June 24, 2015

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DESIGNED OUT University ceases enrollment for Digital Arts and Design program, p. 2

GRADUATION SEASON Graduates celebrate at spring convocation, p. 2

Volume 24 – Issue 29 – SUMMER EDITION

www.truomega.ca Ω @TRU_Omega

June 24, 2015

Riding for mental health awareness, p. 4

Local First Nation band had a role in final TRC report Implementation of TRC recommendations the next step, more action coming, p. 5

Car share co-op names TRU as potential location, p. 6

2 NEWS Low numbers end digital design program

June 24, 2015

Digital art has been designed out of TRU’s program offerings – for now Jessica Messerer-Trosin CONTRIBUTOR Ω

After 29 years, the university has stopped offering the Digital Art and Design (DAAD) diploma program beginning this fall. “Two years ago there was severe decline in applications and enrolments for first year students. That’s what triggered us to rethink this,” said Tom Dickinson, TRU’s dean of science and interim provost and vice-president academic. Troy Welch, an instructor in the program since the 1995-96 school year, had similar information. Too few students were applying and enrolling in the program for it to make economic sense to continue, he said. The last cohort only had seven students, Welch said. “It’s hard to argue that the resources are being well used with numbers like those.” A full first-year class would have consisted of 36 students. Dickinson said that with the decrease in applications and enrolments and a faculty member retiring, it was the right time to rethink what was to happen to the program, as the cost was high and efforts to increase the number of students were not working. “Upon further investigation, it turned out there is a lot of competition in B.C., with places like Emily Carr University and private institutions,” Dickinson said. While the program is not actually officially closed, students can no longer graduate with a diploma in digital design. Rather, some classes have been moved over to the faculty of Journalism, Communications and New Media, along with former DAAD instruc-

tor, Colleen Foucault. “Especially classes like digital photography will be a valuable tool,” Dickinson said. Welch, who will be taking on a position with Open Learning next year, noted low application numbers all across the university’s programs, but also attributed the low enrollment numbers in the DAAD program to the fact that the program needed to be revamped. The program started with broadcast graphics, moved into desktop publishing and then web design. Now, Welch said, the program would have needed to be completely redesigned, but that it was not important enough for the university. “I don’t know if the development of a new program in that area is an institutional priority, but there’s certainly a huge market for it,” he said. Kevin Murray, a 2014 graduate of the program, agreed that the program was becoming outdated. In an email he wrote, “We did pay for an education, we paid for those classes, but we shouldn’t have been left to fend for ourselves when it came to learning something as big as web design,” speaking about one particular class he felt lacked focus. He also wrote that he wonders “about the value of a diploma in a program that the school discarded not even a year later.” Curtis Bateson graduated from the DAAD program in 2012. He had a similar opinion. “It’s kind of disappointing that the school is shutting down the program and now all of our diplomas are all from a non-existent program, but in our field it’s not about what you did, it’s about what

Lorelle Kjarsgaard is a 2014 graduate of the program who had good things to say about DAAD professor David DiFrancesco. (Jessica Messerer-Trosin/The Omega)

you can do.” Dickinson says the program is “not actually closed,” but rather undergoing change. “We need to re-evaluate and see what the job market needs for 2020,” he said. “We want to target specific niches that are more relevant to the jobs that exist in design in this day and age.” While the university looks to the future to see what students need, those who have graduated are looking back. David DiFrancesco, a professor who has been with the program from its beginning, is retiring. Past students named him as the highlight of their time in the program.

Lorelle Kjarsgaard, a 2013 grad, called him the “pillar” of the program and said he was a huge inspiration. “I learned to really not sacrifice my own personality and identity to get a job. Just to really stay true to what I want to do and to work really hard,” she said. Bateson said, “The thing that made the DAAD program unique was learning from David DiFrancesco… he pushed me to do my best, always letting me know when he knew I could do better.” Murray wrote that even after 25 years of teaching, DiFrancesco was “still very passionate not only about teaching, but also about

design. He still did design work outside of class, which meant that he was keeping his thumb on the pulse of what was happening in the world.” Last year, first-year intake was suspended, so the program only consisted of second year students, most of whom are now graduated, Welch said. Some students have a few classes left to finish, which they can complete this coming year. Dickinson said the program is still in the books and can be reopened eventually. “It’s a work in progress, but I’m sure it will come back with a focus on digital design and web design.”

Congratulations to all spring convocation graduates! “I’m done!” Congratulations to all of those celebrating their graduation and moving on. Former TRUSU president Dylan Robinson and Dean of Students Christine Adam (left) Photos courtesy of TRU. For more, visit: www.flickr.com/thompsonrivers Now not only TRU alumni, but Omega alumni, too.

Congratulations to last year’s arts editor Kim Anderson (top), news editor Alexis Stockford (right), sci-tech editor Ryan Turcot and sports editor Tayla Scott.


