FOR expat parents newly arrived on the Costa del Sol, choosing the right school can be a bit of a puzzle.
There are plenty of options available, from state schools to international institutions, so making an informed decision requires careful consideration of various factors.
The first crucial choice is between public and private education.
About 80% of expats opt for local state schools, known as ‘ colegios ’ for primary and ‘ institutos ’ for secondary education.
The main advantages are cost-effectiveness (free from age three) and rapid Spanish language acquisition, particularly beneficial for younger children who often
There is no shortage of schooling options in Spain, writes Dilip Kuner
become fluent within a year. However, state schools may present challenges for older children or those less extroverted, especially when tackling complex subjects in Spanish. To ease this transition, many parents invest in extra language tuition, costing around €20 per hour.
For those preferring education in English or seeking potentially higher academic standards, private international schools are an
alternative. These institutions often follow the British cur riculum, offering GCSEs and A-levels as well the International Baccalaureate, with some students progressing to top UK universities, including Ox bridge.
The Costa del Sol boasts over two dozen internation -
Cambridge CELTA course in Malaga - June, August and November in Seville - all year
There are four phases to the school system in Spain, below is an explanation of how it is structured:
● Educacion Infantil (Pre-school) - 3 to 5 years of age (inclusive, i.e. three years). This is optional.
● Educacion Primaria (Primary Education) - 6 to 11 years of age (six years). Compulsory.
● Educacion Secundaria Obligitoria or ESO (Compulsory Secondary Education) - 12 to 15 years of age (four years).
● Bachillerato (Post-Compulsory Schooling) - 16 and 17 years of age (two years).
The Pre-school stage (infantil or popularly known as pre-escolar) is free for all children but not compulsory.
However, it is regarded as an integral part of the education system with infants’ classes at almost every primary school.
There are some separate nursery schools, colegios infantiles, also.
The next two phases, primary (colegio) and secondary school (instituto) education are compulsory and free of charge.
At the end of the ESO successful pupils are awarded a Secondary Education Certificate, which is necessary to enter the post-compulsory stage of schooling for their university or vocational studies.
Alternatively they may leave school and get a job.
Once pupils have their Bachillerato they can take their university entrance exam.
DESPITE Brexit, students from the UK and Spain can still access universities in each other’s countries.
Uncertainty after the UK’s withdrawal from the EU led to a formal agreement being struck to bring extra clarity to the situation.
The accord enables students with UK qualifications (including A-levels and equivalent) to access universities in Spain without the requirement of additional entrance exams.
Entry exams will only be required for certain competitive courses, as was the case prior to Brexit.
Students from Spain can also continue to study at UK universities and other higher education institutions with the baccalaureate recognised for entry. The deal also established a framework to increase long-standing cooperation between the two countries over education.
Prior to the agreement, students with qualifications obtained in the UK didn’t have their achievements recognised in Spain as a result of Brexit.
American schools, reflecting the area’s diverse expat community.
International schools typically offer smaller class sizes, a multicultural environment, and often a bilingual study programme. Many are now incorporating the International Baccalaureate (IB) alongside the Spanish Bachil lerato, providing a globally recog nized qualification. The primary drawback of interna tional schools is cost, with annual
fees ranging from €3,000 for primary to €6,000-€17,000 for secondary education, excluding addi -
● Ignore the glossy brochures - go to the school and see for yourself
● Meet the head, meet the teachers, and meet the students
● Look at the exam results
● Find out about opening or taster days
● If the students seem happy, chances are your child will be happy too
● Be clear about what you want from a school - do lots of research
tional expenses like books and uniforms. Another potential issue is the risk of creating a ‘Spanish vacuum’, potentially hindering integration with the local community.
Ultimately, the choice between state and international schools depends on individual circumstances, including budget, desired level of integration, and educational priorities. Whichever system parents choose, learning Spanish themselves is crucial for effective communication with teachers and supporting their children’s academic journey.
KEEPING your teen motivated through the school year can be a bit of a challenge - to put it mildly!
But it is a challenge that the Spanish system seems to be tackling.
In 1990 a startling 40% of kids dropped out before completing their secondary school education in Spain, according to Eurostat. But that figure has since plunged to 14%.
But before the Spanish authorities get too complacent, it is worth pointing out that in the EU only Romania fares worse, with the EU average being around 10%.
Here the Olive Press, speaks to two public school teachers about how to motivate teens and be involved in their education.
Teaches in Almanjáyar, Granada
Anna is a mathematics teacher at the La Paz institute in Almanjáyar, Granada - a school classified as having ‘special difficulty’ because of social issues in its municipality. She has taught since 2006.
She advises: “Motivation for teenagers is always difficult, especially after the holidays, as it’s difficult for them to return to work after lacking routine in the summer.
