O'Neal Magazine Fall 2009 and 2008-2009 Annual Report

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THE MAGAZINE OF THE O’NEAL SCHOOL Fall Fall 2009 2009 Issue Issue & & 2008-2009 2008-2009 Annual Annual Report Report

Mission Statement O’Neal is a college preparatory school dedicated to the development of academic excellence, strength of character, and physical well-being of its students in an environment where integrity, self-discipline, and consideration for others are fundamental.

The O’Neal Administrative Team Headmaster Alan Barr

Assistant Headmaster & Director of Institutional Advancement Brenda Jackson Chief Financial Officer Eddie Phillips Director of Admissions & Financial Aid Alice Droppers Director of Communications Kathy Taylor Dean of Faculty / Director of Studies Jim Miles

Lower School Director Linda Roberts Middle School Director Rich Tompkins Upper School Director Woody Wilder Director of Athletics Steve Dahl Director of Technology Wes Underwood


Dear Parents, Patrons, and Alumni, We have a great deal to be proud of at The O’Neal School. The School has experienced many exciting and positive events during my first few months as headmaster. Together with the faculty and administration, we are continually exploring ways to enhance learning for all of our students in a safe, nurturing environment. We see a promising future, indeed. Our fall athletic teams have enjoyed a successful season. Basketball, swimming and chearleading are underway, and the facilities are definitely getting a workout with all of the practicing, workouts and games from Middle and Upper School students. The newly formed Fine Arts Department, chaired by June Infantino, is bringing the arts alive here at The O’Neal School. Many events are being planned for the coming year to showcase the talents and passions of our young artists. We kicked off the final phase of the Capital Campaign this fall. This occurred at the Ribbon Cutting ceremony at the Parents’ Association picnic. It was great to see so many O’Neal families on campus celebrating and enjoying each others company. The school needs to raise the last $3 million for the new Activities Center to complete the vision set in motion more than ten years ago. The O’Neal Fund also launched this fall. With its new look and timely message, patrons can direct where their gifts are allocated. I am grateful for all the support given to this outstanding school by all its patrons. The year will provide many more opportunities to make known across this community, what a wonderful school we have. The O’Neal School has much to celebrate—the future is bright, indeed. Sincerely,

Alan K. Barr

3300 Airport Road / P.O. Box 290, Southern Pines, NC 28388-0290 / Telephone: 910.692.6920 / Fax: 910.692.6930 / www.onealschool.org

Chairman, Board of Trustees

Dear O’Neal Community: The 2009-10 school year has begun and your Board of Directors and I are excited about where we are going. Alan Barr, our new Headmaster, is off to a fast start. For those who have met him, I am sure you will agree, he is the perfect person to lead The O’Neal School. His energy, knowledge and leadership skills will ensure the continued excellence of the O’Neal educational experience. Alan has numerous initiatives already under way to insure O’Neal maintains its position of leadership as an independent school. We welcome constructive feedback and plan to conduct surveys, similar to last years, to insure we have input from the customer’s point of view. This is in addition to regular meetings of the Parents’ Association, in which I encourage participation. We are now in our new Activities Center and if you haven’t taken the opportunity to see it, please do. This facility includes a gymnasium with seating for 700, a beautiful 250-seat theater, additional classrooms and a weight/physical training room, second to none! The completion of our long term facilities plan coupled with our beautiful campus makes this a great environment to nurture the educational experience of our children. The Building Communities Capital Campaign for the Activities Center is in full swing and I want to personally thank those who have contributed to date. This facility was developed under the theory, “build it and they will come”. It is now here! We have a good way to go, but with your continued generous support I look forward to having a mortgage burning celebration in the not-to-distant future. Speaking for the Board and as a parent, I want to thank all of the dedicated faculty, staff and parent volunteers. You really make a difference.

F. Huling Poston, III

3300 Airport Road / P.O. Box 290, Southern Pines, NC 28388-0290 / Telephone: 910.692.6920 / Fax: 910.692.6930 / www.onealschool.org

At A Glance November 24

Lower School Special Persons Day

November 23-27

Thanksgiving Break

November 30- December 3

January 5

Classes Resume

January 6

Alumni Luncheon

January 8

January 31

Open House for Enrollment

February 3

O’Neal Volunteers’ Talent Show

February 11

Book Fair


Boosters Club Meeting

December 10

January 14

February 21

Boosters Club Meeting

Booster Club Meeting

December 11

January 18

Lower School Winter Musical

Martin Luther King Holiday

December 21

January 26

Winter Break Begins

Parents’ Association Meeting

Kaleidoscope Series: New Century Saxophone Quartet

February 23

Parents’ Association Meeting

February 27

Admissions Testing


The Auction Committee has been hard at work since May planning O’Neal’s 39th Annual Auction to be held on Saturday, February 6, 2010 at the Fair Barn in Pinehurst. The Reaching for the Stars theme embodies everything everyone tries to achieve at O’Neal – the faculty, the administration, the Board of Trustees and above all, the students. The students will be the “rising stars” this year – they will help design and create the 1500 auction invitations, they will create the 40 table decorations, they will entertain guests with their singing, and they will write thank you notes to the donors and local businesses that support O’Neal. O’Neal continues to have this annual event because the funds raised support the operating budget and through the effort of all the children and volunteers, everyone will “reach for the stars.”

Red Hat groups and other organizations will be invited to join the O’Neal family for a special morning to include a light breakfast. Children from the Lower School will provide entertainment by singing at various times during the morning. Many door prizes will be given away and one lucky Preview attendee will go home with a special piece of jewelry just for attending the event. Thank you to all the parents who donate items or financial support and who volunteer their time to help with the auction. O’Neal could not host this event without their help. If anyone would like to donate an item or a service to the Auction, please contact Lynn Melton at lmelton@ onealschool.org. Please save the date - Friday, February 5th for the Preview and Saturday, February 6th for Reaching for the Stars. Both events will be at the Fair Barn in Pinehurst.

New this year will be a Preview on Friday, February 5th from 9am-12pm at the Fair Barn. This will allow the event to be open to the entire community and will give auction attendees the chance to really preview the items and determine where they will spend their time and money on Saturday evening! All bidding will begin at the Preview. Local retirement communities, garden clubs, book clubs, 6

The O’Neal School’s

Raffle 325 tickets are available at $100 Each*

1 Grand Prize Winner of $10,000 Drawing Will Be Held At O’Neal’s 39th Annual Auction

Reaching for the Stars on

Saturday, February 6, 2010 Complete the form NOW to receive your raffle ticket and a chance to win $10,000.


The O’Neal School $10,000 Raffle Name ___________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ Number of Tickets at $100 Each _______ Phone ____________________ Please make checks payable to: The O’Neal School Mail to: The O’Neal School—Institutional Advancement PO Box 290 - Southern Pines, NC 28388 ALL TAXES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE WINNER(S). 7

Individual tickets may be purchased by multiple participants. Please list all participants’ names on the form. Raffle participants must be 18 or older. You need not be present to win.

Alumni Notes 1999 Class Reunion

3rd Annual Alumni Day

The O’Neal Class of 1999 had a reunion in Southern Pines October 3rd and 4th. On Saturday morning, O’Neal hosted a family breakfast and campus tour for the alumni, their parents, spouses and children. All were invited to spend part of their morning with Alan Barr, the new headmaster, Lynn Melton, alumni relations and the faculty who were at O’Neal in the 90’s. After an introduction and breakfast together, everyone took a tour of the O’Neal campus. All were impressed with the expansion that has taken place in the 10 years since this class graduated.

Visit O’Neal on Wednesday, January 6th for the 3rd Annual Alumni Day. Post graduates are invited to have lunch and a round-table discussion with the O’Neal seniors where alumni will share their college experiences. The lunch will occur in the atrium of the new Activities Center and the discussion will take place in the theater. After lunch, the alumni can tour the newly expanded campus and visit with faculty and friends. Contact Alumni Relations for more information.

O’Neal Homecoming Come and enjoy The O’Neal School Homecoming that will take place on Friday, January 8th in the gymnasium of the new Activities Center. Everyone will get a seat in the new gym!! Homecoming will be the final event to end Spirit Week, a week of funny clothes and pep rallies. The Booster Club will host a pre-game dinner in the dining commons from 4:00-6:00pm with the boys’ JV basketball game beginning at 4:00pm, the girls’ varsity game at 5:30 and the boys’ varsity game at 7:00pm. The crowning of the homecoming queen will follow the basketball game. Please come out and support the Falcons as they play Northwood Temple Academy. In the evening, the alumni met at Ironwood for dinner. They enjoyed their time together to catch up with each other. They then headed off to Broad Street in Southern Pines to enjoy other refreshments and more fun times. On Sunday morning, everyone met at Mac’s Breakfast Anytime for a Farewell Breakfast to reminisce about the weekend and their days at O’Neal. It was a great weekend to catch up with old friends. View the pictures from the weekend at www.ONealSchool.org – click on “For O’Neal Alumni”.

Attention Classes of: 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005 O’Neal would like to host an Alumni Weekend in the fall of 2010 to include the reunions for all the classes listed above. Those who would like to plan a class reunion are encouraged to contact Alumni Relations to help with student lists, contact information and recommendations.

Keep us informed of happenings in your life and maintain your connection to O’Neal by contacting:

Lynn Melton, Alumni Relations

Phone: Email:

(910) 692-6920 ext. 104 lmelton@onealschool.org or alumni@onealschool.org

www.ONealSchool.org > For O’Neal Alumni 8

Alumni Notes Brian Cox and his wife Carla live in Leland, NC with their 5 year old daughter, Emily. He is the managing director at Northwestern Mutual Financial Network in Wilmington. Brian’s brother, Pete Cox (’85), works at Northwestern in Wilmington as well.

1980 Michael Greene lives in Greensboro and works for Hanes Industries in their Sales & Marketing group. He has a daughter, Taylor (18), who is a freshman at Clemson studying to be a pharmacist and a son, Christopher (16), who is a junior at Ragsdale High School and plays on the varsity soccer team.

1995 Mike Ebel lives in West End and has two children, Austin (7) and Hannah (10). He is a police officer for the Village of Pinehurst.

1982 Kyle Morgan lives in High Point and works for AVI-SPL, the world’s largest audio/visual systems integrator with corporate headquarters in Tampa, FL and offices around the country, in Mexico and Dubai.

Catherine Frock Vogt works as the assistant swimming coach at University of Southern California. Prior to this recent move, she was the asst. coach at UNC-Chapel Hill. She has also served as the national team coach for USA Swimming, the head coach for the USA Open Water team at the world championship in Rome this past summer, the head coach for the Pan Am Open Water Team and the asst. coach for the Pan American Games in 2007. She graduated from UNC in 2000 with a degree in psychology and education. She married Matthew Vogt in December 2001 after her sister, Elizabeth, introduced them (Elizabeth and Matthew swam at Princeton). Matthew is a captain in the US Marine Corps and has been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan is currently stationed at Camp Pendleton.

1986 Wake Forest is the home for David Logan, his wife, Paige, and their 17 month old daughter, Grayson. David is the VP of Strategy for Aruba Networks, a wireless networking company for education, health care, government and the Global 2000 Enterprise, based in Sunnyvale, CA. 1990 In 1995, Bill Sandorff graduated from Elon University and now works as regional director of sales for Red Roof Inn Hotels Georgia. He lives in Columbus, GA. 1991 Ginny Salebra Whan lives in Winston Salem with her husband Paul and her two children, Christian (14) and Matthew (9). Ginny and Paul own two McDonald’s restaurants and manage the family business for her parents who own six McDonald’s.

1996 Phillip Wood lives in Raleigh with his wife, Kristy, and their two year old daughter, Libby. He works for the NC State Wolfpack Club. 1998 Kate Wood Chapman lives in Raleigh with her husband, Heath, and their daughter, Kathryn, who is 11 months old.

1992 James Weatherly lives in Falls Church, VA with his wife, Liz, and their new baby girl, Rose Kathleen, born in July. Congratulations to James and Liz!!

1999 In 2002, Casey Barbera started Casey Utility Services, LLC, a company that drills horizontal holes under roads for utility lines. She lives in Pinebluff.

