Feb. 14, 2018

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T H O M P S O N R I V E R S U N I V E R S I T Y ' S I N D E P E N D E N T S T U D E N T N E W S PA P E R

VOLUME 27 · ISSUE 19 · FEBRUARY 14, 2018










Radio host and advertising expert speaks at TRU Cailyn Mocci ARTS EDITOR Ω On Wednesday, Feb. 7 TRUSU welcomed CBC radio host and advertising expert Terry O’Reilly to speak at the Common Voices Lecture series. O’Reilly spoke candidly about the path to success and being open to embracing the obstacles. Terry O’Reilly has decades of advertising experience

with his time writing and creating ads. In his lectures he often lends a hand in connecting the dots when it comes to popular culture, human nature and their effects on communication. In 1990, O’Reilly co-founded Pirate Radio and Television; a creative audio production company tasked with producing scripts and music for radio and television commercials. O’Reilly has worked with many notable celebrities

including Alec Baldwin, Ellen DeGeneres and Martin Short; to name a few. He has also been awarded with three Lifetime Achievement Awards (American Marketing Association, Advertising and Design Club of Canada, and the Television Advertising Bureau).


Terry O'Reilly, advertising expert and host of the CBC show Under the Influence was at TRU last Wednesday to talk about finding solutions by thinking outside of the box. (Juan Cabrejo/Ω)



FEBRUARY 14, 2018

Nominations open for TRUSU Board of Directors Students looking to nominate themselves for TRUSU positions should do so soon Jennifer Will NEWS EDITOR Ω With just two months left of the winter semester, it can mean a lot of different things for students, like midterms and endless assignments on the horizon. However, it also means that it’s almost time for another election for TRU’s Student Union. The call for nominations has officially begun, and there are 19 positions that are up for grabs. TRUSU is currently looking to fill five executive positions, six constituency positions and eight committee positions. The open executive positions include president, vice president equity, vice president external, vice president internal and vice president services. The president’s primary role is chairing and overseeing the university affairs committee and the student caucus. They will also be a member of the executive committee and serve as the staff relations officer for the organization. The vice president equity’s primary role is chairing and overseeing the equity committee and serving as a member of the executive committee. The vice president external’s primary role is chairing and overseeing the campaigns committee.

Nominations for this year's election are open until 2 p.m. on Feb. 27. Voting will take place in March. (FILE PHOTO) They will also be a member of the executive committee and serve as the provincial executive representative to the British Columbia Federation of Students. The vice president internal’s primary role is chairing and overseeing the entertainment committee and serving as a member of the executive committee. Finally, the vice president services’ primary

role is chairing and overseeing the services committee and serving as a member of the executive committee. Successful candidates will be expected to commit 20 hours per week to their position. The open constituency positions are Indigenous representative, graduate representative, international representative, LGBTQ+

representative, visible minorities representative and women's representative. Each representative should have perspectives and ideals that reflect the group of students they hope to represent for the year. Successful candidates for these positions should expect to commit about 10 hours per week to the job by attending bi-weekly meetings,

asking questions and making decisions. The open committee positions available are two spots on the campaigns committee, two spots on the entertainment committee, two spots on the services committee and two spots on the university affairs committee. Successful candidates will work as a representative on their respective committee and should expect to commit about 10 hours per week. Nominations for this year’s election are open until 2 p.m. on Feb. 27. There will be three candidate forums before students go to the polls, on March 7 for committee representatives, March 8 for constituency representatives and March 9 for executive representatives. All of these forums will start at 12 p.m. in the TRUSU Lecture Hall. Voting for this year’s election will take place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on March 14, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on March 15 and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on March 16. Students can cast their ballot in the TRUSU Lecture Hall. For more information on each of the positions up for grabs, you can visit TRUSU’s website trusu. ca/news. Anyone interested in running for office can visit the TRUSU front desk for a nomination package.

TRUSU awards will recognize excellence on campus Awards looking to recognize both students and staff who have made working or learning at TRU better across six different categories Jennifer Will NEWS EDITOR Ω The TRUSU Awards of Excellence will recognize students, staff and faculty across six categories. The awards look to recognize members of the TRU community for making the universities campus and the wider Kamloops community a better place. Tatiana Gilbert, TRUSU’s president, says that this has been many years in the making. “There’s so many incredible people on campus, staff, faculty, professors, students, leaders on campus that really make TRU an incredible place to work, to live, to learn, to study,” Gilbert said.

