fall, the College begins its faculty hiring process with departments submitting requests to the Education Policies and Procedures Committee, a subcommittee of the General Faculty Committee, asking for new tenure-track faculty positions. This year, however, some departments face unclear prospects following a temporary hiring freeze implemented by the administration. The Dean of Studies office recently informed all College department chairs that there would be a temporary freeze on permanent hires as the College tries to recover from the year’s short-term financial deficit. The College is grappling with a $5 million deficit this year due to a drop in enrollment and compounding financial problems. This, along with the larger structural deficiencies at the College, has created a temporary financial pinch leading to the freeze. “For some departments it’s difficult because of real enrollment pressures,” Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Tim Elgren said. “They have coverage capacity issues. And so, we can fill a lot of those positions with visitors, but when it comes to continuity, you want tenuretrack people in those lines. What’s going to happen this year is that the position requests cycle will happen as usual. We’re not freezing the processes.” Each department’s faculty members — whether in visiting, tenure track, or
tenured positions — represent a line on their departmental budget. Given the College’s financial concerns, the College is looking at phasing out some nonessential budgetary lines within several departments, which will become clear after the Board of Trustees convenes Oct. 5. In the meantime, the College has implemented the freeze to build a pool of possible empty positions to phase out. In order to have as many options as possible once the conversation turns to specific departments, the College is choosing to fill as few positions as possible at this time. “The idea is that we want to keep many of those options open so that when we do that review, we have the greatest number of options possible, and so that creates a momentary lack of continuity because these vacant lines are filled with visiting faculty members,” Elgren said. While the issue could be resolved as early as January, the short-term squeeze increases pressure on some departments. “The policy is for now that many of these positions are not being approved — they’re not being denied, but they’re not being approved for financial reasons at this time,” said Caroline Jackson Smith, chair of the Theater department. The Theater department is one of many departments facing mounting pressures with the temporary hiring hold. Though the department has visiting professors filling in some of its essential courses, its long-term faculty makeup won’t be clearly solidified until after
the hiring freeze ends. “It’s a decision not to fill faculty positions College-wide, which is particularly disadvantaging us right now, because these are important positions that we will probably not get back as tenuretrack positions now,” Smith said. “That’s not to say never. But not now.” The Geology department is facing similar challenges as they look to a spring 2019 semester in which three tenured faculty members will not be on campus, leaving two tenured professors to teach the core curriculum. This comes after the retirement of Geology Professor Bruce Simonson in 2016, following his 30 years of service to the department. Last semester, the department applied for a replacement tenured position with the EPPC, which reviews tenure proposals and ranks them based on College-wide need. Although the proposal was approved over the summer, the position has since been withheld following the freeze. College senior Elena Hartley, one of the Geology department’s student representatives, said this personnel deficit has generated much concern within the department. “We’re more upset because we were promised a tenure-track position and they’re freezing it for some reason,” Hartley said. “And if we miss out on this hiring cycle, then it will be another year before we can get another tenure track. So we’re all a bit pissed. What the Geo reps are doing is we’re planning on writing some letters to the Dean of the College.”
A duo of environmental organizations — Appalachian Mountain Advocates and the Sierra Club — filed a rehearing request last week on the decision made by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to give the NEXUS pipeline project the green light to continue. The pipeline will stretch over 255 miles across Ohio, Michigan, and Ontario, Canada. The pipeline is projected to pass through Oberlin — a move Oberlin City Council and many activist groups have actively fought for years. City Council argues that the pipeline violates the Community Bill of Rights. “The city has chosen to hire a lawyer to fight the pipeline [from] going through,” Vice President Linda Slocum said. “[The pipeline] is really undersubscribed. We don’t need it. The more attention that can be drawn to [the situation] the better.” Oberlin voters amended the City Bill of Rights in November 2013, banning the transportation of fracked or natural gas through the city. Earlier this year, City Council joined a lawsuit against the backers of the NEXUS pipeline. Appalachian Mountain Advocates is a nonprofit organization based out of Lewisburg, WV, that fights natural gas pipelines and specializes in law and policy. Appalachian Mountain Advocates argued in a statement that proper measures were not taken when evaluating the environmental and health consequences of greenhouse gases that will be produced by the pipeline. The organization asked FERC to reconsider whether the pipe is necessary. “NEXUS pipeline is duplicative of other existing and proposed energy sources, meaning there is little need for it, and it will have higher transport costs than those alternative sources,” Appalachian Mountain Advocates said in its statement. In its attempt to fight the project, Appalachian Mountain Advocates has teamed up with the Sierra Club, the largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization in the country with over three million members. Appalachian Mountain Advocates — acting on behalf of the Sierra Club — released a 35-page filing against the NEXUS pipeline Sept. 21. “FERC must conduct a thorough examination of NEXUS so they can see what Ohioans, Michiganders, and See Organizations, page 3
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