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Vol. 1 Issue 19 www.theolivepress.es
Your expat
voice in Spain
December 5th - December 18th, 2019
Home run Taxi driver turned local hero after driving from Ireland to rescue his injured friend
DELUGE: More floods in the Costa Blanca EXCLUSIVE By Simon Wade
AN angry mayor has slammed the regional authorities for failing to clear blocked drains that have caused a second round of flash floods in just three months. Furious Los Alcazares leader Mario Perez told the Olive Press the ‘mudfilled drains’ were the reason over 100 local residents had to be evacuated on Monday following torrential rains. It comes less than 80 days since the deadly gota fria downpours left six Continues on Page 4
HE was once an ordinary taxi driver from north Belfast – but these days he gets pestered for selfies and stop ped by people pestering him in the supermarket to call him a 'hero'. All because of a good deed gone viral. This is the story of how 43-year-old Phil Hamilton embarked upon the longest journey of his life – some 4,107kms across six countries – to help his friend in need. It started when the news broke that fellow Belfast local Jim Moore, 58, had gone missing in Benidorm on November 15. Shock quickly turned to desperation as no news of Jim arrived for 72 hours – until a Spanish nurse contacted a friend via an appeal on social media. It turned out he had slipped on the stairs at his Acuarium II hotel complex, needing an urgent ambulance to VillaJoyosa hospital where he was placed into an induced coma.
EXCLUSIVE By Joshua Parfitt
With no documentation on him, nobody knew who he was until a nurse recognised Jim in a local missing person's post. But the ordeal was not yet over as when Jim finally did come round doctors ordered he could not fly for at least three months due to the affect cabin pressure would have on his injuries. “They were very worrying times – and we were absolutely ecstatic when we found out he was in hospital,” Phil told the Olive Press from Northern Ireland, this week. “Phil has been a great customer of my firm 365 Taxis, and I often have a wee pint with him at our pub. “So when I found out he couldn’t fly I joked that perhaps we could send a taxi to Benidorm.
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BIG HEARTED AND BIG FARE: Phil’s trip cost £4,300 “I said ‘that’s the way to do it, all we need is a driver’, and then all eyes were suddenly on me.
T will go down as the hottest decade on record. With temperatures soaring, both on land and sea, global warming has become a major issue for the world. With temperatures about 1.1C above the average from 2010 to 2019, desertification has been spreading, in particular, through southern Spain. The provinces of Granada, Malaga and Almeria are in serious risk, while Murcia and large parts of Valencia are also at risk of semi-desert conditions. The ‘exceptional’ heat around the world was announced by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), as climate activist Greta Thunberg (pictured) arrived in Portugal by boat en route for a key climate summit in Madrid this week. The Swede snubbed an offer of a donkey ride from Lisbon to the Spanish capital, preferring the modern comforts of the train. It would have taken the teenage climate activist more than five days to reach Madrid on donkey back, by which time she would have missed half the summit. She is set to stay in the capital for two weeks, taking part in a huge demonstration this Friday. Temperature rises are close to the 1.5C warming that scientists insist will cause extreme weather and the loss of vital ecosystems in many places. Other impacts include severe droughts, heatwaves and floods across all continents, and over the seas there have also been heatwaves. The findings by the WMO show that this year will be the second or third warmest since records began. So can we save the world? Page 7
“How could I turn around and say no?” No sooner had he left Belfast for the news broke in newspapers around Ireland, the UK and even Spain that he was on his way. A whopping nine days, (82 driving hours) and a taxi metre reading £4,300 (€4,700) later – Jim is now safely home with his family in the suburb of Newtownabbey. “The firm covered all the costs which was a lovely gesture from our directors,” Phil continued. “And we’ve been inundated with messages of support from New Zealand, Australia and America. “People in Benidorm made us sandwiches for the journey home, Brittany Ferries gave us a free passage from Santander to Cork and C&C Motorparts offered a free service on our return. “Our local Indian even gave us a complimentary meal – it’s unbelievable.” He continued: “The story has clearly given people hope. We might fight among each other, but when one of us in need we all gather round, regardless of race, colour or creed. “I think the reason it touched the hearts of so many people is that stories like this turn out pretty bad – and this had a happy ending.”
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Opinion Page 6