Students and faculty can be nominated for an Award of Excellence for a number of reasons, from supporting educational aspirations to demonstrating community leadership. TRUSU has committed to handing out nine awards yearly amongst the six existing categories. The first category for the awards is TRUSU Student Empowerment Award, which can go to a student or an employee who empowers students to participate as engaged citizens on campus or in the broader community. Then there is the TRUSU Student Support Award, which can go to a student or an employee who supports students

in professional or educational aspirations. The TRUSU Student Advocate Award will go to an individual who helps advance political will or policies in the interest of students and can go to an employee or a student. The TRUSU Teaching Award will be awarded to a faculty member who demonstrates excellence in teaching, while the TRUSU Research and Scholarship Award will go to an employee who facilitates student participation in research and scholarship. The final award is the TRUSU Club Leaders Community Service Award and will go to a student who demonstrates community service through

club leadership. Awards will be given to students in the form of a $2,000 tuition fee credit and to employees as a $2,000 professional development fund. TRUSU hopes to use these awards to celebrate people on campus who really go above and beyond to make TRU a better campus overall. “We just felt like we should have some form of formal recognition for those individuals, where members of the TRU community can vote or put a nomination forward,” Gilbert said. Gilbert adds that it was important to have awards for faculty and employees of TRU along with students because they help shape the path of a

student’s academic career. “You come to campus and nothing would be able to be run if it wasn’t for having professors in the classroom inspiring students to go out and change the world to having janitors come and maintain the classrooms and facilities,” Gilbert said. “There’s not just a textbook involved in a student’s education, but there is so many other individuals that play key parts on campus.” The deadline for nominations is Feb. 23 and nominations can be made by TRU students, TRU employees and community members. To nominate someone for an award you can visit their website at trusu.ca/campus-life/ awards-of-excellence/.





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STAFF WRITER As a staff writer for the paper, you’ll take assignments from section editors and pitch your own stories, too. You might explore different beats like science and technology, campus life or city and community news. There are two staff writer positions available.

To apply, send your resumé and samples of your work (published or unpublished, academic work accepted) to editor@truomega.ca. Positions will be filled as soon as possible. If a position is still posted on this page, applications are still being accepted.

Athabasca University has over 850 courses for you to choose from to meet your needs. Monthly start dates of undergraduate courses fit into your schedule so that you can work at your own pace.

To be eligible for any of the above positions, you must be a student at Thompson Rivers University while you work. Students who will be employed by the TRU Students’ Union during their employment period may not be eligible to work for the newspaper in order to avoid any conflict of interest. Applicants are asked to disclose all potential conflicts of interest.

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Publisher and Board

Editorial Staff

Cariboo Student Newspaper Society TRU Campus, Old Main, OM2691 805 TRU Way, Kamloops, B.C. V2C 0C8 Phone: 250-828-5069 Advertising inquiries: www.truomega.ca/advertise or email accounts@truomega.ca

Editor-in-Chief Wade Tomko


Sean Brady Christopher Foulds Charles Hays Jennifer Will Siddhesh Rajam Vacant

Letters Policy

Literary and visual submissions are welcomed. All submissions are subject to editing for brevity, taste and legality. The Omega will attempt to publish each letter received, barring time and space constraints. The editor will take care not to change the intention or tone of submissions, but will not publish material deemed to exhibit sexism, racism or homophobia. Letters for publication must include the writer’s name (for publication) and contact details (not for publication). The Omega reserves the right not to publish any letter or submitted material. Opinions expressed in any section with an “Opinion” label do not represent those of The Omega, the Cariboo Student Newspaper Society, its Board of Directors or its staff. Opinions belong only to those who have signed them.

News Editor Jennifer Will

Arts Editor Cailyn Mocci

Sports Editor Alvin Mutandiro

Photographer Juan Cabrejo

Distribution Jonathan Malloy

Contribuors Justin Moore Elizabeth Nygren Farrah Johnson Morgan Hunter

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All material in this publication is copyright The Omega except where otherwise noted and may not be reproduced without the expressed consent of the publisher.



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truomega.ca/contribute First timer? Don’t worry – no experience is necessary and we’ll give you as much help as you need. If you’re ready to get started, just email one of our section editors and pitch your story: News: news@truomega.ca Arts: arts@truomega.ca Sports: sports@truomega.ca Or write the editor at: editor@truomega.ca



FEBRUARY 14, 2018

Emergency phones seeing an overhaul after faults discovered Number of technical issues with TRU's Code Blue emergency phones reported Justin Moore CONTRIBUTOR Ω

Code Blue emergency phones, like the one above, are being overhauled across campus after issues were discovered last year. (Justin Moore/Ω)

The functionality of TRU’s Code Blue emergency phones was brought up in the last TRU Board of Governors meeting held on Feb. 2. In the summer of 2017 a technical issue was reported in one of the phones when a TRU employee attempted to use a phone for a first aid call. An investigation was later launched looking into the performance of the campus wide system. It was shortly discovered that multiple emergency phones required new and improved audio

CFBX TOP 30 CFBX 92.5 FM, 350 Watts Kamloops, BC Music Director: Steve Marlow Charts to February 8, 2018 * indicates Canadian Content ** indicates a local artist Artist - Album (Label)

components, while some were found with dangerously leaking batteries. Many phones had also been spontaneously dialling the Williams Lake campus switchboard without user impute or operation and without reason. When it came to repairing the phones, TRU opted to save on costs and fix the phones in house rather than sending entire consoles to the service provider in the United States. The Office of Safety and Emergency Management worked with Information Technology Services to successfully reprogram an install existing motherboards, saving not only money but shortening the length of