1993 Matthew Christian lives in Brevard, NC with his wife, Jenifer and two children, Mary Grace (12) and Ella (6).

Candace Fabry Buchanan is married to Jon and they live in Knightdale. Candace and Jon met at East Carolina University and were married in 2004. Candace is a 3rd grade educator for Smith Magnet Elementary in Wake County and Jon is an investment banker for SunTrust Bank. They have a sweet little daughter, Kelsey, who is now 16 months old. They are avid Pirate fans who love football, camping with friends and traveling the East Coast.

1994 Germaine Brandt Elkins married Phill, a Moore County native, in May 2003. She has worked at Sandhills Community College as the associate director of foundation outreach since December 2007. She runs the college’s annual scholarship golf tournament as well as other events hosted by the SCC Foundation. Phill is a juvenile court counselor for Moore County in Carthage. They bought their first home last year and love living in Southern Pines. 9

Alumni Notes 1999 cont’d In 2002, Jill Gillett graduated from Northwestern College in St. Paul, MN with a BA in psychology. She received her master’s degree in behavior analysis/psychology from Western Michigan University in 2005 and began working with individuals with autism. She currently works for Behavior Specialists of Indiana in Valparaiso, specializing in reducing problematic behaviors, improving communication skills and parent training. Jill lives in Lake Station, IN.

Mary Ellen Tysinger graduated from the College of Charleston in 2004 with a BA in art history and then graduated from Sandhills Community College in 2007 with an associates degree in turfgrass management. She works for Troon Golf, a golf course management company, which has taken her to Hilton Head and she is now the golf course assistant superintendent at The Westin Kierland in Scottsdale, Arizona. She loves her job and is making a lot of new friends in Scottsdale.

Patrick Mincey graduated from Davidson College in 2003 with a major in English and French. He worked as a paralegal for Moore & Van Allen PLLC in Charlotte from 2003 to 2005. He then studied foreign policy at the London School of Economics before starting law school at Mercer University in Macon, Georgia in 2005. He graduated from Mercer in 2008, passed the bar exam in August and since then has been at Van Camp, Meacham & Newman in Pinehurst where he practices exclusively in state and federal criminal courts. Patrick lives in Aberdeen.

2000 Kerby Smithson graduated from NC State in 2005 and served in the Peace Corps in Bolivia for two years. He has just started graduate studies at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and will study sustainable systems in the School of Natural Resources and Environment.

Liz Parkins Charles is married to Tyler Charles and lives in Richmond, Va. She graduated from Randolph-Macon College in 2003 with a degree in sociology and is now the assistant manager at Talbots. Her husband, Tyler, works at Carter Machinery as a project manager.

2001 Katie Fields lives in Carbondale, Colorado. She has earned a master’s degree in counseling psychology at the University of Denver and is now a licensed therapist for three years working with youth and their families.

Roberta Quis graduated from the UNC Kenan-Flagler’s MBA program this past May and started a human resources leadership development rotational program with Citigroup. Her first rotation is in Denver, CO working on restructuring efforts as part of the HR Business & Planning Analytics Group. Roberta will move to another rotation after this year and then will have a 6-month rotation overseas with Citigroup.

Matt Kuhn married Carrie Allison on Saturday, May 23rd at Grandfather Golf and Country Club in Linville. They traveled to Maui, Hawaii for their honeymoon. Matt is currently pursuing his master’s degree at UNCPembroke and they live in Murphy, NC. Congratulations to Matt and Carrie!

Adam Simpkins (former student) received a BS and MS from Stanford University in computer science and is now a software engineer for Facebook. He married Elizabeth (Lizzie) Hammerman on Saturday, October 17th at Twelve Oaks in Palo Alto, California. Lizzie received her degree in chemical engineering in 2002 and her master’s in 2003 from Stanford. They live in Sunnyvale, CA. Congratulations to Adam and Lizzie!

Katie Suitt Perkinson lives in Charleston with her husband, Matt.

Thad Lawrence graduated from Wingate University with a degree in art and education. He is a photography and art teacher in the Durham Public Schools and owns II & III Photography in Durham.


Alumni Notes 2002 Taylor Floyd is the Assistant to the Executive Chef at Pine Needles Lodge and Golf Club in Southern Pines. She enjoys the excitement of cooking and working at banquet events.

Liz Monsma (former student) relocated to Hershey, PA during 10th grade. In May 2007, she received a BA in Psychology and a minor in Math from the University of Central Oklahoma and will receive a Masters of Education in Adult Education in May 2010. She is engaged to A.J. Crowell and they are building a house and will be married in May 2010. She currently resides in Edmond, Oklahoma and considers O’Neal her primary high school even though she did not graduate from O’Neal!

Drew Mincey graduated from Davidson College in 2006 and received a Masters of Health Science from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in 2007. He was employed by Rwanda Zambia HIV Research Group in association with Emory University from 2007-08 and is now attending the UNC School of Medicine and will graduate from medical school in 2012.

Sean Salemme graduated from NC State in 2007 with a degree in History. He worked for a year at Fidelity Investments and then returned to NC State where he will graduate in December with a degree in sports management. This past summer he had an internship with the Princeton Rays in West Virginia, an affiliate team of the Tampa Bay Ray’s baseball team. During his internship he planned a promotional night for the area veterans and worked with publicity, field maintenance and ticket sales. Sean, O’Neal’s first All-State baseball player in 2002, is presently interviewing for jobs with minor league baseball teams and attended the annual baseball convention in New Orleans last month.

2003 Anna Grace lives in Naples, Florida and is responsible for US business development for Georgeson Group, an international interior design and architecture firm, focusing on their hospitality and spa design division. She and a friend recently started a company, Traveling Chic Boutique LLC (www.travelingchicboutique.com), which is a trunk show company specializing in designer jewelry, purses, art, scarves and home products. She recently became engaged to Eric Schneider, a biologist for an engineering firm that designs mega yacht marinas and an October 2010 wedding is planned in Charleston.

2004 Evan Fitzgerald graduated from Washington and Lee University in Lexington, VA in 2008 with a BS in business administration and an emphasis on environmental studies. He works as an analyst with Dominion Resources, an energy and utility company, in Richmond, VA. Brandon Thompson graduated from UNC Wilmington in December 2008 with a degree in parks and recreation management. He is now the educational programs director at The Community Boy’s and Girl’s Club in Wilmington. He married Cynthia Jean-Philippe on August 15th in Wilmington. Cynthia will graduate from UNCW in December with a degree in psychology and plans to pursue a graduate degree in that field. Congratulations to Brandon and Cynthia!

After graduating from O’Neal, Will Loftus attended Maryville College in Tennessee. He then joined AmeriCorps for a year, doing special after-school programs for inner-city school children in Atlanta. He spent the summer of 2008 in Mexico and India, where he traveled among the major cities and went trekking in the Himalayas. This past summer was spent camping, hiking and climbing in the western United States. He is now finishing his undergraduate work at St. Andrews, majoring in Philosophy. 11

Alumni Notes Kathryn Thornton is majoring in political science and French at the University of Notre Dame. This past summer she did an internship with Trofi, a produce importer/exporter, in Hamburg, Germany. In early September Kathryn started a semester abroad in Angers, France at L’Universite Catholique De l’Ouest to study political science and intensive French while living with a French family. In spring 2010 she will be studying at the University of Montreal as part of a Kellogg Institute for International Studies program.

2004 cont’d In May 2008, Emily Troutman graduated from the College of Charleston with a BA in French. She then went to teach English in elementary schools in Beauvais, France (about 50 miles north of Paris) for a year. She has received another teaching contract and will be returning to France this fall to teach English at a high school in Chauny (about 70 miles northeast of Paris). 2006 Nicole Poteat spent the summer working for the Burma Lawyer’s Council in Mae Sot, a small town on the Thai side of the Thai-Burma border. Nicole and a June ’09 Harvard graduate edited briefs and reports, helped with English translation, facilitated training sessions for migrant workers to become educated about their legal rights, helped with individual refugee cases and assisted in law classes at the BLC-run law school, Peace Law Academy. At the end of the work program, she traveled in Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, Vietnam, Hong Kong and Laos while completing a photography project. 2007 Sarah Gehle is a junior at New York University with a double major in cinema studies and history. She plans to attend law school but will take a few years off to teach English in Japan. She plans to get a TEFL certification to be a lead teacher rather than a teacher’s assistant and is currently taking Japanese at NYU. The spring semester was spent studying in London with many trips to see much of the U.K. and Ireland as well as Paris.

Upper School Director, Woody Wilder paid a visit to Kathryn Thornton in Paris this fall.

Nikki Miles, a junior at UNC Charlotte majoring in social work, has been accepted into the Senior Social Services program, a competitive program based on grades and essay performance. Very few students are accepted into this specialized program that includes courses in criminology, diversity, policies and gerontology. During her sophomore year, she worked at a battered women’s shelter. Nikki will graduate with a BA in social work in 2011 and then will continue at UNCC to pursue a master’s degree.

2008 Laura Puleo is a sophomore at Duke University. She is a member of Duke Mock Trial team, the Environmental Alliance, Duke Community Garden and the Smart Home. She will be participating in the Miss Garner scholarship pageant this year and will raise funds for the Children’s Miracle Network. 2009 Alex Martone, a recent graduate of The O’Neal School, competed this summer in the United States Area II CCI** FEI North American Junior and Young Rider’s Championship in Lexington, KY. She was the only rider from NC to make the team. Alex commented about her horse, Copperfield, to The Pilot, “He’s not flashy but he has the best attitude of any horse ever.” Alex’s team won a silver medal in the Intermediate division with a rider from Charlottesville, VA and one from Waldorf, MD. Alex is attending Appalachian State University in Boone. Way to go, Alex!!

Marci O’Donnell, a junior at the University of San Diego, is studying at the Jose Ortega y Gasset Fundacion in Madrid for the fall semester. The program, with over 200 student participants, is managed by the University of San Diego and Southern Methodist University. She is taking a full semester of classes that range from business to Spanish. She enjoys traveling every weekend all over Spain, to Germany, and looks forward to Thanksgiving in Greece. She is meeting great people from around the world and is having a wonderful experience. 12

Alumni Notes Missing Alumni The following alumni have an inactive address in O’Neal’s database. If you know the whereabouts of any of these alumni, please contact them or Lynn Melton at lmelton@onealschool.org or (910) 692-6920 ext. 104 to update the information. Alumni can update their information at www.ONealSchool.org. O’Neal plans reunions and alumni events and wants to include everyone in the festivities! Beth Adams Carpenter Kevin McIntyre Leslie McIntyre Lisa Boado Kim Liddell Sharon Campbell Elizabeth Gephart G. Marie Southers Pamela Anderson Kathy Bertone Robert Kramer B. Forrest Lockey, III Richard Preyer Lisa Brooks Madonna Dunn Elizabeth Bailey Brooks Lockey Stephanie Peters Kristen Skula Kelli Baines Kelcey Cheska Steven Delamar Michelle Faust Holcomb Amy Brown John Burrus David Campbell Matthew Fields Catherine Skula Todd Colberg Timothy Congdon Christi Ebel Jerry Hamm, II Julie Spivey Roland Arrigoni Marjorie Ceh Jennifer Costantini Kyle Fisher Carter Hall Margaret Ogden Meredith Roberts Victor Short Rebecca Ballard Tait Colberg G. Michael Dominguez Sydney Fritts Lee Lally Crystal McLamb

77 77 77 78 78 79 79 79 80 81 81 81 81 82 82 83 84 84 86 87 87 87 87 88 89 89 89 89 90 90 90 90 90 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 92 92 92 92 92 92

