Olive Press Property - Issue 1

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Property www.theolivepress.es


Little bit pricey

Is this Spain’s most expensive home?

be Ma s m t p laga ag ro ’s az pe in rty e

September 2018

September 26th - October 9th 2018



Inland dreaming


ust an hour or two from the Costa del Sol you’ll find a range of stunning historical gems for sale, many going back to the Roman era and one where Napoleon (right) once stayed.

See page XVI

Page VI

Price hike

Taking a stroll around a mountain of bargains

Page IV

Casa or Cave

TRIPLE JOY: Historic internal patio in Cadiz stunner, while (below) ancient arches in Sevilla mill and a vineyard/equestrian estate, near Ronda

Fabulous photo report of Andalucia’s cave-dwellers

Page XX

Famous Guests Reform of stunning hotel where Virginia Woolf stayed

Page XXV

Nice little earners


ORE buyers than ever are snapping up second homes to rent out - and the Costa del Sol is the second hottest destination of choice. According to new research, more than two thirds of owners now rent out their second homes to cover part or all of their costs, reversing the trend of 50 years ago. The top three locations benefiting from the buy-to-let second home boom are the Costa del Sol, which has 4% of the international market, the Costa Blanca, also at 4%, and the Algarve, in Portugal, with 5%. Back in the 1970s, nine out of 10 homeowners kept their second homes purely for themselves.

Costa del Sol is cashing in on a buy-to-let boom

Even up to 2000 that figure only dropped to eight out of 10 homeowners. But times are changing with more buyers hoping to turn their holiday home into a nice little earner, according to a survey by Savills and HomeAway. In the early 2000s, only 14% of second homes were bought purely for rental rather than personal use. But by the time of the credit crunch, this figure had risen to 19% and now more than a third of second homes are

bought as investments. “In a low interest rate environment investors are seeking out income-generating assets,” said Paul Tostevin, associate director for Savills World Research. “Today’s second home buyers want properties to work for them financially and they’re increasingly looking not just to cover costs but to turn a profit.” He added: “Global tourism continues to grow, with international tourist arrivals up by 7% last year to a record 1.3 billion. At the same time, the rapid expansion of online holiday home platforms such as HomeAway opens up the market to new target groups and makes it much easier for owners to make their properties income-producing.”



September 26th - October 9th 2018


September 2018

Welcome from the publisher

What a change WELCOME to our brand new relaunched Property Magazine. Brought to you by the Olive Press, we hope you enjoy the varied mix of stories, features and columns, from our specialists around the region and Spain. It was four years ago that we came up with the idea of launching a stand-alone Property Magazine for our readers. After six years in the doldrums, the market had just started to pick up again and the region’s key agents were asking for somewhere to be heard… and, of course, to market their properties. We are delighted that half a dozen of those clients are still with us today, with many more dipping in and out on a regular basis. All of them are trustworthy and each can give you an incisive and definitive view of their local area. From our side, we vow to continue offering plenty of interesting content, this issue including analysis on the recent currency scandal that rocked Iberia and a lack of transparency for buyers. And, if that’s not enough, we look at Spain’s most expensive properties, interview key Inland agent Oscar Ernstsen and pit Germany v Spain in an interior design battle. Enjoy.

Jon Clarke

Contact us at 951 273 575 or admin@ newsdesk.es or sales@theolivepress.es

If you want to rent your future home out in Malaga, beware of the new rules and what’s to come, writes Mark Stucklin

Rental warning

able if everyone spot as once a property has its rental goes home in licence that information is shared with September, but Hacienda (the taxman). that’s not the Malaga has a relatively small market case. compared with say Barcelona or PalGetting the bal- ma, with 1.3m tourists staying in the ance right is key, city in 2017. as the economic It’s also the least regulated city and OLLOWING my recent rebenefits of more only requires owners to apply for a view of the changes to visitors, who licence and meet the required stanMadrid’s tourist rental typically spend dards. regulations this post covmore than As yet, there are no restricted zones ers Malaga. beach tourists, and around 3,500 properties have a It is getting tougher there, even can be balanced licence number and the list is availto the extent of outright bans in against what able online so visitors can check if the some blocks. residents will tol- apartment they are renting is legal. Buyers may even need to reerate. There is a telephone hotline for the think their plans if rental inDifferent areas public to report suspected illegal propcome is part of the strategy. OVERCROWDED: Some parts of Malaga are saturated have different erties. However, although small, the The reasons that Spain’s top city destinations are trying to tourists rose from 59m in 2007 to 82m requirements, some locations are tourist market is growing strongly and limit tourist rentals are many in 2017. overwhelmed while others don’t have in 2017 had the highest growth of any city in Spain. and include: Spain is now the second most vis- a problem. ited country in the world, just behind These differences were behind the Already the same problems are emerg• Locals are being squeezed France. 2013 decision by central government ing, such as sharply rising rents and out of city centres as long The rise in visitor numbers to Spanish to devolve legislative responsibility to more evictions, as well as noise and term rentals reduce cities is also a sign of a maturing tour- the autonomous regions so they could disruption. December 6t • Rental and sale prices are ism sector away from the typical beach come up with rules that best suited The mayor insists the council is watching the tourist rental market closely shooting up as investors visitors. them. move in making it unaf- There is a big market for cultural tour- There’s no doubt that the emergence and they won’t hesitate to impose December 6t fordable ism and these visitors head for the of portals such as Airbnb have led to more controls if necessary. • Noise from continual ten- cities, which has led to an increase in the rapid expansion of tourist rentals And owners themselves can also take ant turnover is growing rental yields in city centres. And it is all but with increased visibility it is also action and there are already buildings as • Local politicians are start- year round. much easier for the authorities to see in Malaga (and other cities, such December 6t Palma) in which the community of owning to get across their mes- But this growth brings problems. Cities who is doing what. SOME 14 fire bosses have ers have voted to change the statutes sages to sort it out here are relatively small in area and Not only are there fines for not declarDecember 6t He even got been arrested for allegedly the historic centres - where visitors ing income, up to €300,000 in some and ban tourist lets completely. known radio s embezzling €7 million in In one sense this is a sign of want to stay - have become saturated regions, big fines have been imposed Be careful if looking to buy one of these ing victims. public funds. SOME 14 fire bossesand have the strength of Spain’s tourism local residents feel crowded out. on both Airbnb and Homeaway for al- apartments to rent out. However, a co He even got The Policia Nacional found been arrested for allegedly sector. And worse than that. There is no low lowing unlicensed properties to be posed his scam known radio s that since the theConsortium of so no respite. Disruption for a listed. Visit www.spanishpropertyinsight. embezzling €7 million in In the decade 2008 season We victims. also revea ing Bomberos Cadiz took out of months A HOTEL is to beis knocked funds. recession public Spain’s overseas couple in summer bear- And tax avoidance is much easier to com for more information wined andadin However, co SOME 14 retirement fire bosses insurhave massPolicia early The Nacional found down for not having enough He even got through fo posed histhe scam been arrested for allegedly ance policies. that the Consortium of class! known radio s He eventually We also revea embezzling €7 million in SOME 14 fire bosses have But when their employees Bomberos Cadiz took out A HOTEL is to Hotel be knocked Benalmadena’s Vista ing He even got but victims. we soon t wined and din public funds. been arrested for allegedly retired early, chiefs siphoned mass early retirement insurdown not having enough de Reyfor must be demolished However, a co known changedradio his ns through the fo The Policia embezzling €7from million in off the moneyNacional thefound payance policies. class! within three months, a court posed hison scam ing victims. antiques eB He eventually that the their Consortium of public funds. outs. when But employees Benalmadena’s Hotel Vista has ruled, We also revea However, a co He was quickl but we soon t Bomberos took out The Policia Nacional found Authorities also found disA HOTEL is to be knocked retired early,Cadiz chiefs siphoned de Rey mustSuperior be demolished Andalucia’s Court wined and din posed scam peoplehis and gi changed his n mass retirement insurthat the Consortium of crepancies in the the consoroff theearly money from paydown for not having enough within three months, the a court of Justice ruled hothrough fo We also the revea sentence only antiques on eB ance Bomberos Cadiz took out tium’spolicies. training courses. 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September 26th - October 9th 2018

September 2018

Clause to celebrate

Circle of life

Fair bnb? A THIRD of Airbnb’s Spanish rentals are run by big business - developers or companies which hold more than five properties. The largest agency, Villafinca, has around 854 properties listed on its website. The 10 most influential Airbnb ‘landlords’ have more than 4,000 properties in the major cities and tourist hotspots. According to research company, DataHippo, this undermines the idea of Airbnb as a service that can help hardpressed homeowners to pocket a little more cash. A spokesman said: “The level of transparency of these platforms is almost zero and many researchers and groups told us that they lacked data to be able to analyse further.”