TRU human rights complaint rejected Last September TRU received a complaint from a law student alleging discrimination against both race and physical disability Wade Tomko EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Ω

1) Downchild* - Something I've Done (Linus) 2) Wolf Parade* - Cry Cry Cry (Sub Pop) 3) Cootes Paradise* - Cootes Paradise (Independent) 4) Krista Muir* - The Tides (Hypo) 5) Emily Burgess* - Are We in Love? (Independent) 6) Rec Centre* - Dealer to the Stars (Independent) 7) Samantha Fish - Belle of the West (Ruf ) 8) Taivi* - Rising Tide (Independent) 9) Minor Empire* - Uprooted (World Trip) 10) Blitzen Trapper - Wild and Reckless (LKC) 11) The Dudes* - East Side Good Times 5 (Serious Lover) 12) Storc* - Storc (Independent) 13) Rawlins Cross* - Rock Steady (Ground Swell) 14) The Bronx - V (ATO) 15) Destroyer* - Ken (Merge) 16) Malk* - Born Elated (Dipstick) 17) Gregory Porter - Nat King Cole and Me (Blue Note) 18) Esmerine* - Mechanics of Dominion (Constellation) 19) Alex Pangman* - Alex Pangman's Hot Three! (Justin Time) 20) Johnny Reid* - Revival (Halo) 21) Slow* - Against the Glass (re-issue) (Artoffact) 22) Dana Jean Phoenix* - Synth City (Independent) 23) Gordon Grdina Quartet* - Inroads (Songlines) 24) Secret Sign* - Fever Dance (Independent) 25) Justin Gray and Synthesis* - New Horizons (Independent) 26) Negative Press Project - Eternal Life (Ridgeway) 27) Keith Price* - Double Quartet (Independent) 28) Smokes* - Wayne Death (Independent) 29) Cousin Harley* - Blue Smoke (Little Pig) 30) Be Astronaut* - Odd Man Rush (Independent)

downtime of the defective phones. Going forward, the OSEM and ITS have worked towards finding a more supportive service provider for the emergency system and plan on eventually replacing all emergency phones campus wide. A Canadian provider is currently being tested that will not only improve customer service, but TRU will also see a $50,000 CAD savings or roughly 50% of costs for technology purchase and initial installation. TRU will also save on costs that went towards duty charges and non-productive time during phone services coming from the United States.

A complaint filed to the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal by a former TRU law student makes claim of "numerous instances of racial discrimination.” On September 14, 2017, law student Dustin Gagnon filed a complaint against TRU alleging discrimination in the area of services based on race and physical disability contrary to section eight of the Human Rights Code. Between 2014 and 2017, the former student compiled a list of what he viewed as discrimination against him or the wider Aboriginal community. When Gagnon first started at TRU in 2014, he was allegedly told by the Dean of Law not to challenge his professors or other law faculty. Gagnon felt he was being told not to voice his concerns or views on aboriginal issues and that he could face retaliation. Gagnon reported numerous instances of racial discrimination by guest speakers and members of the university as well. In one particular instance, Gagnon alleged that a professor ridiculed “natives” from Merritt, casting them as alcoholics. The same professor is also alleged to have referred to one Aboriginal woman as a “sherry whore.” Gagnon said that he raised issues with racial discrimination many times with the Faculty of

Law, who told Gagnon that the matters would be addressed. However, Gagnon believes that the university put him off hoping the issue would disappear after he graduated. In addition to racial discrimination, Gagnon, who has an amputated finger, alleges that TRU took “an inordinate amount of time to provide accommodations for his finger disability.” While the complaint alleges many instances of discrimination within TRU’s faculty of law, it would end up being rejected due to issues with timeliness. While Gagnon filed the complaint last September, he alleges the discrimination took place between between 2014 and January 4, 2017. In order to comply with the six-month time limit, a complaint must be filed within six months of the alleged contravention. Though Gagnon admitted that he filed the complaint late as a matter of good faith, hoping that TRU would work with him in resolving the matter, the Tribunal found the late-filed complaint to not be in the public interest. Furthermore, while the Tribunal admits that Gagnon’s complaint raises serious allegations about discrimination against vulnerable groups, they also said that Gagnon did not provide any submissions on whether his complaint could fill in gaps in the Tribunal’s study of law or provide a good precedent for future cases.