Christian Miller Jason Morton Claire Piretti Jon Shell Charlotte Tate Nancy Wilkinson Suzanne Barros Courtney Best Sean Chapman Allan Chatham Matthew Chisesi Mary Ballard Gert Collins Abigail Fields Phillippa Finch Andrew Ogden Andrea Peaslee Katherine Perry Corey Rice Caren Walker Erin Kinney Marc Moore Alison Schaefer Cara Utermehle Jet Dawkins T. Doak Finch Angela Graham Sarah Kohn M. J. Meltzer Leslie Smith Danielle Stanton Photopoulos Geordan Terry Daniel Van Hall Joshua Finch Andrew Martin Fred McGhee, II Gabrielle Miller-Messner Chanda Boylen Courtney Feldt Ryan Gibbs Will Holliday Brad Johnson Bryan Landaas M.Garrett Logan Jennifer Madden Jana Murray Erin Phipps Wesley Amos Warren Atwater Will Doster Erin Hairston James Johns Tiffany Kirkpatrick Thompson Knight Kristin Madden Sarah Andreatta Keisha Anumba Laura Chandler Milo Ramsey Fisher Joel Garner Kortni Gillman Cara McClain Catrina McLamb Tess Pate Hunter Rudd 13

92 92 92 92 92 92 93 93 93 93 93 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 95 95 95 95 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 97 97 97 97 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 99 99 99 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01

Hudson Adam Jesse Zach Elizabeth Matthew Will Whitney Jason Kate Will Jenny Jade Jessica Valerie Leland Matt

Shelby Crenshaw Faulkner Karamalegos McConville Tolar Atwater Beemer Chandler Costello Crawley Doster Frank Gillman Menendez Parker Wilson

1999 Reunion Photos

01 02 02 02 02 02 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03

Q: Are there other reasons to give? A: Many supporters often make an annual donation in memory or in honor of someone special. There is also an O’Neal Fund Gifting Club with the following tiers: • Members of the Golden Circle, gifts of $5,000 and above • Circle of Benefactors, $2500-4999 • Leadership Circle, $1000-2499 • Charter Circle, $500-999 • Falcon Circle, up to $499

It is truly an exciting time to be at The O’Neal School. The School is secure in its foundation which is the result of so many dedicated faculty, staff, parents, grandparents, and friends. This Annual Report serves as a vehicle to honor all constituents for their tremendous support. In order to build on the School’s foundation and support the activities above and beyond the academic curriculum, the O’Neal Fund is being introduced. Following are some answers to several of the most frequently asked questions about the fund.

All gifts are acknowledged in the O’Neal Annual Report. Q: Are we expected to give to both the O’Neal Fund and the Capital Campaign? A: Because the O’Neal Fund covers immediate operating expenses, we ask that you make it your annual philanthropic priority and that capital gifts be made in addition to your gift to the O’Neal Fund.

Q: Why does O’Neal ask for an annual contribution in addition to our tuition payment? A: O’Neal strives to make tuition sustainable and affordable. Tuition only covers 89% of O’Neal’s annual operating budget needs. Independent schools do not receive any financial support from local taxes or state and national governments. Therefore, they seek yearly tax deductible contributions from a variety of donor sources to cover the gap between tuition and the cost of the education.

Q. Why is there also a Capital Campaign? A: O’Neal is currently raising funds for the new Activities Center. Interim financing has enabled the School to build this facility. Your help and consideration in completing the vision is essential. O’Neal asks that you join others in making a gift to the campaign.

Q :We donate our time...isn’t that enough? A: The O’Neal School is forever grateful for the endless hours that are put in each year by so many. However, the economic reality is that actual unrestricted cash gifts are still necessary to educate our students in the O’Neal tradition and ensure their success beyond high school.

Q: What are the ways I can offer support? A: • Cash, Check, Mastercard, or Visa Peridic reminders for pledges or automatic payments can easily be set up for you. • Transfer of Securities and other Holdings Gifts of appreciated property such as gifts of stock, real estate, and other personal property may net an income tax deduction for full fair market value. This is especially helpful to people who have assets which cost less than their current value.

Q: Why is participation so important? A: High levels of participation clearly show O’Neal leadership and the surrounding community that parents and others are willing to invest in their children’s future and support the O’Neal mission. It signals constituent confidence so the School can reliably move forward with strategic plans. Q: What will our O’Neal Fund dollars support? A: The O’Neal Fund supports activities above and beyond the academic curriculum -- technology initiatives, athletic resources, fine arts & visual arts, faculty professional development as well as O’Neal’s general enrichment -- all is made possible by this fund. This year, you also have the opportunity to designate which of these categories you would like your donation to be applied.

Q: I would like to speak to someone about the O’Neal Fund, whom should I contact? A: Your division or grade chairs are available and you can find out who they are by going to www.ONealSchool.org, click on The O’Neal Fund from the Institutional Advancement tab. You can always reach Brenda Jackson for additional answers, general information or coordination for your gifting. She can be reached at 910-692-6920 ext. 130 or bjackson@onealschool.org.

Q: How much does O’Neal expect me to give? A: The School expects only that each family give according to their means. Each contribution makes a difference in the life of the School and the quality of education received.

We truly thank you for your time, consideration and support of O’Neal. 14


It is said that most individuals and organizations have a natural distaste for change. Admissions departments and those who work in them must, by definition, be exceptions to that rule, in that they are always searching for the next new student and new ways to reach a larger portion of the communities that O’Neal serves. This year at O’Neal there has been a good deal of change including new students, buildings and leadership. Fiftyfive new students joined the School this year. As impressive as O’Neal’s new facilities are, the students are even more so. New students always bring a fresh vibrancy and dynamic to the school and everyone is looking forward to this group making its mark on the campus. New leadership always brings a set of fresh eyes to an institution and gives everyone a chance to move to another level. The administrative team and faculty are energized about the possibilities of challenging themselves and making O’Neal a place that gets better every day.

Pre-K and Kindergarten Student Ice Cream Social

New Middle School Student Luncheon

As central as the students are to making this a great school, the parents rate a close second. The passion and commitment of parents to their children does not go unnoticed. If anyone has suggestions, questions, or just wants to chat about O’Neal, please give the admissions office a call. Listed below are the names of all new students. Applications are now being accepted for the 2010/2011 school year. Please call the admissions office if you know of a family that might be interested in what The O’Neal School has to offer! Pre-Kindergarten Abby Edelman, Carthage Max Epstein, Aberdeen Anna Henry, Southern Pines Gabi Luneau, Pinehurst Mara O’Brien, Vass Madison Stromberg , West End Kindergarten Timmy Edelman, Carthage Kristin Howell, Laurinburg Natasha Jacobs, West End KarsonVan Scoyoc, Pinehurst First Grade Naomi Johnson ,Whispering Pines Sophia Taylor, Pinehurst

Above: New Lower School Student Ice Cream Social

New Upper School Students

Students New to O’Neal 2009-2010

Fifth Grade Rachel Carlson, Pinehurst Ginevra Walker, Sanford Sixth Grade Cydney Baldwin, West End Andrew Hassenfelt, Southern Pines Matthew Hutchens, Broadway T.C. Mann, Sanford Davis McGuirt, Pinehurst Gates Moore, Pinehurst Josh Russell, Pinehurst Jonah Saunders,Whispering Pines Avery Schaefer, Angier Johnny Webster, Whispering Pines Jon-Michael Womack, Sanford

Second Grade Brooke Filby, Pinehurst Patrik Luneau, Pinehurst Sarah Massey, Aberdeen Reilly Stromberg, West End

Seventh Grade Tessa Candiotti, Pinehurst Laura Faenza, Pinehurst Amanda Lattarulo, Southern Pines Matthew LaVigne, Laurinburg Hunter Massey, Aberdeen

Fourth Grade Camryn Baldwin, West End Kelley Filby, Pinehurst Hannah Streitman, Pinehurst

Eighth Grade Mary Winston Dozier, Troy Joseph Garner, West End Katelyn Hunt, Laurel Hill


Ninth Grade Nicole Basile, Pinehurst Megan Cooper, Cameron Leslea Everett, Laurel Hill Jack Lucas, West End Rainy Michaelis, Pinehurst Courtney Morrison, Carthage Chrissy Verdream, Raeford Ryan Williams, Laurinburg Patrick Wurzel, Southern Pines Tenth Grade Mark Bonville, Pinehurst Amanda Miller, Southern Pines Eleventh Grade Bryce Baldelli, Southern Pines Colin Jameson, Pinehurst

O’Neal has a new student referral program. To learn more contact Alice Droppers, Director of Admissions adroppers@onealschool.org or 910-692-6920 ext.103

News from Lower School The beginning of a school year is always full of newness and excitement. The students can hardly wait to meet their new teachers, see their new classrooms and get their new books and supplies. This year has also given Lower School students their first experiences in O’Neal’s new Activities Center. The students are very happy and excited to be able to have their physical education classes in the new gymnasium and their music classes in the new music room. Of course, they are always eager to have the opportunity to attend programs and events in the new theater. They enjoyed the Kinetex Dance Ensemble performance in the theater in October. The wide-eyed look on their faces said it all—it was an awesome new experience.

attending a play that correlates to one of their reading units. Second grade will visit a farm in Sanford to enjoy activities that relate to their study of the world around them. Third graders have recently visited Town Creek Indian Mound as part of their study of Spanish Explorers and Native Americans. A trip to Hiddenite Gems for the fourth grade students will extend their study of geology beyond the classroom. Lower School students are fortunate to have so many nearby opportunities to enrich and extend their classroom studies with their various field trips. In September, Lower School students began collecting items for their first community service project. They helped Family Promise of Moore County which is an organization that provides assistance to homeless families. Though several area churches give service hours and provide meals and shelter for needy families, Lower School students discovered that they could help by providing supplies and personal items that are needed. Students and parents were very busy bringing in toiletry items, laundry supplies and paper products that were shared with the families later in October. Other community projects for the year will include: Coalition for Human Care, Guardians Ad Litum, The Sandhills Children’s Center and the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina.

As always, Lower School students have been very involved in their lessons and projects. Some favorite projects for the students this year have been the geometry shapes project, the map masterpieces, book report activities, Senior’s Helping Hands, digestion and respiratory experiments and the fairy tale unit. Another favorite activity for the children has been the after school clubs. Students may stay for an afternoon club one day each week. October’s clubs have been the Falcon Flyers Exercise Club, the O’Neal News and Notes Newspaper Club and the Lower School Book Club. A member of each club gives a report at each assembly program. Students really look forward to their club meetings each week. Field trips for Lower School students have begun. The Pre-K class has planned to visit Quail Haven Village, a local assisted living facility, at least once a month this year. The children really enjoy visiting and sharing songs and activities with the residents. Kindergarten will travel to Gross Farm for a hayride, a picnic and gathering pumpkins that will be used for classroom activities. First grade is 16

Above:Kindergarteners learn about Fire Prevention during Fire Prevention Week with O’Neal’s Travis Harward, who is also a volunteer fire firefighter.

Above: First Graders perform for Silver Falcons.

Right: Third Graders participate in annual bus evacuation drills.

Above: Second grade students take a hayride at the pumpkin farm.

Left: First Day of School.

Above: Lower School students enjoy the Kinetex Dance Ensemble in the theater. Left: Students get to try out the Middle School playground during the Parents’ Association Annual Picnic. 17

News from Middle School Once again it has been a fantastic start to the year in the Middle School. The new students (21) have been welcomed with open arms and are fitting in nicely. Two faculty members are also new to the O’Neal community. Zach Kazior is teaching 7th and 8th grade English (Sandy Huggins has moved to history) and Dave Williamson is teaching science in 7th and 8th as well. Zach is coaching cross country and track while Dave is coaching soccer. Left: Headmaster’s Awards recipients Below: The Hawks take a serious pose this year with determination to keep the Simmons Cup they won last spring.

The house competitions have begun and at present the Hawks have taken an early lead. Community service will again be a focus for the Middle School students this year. Over 2500 golf balls have been collected to send to our troops in Iraq for use at a driving range in Baghdad. Jr. Beta has sponsored a clothing drive for the Moore County Coalition for Human Care. Rich Tompkins has started a daily blog with the idea of giving everyone a little glimpse of Middle School life. Obviously, some days are more exciting than others. It can be found at http://onealmiddle. blogspot.com. Be sure to visit the site. However, the highlight so far this year has been the class trips. Here’s a synopsis of each wonderful adventure.

