FEEL THE FEAR Spain’s most huanted houses
...but where do Spain’s Santiago Calatrava and Spain-based Norman Foster rank in the world’s wealthiest architects?

See Rich by design on page 4 to find out
MALAGA offers one of the best qualities of life in Spain.
A new survey put the city as sixth out of Spain’s main 15 cities.
It is only beaten by Cordoba in Anda lucia, in the poll by the Organisation of Consumers and Users (OCU).

Malaga was considered one of the best places to live and work in Spain with praise for its cost of living, en
By Cristina Hodgsonvironmental care and climate.

The city, with a population of 577,405, also fared well for its ‘abundance of leisure facilities and the digital infrastructures available’.
In total, it scored 66 points, with Cordoba only just beating it with 68 points in Andalucia.
The only other southern city to make the top 10 was Sevilla at 10th with 63 points, while Valencia (65) came seventh and Alicante (64) ninth.
Vigo, in Galicia, came top of the list
of top places to live in the survey of 3,000 people in each of the coun try’s most populated locations.
The northern city scored 70 points despite having wet weather on a par with Britain.

Malaga is the fourth sunniest city in Europe and has reasonable air qual
ity, as well as a good airport with great international connections.
Forbes magazine also recently cited it as one of the best cities to live in Europe.
The survey questioned residents’ opinions on mobility, health and edu cation, public safety, the labour mar ket, the cost of living, environment, pollution and urban cleanliness.
FLAT-PACK giant has seen anything but flat sales in Spain over the last year.
Ikea is now to create 1,500 jobs in the country after seeing record 8.2% growth in sales.
The record turnover of €1.82 billion between September 2021 and August 2022 has been driven largely by online sales.
A record 22% of its Spanish turnover (€406m) was brought in online.
The Swedish firm will now open a total of 90 new sales points, varying between urban stores, smaller stores, design and planning centers and col lection points.
It means launching its largest recruit ment drive in the Spanish operation’s history.
The workforce is set to expand by 15% to 11,230 employees by 2024.
The CEO of Ikea in Spain, Nurettin Acar, explained the growth as ‘the re sult of the work of a committed team’ and Ikea being an ‘agent of change’.
“The outbreak of the Ukrainian war, interruptions in the logistics chain and supply difficulties have brought great challenges,” he said.
“I am really proud to see how we have managed to learn and become even stronger in this situation,” he added.
At the double
THEY have stood watch over the changing Costa del Sol coastline for 400 years. Now two ancient defensive towers in Mijas are to be given a spruce up.

The 16th century Torrenueva and Calaburras towers are being restored to the tune of €326,000. They were given protection status in the 1980s and were built just af ter the Kingdom of Granada fell.
The Torrenueva tower was built between 1513 and 1568 and was known to have had a four-pound cannon inset at the top in 1762. It needed restoration four times and in 1830 housed eight soldiers.

BRITISH buyers are still pushing the Germans and French into second and third place when it comes to owning a property in Spain.
Nearly 8,000 UK clients helped to put the first trimester of the year into the record books for foreign sales.
They, along with over 7,000 German and just under 6,000 French buyers made the

first half of 2022 an all-time high for investors from abroad.
In total, 72,987 properties were pur chased by a foreign buyer from Jan uary to June, which equated to 20.3% of all buyers.
That equates to a 53% jump when compared to the same period last year, according to official notaries stats.
It is the highest figures since the Col lege of Notaries started publishing them in 2007.

The rising trend of foreign buyers that rose sharply from 2010 to 2014, but plunged in 2020 due to Covid, has returned to levels last seen in 2015/16.
Foreign demand has grown much
THE amazing boom in home sa les that set off af ter the pandemic is slowly cooling down, reveal the latest official figures.
There were 193,534 home sales in the se cond quarter, 8% more than the same time last year, according to fi gures just published by the Spanish government (MITMA).
Sales in the second quarter were the highest they have been since 2007, as illustrated by the chart above.
Home sales increased by 40% in the Canaries, 17% in the Valencia re gion, 13% in the Balea rics, 9% in Andalusia, and 8% in Catalonia.
However, sales fell by
Britsarestillontopas foreignbuyershitarecord numberforSpain
higher than local demand, which grew at just 9% since last year.
In terms of growth the Dutch are the
Spanish housing market expands 8% in Q2, but the growth rate is cooling down, writes Mark Stucklin
5% in the Spanish capi tal Madrid.
The rate of growth in sales has been cooling down in recent months, falling from +36% in January to +4% in June.
A slowdown was inevita ble after the remarkable recovery that kicked off in the wake of the pan demic, and has now de livered 18 consecutive months of growth.
With mortgage interest rates rising fast, and
50% of all sales invol ving mortgage finan cing, it is reasonable to expect sales to stop growing by the end of the year, if not before.
But, even if the post-pan demic Spanish housing boom does run out of steam this year, there is no reason to expect a crash like the end of the last boom in 2007.
It will, however, get more difficult to sell property in Spain against a bac
kdrop of recession, rising inte rest rates, and high inflation. As always, some seg ments will do bet ter than others.
fastest market this year, followed by Norway and Ireland.
The Danes meanwhile spent the most, while the Americans and Nor wegians come a close second and third.

The Valencian Community was by far the most popular region, with over 20,000 sales, followed by Andalucia with 15,000 sales and Catalunya with just over 10,000 sales.
THE discovery of a Roman bathhouse has put a temporary stop to the con struction of a new synagogue in Malaga.
The space reserved for a Sephardic cul tural centre and Jewish place of worship has been held up while archaeologists study the new findings.
The Jewish community has already been waiting two decades for the centre to be built next to the famous El Pimpi restau rant.

It sits in the ancient Jewish quarter of the city that is full of history dating back to the Phoenicians.
The new delay comes after archaeolo gists found an old heating system for a Roman sauna in 2020 dating back to the first or second century AD.
SHE has had over a year of hearing her name dragged through the mud. So it was no surprise that Hol lywood actress Amber Heard would look for somewhere closer to the stars.
Fresh from her costly €10 million London lawsuit with her ex Johnny Depp, she has moved to Mallorca.
The 36-year-old Aquaman star has moved to the tiny vil lage of Costitx, just five miles from where the Olive Press prints its newspaper on the
AS if his family didn’t have enough problems.
Barcelona star Gerard Pique has received a stop order on his new hotel project in Malaga.

Coming just months after his split from pop star Sha kira, who is facing a giant tax probe, the Spain defender has had his Cine Andalucia project halted.
It comes after human remains from Spain’s Islamic pe riod were found at the central Malaga city site.
Construction has been stopped while a full archeologi cal survey of an apparent cemetery is undertaken.
The number of burials are unknown, but the town hall believes that it is a Muslim graveyard because so far around 100 graves have been found facing towards
The company Kerald Holding, owned by Pique and his family, bought the site near Plaza de la Merced - where Pablo Picasso was born - for €20 million in July 2020.

Plans to build a luxury five-star hotel have already had to be downgraded to four stars due to permit issues.
Once the 176-room hotel is finished at an estimated cost of €50 million, it will be managed by the Melia group.
The project has taken many years to get off the ground and only received a licence in 2018.
Going under a pseudonym, Maratha Jane Cannary, an 18th century explorer better known as Calamity Jane, she has rented a luxury man sion, which was recently on the market for €2.8m.
Living with her daughter Oonagh, one, and her part ner, the film photogra pher Bianca
By Simon HunterButti, locals in the village of just 1,270 inhabitants didn’t at first have any clue who she was.
“She’s just like everyone else, she buys fruit and vegeta bles, she speaks Spanish with a Mexican accent and she’s very polite,” a local shop keeper named Miguel told El Mundo.
“She always says good morn ing,” he added. For now she has rented the former home of disgraced
20,000 finally get sewage works
IT’S a stink that’s been hanging around for over two decades.
But now, a series of vital sewage works are finally getting built around the Ser rania de Ronda.

Over €25m is being set aside to con struct the projects in Arriate, Benaojan, Montejaque, Jimera de Libar and Cortes de la Frontera.
In total the five separate works will col lect sewage from over 19,000 homes,
some 20 years after a European law was passed insisting on it.
The works on the €6.2m collector in Ar riate began last month, while the others will begin over the next few months.

