T H O M P S O N R I V E R S U N I V E R S I T Y ' S I N D E P E N D E N T S T U D E N T N E W S PA P E R
VOLUME 28 · ISSUE 29 · JULY 17 2019
Chief Commissioner calls for systematic change in final report Cailyn Mocci EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Ω Chief Commissioner Marion Buller, stood amongst a sea of TRU community members to share the findings from the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, titled Reclaiming Power and Place on June 24. From start to finish, the sombre report drove home
the severity of the violence against Indigenous women and girls. Buller opened her presentation with a tearful acknowledgment of the spirits of the missing that this report is for. This national inquiry was mandated to inquire into and report on the systemic, underlying and historical cause so all forms of violence against Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA people and to make a recommendation to stop that violence.
The final report was a result of over two years of work by Buller and her team. Buller concluded that 1,484 family members and survivors provided testimonies, the team received 433 artistic expressions and 83 experts were consulted. During the years of work, 15 community hearing were held as well as nine Knowledge Keeper, Expert and Institutional hearings.
Chief Commissioner Marion Buller presents the final report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls to a crowd of TRU community members (Cailyn Mocci/The Omega)
JULY 17, 2019
Canadian charity find great success with new SMS campaign BullyingCanada is on the hunt for SMS Buddies to man the phones Cailyn Mocci EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Ω BullyingCanada is expanding its reach to further help Canadians in need of emotional help. With the growing use of technology in support lines, BullyingCanada has begun offering text services for a more discreet option for those in need. BullyingCanada Inc. is a Canadian youth-created anti-bullying charity. This campaign has served hundreds of thousands of youth across the country by providing individual support, extensive resources, case management, scholarships and school outreach.
On average, BullyingCanada receives more than a thousand requests a day and found that it has become more beneficial to go where kids are; on their phones where they feel more comfortable. With this incredibly successful service in full swing, BullyingCanada is on the hunt for volunteers to be a soundboard for those utilizing these services. To keep up with demand, volunteers must be dedicated adults who have a passion for hearing the cries for help and working to solve complex problems. “Becoming an SMS Buddy is an exciting opportunity for those looking to give back or develop experience in a counselling-type
environment,” BullyingCanada said in a press release. Successful applicants will be given comprehensive training and on-going support as they work to serve the youth. Applicants should have a computer with reliable highspeed internet access to participate in the training sessions, access necessary resources and to communicate with the youth reaching out for help. All those interested can apply at BullyingCanada.ca/SMS. All candidates will be required to undergo a federal criminal background check and be willing to commit to volunteering at lease two two-hour shifts
BullyingCanada is looking for compassionate adults to help. (Yura Fresh/Unsplash) per month. For more information on BullyingCanada and all
they do to support Canadian youth go to BullyingCanada.ca.
Final report asks Canada to work in partnership with Indigenous communities CONTINUED (COVER) Buller presented findings that the community felt in their hearts. Stories of poverty, sex trafficking and violence were not uncommon for Buller’s team to hear. “I have no choice but to sell my body, so I can feed my children and keep a roof over our heads,” stated one of many women to speak with Buller during research. “The truth is out there, you can’t unhear it,” Buller said. One of the overarching findings from this report, Buller reported, is the deliberate pattern of systemic human rights and Indigenous rights violations and abuse is the cause of the disappearances, murders and violence experienced by Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA people. Buller strongly states that in all sense of the word, these acts of violence are genocide. “You’re legally bound to uphold to Indigenous human rights,” Buller spoke of the Canadian government on the number of human rights violations she came across. “It’s imperative that you live up to your legal obligation.” Buller also found her years of research that the domestic laws put in place in Canada have failed to protect Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA people. The final report found that this systematic violence has displaced Indigenous women and 2SLGBTQQIA people from their traditional roles in governance and leadership leading to Indigenous governments or bands not placing their full trust in Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA people and not representing their interests. Buller urges that shortterm or project-based funding models in service areas are not sustainable and continue to represent a violation of inherent rights to self-governance; a