The Omega Ω Volume 24 • Issue 29

The Omega Thompson Rivers University’s Independent Student Newspaper Published since November 27, 1991

www.truomega.ca /TRUOmega @TRU_Omega /tru_omega

EDITORIAL STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Sean Brady @iamseanbrady editor@truomega.ca CONTRIBUTORS Cameron Doherty Jim Elliot Jessica Messerer-Trosin Wade Tomko NEWS EDITOR VACANT


Don’t wait until October to choose how to vote It’s time to start paying attention to politics, if you haven’t been already Sean Brady


For many post-secondary students, this will be the first federal election where they’re eligible to vote. Four years ago, in 2011, many now-eligible post-secondary students were still in high school. As parliament goes on its summer break, it might already be a bit late to start paying attention. If you haven’t been keeping a close eye on the news, you’ve got a bit of reading to do before politicians truly launch into campaign mode and begin retelling the most self-serving versions of their own parliamentary history. But really, it’s never too late to start paying attention. Let’s face it: policy is really boring. It’s words on a page, soundbites on the radio, politicians in

media scrums on TV and politicians grandstanding in the House of Commons. When you pay attention to the upcoming campaign, you’re going to hear the same thing you don’t care about over and over again. But if you keep listening after that, you might hear about something that will affect your life – maybe even for the better. And it’s those bits of information that you should use to make your decision in October. An example? Alberta’s recently-elected NDP government just introduced Bill 3, a piece of legislation that would freeze tuition for two years and undo the last round of increases. The result is that for the first time in most students’ lives, they won’t be paying more tuition than they did the year before. But of course, those changes are made under a provincial mandate,

and the feds aren’t so hands on when it comes to how universities behave. Nonetheless, there are policy changes for universities on the books in some federal parties. Policy discussions revolve around making post-secondary more accessible, keeping quality high and managing student debt loads. The NDP has the most post-secondary-related policy on the books at this point, but expect to see each party dip its toes into the pool of students before the fall. Which leads me to my next point: pandering. In the past year or so, various parties have, at times, been accused of campaigning when they should be governing. With Parliament now in its summer recess, we can expect to see the level of campaigning really take off, especially with all three major parties polling

about the same. They’re coming for you, and you should be prepared. What’s it going to take? Just some critical thinking and a healthy dose of skepticism. You’re a university student, so you’ve probably got that down pat. Every party has its target: the Conservatives will go for your parents and grandparents, while the Liberals and the NDP will cast a bit of a wider net, but will fight over the bigger catch. Either way, expect to be pandered to and don’t base your decision solely on what each party has told you. Look at how they have behaved over the past four years, too. We’re at the starting line right now. If you want to make an informed decision, make sure you watch the race from the beginning. It’s going to be a good one. editor@truomega.ca







PUBLISHING Cariboo Student Newspaper Society (Publisher of The Omega) TRU Campus House #4 900 McGill Rd, Kamloops, B.C. V2C 0C8 Phone: 250-828-5069 Advertising inquiries: accounts@truomega.ca

LETTERS POLICY Literary and visual submissions are welcomed. All submissions are subject to editing for brevity, taste and legality. The Omega will attempt to publish each letter received, barring time and space constraints. The editor will take care not to change the intention or tone of submissions, but will not publish material deemed to exhibit sexism, racism or homophobia. Letters for publication must include the writer’s name (for publication) and contact details (not for publication). The Omega reserves the right not to publish any letter or submitted material. Opinions expressed in any section with an “Opinion” label do not represent those of The Omega, the Cariboo Student Newspaper Society, its Board of Directors or its staff. Opinions belong only to those who have signed them.

COPYRIGHT All material in this publication is copyright The Omega and may not be reproduced without the expressed consent of the publisher. All unsolicited submissions become copyright The Omega 2014.

Has marriage outlived its purpose? Monica Gordon


If marriage plays a role that can be replaced by other things, it seems that we might not need it anymore. When the institution of marriage was originally created, it performed a necessary function in society. Since then, our values have changed to a point where many of those needs have vanished — children no longer need the legitimacy of wedlock to inherit family property, women can work outside the home and wages are such that women are no longer economically dependent on men. If there is any function left for marriage, it would be creating a healthy environment to raise children. However, marriage isn’t even required to do that. To use anecdotal evidence, my parents separated when I was 12 and while it was initially upsetting, I knew it was for the best — they couldn’t stand each other. Despite living apart, they were still able to maintain the most important thing for raising well-adjusted children: stability. My parents were both determined to create a stable environment for

