2011 Programme & Start List 29/30 October PERTHSHIRE Dear O MM co mpetito r, We hop e the t raining that yo is g u years e have got your oing well now vent. Pe rthshir place on this us to t e is we heir be lco au Inside this bo tiful county. ming oklet y the inf ou will ormatio fin n enjoyab le and s that you need d all af for an instruc tions e e event includ tc. If ing trav else th el there is at you nee an find all our co d to know yo ything ntact d u will Don’t f etails in or side. informa get that you ca tio website n and suppor n get lots of t throu , forum gh the Looking and on Facebo forwar ok. ds to w Cultybr elcomin aggan. g you t o Rgds, The OM M
1. OMM OBJECTIVE The competition will test each team’s fitness, equipment, navigational skill and ability to traverse mountainous terrain in safety, over a period of two days. From the start to the finish on the second day, including the overnight camp, the team is a self sufficient unit, responsible for it’s own safety and well being. Outside help cannot be sought or accepted, unless the team has retired or is seeking help for an injured party. 2. COMPETITION RULES AND CONDUCT 1.In order to conduct the competition on a fair and equal basis for all participants, and ensure safety, it is necessary to apply rules governing a competitor’s conduct, clothing and equipment. These rules, which are set out below will be STRINGENTLY enforced. Anyone found to be in breach of these rules will be automatically disqualified from the current event and potentially banned from future events. 2.THE GOLDEN RULE: Once registered, competitors must report to the event headquarters at Cultybraggan Camp and return their scoring tag by 17.00 hours on the Sunday whether they have completed the course or not. Without it the team is deemed missing and will be searched for! 3.Elite Class, all competitors must be 18 years old on the date of the competition and at least one of each team must be 20 years. In other classes A,B,C,D and Score, all competitors must be 16 years on the day of the competition and at least one of each team must be 18 years. 4. A minimum of Mountain Experience, navigation and Outdoor is essential and must be completed on the entry form. 5.The event is for teams of two and pairs must maintain contact (communicate by voice) throughout the competition. Both team members must visit the control sites together carrying all their equipment. ie: rucksacks must be in possession of the teams at all times. If one member of the team cannot continue the whole team is retired - The map provides an emergency telephone number and radio control points to seek assistance. The only exception is in the case of an emergency, when competitors must exercise their own mountain judgment as to the appropriate action to take, including leaving a partner in a warm safe environment to seek help from others. 6.Out of Bounds areas and compulsory crossing points are marked on the competition map and must be respected. 7.Teams must carry or wear the equipment and clothing on the official kit list. This is the absolute minimum for safety and survival. The equipment check list must be completed, signed and presented at registration. 8.No dogs are permitted in the competition area. 9.Competitors must not seek to obtain unfair advantage by searching for courses or inspecting the competition area before the event. Note: Access permission to the competition area is restricted to the weekend of the event only. 10.Use of GPS and mobile phones is not allowed. Mobile phones, including those with a GPS function, may be carried, but must be presented at registration switched off and sealed in a bag by the organisers, and remain off throughout the duration of the event, except in a case of emergency where a team has retired. 11.Competitors who, in the opinion of the organisers, act in such a way to bring the event into disrepute or unnecessarily endanger other competitors or race officials will be disqualified and may be banned. 12.Competitors must permit the examination of their equipment by race officials at all times. 13. On completion of the course all competitors must still be in possession of sufficient rations for an emergency. 14.No open fires permitted anywhere on the course or at the Overnight campsite 15.At the mid-way campsite, no unnecessary noise please, after 22.00hrs. 16. Start times for both days, overnight course closure times and final day two course closure times are all printed clearly on the event details and must be clearly adhered to. Teams failing to finish within the course times may be disqualified or may be allowed to continue but marked as ‘Timed Out’ at organisers discretion.