Australian author speaks out about Indigenous water rights Legal expert and author talks about environmental and legal concerns surrounding sacredness of water Jennifer Will NEWS EDITOR Ω Access to clean and safe drinking water is something that some of us may take for granted, but this is not a luxury in many First Nation communities across Canada. According to a CBC News investigation between 2004 and 2014, two-thirds of all Canada’s Indigenous have been under at least one drinking water advisory at some point in time. Virginia Marshall was the first Aboriginal woman to gain a PhD in law from Macquarie University in Australia. She is also a researcher, lawyer and author. Marshall is the author of Overturning Aqua Nullius: Securing Aboriginal Water Rights, a book that goes all the way back to 1788 when the british colonized Australia and marginalized Aboriginal communities. “My consciousness was that we weren't taking the importance of

the water for what it means, we just look at it as a utility. For me, very much the point, Australia was said to be possessed by the british and also that our land was taken because of the indoctrination of terra nullius,” Marshall said. Terra nullius is noted by Marshall as a legal fiction that denies Aboriginal rights and interests to land in Australia. The book also explains the ongoing belief known as aqua nullius which denies Aboriginal people their economic and cultural right to water. “Overturning aqua nullius was really important because we’ve now got to overturn that fiction that Aboriginal people don’t have rights,” Marshall said. On Feb. 6 Marshall spoke on a panel alongside her husband, conservationist Paul Marshall, who is also from Australia, chief of the Skeetchestn Indian Band Ron Ignace and TRU’s own executive director of Aboriginal

education Paul Michel. The panel pointed out many issues surrounding Indigenous water rights or lack thereof. Marshall says that securing water rights for Indigenous is important because in doing so it helps to address disadvantages and economic uncertainty that many people from this group may face. Although Marshall lives halfway around the world in Australia, she says that her knowledge could be applied to similar issues going on in Canada. “What we have in Australia is a lot of the same issues that you have here,” Marshall said. Marshall adds that protecting water and making clean and safe drinking water accessible to people is not just an Indigenous issue. “It’s not just Indigenous people that are suffering with water issues, its also non-Indigenous people,” Marshall said.

Virginia Marshall was the first Aboriginal woman to gain a PhD in Law from Macquarie University, she is also a lawyer and author. (Juan Cabrejo/Ω)

Law conference focuses on access to justice TRU Student Law Society hosted a panel discussion on access to justice and human rights led by several experts in the legal field Farrah Johnson CONTRIBUTOR Ω The TRU Society of Law Students held a two day conference February 8th and 9th, on the theme of access to justice. Friday’s session was held in the law library of the Old Main Building and included presentations from The Kamloops & District Elizabeth Fry Society, TRU Community Legal Clinic and TRU law students. The conference also included an access to justice panel, which was led by Bryant Mackey and Brian Samuels. The lawyers presented and explored a case involving Cameron Ward, whom Samuels noted to be a notable civil rights lawyer. Addressing policy, Mackey said this particular case was very important. “When word came out about the court’s decision, they [the supreme court] said this will be the most important decision under the charter in decades — a huge move towards access to justice,” Mackey said. Following the panel session, the conference featured a presentation and question and answer session led by Attorney General David Eby. Eby acknowledged the conference’s theme, but briefly mentioned the issue of gambling and transnational money laundering in B.C. casinos.

“At the briefing I felt like an amateur UFO enthusiast-we knew something was going on and we were suspicious, but we had no idea it was that big,” Eby said. On the topic of access to justice, Eby also mentioned that recommendations were proposed to the government by concerned citizens, including TRU students, on the subject of human rights. “One of the main priorities of our government is to implement the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” Eby said. Eby also acknowledged inequality present in the funding of legal aid, child care, housing and health issues. “Addressing mental health and addiction will also provide access to justice,” Eby said. He also stated that the government is very concerned about acknowledging the existence of the First Nation people. “One of the key themes [in access to justice] is that indigenous people have to be partners in the work we are doing,” Eby said. Eby admitted that the government is well aware of the underfunding of family and criminal law and said they are working closely with the Law Society of B.C. and the Canadian Bar Association to get the resources necessary to address issue. “It won't happen overnight,” he

SLS conference executive members (back row from left) Scott Ashbourne, Nikita Lafleur and Michael Geib; (front row from left) Alisha Mangat, Brittany Dumanowski and Dave Barroqueiro (not pictured: Johny Faul). (Inside TRU) said. TRU faculty of law aims to improve the access to justice in British Columbia and this year’s

conference was another initiative to reach that goal. “It is very important for the judiciary bench to reflect the

diversity of the community,” Eby said, acknowledging the importance of representation in attaining justice.




FEBRUARY 14, 2018













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*$5 student tickets are available at Moviemart (376 St. Paul Street) and online up to 1.5 hours before every screening, and the Paramount Theatre (503 Victoria Street) 45 minutes before each screening. Fees apply when purchasing tickets online or at Moviemart. A Kamloops Film Society Membership is included in the TRU UPASS.




Pump up your endorphines Upcoming Events Winter Film Series - The Other Side of Hope Paramount Theatre Feb. 15, 7 p.m.