A NEW way of communal living is being launched on the Costa del Sol. The development combining orchards, communal green spaces and sustainable architecture are the key aspects of this exciting new project. Introducing a so-called ‘circular economy’, the Be Lagom scheme, in Benahavis, aims to encourage a more collaborative community and a shared responsibility to protect natural resources.

The project of 13 luxury villas in the La Alqueria is combining natural materials with contemporary design and has already received the international ‘Breeam’ sustainability mark. Be Lagom, which means ‘the right amount’, promises to be one of the most exclusive and innovative residential projects on the coast.

SUSTAINABLE: The Be Lagom scheme

Day of reckoning THE Junta is set to rule on the fate of 40,000 illegally-built homes around Andalucia. A crucial vote this week will decide whether or not these homes can be classed as ‘AFOs’, which would grant them partly-legal status. It would mean owners scattered around the region would

III 15

Crucial vote could see tens of thousands of illegal homes legalised this week be able to get services more quickly, as well as getting greater legal certainty. Under the new plans, new urban areas, known as ‘asentamientos’ will be created to allow

needs the support of political party Podemos, which has until now abstained from supporting the change, much like the PSOE, which has repeatedly declared its opposition. Despite largely causing much of the mess. Campaigner Gerardo Vazquez, representing the families, said: “I do not know why it is so difficult to solve a problem that could easily be solved with political will. “The houses need regulation now, so that they can stop damaging the environment with uncontrolled emissions of waste, so that corrective measures can be applied and also so that a short-term solution is given to provide some form of legal certainty and that they can connect to basic services, as a matter of humanity. “The amendment will allow this for many thousands of these houses, allowing them to come out of the legal limbo in which they currently exist". AFO stands for Asimilación fuera de ordenación.

the homes to be legalised. The groups of illegal houses, represented by the Andalusian Confederation of associations and federations, are scattered through the Axarquia, in Malaga, and areas such as Almeria and Cadiz. A large number are owned by expats and many of them will join others from the group, known as A MADRID apartment CALU, to has been transformed into make their an art deco haven. demands Interior design firms heard in Gancedo and Rue Vintage Sevilla this 74 collaborated on the week. project, incorporating bold The vote colours and unique staple furniture pieces from the 19th century. From cacti made from esparto - a weed grown in DOUBLE the number of building licences Andalucia - to huge goldhave been issued in Marbella this year. plated palm trees and pineA total of 528 licences have been handed out apple wallpaper, the work - valued at €143.2 million - since the PP mayhas been praised by the oress Angeles Munoz came to power last year. likes of design magazines The previous 12 months saw only 272 licences Radar and AD. awarded, worth €70.2 million. Smaller works have also increased, by 30%.

Art deco haven

Double bubble

QUIRKY: A sumptuous feast in Madrid

MORE than 97% of floor clause victims have won their battles in court, new figures have revealed. It comes 15 months after 54 courts were set up to deal specifically with around 40,000 cases of mortgage abuse clauses utilized illegally by banks. According to the courts, 17,485 cases were resolved between April and June this year, with 97.3% being won by the claimants. But while the cases are being dealt with at a quicker rate, the backlog has soared after 50,000 new claims were brought before the specialised courts over the same period. The hidden floor clauses tied the homeowners to minimum monthly repayments of around 2%, even when interest rates went much lower. It meant they were forced to pay hundreds of euros extra per month.

Empty homes law SPAIN is planning to punish owners of empty homes. The government has drafted a set of initiatives that would affect homes owned by investment firms, banks and private citizens. There are more than 3.4 million homes lying empty in Spain and new laws could see sanctions for their owners if they remain unoccupied. It comes after some regional authorities started to fine owners, as well as forcing them to rent and even temporarily expropriating their properties in some cases. In some areas only banks holding repossessed homes can be sanctioned while in other regions private individuals are also being targeted. PSOE Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez is trying to get agreement across all parties before introducing the bill.

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IV 16


or in this case THEY say good things come in threes, 300! with In our fitting 300th issue we are packed than ANY other exclusives and original content - more English paper in Spain. TripAdvisor Aside from the news and our ongoingculinary delights probe, we have food features on the on how an of the Basque region, as well as a missive UK’s literacy rates Andalucian weed helped boost the in Victorian times. Valley of the Plus our in-depth dispatch from the with exhumed, be to Fallen, where Franco is soon Spain’s leading exclusive commentary from three of and Giles Hispanists, Paul Preston, Ian Gibson Tremlett. our 300th issue, And in a special supplement to mark came to be we tell the story of how the Olive Press currently reporters former our and where many of work, with some in Russia and America. grab a coffee Yes, there is a lot inside. So sit back, your with relax and wine of glass or reach for your favourite fortnightly newspaper. Hope you’ll still We’re here for at least another 300. be too.


Voted BEST


expat paper in Spain

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September 12th - September 25th 2018 Vol. 13 Issue 300 www.theolivepress.es


EXPATS may have lost millions over the suspicious collapse of a foreign exchange firm being probed over ‘criminal activity’. Dozens of victims have lost up to €400,000 each after Premier FX Limited was forced into administration by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). It comes after the firm - which operated from Mallorca, Portugal and London - suddenly stopped trading on July 27, following the death of director Peter Rexstrew. Since then, hundreds of clients, many of them expats,

Expats demand the return of millions after FX company collapses amid fraud probe have been left completely in the dark and unable to access their funds. The group have now formed an action group with nearly 200 members demanding immediate answers. One British expat, based in Mallorca, told the Olive Press she has no idea what has happened to the €30,000 she was holding with Premier FX. “I had used them for many

EXCLUSIVE By Elisa Menendez

years and there were never any problems,” explained the 69-year-old, who asked to remain anonymous. “I had transferred the money and was waiting for the exchange rate to improve. “The next thing I knew, the money was gone. I feel sick

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about it,” added the pensioner, based in Palma. Another entrepreneur told the Olive Press she is missing a staggering €400,000. businessUK-based The woman, who previously lived in Portugal for ten years, has made three monthly transactions with Premier FX for 12 years. Despite knowing former director Rexstrew, who also lived in the Algarve, she was given no warning. “I tried to make a transaction but no one would answer the phone. I then emailed and I

received this automatic reply saying they had ceased trad- EXPAT: Andrew Jones ing and there’d be no further transactions. “I immediately smelt a rat,” she added. When she called Action Fraud, EXCLUSIVE an operator explained he knew nothing about it. A GAY couple have denounced “I’ve been stuck for two months a Guardia Civil officer after he without that money and have allegedly assaulted them. no idea whether I’ll get it back. Expats Andrew Jones, 36, from “It’s not just affecting people London, and Mario Dieni, 39, buying holiday homes, it is also from Argentina, claim they affecting business owners, who were ‘pushed and grabbed’ for can’t pay staff or clients.” no reason. Both victims had been prom- The couple have called in the ised by Premier FX that their British embassy and filed an ‘segin held being was money official denuncia over the inregated, personal accounts’ cident, which took place near with Barclays, but administra- Torrox, at the weekend. tors now think this was not the Jones, who has bipolar discase. order, told the Olive Press he The FCA has since discovered was ‘really shaken up’ by the that the company, set up in alleged assault, which came af2006, was operating without ter they were routinely stopped full authorisation. at 1am. It was forced into administra-


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Continues on page 8

Unfair cop


“He was immediately aggressive. We are gay and he saw us together, perhaps it is discrimination. I don’t know,” he said. The British expat, who works in marketing, had been driving home having picked up his partner from work at a hotel in Nerja. “He went absolutely berserk, pushing me so hard that the officer behind had to catch me,” added Jones. “He then grabbed Mario and tossed him to one side.” Eventually the officer was moved away by colleagues, who then gave the couple his badge number, so they could file a complaint. A Guardia Civil spokesperson confirmed the incident was ‘being investigated’.