me and my siblings and while my childhood was not ideal, I always knew that come Friday at 5 p.m., I would be switching houses for the week. Not every divorce works out that well for the children, but it seems possible that parents who are truly committed to their child’s well-being can create a healthy environment even without being together. If you or your potential spouse couldn’t create a stable environment after a divorce, then maybe you shouldn’t be having kids in the first place. Childrearing aside, the main reason people get married nowadays is for love. A wedding is simply a public declaration of love. However, despite marriage being seen as the be-all-end-all in this area, there may be stronger avenues for expressing that love. A couple years ago there was a show on TV called Whitney. The main character was in a long-term relationship but refused to get married so that her and her partner always knew they were together solely because they were actively choosing to be. Deciding to be with someone every day for the rest of your life can be just as powerful as marriage — if not more so than exchanging

vows. You don’t need marriage to have a strong bond with another person. Beyond marriage no longer having an actual purpose, is legally binding yourself to someone for the rest of your life even realistic? People can change immensely in five years — let alone over the course of their whole lives. What if you or your spouse simply grow into someone who is incompatible with the other? The divorce rate in Canada fluctuates between 30 and 40 per cent and infidelity does not cause all of these instances. Given the potential for two people to grow apart, marriage puts an extra strain on a couple when it’s clear that the relationship is ending. When you swear an oath to love someone forever in front of a crowd of people, it puts a lot of pressure on you to try to make the relationship work. Which isn’t always a bad thing — but there are some relationships that cannot be saved and trying to do so anyway is stressful. Wouldn’t it be much less chaotic to date someone for a very long time and if you realize you’re no longer suited for each other, you can just go your separate ways? Divorce brings in lawyers, division of assets and some very bitter feel-

ings. Also, it seems cruel that divorce is seen as a failure when some people sacrifice so much just to avoid it. What’s wrong with dating someone for several years and making an unofficial commitment? If this arrangement becomes no longer agreeable, then you can choose to split with minimal legal hassle. It’s possible that we might all be better off if the main goal wasn’t “forever and always,” but perhaps “for as long as we’re both happy together.” This isn’t to say I’m in any way against a lifelong committed relationship, but it only seems reasonable if you actually do want to be with that person every day for the rest of your life. The very existence of no-fault divorce has made wedding vows essentially meaningless. Although they’re certainly well-intentioned, given that if you change your mind you can get divorced with as little hassle as you choose takes quite a lot of credibility out of vows. Of course, there are certainly more variables present than what I’ve described. That being said, it seems that marriage in its current form is overdue for a critical examination, especially if it’s doing us all more harm than good.

UNION BUSINESS Grant applications approved by TRUSU – May 5, 2015

$950.00 to attend the Skills Canada National Competition on May 27-30, 2015.


Full meeting minutes can be found on TRUSU’s website available at: www.trusu.ca/governance/meetings/board.

During the summer months, The Omega moves from its weekly publication schedule to a monthly one. Look for new issues on the stands on the following dates: July 22 – August 26 Weekly papers will return on Sept. 9.

Upcoming TRUSU board meetings: June 30, July 14, July 28, August 11, August 25.



June 24, 2015

Ride Don’t Hide:

bikes out for mental health CMHA-organized event expected as many as 150 riders this year


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BC’s Strongest Man 2015 Saturday, June 27 Big-O Tires (North Shore)

This year, the strongmen are after the Rob Medves Memorial Trophy. The event is being held in memoriam of Rob and will be collecting donations for the Kamloops Food Bank.

Andrew Hood: The Causeway Saturday, June 27 to Sept. 5 Kamloops Art Gallery

Curator’s Choice: the work of a TRU alumni presented at the Kamloops Art Gallery. BFA grad Andrew Hood describes his work as “conceptual constellations that examine myth-making potential of objects and images.”

Kamloops Wine Trail Open House

Saturday, June 27 Various open houses (see kamloopswinetrail.com)

Riders seen along the Thompson River during the 2015 Ride Don’t Hide event to promote awareness of mental health and the stigma against it. The Kamloops CMHA was expecting as many as 150 riders this year. (Cameron Doherty/The Omega)

out there … but there really has never been anything for mental CONTRIBUTOR Ω health, so that’s our big thing, just to raise the awareness and to let On June 21, the third annual people let go of that stigma.” Ride Don’t Hide bike ride took By raising awareness, Pfeiffer place in Kamloops. The ride, hopes that those struggling with put on by the Canadian Mental mental illness will be able to not Health Association (CMHA) be ashamed, to “say it out loud.” Kamloops branch, as well as a One in five Canadians suffer committee of volunteers, aimed from some form of mental illness to both raise funds to help peoin their lifetime. It makes sense ple dealing with mental health isthen that the ride and Michael sues as well as raise Schratters’ impact awareness about would not just be just how prevalent limited to B.C., mental health isbut would spread sues are in Canada. further afield. The ride beOn June 21, gan in Centennial there were rides Park in Westsyde taking place in and followed the four separate provThompson River inces across Cansouth before loopada, all of them ing back to the with the same park. determination to The event has raise money as well been growing exas awareness. ponentially, ac“Across CanaChrista Haywood-Farmer, Ride Don’t Hide volunteer cording to CMHA da, our numbers property and office right now are at manager Shelley Trudeau, who is B.C. to see if they would be inter- $750,000,” Trudeau said, just also an organizer for the event. ested in putting on a Ride Don’t short of their target of $1 mil“The first year we had 40 rid- Hide event in their community,” lion.” ers, second year we had 80 riders Trudeau said. Christa Haywood-Farmer, anand this year we are expecting 150 Kamloops was one of the other volunteer, led the 10 km riders,” she said. branches that showed interest. portion of the bike ride on SunOver $12,000 was raised by the For volunteer Ingrid Pfeiffer, day and spoke to why the event Kamloops Ride Don’t Hide cam- Ride Don’t Hide is very person- was important to her. paign this year. al event. Pfeiffer lost her son 12 “Every one of us is affected The idea of using a bike ride as years ago, only six months after he by mental illness, whether it’s way to raise awareness about men- had been diagnosed with schizo- personally or through family or tal health issues began with one phrenia. friends. This is a really great way man, Michael Schratter. In 2010, “There’s so many other [events] to support them.”