Above: All School Pep Rally Below: 7th/8th Grade Sock Hop

The fifth graders went to 4-H Camp Betsy-Jeff Penn in Reidsville, NC. They learned about geocaching. Geocaching involves receiving a set of map coordinates from a counselor and then, using a GPS and a topographical map, hiking to find a cached “treasure” or further directions. The students enjoyed campfires, a rope course challenge, canoeing, eating communal meals and sleeping (or not sleeping) in bunk beds. A great time was had by all due to outstanding counselors, good food, being outdoors and spending time together outside the classroom.


The sixth graders peregrinated the wild lands of Morehead City during their annual class trip. From traipsing the ramparts of Revolutionary War-era Fort Macon to conducting a tidal ecology survey on an island populated only by wild horses, the sixth grade class was pushed to explore. The “Sound to Sea” ecology program led students to ask questions about coastal ecosystems while observing life in

The eighth grade trip was as action-packed and fun-filled as always! They departed from school at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday morning and arrived at Mt. Vernon in time for lunch. After touring George Washington’s home and plantation grounds, they traveled to Arlington National Cemetery. There they saw the Kennedy family graves and the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. They were fortunate to see a group of World War II veterans watching the ceremony. That night they visited some of the monuments and memorials. On Wednesday they took a tour of the National Cathedral, visited the National Archives and the Holocaust Museum. After dinner and some shopping at Union Station, a few more of D.C.’s beautiful monuments and memorials were visited. On Thursday, they toured the Capitol building and the Smithsonian Museums. Although tired, the group danced the night away at the Hawaiian Luau in the hotel conference room. After visiting the National Zoo, Ford’s Theater and the Marine Corps Museum on Friday, they headed home. It was an awesome trip!

sounds, on the beach, and in the maritime forest environments. Favorite events included fishing and trawling on the USS Mystery, team challenge games on the retreat center property, and watching professional divers swim with 400lb. Mako sharks at the Carolina Aquarium. Students had their own chance to practice food-chain dominance during a big dinner at the Sanitary Fish Market. The seventh grade had a wonderful trip to Camp High Rocks in Cedar Mountain, NC. The weather was very cooperative with three beautiful days to hike, swim, canoe, walk the high ropes, do initiatives, and go white-water rafting. It was a good bonding experience for the members of the class. The camp staff was very impressed with how well the students worked together. They were able to solve problems and to stretch themselves to accomplish the feats that were presented to them. They met new challenges and had fun doing it.


News from Upper School The Upper School is off to a great start. The year opened with an SGA Kick-Off Picnic, which included a Powder Puff game and a chocolate pudding slip-n-slide. The students and faculty had lots of fun and it was an excellent opportunity for everyone to get together.

Freshman Class Trip to BlueRidge Academy

Sophomore Class Trip to The Outer Banks

Alex Zang, Austin Puleo, Maura Thornton and Ian Maynor were presented with the Headmasters Achievement Award for achieving the highest academic scores for the previous school year. Ellen Cowherd has been named as O’Neal’s nominee for the very prestigious Morehead-Cain Scholarship at UNC-Chapel Hill. Congratulations also go out to Danielle Bradshaw and Alex Zhang. Both were selected as semi-finalists for the National Merit Scholarship. This nomination is based on their exceptional junior year PSAT scores. Class trips were enjoyed by all. They are a great time for new friendships, team building, and camaraderie.

Junior Class Trip to Charleston

Congratulations to the newly elected 9th Grade Class Officers: President – Madelyn Davis; Vice President – Perry Budd; Secretary – Katie Salloum; and Treasurer – Maggie Jackson. Also to be congratulated is Maxwell Winter, who has been selected to represent the 9th grade on the Upper School Honor Council. The seniors have completed their first college application deadline on October 15th. Many college representatives have been on campus to speak to interested students. Representatives from the University of Georgia. High Point University and Elon University have visited O’Neal so far. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to find out more about the colleges and universities they can choose from.

Senior Class Trip to Nantahala

The National Honor Society Induction Ceremony was held on Monday, October 19th. Inductees are: Katie Jenkins, Lizzie Snow, Samantha Thompson, Chris Webster, Alex Abell, Alex Averbook, Summer Lee Barmore, Sarah Brown, Stephen Coppola, Abbey Dahl, Brandt Davis, Heather Dyer, Seth Edmonds, Brianna Ek, Matthew Friesen, Scott Karan, Jake Lange, David Letteney, Matt McDougald, Amelia Schirmer, Maura Thornton and Austin VanDerVeen. 20

Athletics The O’Neal School was proud to be the host of this year’s 2A NCISAA State Volleyball Championships on October 30 and 31, 2009. It was a great time to showcase the new Activities Center and The O’Neal campus. The O’Neal Varsity Volleyball team finished a strong season as conference champions with an overall record of 153. All Conference team members are Alex DiMaggio, Ellen Cowherd and Katherine Kelly with Meri-Liz Faulkner receiving honorable mention. Coach of the Year for the CFIC conference was O’Neal’s own Kendall Harper. This year the team was full of experience with six seniors and two juniors. They were an aggressive hitting and strong serving team that was dedicated to the season. Varsity Cross Country

Varsity Volleyball

captains Tommy Miller and Blair Puleo have worked to cultivate a driven and determined team intent on breaking out and reforming itself at its roots. Lead in scoring by Austin Puleo, the boys’ team continues to reach for the top and is looking forward to the development of its younger runners over time. Records are being trod out under Puleo’s feet each week and he is expected to hold the O’Neal all-time record very soon. The girls are lead by eighth grade student Mulloy Manning who has already worked her way to fifth place in overall standings for the girls’ team on the O’Neal record books. The team is looking forward to seeing records drop alongside the mercury as they approach the season’s end.

The 2009 Varsity Boys’ Soccer team entered the season in a rebuilding mode after losing 10 senior starters. The team has leaned heavily on senior captains Will Rittenhouse, Dante Del Guercio and Andy Jackson to make it through a season riddled with inexperience, injuries and some bad bounces. After starting the season without a full compliment of players, the team has settled down and been competitive in every game the second half of the season, taking two conference rivals into overtime. The team continues to work hard for the second year head coach Ted Hassenfelt and assistant coach David Wood. The youth of the team in J.R. Moore, Jacob Talbert, Taylor Morton, and Ryan Williams are gaining valuable experience that will help close out the season on a positive note that Varsity Soccer will carry over into next year.

Varsity Tennis The Varsity Girls’ Tennis team got off to a great start going 6-3 and still has a chance to take second place in the CFIC conference. Amelia Schirmer and Victoria Scarpa each have six wins out of nine matches and Virginia Scarpa and Victoria Scarpa have six wins in doubles. With seven matches remaining, Coach Woodfield believes the team can improve their record and be in great shape for the State Tournament in Wilmington at the end of October.

Led by head coach Josh Roberts and assistant coaches Zack Kazior, Caitlin Bowness and Heather Weeks, the boys’ and girls’ cross country teams enjoyed the return of seniors Tommy Miller (captain), Mark Pracht, Blair Puleo (captain) and Whitney Cutler to form the backbone of the team leadership. Putting themselves forward to lead by example, 21

Building Communities O’Neal has completed the first phase of the Complete the Vision capital campaign due to the support and dedication of faculty, staff, parents, grandparents and friends. This Annual Report serves to honor and thank all our constituents who helped us attain our first goal of $4 million. We are very grateful for your generosity and support. The second phase of the capital campaign, Building Communities, is officially underway and will support the new Activities Center. The second goal of $3 million is needed to enable O’Neal to fulfill its mission of educating the whole child. Athletics, theater, music and the fine arts all contribute to the educational experience of our students. The Activities Center is a 30,000 square foot facility housing a gymnasium, fitness center, theater and classrooms. The spacious new gymnasium is being used for sports training, athletic practices for JV and Varsity teams, all school meetings, pep rallies, and sporting competitions. The State Cup for Volleyball will be hosted in this beautiful new facility this year. With audience seating for 250 people, the theater provides an intimate venue for student-driven performances as well as community and professional stage and musical productions. It is an exciting time at O’Neal. Please join us. To learn more about giving opportunities at O’Neal, please call Brenda Jackson, assistant headmaster and director of institutional advancement at 910.692.6920, ext. 130 or email at bjackson@ onealschool.org.


THE O’NEAL SCHOOL 2008-2009 ANNUAL REPORT To the caring stewards of our school, we offer a heartfelt “Thank You” for your dedication and support. *Note: Although this report has been carefully checked for accuracy, there is always the possibility of errors. We apologize for any omissions or discrepancies. Please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at (910) 692-6920, ext. 130 or 106 with any questions or comments. 23

Board of Trustees

Annual Fund Chairs Annual Fund Campaign Chair

Executive Committee

Lindley Fleury

Hu Poston, Chair Craig Fuller, Vice Chair Stan Bradshaw, Treasurer Bill Horner, Secretary

Development Committee Chair Mrs. Bev O’Donnell


Major Gifts Chairs

Allen Averbook Christa Duffy Bill Horner Konni McMurray Bev O’Donnell Lloyd Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. Brian McMurray

Grandparent Chairs

Mr. and Mrs. William Miller

Past Parent Chairs

Dr. and Mrs. John Krahnert


Stan Bradshaw Lynn DeJaco Chip Hasty Marty Hefner Hu Poston

Alumni Chair

Mr. Greg Doughty, ‘07

Grade Level Chairs

Dr. and Mrs. Scott Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Donald Andrews Ms. Rhonda Brooks Ms. Sarah Budd Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Dyer Ms. Jill Furstein Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Hasty Dr. and Mrs. Michael Henry Dr. and Mrs. Steve King Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lipomi Mrs. Alison S. Rhyne Mrs. Helen Probst Mills Dr. and Mrs. Joe Parrish Drs. John and Michelle Roberson Mr. and Mrs. Russ Russell Mr. and Mrs. Steve Saye Dr. and Mrs. Charles Schirmer Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shudra Dr. and Mrs. David Thornton Drs. Joe and Kim Tozzi Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whaley Ms. Stacy Williams Dr. and Mrs. James Winter


Terry Brown Lindley Fleury Alice Robbins Laurie Trexler Holly Floyd

Ex-Officio Members John Neiswender Headmaster

Roberta King Parents’ Association President Katherine Schirmer Booster Club Co-Presidents


Elaine Tate Baillie Stan Bradshaw F. Farrell Collins, Jr., M.D. Frank W. Curtis Heidi Hall Jones Edward T. Taws, Jr.

Faculty Representatives

Lower School –Mary Harris Middle School – Cecy Morcom Upper School – Chris Miller Academic Enrichment Program – Kristie Wolferman


Statement of Activities Revenue, Gifts and Other Support:


Tuition (net) Contributions, Gifts, Grants and Scholarships (1) Endowment

Personnel Plant Technology Other Expenses (2)

$4,143,752 1,180,316 56,580 1,040,598

Total Expenses



818,077 50

Total Revenue, Gifts and Other Support


Decrease in Net Assets

($ 720,876)

Revenue, Gains and Other Support: Endowment 0%

Expenses: All Other Expenses (2) 16%

Contributions, Gifts, Grants & Scholarships (1) 14%

Technology 1%

Tuition Net 86%

Personnel 65%

Plant 18%

(1) Contributions, Gifts, Grants & Scholarships consist of annual giving and auction proceeds, as well as scholarships and donations. (2) Other expenses include instructional materials and supplies, continuing education of faculty, office supplies, insurance, advertising, printing, postage, athletics and other expenses used in operating the school.

Endowment Fund Market Value, June 30, 2009



The O’Neal School Annual Fund Trustees


Faculty / Staff



Past Parents

Business / Foundations



Alumni 5%

Unrestricted Restricted

$ $

18,500 -- $


Unrestricted Restricted

$ $

45,625 688 $


Unrestricted Restricted

$ $

3,116 5,039 $


Unrestricted Restricted

$ $

5,969 -- $


Unrestricted Restricted

$ $

17,558 -- $


Unrestricted Restricted

$ $

2,290 -- $


Unrestricted Restricted

$ $

3,217 -- $


Unrestricted Restricted

$ $

795 350 $


Unrestricted Restricted

$ $

121,179 9,694 $


Faculty / Staff 8% Parents 55%

Grandparents 16%

Trustees 18%

Past Parents 5% Business Foundations 3%

Friends 1%


Gift Clubs The following lists are published in grateful recognition of the generous donor support received during the 2008-2009 Annual Fund.