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September 26th - October 9th 2018


September 2018

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T was upsetting to read about the expats caught up in the ‘brokers muddle’ on the front page of the last issue of the Olive Press. Hopefully administrators unravelling the ‘company book’ of Premier FX will not be delivering further bad news… and can soon throw out some life buoys to those customers left in choppy waters. It’s the very least we’d expect for an established financial company trusted with clients’ money. And given the UK’s very strict Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is now going through the foreign exchange company’s affairs I’d hope for a good outcome. So how do you recognize a good broker? Before I answer that question I went to Wikipedia, which defined ‘a broker’ as follows:

Key exchanges

Cashback? By FX trader Mark Rickard

No guarantee for victims of Premier FX, but authorities will help get money returned, writes specialist Mark Rickard * A broker is an Independent party, whose services are used extensively in some industries. A broker’s prime responsibility is to bring buyers and sellers together and thus is the third party facilitator between a buyer and seller. An estate agent or stockbroker are familiar examples. Regulation plays a key role in the financial sector, therefore watch for the FCA membership number on any FX company’s website and any correspondence their representatives send to you when engaging in business. Never be scared to ask representatives about their company’s regulatory status and safety of your funds: Good companies are always happy to answer, and should be definitive

in their response. Safety of your funds should be paramount when making large foreign payments, and all good FX companies segregate client monies in a ring-fenced account, so it does not form part the brokers profits or losses. Lawyers have similar segregated accounts as well, by the way, known as Clients Trust Accounts. Documentation to prevent money laundering is very strict in recent times, and getting stricter, as brokers understandably want to know who you are, before acting on your behalf. Therefore, the registration criteria will usually be thorough! This protects you and the broker alike...and if the registration process is not detailed, loose or slack, you should perhaps wonder why?

Lastly, and the most commonly asked question to brokers, and actually it’s the justification for their very existence is ‘the price’! The one you get for euros, dollars, yen, whatever. Brokers will always give you a better price than banks, as they have commercial terms with the principle party (they buy wholesale amounts of currency), unlike individuals or even companies. Also they will go to more than one bank to get better prices, hence offering you a better quote.


Probably the most hazardous sign to watch out for is when a broker offers a better price than ‘the market’ known as the ‘interbank rate’, because it will

mean they are likely to be taking risks themselves. They should be buying currency at the moment you buy your currency…it is a back to back transaction which has NO RISK. They should not be waiting for better exchange rates. That is gambling with YOUR money. I have been working in the financial industry for nearly 20 years, and there has never been more protection for clients what with the FCA, Her Majesty’s Customs and Excise, and of course the Government itself. There are also internal compliance departments to police activities.

However, there will always be feral and rogue institutions, company directors who behave improperly. And usually, in my experience the person most affected is the man on the street. I sincerely hope this sad chapter in FX history, is quickly brought to a close. And I hope to be writing a more cheerful story in my next column in October.

Please feel free to contact me at Key Currency if you have any questions regarding choosing you foreign exchange broker. www.keycurrency.co.uk • Call +44 (0)1872 487 500

Villa, Sotogrande Costa

Ground floor apartment, Sotogrande Beach

4 bedrooms / 3 bathrooms • 308m2 built • Lovely lush 1860m2 plot Original Ibiza style design • Upper mezzanine with large terrace Tranquil location • Excellent condition

4 bedrooms / 4 bathrooms • 214m2 built with 117m2 private garden Private pool • Metres from beach • In the best beachside block Stroll from chiringuitos

Price: €1,350,000

Price: €1,375,000

Villa - Sotogrande Costa 5 bedroom / 5 bathroom • 1008m2 built 2676m2 plot • Brand new – just completed Highest quality finish • Designed by ARK Prestigious location

Price: €4,200,000

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Villa – Sotogrande 4 bedrooms / 4 bathrooms • 360m2 built 1172 m2 plot • beamed high ceilings Lovely homely villa with lots of charm

Price: €895,000


September 26th - October 9th 2018


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VI 18


September 26th - October 9th 2018


September 2018

What can you buy in Spain when money is no object?


VILLA in Mallorca made headline news this month for being allegedly the ‘most expensive’ in Spain … although the owners of an even costlier Marbella-listed mansion might have something to say about that. At a staggering €65 million, it’s one of the many properties across the country that have seen their worth soar as the country’s property market continues to recover. Our Olive Press Property Magazine sleuths rounded up some of the most expensive homes in Spain’s hottest locations.


PRIVILEGED: Location overlooking Palma


65 million


illa Solitaire in Son Vida, Palma was reported to be the most expensive property for sale in Spain this month at a cool €65 million (although it is still €15 million less than the Marbella-listed property below). On the market with the John Taylor real-estate, it was designed by Italian architect Matteo Thun and has stunning views over Palma Bay. ANUNCIO OLIVE PRESS ENERO 18 OK.pdf 1 The 2,300m2 pad has seven bedrooms and six bathrooms, a rooftop terrace with open-air cinema, gym, parking for six cars, a botanical garden, an elevator … we could go on ...



Looking for Design Inspiration? Sevilla,

13.5 million


wned by Joanne Hearst Castro, granddaughter of newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst, this grand 152-hectare estate is just 15 minutes from the centre of Sevilla and offers jaw-dropping views from every side. The 15-bedroom cortijo has its own chapel, dressage rings, pool, wine cellar with flamenco tablao and even a private bull





ring! It also comes with a horse and carriage collection - including the one Spain’s Infanta Elena rode in to her wedding. The 3000 m2 property, listed with Sotheby’s, was built in 1929 by Aníbal González before being upgraded in 1999. Sotheby’s is offering it fullyfurnished, complete with objets d’art collected from the most exotic corners in the world.


Marbella, 80 millio




his massive mansion is actually the most exp Listed with Prime Property Marbella, the 10built in 2002 and features a swimming pool, g Sitting on an 8000m2 plot, the beachfront hom pool, bars, cinema and barbecue.


The leading home decoration magazine for homeowners with style… Tel. (+34) 951 38 38 97 | info@homeandlifestyle.es | www.homeandlifestyle.es



September 26th - October 9th 2018

September 2018

Madrid 21 million


his sprawling modern home is located in La Finca, near Madrid, reckoned to be the safest residential area in Europe and a favourite among footie stars like Gareth Bale and Zinedine Zidane. The mansion, west of the centre of Madrid,

boasts a home cinema, spa, sauna, massage room, gym, security room, domotics and an independent pavilion for staff. For sale through Jaime Valcarce Consulting Inmobiliario, you also get indoor and outdoor swimming pools and a nine-car garage.

STYLISH: Sleek lines

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pensive in Spain. -bedroom, 17-bathroom giant was garage and enormous garden. me comes complete with a heated GORGEOUS: Gardens of Sevilla mansion

More eye-watering properties overleaf

VII 19



September 26th - October 9th 2018


September 2018

Ibiza, 12.6 mILLION


he perfect party villa on an island that knows how to have fun, with spectacular sea views. Just 10 minutes from Ibiza town and the sandy beach of Talamanca, it’s listed with N.A.R.T. Ver waltungsgesellsc haf t mbH. Recently renovated with spacious surroundings and three separate guest apartments, the infinity saltwater pool has wow factor vistas to Dalt Vila and the hippy island of Formentera.

Cordoba, 2.5 million


beautiful Moorish mansion three minutes from Cordoba’s city centre, you’ll never have to worry about where to park the car. Slap-bang in the historic

quarter, the patio surrounded by a colonnade of 9th century arches with a Roman fountain at its centre is just one of the wow factors. All the doors of the Sotheby’s listed home are of hand-carved wood while

those leading to the dining room are antique, crafted by monks. Listed with Sotheby’s, the property is packed with antiques and comes complete with orange and lemon trees and a swimming pool.


