Performance Management Employee Guide INTRODUCTION This document has been designed as a useful guide for you to utilise when you have any sort of performance management conversation approaching. It will aid you in determining where to rate yourself against the vision and values and contains a practical how to guide on how to fill in many of the performance management documents such as Performance Conversations, Quarterly 121’s and the Annual Appraisal. Some of these forms will still look familiar; however there have been some key changes to reflect the changes in our Performance Management Process. The biggest change is that in all our performance discussions we will be asked to rate our performance and behaviours against the company values, which are discussed in more detail later in this guide.
By this, we mean a person who; •
Can evaluate the wider impact of decisions and can make recommendations for improvements, which shows fresh thinking. Can understand how the overall role fits into the vision of the business and can align the work and objectives accordingly. Proactively seeks an understanding of regulatory changes, the impact of risk and is able to make recommendations and drive change as a result.
Is conscientious and completes activities in full and on time and with quality. That has the ability to train others in what is the right thing to do within the team and own role. Consistently delivers and exceeds expectations for stakeholders and is able to share best practice based on knowledge and understanding. Continually looking to make improvements.
“I show that I am doing the right thing when I deal with vulnerable customers, I identify that they need extra support and I make sure to signpost our SSU team, but I also know I should follow the TEXAS model to reassure and show empathy with these type of customers.”
What does ‘Do the right thing’ look and feel like?
Colleagues known to be exceptional at valuing our people would do the following things: •
Share knowledge and experience to help others to develop an understanding. Is a role model to colleagues in taking accountability and responsibility for own development. Is continually looking to collaborate with other areas of the business in order to improve knowledge and skills. Constantly seeks feedback and values input from other areas of the business. Feeds back to colleagues in an understandable manner that ensures improvements in performance or skills can be made. Proactively encourages others to recognise colleagues through both formal and informal processes. Seeks the knowledge of others to support decision-making and takes a collaborative approach considering the impact of any changes.
What does ‘Valuing our people’ look and feel like? “In my department I have a long list of tasks to complete on a day to day basis. What I have found is that if I do not complete certain things on time it has an impact on other teams in my area. What I have started to do is prioritise my to-do list by risk of impact on other teams to ensure that I am proactively lowering the risk of others not being able to complete their own work loads. I feel that this demonstrates effectively that I value other people.”
What does ‘Be responsible look and feel like?
By this, we mean a person who; •
Leads by example and is an ambassador for the business both internally and externally. Drive forward a culture of responsibility and accountability within the team, which is demonstrated in the consistent achievement of results, KPIs and objectives. Is proactive in taking into account the regulatory framework, potential risk, impact on other stakeholders and other areas of the business.
Can generate and share new ideas and gain buy-in from colleagues showing commitment and ownership of recommended actions and objectives. Is able to effectively communicate, motivate and share best practice based on knowledge, understanding and experience. Thinks and acts in a creative and innovative way. Considers and responds to feedback positively.
“On my team I tend to work the late shift, when I am left with a few colleagues at the end of the day I always check not only my desk but the surrounding areas for confidential information that may have been left out. I make sure to lock or shred the information and feed this back to that person the next day to make sure they know that they are accountable and the risks involved in this.”
What does ‘Open and honest’ look and feel like?
A person who is renowned for being open and honest is usually known to be a person of integrity that can be trusted to be open and honest in communications and actions. They would also have a reputation for the following: •
“I think that it’s really important to stay neutral when the customer is trying to make a decision on what is right for them. It can be hard, especially when you think you know the best solution, to put the ball in their court and make that decision for themselves. I actively try to give the customer all the information in a way that means I am not being more encouraging on one solution other another whilst making sure they know they can ask me questions. ”
Owns and learns from their mistakes and is meaningful in personal evaluations. Takes action having taken a balanced, unbiased approach. Only shares accurate, appropriate information is trusted with sensitive information. Is adept at interrogating and interpreting information and understands how inaccuracies can affect colleagues and other areas of the business. Is entrusted to handle situations appropriately and in a timely manner. Can make recommendations from observations and learning’s. Is a role model for the business and an outstanding ambassador that other working groups internally and externally, consult for input and solutions.
PERFORMANCE CONVERSATIONS What is it? As part of the performance management process, and in addition to coaching and feedback discussions, your performance conversation is designed to be a weekly/monthly update on your performance against your objectives. The Form. One Advice Group Performance Conversation Form Who fills it in? You will be expected to fill in the majority of the form yourself, before and during your performance discussion. When do I fill it in? In advance! Also be prepared for any performance review discussion. What do I fill in? This is an opportunity for you to review your progress in relation to your performance and behaviours and should be used for you to capture an “update� on how you are doing. It is different from a coaching and feedback form and refers back to your targets and objectives specifically. Coaching which can be more adhoc.
90% Green calls
My compliant calls link to doing the
High - I have consistently
right thing – “giving sound advice”
achieved 93% of my KPI this month
Here you need to capture your current KPI’s and/or targets that you have been working towards for the past week/month and if you have achieved them or not.
High – I identified a risk in the
By being proactive and focused on the right thing
script as it had not been
for the customer I felt it important to raise a
potential issue that could have a big impact.
Here you also need to begin to think about how you achieving your KPI or target links back into the company values.