Once finished next summer, sewage from 5,000 residents of Arriate will stop flowing into the river Guadalcobacin.
Just over €13m was set aside in Spain’s 2023 national budgets, while the further €12m will come in 2024.
The 479 square metre villa has an infinity pool and won derful views of the surround ing countryside (see left).
Celebrity watchers had known she had moved to Spain when in January she posted on Instagram a photo of herself in a typical Spanish alley, with the caption: ‘hola Madrid’.
Ten days later she posted a pic of a square in Palma and she has posted many other Span ish pictures to her five million followers since then.
In March she posted a lovely photo (above) in Palma port with the caption: ‘It’s a-boat time I posted something’.
In the poor house
AN alarming 80% of Spain’s poorest towns are in Andalucia. New data shows that 24 of the 30 most poverty stricken places are in the south, at least based on average salaries.
El Palmar de Troya in Sevilla is the poorest with an average per capita income of just €6,785 per year, according to new fig ures released by the National Institute of Statistics.
Next comes Iznalloz, in Grana da, with an average income of €7,036; Albunol (Granada) with €7,061; Huesa (Jaen) at €7,080 and Pruna (Sevilla) with €7,219.
Meanwhile, the highest in comes were found in Madrid and Barcelona.
The five wealthiest places are Pozuelo de Alarcon, in Madrid, with an average income of €26,009, Matadepera in Barce lona (€22,806) and Boadilla de Monte in Madrid (€22,224).
Around 85% of the municipali ties of Andalucia are in the bot tom 25% poorest in Spain.
Meanwhile 89% of Basque Country towns are in the top 25%, while in Catalunya 49% make the top quarter.
Design for life
OVER 150 international brands are set to show off their wares at the Marbel la Design & Art fair next month.
Dozens of interior design firms will make it one of Spain’s top event’s for any one interested in property makeovers.

The show takes place from November 3 to 13 at the Adolfo Suarez Exhibition centre.


They are the superstars of the architectural world, their colossal vision matched only by colossal rewards. Quite a few have Spanish links, discovers Dilip Kuner

ARCHITECTURE is an in fluential career. The most imaginative architects have a keen understanding of the power of their desig ns.

From single homes to the gran dest of public buildings, architec ture has a lasting impact on the way we live, the way we view ourselves and our environments.
The visionary designs can alter people’s moods.
Of course, bad architecture can affect people’s moods negati vely and the worst municipal ar chitecture can drag entire towns down, and produce living spaces that frame a gloomy introspective view of the world.
But inspired designs can lift the spirits, and for those architects that have the talent to change our vision of life for the better, the rewards can be great. They are showered with honours, have the respect of their peers, and the very best are extremely wealthy. Here we take a look at those who have made the big bucks with a countdown of the 10 richest ar chitects in the world.
Sir David Adjaye

Estimated worth: €10 Million
BORN in Tanzania to a Ghanaian diplomat and living in London since the age of nine, Sir David Adjaye has made a career out of designing iconic public buildings. The 56-year-old was knighted by the Queen in 2017, and awarded the 2021 Royal Gold Medal for his services to ar chitecture.
Perhaps his best known work was as lead designer for the $540 million National Museum of African American History and Culture (right), in Washington. Its 2016 ope ning was named ‘the cultural event of the year’ by The New York Times

Maya Lin €12 Million

NOT just an architect but also a highly regarded sculptor, Maya Lin, is renow ned for her vision and for pushing boundaries. The 63-year-old Ameri can draws on memories of her rural upbringing, and blends traditional Chi nese architecture into the landscape. Exemplifying this approach is the Vietnamese Veterans Memorial (below) in Was hington, perhaps her most famous work.
Kara Mann €14 million

NOT one, not two, but three: That’s the number of national
tecture firms founded by Kara Mann (in Chicago, New York and Los Angeles) – and she is still just 39. The American is viewed by her peers as highly talented, with a hint of the maverick about her. It is a com bination that has made her the darling of the art, fashion, finance, music, and entertainment worlds.
She is inspired by European architecture, and while she eschews the more ‘modern’ designs of many of her contemporaries it hasn’t stopped her making her fortune.
Her firm was chosen by Gwenyth Paltrow to develop a fa cility for Goop in Chicago. One of her best known works is the Chicago Lake House (pictured here).

Following 20 years of successfully selling properties in the Axarquia and Costa Tropical regions, Sharon Underwood at Essential Properties, is delighted to announce that her real estate is joining forces with Fine & Country to incorporate an independent property division specialising in luxurious properties.

With a head office based in Park Lane, London, and over 340 offices in 21 countries worldwide, Fine & Country not only offers an established luxury brand but also exceptional marketing capabilities. The Park Lane head office employs an extensive team of journalists to run the PR and boasts a social media department dedicated to increasing their impressive following.
Fine & Country’s name and reputation continue to grow as does its number of international awards. Many clients, due to prior experience and superb service, are now choosing Fine & Country as their exclusive agent for selling and buying properties.

Fine & Country has already opened offices throughout Costa del Sol, Costa Blanca, Ibiza and Mallorca.
“When clients are searching for their dream home, they are often non-specific in their target area. Axarquia and the Costa Tropical, located on the East side of Malaga, are relatively undiscovered in comparison to the West side of the Costa del Sol. Being part of such a large and established company is a huge benefit to us, ensuring that our beautiful and unspoiled area is offered worldwide to all potential clients. Both the market and clients’ expectations have changed and prestigious properties require a completely different marketing approach from the mainstream.
Fine & Country allow us to provide an unprecedented standard of marketing that we feel is unrivalled in our area.” said Sharon
“Our area boasts fantastic villas, authentic country cortijos, elegant coastal apartments, and breathtaking scenery.”

“This is an excellent opportunity for us and I am confident that with the marketing power of Fine & Country, we can meet the ever-changing demands of the market and take us, as a team into the future.”
Villa plus Independent Guest Apartment. 3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms. Swimming Pool. Fantastic Sea Views. Perfectly located between the beach and Baviera golf course. Only 35 minutes to Malaga airport.

Swimming Pool.
35kms from Malaga airport.
over Lake Vinuela and the National park. 3 Bedrooms. 3 Bathrooms. Swimming pool. Only 20 minutes from the beach in Torre del Mar and Baviera golf course. 50 minutes from Malaga airport.
villa plus two independent apartments. Beautifully renovated throughout. 6 Bedrooms. 4 Bathrooms. Gymnasium. Heated swimming pool. Double garage. Sea Views. Easy walking distance to the beach and 1km from Baviera golf course.

Gardens and
Kongjian Yu €15 Million

FARMER’S son Kongjian Yu has had a revolutionary impact on Chinese ar chitecture, with his ideas used in urban planning across 200 cities, mainly in China.
7His ‘Sponge City’ theory and practices have been globally recognised as revo lutionary nature-based solutions for cli mate adaptation. The 59-year-old uses waterways and parks to mitigate the negative impact of urban development. Most of his projects are commissioned by the government, and include the Qinhuangdao Red Ribbon (pictured), Haikou Fengxiang Park, and Quzhou Luming Park.


BORN in Denmark, Bjarke Ingels’ career could be described as a slow burner. But having put in the hard yards early on, he is now – at the age of 48 – one of the most influential architects in the world.
He worked on housing projects for VM Houses and Mountain Dwellings before setting up Bjarke Ingels Group – known, appropriately, as BIG. Iconic Copenhagen project 8 House (below) was one develo pment that put him firmly on the map.
He is currently designing a futuristic Joint Research Centre in Sevilla.
Bjarke Ingels €17 million

6In 2009, The Architectural Review said In gels ‘has abandoned 20th-century Dani sh modernism to explore the more fertile world of bigness and baroque eccentri city,’ adding: ‘BIG’s world is also an optimistic vision of the future where art, architecture, urbanism and nature magica lly find a new kind of balance’.
Q - Can you update me on the Real es tate market at this present time?
The Real estate market on the Costa del Sol is very good with so many national ities buying into the lifestyle of over 320 sunshine days per year with the laid back lifestyle and only a short flight from all Eu ropean destinations the Costa del Sol is the California of Europe.