September 26th - October 9th 2018


86 9, 00 0€

Tel +34 952 816 250

VILLA – EL CAMPANARIO, ESTEPONA 4 Beds • 3 Baths • 550 Built m2 • Terrace 200m2 • REF 176-01380P New project now being built and with estimated delivery summer 2019. This very well located residential site overlooks the charming El Campanario Golf & Country Club, just minutes from San Pedro and Marbella. The development will consist of 4 luxury, southfacing golf villas with built sizes of over 300m2 and plot sizes of over 550m2. Modern design and high quality materials are the principals of the project. There is now an opportunity to reserve your new home and customize & modify the choice of materials and even the layout and distribution. There are basement options and an option for a roofterrace with wet bar and jacuzzi. All villas have 3 off-street parking spaces. Prices starting at 869.000 euros

Centro Comercial Plaza 63, 29660 Nueva Andalucia, Marbella Tel +34 952 816 250 • info@andadev.com • www.andadev.com




September 2018

September 26th - October 9th 2018

Price hike A


Follow the new Axarquia walking trail to discover some bargain properties

NEW walking route will connect seven villages in the stunning mountain villages of Axarquia. Dubbed La Ruta de los Puentes - the bridges route - the 50km trail takes in Alcaucin, Canillas de Acei-

tuno, Sedella, Salares, Canillas de Albaida, Archez and Arenas. The project has received an initial €150,000 budget and will see the upgrade of pre-existing paths and the construction of four new bridges to add to five

already in place. It’s a wonderful area close to Malaga city and a nice place to live, so in the spirit of the walk, we’ve rounded up a property from each village which shows you can get some real bargains if you venture inland.

Canillas de Aceituno

Canillas de Aceituno €96,000 71 m2 - 2 bed

Arenas €126,000 90 m2 2 bed

Sedella, €85,000 85 m2 3 bed

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September 26th - October 9th 2018

XI 23

September 2018

Alcaucin, €196,000 131 m2 3 bed

Sedella Salares

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XII 24


September 26th - October 9th 2018


September 2018

Struggling to pay your Spanish mortgage? Stuck in negative equity? We can help.


U Property Solutions are Specialist Debt Strategists who assist individuals with European Property Debt. The Spanish property market suffered severely following the global financial crisis of 2008 with property values dropping significantly. Many people found that their properties were in Negative Equity which occurs when the value of the property is less than the outstanding mortgage. Subsequently, many that had invested their life savings into their dream holiday homes were finding it increasingly difficult to keep up with the mortgage repayments. This had a domino effect and people were falling into financial difficulty thus leaving their UK assets at risk. EU property Solutions can help those in this situation. We provide the correct strategies and solutions to solve complex and problematic property issues. Please rest assured that help is at hand. • • •

SThey truborrowed gglin€180,000 g withon an initial 10-year interest only period. EUnfortunately, U Pro pert y Dethe following bt?collapse •of Want to sel the Spanish property market the

l but can’t? • value Mortgage ofgrethe ater property than value? plummeted to • just Lost De€90,000. posit? This had turned into • Can ’t ma ke younightmare. their worst r mortgage pay ments? • Interest Only This dire per situation iod ending?was then made • Generally Strugg worse with ling thewitdeclining inh your Spanisrental h Property? come, and, the end of the 10-year in-

Struggling with EU Property Debt?

terest-only period coming up with the mortgage moving to an unsustainable capital repayment. The retired couple could not see any way toro 76, make the del Due 3º C, San Ped Alcantara, info@eupropertyso 2 lutions.com increased repayments required, feltnp@roeup ropertyso ww w. trapped and were quite rightly worried eupro pertysolutions.c om about their future. After seeking some professional advice, they decided to appoint EU Property Solutions to act on their behalf. We successfully negotiated the voluntary surrender of the property and a complete write-off of their debt. Significant savings were achieved not only in respect of the negative equity shortfall but, also community fees and taxes levied on the property. This was a huge relief for the couple and they are now able to enjoy their retirement stress free! If you are struggling with overseas property debt don’t delay, contact EU Property Solutions today on 0044 330 124 1233 and we will be more than happy to assist you. Or visit www.eupropertysolutions. com to chat online withwe an advisor. debt. Essentially

EU Property Solu tions are a team of provide tailored pre-insolvency stra Insolvency and debt consultant s who specialise tegies, we will look at your situatio n and provide Calle Marques

• Want to sell but can’t? • Mortgage greater than value? STUCK IN A RUT?: A property worth €180,000, collaped in value and is now worth €90,000 • Lost Deposit? We offer assistance and advice in • Can’t make your mortgage payments? all areas of European property debt • Interest Only period ending? We have 30+ years’ experi• Generally Struggling Spanish Property? ence in this complex field, of • We with can offeryour references hapCosta Blanca working with a Here is an example of a case recently

Mortgage Trap

Call us today on: +44 330 124 1230

property finance issues. py to discuss their case and variety of Spanish Lending in- completed by the team: We have an expert legal team experience with us who have stitutions. An elderly couple purchased a propin Spain and Multilingual suffered the same difficult • We have testimonials on our erty North of Valencia, with the intent team members. circumstances. website from our satisfied to rent out the property, but also utilizWe will assess your circum- • We have completed cases clients. Please visit www.eu- ing it as a holiday home. This was their stances and offer the most across Southern Spain inpropertysolutions.com lifetime dream and they were excited appropriate solution.Solutions arecluding theof Costa Del Sol andand debt consultants who specialise at this opportunity. EU Property a team Insolvency in property associated

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Struggling with EU Property Debt? • Want to sell but can’t? • Mortgage greater than value? • Lost Deposit? • Can’t make your mortgage payments? • Interest Only period ending? • Generally Struggling with your Spanish Property?

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We offer assistance and advice in all areas of European property debt

Call us today on: +44 330 124 1230

EU Property Solutions are a team of Insolvency and debt consultants who specialise in property associated debt. Essentially we provide tailored pre-insolvency strategies, we will look at your situation and provide options best suited to your desired outcome.

Calle Marques del Duero 76, 3º C, San Pedro Alcantara, 29670 Malaga Spain info@eupropertysolutions.com np@eupropertysolutions.com




September 26th - October 9th 2018



XIV www.theolivepress.es 26 September 2018 In the latest round of the Design World Cup, Nest Estepona’s Lotti Ander pits Germany against Spain


T seems all Europeans have their own unique DNA when it comes to interior styles, like stripes that never go away. In our last property magazine, I explained how I could tell with near 100% accuracy where the owners of a home were from depending on their interiors. Kicking off the Design World Cup, I pitted the furniture-loving Brits against the minimalist Swedes. This edition I take a look at the precision-loving Germans and colourmad Spaniards.

September 26th - October 9th 2018

Clinical vs Colour GERMANY

Order, grunge and gemütlichkeit!


ermans have a long history with industrial craftsmanship, producing designs systematically and methodically with a rigorous and refined approach to quality. Bauhaus, BMW and beer are all products of this ‘mit Präzision’ mentality! And when it comes to their way of living (Germans have a problem with voluptuous and fussy interiors) you can easily see their love for clean, staight lines. They tend to focus on one statement piece of furniture at a time rather than an overall concept, and they do it themselves - hiring an interior designer is a no-no! Seeing the home as an arena for self-expression is a completely outlandish idea to orderly German minds! Please follow the instructions below to give your home the Deutsch touch: •

• •

In every self-respecting German home there should be a brown leather sofa, preferably a 1960s Conseta model. No IKEA-wannabes please! Alternatively, opt for a very complicated module sofa, one that’s hell to hoover underneath and impossible to get up from! Bare brickwork walls and concrete ‘bunker style’ are popular design themes. Organise your home with floor-to-ceiling modular

ORDERED: Clean, tidy and organised in a German home shelves and containers. There should be no clutter. •

Gemütlischkeit demands plenty of throws, cushions and carpets. If you want to enhance the arty crafty feel, throw in a lambskin.

A square fireplace (no frills or mantelpiece) is a must, accessorised with honey candle lights and a wooden floor - zehr naturlisch!

For the finishing touch, something olde worlde. Why not a cuckoo clock?