crucial requirement to properly serve and protect. “This can no longer be a pilot project approach. This can no longer be something that’s done off the side of someone’s desk. This is a basic human right that must be funded on a permanent basis,” Buller said. With all the research gathered, Buller and her team urge the government as well as all Canadians to protect, support and promote the safety of women, girls and 2SLGBTEQQIA people and create time and space for relationships based on respect. Buller aims to hold governments accountable to act on the calls for action they provide and to actually implement them. The final report broke down the calls for action into four categories; health, culture, human security and justice. Buller found that intergenerational and multigenerational trauma negatively impacts every aspect of life and well-being. The report calls for all governments to ensure the rights to health and wellness are recognized and protected on an equitable basis. The final report further stated that assimilationist and genocidal government laws and policies have led directly to high rates of violence. Buller asks that the governments recognize and protect the rights of Indigenous peoples to their cultures and languages as inherent rights and constitutionally protected. Buller found that the social and economic marginalization and exclusion is a direct result of colonialism and of racist and sexist government policies, again making them tools of genocide. She urges the governments to uphold social and economic rights, allow self-determination and provide support services for sex industry workers; to name a few. “The Canadian justice system
is premised on settler-colonial society’s values, beliefs, laws and policies and fails to include Indigenous concepts of justice,” Buller states in her presentation. Buller calls to immediately implement recommendations regarding Canada’s justice system as well as amend the Criminal Code when it comes to definitions of offences, intimate partner violence, and violence against Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA peoples. Buller suggests that for this national inquiry to become an action plan, the work must be done in partnership with the Canadian government and Indigenous communities. This partnership would have to be done carefully and thoughtfully to ensure representation. “There are a lot of people who are not going to let this issue or report collect dust,” Buller said in response to criticism. “As a result of our report, there is a lot of international scrutiny on Canada.”
Buller shows empathy for affected families during opening statements (top), Buller recieving traditional quilt as thanks from TRU's Shelly Johnson and Christine Adams (bottom). (Cailyn Mocci/The Omega)
LETTER TO THE EDITOR Re: Support against discrimintory language and actions
Visit kamloopsselfadvocate.wixsite.com to support stigma reduction (Submitted) As TRU Omega is a leader in driving local culture, we need your support, and the support of your readers, for the Spread the Word Inclusion campaign to help make a stand against discriminatory words and actions. The words like the “R-word,” otherwise known as “retard,” has found a place in common language and the feeling of isolation has become a norm for those with intellectual disabilities. While both of these actions have become common, it is hurtful to millions of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and their friends.
People with intellectual and developmental disabilities have had to overcome the challenges society has put forth through stereotypes for too long. It is time for a change and you and your readers can help. The Kamloops Self-Advocate newsletter team likes to accomplish great things, and members of our local communities deserve the same respect and dignity that each of us expects from others in return. Help drive much needed change that will bring acceptance and inclusion to our community – include the R-word into your “Not Fit to Print” publishing guidelines alongside other hurtful and profane words. With your publication reaching thousands in the community, you have a large influence and can help us get members of the community to take the pledge to spread inclusion spreadtheword. global If the role of a local leader like The TRU Omega is to inform and effect positive change in the community, what better way than helping us to Spread the Word Inclusion? In turn, the support will create communities of acceptance and inclusion for all people. Please support our mission and help us get your readers to pledge at spreadtheword.global/pledge
Ω * Krystian Shaw, owner and founder of The Kamloops Self Advocate Newsletter*
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JULY 17, 2019
Big bright Jupiter! Gary Boyle THE BACKYARD ASTRONOMER Ω On any clear night, look to the southern portion of the sky after sunset and you will come across a bright object. This is not a star but the planet Jupiter. Of the eight major planets in our solar system, Jupiter is literally the “king.” This fifth planet from the sun is so large; eleven earths can line up across its equator and can hold a thousand more inside. Jupiter along with Saturn, Mars, Venus and Mercury can be seen with the unaided eye while Uranus and Neptune are telescopic objects. In fact these five planets have been seen for thousands of years and along with the sun and moon, were named after gods. These seven celestial objects give us our seven days of the week. Jupiter has more than 70 moons that are small in size compared to the four giant Galilean moons
named Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. At 5,268 km wide, with Ganymede being the largest. Any telescope will show these very distinct worlds are they orbit its mammoth planet. Io is an extremely active moon with dozens of volcanoes that blast plumes of sulfurous material as high as 500 km high. These have been images by spacecraft orbiting or passing by the Jovian system. At various points in the moons orbits, they transit or cross in front of Jupiter and casts a small inky black dot on Jupiter’s cloud tops. At times there could be two or three shadows at the same time. These four objects were first observed by Galileo in 1609 with his newly built telescope. He also went on to observe the rings of Saturn, the crescent phases of Venus and the heavily cratered moon. The moon, it will be located near Jupiter on July 13 and Saturn two nights later on the 15th. With orbits of 11.8 and 29.5 around the sun, they nightly motion against the
background stars is extremely slow. For those living in dark skies away from light pollution, the Milky Way is wedged between the two thus making a striking view. July 20 will be the 50th anniversary of humans landing on the surface of the moon. The last half century has seen tremendous advancement in technology and space exploration. We have sent Voyager 1 & 2 to give us a close up look in the gas giants, sent an array of orbiting satellites and rovers to Mars. For almost 30 years the Hubble Space Telescope has imaged the far depths of the Universe. Gravity waves have been detected over the past few years stemming from Einstein’s prediction in 1916. And finally imaging a black hole located 55 million light years away. This is a wonderful age to follow amazing discoveries and enjoy the night sky with today’s state of the art telescopes and cameras. Till next time, clear skies. Known as “The Backyard Astronomer”, Gary Boyle is
Be on the lookout for Jupiter on clear nights. (Gary Boyle/The Omega)
an astronomy educator, guest speaker and monthly columnist for the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. He has been interviewed on more than 50 Canadian radio stations and local Ottawa TV. In recognition of his
public outreach in astronomy, the International Astronomical Union has honoured him with the naming of Asteroid (22406) Garyboyle. Follow him on Twitter: @astroeducator or his website: www.wondersofastronomy.com
Get outside and see all that Kamloops has to offer Check out these scenic hikes inside and around the Tournament Capital Justin Moore STAFF WRITER Ω Kamloops is a community built around adventure and exploration and summer is one of the best seasons to discover the Thompson Valley's many scenic lookouts and hikes locals won't stop talking about. So fill up your water bottles, pack some snacks and venture out to these destinations.
The Bluffs trail may be one of the most popular out and back trails in the Thompson Valley, and for a good reason! The nearly 5-kilometre path ascends from
the Dewdrop Range and through a slot in the rolling bluffs where you're presented with a view of Kamloops Lake beyond golden grassy fields. From here, the real climb begins as you zigzag up the rock. You'll know you've reached the top when you spot a stone-laden memorial hiding a guest log and geocache. But the real reward is the view of distant Kamloops and the Western tip of Kamloops Lake. At any day of the week, you'll find locals gathered on top of the rock to watch sunsets.
SUNSET TRAIL (KENNA CARTWRIGHT PARK) The name speaks for itself.
Kamloops is known for its breathtaking unparalleled summer sunsets, especially observed high above Kamloops Lake. Kenna Cartwright's Sunset Trail can be found at the furthest stretches of the 800-hectare park known for a plethora of trails dedicated to hiking and mountain biking. At the end of the Sunset Trail, you'll find a wooden viewing platform that offers an unobstructed view of the lake bordered by Canadian Pacific and National railways. Be sure to bring friends, some snacks and wait for the sun to kiss the horizon for a fantastical photo opportunity.
Locals to Kamloops never tire of this popular trail. With two trailheads at either end of Paul Lake and an almost 360-degree view of the lake below, Gibraltar Rock is a short, steep and worthwhile lookout to tackle solo or with friends. From the Paul Lake campground and rec site, you can find two access points to the Northern trail, either from the campsite or the lakeside boat launch. A longer lakeside stroll can be found on the southern end of Paul Lake from Harper Mountain Road. This scenic walk along the lake offers up a reflective view of the neighbourhood made up of cabins that line the Eastern bend of Paul Lake.
More often than not, paddle and watersports enthusiasts dominate the Heffley Lake area 40 minutes north of Kamloops but what many may not know is the rocky faced mountain that lingers over the 8km lake is home to hiking trails. With several tracks, each featuring a moderate climb to the mountain's peak at varying lengths, all paths lead to the lookout and gazebo that sits in a green meadow of summer wildflowers. The parking entrance for high clearance vehicles can be found across from the Heffley Lake Northeast Campground. Additionally, lower clearance vehicles can park at the Heffley Lake rec site.
