Olive Press Spain Issue 384

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Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all our readers




Mijas Costa


Your expat

voice in Spain

Vol. 15 Issue 384 www.theolivepress.es December 15th - January 11th 2022

All the fun of the slopes 2021 - 2022

A Sierra Nevada


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Nothing beats a weekend in the Costa del Ski, writes Jon Clarke

the magical architecture And if you fancy a change, Alhambra, why the Sierra Nevada of Spain’s most visited monument, the of the T’S not hard to work out Europe's top skiing is only half an hour away, while the beaches is often dubbed ‘southern beckon in an hour. nearby Costa Tropical sunbathe resort’. in the Alps this week The famous adage of ‘ski in the morning, and it’s While you’ll be shivering lunch is very much game on Pyrenees, I’m eating and it’s foggy in the the top of Spain’s second in the afternoon’ many times. the Sibeen tried and tested in bright sunshine near interests me. I like visiting usu- But none of that the sport, but also the food and highest mountain. the Sierra Nevada is for It’s mid-December and and a few of the regulars erra Nevada watchthe people. ally warm during the day while everyone looks There is simply nothing more amazing than drive are actually skiing in t-shirts, on the skyline as you ing the resort appear Malaga or tanned. washed down with an from around Spain (or fly over to land in that Even better, my light lunch, to just over €10…and Gibraltar). Mulhacen obligatory caña, comes up the slopes! peaks of Veleta and as far as is at a restaurant halfway not the number of ki- The snow-capped miles around (in fact of can be seen for 120 miles as the crow flies) and “Here we sell the weather, Luis Hernandez, boss gone Grazalema, somesteep, often single-carriageway to lometres,” explains Juan the prices have hardly winding up the EOE ski school. “And any drive in the country. the top is as exciting asout with timeless views and up for years.” This is a wonderful day


Continues on Page 2

IT was a fund set up to stimulate employment in Andalucia, the region with the highest jobless total in Spain. But in reality it did little more than feather the beds of politicians and their friends and families. As well as paying millions for thousands of fake training schemes that never took place, millions more were squandered on golfing trips and even on prostitutes at brothels. “The number of irregularities is incalculable,” said a former civil servant who first exposed the fraud behind the appropriately-named FAFFE (The Andalucian Fund for Training and Employment). Speaking at a commission set up to investigate the scandal Teodoro Montes, added that the only purpose of the quango was to make money for the PSOE party and its friends. “It was set up to syphon off enough money for everyone to benefit,” he insisted. Set up in 2003, the FAFFE opened 52 offices around the eight Andalucian provinces, mostly managed

See page 13


Brothel shame at the Junta

See our special 16 page Sierra Nevada supplement, which tells you all you need to know to get the best out of Europe’s most southerly ski resort

the sierra

This is England star Andrew Shim faces jail over unpaid drugs charge fine ACTOR Andrew Shim has pleaded with Spanish police to sell off his Mercedes Sprinter and avoid jail following a €88,655 fine for drugs trafficking. Shim was running a business renting out luxury motorcycles at Spanish race tracks before Granada police found 60kg of marihuana in his transport van at a petrol station in October last year.

By Joshua Parfitt


rest warrant to bring Shim back to Spain and face jail. “Shim is insisting he doesn't have the money to settle the fine and has asked for the van that was confiscated to be auctioned off and the proceeds put towards payment,” a judicial source told the Daily Mail. “The state prosecutor has been Prison asked for a report before the judge A Malaga court let Shim off with makes a final decision. a suspended sentence in July af- “If the judge agrees to the money ter an eight-month stay in pris- made from any auction of the van on, on the condition the Notting- being put towards what he owes, ham-based actor paid a fine equal and it's a big if, it's only going to to the drugs’ black-market value. get him out of a hole for a bit beBut now Shim, 38, has pled pover- cause there’s no way that vehicle is ty and asked if police can sell his worth anything like €88,000.” Mercedes. It had been impounded Prices of second-hand Mercedes Continues on Page 5 leading to the collapse of his Track- Sprinter vans begin at around side Hire €25,000, however Shim is known Ltd busi- to be a car enthusiast and has postness. ed upgrades to his Sprinter on soIf he cial media. does not It comes after Spanish police pay, po- busted Shim and two associates lice could for handling 59.88kg of marihuaissue an na with a black market value of i n t e r n a - €88,655 on October 20 last year. tional ar- Police found 19 packets of the drug after stopping Shim and Michael Regan at a petrol station in Huetor Santillan, near ALL AREAS COVERED Granada. The actor, who 4G UNLIMITED made his name INTERNET age 15 in the



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STARS: Shim with co-star Thomas Turgoose (left) Shane Meadows’ film A Room for Romero Brass, confessed to being a drug addict and pled guilty to a drug trafficking charge after being warned he could see five years in jail if the case went to full trial.


A second British man convicted alongside Shim asked for imprisonment due to incapability to pay the fine, and the Malaga criminal court warned Shim would also be imprisoned for not paying up. Shim is most famous for his role as Milky in the 2006 cult classic This is England, in which Milky is violently beaten by a white supremacist. He also appeared in several adver-

tisements, such as for a South Africa-based shoot for Orange Mobile. He is an amateur MMA fighter and has a passion for buying and selling luxury cars and motorcycles. The social media accounts of his Trackside Hire busiSee pages 5 & 36 ness show shots of Shim with his Mercedes Sprinter and luxury motorcycles at race tracks around Spain.

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