Color, color y mas color!


ow can I describe the art of Spanish interior design in just a few words? It’s virtually impossible because minimalistic they are not. Their motto is ‘more is more’ - and the more furniture/colours/objets d’art, the better! Also alien to the Spanish homeowner is the concept common in this age of over-consumption that when something is out of fashion, it gets chucked out and replaced by something more modish. This does not work for a Spaniard but honestly - why should it? We humans are all hamster hoarders at heart, but we have a problem admitting it. Spaniards don’t. Therefore you may have difficulty navigating a Spanish home because of the hulking medieval cupboards, sideboards, bookcases and chiffoniers blocking your way to the bathroom. It’s like an adventure into the Amazon jungle without a map. However, for those who are anal about organisation (like the Germans), the Spanish interior style is utterly liberating! If you want your home to be vibrant, full of life and furniture and with a colour scheme that will have paint supply companies laughing all the way to the bank, you should do as follows: •

Choose distinct, strong colours for your walls. To achieve this psychedelic

schizophrenic look, every room must be different, from the porch to the garage and even the dog kennel house! Think fuchsia, neon-carrot, toxin green, bubblegum pink and custard sauce yellow. •

Buy chunky, heavy dark brown furniture and let no space come between them when you line them up along the walls. Olé!

Install double lines of curtains. And awnings. And blinds. And blackouts. And use the electricity sparingly. Think dark side of the moon, then you are on the right path.

Why be practical when you can run with wet laundry up two staircases instead? Always keep the washing machine in the kitchen/basement - that way, you get your daily exercise without thinking of it!

Stash all your 101 cleaning products - the exterminate-everything-includingyourself stuff - in one of your many wardrobes. Not space enough ? Buy a bigger house, hombre!

September 26th - October 9th 2018

ye a

r s con s t r



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XVI 28


September 26th - October 9th 2018


September 2018

Fortress €7.5m

I can only describe this as a ‘masterpiece’ and aside from winning architectural prizes, this fortress, near Alcala del Valle, between Ronda and Olvera, once owned by a Marquez, has Roman origins and a 120,000m2 plot, with its own olive plantation, chapel and no less than 10 bedrooms and nine bathrooms.

Country Mill


He is one of the best travelled agents in Andalucia… and few people know the inland region like Oscar Ernstsen (right), writes Jon Clarke



OOKING for a castle? He’s got a few. Looking for a palace? That’s easy. Want a vineyard or an olive estate? What grape or olive variety do you prefer? Welcome to the wonderful world of Oscar Ernstsen at Villas & Fincas, Andalucia’s most travelled estate agent. While most Costa del Sol agents spend the majority of their time, scouring the many urbanisations between Mijas and Marbella, this Dutchman looks inland. Aside from a series of charming country properties near Estepona and Casares, where he is based, his beat is very much rustic dreams. But not of your ordinary kind. Take a look around his company’s re-

This resorted olive mill on the outskirts of one of inland Malaga’s most charming small villages, is a complete bargain. Completely restored, it sits on the edge of the cultured artist village of Genalguacil, just 30 minutes from Estepona and Ronda! With 1.4 hectares of land providing 1500 kgs of olives and 300 litres of oil, it’s the very epitome of the Good Life. A bargain for an artist or writer!

Horses and wines €1.15m

This amazing equestrian property sits in the middle of top class vineyards (near Federico Schatz bodega) in Ronda, with the most amazing views to the Grazalema Natural Park.

cently-relaunched website (below left) and you will find dozens of Andalucia’s most stunning estates. Scattered across seven provinces of Andalucia, they include hunting estates, equestrian properties, with vineyards, fortresses, with 12-foot high walls and 20-bed cortijos with Roman foundations. “I cover almost all of the region and as a rule of thumb, they have to be between a three and four hour drive from my office for me to consider them,” he explains. “And something three-and-ahalf hours away will have to be something pretty nice.” He particularly likes the Aracena region, of Huelva, with its rolling countryside, as well as the Natural Park of the Sierra Norte de Sevilla, which butts onto Extremadura. “I have just sold a wonderful olive estate to an American couple from New York there, as well as a vineyard near Ronda. They have all the bases covered,” he explains. He is a massive fan of the Serrania de Ronda area in general and ‘will never get bored of the amazing drive between Gaucin and Ronda’. And he also loves the Hornachuelos area, north of Cordoba and the south of Jaen. “I spend a lot of my week driving around inland Andalucia, which is easily one of the most beautiful areas of the world,” he explains. “I’ve got to know the region well over the last two decades and there are so many stunning places to live.” Luckily, his office in Casares, near Estepona, is manned around the clock by his wife and business partner Anita and a team of four employees, so he never misses a call, or client. Currently they have 250 properties on their books, all with exclusive photos and videos on their new website, which has taken a year to create. “There is something for everyone and if, like me, you appreciate the local Andalucian architecture, you will love having a browse,” he adds. Here are six picks from his current crop of dream places to buy: Visit www.villasfincas.com


September 26th - October 9th 2018


September 2018

Roman beauty €899,000

I love this historical hacienda with Roman origins, near Antequera. It features some amazing nooks and crannies and plenty of space… and check this amazing

archaeological masterpiece from the first century that was found in the grounds. It’s called the ‘Efebo’ and it sits in Antequera’s town museum.

to dreams Heart-stoppingly romantic €700,000 Few places can take you back in time like this. Oozing history, it was once a monastery and features incredible arches and some of the nicest original features I have ever

Napoleon’s garret €1.55m

You will struggle to beat this award-winning restoration project, sitting inside the UNESCOprotected Sierra Norte de Sevilla Natural park. It was formerly

an ice factory, and later a farm for classic Jamon Iberico…Today it is a rural country hotel. Oh and by the way, Napoleon (right) once stayed here!

come across on my travels. It even has an old bodega and sits near the idyllic mountain village of Cazalla de la Sierra where famous designers Vic-

torio y Lucchino have a home, as well as the daughter of former dictator Franco… and price wise just €700,000.



September 26th - October 9th 2018


September 2018

by mortgage broker Tancrede de Pola

Spain’s impressive recovery continues 10 years after the global economy collapsed


T’S been exactly 10 years this month since the Lehman Brothers collapse in the US kickstarted the global economic crash which decimated Spain’s property market.


Back from the dead

And boy have we come a long way. After six years of real struggle the market in Spain finally began to get its confidence back from 2014

30 years of Space


FAMILY run real estate agent with a professional approach and over 30 years experience on the coast. Space Marbella pride themselves on providing a unique an exceptional service for any budget between Málaga and Sotogrande and invite clients to “find out what makes us different”. And they have the largest ‘sole agency’ portfolio on the coast, meaning it has more exclusive properties on its books than any of its rivals. But it’s the property management arm of the business which sets it above the rest. “Not only are we agents and developers, meaning we sell and build properties, but we offer property management as well,” explains director Jeremy, “that’s a rare thing to find on this coast and we’ve been offering this all-around service to our clients for almost a decade now.” Space has two offices, one in the centre of Marbella and another in Nueva Andalucia, near Puerto Banus. And they’re likely to speak your language, with English, Spanish, German, Swedish, Dutch and French all spoken by their friendly and experienced staff.

onwards, with prices and While Madrid – the country’s purchases increasing at a hottest market – led the pack healthy rate ever since. with 6,018 mortgage apPrices were 2.6% higher provals, Andalucia came in a across Spain in the second strong second with 5,154. quarter of this year compared This steady and impressive to the same period last year, recovery makes Spain an atthe latest figures have re- tractive investment, espevealed - the most recent sign cially if you’re suffering from of the country’s robust recov- the post-summer blues and ery. need a hot summer home to The national escape back to. property price But if you are index is now looking to inThe biggest 23.9% higher vest, it’s imporpitfall can be than it was tant to rememfour years ago, ber how crucial trap-related when the propmortgage broerty market products hidden kers can be. had just begun With established in small print to turn a corlinks to all the ner. major Spanish Meanwhile, the lenders the Filatest mortgage figures show nance Bureau acts as a gothat this April alone there between for the client and the was a 34% increase in loan bank – but it is important to approvals in Spain, while the remember that the broker is average mortgage value rose not connected to any one bank by 9.1% to €123,256. – and works to find the buyer It means banks lent €3.54 bil- the best deal available across lion, a 46.5% increase on the the whole of the market. same month last year. It is essential to have some-

Visit www.spacemarbella.com or call 951 203 716 for more information.