Q - How are the prices?
We spoke to Warner Laurie the Director of W L Costa properties based in Benalmádena, with 20 years of experience of buying and selling property on the Costa del Sol in buying or selling their properties on the Costa del Sol. I also have gone against the trend and opened my smart new office in Benalmadena Costa, as I think it is good for people to see that my door is always open and they can come and speak to me personally.
I specialise in the Benalmadena area where we have seen a big increase in the last couple of years, this is due to high de mand and the short supply of properties coming on the market. With demand ex ceeding supply, property prices are being driven up.
When I go to a listing consultation I have all the relevant sales information of the last properties sold and valuations in the area so that we can price the property competitively to the market and achieve a quick sale.
Q - Why choose W & L Costa properties as your Real estate?

I pride myself on the service that I give to all my customers. I have tried to grow my business through a lot of referrals and tes timonials from clients that I have helped
Q - Do you specialise in all types of property
I cover all types. This year I have sold many properties from a €1.2 million villa to an €85,000 studio. I have also helped my clients out with Rentals Commercials and Plots of land to build their dream home.
Q - You say you provide everyone with a VIP SERVICE can you explain?
I get lots of inquiries every day from cli ents all over the world. I treat everyone the same. They get my undivided attention and can contact me anytime - as long as I am awake I will answer the queries. I try to build relationships with my clients so that when they do come to buy or sell their property they come back to me for advice.
428 928
Costa Properties
Renzo Piano €25 Million

HAVING a construction wor ker for a father gave Renzo Piano an interest in all-thingsbuilding from a young age.
The 85-year-old Italian’s interest blossomed into an exceptional career as an ar chitect and made him a €25 million fortune – a far cry from his humble roots.
His list of credits is stellar, including collaborating and designing Hermes Maison in Tokyo (right), The Pompidou Centre in Paris (with Richard Rogers), and the Morgan Library in New York.
WHILE those already featured in the list are not exactly paupers, it is those in the top four spots who are really in the big league – and three of them can’t be separated.
Spanish painter, architect and sculp tor Santiago Calatrava, 84, is par ticularly known in architecture for bridges supported by single leaning pylons, and for his railway stations, stadiums, and museums. His work is notable for sculptural forms that of ten resemble living organisms.
Among the most famous are the World Trade Center Transpor tation Hub in New York, Twisting Torso Tower in Sweden,
Santiago Calatrava €100 million

Milwaukee Art Museum, and the Tenerife Auditorium (below).

But his masterpiece is arguably the City of Arts and Sciences (above) in Valencia, a stunning achievement and testimony to his unique talent.

Moshe Safdie €100 Million

THE Israeli-Canadian-Ame rican Moshe Safdie hit the big time internationally with the stunning Habitat 67 in Montreal (above). This was an adaptation of his thesis, and the first pro ject of his company Safdie Architects.

He saw it as a way of re-ima gining urban living and it certainly caught the imagina
=2tion of the world’s architects. The 84-year-old has had nonstop success ever since, with nota ble structures, including the Crys tal Bridges Museum of American Art (below); The National Gallery of Canada; and Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Museum in Jeru salem.


Frank Gehry €100 Million

AT 93-years-old, American Frank Gehry can be viewed as the ‘grandfather’ of all current architects, or maybe a big brother to the octogenarians who share the limelight with him in the top five.
His seven decades of work, mostly in Europe and the United States, have helped redefine cityscapes with his unique designs.
A number of his buildings, including his private re sidence in Santa Monica, California, have become world-renowned attractions.
His projects include the Experience Music Project in Seattle, the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles and the Marques de Riscal winery in La Rioja, Spain.
He is also the man behind the Guggenheim Mu seum (right) in Bilbao, widely regarded as one of Spain’s most important modern buildings.

From Page 7
Guaranteed five-star service
Estate Agents Marbella is making dream homes a reality along one of Spain’s sunshine paradises
ESTATE Agents Marbella has been actively selling luxury properties along Spain’s Costa del Sol for more than two decades with the biggest success, and continues to see strong results.
Founder and Managing Director Christian Podger said that buyers and renters from all over the world continued to flock to Spain’s Sunshine Coast as prices contin ue to rise.
He told us that buyers and investors were actively searching for properties particu larly in Marbella, Benahavis and Estepo na as these areas continue to surge in popularity and tourism booms.
Estate Agents Marbella is increasing with sales despite rising inflation and said it even remained busy during the Covid-19 pandemic.
He advised that their most popular sell ing areas were in Benahavis and Estepona as there are no legal issues in these areas and the respective town halls were in his opinion more solvent and well-managed.
They offer an excellent and
completely free property listings service with promotion and display in their office window and on their state-of-the-art web site, as well as completely free advertis ing on Prime Location and Zoopla.
If you are considering selling your proper ty, listing it with Estate Agents Marbella is your first safe and professional step in the right direction.
Estate Agents Marbella offer one of the best luxury property portfolios in the Mar bella area and its multilingual team is committed to finding you the best proper ty in the best location at the correct price.
As Christian says: “We have been in busi ness for over 20 years with the same name above the door having been trust ed and relied upon by thousands of loy al and happy clients, most of whom have become great friends.”
“The hallmark of Estate Agents Marbella is person al service, availability and reliability - and above all, trust and confidentiality.”
Lord Norman Foster €240 Million

HE may have his equals (though very few) when it comes to architecture, but in terms of cash, Britain’s Lord Norman Foster (he was made Baron Foster of Thames Bank in July) is in a league of his own.
He founded his firm Foster + Partners in 1967 with a remit to create elegant mo dern buildings from steel and glass.
The 87-year-old’s most notable projects include the Citibank Headquarters loca ted in Hangzhou, China, and, of course, the Gherkin in London. These are just two of hundreds of projects world-wide that he has been involved in over the decades. He has multiple awards, is still setting trends, and remains in high demand. His work is highly regarded in Spain, and includes the Cepsa tower (right) in Madrid, the Palacio de Congresos of Valencia, Faustino’s Portia de Burgos winery (above), the Collserola commu nications tower and the Bilbao metro.
1The Norman Foster Foundation in Spain - based in Madrid where his Ga lician-born wife Elena Ochoa lives - is active in nurturing com munity architecture that makes an impact on peo ple’s everyday lives.
full property requirements.
and exclusive
property features 5 bedrooms,

bathrooms, spacious lounge and dining areas with
the infinity pool area, state of the art Danespan

with large central island, separate utility room, guest toilet, porcelain flooring throughout with underfloor heating, air
hot and cold, large 110m2 solarium.
a spacious lounge and dining area, new bathroom and fully fitted kitchen. It has been totally renovated to the highest standard and has room for a private pool and secure off street parking for two plus cars.
with the
wonderful corner ground floor apartment with underfloor heating, spacious lounge and dining area, fully fitted kitchen, large laundry room, marble flooring throughout, air conditioning hot & cold, three spacious terraces.
reached historic sales peaks in the high-end market in 2021 and this trend has continued unabated into 2022, increasing by the month.
We have even seen bidding wars for some properties, something seldom seen before in Marbella, and unusual in any luxury, second home real estate market.
The Covid pandemic and lockdowns have brought about a new urgency to where and how people want to live on a global basis.
But the historic level of activity in Mar bella since the end of the lockdown is especially significant, and one of many signs it has finally achieved worldwide recognition as the highest quality resort in Europe.
Ever since Marbella rose to fame in the mid fifties as the southern California of Europe and a favourite destination of the jet set, Marbella has increased in popularity.

Thanks to the mildest winters in Eu rope, the avoidance of high rise and high density construction (which ruined many of Spain’s other coastlines), not to mention its quality schools, restau rants and sporting facilities, including 52 local golf courses, the Marbella area has gone up and up as a luxury real estate destination. It is now an international symbol of quality develop ment and quality lifestyle.
Since 1995 when Marbella achieved a low season population of around 100,000 registered population and another 50,000 unregistered, ‘floating’ population – enough to keep the hotels, restaurants, social events and other ac tivities alive – Marbella has enjoyed a true 12-month ‘open for business’ sea son, unlike any other resort in the Med. While it still had the high, shoulder and low seasons, in 2021/22 the low season never came, and autumn and
Marbella has finally become an all year round resort, writes Chris Clover, of Panorama
spring simply merged into one. Never has there been more winter ac tivity in Marbella, with so many quality tourists visiting the area, including those non-residents who come to spend time in their own homes.
Hotels, agents, lawyers, notaries, ar chitects and builders are reporting the highest level of activity they have ever witnessed, continuing into 2022.
Since the end of the lockdown, and de spite later global political issues, occu pancy and room rates in the best hotels in Marbella soared to the highest levels ever.
There have been more than 2,000 new companies created since 2019, some 1,650 opening licences awarded and Marbella now has the lowest unemploy ment figures in Andalucia.
While 2021 saw historic sales, the first half of 2022 has seen unprecedented record-breaking sales. In fact in the first semester of 2022 there has been an in credible increase of 73% of sales over the same period of 2021. See graph.
In 2012 the three towns of the ‘Golden Triangle’ of Marbella-Estepona-Bena havis, began to recover from the 2008 crisis with a surge of purchases due to a serious pent-up demand.
The demand is back and in 2021 there
has been an increase of 30.15% of sales over the pre-pandemic year of 2019 and even in the pandemic year of 2020 sales were surprisingly strong. The demand is not just the normal end-users but all types of investors, from the individual to major interna tional funds building entire gated com munities. Consequently, the Marbella area has seen thousands of new homes being built with investments of billions of euros.