“If there’s a good relationship with the students, more goals are achieved. When school returns, teachers try to present the content in an entertaining and fun way, by working on projects and using new methodologies and resources – both manual and digital.”
Considering the age-old problem of kids bunking off school, she says: “We have some protocols where the families are notified first, but if this doesn’t work, they’re referred to social services.” Nobody wants the social services at their door – so how can parents avoid this?
“Teachers can advise families on habits, study techniques, conflict res-
olution and emotional intelligence, but the key thing is the involvement of the families in education and values at home. This is a problem today.”
She thinks that some parents have lost sight of what’s happening with their kids’ schooling and should be more involved.
She says: “Parents can constantly access the teaching and learning process, with face-to-face and telephone appointments and online messaging systems.”
Anna added: “If a student needs to repeat a year, a personalised follow-up is carried out at our school so that they improve and meet the objectives. If they need to do better at something, the families are called.
“To motivate a repeating student, you should make them see that doing a year again isn’t punishment, but that they must be more mature in their work.”
TEEN opinion on what not to do, if you want to be cool at school.
Don’t let your primary school kid take odd and unnecessary items to school – such as gadgets that can be stolen or confiscated.
Don’t do the school run in pyjamas. Always dress correctly and don’t turn up to collect your kids underdressed, like you’re going to the
beach. This is really embarrassing, especially if it’s not the summer.
Avoid dressing your kids in anything that isn’t clean and tidy.
Never let your child attend school in flip flops.
Don’t park your vehicle directly outside the school gate, and then shout and gesticulate loudly at your kids when they are with their friends.
MOTIVATE HIM!: Or your teen may take after Kevin
Secondary teacher in Alcala la Real
Eleuterio works in secondary schools, and baccalaureate, and currently teaches at the IES Alfonso XI in Alcala la Real, Jaen. She has been an English teacher since 2006.
“It’s always difficult to motivate students, but after the holidays, it’s more difficult! Try to make them see the importance of doing well academically for their future work and motivate them daily.
“With the parents, we try to make them see the importance of a good education for their children’s future and insist that they be constant.
“The parents can access specific information about their children during the course, as well as exam grades, using tutoring systems (such as the iPasen mobile app).”
“Try to convince the student that they must make an effort and work more to complete the course.”
British and Spanish
Curriculum • Academic Excellence • Multidisciplinary
Education • Experiences beyond the classroom
• Small groups
Your International School in Marbella
TECH giant Amazon is teaming up with the Spanish education system to train up the next generation of tech wizards.
The Spanish Ministry of Education, Vocational Training, and Sports has signed an agreement with Amazon and Amazon Web Services (AWS) to provide digital and technological skills training to 500,000 young people aged 11 to 25 by 2027.
The plan is to address the growing digital skills gap in Spain and boost the country’s technological workforce.
The programme will encompass a comprehensive range of training initiatives, including the Amazon Future Engineer (AFE) program, which will focus on fostering technological vocations among primary, secondary, and high school students.
The initiative will offer computer science education, specialised courses, and scholarships, collaborating with organizations like Code.org and YMCA.
Students will also benefit from virtual tours of Amazon’s logistics centres, providing insights into real-life technological applications in the workplace.
Additionally, the programme includes dedicated teacher training, covering the fundamentals of computer science and programming to ensure educators are equipped to support students' digital learning journeys.
Recent studies suggest that digital transformation could contribute an additional €282 billion to Spain’s economy by 2030.
Spanish NGO launches initiative to inspire greater empathy towards children in
By Tom Ewart Smith
LISTEN to your children is the message of a new campaign launched by a Spanish NGO.
Educo has launched El Mejor Trato, which focuses on addressing ‘negative’ interactions between adults and children in everyday situations, where children may face ‘mistreatment’ from authority figures.
A key area of focus for the campaign is the treatment of students at school and college.
The organisation emphasis-
es that adults must learn to treat children with respect, noting that nine out of 10 children believe adults make decisions affecting them without listening to their opinions.
Educo promotes an attitude of treating boys and girls with the respect they de-
serve, calling it a form of activism on their website.
The NGO has even coined a term for those who wish to advocate for such activism: Buentratista
To become a Buentratista, there are several criteria to meet.
These include creating safe environments where children feel comfortable expressing
If you have children who are attending a school in the province of Málaga (or if you’re a school student yourself), Semana Blanca is almost upon us.
Málaga’s schools close in the last week of February - it sometimes runs into March.
If you’re at university you don’t get the week off.
So what is it, and why does it apply to Málaga only? It stems from the dates of religious festivals.
Many towns have, since time immemorial, arranged for their local feria to coincide with a religious day (Granada has its celebration during Corpus Christi, for example).