Gift Clubs

Headmaster’s Circle

Gift club membership is determined exclusively on cash gifts given to the Annual Fund, the Endowment Fund, and Major Gifts during the fiscal year of July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009. Auction, Honorary, Memorial Gifts, and Gifts in Kind are listed in their respective sections.

The Headmaster’s Circle recognizes those donors at the highest level of leadership, giving gifts totaling $5,000 and above to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baillie the Annual Fund or the Endowment Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Baldelli Fund.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Bradshaw Bradshaw Charitable Foundation Colgate-Palmolive Company Mr. and Mrs. David A. Conner Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Hendry Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. McMurray

JV and Middle School Volleyball The JV Volleyball team made up of four sophomores and eight freshmen, was coached by Farrah Scodius from the Upper School faculty. JV Volleyball Whether traveling locally to Union Pines or all the way to Harrells, the 2009 JV Volleyball team remained unified as a team regardless of the opponent they were about to face. “We came out at the beginning of the season and played very well,” said Coach Scodius. “We struggled a bit with our passing serving consistency. I am proud of the positive attitude and effort the girls displayed throughout the year. It was an honor to be their coach.”

This year’s Middle School volleyball team had twentyfive girls playing. Again the squad was broken into three teams to make matches workable so everyone could get some experience in competition. The eighth graders performed well. They have a good base in the skills of passing and serving to take with them to the next level. As, always the seventh grade girls struggle a bit with fundamentals and are very nervous during matches. This is very normal and we look forward to seeing them mature when Middle School Volleyball they lead the team next year.

With the season now approaching the end, the team welcomes next year’s rising ninth graders and will strive to improve each season. Certainly these Falcons will continue to soar!


Gift Clubs Leadership Circle The Leadership Circle was organized to recognize those leadership donors who have given gifts totaling between $1,000 and $4,999 to the Annual Fund or the Endowment Fund.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Andrews Drs. Allen and Emily Averbook Bank of America Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Blackwood Mrs. Alison Kelly Coates Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Coppola, Jr. Lindley A. Fleury, MBA, MHA

New Faculty

Drs. Neil and Soledad Griffin Mrs. Brenda Gutschmit Dr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Hakas, Jr. Harris Teeter, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Edward Hoehn-Saric Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howell Mrs. Lawrence Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Toby Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Steven M. Karan T. Lloyd Kelly Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. King Drs. William and Za’Vette Kodzai Mr. and Mrs. Wade Liner Drs. Bill and Kara Martin Mr. and Mrs. William McClelland, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Melton Mr. and Mrs. Kelly R. Miller Drs. Theresa Wen and Henry Moyle Dr. and Mrs. Gerard O’Donnell Mr. Edward T. Phillips

Jenny Hassenfelt teaches in the

University to teaching grades 3-5 in a multi-age classroom at the Journeys School in Jackson, WY, Kristen’s experience is varied and dynamic, but the common thread throughout each is the implementation of placebased, student-centered education. This concept was truly cultivated at Lewis and Clark Graduate School of Education and Counseling where Kristen pursued her Masters of Art in Teaching. She teaches Environmental Science and helps with SEAC (Students for Environmental Action Coalition), as well as FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes).

Academic Enrichment Program. She is from Tampa, Florida and has been living in Pinehurst for two years. With twelve years of teaching experience, she has taught many grades from pre-k thru high school. Teaching at O’Neal is her first private school experience. She and her husband, Ted (O’Neal alum) have four boys and Ted is the O’Neal varsity soccer coach.

Kristen Wachob joins the O’Neal family after seven

years teaching experience in various settings. From leading outdoor education classes at her alma mater, Colgate Dr. and Mrs. Scott Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bartiss Mrs. William Bonsal, III Ms. Cynthia Carr Mr. and Mrs. Carty Davis Mrs. Lynn S. DeJaco Dr. and Mrs. Dell A. Dembosky Dr. and Mrs. Peter L. Duffy Mr. and Mrs. W. Dwight Edmonds Family Eye Care of the Carolinas Mr. and Mrs. Bobby R. Faulkner Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Fitch

Mr. and Mrs. F. Huling Poston III Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robbins Drs. John and Michelle Roberson Mr. and Mrs. Houston Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Ronalter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rostan Mrs. Cornelia B. Schirmer Drs. Glen and Diane Subin Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M. Sullivan Mr. John H. Taws Dr. and Mrs. David C. Thornton Mr. Donald W. Trexler Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Walker Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Whaley Mr. Timothy J. Williams and Dr. Diane Williams Mr. and Mrs. Anthony K. Woodell Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wornom III Wyeth Matching Gifts Mr. and Mrs. Leon T. Zhang

Ms. Holly W. Floyd Mr. Craig Fuller and Dr. Victoria J. DeVito Mr. Winfred N. Hasty, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lipomi Dr. Robert D. McCall and Dr. Pamela J. Guest Mr. and Mrs. John Neiswender Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Schirmer Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Shudra Mr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Bill Westling Dr. and Mrs. James Winter


Benefactor’s Circle The Benefactor’s Circle recognizes the generosity of contributors at the $500 - $999 level to the Annual Fund or the Endowment Fund.

Gift Clubs Falcon Club

The Falcon Club recognizes the generosity of contributors at the $25 - $499 level to the Annual Fund or the Endowment Fund. Mr. Kurt Ailerson Rev. and Mrs. Mark K. Akinosho Mr. and Mrs. Sam Amato Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Ansley Mr. R. Marks Arnold Ms. Kelsey E. Bartiss BB&T Mrs. Rachel Bell Ms. Patti Black Mr. and Mrs. David Ray Blue Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bond Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bonville Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bowness Ms. Caitlin Bowness Ms. Lynn G. Bowness Ms. Rhonda L. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. C. Foster Brown III Drs. Robert and Monika Brown Brenda Buchanan Amy L. Butters Richard T. Capel Dr. David J. Casey and Dr. Maria DiGiovanni Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Chamberlain, Jr. Kristen A. Chavis Dr. and Mrs. Ray Chavis Ms. Theodora Clark Mr. and Mrs. Van Coats Ms. Rochelle Cobb Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Colthart Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cordell Dr. and Mrs. David Cowherd Ms. Heather M. Cox-McClain Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Curtis Mr. and Mrs. John Davenport June M. Davis Ninna DelGuercio Mr. and Mrs. Brian Delmonaco Mr. Victor F. E. DeMarco Mr. and Mrs. Robert Desjarlais Mrs. Rebecca DiMaggio Ms. Patricia Dominguez Dr. and Mrs. James Dougherty Greg Doughty Mr. and Mrs. Kent Droppers Dr. and Mrs. David Edrington

New Faculty

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans Mr. and Mrs. James R. Evans Dr. and Mrs. David P. Fedder Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Frock Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Futrell Mrs. Wendy W. Garner Beth Garrison James E. Gehle Mrs. Norma Glad Mr. and Mrs. Ted Godbey Dr. David M. Graves Mrs. Eveline Guest-Teich Col. and Mrs. Bill Hager Mr. and Mrs. George Hancock Kendall Harper Mrs. Mary C. Harris Paige V. Hartsell Ms. Bobbie Hay and Mr. Dick Molvin Mrs. Henry Haywood Vincent J. Healy Woodard Heath Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hefner III Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Hendricks Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Henry, D.D.S. Mrs. Mary Page F. Hickey Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hindman Mrs. Jean Rae Hinton Helen P. Holmberg Mr. and Mrs. Paul Holshouser Mr. and Mrs. William E. Horner III Dr. and Mrs. John F. Hoy Dr. and Mrs. William B. Hudgins Mr. James D. Hudson Mrs. Beth Huey Mr. and Mrs. Willie Huggins Mr. and Mrs. Danny Infantino Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ingham Mrs. Ruby H. Ingold Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jackson Julie Johnson Lauren Johnson Mr. Michael and Dr. Pamela Kantorowski Dr. and Mrs. Yan Ke Dr. and Mrs. David R. Klumpar

Dr. and Mrs. John Krahnert Dr. and Mrs. David R. Kuhn Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Landry Ms. Katherine T. Lange Dr. and Mrs. George B. Lantz Drs. ‘Jide and Gani Lawal Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Leber Mr. and Mrs. James D. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. William Lilley III Mr. and Mrs. Jared M. Lina Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Maness Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Marcus Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Martin Mr. Richard D. McHenry Sr. Bill and Sherry McIlwain Ms. Sherri McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNamara Dr. and Mrs. Keith Merritt Fletcher Meyers Mid-South Food Service, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Miles Chris Miller Mr. and Mrs. William J. Miller Mr. Stuart L. Mills and Mrs. Helen Probst Mills Mrs. Lois D. Moffett Mr. Dargan Moore and Ms. Janet Trent Lt. Col. and Mrs. Wade Morcom Dr. and Mrs. Walter S. Morris III Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moser Kathy Nester Mr. and Mrs. Evans Neville Mrs. Maggie Nicoll Mr. and Mrs. David O’Brien Marci O’Donnell Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Parrish Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pashley Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Pendley Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Pepe Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips Ron Polisoto Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Pracht Mr. and Mrs. Bob Putnam Mrs. Margo C. Rhodes Mrs. Alison Sullivan Rhyne Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Richman Lenore Rittenhouse Mrs. Marjorie Roach

Alison Chernin has just moved

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Roberson Mr. and Mrs. Guy Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Roberts Mr. and Mrs. William A. Roberts Robert S. Rostan Dr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Rostan Dennis Rothery Mrs. Gay R. Russell Mr. and Mrs. Sam Self Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shelby Dr. Barbara L. Sherman Dr. and Mrs. Darrell Simpkins Mr. and Mrs. F. Alexander Smith Mr. Christopher A. Smithson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Snow MSgt. and Mrs. Christopher J. Souza Vanessa Stolen Dr. and Mrs. Allen Strunk, Jr. Mrs. Barbara Y. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Taws Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thigpen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tompkins Drs. Joseph and Kim Tozzi Jim and Sue Ulrich Mr. and Mrs. Rino Viskovich Ms. Kathleen M. Waddell The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Walker Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Walters Jenna R. Walters Travis Walters Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ward Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weatherly Jane DeBow Welles Ms. Beth Whitman Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Wilson Mrs. Jacqueline H. Wittman Mrs. Kristie Wolferman Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Wolonick Mr. Joshua A. Wolonick Mr. and Mrs. Don Woodfield Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Woollens Mr. and Mrs. David Woronoff Mr. and Mrs. C. Dean Wrightson Ms. Lisa B. Youngclaus

Zach Kazior is very excited to be

from New York, NY and is in her second year of teaching English. She graduated from Teachers College Columbia University with an MA in the teaching of English in 2008. Previously, she taught at LaGuardia Performing Arts High School and Globe Community College (both in NYC). She is teaching in the Upper School – AP English literature, British Literature, and world literature. She is also a 10th grade class advisor.

serving The O’Neal School community as the seventh and eighth grade English teacher, as well as an assistant coach on the cross country and track & field teams. Originally from Cincinnati, OH, he recently moved to Southern Pines from Dallas, TX, where he participated in a teaching fellowship at Greenhill School. He graduated from Davidson College in 2008 with a B.A. in English. 29

Gift Clubs Other Donors

Thank you to all of our Annual Fund or Endowment Fund donors not listed in the previously mentioned gift clubs. Nicholle E. Adkins Kitan A. Akinosho Mrs. Kimberly Aliago Anna Balinska-Majka Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barmore Samantha Bolton Brian K. Bonville Troy Candiotti Robert M. Carroll Coby Chavis Jamie Chisholm Mrs. Brenda B. Cooper Anthony F. Coppola III Mr. and Mrs. Woods Doster Mrs. Amanda Duffy Mrs. Joan Finlay Kelly Fowler Mitchell E. Friesen Conor G. Graves Elizabeth Hart Travis Harward

Austen E. Hasty Samantha L. Hayes Ellen Hudgins Ben Jackson Douglass Johnson Meagan Johnson Katie Maness Alexandra Martone Daniel McCall Michael McGowan Syd McIlwain Erin T. Menear Cassie Miles Jane Thompson Myers Rev. John J. Nicola Patrick C. Noelke Michael Norman Walker Parrish Robbie Prim Robin Prim Celeste Purvis

Nancy Ronalter Amanda N. Rubenstein Chappell Russell Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schoemmell Alex Shore Diana S. Simpson Kate St. John Alexandra Strunk Bert Subin Cindy Summers Hayden Taylor Brittana Thompson Kathryn C. Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Randy Vest Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wilder Derek L. Wold Mrs. Sally C. Wood Jacqueline M. Woodyear Lyman P. Woollens

New Faculty Farrah Scodius is a native of Atlanta, Georgia; in 1985 she moved to Pinehurst, North Caro-

lina. She earned her bachelor’s degree in mathematics from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. She has also done postgraduate work in cytology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and is currently working towards obtaining her master’s degree in education. Her teaching career includes public and private school experience in the Guilford County and Thomasville City school systems, as well as, Oak Ridge Military Academy. She has also worked in the genetics department at Duke University. Ms. Scodius is teaching AP calculus, AP statistics, and AP environmental science.