FORGET CRASH: Market is now 24% up on 2014 one in your corner to highlight time and money as they will and then minimise the impact be looking out for these hidof any hidden fees or com- den add-ons and will always pulsory add-ons tucked away look for ways to lessen their in the small print. Also to en- impact. sure you get the best possible But the best way to ensure a mortgage rate to suit your good mortgage that does not needs and circumstances. hide anything in the fine print One of the biggest pitfalls is to solicit the help of a mortcan be ‘trap-related products’ gage broker. that often get hidden in the When it comes to picking a small print. These additional mortgage, you must get it products get attached to your right on the first try as due to mortgage and usually include the relatively high transaction insurance policies. costs, it is virtually impossible Using a broker will save both to reverse.

To contact Tancrede for all your mortgaging needs call: 666 709 743 or for insurance queries call: 951 203 540 Email: tdp@thefinanacebureau.com The Finance Bureau Centro Commercial Guadalmina, 2nOffice No. 7 Guadalmina, 29670

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September 26th - October 9th 2018


XX 32


September 26th - October 9th 2018


Meet the cavemen

September 2018

THERE’S LIFE INISDE: Outside view of iconic cave homes

Photographer reveals amazing world of Andalucia’s cave dwellers


CHILEAN photographer has spent time in Andalucia documenting hundreds of cave dwellers and their fascinating homes.

As part of her project, Tamara Merino photographed cave homes and their residents in Gaudix and Sacromonte in Granada. “The most important thing was

AT HOME: A migrant settled in his new environment

not to have any preconceptions,” she told The National Geographic magazine. “I like to sit with people and hear their stories. I share my life with them as well.” Gaudix is home to around 2,000 underground houses, where residents still live an agricultural life similar to that of 500 years ago. “They still live with the animals inside the caves,” added Merino. Tocuato Lopez and his family have lived in the Guadix caves for four generations. They offer shelter from the unbearable summer heat while ‘providing a sense of deep-rooted community’. "I'm very proud of being from the cave and still living in the cave,” he said, “I will die in the cave." Sacromonte, which sits across from the iconic Alhambra in Granada, is mainly occupied by illegal squatters. Meanwhile, the lower portion is mostly home to legal residents drawn to cave life for environmental and cultural reasons. Many members of the community,

PROUD: Spanish family has lived in the caves for generations

like Henrique Amaya, continue to live in the caves as a way to honour their Romani culture. "I was born inside a cave with the animals and the beasts,” Amaya, whose family has lived in the Sa-


cromonte caves for six generations, told photographer Merino. His ancestors were the originators of the Zambra flamenco, first performed in the caves more than 500 years ago.


September 26th - October 9th 2018




September 26th - October 9th 2018


September 2018

Gibraltar property specialists EFPG raineinternational are back in Britain promoting the Rock as the perfect place to invest and live




ollowing the success of their attendance at A Place in the Sun Live earlier this year, the team at EFPG raine-international are back in Blighty again. They have been promoting the joys of the Rock from their stand at The National Exhibition Centre, in Birmingham this month. Now merged with long-established UK agent Raine International, they have been promoting the Gibraltar lifestyle and showcasing some of the new developments currently on offer. EFPG raine-international was formed by a merger of the UK and Gibraltar companies which currently have offices in both countries. EFPG Estate Agents have been serving Gibraltar with both property sales, lettings, commercial and property management for many years. The team, based in Irish Town Gibraltar, have extensive experience and knowledge of the local area and marketplace. Raine and Co, meanwhile, have been selling property both in the UK and overseas for many years, opening their first office in Hertfordshire in 1991. They have since become one of the largest and most respected inde-

PROUD: Gibraltar has a lot to offer when it comes to property and investment, say EFPG raine-international

pendent agencies in the south of England with a network of modern offices throughout the region. EFPG raine-international Estate Agents is perfectly placed in Gibraltar and with offices and sales agents in many other countries, making them a truly international company. The company is also unique on the

Rock as being the only Gibraltarbased property agents that exhibits at overseas international property exhibitions. At the National Exhibition Centre, in Birmingham this month they have been joined on their stand by members of the Gibraltar Tourist Board who will help to share the many ben-

efits of property ownership and life in Gibraltar. More than just an Estate Agent EFPG raine-international will also help their clients find suitable properties to buy or rent and offer advice on selling to achieve the best possible price. They are also specialists in relocation, helping smooth the journey

for people coming from overseas or looking to relocate to Spain. With their sister company, the European Financial Planning Group, they can offer customized financial solutions and investment advice along with top-flight tax planning services. Chairman Tom Fraser, says: “At EFPG raine-international we strive to be at the forefront of the market and our staff put an emphasis on high levels of service, communication, honesty, friendliness and a reputation to be proud of. “We have passion and energy to deliver first class service along with building long standing relationships’. Should you be thinking of selling or buying a property in Gibraltar or the surrounding area then now would be the perfect time to get in touch with EFPG raine-international. There are several upcoming events planned for the winter and they are introducing an ‘Inspection Visit’ programme bringing qualified potential buyers to view property in Gibraltar and the surrounding area over the coming months.

Visit our office at 15A Irish Town Gibraltar, visit our website at www.efpg-raine.com or call +350 200 65065 for further information and contact details.


September 26th - October 9th 2018


WE BUILD YOUR DREAMS! Nordic assurance throughout the entire construction process. For over 15 years, the Nordic construction company Casas & Reformas has helped clients to create their dream homes on the Costa del Sol. With the highest focus on quality and communication, we will assist you with everything from minor renovations to new production and make sure you are in safe hands throughout the entire construction process. Our international team has a solid experience from the Spanish, English and Nordic construction industry and we speak English, Swedish, German, Finnish, Danish, Russian, French and Spanish. Together with our partners in the form of interior designers, architects and suppliers we offer a complete service for you and your project.

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September 2018


September 26th - October 9th 2018

Need for clarity Property Surveys We undertake pre completion condition surveys of property to provide clients with an overview of the general condition of the property, commenting on both structural and non structural elements including services, pools, grounds etc We aim to undertake an inspection and the issue of a report within 48 hours of instruction, subject to access. Other services; Valuations, Snagging reports All surveys and valuations undertaken by Charted Surveyors, all reports insurance backed. For a quotation please contact Paul S Gibson BSc, MRICS

Gibson Gale Chartered Surveyors Tel: +350 54029244 Mobile: +34 635 553 957 info@gibsons-spain.com www.gibsons-spain.com

Spain has a serious lack of online property data, Adam Neale explains why


UYERS coming to Spain from the UK and other parts of Europe may be surprised to find that there is a surprising lack of information available online. For example, the British HM Land Registry publishes data sets of prices paid for properties since 1995, transaction data since 2011 and a UK house price index going back to the mid 90s. Additionally, there are sites like www. nethouseprices.com that will tell you the last sale price of any property in Church Road, Bristol, for example, in seconds.

A lack of transparent pricing data We offer Properties for Sale and Rentals (short & long term)

Holiday and short lets in Torremolinos. All with new licenses (Junta de Andalucia) for tourists. Want to rent your apartment in Torremolinos legally for holiday lets? We can provide the necessary paperwork and management of bookings.

Non Resident (Patrimonio)

Taxes for the year 2017 due by December 2018. Our fee from 30€ + IVA. IBI receipt required, done within 72 hours.

However, although Spain's land registry collects the same sets of information, you won't be able to search for any of it via the internet, either in a government site or via any private sources. This begs some important questions to be asked, such as how does anyone arrive at an accurate property valuation and what criteria do they base their valuations on? Even the Nota Simple won't tell you*. This document may contain the vendor's details, a description of the property and the existence of any charges, embargoes or liens against it, but it won't say anything about the price paid for the property at the last sale. And bucking the world trend of rewarding customers with lower prices online - in Spain if you request a nota simple online it will cost you €10 but only €3,65 if you request a paper copy in person from the Spanish Property registry! There is no cutting out the mid-


Would you like to refurbish your apartment but never have enough time to arrange? We have a selected number of builders, plasterers and kitchen/bathroom designers. View our portfolio of reforms. We also offer a property management service.

