1 minute read
Climate goals
THE Spanish government has pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 32% of its levels in 1990, after receiving a backlash against the previous target of 23%.
The decision came after pressure from Greenpeace España, which has brought two lawsuits against Madrid demanding a 55% reduction of emissions.
They accused the government of failing to create a national climate strategy for the end of 2030 required by EU law.
The Spanish government countered they are not bound by law to meet a specific reduction percentage and the Ukraine invasion has led to a step back in climate change efforts.
By Alex Trelinski
The PP, led by Alberto Nuñez Feijoo, wants the ‘participation and collaboration’ of the regional governments along with a ‘scientific and social consensus’ to set up the new national body. It also aims to make the maintenance of irrigation for agriculture compatible with natural areas like the Doñana Natural Park, and those badly affected by farming overexploitation such as the Mar
The PP hopes to win the agricultural vote
Menor lagoon. The commitment to irrigated crops is clear with the PP electoral programme: “We will promote a modern and sustainable irrigation, efficient in the use of water and energy, which generates an agriculture of greater added value and capacity to generate employment.” It also mentions collaboration with the 17 regions and municipalities for a ‘more efficient’ use of water and fertilisers in irrigation and to modernise supply channels to cut water losses in distribution chan-