Cameron Doherty

the elementary school teacher living in Vancouver rode more than 40,000 km around the world to raise awareness about mental illness in the hopes of eradicating the stigma often associated with it. Upon arriving back in Vancouver, Schratter partnered with the B.C. division of the CMHA in Vancouver and started the first Ride Don’t Hide event. “It was so successful that they reached out to other branches in

“Every one of us is affected by mental illness, whether it’s personally or through family or friends. This is a really great way to support them.”

The Kamloops Wine Trail is now a thing! Four wineries (Harpers Trail, Monte Creek Ranch, Privato and Sagewood) will be hosting open houses from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. How many can you make it to? Drink responsibly!

Canada Day Celebrations

Wednesday, July 1 Riverside Park (see tourismkamloops.com) Celebrate Canada Day starting at 7 a.m. with the Brock Lions Club pancake breakfast. From there, tour Riverside Park and experience the KAC’s Art in the Park and Performing Stage in between visits to the Kamloops Multicultural Society’s ethnic food and culture displays. In the evening, stay for the music at the Rotary bandshell. If you last all day, you’ll even make it to the fireworks, which start at 10:30 p.m.

Music in the Park: HIJACKED Friday, July 10-11 Riverside Park, Rotary Bandshell

BC Living Arts has taken over. And it’s a good thing, too, since they’ll be bringing Van Damsel, The Caspians, Gleneagle Band and Spencer/Jameswolf to the stage, and also featuring tributes to Joni Mitchell, Leonhard Cohen, Neil Young and more. Events start at 6 p.m., which is a good time to hit the food trucks that will be at the event.

Project X Theatre presents: X-Fest 2015 Friday, July 13 to August 1 Prince Charles Park

With daily performances Monday to Saturday at 7:30 p.m., there will be plenty of opportunities to take in some theatre in the park. This year’s shows will be The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood and The Shakespeare Show. New this year are matinees, scheduled for July 18 and 25 at 3:30 p.m.


The Omega Ω Volume 24 • Issue 29


Local First Nation band had role in TRC report Next steps are implementing recommendations, resolving day scholar class action suit Jim Elliot


The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) presented its summary report in June after seven years of investigation and deliberation. The commission’s stated goal was to create “sincere indication and acknowledgement of the injustices and harms experienced by Aboriginal people and the need for continued healing.” The commission’s findings are especially relevant in Kamloops, both because of its large First Nations community and because it was home to one of Canada’s residential schools. The Kamloops Residential School operated from 1893 to 1977. The commission’s report states that what took place at residential schools “constituted an assault on Aboriginal children, families and culture.” The result, according to the commission, is intergenerational harm to the First Nations community and culture.

The Tk’emlúps band played an important role in helping the TRC reach its conclusion. In May 2013, commission chair Murray Sinclair held a hearing that gave residential school survivors and their families an opportunity to have their voices heard and their stories recorded. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is another step in

dential school day scholars. Day scholars are the students who attended the residential schools but returned home to their families at night. On the heels of the TRC’s report, the Tk’emlúps, in partnership with the Sechelt band are launching a class action suit on behalf of residential school day scholars nationwide. “The abuses suffered by day scholars were similar enough to other residential school students that they also deserve compensation,” said Kamloops band councillor Katy Gottfriedson, the portfolio-holder for the day scholars’ suit. Gottfriedson also said that the day scholars repreAlexa Manuel, TRU graduate student sented by the suit also suffered the unique trauma of the ongoing process of making being resented by their peers who amends. The government be- had to stay at the school overgan implementing a settlement night. Gottfriedson said that the agreement for residential school TRC’s findings will be important students in 2007, and Prime Min- to the lawsuit because their arguister Harper issued an official ments will almost certainly incorapology in 2008. porate the commission’s findings. One score that has not been All groups involved seem to settled yet is that of the resi- agree that reconciliation and education are priorities. “The government has made strides recently by including an Aboriginal focus for K-12 curriculum. What the general public is not aware of is that the last federally funded Residential School was in 1996,” said Bernard Gilbert, Secwepemc Nation member and project manager professional student at TRU. “During my undergrad studies I was oblivious to the impact of the aboriginal population eradication. It was estimated that 90% of the aboriginal population was decimated post-colonial contact,” Gilbert said. Along with better education Jim Elliot/The Omega about the history of First Nations