3. EVENT CENTRE, REGISTRATION, FRIDAY NIGHT CAMPING & CAR PARKING The Event Centre, Registration, Friday Camping and all Parking are at Cultybraggan Camp Comrie Perthshire TRAVEL Cultybraggan Camp is situated 1 mile from Comrie just of the B827 on the road to Braco This is the ONLY registration site for the OMM and will be open from 15.00 hours to 23.00 hours on Friday 28th October and from 05.30 hours to 10.00 hours on Saturday 29th October. If registering on Saturday morning please register at least 30 minutes before your bus time. Please see separate form on public transport opposite the inside back page of this programme . Competitors are advised to register early to prevent late hour queues. Teams may be registered by one member of the team providing the EQUIPMENT CHECK LIST has been completed and signed by both team members. There will be no need to present your kit at Registration. However there will be spot checks on equipment at the start, overnight camp and the finish. Please ensure that the car registration number of THE CAR THAT YOU TRAVELLED IN is included on your equipment check list. WEEKEND CAR PARKING Parking on Friday and Saturday morning will be at Cultybraggan Camp except for Camper Vans. Hardstanding parking for Camper Vans will be at the Auchingarrich Wildlife Park 1 mile along the B827 going to Braco We will operate a shuttle bus from the Wildlife Park to and from the event centre at frequent intervals. CAR KEYS Car keys can ONLY be deposited at registration and only if placed in the envelope obtainable at registration. Collection is only from the Event H/Q. The organisers cannot be held responsible for any keys left in their possession. BAGGAGE STORAGE For all competitors travelling to the Culybraggan Camp by public transport, baggage can be left at the Event Headquarters. Please ensured it is labelled with Name and Team number. FRIDAY CAMPING This will be at Cultybraggan Camp. You will need to pitch your tent in a separate area to the car parking area. We cannot except caravans. There are several sites in Comrie where caravans can be parked. It is strongly recommended that tents are taken down on Saturday morning. We cannot accept any responsibility for tents left unattended during the weekend. MAP ISSUE THERE WILL BE NO MAP ISSUE AT REGISTRATION. Maps will be issued at the start on both days. Blank maps will be on display in the refreshment area. REFRESHMENTS Andrew Scott from Auchingarrich Catering will be serving hot food on Friday night and Saturday morning, there will also be a licensed bar on Friday evening . Scotts Catering will also be present with their mobile unit close to the event headquarters. TEAM CHANGES Where one team member has had to drop out through injury or for any other reason the remaining partner may change partners at registration to form a new team in the same class. The new member of the team must present himself/herself at registration in order to complete the necessary paper work. It is up to the team to find replacement partners. All team changes before the event to Jen Longbottom on the form provided on the back of the programme, or you can edit your entry on our web site www.theomm.com We would welcome helpers over the weekend. Offers of help should be notified to OMM on 01706 216612 email jlongbo941@aol.com
OMM – Original Mountain Marathon
CANCELLATION OF ENTRIES Our cancellation policy is as follows:- For all cancellations received up to the closing of July 27th a full refund is made. After that date a refund is only given (90%) if the entry can be passed onto another team. Entries cannot be deferred to future years. Maps will be sent out to all non starters after the event. 4. PUNCHING AT A CONTROL Each control site will have the standard orienteering kite with a two letter code, a SportIdent control station and a standby pin punch Each teams will be issued with an SI-Tag. SI-tags are small plastic pegs which have a electronic chip in one end. The SI-tag is dibbed into the hole in a control station in order for a competitor to register that they have visited the control. The control station gives an audible bleep and a visual flash to confirm that the dibbing has been successful. Some controls will have 2 or 3 stations available to avoid queues - you can punch at any station at a given control point. In the unlikely event that the control station doesn’t register, please record your visit on your map using the manual pin punch in the space provided and report the fact to the marshals and after you pass through the finish. Don’t forget to punch at the finish control on both days. If you fail to do this, your finish time will be set to 15 minutes after the last control. After finishing on day 1, you will follow the taped route to the download stations where you will dip your tag. Further down the line you will be given a printout showing the controls visited, with points and split times. Please move away from the area THEN check your printout. If anything is wrong or you need to report having to punch manually, proceed to the enquiry point further down the line .On day 2 you have to report back to the event headquarters at Culybraggan Camp to download your tag. On day 1, retain the tag for use the next day. You do not need to clear it or check it. On day 2 the tag will be taken