Jonathan Malloy While I’m sure many people will be lining up in droves this Valentine’s day for the last (thank god) instalment in E. L. James’ Twilight rip-off Fifty Shades series, I believe it necessary to offer options for those looking for a film that will leave you a little more satisfied by the end of your night.

Join the Kamloops Film Society in their showing of The Other Side of Hope. Tickets are $10 and are available at Movie Mart or online.

Double Indemnity (1944) Dir. Billy Wilder Early Hollywood films were greatly limited by what they could show due to the censorship of the Hays Code and yet, these limitations makes the utter intensity of this film noir even more fascinating. Barbara Stanwyck and Edward G. Robinson smoulder on screen as they attempt to kill her unsuspecting insurance salesman husband. Created with a flair not often seen in modern films,

BARRE + Brew BARRE Kamloops and Red Collar Brewing Feb. 7, 2 - 4 p.m. What's the best way to finish a long workout? A beer of course! Join BARRE Kamloops for a 1 hr. killer class followed by pints and snacks. Winter Wildlife Days B.C. Wildlife Park Feb. 22 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Ever wanted to feed a bobcat or watch birds of prey soar through the air? Nows your chance at the B.C. Wildlife Park. 2018 B.C. Winter Games Locations across Kamloops Feb. 22 - 25

Videodrome (1982) Dir. David Cronenberg A film that gains relevance with each passing year, Cronenberg’s sci-fi odyssey follows Max Renn (James Woods) as he becomes obsessed by a soft core pornogrophy show known only as Videodrome. The sexual attraction between humans and technology passes boundaries in often horrifying scenes of bodily mutilation that shows a dearth of interesting futurist ideas pushed to their pessimistic limits in a mixture of horror and hormones. Warning, this is not one for the squeamish.

Support your local athletes in four days of athletic competition. Come participate in an event that brings B.C. together.

Basic Instinct (1992) Dir. Paul Verhoeven

GLORY Western Canada Theatre Feb. 22 - March 3, recurs daily

The be-all end-all benchmark of the genre, and testament to staying-up as a young man to catch the late night reruns on Showcase, this murder mystery seemed to have it all. A doomed passion, a deadly game of cat and mouse, an ice-pick and the absolute magnetism of Sharon Stone. Possibly the Danish directors finest casting decision, Stone outdoes the power and ruthlessness of the men surrounding her as she easily manipulates the police force to her undoubting whim. The interrogation scene alone stands as a testament to an amazing performance and the over the top direction.

An incredible and true story of our national sport. GLORY retells the tale of the Preston Rivulettes, an all-women's hockey team from the 1930s. Coldest Night of the year 2018 Heritage House and Riverside Park Feb. 24, 3 p.m. Join the New Life Mission in a day of cold outdoor activities. At the end of the day all walkers and volunteers will be treated to a warm meal. Crabfest 2018 The Coast Kamloops Hotel and Conference Center Feb. 24, 5:30 p.m. - 12 a.m.

Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Dir. Stanley Kubrick This legendary directors final film is soaked in the whispered words of something best left unsaid. Dr. Bill Hadford dives into the underworld of New York City discovering a world of masked orgies and the societies that run them. Shot in a gorgeous array of deeply beautiful colours, the delicacy of the film unwinds in a continuing sense of dread as Tom Cruise’s Dr. Hadford becomes increasingly ensnared in a game bigger than his curiosity.

If you love the taste of crustaceans, then you'll love this event! Eat crab while while raising funds for two great causes, the Starfish Backpack Program and Power Start Kamloops. Kamloops Symphony - From My Life Sagebrush Theatre Feb. 24, 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Come enjoy brilliant Czech music put on by the Sycamore String Quartet. This is an event classical music-lovers won't want to miss!

The Handmaiden (2016) Dir. Park Chan-wook This is the type of film that Fifty Shades wishes it could be. A restrained, intimate exploration on the passion felt between two humans unable to fully express their love, lest it be behind closed doors. The taut atmosphere achieves a sense of desire through the pained expression of its two lovers as they explore their sexuality removed from the prying eyes of their owner/husband. This south Korean thriller toys with themes of voyeurism, repressed sexuality and the effects of black leather gloves on skin. Please be advised.



FEBRUARY 14, 2018

Solving problems by breaking the rules CONTINUED (COVER) Much of O’Reilly’s speech pushed the audience to look at problem solving not as a task to create a whole new situation to solve it but rather to use the obstacle to as the main tool. “The solution to the problem is always inside the obstacle,” said O’Reilly. “So the trick is to dismantle the obstacle piece by piece.” O’Reilly spoke with great canter and used his humor and personal anecdotes to keep the fully packed Campus Activity Centre Grand Hall engaged. The speech wasn’t just the preachings of O’Reilly’s personal experiences, but rather using real life advertising examples that the general public would recognize. O’Reilly shared the tips that he learned along the way, including “breaking the rules creatively” and to make people feel something from your message. The key message O’Reilly shared with the mixed audience is to find solutions outside of your confines. O’Reilly also spoke of a lesson his mentor shared with him years ago. “Problem solving is like doing ballet inside a phone booth,” he said. “Zig while the rest of the world zags.”