“I have heard many of my Aboriginal peers and classmates throughout university lament their family’s loss of culture, and have witnessed the results of this loss,”

The Kamloops Indian Residential School closed in 1977. By 1979, only 15 residential schools remained open in Canada. The last federally-run school closed in 1996. (Jim Elliot/The Omega)

people in Canada, many feel that efforts should be made to reclaim the cultural elements that were damaged by residential schools. First Nations graduate student Alexa Manuel summed up the importance of her family’s culture to her: “I have heard many of my Aboriginal peers and classmates throughout university lament their family’s loss of culture, and have witnessed the results of this loss,” she wrote via email. “I was raised knowing both

Syilx and St’at’imc cultures, as taught by my parents. I learned about ceremonial practices early in life ... and carry a deep understanding of their healing and teaching properties. I know what it is to be close to my culture, and it is difficult to imagine my life without it.” The Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s findings will give national direction to the numerous local efforts to make amends for the horrors of the residential school system.

University of Saskatchewan expands Indigenous language options Emily Klatt


For the first time in history, students at the University of Saskatchewan will be able to obtain certificates in Indigenous languages beginning in the fall of 2015. This development is a collaboration between the College of Education and the College of Arts and Science, and signals a commitment to preserving and promoting First Nations, Métis and Inuit culture at the U of S. A formal memorandum of understanding has been signed between the colleges, each offering its own unique learning opportunities. The College of Education will offer an Indigenous language certificate starting in September. As

a two-year 10-course program, the Indigenous language certificate will prepare students to teach Indigenous languages in a variety of environments. Chris Scribe, coordinator of the Indian Teacher Education Program and First Nations, Métis and Inuit programming at the College of Education, speaks to the goals and impact of this addition. “The aim of the ILC is to provide teachers with the methodology, confidence and oral fluency of Indigenous languages specific to our traditional territories in which we live. There is no better place to revitalize language than in the classroom with our youth,” Scribe said. Scribe also acknowledges the significance that the program holds for cultural preservation. “We also hope to halt the loss of

Indigenous languages throughout the province by facilitating the connection between language speakers and those wanting to learn. The college is honoured to have the opportunity to contribute to this work.” The program offered through the College of Education will initially focus on Cree, with Michif and other Indigenous languages to be offered in the future. Enrollment will be open to current education students and postgraduate students who majored in either education or Indigenous studies. The Saskatchewan Ministry of Education also fully recognizes the program as a special qualification for teachers. “This language certificate is a trailblazer for methodological and pedagogical Indigenous language revitalization. Our university is not only encouraging the revitalization

of Indigenous languages; we are celebrating and honouring it with the recognition it deserves,” Scribe said. The College of Arts and Science is working towards offering its own certificate of proficiency in Cree language as well. While the certificate is still in development, the program aims to be a five to 10-course certificate that can be taken separately or alongside any undergraduate degree at the U of S. Between these two programs, Scribe believes that the U of S has strengthened its commitment to preserving Indigenous culture. “Language is the heartbeat of Indigenous culture. It is the connection to the Indigenous knowledge, traditional territories and Indigenous ways of knowing,” Scribe said. This connection to the past is an integral part of the Indigenous lan-

guage certificate program. “The literal Cree translation for the word school [kiskinwahamâtowikamik] is ‘place where we go to cry.’ It was so named because of the cultural genocide imposed on Indigenous people through the residential school era,” Scribe said. Moreover, he insists that learning can also be a tool for healing and remembrance. “An elder gave some very wise words in regards to the influence of schools on Indigenous culture: he said, ‘Yes it is true that [residential] schools were responsible for the assault on our languages; however, if schools can do that much damage to us as a people, they also have the ability to bring it back and revitalize it.’ Powerful words and the guiding hope behind our language certificate,” Scribe said.



