Assia Aboulama, 15, Azrou. Each one has got his own best example and so I've got mine. She is completely different and doesn't care at all except of something bad. And this is one of the reasons why I’ve chosen her as my favorite pattern. I will start describing her according to her confusing number 12, which is something of her career, it seems a bit strange but it is a number that holds all the difficulties and talented abilities which she encountered and confronted during the university studies. 12 years refer to real happenings in her life such as; becoming a bit wiser the age of 12, starting sport ° gym° at the age of 12 , and many other things . As the situations fluctuated and she faced psychological, social and intellectual difficulties and she was becoming more powerful , and with a little of challenge and steadfastness she was able to overcome everything that was an obstacle in front of her with the help of Her parents who are the best stimulating treasure a person can get . She faced barriers wherever she went, but she would not retreat. The barriers in a game are entertainment and fun, the person increases the level of his intelligence which leads to enthusiasm and thrill and so the game develops to sharpen the talent in life. Since she is a woman, the hurdles are numerous in front of her as she crosses, just because her nature is more sensitive and this is not due to the fundamental difference that belongs to thought, she has realized good results after hard trials, which has its own characteristics in the composition of the woman we are speaking about. It is not correct to say that time is harsh, there is no harsher than the human being on himself, moreover , talking about it by going beyond the concept that is common among all members of society is just a waste of time and for every opinion freedom of expression. Our freedom depends on the beginning of the freedom of the other and this is obvious, but the desire to draw attention to the severity of hard-ship besides her simplicity and our disregard for the meaning refer to our mental failure to employ the terminology in the form and much difference in content. And this concept of hard-ship that she was facing as she struggles to achieve her goals has helped her to succeed. for success in our life we need support