Málaga bases its feria around the Feast of the Assumption - 15 August. What this means, in effect, is that children in Málaga ‘lose’ a week of their summer holiday.
The kids in Córdoba and Granada are off school in late May for their local celebra-
tions, while Málaga’s feria falls squarely in the middle of the summer break.
‘White Week’ (Semana blanca) compensates for this.
It was established in late February so that it would coincide with Andalucía Day (28). Every summer, the county council (‘Junta de Andalucía’) publishes its calendario escolar - calendar for the school year.
The next school break comes in April. Monday 14 to Friday 18 (Easter Week) are days off for the children, but only Thursday 17 and Friday 18 are bank holidays for the grown-ups.
After that, Thursday 1 May is a no-school day, and the summer holidays begin in the last week of June.
Primary schools close on Monday 23 and secondary schools on the following day. School re-starts on Wednesday, 10 September.
Spain’s private education sector is at the forefront of several key trends shaping the future of high school education. These trends reflect broader shifts in educational philosophy, technology integration, and workforce preparation.
One of the most prominent trends in private high schools is the increased focus on digital skills and technology integration. With the rapid advancement of technology, schools are recognising the need to prepare students for a digital future.
Many private institutions are incorporating advanced digital tools and curricula to enhance learning experiences and develop students’ technological competencies.
The Spanish government has also recognised this need, implementing initiatives like the School Digital Plan, which aims to develop schools' digital strategies.
Private schools are often quick to adopt and expand upon these initia tives, integrating cutting-edge tech nologies into their classrooms. Linked to this, there is a growing emphasis on STEM (Science, Technol ogy, Engineering, and Mathematics) education in Spanish private high schools. This trend aligns with the global push for more students to pursue careers in these fields.
Private institutions are in vesting in state-of-the-art laboratories, robotics pro grams, and coding courses to give their students a com petitive edge.
Some schools are taking this a step further by partnering with tech giants like Amazon Web Services (AWS) to provide students with cloud computing
skills and certifications. These part-
their concerns, valuing what they say, and considering their opinions - even when one disagrees with them.
Educo also encourages teachers to engage in its Buen Trato culture and spread an attitude of daily empathyby which they mean putting themselves in the children’s shoes.
These perspectives are outlined in a 32-page guide aimed specifically at teachers.
Called Guía del Mejor Trato, the document is available on their website via a sign-up form.
It begins with an overview of the programme and several pages dedicated to raising awareness about the issues children face.
Throughout the guide, there are links to other Educo initiatives, such as PROTEGEMOS, as well as useful resources for young activists seeking to amplify their voices.
The guide concludes with a comprehensive six-step process for teachers to follow in order to create a positive environment for their students, with additional resources provided throughout.
This trend involves tailoring education to individual student needs, interests, and learning styles. Advanced data analytics and AI-driven educational tools are being employed to track student progress and provide customized learning
The demand for bilingual and international education continues to grow in Spain's private sector. Many schools are offering curricula that combine the Spanish educational system with international programs like the International Baccalaureate (IB) or the British A-levels. This trend reflects the increasing globalisation of education and the desire for students to be prepared for international higher education opportunities. While academic excellence remains a priority, there's a growing recognition of the importance of soft skills and emotional intelligence. Many private schools are in-
SPAIN is absent from the list of the world’s top 100 universities, while only ten made it into the top 500.
The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), the top entry from Spain is the University of Barcelona, which is in the 151-200 band, while the University of Valencia is in the 201-300 bracket.
Only the top 100 universities are given an individual ranking in the study, which identifies the best global higher educational institutions.
Barcelona’s Autonomous and Pompeu Fabra universities; Madrid’s Autonomous and Complutense universities; University of Granda; and University of the Basque Country are placed in the 301-400 bracket. Valencia’s Polytechnic University and University of Sevilla are ranked between 401 and 500. The top five places went to Harvard, Stanford, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge and California-Berkeley.
In sixth place comes Oxford, while the next four places are taken by American institutions.
Only one other country makes the top 20, with France’s Paris-Saclay coming in at 12th.
SPANISH students are increasingly turning to Formación Profesional (FP), or vocational training.
A study carried out by Fad Juventud y Fundación Gestamp found that, in 2015-16, 765,460 students were enrolled in vocational training across three levels: Básico, Medio, and Superior.
This number rose to 1,081,063 by 2022-23, with 4,000 centres offering FP courses during the same academic year. The report shows that more than 50% of FP graduates secure a job within six months of completing their training.
corporating programmes that develop skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership, and adaptability. This trend aligns with the changing demands of the modern workplace, where these skills are increasingly valued. Environmental awareness and sustainability are becoming integral parts of the curriculum in many private high schools. Schools are not only teaching about environmental issues but also implementing sustainable practices on their campuses, fostering a sense of environmental responsibility among students. Spain's private high schools are at the cutting edge of educational innovation, embracing trends that prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. By focusing on digital skills, STEM education, personalised learning, and global perspectives, these institutions are setting new standards for high school education. As these trends continue to evolve, they are likely to influence the broader educational landscape in Spain and beyond.