June 24, 2015

Car share co-op names TRU campus as potential location

The Interior CarShare Co-operative is making inroads in bringing car sharing to Kamloops, and TRU Wade Tomko


As part of the Films for Change film series put on by TRU’s department of environment and sustainability, representatives from the Kamloops and Kelowna car share co-ops (InCar and OGO, respectively) hosted a showing of three short films about car sharing and the sharing economy. InCar is currently looking to bring car sharing to TRU and Kamloops by the end of summer. Modelling itself after sister company OGO, InCar aims to bring a fleet of at least four vehicles to its members later this year. Unlike OGO, which has had problems attracting UBCO students because of the university’s distance from the city, InCar believes TRU’s location would be perfect for those students who live on or around campus and rarely drive as is. Members of InCar can book a vehicle any time, although it is suggested they do it in advance. They pay both by the hour and by the ki-

lometre, picking up a vehicle from a designated location in the city (many of which will be located near bus loops) and then going about their business. Once finished, the vehicle is returned to the original location. Most car share co-ops include the price of insurance, maintenance and fuel in their membership fees. Although InCar is close to starting their car sharing program, they are currently only accepting applications for businesses and those who want to become shareholding members. As it stands, the cost of a shareholding membership is $500 plus a $25 application fee. Dylan Houlihan, executive director of InCar, said it may be a while before casual memberships are offered. Casual memberships, when they’re offered, would cost $25 to apply with a $25 monthly fee. At InCar’s rates of $4 per hour plus 40 cents per kilometre driven, a student who drives 200 kilometres in 15 hours over the course of a month would pay $165. Comparatively, a student paying for car insurance ($150 per month), gas and parking

City councillor Donovan Cavers addresses an audience at TRU. (Wade Tomko/The Omega)

InCar was at TRU on May 27 as part of TRU’s department of environment and sustainability film series “Films for Change.” (Wade Tomko/The Omega)

at TRU ($62.50 per month) is likely looking at more than $250 per month to keep and use their own car. Christian Brandt, executive director of OGO, admits, “It comes down to a matter of cost with students,” with memberships starting at $500, many students may shy away from InCar for this reason alone. InCar also seeks to go where few car share co-ops have gone before. It plans to embrace Kamloops’ “truck culture” and offer pickup trucks as well. Perhaps the greatest threat to InCar is the size of Kamloops. Even though Kelowna is larger, Kamloops is still not a small city. Those living in the greater Kamloops region would find it difficult to access vehicles in more remote or subur-

ban areas of the city such as Juniper Ridge, Aberdeen and Bachelor Heights. Students without vehicles in these areas would probably find the public transit already in place more economical. Although car sharing at UBCO was not as big a success as originally hoped for, Brandt said that OGO is negotiating with the UBCO student union to bring further car sharing to campus and that there are currently nine students who use the service. Houlihan believes there is a chance for greater success at TRU than UBCO, but is still opting to take it slow. “If there is a demand for two cars, then we’ll look into it. If there is a demand for five vehicles at TRU, we’ll look into it. We just don’t want to grow too quickly,” he said. Although it may be a tough sell

to local students who already own vehicles, those living on and around campus, especially international students, may find car sharing useful. TRU student Matt Greenwood can’t see why the student union here wouldn’t want to get on board. “They could work out a discount and sign on students and faculty,” he said. Greenwood was one of the first students to call for car sharing at TRU. “I was pushing really hard for a broader-based opening,” he said. His original suggestion was “to have a fleet of a bunch of older, used cars which could be utilized by a lot more people. They could be stationed at the city’s main bus loops at TRU, Lansdowne and the North Shore.”

Co-ops and campfires Learning to balance the responsibilities of summer without having a nervous breakdown Vanessa Broadbent


Growing up, summer was by far the best time of year. With no school, and therefore no responsibilities, days were spent outside riding bikes, swimming, or doing pretty much whatever it was we felt like doing. Then we grew up and somehow without our noticing it, summer transformed into one of the most stressful times of year for students. To an outsider, summer may seem like a break from the hectic life of a student, with exams out of the way and many of us taking a break from courses until September — but in reality, it can be almost as anxiety-filled as the school year. The pressure of schoolwork may not be present, but it has been replaced with the pressure of summer jobs, internships, co-ops, and the stress of trying frantically to save enough money for the upcoming year while still being able to afford to take that road trip with friends and attend at least one music festival.

This perfectly describes my first summer as a student. I was expecting summer to be the same as it was during high school — a time to hang out at the beach with friends and do pretty much nothing more than that — but it turned out to be drastically different. I got my first real internship and instead of spending my days at the lake, I was cooped up in an office praying to God that I was working hard enough to get a good reference. There was also the added pressure of saving money. As a full-time student, working more than part-time is not an option during the school year, at least not if you’re trying to keep your grades up. This meant that I had the summer to save enough money to pay for the upcoming year’s tuition. It was either that or get student loans — which I did not qualify for because my parents earned more than StudentAid BC thought parents of a student needing financial aid should earn, even though asking my parents to help me out with tuition was not an option. Because of this, my entire sum-

mer was spent budgeting and barely spending any money on anything other than gas to drive to work. The anxiety only increased when my car broke down during the summer and I had to spend nearly two weeks’ wages to fix it — a lot when your summer job is only 12 weeks long. Although everything ended up working out, that was one of the most stressful summers of my life. Yes, I had saved enough money for the upcoming year and had scored a great reference, I had spent four months of my year completely full of anxiety — the opposite of what summer should be. This summer, I promised myself I wouldn’t fall into the same situation. I was much pickier in my job search and rather than taking the job which offered the most money and hours, I settled for a summer job that would still allow me to save for tuition, but didn’t force me to spend my entire summer in an office. As a re-sult, I now have time to enjoy my summer the way it should be enjoyed, with a few road trips and concerts, but while