Faculty and Staff

Our Faculty and Staff give of themselves everyday in a multitude of ways. Patty Amato Sam Amato Caitlin Bowness Lynn G. Bowness Brenda Buchanan Cynthia Carr Jamie Chisholm Alison Kelly Coates Brenda B. Cooper Taylor Cooper Laura Delmonaco Patricia Dominguez Alice Droppers Amanda Duffy Mark H. Futrell Beth Garrison

David M. Graves Kelley Hager Kendall Harper Mary C. Harris Paige V. Hartsell Travis Harward Vincent J. Healy Suzanne H. Holshouser Beth Huey Sandy Huggins June Infantino Brenda Jackson Julie Johnson Ceci Liner Sherry J. McIlwain Lynn Melton

Fletcher Meyers Cassie Miles James R. Miles Chris Miller Cecy Morcom John Neiswender Kathy Nester Maggie Nicoll Michael Norman Edward T. Phillips Suzanne Phillips Ron Polisoto Robbie Prim Robin Prim Margo C. Rhodes Guy Roberts


Joshua Roberts Linda Roberts Dennis Rothery Rick Schoemmell Kathy Taylor Richard Tompkins Sandee Tompkins Penny Vest Beth Whitman Woody Wilder Ashley Wilson Kristie Wolferman Sally C. Wood Don Woodfield Laura Wrightson

Gift Clubs Parents Class of 2009 Rev. and Mrs. Mark Akinosho Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bonville Dr. and Mrs. Ray Chavis Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Coppola, Jr. Dr. David M. Graves Mr. and Mrs. Winfred N. Hasty, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William B. Hudgins Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Toby Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Michael Maness Robert and Pamela McCall Mr. and Mrs. Bill McIlwain Joe and Sarah Parrish Rosa and Ralph Ronalter Barbara L. Sherman, DVM Christine and Allen Strunk Drs. Glen and Diane Subin Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M. Sullivan Bud and Hayden Taylor Scott and Carol Woollens

Class of 2010 Kurt Ailerson Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Bradshaw Rhonda L. Brooks Michael and Maureen Colthart Dr. and Mrs. David Cowherd Ms. Ninna DelGuercio Dell and Mary Dembosky Rebecca DiMaggio Bobby and Teresa Faulkner Dr. and Mrs. David P. Fedder Mr. and Mrs. William E. Horner III Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jackson Drs. ‘Jide and Gani Lawal Wade and Cecy Morcom Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moser Dr. and Mrs. Gerard O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Pracht Mrs. Margo C. Rhodes Lenore Rittenhouse Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schoemmell Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Shudra Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Snow Kathleen Waddell Tony and Melissa Woodell Leon and Ming Zhang

Class of 2011 Drs. Allen and Emily Averbook Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Baldelli Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barmore Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Blackwood Robert and Monika Brown Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Chamberlain, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Coppola, Jr. Cindy and Chuck Cordell Carty and Holly Davis Dwight and Judith Edmonds Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fisher

Wendy Garner Ms. Beth Garrison James Gehle Drs. Neil and Soledad Griffin Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hefner III Andrew and Ann Hindman Lori and Steven Karan Katherine Lange Robert and Pamela McCall Mr. and Mrs. Kelly R. Miller Wade and Cecy Morcom Mr. and Mrs. Guy Roberts Katherine and Chuck Schirmer David and Ann Marie Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Bill Westling Scott and Carol Woollens Laura and Dean Wrightson

Class of 2012 Kurt Ailerson Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bartiss Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Chamberlain, Jr. Dell and Mary Dembosky Dr. and Mrs. David P. Fedder Ted and Tina Godbey Dr. David M. Graves Mr. and Mrs. William E. Horner III Dr. and Mrs. Keith Merritt Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schoemmell Michael and Cynthia Thompson Drs. Joseph and Kim Tozzi Rino and Corlea Viskovich Kathleen Waddell Lisa B. Youngclaus

Class of 2013 David and Kathy Conner Cindy and Chuck Cordell John and Karen S. Davenport Carty and Holly Davis Dr. and Mrs. Peter L. Duffy James and Krissy Evans Drs. Neil and Soledad Griffin Dr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Hakas, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Winfred N. Hasty, Jr. Ted and Amy Hoehn-Saric Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jackson Michael and Pamela Kantorowski Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. King Page and David Klumpar Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. McMurray Dr. and Mrs. Keith Merritt Wade and Cecy Morcom Mr. and Mrs. Bob Putnam Dr. and Mrs. James Winter

Class of 2014 Anna Balinska-Majka Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fisher Dr. and Mrs. Yan Ke Wade and Ceci Liner Stuart L. Mills and Helen Probst Mills Alison S. Rhyne

Rosa and Ralph Ronalter Christopher and Kathleen Souza Cindy Summers Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Taylor Drs. Joseph and Kim Tozzi Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Walker Scott and Kelly Ward Mr. and Mrs. David Woronoff Leon and Ming Zhang

Class of 2015 Donald and Lori Andrews Drs. Allen and Emily Averbook David J. Casey and Maria E. DiGiovanni Carty and Holly Davis Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Futrell Ted and Tina Godbey Col. and Mrs. Bill Hager Mr. and Mrs. William E. Horner III Elizabeth and John Hoy Mike and Monica Lipomi Drs. Bill and Kara Martin Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. McMurray Mr. Dargan Moore and Ms. Janet Trent Henry and Theresa Moyle Christine and Allen Strunk Laurie and Don Trexler Rino and Corlea Viskovich

Class of 2016 Kimberly Aliago Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Anderson Michael and Maureen Colthart David and Kathy Conner Ted and Amy Hoehn-Saric Mr. and Mrs. William E. Horner III Drs. ‘Jide and Gani Lawal Mike and Monica Lipomi Alison S. Manning Drs. John and Michelle Roberson Katherine and Chuck Schirmer Drs. Glen and Diane Subin Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M. Sullivan

Class of 2017 Mr. and Mrs. David Ray Blue Amy Butters David J. Casey and Maria E. DiGiovanni Dell and Mary Dembosky Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Hendricks Elizabeth and John Stephen and Holly Ingham Wade and Ceci Liner Jeff and Ellen Marcus Drs. Bill and Kara Martin Bill and Lisa McClelland Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Melton Dr. and Mrs. Walter S. Morris III Henry and Theresa Moyle Christopher and Kathleen Souza Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Taylor


Laurie and Don Trexler Mr. and Mrs. Randy Vest Bob and Natalie Whaley Dr. and Mrs. James Winter

Class of 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Peter L. Duffy Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Landry George and Elizabeth Lantz Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. McMurray Mr. Dargan Moore and Ms. Janet Trent Drs. John and Michelle Roberson Christine and Allen Strunk Cindy Summers

Class of 2019 Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Baldelli James D. Hudson, III Drs. William and Za’Vette Kodzai Tammy and Christopher Leber Mr. and Mrs. F. Alexander Smith Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M. Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. James Taylor

Class of 2020 Dr. and Mrs. Scott Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Brian Delmonaco Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ellis Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howell Elizabeth and John Hoy Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. King Drs. William and Za’Vette Kodzai Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Landry George and Elizabeth Lantz Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. McMurray Mr. and Mrs. F. Huling Poston III Drs. John and Michelle Roberson Mr. John H. Taws Laurie and Don Trexler Mr. and Mrs. Randy Vest Mr. Timothy J. Williams and Dr. Diane Williams

Class of 2021 Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Blackwood Dr. and Mrs. David Edrington Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. King Jeff and Ellen Marcus Tom and Susan Pashley

Class of 2022 Dr. and Mrs. Scott Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Blackwood Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. King George and Elizabeth Lantz David and Lauren O’Brien Jonathan and Liz Richman Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Wilson

Gift Clubs Past Parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Amato Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baillie Ms. Patti Black Mrs. William Bonsal, III Alex and Susan Bowness Ms. Lynn G. Bowness Ms. Cynthia Carr Mr. and Mrs. Van Coats Ms. Patricia Dominguez Woods and Kathryn Doster Dr. Robert Fleury and Mrs. Lindley A. Fleury MBA, MHA Holly W. Floyd

New Faculty

Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Frock Mr. Craig Fuller and Dr. Victoria J. DeVito Brenda Gutschmit Bobbie Hay and Dick Molvin Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Hendry Mrs. Jean Rae H. Hinton Mr. and Mrs. Paul Holshouser Mr. and Mrs. Danny Infantino Ruby H. Ingold Dr. and Mrs. John Krahnert Dr. and Mrs. David R. Kuhn Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Miles Mr. and Mrs. Al Nester Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Pendley

David Williamson is originally

Alice and Wayne Robbins Mr. and Mrs. William A. Roberts Dr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Rostan Gay R. Russell Diana and Sam Self Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shelby Dr. and Mrs. Darrell Simpkins Mrs. Barbara Y. Sullivan Jim and Sue Ulrich The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Walker Michael and Cheryl Walters Ted and Jane Weatherly Ms. Beth Whitman Dr. Richard C. and Suzanne L. Wolonick

Lisa Gessner graduated from Berk-

from South Windsor, CT, where he learned his love of science in a land full of snow and colder weather. He went to Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York where he majored in computer science and environmental studies. He also played four years of ultimate frisbee during college, something that became an ongoing hobby of his. Following college, Mr. Williamson worked in environmental education in Boston, Texas, New York and South Carolina before finally landing in Southern Pines. He currently teaches 7th and 8th grade science as well as coaches the JV boys and girls soccer teams.

lee College of Music with a degree in music composition. She lived and toured in Europe for three years where she sang with a number of jazz groups. Mrs. Gessner returned to the US to sing in New York jazz and rock clubs, and to do voiceover work. Her family has lived in Pinehurst for thirty years, so she returned here with her husband and kids. Mrs. Gessner began teaching at Episcopal Day School five years ago and is now also teaching chorus and music in the O’Neal Middle School.

Dave Wood teaches Upper School algebra II, geometry and physics. He is the assistant varsity

coach for both boys and girls soccer. Originally from West Chester, Pennsylvania, Mr. Wood played soccer for more than fourteen years through high school and graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill with a major in physics.