from you after you have downloaded . SI TAG The SI tag will be attached loosely to your wrist AT REGISTRATION using a tamper proof wrist strap. This must remain attached all weekend and be cut off you either when you finish or if you retire but only at the event headquarters. If you lose, break or take a tag home with you the charge will be £28.00. This is one reason why these wristbands are now being used in MM. You will quickly get used to carrying the tag on your wrist. Wrists do swell during exercise and providing it as been attached loosely, you will hardly notice that you are wearing it overnight. The use of your own SI tag is not allowed. SAFETY The tag has your team number printed on it and is the only way we can tell who is still out on the course. All tags MUST be returned to the event centre at Cultybraggan Camp by 17.00hours on the Sunday before you leave the competition area: Missing tag = Missing team = Search party 5. START & FINISH Day 1 STARTS There will only be 1 start on Day 1. All competitors will be bussed to their day 1 start (20minutes). You must adhere to the bus times in this programme. You will be issued with bus tickets at registration. Please be at the bus stop 10 minutes before the time printed in the programme and on your ticket. Please move quickly when boarding and disembarking the buses to ensure a quick turn around. All rubbish to be placed in the bins provided. After disembarking the bus it is 2 km 200 m climb,
walk to the start ( 30 minute). There will be a limited number of toilets 800 metres before the start. All competitors will be issued with a map (2 per team) in the start lanes. This will be overprinted with your course and control descriptions. The maps will be laminated. To ensure the start area does not get congested with competitors planning their routes please follow tapes after start to route planning area. This applies for both days. All courses will have an interval start as per the times in the programme. We do not operate a punched start You will be asked to punch at – 2 in the start lane but this is for safety reasons not for the calculation of results. All teams will be called 3mins before their start time. OVERNIGHT CAMPS Note there may be more than one midway camp. At the overnight camps both members of a team must finish together. Anyone arriving without their partner will be detained before the finish until the partner arrives or is accounted for. Only the official camp-site toilets and skips may be used. The skips provided at the overnight camp will be tipped into landfill sites so please take any re-cycling items home where you will have the opportunity to use your normal/recycling practices. ie: equipment, clothing, gas cylinders etc must not be dumped in the skip. We will have officials monitoring the skips to ensure this does not happen. Spot checks on equipment will be carried out at the overnight camps. Please boil all water. The midway camps are out of bounds to everyone other than competitors and race officials. All competitors wishing to start on day 2 must finish day 1 together, having correctly completed the day 1 course, by 20.00 hrs, have camped in the official camp-site overnight and not broken any of the rules defined in section 2. No “ad hoc” teams, no solos, or trios of day 1 finishers will be allowed to start on day 2. All these will be classed as retired at the overnight camp and no longer in the competition. TRANSPORT Due to the inaccessibility of the overnight campsites, transport will not be available from the overnight campsites unless in the case of serious injury. We will have a transport pick up point for retirees, this will be marked on the map. This transport will run a shuttle service from the pick up point from Midday until 19.00 hours on Saturday and from 09.00 hours until 16.00 hours on the Sunday. DAY 2 ( Sunday) The start arrangements for all classes are as follows there will be a chasing start between 07.00 and 08.00 hrs for the fastest finishers on day 1, or in the case of the Score classes the top 20 teams with most points. The start time of the teams in the chasing start will be displayed at the camp-site on Saturday evening. Remember to check if you are in the chasing start. For teams not in the chasing start Your day 2 start time is as printed in the programme. There will be lists provided at the overnight site, your day 2 start time will also be printed on the printout you receive after you have downloaded after the finish. At 8.05 hours there will be a mini mass start for all teams on the linear courses who arrived after 19.00 hrs on Saturday evening. THE FINISH The finish point will be shown on competitors maps. For all classes this is in Comrie at St. Serfs Church. Pairs must finish together. Competitors approaching the finish without their partner will be held at a point before the finish and not timed until their partner arrives. There will be equipment checks at the finish for leading teams and random checks will be carried out all day for the rest of the teams. After you have finished, Bowley Service Team will be supplying hot soup and teas before you proceed to the event H/Q at Cultybraggan Camp for you to download. We will be providing a limited bus service back to the Camp (3 km) but at peak times it will be quicker to walk.