Mark Roy/Flickr Commons

still working and earning money. While I may not be earning as much money as I did last summer, and my job may not look as impressive on my resume, the reduced amount of stress and anxiety has made it completely worth it and I know that when I start courses again in the fall, I will be returning from a relaxing summer

and not a stressful one, and I know it will be worth it. So while working this summer and frantically trying to save enough money for the upcoming year, remember that it is summer after all, and it wouldn’t be summer without a few camping trips and beach days. I’ll take those over anxiety any day.



The Omega Ω Volume 24 • Issue 29

Evaluating Laurier’s response to sexual assault

How Wilfrid Laurier University handled a 2013 sexual assault incident on campus Kaitlyn Severin

THE CORD (CUP) On June 1, Waterloo’s regional newspaper, The Record, published an article after Justice Elliot Allen criticized Wilfrid Laurier University for their handling of a sexual assault case, allowing a student to continue his studies at the school while facing sexual assault allegations against a fellow female student. The victim, who remains unidentified, found her perpetrator, Adam Hughes, in her dorm room the morning after a night of drinking in January 2013. Hughes has been sentenced to 18 months behind bars and three years on probation. “Wilfrid Laurier University was apparently more concerned with the welfare of Mr. Hughes than that of his victim,” the judge told the court. On June 2, Laurier released a statement responding to the news report. The university said they “upheld conditions of the perpetrators release from police custody after he was charged, including that he have no contact with the survivor and he be removed from her residence.” On June 4, Laurier published a second press release asserting that ongoing support was extended to the survivor of the sexual assault case. “Every effort is made to be supportive and sensitive to the needs of the survivor while also considering the fundamental legal principle that an accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty,” the press release said. According to the release, 28 months passed between the assault and the conviction of the perpetrator in court. During that time, Hughes continued to work on campus and finish his studies. Helen Ramirez, a contract aca-

demic staff in women and gender studies, has been hearing stories of sexual assault on campus for years. According to a study done by the CBC in February 2015, Laurier reported 11 incidents of sexual assault from 2009 to 2013. “We have risen all of our concerns with the administration over many, many years trying to get the administration more actively engaged in doing something, but also change is very slow,” said Ramirez. Laurier’s dean of students, Leanne Holland Brown, said there are a series of steps once a student becomes a victim of violence. The school must review Laurier’s non-academic code of conduct, which elaborates on what the process would look like once a student proceeds with a complaint. “The first and most important step is to make sure that the victim or the survivor, depending on what kind of context you’re talking about, gets the immediate support that they need,” Brown said. Brown explained the victim would get personal and academic support, as well as required services in or outside the university. “[We] really focus our attention on what the survivor needs for personal success, academic success and overall wellness,” said Brown. If the victim requests the perpetrator to be dealt with, Drew Piticco, student conduct administrator, will begin the code of conduct process based on all the information reviewed from both parties. Results differ and can include expulsion from the university. The university can demand coordinated access to the school, such as restricted time to the library and classes, if both the victim and perpetrator remain on campus. In her victim impact statement, the female victim explained there

were a couple of encounters with her attacker on campus despite attempts to keep them apart while the case was ongoing. “I never got anxious before this and now I do a lot,” the young woman wrote in a victim impact statement. “I’m always scared I will see him.” “I think that in terms of university, we need to be … held accountable,” said Ramirez. “What the judge said was right that this student, after experiencing a rape, should not have had to walk the hallways and around campus wondering whether or not her safety once again was at risk and that this other person had the right to just carry on as per usual without any kind of accountability or responsibility directed by the university.” The Wilfrid Laurier University Students’ Union has said they are committed to bringing more awareness to gendered violence. The Students’ Union joined the gendered violence steering committee, an idea that came out of the Gendered Violence Task Force. “We have working groups on it surrounding policies, survivors rights, education, training, awareness and communication,” said Olivia Matthews, Student Union’s president, chief executive officer and student representative of the steering committee. According to Matthews, the Students’ Union plans to train first-year students on sexual violence, awareness and consent during Orientation Week this fall. “When we start with first-year students they’re going to learn that and they’re going to keep learning that we have a zero-tolerance policy for it.” Along with Laura Bassett, vice-president of university affairs and Chris Hyde, director of policy, research and advocacy, Matthews appeared before the Select