The market for properties over €4mil lion has exploded. In 2018 there were at least 65 properties sold above this price, with over 120 from mid-2020 to mid-2021. However, in the last year this figure increased to at least 150 proper ties and many are over €10m.
The high inflation we are seeing has led to a drastic increase in construction costs (around 23,5% in 2021) and when coupled with a higher demand, prices have inevitably risen, and will continue to rise. Idealista estimates average pric es in Marbella from May 2021 to May 2022 to have risen by 15.8%, with an average asking price of €3,658/m2 (compared with €2,604/m2 for Malaga province).
Buyers of high-end luxury properties (over €1million) are 85% to 90% for eign, which is precisely what has given the Marbella market so much strength compared to the national market.
In Malaga province (and more or less the same in Marbella), the top three foreign nationalities in 2021 were: Brit ish 16%, Swedish 14% and Belgian 9%. They are followed by the French, Dutch and Germans, in that order.
The Swedish market has been increas ing healthily, while there is a new strong Polish market as well as buyers from Eastern Europe and the Middle East, many looking to purchase as a means to obtain the ‘Golden Visa’.
Since mid-2021 there has also been a marked increase of US citizens and de spite Brexit, against all odds, the British still remain by far the largest segment
been for decades. Rightmove reports an increase of 36% for enquiries for properties in Spain in April 2022 compared to 2021.
Trend-wise we are seeing a higher de mand for more sustainable, eco-friendly homes and the desire for architecture that connects owners more closely with nature. Beautifully furnished and im maculately decorated homes, ready to move into, are in great demand. Finally, today’s typical buyers are also younger and trendier, many with a background in web technology, or with startups.
Russian buyers around 2% of the total in 2021 are struggling to buy now with
the obvious restrictions. But making up for this is a surge of enquiries and sales from countries bordering Russia or Ukraine, especially Poland, Lithuania and Romania.
The conclusion? Despite the tremen dous turmoil, Marbella is viewed as a safe haven in uncertain times, not just due to its unique qualities but also to its physical location: at the very southern tip of Europe, in a peaceful and secure area.
As an international community with over 30% of its 150,000 registered popula tion plus over 75,000 ‘floating’ unregis tered ones from other countries Marbel la has proven itself to be one of the few outstanding successes of multicultural ism over many decades. In my opinion, and that of the leading agencies, the de mand for Marbella properties has in fact increased since the Russia-Ukraine war, and this is proven by the sales statistics so far in 2022.
There is a real shortage of quality long-term rental properties available.
According to Tecnitasa, Marbella has the third highest long-term rental prices in Spain, while the portal Idealista notes a sharp increase, up by 21% in May 2022 compared to the previous year.
The price of a luxury two-bedroom apartment has gone up from €2,000 five years ago to up to €3,500 per month today, while a decent four-bedroom villa can cost around €10,000 per month, when it cost about €6,000 a year ago.
There are various reasons, with some owners preferring to rent short-term be cause of the good rental return in summer, and because it also allows them to use their second home when available. High-season rental income per week is more or less equivalent to long-term rental per month, sometimes higher.
Additionally, the Spanish Urban Rental Law (LAU), despite some improve ments, is still slow and ineffective in the eviction of the non-paying tenants.
Many owners now demand upfront payment for the totality of the term or sig nificant bank guarantees, placing these properties out of the reach of many. Demand for long-term rentals is still very strong. Families from all over Europe and beyond are making life-changing decisions to move here and need to rent before buying. They can now work remotely while sending their children to any of the excellent international schools.
Having a First Occupation Licence/Licence of First Occupancy
Lawbird is a firm of English speaking lawyers who specialise in property law, corporate law, litigation and immigration law.

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Panorama is Marbella’s longest established real estate agency, bringing buyers and sellers together in harmony for over 52 years.
The only residential agency on the Costa del Sol to be regulated by RICS, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, with respect to our procedures and ethical conduct which gives extraordinary protection to our clients.
Panorama has won Best Real Estate Agency in Spain at the International Property Awards in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.
We have an unrivalled reputation for professionalism, transparency and expert local and product knowledge.
Offering sales, rentals, plots, development land, commercial properties, professional consulting services and Client Services.
We are more than 30 highly qualified and experienced professionals.

BUYERS & SELLERS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD Together we speak 13 different languages.
We operate a second agency - Puente Romano Real Estate, in collaboration with the owners of Puente Romano.
This gives extraordinary exposure to the properties of our seller clients to the guests at the Puente Romano and Nobu hotels.
Our offices are located along Marbella’s Golden Mile, in the Puente Romano Beach Resort and opposite the Marbella Club Hotel. Tel. (+34) 952 863 750
Offices at Puente Romano and opposite the Marbella Club hotel

WITH 12 bedrooms and 15 bathrooms you’ve got the space to accommodate a football team... even in the sauna, or hamman, all at once.
Add in a cinema, full-size snooker room and a rooftop swimming pool (oh and another heated inside) and it’s very much the sort of place a su perstar footballer or a global dictator might end up luxuriating in.
So it’s no surprise that Cristiano Ron aldo and Hugh Grant have stayed nearby and the Mayor of Moscow and his wife - the richest woman in Rus sia - plus the late arms dealer Adnan Khasshogi have close connections to the estate.
Welcome to La Zagaleta Country Club, where this opulent mansion has re cently come on the market.

One of just 270 properties inside Spain’s most expensive private urban isation, the villa represents the best of classic Mediterranean style, deco rated with taste and luxury in mind at all times.
On the roof there is a jacuzzi, an ‘end less pool’ and an impressive barbecue area, all reached by a lift that serves each floor.
On the market for €9,995,000, you naturally get a fully-kitted office and spacious library, not to mention TWO sizable walk-in wardrobes and hisand-her dressing rooms for the main suite.
Set on four levels, with each designed to maximise the light, in the evening you sit out on the rooftop terrace and watch the last slither of sun drop be hind the Serrania de Ronda moun tains or gaze past Gibraltar to the snow-capped Atlas mountains of Mo rocco.
The ground floor features a double sweeping staircase and opens out to a very large living room with a fireplace, connected to a generous dining room and lounge.
The first floor is divided between an ensemble of the three splendid bed rooms; a master bedroom and two other bedrooms with bathrooms at each side.
There are two lower ground floorsboth enjoying daylight. The first fea tures the cinema, billiard room, air conditioned wine cellar and an indoor pool, gym, spa, with a sauna and ham man. Next to it is a service suite with two small bedrooms and sitting room.
The other has a guest wing of a kitch en/bar with three large ensuite bed rooms, all of them giving onto a Jap anese-style garden with a large swim ming pool.
Just 15 minutes from Marbella, half an hour from the emblematic moun tain town of Ronda and 10 minutes to the toll motorway, you couldn’t hope for better connections.
And with the La Zagaleta urbanisation boasting 24-hour round the clock se curity in Spain, it’s perfect for some one who needs privacy or security.
The development started life as the private hunting estate of former bil lionaire arms dealer Khashoggi and has accommodated hundreds of captains of industry, footballers and celebrities over its history. The latest series of the hit Netflix series The Crown, due out next month, will recall the visits Princess Diana made to the area in the 1980s and 1990s.

The Olive Press revealed how produc ers appropriately hired a villa in the estate when they filmed there last year. The estate covers 900 hectares of protected wood groves and green valleys and has its own private golf course and equestrian centre.

