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SPAIN'S second major heatwave of the summer arrived this week and could serve up highs of 48 degrees in some inland areas, threatening the alltime record in the Western Mediterranean.
The highest temperature ever was observed just two years ago in Sicily, Italy on August 11, 2021 when the mercury hit 48.8 degrees.
The country's state weather service, Aemet, suggests that the hot weather could be around for some time -
By Alex Trelinski
as much as two weeks. There is nevertheless some respite this weekend predicted for coastal areas, with 31 degrees for Malaga, 30 degrees in Benidorm, and 32 degrees in Valencia.
Higher temperatures of 35 degrees for Torrevieja and 33 for Palma are forecast. The high temperatures are being caused by a mass of very warm and dry air
The Mediterranean is facing prospect of highest temperatures
ever recorded known as ‘Cerberus’ travelling from the Sahara desert that has been expanding into Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia towards south Europe. Heat warnings have been issued both to residents and tourists across Spain. The Cruz Roja has urged people to check on the most vulnerable during the
Child Dies In Hot Car
A THREE-YEAR-OLD child died on Thursday after his mother accidently left him in a locked car. The youngster passed away after spending several hours in temperatures of around 25ºC in the Pontevedra province in the northeastern Galicia region.
The mother reportedly forgot to leave the child at the daycare centre where he was due to be looked after, and travelled instead directly to her place of work.
The authorities were alerted to the child’s plight by a passer-by, who called the emer- gency services at around 5pm.
An ambulance crew could do nothing for the child however, apart from to certify his death.
The alarm was also raised when the boy’s father went to pick the boy up from the daycare centre, and found that he was missing.
The local council of O Porriño, where the family lives, has declared three days of mourning.
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