MORE properties for sale and rent needed to offer our clients

Tried and trusted


ITH more than 15 years experience in Spain, Casas y Reformas has made a name for itself as one of the most trusted construction firms on the Costa del Sol. Operating between Malaga and Manilva, the company can help you at any stage of the construction process, from consultancy on building plots, drafting of projects and technical reports to the final decoration of your home. “Our works speaks for itself with more than 300 projects completed to date,” explains Swedish manager Robert. “We made it through the financial recession thanks not only to our solvency but the quality of our work.” Casas y Reformas prides itself on quality, commitment and customer service in seven languages - Swedish, English, Finnish, Danish, German, French and Spanish. So if your villa or apartment needs a facelift or you’d like advice about building on a new plot, call 654 663 814 or visit casas-reformas.com. www.casas-reformas.com

dleman in Spain. It costs €29 + IVA to get a copy of the Nota Simple in English. Why keep the records – because we know the Spanish registry does have them – and yet not make them available to property buyers and real estate agents? Part of the problem lies in the fact that historically in Spain there is little similarity between a listed price and the price actually paid, as much of it used to be 'under the table'. Therefore, any historical data probably bears little relation to reality. Although this is hopefully a practice that is occurring less frequently than in the past, it does affect the accuracy of records going back a decade or more. A tongue-in-cheek thought is that if Spain did put information online, what would the government do with all the 'funcionarios' (civil servants) who have jobs for life pushing bits of paper around and ensuring that the wheels of bureaucracy revolve as slowly as possible?

Spain needs to improve its transparency

However, if other countries can provide easy access to property sales information, why can't Spain? It would add a new level of transparency to the market and make it more attractive to overseas buyers, because they would have less reason to wonder if the price they are paying for their Spanish home is commensurate with market values and with what the previous owners have paid. Many foreign buyers, particularly those from highly organised regions such as Germany, the Netherlands and Scandinavia, are not aware of these limitations and blame estate agents for what they perceive to be a lack of professional know-how. In reality, Spain's property professionals are more frustrated with this situation than anyone, as it makes their work so much more difficult than that of their colleagues in other European countries or in the USA, where the online property value reference Zillow has become an integral part of the real estate market. It is only once Spain releases accurate information that also includes specific breakdowns of its costas that the country will finally join the league of professional international property markets. Let's hope that day isn't too far away. •

Tip! You can find out how much was paid for a property indirectly by looking into the ‘afección fiscal’ that appears every time Transfer Tax or Stamp duty is paid. As the entry describing the afección fiscal tells the amount of tax paid, with some calculation you can deduce the price from this amount.

Terra Meridiana, 77 Calle Caridad, 29680 Estepona Tel: +34 951 318480 • Office Mob: +34 678 452109 Email: info@terrameridiana.com Website: www.terrameridiana.com


September 26th - October 9th 2018

XXV 37

September 2018

Reviving a legacy Favourite of Matisse and Virginia Woolf, Madrid’s oldest luxury hotel checks in for another heyday


HE fast Edwardian set’s favourite Madrid hotel is back in business with a brand new look for a new century. The Gran Hotel Ingles was a reference point for high class hospitality in Spain when it opened in 1886, boasting luxuries unheard of for the times - lifts, lighting, steam heating and bathrooms on every floor. It quickly became the haunt of wellheeled travellers, socialites, intellectuals and artists like author Virginia Woolf (left) and French painter Henri Matisse (above). Some 130 years later, after falling into a state of disrepair, this neglected

ELEGANT: The new rooms at the Gran Hotel in Madrid

CLASSIC: But the €17 million refurb has brought the Gran Hotel Ingles back to life

grand dame in the Barrio de las Letras has been reborn as an Art Deco boutique hotel after a $20 million (€17 million) refit by the Rockwell Group. Bringing the capital’s oldest luxury hotel into the 21st century was not

without its challenges, including reducing the room count from 72 to 48, but many of the original features have been wittily reused in the new design. Old wall mouldings were deconstructed and extended across the ceiling to create a pattern resembling electric

circuits; time-faded photographs of guests decorate the walls; and wardrobes are lined with wallpaper copies of the hotel’s vintage postcards. There’s even a 1920’s Great Gatsbystyle library where guests can choose from over 600 books.



September 26th - October 9th 2018


September 2018

Into the hills! Inland sales are booming, reports agent Graham Govier


NEW LOOK: For old people’s home by Carrera (right)

HAT an incredible year we are having inland with property sales. We are 40% up on last year which itself was a good year. Can I tell you the reason? Quite frankly NO - we were actually expecting far more caution from buyers. Bargain properties are being snapped up by investors as soon as they come to market and our online ‘reserve a property’ facility is proving very popular.

Taking care It’s eco and elderly friendly too!


Other web portals seem shy to include the exact location of the property with up to date videos and information. Our buyers mostly make their shortlist of properties of interest from their ‘armchair’ as they make use of Google Street Maps to view all the local facilities. Add our internal property walk through video and so much time is saved in discounting any property that does not meet the buyer’s criteria. What a waste of effort in travelling to a property, to

ON THE RISE: Sales in inland Andalucia then find out that the location, neighborhood or facilities were not suitable. Social media activity has been our focus this year with Facebook, Instagram and YouTube promoting the lifestyle benefits of living in Spain. With over 900 property videos on YouTube, this could account for some of our success, by staying well ahead of any competition.


Quite amazingly the Junta trading standards officers are still insisting they do not have the resources to investigate and close, or even fine the illegal Real Estate agencies who avoid business registration. That means that any buyers using their services to purchase a property are not protected under the Euro-


Relax, your move is in safe hands REMOVALS

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pean Trade Description Act. The excuses of Junta de Andalucia Trading Standards are astonishing and the more reporting we can do to warn potential buyers, the more armed they will be with whom they choose as their Agency to ensure a safe and secure purchase. Can you imagine a person selling houses from a pub in the UK, with no question of legitimacy? Crazy how some Buyers still leave their brains behind when they arrive in Spain to purchase a property.


must take some responsibility. When searching through web portals as a potential buyer, you have absolutely no idea of the agency credibility, licensed or not. Even if the property exists or is still available for sale. Several years ago we reported to ALL web portals of their responsibility to be more diligent in whom they allowed to advertise on their platform. This resulted in every portal putting a ‘disclaimer’ in small print in the least obvious position of their website. It has always been about the revenue for these companies and not about the protection of their users. For sure, in the future European ruling will change and provide some protection. Meanwhile, it’s still BUYER BEWARE.. On a good note the Sun always shines here.


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is the way forward. Next month sees the launch of our franchise network throughout Andalucia as we replicate our systems and appoint local partners to continue to provide that special, local service to vendors and buyers. The investment made in the latest systems technology and business practices with the employment of experienced Franchise consultants, will allow us to replicate our success. The Partner selection process is quite severe, in that the growth and use of the Inland Andalucia brand has to be protected so that our buyers continue to have confidence in our services. Contact franchise@inlandandalucia.com to find out more.


T looks more like a contemporary arts centre than a care home for the elderly, with its sleek angles and trendy industrial look. A vast picture window in the dining room gives occupants views of the pretty town of Blancafort in Tarragona worthy of a five-star hotel. Weathered steel and local stone from the area are also NATURE: Tree inside home incorporated in the edgy design for Spain’s first environmentally-friendly care home. Spanish architect Guillem Carrera created the centre on wedge-shaped plot in town, taking care that the build had minimal ecological impact and incorporating solar panels and thick, layered walls to ensure thermal regulation throughout the year. The materials were locally SPACIOUS: Inside home sourced where possible. The centre has two shared entrances and is built around two central courtyards to encourage residents and day visitors to mingle. “The initial observation of the plot and its environment led me to consider that the future building had to create an entrance to the village with its own personality and public character,” said Carrera. He added: “The home for the elderly directs its main space to the surrounding landscape, while the day centre directs its main space to a larger internal courtyard, designed for gathering together and more leisurely activities.”

LOOK OUT: Picture window lets in light and views




September 26th - October 9th 2018

*includes videos *google street maps *full descriptions *chat box

by our 2017 customer database survey of 13,500. SEE for yourself



59.900 €

Town House – Sevilla


Large double fronted townhouse sits in the beautiful town of Estepa. The property has been freshly painted throughout and offers a typical spanish kitchen, 3 bedrooms, one bathroom and a separate lounge with log burning stove.