Contact for more details
PRESIDENTIAL: Stunning 12-bed house has all the trappings of luxury

The Crown filmed nearby while Ronaldo and Hugh Grant are known to zoom in nearby… so you’ll need deep pockets to buy this stunning villaAUTHENTIC: Full size snooker table was used for the 1992 World Championship final
Have a look at our website and find your perfect home. Either second hand or under construction we are going to guide you all the way through your purchase experience.

Fuengirola centre, bright apartment within very quiet position close to all kind of services and beach, very charming and sunny with 2 bedooms, bathroom, fully fitted modern kitchen, bright bathroom, spacious lounge and sunny terrace with pleasant townviews, completely renovated, air conditioning, community garden and parking. Makes a very cosy home! No lift.
Ref: L006 – 179.000 €
Las Lagunas, Mijas área, a unique penthouse in good location near shops, schools and all kind of amenities, makes an ideal Family home to enjoy large solárium and lounge, 18 m2 terrace with sun all day. Comprising of 82 m2 living área with 2 single bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fully fitted kitchen, utility room and 82 m2 solarium. Good condition ready to move in with underground garage space. Must be seen!

Ref: 148 – 215.000 €
Fuengirola Los Boliches, very cosy and bright apartment with all services within the door step, very spacious with 2 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fully fitted kitchen, utility room, entrance hall, lounge and south west facing terrace with sun all day and very pleasant views over park and green áreas, community pool. Very good rental income all year round or ready to move in!

Ref: L017 – 235.000 €
Magnificent detached villa in very peaceful position. Built by the present owners with quality materials, offering 4 berooms, 2½ bathrooms, open plan Scandinavian kitchen, utility room, spacious lounge leading to large sunny terrace, storage room, bbq area, swimming pool and more. Plenty of room for fruit trees or orchard. Private parking for 2 cars. Air conditioning, underfloor heating, etc. Ideal home for nature and lovers. Good value!
Ref: 130 – 570.000 €
Torreblanca Fuengirola, near train station and only a few minutes walk to the beach, this apartment offers 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fully fitted modern kitchen, lounge and large terrace overlooking the mountains, air conditining hotcold, community salted water pool and garden, private underground garage space. Must be seen! Makes an ideal home!
Ref: L021 – 230.000 €
Fuengirola sea front, very bright and sunny apartment with lateral sea views and views over the castle, ideal location to live all year round or rental income. Very cosy with 2 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fully fitted kitchen, lounge and spacious sunny terrace. Underground garage space and storage room. Must be seen to be appreciated!

Ref: L011 – 375.000 €
Fuengirola centre within the very prestigious complex Puebla Lucia, this bright apartment offers lots of space, comprissing of 1 double bedroom, large bathroom, fully fitted modern kitchen, spacious lounge -diner and sunny terrace. Excellent condition with high rental income all year round. Community gardens, swimming pools and parking. Great investment and perfect home!
Ref: T108 – 220.000 €

Fuengirola centre, fantastic apartment in unbeatable position with all services at the door step, comprissing of 2 bedrooms, bathroom, guest toilet, fully fitted kitchen office, spacious lounge and sunny terrace. Very quiet and central área, residential building ideal for home, private underground garage, excellent condition, must be seen!
Ref: 108 – 285.000 €
The sharp increases in the rising costs of inflation is affecting lifes tyles and housing needs as one also considers energy efficiency in their homes.
In Gibraltar, we have seen an in creasing demand from homeowners seeking larger living areas, open plan and bright layouts, and in par ticular outdoor spaces, where one can enjoy freedom within the seclu sion of their homes.

The homes themselves are becoming a habitat to cater for all living requi rements all year round and technolo gy now embraces the function, ability and comfort of the ideal home as we move into a modern age of technolo gy and building sustainability. The North Gorge development, con

Register with BFA for your VIP listings before launch

North Gorge - Luxury Eco Friendly Villas within the surrounds of a Natural Sanctuary
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Property development update in Gibraltar with BFA Estate Agents

roof terrace.
of the development. The aim is to
truction and photo-voltaic technolo gy for the efficient use of sun power for lighting and heating, the proper ties are designed for luxury living within a beautifully natural enclave, sensitive to the environment, waste, water and energy efficiency.
Interior size: 204m² Balcony/Roof Terrace: 78m²

into new schools, sporting comple xes, roads, public transport, servi ces, and clean energy infrastructure, all within a vibrant economy with a strong growth in Gross Domestic Product against a low unemploy ment rate.
Garden/Outdoor Terrace: 18m²

inward property investment within the private sector.
Gibraltar continues to re-urbanize brownfield sites as well as reclaim new land to provide for the deve lopment of the peninsula, which is experiencing a growing demand for both local housing needs and other
The fiscal framework on the Rock provides a secure platform for in vestment and optimum returns on capital.
Tel: 00(350) 200 71131
Continuous economic growth over the last decade has also initiated significant public-sector investment
This direct investment in public urban renewal has fuelled and motivated private sector investment into proper ty development, which is increasingly being delivered to higher standards through competitive tendering.
Mark Francis MRICS - Director BFAWithin the enclave of the natural backdrop of the historic North Gorge of Gibraltar, this development of 48 detached and terraced houses is underway as scheduled following the successful off plan sale of Phase I. The North Gorge development has been shortlisted for a Gibraltar Sustainability Award. Few remaining properties for sale in phase II with prices ranging between £1.450 to £1.895 million.

But 3D print homes coming
THE Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalunya is de veloping the technology to 3D print houses.

But at the moment the final product seems to be more mud hut that des res.

Several postgraduates have combined the ultra-modern technol ogy of 3D printing with the age-old material of clay to come up with a prototype home called TOVA.

Clay is one of the oldest building materials that archaeologists have uncovered. Whether it uses the sun as its hardener or it’s fired in kilns to make bricks, it’s one of the most sustainable ma terials available.
The students combined clay with polymers to be able to use the 3D printer for constructing a house.
Its design is described as ‘functional’, with an insulated ceiling giv ing better temperature control.
The window allows natural light to brighten the space while the walls have ventilation holes for fresh air.
There is also just about enough room to use a foldaway bed.
Novasol has the experience and expertise to help holiday-let landlords stay ahead of the game vacation let.”
THISyear has seen the number of holiday lettings throughout the EU beat pre-pan demic levels, according to Eurostat.
During the first half of 2022, guests spent around 199 million nights in short-term rental accommodation compared to the first half of 2019, the year before the Covid-19 pan demic, when platforms reported around 193 million guest nights.
In Spain, Andalucia – which includes the Costa del Sol – saw nearly 3,500,000 nights booked in the first quarter alone, which makes the re gion the most popular in the country for apart ment and villa lets.
But while this is good news for those wanting to put their properties up for holiday lets, the future is slightly clouded by high inflation and an uncertain economic outlook.
This is why homeowners looking for a return on their property investment need to partner with the right agency to help them maximise their rental potential.
Novasol is one of Europe’s largest and most successful holiday rental agencies, with more than 50,000 holiday rentals on its books across 26 European countries – including at the heart of the Costa del Sol.

This means that the exceptional team at No vasol has the know-how, tools and dedication required to help property owners successfully market their holiday let properties.
Director of Property Recruitment for Andalucia, Manuel Matencio explained: “We are very con scious that what holidaymakers want is a high quality, hassle-free vacation.
“When we talk to landlords we can use our experience and expertise to help them set up their properties to the highest standard to at tract quality short-term tenants.”
He adds: Our customers know this, so we are often their first stop when searching for their
This means that those who partner with Nova sol benefit from more bookings through Nova sol, therefore maximising their rental income.
To ensure this, Novasol has a substantial mar keting budget and world-wide reach through its website and network of offices in many coun tries, guaranteeing high visibility for partners’ holiday properties – therefore boosting income for business clients.
Let your holiday home with NOVASOL
And Novasol also offers a ‘security package’ to homeowners that means owners can have peace of mind.
Easy, reliable and profitable letting
This can mean up-front payments and guaran teed payment in the case of late cancellations, as well as insurance for small damages.
help you increase your rental income
The company prides itself on the quality, ser vice, and reliability provided by its highly expe rienced team. And the services they offer while renting your home take the strain out of what can be a fraught world of holiday rentals, from bookings through to payments.
payment with late cancellation
in advance when you let with
Novasol offers partners the safety net of doing business with an experienced and highly re garded agency which can help you determine what your property is worth and how much profit you can expect to make.
Even though Novasol is one of the biggest European holiday rental companies, it still op erates by giving each property the personal touch and attention it deserves. And their cus tomer service team is just a phone call away.
us for more information:
Protec: The diversified construction business with a family touch
THE Protec Group, established in 1996, started out a humble family business selling windows and doors. Under the stewardship of founder Andre Jensen, and partner Silvia Jensen-Lindemann, Protec has flour ished into a nationwide construction and distribution com pany. While business has boomed, the family val ues on which the company was founded re main as strong today as they were 25 years ago. Protec has since become renowned for its distribution of cut ting edge construction products which can’t be found any where else in Spain.
The company has three large warehouses to its name, of fering clients premium options such as thermal insulation, anti-theft protection, and energy saving.
The importance of good window insulation is an often over looked part of the house, but with Protec, insulation and environmental concerns are front and centre and with their help you could cut 60% of energy lost through windows. Other areas where Protec excels is in new builds and the re furbishment of houses.
Taking care of every detail from start to finish, Protec gives you peace of mind and guides you through the often intimi dating bureaucracy.
A truly international company, Protec prides itself on being able to speak to its clients in their mother tongue, whether that be Spanish, English, German, Portuguese, Swedish, Ar abic or Russian.