Grandparents Robert and Claire Ansley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baillie Mrs. Rachel Bell Russell and Marjorie Bond Mrs. William Bonsal, III Mrs. Brenda B. Cooper June M. Davis Bob and Pauline Desjarlais Bill and Marion Evans Mrs. Joan Finlay

Norma Glad Eveline Guest-Teich Brenda Gutschmit Mrs. Mary Page F. Hickey Mrs. Lawrence Johnson James and Pat Lewis Mr. and Mrs. William Lilley III Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Martin Richard D. McHenry Sr. Ms. Sherri McKenna Frank and Helen McNamara


Shirley and Bill Miller Lois D. Moffett Marjorie Roach John H. and Barbara Roberson Gay R. Russell Connie Schirmer Mrs. Barbara Y. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Taws Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thigpen Jacqueline H. Wittman Sam and Sandy Wornom

Gift Clubs Alumni Class of 1980 Jane Thompson Myers Class of 1983 Richard Capel Laurie Gutschmit Trexler Class of 1986 David Edrington Alison Sullivan Rhyne Class of 1988 Blanche Slade Hancock Robert Rostan Class of 1989 H. Evans Neville Class of 1990 Chris Smithson Class of 1991 Scott Rostan Class of 1994 Heather Cox-McClain

New Faculty

Class of 1996 Dorie Clark

Class of 2008 Kristen Allie Chavis Patrick C. Noelke Travis Walters Joshua Wolonick

Class of 1997 Helen Holmberg Jared Lina

Class of 2009 Nicholle Adkins Kitan Akinosho Samantha Bolton Brian Bonville Troy Candiotti Robert Carroll Coby Chavis Anthony Coppola Kelly Fowler Mitchell Friesen Conor Graves Elizabeth Hart Austen Hasty Samantha Hayes Ellen Hudgins Ben Jackson Douglass Johnson Meagan Johnson Katie Maness Alexandra Martone

Class of 2001 Victor F. E. DeMarco Class of 2002 Cassie Miles Class of 2004 Lauren Johnson Jenna R. Walters Class of 2005 Jane DeBow Welles Class of 2006 Kelsey E. Bartiss Class of 2007 Greg Doughty Marci O’Donnell Kathryn C. Thornton

Daniel McCall Michael McGowan Syd McIlwain Erin Menear Walker Parrish Celeste Purvis Nancy Ronalter Amanda Rubenstein Chappell Russell Alex Shore Diana Simpson Kate St. John Alexandra Strunk Bert Subin Hayden Taylor Brittana Thompson Derek Wold Jacqueline Woodyear Lyman Woollens Former Students Caitlin Bowness George Hancock John H. Taws

Kathryn White is originally from East Grand Rapids, Michigan. She teaches Middle School

strings at O’Neal. Ms. White studied viola performance at Lawrence Conservatory in Appleton, Wisconsin, where she played in the Lawrence Symphony, the Fox Valley Symphony, the Green Bay Symphony, and numerous chamber groups. She completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Michigan, where she studied with Yizhak Schotten. Currently, she is completing her PhD in musicology at The Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University, where she obtained her masters degree in musicology. She remains an active performer and has played with the Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra. Her musical interests include many different styles, especially American popular music of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, jazz, chamber music, hip hop, and minimalism.

Jenell Rubin moved to the Sandhills in August from New York City where she had been working as a lower school science coordinator. Prior to that she was an English teacher at a French/ American School, also in NYC. Ms. Rubin has also worked at an all boy’s prep school in her hometown of Greenwich, CT where she taught 2nd and 3rd grade. With eight years of teaching experience, she has a BA from Tulane University in English and creative writing and a MA from Bank Street School of Education in general ed. Ms. Rubin teaches math and science in the 4th grade at O’Neal. She enjoys the slower, less chaotic pace of life here as well as having more chances to enjoy the outdoors.

Greg Mancini teaches English, film and electives in literature and politics at O’Neal. He also

coaches soccer and basketball. He is a recent graduate of the Harvard Divinity School where he studied ethics, politics, and literature. He previously studied in Berlin on a Fulbright scholarship and graduated in 2001 from Princeton with a degree in German literature, where he also concentrated in politics and history. He is a founder and director of The Princeton Summer Journalism Program, an intensive journalism camp for low-income students held every summer at Princeton University.


Gift Clubs Friends R. Marks Arnold Charles F. Brown III and Susan Clift Brown Ms. Rochelle Cobb Frank and Mary Curtis Lynn S. DeJaco

James and Pam Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Fitch Mrs. Henry Haywood Mrs. Woodard Heath Rev. John J. Nicola Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Pepe Vanessa Stolen

Businesses and Foudations JV Boys’ Soccer and JV Girls’ Tennis

Bank of America BB&T Bradshaw Charitable Foundation Colgate-Palmolive Company

Coached by Greg Mancini and David Williamson, the JV Boys’ Soccer team faced a significant challenge this fall after a highly successful campaign last year and the promotion of several of the team’s top players to varsity. Often pitted against teams with much older and experienced players, the team battled injuries to key players, dug in and fought hard all year. The O’Neal JV Soccer season has been about team effort in every way. Every player on the team has improved tremendously throughout the year. Their effort was rewarded in the last game when multiple players contributed on all four goals in a comprehensive 4-1 win against Harrells Christian Academy. The coaches are looking forward to building on this wonderful year of development with a strong incoming class of new players.

Family Eye Care of the Carolinas Harris Teeter, Inc. T. Lloyd Kelly Foundation C. Louis Meyer Family Foundation Mid-South Food Service, Inc. Wyeth

The JV Girls’ Tennis team had a great season. All the girls improved everyday. O’Neal is so thankful to be able to field a JV team consisting of 12 girls. Several other schools are not as fortunate. The team played some local schools such as West Pine and Pinecrest to help fill the schedule voids. These matches are great being so close and that they are very competitive playing girls who are a little older. The team had a great experience. The team was coached by Shane Moubry, an O’Neal alum, who also played at O’Neal and in college.

Gifts in Kind

The needs of The O’Neal School are diverse and contributions are made in a variety of forms. All support is appreciated. Donations other than cash or securities are considered gifts-in-kind. The 2008 – 2009 contributors are listed below. Mrs. Jacqueline B. Abell Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Andrews Drs. Allen and Emily Averbook Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Blackwood Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Bradshaw Mr. Sam Brigman Mr. and Mrs. John Conklin Cynthia Copley Mr. and Mrs. Carty Davis Dr. and Mrs. Dell A. Dembosky Dr. and Mrs. David G. Dickerhoff Mr. and Mrs. Vincent DiFruscio Doodlebugs Dr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Doolittle Dr. and Mrs. Peter L. Duffy

Dr. and Mrs. David P. Fedder Ms. Holly W. Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Ted Godbey Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Hendricks Mr. Walter D. Holloway Mr. and Mrs. Jake Howe Dr. and Mrs. John F. Hoy Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Walter I. Jenkins III Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. King Dr. and Mrs. David R. Klumpar Mr. Michael MacDonald Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Maness Mr. and Mrs. Tony J. Matcham Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Melton Mr. and Mrs. James R. Miles


Mr. and Mrs. Kelly R. Miller Mr. Stuart L. Mills and Mrs. Helen Probst Mills Dr. and Mrs. Gerard O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Houston Roberts Mr. and Mrs. F. Alexander Smith Mr. and Mrs. James Russell Sugg, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M. Sullivan Dr. Matthew Vreeland and Ms. Michelle Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Whaley Ms. Beth Whitman Dr. and Mrs. James Winter Wyeth Ms. Lisa B. Youngclaus

Gift Clubs Honorarium and Memorial Gifts In Honor of: Simon Cagle ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Fitch In Honor of: Dr. and Mrs. David I. Klumpar Mrs. Mary Page F. Hickey In Memory of: Betty Ann Baker Alice and Kent Droppers Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Taylor In Memory of: TJ Bloom Mr. and Mrs. Bob Desjarlais In Memory of: Hannah Marie Bradshaw Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bradshaw Mary Breitenbeck Mr. Thomas A. Breitenbeck Ms. Nancy L. Breitenbeck C. Louis Meyer Family Foundation Bobby and Teresa Faulkner Ms. Deborah Graham Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jackson Ron Kirby and Family Richard McHenry and Rose Young MJSK, LLC Dr. and Mrs. Gerard O’Donnell In Memory of: Linda Brown Joseph Brown Heather Brown Charlie Brown Mr. and Mrs. Van Coats Ms. Amy Sink Cooper Alice and Kent Droppers Ms. Lisa G. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Freeman

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Huggins Melissa Kofroth Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Mittelstaedt Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Mullinax Mr. and Mrs. John Neiswender Dr. and Mrs. Gerard O’Donnell Ms. Michelle M. Oliver O’Neal School Parents’ Association Mr. and Mrs. John P. Petry Mr. Edward T. Phillips Sandhills Community College Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Taylor T.F. Sawyer’s Inc. Ms. Beth Whitman Mrs. Kristie Wolferman Mr. and Mrs. R.K. Wolstenholme Leon and Ming Zhang In Memory of: Amelia Jane Cagle Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Fitch In Memory of: Larry Johnson Mrs. Thomas T. Hayes In Memory of: Jan Polisoto Rhonda L. Brooks Dr. and Mrs. David Cowherd Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Cropley Mr. and Mrs. Milburn E. Crotzer Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey I. Cutler Will and Whitney Cutler Carty and Holly Davis Mr. Edward M. Dennison and Ms. Sandra Kinnunen Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. George Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Hantjis

Shinichi and Hiroko Hirano Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Toby Johnson Dr. and Mrs. John Krahnert Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kruse, Jr. Katherine Lange Mr. and Mrs. Wesley May Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. McMurray Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Murphy Mr. and Mrs. John Neiswender Dr. and Mrs. Gerard O’Donnell O’Neal School Parents’ Association Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Penfold Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Pericak Mr. Edward T. Phillips Ms. Elizabeth Pilling Marilyn E. Powers and Terry R. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Pracht Mr. and Mrs. John Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Uszacki Mrs. Louise Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Wetherbie Ms. Beth Whitman Tony and Melissa Woodell In Memory of: Dr. Jack Young F. Farrell Collins, Jr., MD In Memory of: William P. Youngclaus C. Louis Meyer Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jay St. John Contributions made to The O’Neal School in memory of Anthony F. Coppola III will be acknowledged in the 2009/2010 Annual Report.

We are extremely thankful to the following who have funded endowment, scholarships, and special programs for The O’Neal School: Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bradshaw Bradshaw Charitable Foundation Mrs. Helen B. Cook Majel Frey Curtis Endowment Mrs. Centre W. Holmberg, Jr. C. Louis Meyer Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Sal Nuzzo Nuzzo Family Foundation Wyeth 35

Complete The Vision

Capital Campaign

The following donors have contributed to the Complete the Vision Capital Campaign. We wish to thank them for their generous support.

$1,000,000 and above Donors Bradshaw Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. McMurray

$250,000 and above Donor Mr. and Mrs. Winfred N. Hasty, Jr.

$100,000 and above Donors Mrs. Donald F. Cutler Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Hendry C. Louis Meyer Family Foundation O’Neal School Parents’ Association Mr. and Mrs. F. Huling Poston III

$75,000 and above Donors Dr. F. Farrell Collins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Trexler

$50,000 and above Donors Mrs. Brenda Gutschmit O’Neal School Booster Club Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Taws Jr.