Views from Battle Bluffs overlooking the valley (bottom left), Catch the glowing sunset in Kenna Cartwright (top right). (Justin Moore/The Omega)
Have you stopped to smell the roses?
Learn whats growing on campus with a scroll through the Horticulutre Garden Cailyn Mocci EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Ω Have you ever taken a moment to really appreciate the vast array of plants growing across every inch of campus? Do you lack the space for your own garden in your tiny apartment but love the fresh scent of flowers? Do you not have a single clue when it comes to the plants growing right here at home? The TRU Garden Tours are opening the eyes of the Kamloops community with an intimate look at the Horticulture gardens and the growing life all around TRU. Led by a passionate gardener, these
tours offer a quiet and peaceful look at one of the most beautiful hidden nooks on campus. The Garden Tours run with a different theme to keep the knowledge and interest just as fresh as the flowers painting the beds of the garden. Themes follow the natural ebbs and flows of the garden as they bud and bloom. Each tour is guided by members of the TRU Friends of the Garden, with the most recent tour on July 10 led by Master Gardener, Diana Chalmers. TRU Friends of the Garden is a non-profit built with a group of individuals from the community with a passion for preserving,
promoting, and expanding the horticulture activities on the Thompson Rivers University campus and within the greater Kamloops area. Friends of the Garden emphasizes education and sharing the love of gardening with others. TRU Garden Tours are 100 per cent free to attend and students are encouraged to take a more in-depth look at the campus community they live in. Attendees are to dress for the weather and wear comfortable shoes for a stroll along the loose gravel of the garden. Tours will run every Wednesday until August 21, 6:30 to 7:30 P.M., meeting behind House 10.
Garden tours offer a beautiful stroll though the Horticulture Garden during the blooming months of the warm and sunny Kamloops summer. (Justin Moore/The Omega)
A guide to the delicious cuisine of Hawaii Instagram-worthy and fresh, check out these Honolulu spots Sultan Sandur CONTRIBUTOR Ω Known as “the gathering place,” Oahu is home to an endless list of restaurants and cafes that offer cuisine from all of the worlds while creating unique experiences that can only be found in paradise. Check out some of the greatest places that I ate on this trip: “Best Breakfast” awards from media all over Hawaii? Check. Is breakfast available until 10 P.M.? Check! There may be a line out the door when you arrive, but I assure you that Eggs ‘n Things is anything but the latest social media craze. Established in 1974, this local chain has rightfully earned its reputation as one of the island’s most famous eateries. You can enjoy hearty omelettes made for sharing, local favourites like Fresh Ahi & Eggs, comfort food (think, 15+ pancake options!) and specialty crepes and a selection of healthy options like the Hawaiian Acai Bowl. Eggs ‘n Things has several locations throughout Hawaii, each boasting a few unique menu items. Banan boasts the mission, “Make the Earth happy. Make people happy. Serve righteous food.” By turning fresh, locally-sourced ingredients into the tastiest dairy-free frozen treats, it’s safe to say this company is knocking all 3 of those goals out of the park. Their soft serve ice creams are predominantly banana-based but feature other fan-favourite ingredients like
shaved coconut, pineapple, strawberries, papaya, guava, and the list goes on. During my visit to Banan, I ordered the Papaya Bowl—an Insta-worthy ice cream sitting atop fresh fruit and, you guessed it, half a papaya as your bowl. It felt good to “indulge” in such a healthy and delicious dessert, but what felt even better was learning that Banan takes the leftover papaya from these orders and either feeds it to local pigs or uses it to generate compost for gardens and farms around Honolulu. One of my top priorities on every trip is to scope out the best coffee with a fun atmosphere where I can relax and recharge during my stay, while still immersing myself in the culture. During my time on the island, Hawaiian Aroma Caffe acted as this safe haven. Whether you’re drawn in by the latte art, the poolside bar, or the fact that the cafe serves locally sourced eco-friendly coffee, you’ll surely stay for the decadent menu featuring waffles, paninis, acai bowls, and frozen cocktails. There are four locations throughout Honolulu, two of which offer gluten-free menu items (Beachcomber and Ohana East). Barista Barbara even created a personalized latte featuring a picture of yours truly! If you’ve been following Hawaiian Aroma Caffe on social media and are hoping to get a picture-perfect latte, I can promise you that the attention to detail and excellent customer service that each barista offers will not disappoint. If you’re anything like me, a pizza