With their meticulous planning and extensive knowledge of the industry, there is no pulling the wool over their eyes by rogue traders or unlicensed builders.

That is why they are the gold-standard of suppliers on the Costas, and their roster of happy clients expands by the day. However small or large your needs are, from a simple door replacement to a full scale conversion of your home into a green abode, Protec are the people you want.
Get in touch with them by phone, email or via their website Tel. (+34) 952 587 573

By Amber EdirisingheFROM piercing wails to ghostly faces in the mi rror, if you are on the hunt for paranormal activity this Halloween, you will find more than enough in Spain.
Right across the country –probably in a town near you – eerie buildings with violent and grisly pasts stand aban doned (or are they?) waiting and watching.

Here’s our definitive list of Spain’s most haunted.
1971, marks have been appearing and disappearing on the walls and floors of a house on Calle Real in the village of Belmez in Jaen. From some angles they look like human faces, hence the name and the constant flow of parapsychologists and sceptics. Some people believe the phenomenon could be linked to the presen ce of a 13th century cemetery believed to be lying deep under the kitchen.



will know this building in Madrid as a popular nightclub and concert venue. However, in 1922, after an argument over a woman (exacerbated by fierce literary rivalry), playwright Luis Antón del Olmet was shot dead in the old theatre by writer Alfonso Vi dal. The spirit of Olmet is said to wander the building to this day, though he’d have to do something pretty dramatic to get himself noticed.
It’s that time of year again when we dress like monsters, eat sweets, and think about bodies beneath the floorboards. Happy Halloween!
THORAX HOSPITAL Terrassa, Catalunya

SPECIALISING in patients with respiratory conditions, this former sanatorium in Terrassa was credited with having the highest suicide rate in Spain. Apparently, the suicides were triggered by a psychosis that patients developed during the course of their slow decline and, throughout the 1950s in particular, patients would throw themselves to their deaths from the ninth floor windows with alar ming regularity. They are said to haunt the gardens below, while the empty corridors are haunted by victims of the infamous ‘nurse of death’, a middle-aged woman who had a thing for injecting her patients with lethal doses.

THE GHOST OF CATALINA Casa Lercaro, Tenerife

THE16th century house of the Lercaro family stands on Calle de San Agustin in La Orotara, on the Canary Island of Tenerife. The story goes that Antonio Lercaro had a daughter called Catalina who, on being forced to marry an ol der man, committed suicide by jumping into a well behind the house. Having taken her own life, she was denied a church burial, and was buried in one of the rooms of the house, from where she has haunted the property ever since.

Haunting homes



by Plaza del Rey in the heart of the capital, the Casa de las Siete Chimeneas belonged to Captain Zapata and his wife Elena in the 16th century. After Zapata died while off with the Armada in Flanders, Elena was discove red dead in her bedroom. The cause of death was never deter mined because her body vanished without a trace, however, the servants believed it was murder. Rumours circulated that Elena had been having a secret affair with King Felipe II and that he had killed her. In the end, her father was accused of Elena’s death and hung from the rafters of the house. Since then, many claim to have seen a woman dressed in white on the roof, pointing towards the Alcazar, home of the King. Despite this damning indictment, no-one did anything about it and, after a while, the ghost gave up. But Elena’s story was revived in more re cent times when, during work on the building, the corpse of a woman was discovered, bu ried with a handful of gold coins dating from that era.
you are looking to sell, buy, rent or let a house, villa or apartment, Property on the Med has you covered.
The company offers a full range of the ser vices needed including sales and holiday rentals. It also offers management services that can be chosen from different packs in order to suit whatever the client requires.
For those choosing a management service, the company can take care of constant up keep of your property, or just a simple check before new guests arrive - clients simply choose the package they require.
The services offered are based on personal request and the team’s working method is tailored to each individual property.
Cleaning and Laundry Assistance, a Child Accessory Pack, Fire Safety Package, and Security packages can all be asked for.
Based in Estepona, Property on the Med operates along the coast from Marbella to Sotogrande.
For those wanting to sell, the team is high
with tuberculosis were treated at this sanitorium in Alicante. It is claimed that it was a place of cruelty where nuns would inflict punishments on the children – those who wet the bed, for example, were forced to wrap the sheets around their heads, and were paraded around the dining hall at breakfast time. Years after its closure in 2002, researcher Pedro Amoros reported seeing a white lady appear in the mirror, which led many more to go and investigate – and yes, they saw her too, along with creepy shadows. They say that if you see the white lady in the mirror and she laughs, you’ll be alright. But if she is crying, something bad is coming your way.
Property on the Med does the work so you don’t have to

activity has engulfed not just one house, but the entire village of Ochate near Burgos for years. The village has been abandoned since the middle of the 19th century when epidemics wiped out the population. There have been reports of a young girl shouting ‘kanpora’ (‘out’ in Basque) and of a woman’s voice in an empty room. It’s even got some aliens: a UFO was spot ted there in 1981. Allegedly.
ly knowledgeable and experienced and can guide you with the utmost professionalism into helping you sell in a timely manner.
If you are looking to buy, Property on the Med has a wide range of properties listed and the team can help you select the ideal spot to buy your dream home.
As for holiday rentals, you have quality prop erties to choose from in popular locations including Casares, Estepona, Manilva, and Marbella.

The business also works in collaboration with Asssa insurance, which provides health insurance for expats and residents through out Spain.
So if you are looking for your perfect home in the sun while having all your medical insur ance ready to use if needed, Property on the Med should be your first stop.
But don’t just take it from us, see for your self at and find your perfect home or holiday rental. They can take care of everything, so all you have to do is sit back and enjoy.
630 791 671 or +44 7490
BUILT in 1941, this Madrid sanato rium was dedica ted to the treat ment of illnesses like tuberculosis, leprosy, polio, fibrosis and lung cancer. It later became a mental health facility and was finally closed in 1995. Daring indivi duals who have explo red its halls in search of patient records and hospital parapherna lia have reported see ing strange figures in the corridors, hearing voices and slamming doors, and – perhaps worst of all – have had their electrical devices suddenly powering off.

THISspooky mansion, located in the Campanillas district on the edge of Malaga, was once the home of the Here dia family. At least 30 women disappeared between 1890 and 1920, and all were found dead on the river banks near the house, covered in marks of torture suggestive of satanic rites. There were said to be tunnels running from the river to the house, and suspicion fell on the family. To this very day, people often claim to hear haunting moans and to have seen shadowy figures in the windows.


THISbuilding was formerly a department store, and during a renovation of it in the 1970s, builders discovered hu man bones, including those of children, hidden behind the walls.
Employees reported strange happenings such as escalators star ting by themselves, lights going off and on, and objects moving around.
By 1985, when the provincial council took over, nothing had changed: typewriters clacked and drawers opened, things would disappear, ghostly figures were sighted, and screams could be heard throughout the corridors.
A formal investigation was carried out the following year, with all the evidence corroborating what was known of the history. The employees refused to continue working there, and the building was closed in 1993.

