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No place for hate

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GIBRALTAR’S Minister for Equality said that ‘harassment of LGBTQ+ people continues to feature in the news and this is something that needs to stop’.

Rainbow flags will fly at the frontier, government building, hospital and police station to celebrate LGBTQ+ rights this month before the Pride March on June 24.

Minister for Equality Samantha Sacramento said she was ‘looking forward’ to the Pride march that would mark a month of recognition for people with same-sex relationships.

Gibraltar Strait orca attack pod may be led by a ‘revenge-seeking’ female, who lost her calf

A SPATE of killer whale attacks on yachts entering the Strait of Gibraltar has sparked fierce debate about what is behind it.

Researchers claim it might be orchestrated by a single, revenge-seeking female orca named Gladys - or ‘White Gladys’.

Some claim she lost her calf to the propellers of a ship, while others insist she got caught up in fishing nets or underwater rope.

They continue she has since taught her fellow orcas - some of the most intelligent and social creatures on the planethow to target and attack small vessels.

"The orcas are doing this on purpose, of course, we don't know the origin or the motivation, but defensive behaviour based on trauma, as

By Walter Finch

the origin of all this, gains more strength for us every day," Alfredo López Fernandez, a biologist at the University of Aveiro said.

But Sebastien Destremau, captain of The Lancelot, which was attacked two weeks ago, dismissed the claims. “Having witnessed it, it's so easy for these beasts to sink us if they want to,” he insisted after 20 of the behemoths swarmed his fragile ship.

“If they were out for revenge, I think I would have been swimming home.” Instead, he suspects the orcas may have been engaging in play or training their young to hunt, as yacht rudders resemble the fins of their primary

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