O'Reilly spoke to a full house in the CAC's Grand Hall. Much of his speech focused on solving problems using counterintuitive thinking. (Juan Cabrejo/Ω)

The Modo Lounge opens their door for the second year Offering a variety of tapas, the Modo Lounge is the classiest joint on campus Cailyn Mocci ARTS EDITOR Ω

Experience premiere dining at TRU's very own Modo Lounge every Thursday and Wednesday. (Cailyn Mocci/Ω)

TRU and the faculty of adventure, culinary arts, and tourism is adding to the dining options of campus with a Red Seal prepared tapas lounge. The Modo Lounge is up and running and accepting reservations. The Modo Lounge started as an idea from the dean of the faculty of adventure, culinary arts, and tourism, Doug Ellis. This is the lounge’s second year running on campus. Modo translates to “just now” in Latin, an idea that the creators ran with. The lounge is set to be featuring changing dishes, drinks and specials to keep everything new and exciting. This ever-changing menu keeps the students involved up to date on the changing trends in the hospitality business. The Modo Lounge was created as a hands on lab linked with the lecture class Catering and Service Management taught by Jarita Heer. With this hands on experience, students will learn the different styles of service “Some of [the students] have never had service experience so it gives them the opportunity to be

hospitable,” said hospitality instructor Derek Bernier, who is overseeing the production of the lounge. Guests of the lounge will be treated with a top notch meal prepared by TRU Red Seal chefs Ed Walker and Adam Florence. The students in the culinary program have not yet joined the Modo Lounge team but there is room for additions in the future if the instructors see fit, according to Bernier. The students in the hospitality field can use the experience in the Modo Lounge to improve their knowledge of the service industry even further, while still providing a great experience for the TRU community. The Modo Lounge is open every Wednesday and Thursday from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. on the second floor of the Culinary Arts Training Centre. Each ticket is $25 and includes access to a buffet and tapas bar. There is also a cash bar available for those 19+. The lounge asks that if you are going to join them for a meal you first make a reservation. They welcome all groups big or small. Tickets can be purchased at the Scratch Café or by emailing accolades@tru.ca.




Interaction and immersion take centre stage Actor Workshop Theatre's production of 12th Night meant to get audiences out of their seats Elizabeth Nygren CONTRIBUTOR Ω 12th Night by William Shakespeare is the next show being produced in TRU’s Actor’s Workshop Theatre. The show will be

directed by TRU faculty member, Heidi Verwey, and takes place in the wondrous world of Illyria. The show follows two twins, Sebastian (Zack Fernstrom) and Viola (Brittney Martens), that get separated after a nasty shipwreck. The duo go through a series of love triangles with Olivia (Marta

Oraniewicz) and Duke Orsino (Jakob Kopytko) and a few misgivings with Malvolio (Jeffrey Daniels) until they find each other once again. Although the show is a Shakespeare classic, Verwey puts a spin on the famous play by taking it outside of the theatre walls and

Brittney Martens (Viola) and Jakob Kopytko (Duke Orsino) practice in front of the OM Starbucks. (Selena Tobin/Ω)

into Student Street of Old Main. The cast and crew of 31 have been working diligently since early January on this highly complex show. The show has been heavily described by Verwey and the cast/ crew as “immersive and interactive”, and fourth year Bachelor of Arts student, Zack Fernstrom, says the the audience must “be prepared to move their butts”. This is because the show will be moving from the theatre to outside in front of Starbucks and up and around Student Street, eventually ending back in the theatre. Along with moving from space to space, the audience will be immersed by being apart of the show themselves. The actors will be chatting with everyone coming to see the production and the audience will be free to move around and interact with the actors as they watch the show. Although all the actors will be speaking Shakespearean english, the entire show is based in modern times, and will be implementing many current aspects of our era, such as taking selfies and thumb wrestling. The behind-the-scenes aspect of this show will also be designed a bit differently than usual. Most of the designers are students at TRU,

many of them in their fourth year and all the students are actors in the production. Brittney Martens is the show’s artistic designer, while Selena Tobin is its lighting designer. Berlin Msiska is the sound/music designer for the production, with Anna Dokshina as the costume designer and Mariana Makulkina as the show’s makeup designer. Since this show will be moving around a lot, there will be less tickets available for the public in comparison to a regular TRU production. Each show will capped at 40 people because of the lack of space. Danielle Foisy, a second year bachelor of arts student, says it’s what makes each show intimate. This production is also taking a leap in another direction, says Kelsey Launier, another fourth year Bachelor of Arts student. “It brings you closer to Shakespeare than you’ve ever been before,” she said. The show will be taking place over the first two weekends in March, with shows playing on March 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and 10. Shows start at 7:30 p.m., but the immersiveness will begin at 7:15 p.m. Tickets are $15 each, and the production will begin in TRU’s Actors Workshop Theatre.