Andreas Patsiaouros/The Cord

Committee on Sexual Violence from the Legislative Assembly of Ontario on May 20. The Union is currently advocating for Laurier to be one of the first universities in Ontario to release a direct policy around sexual assault and harassment, including a survivor’s rights section. “Enough is enough — we’re ready to deal with this and we’re ready to be a part of the change with the university”, said Matthews. Ginette Lafrenière, associate professor in the faculty of social work, believes there needs to be a shift in how students deal with sexual violence on campus. “This is not going to happen in four days, it’s not going to happen because a judge said [Laurier] did a terrible job — this is going to take years and years of hard work before we actually have a change

of cultural and organizational change within the context of our university,” said Lafrenière. Andrea Gunraj, communications specialist of Toronto’s Metropolitan Action Committee on Violence Against Women and Children (METRAC), believes post-secondary campuses should review their own policies and practices and examine its benefits with students, staff and security systems. Gunraj said policies may be in place, but response lacks when it comes to actually dealing with sexual assault. “This is a thing that a lot of the times may not be on campuses, they might have policies and practices but not training on what those policies and practices are and what somebody could do if they were assaulted and what everybody’s responsibilities are,” said Gunraj.

WolfPack 2015-16 Schedule SOCCER










Location Matchup


Location Matchup


Location Matchup


Location Matchup


Location Matchup


Location Matchup

Aug. 20 Aug. 22 Aug. 23 Sept. 12 Sept. 13 Sept. 25 Sept. 26 Oct. 2 Oct. 3 Oct. 17 Oct. 18 Oct. 24 Oct. 25 Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 12

Home Home Home Home Home Away Away Away Away Home Home Home Home TBA TBA Toronto

Sept. 4 Sept. 12 Sept. 13 Sept. 18 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 Sept. 27 Oct. 3 Oct. 4 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Oct. 17 Oct. 18 Oct. 23 Oct. 25 Oct. 31 Nov. 5 Nov. 13

Home Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Away Home Home Home Home Home TBA TBA UBC

Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 Oct. 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 6 Nov. 7 Nov. 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 27 Nov. 28 Jan. 8 Jan. 9 Jan. 15 Jan. 16 Jan. 22 Jan. 23 Jan. 29 Jan. 30 Feb. 5 Feb. 6 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb. 26 Mar. 4 Mar. 11

Away Away Home Home Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Away Away Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Home Home TBA TBA Hamilton

Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 Oct. 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 6 Nov. 7 Nov. 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 27 Nov. 28 Jan. 8 Jan. 9 Jan. 15 Jan. 16 Jan. 22 Jan. 23 Jan. 29 Jan. 30 Feb. 5 Feb. 6 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb. 26 Mar. 4 Mar. 11

Away Away Home Home Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Away Away Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Home Home TBA TBA Brandon

Nov. 6 Nov. 7 Nov. 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Nov. 27 Nov. 28 Jan. 8 Jan. 9 Jan. 15 Jan. 16 Jan. 22 Jan. 23 Feb. 5 Feb. 6 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 26 Mar. 4 Mar. 11 May 17

Away Away Away Away Home Home Home Home Away Away Away Away Home Home Home Home Away Away Home Home TBA TBA TBA UBC

Nov. 6 Nov. 7 Nov. 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Nov. 27 Nov. 28 Jan. 8 Jan. 9 Jan. 15 Jan. 16 Jan. 22 Jan. 23 Feb. 5 Feb. 6 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 26 Mar. 4 Mar. 11 May 17

Away Away Away Away Home Home Home Home Away Away Away Away Home Home Home Home Away Away Home Home TBA TBA TBA UNB

* Denotes exhibition game

*UNBC *Douglas *Langara TWU UFV UBC UVic TWU UFV UBC UVic UNBC UNBC Qtf finals Final 4 Finals

*UofC UofA UNBC UFV TWU UVic UBC U Manitoba U Winnipeg UBC-O UBC-O Mt. Royal MacEwan UofA UNBC Qtr finals Final 6 FInals

UofA UofA MacEwan MacEwan UofC UofC U Winnipeg U Winnipeg Brandon U Brandon U UBC-O UBC-O Mt. Royal Mt. Royal U Sask. U Sask. U Regina U Regina U Manitoba U Manitoba UBC UBC TWU TWU Qtr finals Final four Nationals

UofA UofA MacEwan MacEwan UofC UofC U Winnipeg U Winnipeg Brandon U Brandon U UBC-O UBC-O Mt. Royal Mt. Royal U Sask. U Sask. U Regina U Regina U Manitoba U Manitoba UBC UBC TWU TWU Qtr finals Final four Nationals

UNBC UNBC UofA UofA MacEwan MacEwan UFV UFV UBCO UBCO MacEwan MacEwan Mt. Royal Mt. Royal UNBC UNBC UFV UFV UBCO UBCO Play-in Series Quarterfinals Final 4 Finals

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June 24, 2015

C R O S S W O R D 立 Born in the month of June Name:

Complete the crossword below 1




5 6



9 10


12 Created on TheTeachersCorner.net Crossword Maker

Across Across

Down Down

Further reading: www.extrafabulouscomics.com www.smbc-comics.com www.xkcd.com


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