Once competitors have REGISTERED, whether starting or not, it is your responsibility to see that completion or retirement is properly recorded. This can only be done by handing in your SI tag at the event H/Q at Cultybraggan Camp
A brand new map has been commissioned for the event, to the usual format. by Stirling Surveys, at a scale of 1:40000. The 2011 OMM will be held in the hills lying between Loch Tay and Loch Earn. It is a new area for mountain marathons and we have been very fortunate in obtaining permissions to use it.
Loss of SI tags will mean disqualification. Failure to report retirement will be dealt with as defined in the “Competition Rules and Conduct” section 2. Mountain Rescue and first aid facilities will be available on call to deal with emergencies. These services are not available to assist competitors who are not able to look after themselves on the courses, at overnight camps or in the process of retirement in all weather conditions, except where classed as an emergency. Teams who do not make the overnight campsite should make their own way to the Day 2 finish which will be marked on the Day 1 maps. We will have a transport pick up point for retirees, this will be marked on the map. This transport will run a shuttle service from the pick up point from Midday until 19.00 hours on Saturday and from 09.00 hours until 16.00 hours on the Sunday to the Event Headquarters.. CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT CHECKS It is no longer felt necessary for all competitors to bring their packs to the registration. However it is still considered vital for kit checks to take place, so random kit checks will take place at the start, overnight camp and at the finish. Random checks will include everyone and not merely the high ranking finishers. At event registration you will be required to sign an equipment disclosure form which is enclosed with this mailing or available from the website. OMM MANDATORY EQUIPMENT LIST Each individual and team is responsible for being properly equipped for two days unsupported racing in exposed terrain at the end of October. This list should be seen as a minimum requirement only, and is open to variation, experience permitting. Check the weather forecast, your previous experience and use sound judgment for the kit you should be wearing and carrying.The organisers reserve the right to disqualify any competitors who, in their opinion, do not have the necessary kit to survive in an emergency situation. Cotton clothing is not suitable, so Jeans, T Shirts Sweatshirts etc... are not permitted! EACH COMPETITOR MUST WEAR OR CARRY THE FOLLOWING: • Taped waterproof jacket with hood • Taped waterproof trousers • Additional full leg cover, suitable for mountain running and walking. • Base layer top • Additional warm layer top • Hat, Gloves & Socks • Footwear designed for ‘Off-Trail’ use, with suitable grip for mountain & fell conditions • Headtorch capable of giving useable light for a minimum of 12 hours • Whistle & Compass • Map (as supplied) • Insulated Sleeping bag • First aid equipment (Minimum 1 x crepe bandage, 2 x wound dressing, 2 x adhesive dressing, 1 x Triangular bandage + pin.) • Pen/pencil and paper capable of being used in wet conditions • Survival bag ( Not a sheet) • Rucksack • Emergency rations EACH TEAM MUST CARRY THE FOLLOWING AT ALL TIMES: • Cooking equipment including stove with sufficient fuel for duration of the race, plus some spare for emergency use, left at the end of the event. • Tent with sewn in groundsheet • Food for 36 hours for two people.