Heal attempts to balance spirituality and science Documentary with spiritual answers to medical issues leaves audience with scientific questions Morgan Hunter CONTRIBUTOR Ω Last Sunday, Blue Diamond Consultants and Interior Wellness hosted the showing of the documentary Heal in TRU’s Clock Tower. Heal is a film that attempts to give a spiritual answer towards a scientific question, however, fails to appeal to any mass demographic and is solely for the people who already believe/ participate in the options that the film presents. The film revolves around a young woman attempting to find alternative healing methods from a multitude of medical problems varying from the common cold to cancerous tumors. She seeks answers by talking to professional neurologists, healers, and medical practitioners. The documentary holds a good amount of humor within it, having two points where the audience was howling. As well, it holds some very powerful moments where these alternative healing methods are being

presented and the effect it has on the participants involved. However, as the film went on, one specific question kept presenting itself. What makes a documentary film a great film? Heal makes its audience care about the material presented and should convince an average person to become an activist or supporter of the argument being presented in the film itself. Inequality For All gives the argument for capitalism and gives a solution of economic reform. Supersize Me gives the argument against continuous unhealthy eating and a solution with a different fashion of eating for better health. Both these documentaries both represented the arguments, yet respected the counterarguments that came with their opinion. However, in Heal, it doesn’t present itself as an argument but a judgment on how people should live as a whole. It goes out of its way to provide scientific theories however, theories that are so broad that they don’t appear to be scientific or aid to the argument towards alternative

healing. The film attempts to link them without any statistics but with one person accounts, which negates the tone that it is attempting to capture. They also don't present a history towards the practice of alternative healing, instead simply claiming that it was started by various philosophers.The difference in tone is so conflicting, it took me out of the movie as a person who had gone in with no bias towards either side of the argument that it was presenting. The film itself is semi-well made with some technical issues that can be forgiven but should also be pointed out so don’t seem as sudden for someone who was interested in checking it out. The problem is I couldn’t recommend it to anyone I knew who didn’t have an opinion on the matter due to its continuous rejection of any counterargument. In addition to this, the editing was a bit choppy when it came to two of the personal stories. It felt a bit rushed in editing and likely didn't fit well with the style the director might have been going for.

The spiritual documentary Heal was put on by Blue Diamond Consultants and Interior Wellness last Sunday in the TRU Clock Tower.






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3 Puzzle of the Week #16— Chocolates

(in the February 14, 2018 issue of The Omega) You just bought a box of chocolates for your sweetie. There are fifteen chocolates. Looking down at the contents, you see they are arranged in three rows of five. According to the key, the arrangement of flavours is symmetrical, so the top row is the same as the bottom row, the left column is the same as the right column, and the second columns in from both sides are the same. There are six flavours of fillings: cherry, strawberry, and raspberry (the reds) and orange, lemon, and blueberry. Given the following clues, what is the arrangement of chocolates? 1) Lemon are not on the corner, strawberry not on the inside, and cherry not next to lemon (not counting diagonal). 2) The number of lemon plus cherry is equal to the number of raspberry plus orange. 3) There is only one blueberry chocolate. 4) Fewer than one-half of the chocolates are red flavours. 5) There are four each of two flavours, two each of three flavours, and one of the last flavour. This contest is sponsored by the Mathematics and Statistics department. The full-time student with the best score at the end of the year will win a prize. Please submit your solution (not just the answer but also why) by noon next Wednesday to Gene Wirchenko (<genew@telus.net>). Submissions by others are also welcome. The solution will be posted the Wednesday after that in my blog (http://genew.ca/). Come visit the Math Centre (HL304): we are friendly.

FEBRUARY 14, 2018




TRU unlikely to join NCAA anytime soon The emphasis of sports over school isn’t necessarily in line with university’s values Alvin Mutandiro SPORTS EDITOR Ω A few years back there was talk that TRU might join the NCAA, the American collegiate sports system, a system with arguably the best college sports programs. American college games are great to watch, stadiums are full, the contests entertaining, and the coverage is exceptional but, the structure is very different to that of USports and Canada West. The NCAA has a higher level of competition, it has helped produced some of the world’s best athletes. Joining the NCAA might be beneficial to athletes as they would have to improve their performance to compete with better competition. The biggest problem one could argue, would be the increased emphasis of sports over school, a very divisive topic. Will the WolfPack program be

moving to the NCAA anytime soon? Athletic director Curtis Atkinson confirmed that the chances of that happening are low, he elaborated on the reasons why when he spoke with the Omega. “Very unlikely, certainly not on the cards right now,” Atkinson said. “We are really proud of our membership in Canada West.” Atkinson further explained that the idea has not even been discussed yet. Atkinson mentioned the fact that he liked the aspect of being a student first then an athlete over being an athlete then a student, something which he is not sure is the case with the NCAA. “NCAA is a different model,” Atkinson said, “What we see on television is exciting, and it gets a lot of people’s attention, if you look at the crowds at basketball games and football games on TV.” Atkinson further explained that what people see on television doesn’t necessarily tell the full