SPAIN has some of the highest rates of students leaving secondary school without any exam qualifications.
The figures come from the OECD, which has 38 member countries including the UK, France, Germany, and the United States.
Its annual report on education says that 27% of Spain’s population aged between 25 and 34 have not obtained either the baccalaureate or a
OECD reveals that many Spanish youngsters drop out with no exams
By Alex Trelinski
basic post-secondary professional certification.
The split is worst among males, with 32% of them in the age group not having a qualification, falling to 21% for females.
It means that 1.4 million young people in Spain have no professional qualification at all, and among these are
IT seems that the lure of sun, beer and Picasso is too much to resist for young people, as Spain is by far the most popular destination for Erasmus students.
The land of tapas attracted 180,000 students from across the European Union to its educational institutions in 2022. This figure puts it far out ahead of second place Italy, whose charms only managed to attract 140,000.
The Mediterranean powers are followed by Germany, France and Portugal in the top five for the European Commission’s student exchange program, according to official statistics.
Spain also lays claim to the title of sending the leading number of Erasmus students abroad.
Although in this case the numbers are neck-and-neck with Italy, at 125,000 each.
many who do not even complete compulsory secondary education, known as ESO. Additionally, 17% are neither working nor studying, a rate that is worse only among OECD member states in Italy. These students may have become disillusioned with education early on.
One of the reasons could be that Spain’s school system is regarded as too rigid with a focus on passing exams, rather than more practical elements like gaining work experience.
The OECD found that children who have high rates of pre-school enrolment do well in their early years of primary school with excellent test scores.
That however starts to fall after they have passed the age of 10, despite schools in Spain having around 7% more primary school teaching hours and 20% more in secondary school than the OECD average.
At age 16, a large section of the ‘middle’ drops out, with 50% of people going on to university or taking a professional qualification - just above the 47% OECD average.
Enrol Now for 2025/26 in the NEW International curriculum at Svenska Skolan Marbella!
SVENSKA Skolan Marbella is delighted to announce that enrolment is now open for the 2025/26 academic year for Years 7, 8, and 9.
We are proud to offer a unique and enriching educational experience through the full implementation of the International curriculum, making us a beacon of globally recognised education in a nurturing, multicultural environment.
Our journey into the international curriculum began with a remarkable milestone this past September when we launched Year 8, welcoming over 20 new students who have already made incredible progress.
Guided by our dedicated international teaching staff, these students are thriving in a personalised learning environment that supports their smooth transition from the Swedish
school system while embracing the challenges and opportunities of global education.
Though we are nestled within a Swedish School, Svenska Skolan Marbella is a fully recognised Cambridge International School where all lessons are taught in english.
This means our students benefit from a curriculum that opens doors to future opportunities worldwide.
Our small school setting fosters a close-knit, supportive community where every student is valued, nurtured, and empowered to succeed, ensuring that each student receives the attention they deserve.
The diversity of our staff and student body adds a culturally enriching dimension to daily life, creating an atmosphere where young minds grow academically and socially, learning to appreciate different cultures, perspectives and backgrounds.
At Svenska Skolan Marbella, students are prepared not only for academic success but also for life as globally minded citizens.
Don't miss this chance to be part of a school that combines academic growth, personalised care, and a vibrant multicultural environment. Secure your child's place for the 2025/26 academic year today and join our growing community of learners.
Starting September 2024!
We are thrilled to unveil our brand-new International Curriculum, launched in September 2024! Perfect for secondary students and those eager to continue their studies in English within our vibrant Swedish environment, this programmme offers:
Globally Recognised Education: Equip yourself with the skills and knowledge to excel in our interconnected world.
Native English-Speaking Team: Benefit from the expertise and support of our dedicated, native-speaking educators.
Small Class Sizes: Enjoy personalised attention and a unique learning experience tailored to your needs.
Swedish Community: Immerse yourself in a supportive and culturally enriching Swedish setting. Optional additional Swedish lessons ensure a smooth transition back into the Swedish system with additional Swedish language support.
Unique International Environment: Experience a diverse, multicultural atmosphere that provides students with a globally recognised education that will equip them with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.
Unlock endless possibilities and embark on an exciting educational journey with us.
All education is in English, but we continue to emphasize Swedish language and culture while promoting global awareness. By offering grades in Swedish language, we ensure the possibility for students to continue their studies in Sweden.
Located in Marbella, our school offers a unique international environment with great opportunities for cultural and social exchange.