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Former King Juan Carlos tries to have €126m ‘damages’ case thrown out
A LONDON High Court judge has been asked to throw out a €126 million damages claim against Emeritus King Juan Carlos by his former lover Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn. Her long-standing legal battle - which began in 2020 - has seen her sue Juan Carlos for personal injury that caused her mental anguish by spying on her and harassing her after their relationship ended in 2009. The former monarch has denied any wrongdoing and has challenged the claims made against him. She claims that Juan Carlos tried to resume their relationship and, when she rejected him, the for -
By Alex Trelinski
mer sovereign undertook a ‘pattern of behaviour equivalent to harassment’. For Juan Carlos, Adam Wolanski KC said zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn - also known as Corinna Larsen - wanted ‘damages in excess of £126 million’.

He told the judge that her case had ‘no realistic’ prospect of success and that evidence was ‘not viable’ to proceed with the hearing.
“Many of the matters the claimant relies on are subject to state immunity,” Mr Wolanski told the judge.
“The pleaded case of ha -
ADVERSARIES: Corinna and Juan Carlos rassment is a diffuse collection of complaints, some trivial, mostly historic.” he added.
Different legal teams hired by Juan Carlos have been trying for two years to prevent the merits of the matter from being judged. They argued that as head of state and member of the