craving can strike at any time, no matter where you are in the world! Appetito Craft Pizza & Wine Bar provides a classy but casual atmosphere that allows visitors to enjoy everyone’s favourite Italian cuisine alongside your choice of over 100 fine wines, craft beers, homemade limoncello (my personal favourite part of this stop!) and handcrafted cocktails. Appetito offers a great location for parties, but if you’re travelling with a smaller group or just with your significant other, I highly recommend checking out this spot for happy hour or a romantic date night—ask for a table in their outdoor beach view seating, if you can! Located inside the newly-renovated Kapiolani Hotel, this beautiful location provides quintessential views of Diamond Head and an island-themed atmosphere that serves as a constant reminder you’re in paradise. The deck is open from breakfast to dinner and offers everything in between (including brunch specials and bar food). While I personally enjoyed eating my breakfast while taking in these epic surroundings, I would highly recommend this as a dinner date location on your trip due to its romantic backdrop. If you’re a lover of music and dancing or are looking for a dinnerand-a-show experience you’ll never forget, head on over to Rock-a-Hula, Waikiki’s largest dinner production. From fire knife dancers to Elvis impersonators, this “Hawaiian Journey” will immerse you in the culture of the island starting in the 1920s and
ending with today’s modern styles. The great part is, participating in this amazing activity doesn’t have to be as expensive as it sounds. With five different packages ranging from just $59 (show entrance and meet & greet only) all the way up to a $185 “celebrity experience,” every party can find the option that works best for their budget. The lowest dinner
package is $109 and grants you entry a massive buffet of delicious island fare in addition to your ticket to the show. I was lucky enough to experience the Green Room package featuring a private table at the show and exquisite four-course surf and turf dinner, in addition to premium beverages and other perks that made this well worth the extra expense.
Banan's Papaya Bowl filled to the brim with fresh fruit and ice cream. (Sultan Dandur/The Omega)
JULY 17, 2019
Spider-Man: Far From Home Review Where the 2nd MCU Spiderman takes the universe as a whole Morgan Hunter CONTRIBUTOR Ω Spider-man: Far From Home is the perfect way to take all the events that occurred in Avengers: Endgame and hold an exceptional story for everyone's favourite web-head. The story revolves around Peter Parker on his summer trip to Europe with his classmates while trying to handle the consequences of Avengers: Endgame. His time for reflection quickly becomes taken over by a mission to handle the monsters causing havoc all over the continent while still trying to enjoy his youth. The first accomplishment that Spider-man: FFH holds is being as good as it is with the expectations that it was due to it being the movie that came after Endgame. A lot of audiences
would justifiably be done with the Marvel Cinematic Universe after Endgame due to it being the finality of many heroes story arcs. So the weight that this film had to have enough value to give people reason to go past that finality and watch another story after what was supposed to be the end holds to the quality of the film in general. If something like Ant-Man and the Wasp came out after this film, that would be the end of Marvel's run of films. What makes the film fantastic is its cast, its pacing/story, and its visuals. Tom Holland as Spiderman held so much charisma and likability that it seems effortless for the actor to lead the films. The supporting cast also holds so much intrigue in them as well that the story never seems slow, even when Peter isn’t on the camera. And Jake Gyllenhaal absolutely steals the
show as Mysterio, with such a strong performance that it alone should be the reason to watch the film, regardless of whether or not superheroes films interests you. Another great part was surprisingly the visuals. Without giving away spoilers, there are many sequences that carry so much weight due to the CGI and the visuals used. It actually tops the quality of CGI that came from Doctor Strange due to the events that take place and what the scenes hold on a personal level for the character, as opposed to the randomness that Doctor Strange had. Spider-Man: FFH holds something for almost any audience member. Its comedy is super effective, its drama has an incredible impact on the viewer and the experience as a whole is one worth rewatching time and time again.
