Tuesday, Febuary 15th, 2011 -------------------ISSUE # 1 -------------------7th Day of the 136th Academic Year -------------------....and todays forcast has it that the first years are running amock while everyone else waits in anticipation for Ali Shehzads legacy to be carried forward! Who will rise to the call of DUTY?...
THE SHOPPER HAS LANDED LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. After many failed attempts spanning over quite literally years, the newsletter/ magazine/handout/pieceof-paper-with-too-muchwriting has finally been released. Whats more is that this is just the first of what is intended to be a constant publication for as long as the college exists! As long as there are students, and more so students working to keep it going, and others who keep on submitting, the OCCASIONAL SHOP-
PER shall continue to see daylight, along with the occasional cloudy sky. Continued on page 2
From page 1
So what is the OCCASIONAL SHOPPER about you might ask. Anything really. Everything actually. So much so we haven’t even settled on a fixed format. What all this really means is that we are giving it space to explore its potential. You don’t have to be part of the editorial board to be a part of the OCCASIONAL SHOPPER as well, simply because ALL students can contribute and they can contribute whatever they want! The OCCASIONAL SHOPPER will gladly facilitate anyone willing to showcase their work. Pictures can be submitted with some material explaining your work. You can also promote yourself to a wide audience which though only currently reaches out to students of our college, but surely soon enough to others. We will encourage everyone who wants to write an article about any issue that is on their mind. May it be related to the college, the art world or the world beyond. Articles can also be written in reply to previous ones thus creating a forum of written interaction. As time progresses we aim to invite outside writers, artists and intellectuals to further enhance the content of the OCCASIONAL SHOPPER, so that not only is it a means of expression but also means of explora-
tion and learning. The OCCASIONAL SHOPPER will also facilitate works in Urdu, so feel free to provide us with written material in the language and we’ll make sure we get it into print and published! As a start we invite cartoonists to contribute their doodles/caricatures/ sketches. We invite writers to submit poetry or short stories, essays or research, may you want it published with recognition or anonymously. More so this will becomes of clearing out communication between the students and the college administration. For the faculty and administration to reach out and address concerns they hold about the college and vice versa. So while we’re still on the topic, I really think someone needs to get something done about the lime mortar mix mess that has been made in the parking lot near the newly made arches. As of yet the OCCASIONAL SHOPPER is functioning on a solely student run basis, financed by donations from the editorial board itself. However there is no reason to assume this is due to any sort of mistrust, rather, it is an attempt to deliver before making claims. So the time has now come for the National College of Arts to move forward into the the realm of journalism and literature, to listen and to be heard and we’re taking you along with us!
Kasbe Kamal Kun, Ke Aziz-e-Jahan Shwi Passing through the gated arch, there is this inscription way up at the top. These words are so easily ignored. Every day. Twice a day, maybe even more. It is in a language I did not understand. Maybe that’s why it is so high up there. They must have thought most of them won’t get it anyway, so let’s just not bother them with it. So four years ago for the first time I passed under it, from what I recollect that time I was too occupied with the seniors shouting out orders on how to march into college, ragging rituals. Yet I’m sure it wasn’t many days later that I stopped to read it. Yes I could read it, but couldn’t really grasp what it meant. Like so many others I walked through that gateway and into the realm which has now for so many years catered to the imaginations of artists from all over the country. Stories are told of how NCA has lived through the many dark ages. First when the Mayo School of Arts was at its disintegration and how the efforts of some revived it, to become a dream. A dream that was to live among the hearts of so many in a college that they struggled to get in. Once in, they explored the opportunities this place gave them, to go beyond what society around them usually would never permit them to do. Then there came suppression from jamiat elements, initially barging into the college with sticks and stones. Then later when barred at the gates, they got their student workers admitted into the college, only to rise up and create problems during academic activities. However, NCA got through that as well. I’ve figured NCA has had a very stubborn struggle to survive, and it has to because as it has made its place in Pakistan as an institution like no other. Don’t believe me? Travel by train all the way down to Karachi like I do and tell the people sitting with you where you’re from. Then sit and see how people get intrigued, look at you differently and start asking questions. We need to understand that we are no normal lot of people. Take a look at the people who have graduated from this institute. Sure they may not have become politicians and great leaders to hurl this country out of its wretched state of corruption and ineptness. Yet they have molded it from within, hitting the population where it is most sensitive. Moulding them with what is around them, with what they live in and watch on TV. With what they have thought is funny and with what they have become serious at, to play with their emotions. That is the power NCA