Though NCAA teams usually play in packed venues, the structure of the league is much different from both Canada West and USports. The experience of NCAA teams makes joining a challenge as well. (Frank Gruber/Flickr) story about the NCAA program and the challenges behind it. “The reality is that it is not the full NCAA experience and that’s a select few sports and schools where there is huge crowd attendance,” Atkinson said.“I honestly don’t see a real benefit right now for us to even consider that option.” The NCAA can be considered as something that provides a financial benefit but, the issue of college athletes getting paid is often debated, an issue TRU might not want to deal with. The issue of having to pay coaches lots of money could

create major problems for TRU as well, as most competitive programs tend to have well paid coaches. The idea of academics suffering might not be very attractive to the WolfPack program, it is something that is often maligned by some about the NCAA program. “There would obviously be escalation in costs,” Atkinson remarked, “Travel considerations would be really challenging.” Atkinson further reiterated the importance of being a student athlete. “Again I don’t want to

compromise the student part of being a student athlete,” he said. One could argue TRU joining the NCAA might lead to better recruitment, as many players might see the opportunity of playing against American schools more appealing. The money that such a transition might bring would be of great benefit to the university. There are plenty of issues that can be debated in relation to the idea of TRU joining the NCAA but, at this point it is just a hypothetical debate, sometime in the future it may become a real option to consider.

WolfPack men's basketball eliminated from playoffs 'Pack stuggled against Regina Cougars, who will go on to quarter-finals Alvin Mutandiro SPORTS EDITOR Ω The TRU men’s basketball team was eliminated from the Canada west playoffs after they lost to the university of Regina Cougars. The men’s WolfPack basketball team lost to the University of Regina Cougars 93-68, on Feb. 8. With this loss Thompson Rivers has been eliminated from the playoffs. The university of Regina came out strong in the first quarter, whilst TRU struggled. The Regina Cougars led the game 29-13 at the end of the first quarter. However, TRU had a better second quarter and outscored Regina 16 points to 14. Despite the strong second quarter by TRU Regina led the game into half-time. The second quarter was close in terms of scoring, with Regina outscoring TRU 26-20. Going into the fourth, it was more of the same, both teams were close in scoring. In the fourth quarter TRU

TRU Athletics

outscored the University of Regina Cougars 19-14 to close out the contest. Despite the strong fourth quarter TRU lost the contest 93-68. Top performers for TRU were Luke Morris with 21 points and 11 rebounds and Derek Rhodes with

17 points, 4 defensive rebounds, 1 assist and 1 steal. Mike Rouault also put in a strong performance, he scored 12 points, 7 rebounds, 1 steal and 1 assist. While Anton Bilous had 8 points, 3 defensive rebounds, 1

steal and 1 assist. Despite TRU’s performance, they were outplayed in every category. TRU had 15 turnovers to Regina’s 8. These turnovers hurt TRU and given that playoff games are usually decided by fine margins,

one would surmise that they played a big role in the overall result. Regina had five players in double figures compared to TRU’s three. “We really struggled defensively. We had some injuries which slowed us down,” said head coach Scott Clark to TRU athletics. Despite the injuries Clark made no excuses for his team’s struggles. “They were good. It is what it is,” he said. “We were exposed a little bit to the playoffs. We now have to evaluate and retool and go from there,” Clark concluded. It has been a bit of a rollercoaster of a season for the men’s basketball team, earlier in the season it looked as if the team would miss out on the playoffs, but the team went on a six-game winning streak to seal their place in the playoffs. For TRU this is a learning experience and an experience they hope will lead to bigger successes in the coming years. As for Regina, they will be moving on to the Canada west quarter-finals.


FEBRUARY 14, 2018


2018 GENERAL ELECTION Do you want to become a member of the TRUSU Board of Directors in 2018/19? Submit a nomination form at the TRUSU Desk between Feb 14 -27 Voting will take place in the TRUSU Lecture hall on:

Nominations will be accepted for the following positions:

• March 14 from 9AM to 5PM • March 15 from 10AM to 8PM • March 16 from 9AM to 1PM

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Candidate Forums will take place at 12:00PM in the TRUSU Lecture Hall on: • March 7 - Committee Representatives • March 8 - Constituency Representatives • March 9 - Executive Represetatives

President Vice President Equity Vice President External Vice President Internal Vice President Services Gradute Representative Indigenous Representative International Representative LGBTQ+ Representative Visible Minorities Representative Women’s Representative Campaigns Committee Representative (2) • Entertainment Committee Representative (2) • Services Committee Representative (2) • University Affairs Representaitve (2)


t a n o i t informa

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