CFBX TOP 30 CFBX 92.5 FM, 350 Watts Kamloops, BC Music Director: Steve Marlow Charts to July 11, 2019 * indicates Canadian Content ** indicates a local artist Artist - Album (Label) 1) Heart Attack Kids* - Bad Luck Like Gold (New Damage) 2) Black Mountain* - Destroyer (Dine Alone) 3) Harpdog Brown* - For Love and Money (Dog House) 4) Dumb* - Club Nites (Mint) 5) Danko Jones* - A Rock Supreme (Indica) 6) Yves Jarvis* - The Same But By Different Means (Flemish Eye) 7) The Planet Smashers* - Too Much Information (Stomp) 8) Carter and the Capitals* - Carter and the Capitals (Independent) 9) Al Lerman* - Northern Bayou (Independent) 10) Emma Frank* - Come Back (Justin Time) 11) Lungbutter* - Honey (Constellation) 12) Joel Rafael - Rose Avenue (Inside) 13) Foxhart Fishman* - Watch it Grow (Independent) 14) Leaf Rapids* - Citizen Alien (Coax) 15) Look Vibrant* - Cherish Everything (Independent) 16) Too Soon Monsoon* - Waves (Independent) 17) Dawn Tyler Watson* - Mad Love (Independent) 18) Partner* - Saturday the 14th (You've Changed) 19) Antisocial Surf Club* - Peace and Quiet EP (Independent) 20) Bonerama - Plays Zeppelin (Basin Street) 21) Mike Janzen* - Lent (Independent) 22) Jonathan Bauer* - Walk, Don't Run (Slammin) 23) The Shiverettes* - Real Shrill Bitches (Independent) 24) Flying Machine* - Of Dogs and Days (Good Egg) 25) Clowns - Nature/Nurture (Fat Wreck Chords) 26) TR/ST* - The Destroyer Part 1 (Royal Mountain) 27) Jesse Mac Cormack* - Now (Secret City) 28) Quaker Parents* - Our Drawing Club (Independent) 29) Oginalii - Cause and Affection (Independent) 30) Alison Young* - So Here We Are (Triplet)
Annabelle brings it home in newest film Another installment into The Conjuring Universe that acutally does something entirely unique Morgan Hunter CONTRIBUTOR Ω
Annabelle Comes Home is the latest instalment into the Conjuring series of films that tries to scare its viewers with a creepy doll, but in a way that actually is quite original and interesting. The tale revolves around the daughter of the paranormal demonology experts, the Warrens. While her parents are away, Judy Warren, her babysitter Mary Allen and young girl Daniela accidentally let loose the demonic presence inside Annabelle and must survive her terror in order to contain her once again. The thing that I’ve discovered while watching these films is that they start to tear at you bit by bit. To the point where when one of the films is semi-decent, it shines far more brightly then it should just due to it being next to garbage. However, people just tuning into this
series with this film must be warned that they aren't deeply horrific films with profound themes and instead must be taken as competently-made monster movies that they are. Of course there are the unnecessarily loud beats for unearned jumps in this film, however, there are also parts that let the audience digest its unnerving setting, which is a breath of fresh air. Annabelle Comes Home, however, does do something that spices the generic formula that the series is known for. Instead of some deep backstory that holds a majority of the run time, the film intelligently knows that one scary demon gets old. So the film takes multiple different demons and continuously shifts between them, leaving different renditions of paranormal monsters that is quite entertaining. And unlike most of the films, the characters are naturally likeable. They aren’t expertly acted or given much depth, however, they have personalities that transcends a dated stereotype to traits that seem timeless. They act rationally and as teenagers who don’t mean any harm, which is quite refreshing considering horror films constant need to have a few of its characters unlikable so that the viewers want a graphic death scene. It isn’t anything that revolutionary but, as stated earlier, compared to what is stands next to, it is nice to see. Annabelle Comes Home seems to be a picture that knew what it was, and instead of trying too hard or too little, experimented where it could and played it safe where it should have. And a show that does that well enough does deserve a watch, even if its a mindless watch.
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JULY 17, 2019
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