54.500 €

Castillo de Locubin - Jaen


This great value spacious 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom townhouse is situated on the edge of the large and popular village of Castillo de Locubin in the Jaen region of Andalucia.The property boasts spectacular views from your private terrace, patio and many of the rooms within this 213m2 three storey house.

129.000 €

Mollina – Málaga


This 4 bedroom property is double fronted and very close to the centre of town. From the entrance hall there is a large lounge that could be used as a 4th bedroom. To the left is another lounge which leads through to a utility area, downstairs fully fitted bathroom, a covered patio to the rear with access to the garden with lemon trees and shrubs.

159.950 €

Alcala la Real – Jaen


This beautifully presented 3 bedroom villa with large pool boasts fabulous outside spaces and dramatic views over the Andalucian countryside and mountains. The gated private drive leads to a large car port and your many outside patios, terraces, gardens, featured barbecue, alfresco dining and swimming pool area.

Malaga Office

84.950 €

Antequera – Malaga


This lovely well presented 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom townhouse sits in the beautiful historical town of Antequera located just below the castle grounds and only a short walk in to the center of town for all the local amenities shops, bars and restaurants.

39.995 €

Priego de Cordoba - Cordoba


Situated in an elevated position on the outskirts of the village of La Concepcion this large 3 bedroom, 2 bath countryside home sits on a generous 258m2 plot with spectacular views over the Andalucian countryside and mountains.

170.000 €

Marchena - Sevilla


Well presented 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom , traditional Andalucian Chalet style Villa, situated in rural Marchena and only 2kms from the main A-92 motorway, and only 500m from the nearest bar and restaurant. The property sits within 5,800 m2 of land.

78.995 €

Alcala la Real – Jaen


Completely reformed with modern decor this 3 double bedroom, 3 bathroom townhouse offers you a quality Spanish family home in the popular and historical large town of Alcala la Real in the Jaen region of Andalucia.

Jaen Office

Calle de la Villa 14, 29532 Molina, Malaga

Calle Abad Moya 4b, 23680 Alcala la Real, Jaen



952 74 15 25

953 58 70 40



September 26th - October 9th 2018


September 2018



SPANISH architect has received praise for his Norway-inspired and totally white house, lodged like an iceberg in the foothills of Alicante’s mountains. The impressive Oslo House, surrounded by pine trees, is the creative genius of Ramon Esteve who aimed to bring a refreshing hint of cool Nordic style to Spain’s hot and dusty sierras. Dubbed ‘the concrete block’, the property is made up of two overlapping spaces set back

from one another to draw in optimum daylight and ventilation. Designed to play with light and shadow as the sun moves at varying points of the day, gaps in the floor slabs allow daylight to flood through the building. The spacious living room, furnished in white like all the rooms in the house, sweeps out towards the infinity pool offering breathtaking sea views. Just be careful not to spill your coffee on the white sofas!

WHITE OUT: The stunning home near Alicante

SLEEK: The driveway of modern home praised for its cutting edge design


We are the smallest Scandinavian real estate in Estepona, but probably the most personal! Our hearts beats hard for the city we love, live and work in. We know the city, its heart rate, people, neighborhoods and surroundings. And not least – we do know the real estate market. We therefore become your personal guides and brokers when you will find your dream home here too! Please visit us in our office on Avenida España 1 in Estepona if you want to buy or sell! NICE HOUSE WITH FABULOUS SEA VIEWS R3099661 | €385 000 Bahia Dorada/Estepona Detached villa 168m2 | 3 beds | 3 baths 70m2 terrace | 360m2 garden

Please contact us for more information: Lotti +34 650 202 970 / lotti@nestbostad.com Peter +34 628 078 668 / peter@nestbostad.com Nest Bostadsmäklarna | Avenida España 1, 29680 Estepona www.nestbostad.com



September 26th - October 9th 2018 NUEVA ANDALUCIA OFFICE Plaza de las Orquídeas 3, Nueva Andalucia, 29660 Marbella

MARBELLA OFFICE Marbella Old Town Calle Africa 2, 29600 Marbella Tel: (+34) 951 052 766 info@spacemarbella.com www.spacemarbella.com


from 398,000 €


Brand new luxury development comprising of two buildings, with 8 and 56 apartments respectively and marvellous views of La Marina de Sotogrande. Situated in a private gated community with pools and garden areas. The nautical style residential complex blends into the wonderful scenery of the Marina, next to the yacht club. Enjoy your new home in a unique setting in one of the most prestigious residential areas in southern Spain. 2 bed | 2 bath apartments


149,900 €

This great 2 bed 2 bathroom apartment is located a few minutes drive from the coast. It is near the Commercial centre in Miraflores and is a short drive to Riviera and Calahonda. There is a small entrance hall, a fitted open plan kitchen which has a utility room, good sized lounge, two bathrooms (one en suite) and two bedrooms with fitted wardrobes. 2 bed | 2 bath apartments


Great city centre apartment with three terraces. Facing to the south west this roomy property enjoys plenty of afternoon sun. The property is in good condition and could be moved in to and enjoyed straight away. The busy centre of Torremolinos and it’s railway station are a less than 5 minute walk.

193,000 €


LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION! This beachfront apartment is situated in Calahonda only 20 metres from the beach and has a childrens play area, a tennis court, 2 swimming pools and lovely manicured gardens where you can sit and take in the peaceful view of the sea. This apartment offers amazing views of the sea from the lovely bay window in the dining area.

495,000 €

289,000 € The property comprises a large living & dining room, 2 bedrooms (originally 3) – the master with ensuite bathroom, 2 bathrooms. From the terrace you’ll enjoy sea and panoramic views. The unit offers satellite TV, air conditioning and a spacious garage. The urbanization has a communal pool and garden. The property is a walking distance to bars, restaurants and supermarket. Beach is less than 5 minute walk. Marbella is a short driving distance. 2 bedroom | 2 bathroom

2 bedroom | 2 bathroom


249,900 €

Just 1 minute walk to the sea! This apartment is a walking distance to everything – bars, restaurants, supermarkets and more. The property is sold fully furnished, ready to move into. A lovely terrace offering sea and panoramic views. Very well maintained, the property is in perfect condition. Community pool and landscaped gardens plus community parking. Excellent option for permanent residence or as an investment. 2 bedroom | 2 bathroom

2 bedroom | 2 bathroom


159,000 €


1,695,000 €

Stunning new designer villas with modern and fresh designs. The ceilings of the first floor subtly cover the terrace shared by all the bedrooms, allowing light to enter conveniently according to the time of the day and the season. The villas have been designed to maximise the indoor-outdoor flow that is so essential for tropical living.

Fully refurbished quality classical style villa in Urb Nagueles. Located in a cul-de-sac close to Marbella center and amenities. South facing with sea views, private and quiet. Entrance hall way, living and dining area, fully fitted kitchen with Miele appliances, tv room or office, one guest bedroom suite, separate guest toilet. Direct access to the pool and BBQ area with covered and open terraces.

3 bedroom | 4 bathroom

4 bedroom | 4 bathroom

XXX 42


September 26th - October 9th 2018


September 2018

Tile with style


HE Tile of Spain Awards is open for entries - and it’s cooler than it sounds. Architects, interior designers and students are invited to submit projects for a chance to share a €39,000 prize fund. Now in their 17th year, the awards celebrate projects from across the globe that make innovative use of Spanish ceramics. Organised by ASCER, the Spanish Ceramic

WINNERS: Barcelona subway and (below) Jorge Vidal’s winery

Tile Manufacturer’s Association, the cash prize will be split between three categories: architecture, interiors, and student degree projects. Jorge Vidal’s Mont-Ras winery was the winner of the 2017 architecture award. Check out some of the other memorable winners this decade. To apply visit www.tileofspainawards.com

PROJECTS: (Left) Spanish tiles used in Cambridge while (right) Vidal’s winery from the outside

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SCALE EFFECT: Winning bar in Barcelona while (below) two other winners in Spain


September 26th - October 9th 2018




restaurant, various swimming pools and a gymnasium.

September 26th - October 9th 2018

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