has held over the population. Can we still claim that? Readers, if there is anything that we must at all cost avoid doing, it is to stop relating our work to our population. We do not act as individuals, none of us do. We do not live in isolated huts at the banks of no where. We live amongst society which deserves a response from us. To continually provide them with an education like no other. It is our responsibility to ensure that the art that they receive makes them aware of who they are and what is happening around them. We must not be weak and submit to easy way outs, to vulgar demands of the unthoughtful minds, to the corruption that grows out of endless greed. We must rise to challenges that can move hundreds and thousands, to motivate them to realize what the individual is and the power that he himself holds. We must bring it to their attention that they can be better people, rather than the insecure ones that rightly fear for their family today, but do not understand the fear that needs to be in them for the generations to come. I’ll share with you something that hit my mind a long while back. I applied to NCA for Architecture from Karachi, thus falling into the Sindh quota. Judging from the math exam which is Architecture exclusive I could make out that about 50 people had applied. Later when the interview list came out, 12 people were short listed. Further later on when the final admission list was announced only 6 had been admitted. What that comes to say is that 44 people, willing and striving hard to get admitted, had been rejected. That puts the acceptance rate at 12%. Come into the Punjab where people apply in the thousands, then even that percentage falls down to between 5% and 10%. What becomes even more interesting is to learn that many people had applied for not their first, but also their second, third and even fourth times. For arguments sake, let’s assume the acceptance rate is at 10%, and you have gotten admitted. What that means is that 10 other people were rejected to get you into this college, and that the admissions panel thought that you were worth more. What, may I ask, are you doing to be worth more than those ten other people? Kasb-e-Kamal kun, ke aziz-e-jahaan shwi “Grasp on to Excellence, so that the world loves you for it” No, these words are not to be ignored. No, these words should not be lowered down. These are exalted words to be revered upon and if anything, for us to reach up to.
The Lost First Years Ultimate Guide Through College We warmly welcome those of you, for whom the name of this publication holds no personal relevance. First Years, we agree that at the moment you are somewhat hassled and at first sights, the mechanism of this institution doesn’t entirely make sense. Therefore, we decided to take you on a tour around campus, concentrating on perhaps the most important (but oft ignored) people you may need to know. Trust us when we assert that these people will be the most helpful in your tenure at NCA. Fore mostly, Ali Raza: Easily spotted sitting unobtrusively by the computer in the auditorium, he manages the tech-
nologies we need during lectures. Therefore, he is the person to consult when preparing presentations or performances. Also, he is the first person you should contact for lost boards or other items because whatever you forget in the auditorium will be safely stashed away by Ali Raza. Nasir, found lurking throughout college, easily distinguishable by his leather jacket and flattering denims. Nasir is the canteen’s living breathing delivery system (besides being muse to many). Nasir’s number will soon be the one you dial the most in college so do remember to save it. Ramzan Cha-
cha is Santa’s reincarnation sitting by the gate. Very graciously, he lets us highjack his heater in winters and guards whatever we leave in his care, by the gate, in all seasons. Hadis Chacha: Found by the drafting studio, he will provide you with stationary items and expert advice on drafting, the most challenging subject in First Year. Rashid occupies the printmaking studio, and is another treasure trove for stationary items. Particularly, Rashid is a safe bet for thicker paper than drafting sheets. Another stationary shop is found right underneath the auditorium stairs. It’s well stocked
and very economical but unfortunately, never is the leprechaun willing to lead us to this pot of gold and our reporter returned dejected and unsuccessful. Munir Bhai is the conductor on the bus and therefore, the person to consult for bus routes and timings. Moreover, performance based societies will soon start advertising for recruitment so watch out the notice boards. We genuinely hope this information helps you stay afloat in this time of initial confusion. Hope it’s a fruitful few years young u’ns!
CONTACT US: If you want to help or contribute to the sustaibable continuity of this newsletter feel free to voice your opinions or offer your help at THEOCCASIONALSHOPPER@GMAIL.COM