The competition area is a large tract of hill country containing three Corbetts and one Munro, large rounded hills, cut by deep valleys. Virtually the whole area is catchment for the southern part of the Breadalbane Hydro Electric scheme, completed in 1961, which with its three power stations produces a generating capacity of 100 million units per annum. Bear in mind, therefore, that the more it rains over the OMM weekend, the greater the amount of ‘green’ energy that can be produced. Main drainage is to the south and east, several long valleys extending into the hills, but you will be aware of dams, intakes, pipelines and spoil heaps – evidence of the way water is being moved between river systems to the generating stations. Public access by car is limited to the Lednock valley running north from Comrie, with rights of way extending from it to cross the hills both to Ardtalnaig and to Ardeonaig on Loch Tayside. Another right of way uses the upper Almond valley from Glen Quaich in the east, also ending at Ardtalnaig. Otherwise, apart from a few estate and hydro roads, there are no paths and few visits by walkers. The central part of the area contains several sporting estates which are managed for deer stalking and grouse. The going is surprisingly good overall, and although there are areas of fairly deep heather, there are also large areas with a history of muirburn where the vegetation is short. Much of the northern part of the area is farmed for sheep and provides excellent running over grass. Peat hags occur on the poorly drained flatter ground high up. In places, the contour detail is very complex, and in poor visibility, careful navigation will be required. The map shows most large crags, but one or two may have been overlooked, so take care when travelling downhill. Where a WALL or FENCE is marked with a solid red line on the map, you may ONLY cross at the marked crossing points. Anyone reported violating this rule will be disqualified. We have been asked to avoid some parts of the hill where estates are restoring the grouse moor, or where a deer sanctuary is being retained. Please take care not to stray to into these areas, as there is not always a visible boundary on the ground. Many of the fences on the hill are now ruined, but vary in how much is visible. Generally, if going in the same direction as a marked fence, you will see some fence posts and rusting wire, but if crossing at right angles, you may or may not see remains of the fence. In other words, do not RELY on fences as catching features. On Day 1, all linear courses cross an old fence after the penultimate control, which has a top strand of rusty barbed wire, but if you follow along the fence, you should soon find a safe place to cross.If crossing a fence, and damage is caused, please report the location to an official at the finish. Do not believe that Ben Chonzie – pronounced Beny-Hone – is the most boring Munro in Scotland. It has some interesting corners, which most competitors should be able to visit. The whole upper part of the hill is an SSSI, as are the Comrie Woods just above the village. These are part of Upper Strathearn Oakwoods SAC and one of the best areas of acidic oak woodlands in Europe. Comrie is very close to the Highland Boundary Fault and because of its history of tremors, is now nicknamed the ‘Shaky Toon’. However, although the worst recorded earthquake was 4.8 on the Richter Scale in 1839, the Lednock dam was built using coal fly ash in the concrete mix and with diamond headed buttresses, giving it greater strength to cope with any further tremors.
Refreshment tickets will be handed out after you have downloaded your SI card. (2 per team) These will entitle you to a hot meal by Auchingarrich Catering in the refreshment hut. The bar will also be open.
OMM – Home of Adventure Racing
The competition will follow the pattern of previous years, the courses only being disclosed to competitors on issue of the map with control descriptions at the start. These will describe the control feature, which will be circled on the map, a code number and feature description.
A veteran is defined as a person who is over 45 years of age or more, and a veteran team for the purposes of this handicap is a team in which the combined age of members is 90 years or more. The handicap allowance of a veteran team can be calculated at one minute per hour of running time for every two years of age increment over 90 years, ie: 90/91 years is awarded 1 minute per hour of running time 92/93 is given 2 minutes, etc. The score handicap to be 1.5% for each year over the combined age over 90.