QUARTERLY 121 What is it? Every quarter (3 months) you will attend a 121 conversation with your manager. The Form. One Advice Group Quarterly One to One Meeting Record Who fills it in? You will be expected to fill in the majority of the form yourself, before and during your discussion. There are also sections for your manager to fill in during the conversation. When do I fill it in? In advance! Always be prepared for any performance review discussion. As this is every quarter, it can be something that you update on a regular basis, or choose to fill in the majority before your scheduled conversation. How do I fill it in? Firstly, you will need to give yourself an overall rating on your performance and behaviours using the five options available: EXCEPTIONAL HIGH SUCCESSFUL INCONSISTENT LOW What do they mean? On the following pages you will find a full breakdown for each of the five options and what they mean against each of our values. Remember that this is an overall rating based on your performance and behaviour against the four values across a whole quarter, and you can fill in where you think are on the scale but you will agree an overall rating with your manager.
The Ratings
You will also use this for your half-year review.
You can fill in where you think are on the scale but you will agree an overall rating with your manager.
COMPLETING THE QUARTERLY 121 FORM The first pages of the Quarterly 121 form replicate the Performance Conversation
I have really enjoyed the last couple of months as I asked for further development into a
Here you should give a detailed description of not only the past quarter (since your last 121) but the year as a whole. Explain what you have enjoyed, where you believe your strengths are and why things have gone well for you in specific terms.
manager role and have spent some time shadowing my manager in coaching and feedback discussions, in some of his meetings and at his desk looking at reports. I have found these small pieces of development are motivating me to perform well so that my manager can use me as support in future. I also helped to set up an incentive scheme for my team which everyone really got involved with, I think that we tried to include everyone and had different types of prizes so that everyone was engaged.
In the last couple of months we have updated to a new system and I have really struggled with it. I have worked at OAG for a long time and was really comfortable with the old system and the old way of doing things. I felt that I wasn’t very assertive in voicing my concerns about how hard I would find it to learn a new system and I just kind of bobbed along with everyone else and hoped for the best. Because of this I had some amber and red calls as I had not followed the process correctly on the system because I didn’t fully understand how to use it and to be honest, felt a little embarrassed. Now I have had a chat with my manager and explained how I feel and why my performance may have suffered I feel much better. I know now that in future it would be more beneficial to be upfront and gain the extra training or support that I need.
Here you should explain what you believe has not gone so well, maybe you have identified a development area for yourself or believe you could have completed something at a higher standard. Be honest – it is an opportunity to identify why things may not have gone so well, which will help when you set goals and objectives in the next section.
The Ratings Remember This covers not only the quarter, but your last 12 months at OAG.
You can fill in where you think are on the scale but you will agree an overall rating with your manager.
Will be held every 12 months (in March). This will be an appraisal conversation with your manager. This appraisal is the process of assessing and developing your work performance. The process provides an opportunity for both you and your manager to discuss development goals and jointly create a plan for achieving those goals The Form. One Advice Group Annual Appraisal Meeting Record
Who fills it in? You will be expected to fill in the majority of the form yourself, before and during your discussion. There are also sections for your manager to fill in during the conversation. When do I fill it in? In advance! Always be prepared for any performance review discussion. As this is annually, throughout How do I fill it in? The annual appraisal document is pretty much the same as the Quarterly 121; however, as it covers a greater period of time, it asks you to make detailed comments about what has gone well, or not so well during this time period. Also remember when using the scoring it is an overall score across the 12 month period.
Anyone can achieve an exceptional rating within their role; you will need to build your evidence to reflect your performance and behaviours in all that you do.
Performance Management is an opportunity to discuss growth, where you would like to be in month/years/ five years time and what support you might need to get there.
We know that implementing a new process and having new documents to fill in may be daunting, but the Colleague Support Team are here to help.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help!
Hints & Tips
Displaying the company values is something that we already do, we just now need to evidence and show how we are doing this.
Keep track of any good examples of how you are showing the values by using the “Values Record” document.
Performance Management is used for both strengths and development areas.
Document Summary
Quarterly 121
Performance Conversation Coaching & Feedback Coaching and feedback discussions will continue as normal and will be completed as and when required by your manager (team leader or coach) to feedback any positive or constructive actions or behaviours soon after the event. An OAG Coaching and Feedback Form should always be used to document the discussions, with the use of an actionsetting option to reinforce or improve any performance or behaviour.
These could take place either weekly/monthly with your manager, and you will be expected to use the OAG Performance Conversation Form to capture your performance and behaviour against your objectives, you will also agree a rating with your manager against the company values.
Conversations will now be held on a quarterly basis and form a similar pattern to the appraisal. Here you will be expected to complete the same actions as the Performance Conversation but with greater detail, and reflecting on a longer period of time
Half Year Review In your half year review you will use the same document as your Quarterly 121. The conversation you have will not only reflect the last quarter, but the quarter before that too. You will agree with your manager an overall rating on your performance and behaviours for the 6 month period.
Annual Appraisal Your Annual Appraisal will take place every March (this could be different dependent on your start date) and
involves a one to one conversation with your manager using the OAG Annual Appraisal Meeting Record Form which can be found on the intranet under “HR Docs�. You will agree with your manager an overall rating on your performance and behaviours, taking into account the last quarter and the whole year.