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| t heo c c upiedtim es.c o m | @ O ccu p i e d Ti me s


Jessica Lehrman


Martin Eiermann Seven months after the beginning of the occupation of Zuccotti Park, the birthplace of the Occupy movement is welcoming the spring season with a new round of gatherings and direct actions. Since mid-March, organisers in New York have been carrying the Occupy spirit into the streets of Manhattan and online in anticipation of May Day and the Global Spring of protests. The message: We’re here to change the world. And we’re committed to staying. To mark the six-month anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, protesters reoccupied Zuccotti Park on March 17th. Over 70 people were arrested as New York police cleared out the park, and at least one protester was seriously injured after having his head slammed into a glass door by a police officer. Occupy responded // PAGE 04 >>

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