3 minute read
Pamela Machlachlan, Marbella
No shock here…
That man Ruben was my old boss, he didn’t pay me my wages even though he was driving around in many luxu- ry cars. It was only €500 but I deserved it and he had the money… He is a scam artist!! I hope he gets what he deserves... what goes around comes around.
Jamy Elizabeth Banks, London
Squalid conditions
… or here
Let’s be honest, the whole Otero way of buying was very bad from the start. Making you the owner of the plots before even building. Completely different to how other developers work. People who buy this way really are told by lawyers that if any- thing goes wrong, this is what will happen, but people want to risk it to buy cheaper villas. They should’ve chosen developers who build with bank guaran- tees and the correct way.
Steve Brown,
Regarding your article last week on new an- imal welfare regulations that exclude hunt- ing dogs. I really don’t understand why these animal rights activists are calling for hunting dogs to be protected under animal welfare laws in the first place.
I am sure the dogs fall under general animal welfare anyway and the fact they are hunting doesn’t make them subject to abuse. After all they are not the ones being hunted!
Sarah Evans
The article included a quote attributed to Britney Spears, but the accompanying photo was of Shakira, leading readers to believe that the quote was from Shakira.
I Did It Again.
As a reader of your newspaper, I was disappointed to see such a mistake. The mix-up of the photo and quote could mislead readers and compromise the credibility of your publication. It is essential to maintain accuracy in all news articles, especially when reporting quotes from public figures.
I kindly request that you issue a correction in your next issue to clarify that the quote is, in fact, from Britney Spears and not Shakira. I also urge you to take the necessary measures to ensure that such mistakes do not occur in the future.
Pauline, a concerned reader
Editor’s note: We did not actually attribute the quote to Shakira, but we are happy to make it clear to anyone confused that Oops I did it again! (the headline) referred to the story rather than the singer, who was indeed Britney Spears.
I READ with astonishment the letter (Olive Press Issue 413) stating ‘I have no sympathy for hunting dogs’.
Whilst sharing the writer’s dislike of hunting, to agree that such dogs be excluded from animal welfare laws, as is the case, was incredible.
Many of these dogs are kept in squalid conditions and, when they are no longer considered useful, disposed of. Longstand ing methods are to hang them from trees, throw them down disused wells and a va-
Uninformed and unjustified
REGARDING Sarah Evans’ obviously uninformed comments. Is she so unaware of how these hunting dogs are treated?
How they are forced to travel in tiny boxes on wheels, five or six of them packed in like sardines.
How they are kept riety of other sadistic measures.
A year ago I adopted two ex-hunting Galgos. Initially if I picked up a sweeping brush or raised my voice they would cower on the ground in anticipation of their expected beating.
Op Quick Crossword
One year on and I have a pair of delightful, happy, trusting, loving dogs. They have thrived under my personal animal welfare chained up in appalling conditions, lucky if they get a crust of stale bread, and no water in sight? How if they don’t perform as required by the galguero, they are beaten and often found quivering in a corner, terrified of the human being?
How they are hung up by the neck from a tree and left to die or how they are thrown down abandoned wells with no escape? Pure abuse.
So please don’t tell me that they don’t need to be protected. Do a bit of research before you make such unjustified comments.
Beverley Dickinson, Benalmadena
Op Quick Crossword
Grim stats
Me too! In power
Under represented OUR BRILLIANCE IS IN OUR DIVERSITY equally, expat journalist--
WHY don't you throw on some more ‘women’s’ rights and '’women's power’ stories? Try to stay balanced and stop this virtue signalling. Dedicate an issue to MEN and their problems for a change. Ridiculous Axel von Schubert, Olive Press online
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