Works begin on ancient 9th century mosque hidden inside farmhouse

WORKS have finally begun to protect an extraordinary secret mosque hidden inside an an cient cortijo near Antequera. It comes after a team of ar chaeologists and architects spent the summer analysing the scale and history of the ninth century religious site. Some €30,000 has been ini tially set aside to protect the remarkable building, Cortijo de las Mezquitas, in Campillos. More expansive excavation works will begin next year with an eye to eventually opening the site to the public.
Campillos council housed a research team, led by Polish archaeologist Dr Angelo Cas trorao over the summer, and previously shored up the main entrance and installed a peri meter fence.

The mosque had been con verted into a farm in the 16th century, after the Moors were finally expelled from Andalu cia.

It had been originally built in around 880 by the Emir of Cordoba, who later moved further east to build Medina Azahara.

Eventually bought by a local family, the Alcaldes, who far med it for olives and wheat for centuries.
It was not until 2006 that an yone realised that it had once been a mosque, mostly thanks to the appearance of a classic Arabic arch.
Thanks to Spanish historian Carlos Gozalbes, the Junta was called in and in 2008 it was finally declared a Site of Cultural Interest (BIC).
Municipalities subsidise the installation of PV systems with IBI discounts
MANY municipalities in Spain subsidise the installation of photovoltaic systems. Those who meet the relevant condi tions can save up to 50% on property tax (IBI), in some cases over several years. Solar power is currently on everyone’s lips. For this reason, numerous munici palities are now offering grants or sub sidies for solar installations. In the prov ince of Málaga, there are already several local authorities that reward the installa tion of solar panels on residential build ings with a deduction on property tax.
Torremolinos, Vélez-Málaga and Alhaurín de la Torre grant a 50% reduction in IBI, for the first year, on a solar system for personal use.

The city of Malaga, on the other hand, is not quite so generous: 15% for a maxi mum of three years. Antequera offers 40% and Ronda 30% for the same pe riod. Marbella offers a 25% discount on the IBI for a total of five years.
You can easily find out what deductions the various municipalities actually grant, on council tax, at the relevant municipal office or town hall.
Local subsidies on IBI, depending on the amount, accelerate the amortisation of a photovoltaic system.
However, the subsidies are also tied to certain conditions regarding the sys tem’s output, depending on the size of the house.
Smart Photovoltaic will help you to imple ment your system in such a way that your respective municipality council-tax-re bate conditions are met.

The company Smart Photovoltaic Sys tems from Alhaurín de la Torre is one of the leading providers of high-quality PV systems on the Costa del Sol and beyond. The owner and founder of the company is Frank Weiss. He has been in the solar business for 15 years. After about 1,300 installations in residential properties, in dustrial premises and solar parks; Weiss is your trusted contact for photovoltaics. His company offers systems with and
without storage solutions, depending on the customer’s requirements. All work is carried out by his professional team; the solar modules come with a 25-year guarantee.
We will be happy to provide you with a non-binding cost estimate for a suitable photovoltaic system for your home or your business. Frank Weiss and his team look forward to hearing from you.

Savvy squatters will find a way round proposed new law, writes Mark Stucklin

Spanish Socialist par ty seems to have come around to the idea of fast-tracking the eviction of squatters, but their proposal lea ves a loophole that savvy squat ters will know how to exploit.

Earlier this year the opposition PP party on the right proposed le gislation to fast-track the eviction of squatters that got no support from the governing Socialist par ty, who run the Spanish govern ment in coalition with the hardleft Podemos party.
Indeed, the Spanish press reports that previous efforts by the PP to propose legislation to fast-track the eviction of squatters was scoffed at by the then Socialist spokesman Antonio Magdalena as intended to ‘generate fake so cial alarm’ and damage the ima ge of Spain.
But, with a General Election loo ming next year, the Socialist par liamentary group in the Spanish Congress has tabled an amend ment to a draft bill (on the or ganisation of the justice system) intended to give magistrates the
power to evict squatters in Spain ‘within a maximum of 48 hours,’ and that also envisages changes to the criminal prosecution sys tem to facilitate the prosecution of some types of squatting.
The proposal would allow ma gistrates to order the eviction of squatters within 48 hours ‘wi thout the need to present gua rantees, if the occupiers of the property cannot produce in that time frame the legal title that legitimises their presence in the property’.
But there’s a snag.
Magistrates would have to in form the public prosecutor and social services if the squatters in clude anyone at risk of ‘social ex clusion’ or ‘vulnerable minors’, which could hold up evictions for months if not years.
Most squatters, in particular squatter mafia gangs who extort money from owners by holding their home to ransom, would know how to exploit this loophole to full advantage.
This initiative sets the Socialists at odds with their coalition partners
from the hard-left Podemos par ty who are against any measure that makes it easy to evict anyo ne, whatever the cir cumstances. “They shouldn’t assume the agenda of the Right, because if they do, the Right wins,” says Podemos law-maker Rafa Mayoral, criti cising the Socialists in comments to the press. This comes at a delicate time for the governing leftist coalition
as they try to agree a new hou sing-law that Podemos wants to use to introduce rent controls all over Spain, make evictions almost im possible, and turn all the properties of the Sareb ‘bad bank’ into social housing. The law is supposed to be passed before the end of the year but the Socialists and Podemos can’t seem to agree on a draft to put before parliament.
Socialist support for the idea of fast-tracking squatter evictions is good news as it signals that a political majority are now in fa vour of the idea in principle. However, in practice, nothing is going to change for the fore seeable future.
Extorting homeowners by hol ding properties to ransom will continue to be a profitable cri minal enterprise with little risk of punishment in Spain, especially in squatter-friendly Catalunya, where close to half of all squa tting takes place.

The Socialists and Podemos can’t seem to agree on a draftPROBLEM: Squatting is becoming an ever bigger issue in Spain
Second home marketplace Pacaso is expanding with new properties in the UK and southern Spain, writes Jon Clarke

you are a fed-up over worked Londoner looking to escape the weather or a homesick expat pin ing for home, Pacaso has an option.
The American real estate company has dozens of homes available for co-ownership from Mar bella to London and Miami to Malibu.
Paying from as little as €429,450 you can have a share of a Spanish home that ensures you get six to seven stays a year in paradise.
Or up the spend to €940,000 and you can have an eighth share of an amazing townhouse in Chelsea.
These are just some of the properties on the market from Pacaso, which include ski chalets in the Rocky Mountains, mansions in Palm Springs and villas in Tuscany.
With location always the main draw, the compa ny has carefully selected homes for sale in the

most exclusive, upmarket spots.
“We offer turn-key homes in top second home destination communities across the U.S., Mexico and Europe,” says Pacaso CEO Austin Allison. Moreover, they are carefully divided so each owner has their own private space, while there is a scheduling system that adapts to each own er’s preferences over time. Each is guaranteed access during high-season, at least twice, and can book multiple special dates per year. They can book from just two days before or up to two years in advance, via the Pacaso app.
“Unlike a timeshare, Pacaso is true property ownership,” adds Allison.” And you can pur chase anywhere from one eighth to one half of a home, essentially enabling you to right-size your ownership based on your individual life style and needs.”
Founded by real estate tech entrepreneurs, the company started by covering the key holiday areas of the US, including Lake Tahoe, Palm Springs and Florida and now has a second home available in London.
The property in Chelsea comes after the suc cess of another amazing home in Mayfair, which is now fully owned. The four-bedroom property is on a quiet side street in the heart of London’s SW3, a short stroll to shops, dining, pubs and galleries on the King’s Road.

Behind the charming period façade, the fivefloor house has been completely rebuilt to provide a spacious, light-filled, contemporary
space arranged over five floors.
You step into a classic open plan living area

then drop down to a kitchen-dining area, featuring a bespoke Roundhouse kitchen, with separate pantry and wine fridge. Slid ing doors open onto a secluded rear patio. Below this is a day light basement with home office, family room, and an en suite bedroom. Meanwhile in Mar bella there are two homes currently on offer.
Amazing Villa Vida, priced at €628,193, is a breathtaking

property drawing inspiration from contempo rary Californian living.

