2 minute read
Back behind the wheel
Simon Hunter simon@theolivepress.es
Alex Trelinski alex@theolivepress.es
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Madrid correspondent Simon Hunter on the long road to a driving licence deal that left thousands of expats stranded
TO the relief of thousands of expats around Spain, the government has finally approved a deal on driving licence exchange with the UK.

The move brought an end to the more than 10 months of hell endured by foreign residents with UK licences, after they were banned from the roads on May 1 last year.
When it became clear there would be no more extensions and UK drivers resident here were really going to be banned, the shock, frustration and fear was palpable.
It was a situation that genuinely caught many by surprise, particularly given most had done everything within their power to avoid.
And it was a situation that everyone thought – or at least hoped – could only last a couple of weeks.
But in the end it took a shocking 10 months for the UK and Spain to reach a post-Brexit agreement on licence exchange, coupled with driver information related to traffic fines.
Ten long months, during which many vulnerable residents were unable to legally use their cars to get to work or attend hospital appointments, let alone go shopping or see friends.
After hearing many sad and desperate stories, the Olive Press decided to launch a campaign to help them. Our U-Turn Campaign - which gave the victims a voice and pushed officials on both sides to find a solutioncan finally now be retired. Job done.
While rival newspapers ignored the victims' plight and some social media commentators even insisted they ‘deserved it’ for ignoring the warnings and trio of extension periods, we knew there were a myriad of other reasons.
In particular, many got hung out to dry by gestors (some of them bogus) who failed to do their job, while others were caught abroad or unable to act due to the strict pandemic restrictions.
Take David Dawson, who had moved to Spain in December 2020 and gave a lawyer instruction to apply for the exchange. He didn’t do so and David missed the deadline. “Our house is in an isolated location with no public transport of any kind,” he told the Olive Press. “It has caused countless nightmares.”
Meanwhile, an Olive Press employee found herself in a similar position - unable to drive to work or lead a normal dayto-day life, as were dozens of other Brits who got in touch with us.
There were a few reasons for the long delay, but the main sticking point was the UK wanting to keep the licence exchange and data access for traffic offences issues separate, whereas Spain wanted them together.
Despite story after story, many on our front page, we just couldn’t get answers. The main problem was communication and, as it often does in Spain, as summer arrived the information dried up, and despite numerous requests from our journalists no further explanation was forthcoming from either side – no one could