OMM Mountain Experience Training Weekend –
All classes other than the Score and C must visit their controls in the correct numerical sequence unless the Control Description states otherwise. There will be one SI tag for each team and this must be punched at the appropriate controls by one member of the team. Control point marshals are not permitted to punch. It is your responsibility. Many controls will be manned by race officials who will endeavour to record the time of each team passing through the control. PLEASE ASSIST THE CONTROL OFFICIALS BY CLEARLY ANNOUNCING YOUR TEAM NUMBER, quoting your class prefix ie: E,A,B etc. Teams are requested not to use the control points as resting places or for the consuming of refreshments since this distracts control officials and attracts approaching teams. Controls will be progressively removed, the closing time being stated on your Control Description. On arrival at the final control of the mid-way camp, teams must only continue into the finish funnel in close company with their partner. On day 1, controls will be kept open quite late, but anyone arriving at the overnight camp after 20.00 hours will be listed as being timed out at campsite. Teams who retire on the first day without reaching the overnight camp will be presumed to have independently camped for the night. Control closing times on day 2 will be more rigorously enforced. Take care to visit the last controls on both days. This is a common mistake leading to disqualification. C CLASS New course for 2010, intended as a transition between linear and Score courses. At certain stages of the course, competitors will need to select which controls they visit. Results will be solely on time. THE SCORE COMPETITION There will be three Score classes. The object of the Score competition is to maximise the points scored in a fixed time out. Day One is 7 hours for the Long Score, 6 hours for the Medium Score and 5 hours for the Short Score. Day Two is 6 hours for the Long Score, 5 hours for the medium Score and 4 hours for the Short Score. The map you receive will be overprinted with all your possible controls for that day and the points value allocated to each. Penalty points at the rate of 2 per minute (or part of a minute) will be deducted for late finishing. Some controls on both days may be compulsory. In the event of teams visiting all the controls within the times, or having the same number of points, the fastest team wins. 9. PRIZES AND AWARDS INC. The presentation of prizes will take place near the refreshment area. There will be 3 prize presentations C & D at 13.00hrs, B & Short Score at 14.00 hours. Elite, A, Long & Medium Score at 15.30 hours. All competitors will be able to download their certificates incorporating their photographs (if required) from our web site from November 5th. For the E/A/B/C/D Courses the OMM Certificate of Merit. Score competitors will have available Gold, Silver or Bronze certificates for achieving more than 75%, 50% or 25% respectively based on the average points of the first 3 teams. The teams occupying 1st 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th positions in all 8 classes and class category winners will receive either vouchers or products from OMM to the following values: TEAM 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH 6TH LADIES MIXED MILITARY VETS H/CAP FAMILY
ELITE ‘A’ £500 £180 £300 £130 £150 £100 £66 £66 £66 £66 £66 £66 £100 £86 £100 £86 £100 £86 £100 £86 £100 £86
‘B’ £140 £100 £90 £66 £66 £66 £86 £86 £86 £86 £86
‘C’ £130 £90 £80 £66 £66 £66 £86 £86 £86 £86 £86
‘D’ £130 £90 £80 £66 £66 £66 £86 £86 £86 £86 £86
LSC £180 £130 £100 £66 £66 £66 £86 £86 £86 £86 £86
MSC SSC £140 £130 £100 £90 £90 £80 £66 £66 £66 £66 £66 £66 £86 £86 £86 £86 £86 £86 £86 £86 £86 £86
10. ACCOMODATION Visit the official Perthshire tourism and trade website for all your accommodation needs ranging from campsites to five star hotels. See www.perthshire. co.uk The OMM always tries to support businesses in the locality of the event. We would be very grateful if competitors would take advantage of their visit to Perthshire and experience the wide and excellent range of local foods that are available. 11. ORGANISATION AND PLANNING The competition will be conducted by a small army of volunteer helpers drawn from a wide variety of clubs and organisations, including the many faithful stalwarts who help out every year and without whose experience it would not be possible to conduct such an event. The officials listed are the principal organisers and team leadersOrganiser: Jen Longbottom Tel 01706216612 or 07986 423080 17 Woodside, Haslingden, Rossendale, Lancashire, BB4 6QQ email jlongbo941@aol.com Events Director: Andrew Denton Communication Director Andy Williams Controller: Roger Smith Course Planners: Robin Sloan & Ray Collins Assistant controllers: Steve Willis & Jeff Harris Registration: Sharon Fishwick Communication: Eddy Wane and Raynet Groups form Central Lancaster & Manchester Scouts. Camp Facilities, First Aid, Car Parking, Coaches & Refreshments: Tom Williamson, Ian Whittaker & Steve Hall and the Bowley & Yorkshire Scout teams Start day 1 and Finish day 2: Dick & Angela Whitworth, John & Maureen Ashton and Pendle Forest Orienteers Midway Camps, First Aid and day 2 starts: Geoff Senior with the Glossop District Scouts Results: Michael Napier Refreshments Auchingarrich Catering: 12. OMM WEB SITE FORUM Search partners/Lifts/advice. www.theomm.com Use the password protected forum to: - Find another partner if (s)he is ill or injured. - Find or offer lifts to the event, if you have spare seats going to the event please offer and you may also request. This will help relieve pressure on the car park. - Participate in forum discussions. - Download lots of other interesting information; advice/how to information. - Apply for 20 year club membership and get a embroidered fleece. - Contact for all web site matters marketing@arkconsultants.co.uk 13. THE ORIGINALS We are still offering 20 year club sweats for competitors and or organising team members who have completed 20 or more years. See web site for more details. There are many who are no longer ‘race active’ and not on our mailing list who may be eligible, please alert anyone you know who is.
