Greek School council elections Erasmus+KA2, 2017-19/ "Debating Our Way to Citizenship. From School Representation to the EU Parliament" 6TH GENERAL LYCEUM OF AIGALEO 13 ΙΑΝ 2018 02:59
Elections for the 15 member Greekschool council We held our school elections in the middle of October 2017. Manolis Lytrivis, a C class student, was elected as President of the council. He is assigned to represent students both inside and outside our school. He has to handle matters as solving problems that may arise and he often meets the other two members of the 3 member committee of the school council, that is Anastasia Roumbeca and Giannis Dimos, students of C class too. Of course the 15 member council has also meetings for school issues.
Instructions before the elections Just before the general meeting and the elections our subheadmaster gave the election committee instructions on the elections procedure regulations and they provided as with the relative law. They also provided us with a list of rights and obligations that all students have to follow for the election procedure but also for the school life. This is given by the Ministry of Education and applies to all schools. Apart from that, the school councils via their representatives, play an important role in the drafting, improvement and implementation of the internal school regulation, as explained further on, in the aims of the councils' involvement in school life.
Preparation of the ballots and lists of canditates At least the previous day we prepared the ballot boxes and we formed the nal list of the candidates. We also gathered all the names of students that were interested to be members of the 15 member council and formed the ballot(list of names). We made copied of it equal to the number of students. The election committee was de ned, one student from each section-class, that is 10 students, for the 3 ballot boxes that were set, one for each grade (A, B and C), so as to avoid overcrowding.
The procedure of elections On the election day we are allowed to spend 3 hour of the day schedule in order to carry out the school elections. First we gathered in the amphitheater for a general meeting of all students. The candidates had the opportunity to talk to the rest of the students and state their thoughts and ideas on how they are going to perform if elected. This is an action that is included in the school regulation by the Greek Ministry of education.
Ready for voting
A demanding work
When everything was ready and after the student's general meeting and speeches of candidates, the 3 ballot boxes, the
Counting and getting the results is really demanding, time consuming and quite tiring. Election outcomes is supposed
voting lists with the candidates' names and the lists of the voting students were taken to the 3 classrooms prepared for
to be correct and this needs concentration and a quite place to carry it out. In the opposite situation there may be claims
the voting procedure for the students of A, B and C class .
of recounting and and ll in new papers to be signed by the
Students voted according to their grade. When the election procedure was completed, the committees gathered all the
committee and the Principal.
votes at the subdirector's of ce who helped in getting the
results properly and in time.
Responsibilities of the Greek representatives The students in charge of the 15 member school council have increased responsibilities as mediators between students and teachers staff as well as being present in meetings with parents. They also have the responsibility to organazise activities, excursions, exhibitions, parties. Most important is
SCHOOL ELECTIONS School Representatives
the in uence they have on more serious matters on the school society, concerning laws and decisions of the Ministry, that sometimes are considered that are against public education.
Assessment of the results The committee responsible for the elections (at least on of each classroom) are responsible for the counting of the marks (cross) of the candidates. When this work is done, the 3 rst in votes, form the 3 member basic council and then the rest till the number of 15 complete the board of students.There are replacement students in case someone of the council quits.
School councils means active participation in school life and even more. Active participation of pupils in school life is a right of pupils but also a necessary component of the democratic school. This participation means: * students expressing their views about issues related to school, *teachers taking into consideration students’ requests, as members of the school community too, *students playing an active role in decision-making on matters affecting them, through collective procedures or through their councils with their elected representatives, students getting initiatives in order to improve and enrich school life.
Student councils and school regulation The director is necessary to have regular meetings with the School councils. Exchanging views and listening to students' opinions can improve the operation of the school community.
The final results After quite 3 hours our school elections were over. We had the names of our new School Council. Of course no candidate was present for the outcome. But only the committee students were here. All the representatives were nowhere to be seen! We are going to estimate our school council by their activities, their work.
The 15 member School Council of 6th General Lyceum of Aigaleo One of the members of the elections committee presents the New School Council with joy. We hope they will stand up to our expectations and act according to their position, adding to what we call "A DEMOCRATIC SCHOOL". We can say that so far they have been working for the bene t of the school community. We expect that they will continue to act like this for the rest of the school year.
Goals of the School Councils *Active participation in school life means that students are prepared for active participation in society, cultivating a spirit of cooperation, enhancing self-discipline and developing the sense of social responsibility. *Good behavior, respect for the opinions of others, awareness, contributing to society as a whole are some values that school councils can promote. *Regular collaboration of school communities with teachers is essentially among the main aims of the school councils in order to promote their goals and the democratic functioning of the school.
School Policy and Regulations To run effectively, schools de nitely require policies, guidelines and procedures. They are important students, parents and school staff to have points of reference from which to operate and ensure that everyone in the organisation is on the same page. The role of school councils in drafting and implementing the school regulation, adopted and revised by the School Board is very important. The 15 member School Board students and the Presidents of the boards are called regularly to express their views on the implementation of the regulation and can propose changes to its content or actions for better application of it.
Visit of the Greek Parliament The students just before the school Elections paid a visit to the Greek Parliament where they attended live workshops in relation to the st Governor of Modern Greece, Ioannis Kapodistrias.
A COOPERATION OF THE GREEK ERASMUS + TEAM This work is accomplished in the frames of our work on "HOW DEMOCRATIC IS YOUR SCHOOL" for our Erasmus+ KA2 project under the title: From school representation to the EU Parliament"