The five-bedroom, six bathroom property sits in Nueva Andalucia and counts on stunning wide views towards La Concha mountain and various golf courses.
On three floors, it has a main bedroom with bathroom including free-standing bathtub, up stairs, along with an exclusive sundeck, and two further bedrooms.
Downstairs is an open-plan great room, com prising kitchen, dining and lounging areas, all opening onto a spacious outdoor living area and pool. The kitchen is sleekly finished to the highest specifications, including a stun ning all-marble central work/breakfast island.
"After 12 months of ownership, you are eligible to sell at any time at the price you choose,” explains CEO Austin Allison “Resale is fast and streamlined with our established marketplace of interested buyers.
“In many cases, homes are sold without the need for listing. If we don't have an active buyer waiting, your ownership will be marketed broadly on Pacaso and third-party real estate sites.
“As with any home sale, any equity gained is yours. On aver age Pacaso shares resell in fewer than 12 days, with a 12% gain on an annual basis."
Underneath, there’s a large family room and, tucked away at the back, two more bedrooms with a bath, perfect for children or guests.
Outside there is a roof terrace set up for al fres co dining, along with a hot tub; another terrace on the bedroom level with an enticing infinity pool area below.
Further down are two tiers of immaculate pri vate gardens, cascading elegantly down the hillside, all with excellent views.
The second villa is all about location, so sitting between two of Marbella’s best golf clubs Aloha and Las Brisas definitely takes some beating. Set in leafy hills, just five minutes from the coast, with both sea and mountain views, Villa Aire is most certainly a breath of fresh air.
The five-bedroom, seven-bathroom costs just €788,688 and comes with a pool, gymnasi um, sauna, and games room. It has a shady garden with a swimming pool with a children’s shallow area. Up on the roof is the perfect place for catching the rays all day round with views that go on for miles. Inside, it counts on an un derground cinema and games room, with pool table, while guests have their own wine cellar.
For more information contact europe@ or 936 073 712
It has survived 500 years; now fundraising is underway to save one of Granada’s oldest ceramics workshops, writes Jo Chipchase

ZARA isn’t the first place you’d think of for pottery handcrafted in an old tradi tion dating back to the days of Al-Andalus.
However, a collection of 2,200 pieces for the kitchen and bath room, made in the Fajalauza work shop in Granada, is attracting con siderable attention.

The collection is part of Zara Home’s Made by Artisans line: “Pieces that are the result of col laboration between centuries-old know-how and innovation, scru pulously respecting Granada's historical technique,” they say, adding that Fajalauza is one of the very few traditional factories es tablished at the end of the middle ages that is still operational today. But while the ceramics are highly prized, the building is on the brink of collapse.
Granada’s Albaicin barrio , famous for its cave houses and flamenco , is also home to many potters.

Its long association with ceramics dates back to Moorish times, and by the 16th century some 40 work shops were clustered in the upper Albaicin.
One of these, passed down through generations of the Morales family, is where Fajalauza ceramics are produced.

Despite the site being named a World Heritage Site 25 years ago, and an Asset of Cultural Interest when it celebrated its 500th birth day, the building has been left to deteriorate and is now in a peril ous state.
The Fajalauza Foundation, ded icated to preserving the cultural heritage of ceramics, took over the management in 2017, and has

now launched a fundraising campaign to save this his toric gem and turn it into an education centre.

Urgent emergency repairs are need ed to stop parts of the building from derelic tion.
At least €40,000 is needed to sal vage the roof, and €135,000 to repair and convert the workshop area where three multipurpose classrooms are planned.
A further €25,000 will be needed for disabled ac

cess and facilities.
If this historic building can be saved, it will provide everything required for the tra ditional produc tion of ceramics, including a His pano-Arabic kiln (which can use gorse as fuel).
The plan is to host masterclass es and artist res idencies, and to provide a cultural space.

A proposal has been made for it to become the Granada Museum of Ceramics.

Although the Fajalauza workshop sadly lost its mas

ter craftsman, Cecilio Morales recent ly, work continues much as it did five centuries ago.

The plates, bowls and vases, with their distinctive cobalt blue and green de sign set on a milky white background, are intended for everyday use, and re main hugely popular.

They are a frequently-spotted house hold object throughout towns in Grana da and much further afield.

With its decision to stock a limited collection online, Zara has shown that even a global retail giant dealing in mass production is capable of rec ognising the unique value of artisan craftsmanship and tradition.
However, its is shocking that in a town of such cultural wealth as Granada, in the Albaicin, and with World Heritage

Site status, the progressive deterio ration of this industrial heritage has gone unnoticed by governing adminis trations.-

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ITwas famously blown up by the French on their retreat from Ronda during the bloody Peninsula War.
Now the ancient castle that once lor ded over the historic old town is to serve a new purpose.
The castillo, which has served as a mo nastery and school, is to be converted into a luxury hotel with no doubt many French as its guests.
In an ambitious move, the Catalonia ho tel chain is to spend €10million conver ting the former church-run school into its third hotel in the town.
Creating 70 jobs, it will be a four-star hotel with access directly to the casco historico.
Next to the stunning Plaza Duquesa de Parcent, the 100-bedroom hotel will be within touching distance of Ronda’s main church, the Iglesia de Santa Maria la Ma yor and the town hall.
A deal has been struck between the buil ding's owners, the Fundacion Moctezuma and the chain, giving it an initial 50-year lease.

The building has not been used for over 20 years and is currently a public car park.
Construction is expected to begin early next year, with the hotel opening in three years.
The mayor of Ronda, Mari Paz Fernandez described the agreement as a ‘historic one’ for the town in terms of its urban significance and for tourism.
The Catalonia chain already has two other hotels in the town, the celebrated Reina Victoria, built by British builders in the 1890s when a railway line arrived in Ronda from the coast two centuries ago.
Its other, the Hotel Catalonia Ronda, is a four star hotel that opened opposite the bull ring five years ago.

The invasion of Napoleon from Fran ce and the subsequent Peninsular War caused much suffering in Ronda, which saw its population shrink from 15,600 to 5,000 in three years.
Ronda’s historic castle is to be reborn as a luxury hotel

TWO leading Costa del Sol hotels are getting a major facelift.
San Cristobal hotel in Marbe lla is to be converted from a three to four-star hotel by ad ding a rooftop pool and gym. It closed this week for a com prehensive upgrade that also includes adding 10 rooms to take its total to 110 rooms. The hotel has been in the local

Double whammy
Parra family since the 1960s. Meanwhile iconic five star Los Monteros, in Marbella, closes next month to undertake a multi-million euro upgrade.
The 173 room hotel, also built in the 1960s, was bought by private Swiss investors for €47million earlier this year.

Within the enclave of the natural backdrop of the historic North Gorge of Gibraltar, this development of 48 detached and terraced houses is underway as scheduled following the successful off plan sale of Phase I. The North Gorge development has been shortlisted for a Gibraltar Sustainability Award. Few remaining properties for sale in phase II with prices ranging between £1.450 to £1.895 million.
THE BUCKTHORN – GIBRALTAR £1,875,000 - £1,895,000 (OFF PLAN PRICE)

Bedrooms: 5 | Bathrooms: 5
Semi-detached 4 storey villa with integral garage, garden, balconies, car port and solarium terrace with jacuzzi. Passenger lift serving all levels including roof.
Interior size: 232m² | Total area: 319m²
Balcony/Roof Terrace: 61m² | Garden/Outdoor Terrace: 26m²


Bedrooms: 3 | Bathrooms: 3
Terraced Villas also with integral garage, rear garden, balconies, car port and solarium roof terrace. Passenger lift serving all levels including roof.
Interior size: 160m² | Total area: 254m² Balcony/Roof Terrace: 54m² | Garden/Outdoor Terrace: 40m²
17b The Balcony

Bedrooms: 4 | Bathrooms: 4
Terraced villas also with integral garage, balconies, car port and solarium roof terrace. Passenger lift serving all levels including roof.
Interior size: 180m² | Total area: 280m² Balcony/Roof Terrace: 69m² | Garden/Outdoor Terrace: 31m²
Bedrooms: 4 | Bathrooms: 4
Terraced Villa also with integral garage, balconies, car port and solarium roof terrace.
Interior size: 204m² | Total area: 301m² Balcony/Roof Terrace: 78m² | Garden/Outdoor Terrace: 18m²
Tel: 00(350)

modern luxury villa, probably one of the best in this complex due to its central location and views. Located in a gated community of only 40 villas, offers 24h security, a clubhouse with a gym, an indoor heated pool and a restaurant. The parking area and main entrance of this home are on the top of the building, where you have a hall and access to the lift and stairs. Coming down one level we find a large floor that consists of a high-quality open plan kitchen, next to a dining area that opens to the living room, where we see a cosy fire place and access to the panoramic terrace that enjoys fantastic views of the sea and the mountains surrounding Benahavís, on this same level there is a guest toilet.