OMM – Enduring British Innovation Since 1968
Plas-y-Brenin – The National Mountain Centre The weekend takes a workshop-based approach allowing you to pick and choose the sessions you attend to make sure you get the most out of the event. And there’s a huge range of workshops on offer, all delivered by experts in their field. On top of that there will be evening lectures from guest speakers, a mini-marathon where you can test out your newly honed skills, trade and information stands and the chance to spend a little down time with other runners, talking technique over a pint as you watch the sun drop behind Snowdon from the comfort of the bar. All beds are now taken so only non-residential places are being sold. The entire weekend including all information-packed workshops and your goody bag is only £120. 15 .EVENT SAFETY The competition has safety designed into it, provided that competitors follow some basic rules on their conduct throughout the two days. Teams should have all the necessary equipment for them to withstand a night on the hills in the most adverse of weather conditions. The requirement for teams to stick together at all times is an essential ingredient of safe conduct. Do not press on beyond the point where one team member is beginning to suffer from exhaustion or the first signs of exposure. Do not go for too long without taking food, particularly later in the day as you begin to tire. Always wear sufficient clothing and waterproofs to keep warm and dry. If in any doubt of your ability to reach the official overnight camp before the designated time limit, you should find a suitable site on the hills and camp independently for the night. Knowing your own capabilities, being prepared to look after an ailing partner, not pressing on regardless: these are some of the essential components of safe hill-craft. 1. EXPERIENCE - All teams are vetted for experience and if necessary we use our judgement to reallocate teams to a more appropriate class or deny them entry. 2. EQUIPMENT - the list of compulsory equipment is the essential minimum and entrants must use their judgment to increase this according to conditions. 3. TEAM WORK - Remember this is a team event and your partner is your first point of aid in case of trouble. The buddy system is invaluable for checking hypothermia. 4. RAY-NET - Ray-net amateur radio communications have been used since the early years and great efforts are made to ensure a viable radio network. Manned RAY-NET stations are marked on the map. 5. MOBILES - Since 2005 mobiles are allowed to be carried if sealed and can only be used in an emergency and after retiring from the event. If you decide to use whilst still in the competition you are disqualified for doing so. 6. ELECTRONIC PUNCHING - Sport-Ident electronic punch systems verify which teams have visited any particular control and, as such, have a significant role in locating missing teams. The related software is specially modified to help rapid visual identification of who is ‘still out there’; 7. SMJ - Never allow the pressure of competition to override your sense of SMJ (Sound Mountain Judgment) at any time. Remember, every team is different and has its own level of skill and endurance. The decision to start, or to pull out, is yours alone and doing so would be an example of exercising SMJ as a team.
KEY U/N: Uncle/Nephew team P/C: Parent/Child team Vet: Veteran team Mix: Mixed Gender team Fem: Female team
OMM – Leanweight Designs(TM) – re-inventing lightweight
OMM – www.theomm.com
OMM – Original Mountain Marathon
OMM – Home of Adventure Racing
OMM – Enduring British Innovation Since 1968
OMM – Leanweight Designs(TM) – re-inventing lightweight
OMM – www.theomm.com
OMM – Original Mountain Marathon
OMM – Home of Adventure Racing
TRANSPORT DETAILS There are limited car parking and camping facilities at the Event Headquarters at Cultybraggan Camp. ie we have the capacity for 900 cars and 400 tents. We have available alternative fields within a 3 mile radius, but in order to maintain the event village atmosphere and to save having to bus competitors from the off site parking/camping we would ask competitors to consider using the excellent public transport facilities. If arriving by car please where possible arrive 4 to a car. Please help the OMM event to reduce road traffic & car parking needs by using alternative transport arrangements. We quite understand that there will be circumstances where arriving 4 to a car will not be feasible and our car parking people will not turn you away if you have less but please do your best to observe this ruling. Due to the excellent public transport we will not be running coaches from Perth or the airport as these can be difficult to manage to tie up with your arrival times particularly if trains/planes are delayed. TRAIN~ There is an excellent service to Perth Railway Station from most parts of the country at reasonable costs. eg Preston to Perth return fares from £30
return. 50 metres for the Railway Station is the Perth Bus Station Stagecoach run buses every hour to Comrie which is a 1 ½ miles from the event headquarters. There is not a bus at 19.55 hrs & 21.55 hrs on the Friday evening , but if we get sufficient support extra buses will be laid on .Bus fare Perth to Comrie £6.20 return** We will lay a mini bus on from Comrie to the Camp. Bus timetable :-http://www. dochertysmidlandcoaches.co.uk/PDFS/perthstfillans. pdf
return including light lunch. Please book direct http://shop.packyourbags.com/content/omm.aspx
CAR PARKING IN PERTH If we get sufficient support then we will be offering car parking facilities in Perth, where you can leave your car and catch the Perth to Comrie bus.
SHOWERS There are no shower facilities at the event headquarters at Culybraggan Camp but for competitors travelling back by bus we have taken over a hostel in Comrie close to the bus stop where competitors may use the shower facilities before returning to Perth on the Sunday.
PLANES The nearest airport is Edinburgh again public transport can be used to travel from the airport to the event centre. From the airport catch the Airdirect 747 bus to Inverkeithing, Rail Station then train to Perth. Then bus from Perth. We know a number of teams are flying into Edinburgh Airport and hiring a car. If you have room in your car for additional competitors please post on the forum.
We are also investigating coaches from Bristol calling at Birmingham and Preston please indicate on the form if you would be interested. FREE PRODUCT N.B. Everyone using public transport from Perth to arrive at Cultybraggan will receive a free event T shirt on presentation of their bus ticket.
In order to ascertain the useage of all the facilities please tick the relevant boxes. Please use the share transport facility on the forum We will email everyone early October with confirmation of what is available
PLEASE TICK We would be interested in leaving
car(s) at Perth
We would be interested in a coach from Bristol / Birmingham / Preston ( indicate pickup point) for
planetFear Bike | Run | Climb | Ski
COACH TRAVEL Travelling to the OMM from London or Yorkshire? Pack Your Bags Travel are organising a coach. £95
OMM Cypher Smock Best Lightweight Smock - Trail Magazine, 2011
We are using public transport from Perth on Friday and catching the bus at (plse circle)
12.15 13.00 13.45 14.40 16.10 17.10 17.45 18.15 18.55 18.55 19.55* 20.55 21.55* 22.55
We are using public transport from Perth on Saturday morning and catching the bus at
06.20 07.50
We are flying to Edinburgh Airport and hiring a car. We have
spaces in the car which we are willing to share
*Only running if sufficient numbers
Team no
Email Address
Free limited edition Buff with any online order over £50.00 Collect yours from planetFear at the OMM. Please bring proof of purchase.
Contact Telephone Number
Track down the complete OMM range at: planetFear.com/shop
OMM – Enduring British Innovation Since 1968
You can also edit your entry online at www.theomm.com
TEAM CHANGES Please submit form below for any team changes, BEFORE October 19th 2011 to: Mrs Jen Longbottom, 17 Woodside, Haslingden, Rossendale, Lancs, BB4 6QQ. Tel 01706 216612 Mobile 07986 423080 E-mail jlongbo941@aol.com After that date all team changes to be done at registration. Please fill in the appropriate space i.e. if taking the place of the first named person on the programme, enter details in the first pair member section. There is no need for the existing competitor member to fill in their details. Please complete in BLOCK LETTERS.
Family Category (delete where not applicable)
Please attach a short resumĂŠ of the New Partners experience
Parent, Son, Daughter, Grandparent, Uncle, Aunt, Niece, Nephew.