$25,000 and above Donors Drs. Allen and Emily Averbook Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baillie Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Baldelli Bank of America Dr. and Mrs. Peter L. Duffy Drs. Neil and Soledad Griffin Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hefner III Mrs. Jean Rae H. Hinton Mrs. Lawrence Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. King Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Robinette Wachovia Matching Gifts Program Wachovia Securities Mr. and Mrs. Anthony K. Woodell

$10,000 and above Donors Colgate-Palmolive Company Dr. and Mrs. David Cowherd Mr. and Mrs. Mac Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Gutschmit Mr. and Mrs. William E. Horner III

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Toby Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Steven M. Karan Mr. and Dr. Koley D. Keel Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Later Mr. and Mrs. Michael Martone Drs. Bobby and Carolyn Maynor Dr. Robert D. McCall and Dr. Pamela J. Guest Dr. and Mrs. Gerard O’Donnell Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Parrish Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McGowan Drs. John and Michelle Roberson Mr. and Mrs. Guy Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Ronalter, Jr. Wachovia

$5,000 and above Donors Mr. R. Marks Arnold Automatic Data Processing Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bowness Maureen H. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Carty Davis Mr. Craig Fuller and Dr. Victoria J. DeVito Dr. and Mrs. John Krahnert Drs. ‘Jide and Gani Lawal O’Connor Company of NC, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Pendley

Other Donors Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Ansley Dr. and Mrs. Clinton K. Atkinson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Barnes Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bartiss Mr. and Mrs. Larry Best Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Blackwood Mrs. Mary Breitenbeck Drs. Robert and Monika Brown Mr. and Mrs. Baxter L. Clement Mr. and Mrs. George B. Davis Mrs. Lynn S. DeJaco Dr. and Mrs. Dell A. Dembosky Mr. and Mrs. Robert Derderian Mr. and Mrs. Robert Desjarlais Dr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Doolittle Mr. and Mrs. Kent Droppers Mr. and Mrs. W. Dwight Edmonds Ms. Holly W. Floyd Dr. and Mrs. David M. Furie Mr. Glen Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Gough Mr. and Mrs. John E. Harding, Jr. Mrs. Thomas T. Hayes Mrs. Henry Haywood Heckethorn Architecture, PLLC


Mr. and Mrs. Jake Howe Mr. Tracy Ingold Mr. J. R. Joyner Dr. and Mrs. Yan Ke Ms. Katherine T. Lange Drs. ‘Jide and Gani Lawal Mr. and Mrs. William Lilley III Mr. and Mrs. William McClelland, Jr. Mr. Richard McHenry and Ms. Teresa R. Young Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Melton Mr. and Mrs. William J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kelly R. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Milligan Mr. Stuart L. Mills and Mrs. Helen Probst Mills Mr. Dargan Moore and Ms. Janet Trent Ms. Jane Thompson Myers Mr. and Mrs. Prem Nath Mr. and Mrs. John Neiswender Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Noelke Mr. and Mrs. Kel Normann O’Neal Upper School Seniors – Classes of 2004 -2008 Mr. and Mrs. David B. Palmer Mr. Edward T. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pottle Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Pracht Mr. and Mrs. Lowell W. Rickard Mrs. Marjorie Roach Mrs. Gay R. Russell Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. Samaras Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Saye Ms. Alison M. Schaefer Ms. Andrea Schaefer Mrs. Cornelia B. Schirmer Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Schirmer Mrs. Suzanne Schloesser Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schoemmell Dr. Barbara L. Sherman Mr. and Mrs. F. Alexander Smith Dr. and Mrs. Harbans Sodhi Mr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Taylor Dr. and Mrs. David C. Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tompkins Ms. Kathleen M. Waddell Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Walker Shannon S. Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Woollens Mr. and Mrs. David Woronoff Wyeth Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Xanders Mr. and Mrs. Leon T. Zhang

Business Alliance Platinum - $5000 Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bradshaw

Gold - $2500 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Trexler Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gutschmit Mr. and Mrs. Gibb Heilman Coville Inc. Dr. F. Farrell Collins Jr. and Dr. David C. Thornton Pulmonary Medicine / Pinehurst Medical Clinic

Dr. Soledad Griffin Dr. Samuel Wahl Dr. Emily Averbook Dr. Michael Edwards Dr. John Roberson Dr. Carolyn Maynor Dr. L. William Martin Dr. W. Brad Hudgins Dr. David Furie Dr. Lacey Moore Pinehurst Radiology Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Hasty Wachovia Securities / Wells Fargo

Dr. Robert J. Chamberlain Jr. and Dr. Greg L. Griewe Pinehurst Surgical

Silver - $1000 Drs. Allen and Emily Averbook

Mr. and Mrs. Brian McMurray McMurray Fabrics

Dr. and Mrs. Dell Dembosky Marlboro-Chesterfield Pathology

Mr. Dargan Moore Edward Jones

Mrs. Christa Duffy CMD Properties I, II, LL

Mr. and Mrs. F. Huling Poston III

Mrs. Lynn DeJaco First Health

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robbins Dr. Teresa Long-Wooddell DDS

Mrs. Lindley Fleury, MBA MHA Carolina Physicians Resources

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wornom

Mr. and Mrs. James Hefner

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Zhang Peking Wok

Mr. Meares Heustess American Waste Systems


O’Neal Auction Contributors 121 Cafe 9th of September A Bed of Flowers AAA Vacations Jackie Abell Aberdeen Coca Cola Aberdeen Prescription Shoppe Aberdeen Window Works Adrenaline Outdoors Aldena Frye Floral Design All Things Sacred Cindy Allen Dean Allgeyer Drs. Allison, Hulihan and Allison American Waste Systems A Wild Hare Donna Andrews Golf Lessons Annapolis Kayak and Canoe Anonymous Artist Alley Ashten’s Restaurant Chris Auman Photography Aurora Hills Nursery Drs. Allen and Emily Averbook Avestra/ Country Club of Whispering Pines Avestra/ Foxfire Resort and Golf Club Bakehouse and Cafe John Baker Bamboo - A Unique Salon Jeff and Dana Barnes Bashford and Associates Beacon Ridge Golf and Country Club Beefeater’s Wallace Beeson Mrs. Peggy Kirk Bell Ben Owen Pottery Beverly Hills Weight Loss and Wellness Big Bloomers Bill Smith Ford and Mazda Billy’s Music World Crystal Blue Bob Timberlake - Art in the Schools Program Bode Chiropractic Center Inc. Tim Bolduc, In Memory of Sheila Bolduc Ms. Caitlin Bowness Ms. Lynn Bowness Boys and Girls Club of Sonoma Valley Stan and Jean Bradshaw Bradshaw Capital Management Mary Breitenbeck Brenda’s Jewelers Broad Street Chocolates Terry Brown Thomas Toohey Brown Photography Lynn Burcher Burney True Value Hardware

Cabinets, etc. Cady Clay Cafe Iano Ms. Lyn Cagle Caldwell-Hohl Artworks Cameron and Co. Capel Rugs Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Carlson Carolina Ballet Carolina Eye Associates Carolina Hurricanes Carolina Performing Arts Center Carolina Skin Care Cindi Carr Chef Warren’s Chick-Fil-A Chili’s Grill and Bar Choplin Marine CKX Inc. Christy Clark CMD Properties I, II LLC Coach Light Trattoria Cold Stone Creamery and Rocky Mtn. Chocolates John and Margie Conklin CoolSweats Corfu Taverna – Catering and Restaurant Jenn Cunningham Rosemary Cushman D.K. Clay Pottery Dale’s Greenhouse Linda Dalton Pottery Daphne’s Hallmark Karen and John Davenport Holly and Carty Davis Dean and Martin Pottery Deercroft Golf Club Deka’s Doghouse Pantry Brian and Laura Delmonaco Denker Dry Goods/ Denker Sundry and Gifts Bob and Pauline Desjarlais Ms. Becky DiMaggio Kathee Dishner Divine Influence Personal Training Ms. Patti Dominguez Alice Droppers Amanda Duffy DWA Photography Edward Jones El Vaquero Elliotts on Linden Eurobody Therapies Eve Avery Eye Max Optical Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Faulkner Fifi’s Fine Resale Boutique Mrs. Joan Finlay Fireshadow Pottery First Bank FirstHealth of the Carolinas

Fiskin and Fiskin, Inc. Fix and Flex Flooring America of Pinehurst Floral Designs by Eddie Floretta Imports Holly Floyd and Tyler Horney Flynne’s Coffee Bar Forest Creek Golf Club Forest Creek Realty Framer’s Cottage Framesmith Fresh Market From the Ground Up Pottery Mr. Craig Fuller and Dr. Vicki DeVito Gap Creek Candle Co. Wendy Garner Gemma Gallery Mr. and Mrs. Michael Giarla Given Book Shop Mr. and Mrs. Tim Gold Golden Corral Golden House Studios Goldie’s Gourmet Gold’s Gym Golf Augusta Green Goods Drs. Sole and Neil Griffin Gulley’s Garden Center Mrs. Brenda Gutschmit Hair Biz Blanche Hancock Hardee’s on 5 Mary Harris Paige Hartsell Hawkins and Harkness, Inc. Mrs. Henry Haywood Heckethorn Architecture PLLC Marty and Jim Hefner Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Hendricks Michael T. Henry DDS MS PA Homewood Suites by Hilton at Olmsted Village Honeycutt Jewelers Bill and Lee Ann Horner Hot Water Surf and Snow Lori Howe Mr. Jake Howe Sandy and Willie Huggins Dawn Hussey Imagination Station Inc. June and Danny Infantino Ironwood Cafe Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson Java Bean Plantation Jefferson Inn and 150 West Restaurant Mr. Rick Johns Rick Johns Sarah Jones Just Jewelry Kathryn’s Hallmark


Debbie Keen Kees Appliance Center Keith Hills Country Club Jaime Ray Kelly KEP Design - NYC/ Maryann and Dick McCrary Dr. Candace King and Mr. Gary Ostoj King’s Gifts and Collectibles David and Page Klumpar Mr. John Krahnert Kuhn Dental Associates L.B.Belt Company La Dolce Vita Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lassiter Christopher and Tammy Leber Legacy Golf Links Legacy Lakes LeJardin Floral Nikki Lienhard Lil Branch’s Children’s Store Li’l Dino Subs Ceci and Wade Liner Michael and Monica Lipomi Little River Golf Club and Resort Lone Star Steakhouse Longleaf Golf and Country Club Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Lucas Lucas Jewelry and Repair Lula’s Cafe Mac’s Breakfast Anytime Magnolia Family Dentistry Dan Maples Design Inc Marcello Salon and Spa Marlboro Chesterfield Pathology Marvin Smith Driving School Mary Contrary Match Play Lisa Mathis - artist Drs. Carolyn and Bobby Maynor Bill and Lisa McClelland McDougald’s Country and Primitive Gifts Jamie McGill Bonnie and Pat McGowan Michael McGowan and Scotti McGowan McMurray Fabrics Mr. and Mrs. Brian McMurray Medleyanna’s Mr. and Mrs. Michael Melton Mr. Fletcher Meyers Mid Pines Inn and Golf Club Cassie Miles Dr. Chris Miller Mr. and Mrs. William J. Miller Peggy and Kelly Miller Pine Needles Helen Probst Mills and Stuart L. Mills Moe’s Southwest Grill Mon Reve Farm

O’Neal Auction Contributors Monk’s Furniture Warehouse Erica Monroe Dian Ellis Moore Dr. and Mrs. John Moore Moore Music Moore on Stage Rachael Morgan Morgan Miller Mr. Raymond Mosko Drs. Henry and Theresa Moyle Mr. Bean Coffee House My Sister’s Closet Nana’s Nick Nack National Golf Club NC State Wolfpack Club Neighborhood Dry Cleaners Kathy and Al Nester Nick Price Collection Dave and Maggie Nicoll NobleCollection.com Peter Nordlander North Carolina Zoo Bev and Jerry O’Donnell Corbin O’Donnell Marci O’Donnell Old Sport and Gallery Ole Fish House Olmsted Cleaners O’Neal Parents O’Neal Parents’ Association O’Neal School O’Neal School Students Optical Solutions/Seven Lakes Opulence Outback Steakhouse Ashley Owens Par 3 Car Wash Party Supply Pauline and Lizbeth Studio Mr. and Mrs. Matt Peal Peking Wok Perry Brothers Tire Service Suzanne and John Phillips Phoenix Fashions Pinehurst Resort

Pinehurst Medical Clinic - Pulmonary Pinehurst Patio & Casual Furnishings Pinehurst Radiology Pinehurst Resort Food and Beverage Dept. Pinehurst Surgical Clinic, PA Pinehurst Surgical Facial Plastic Surgery Pinewild Country Club Pizza Cafe Pizza Hut Players Sports Cafe Ron Polisoto Mr. and Mrs. F. Huling Poston, III Peter and Patricia Pottle Radio Shack Raleigh Little Theater Janice Reagan Jewels of Pinehurst Resort Rentable Services Restaurant 195 and Nature’s Own Jeanne Rhea Rhett’s Personal Chef and Catering River Jack Outdoor Trading Co. Alice and Wayne Robbins Drs. John and Michelle Roberson Josh and Libba Roberts Linda and Houston Roberts Mr. and Mrs. William A. Roberts Robert’s Golf Shop Rockingham Speedway, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ronalter Sandhills Academy of Gymnastics Sandhills Bowling Center Sandhills Building Contractors and Cabinetry Sandhills Cinemas Sandhills Sandsharks Sanford Nautilus Santi Yoga Mr. and Mrs. Steve Saye Dr. and Mrs. William J. Scarpa, Jr. Sewing by Faith Sherwin Williams

Mrs. Jan Simmons Jean Skipper Amy Smith Mr. Mark Smith Southeastern Dermatology Southern Comfort Salon Southern Pines Aesthetics/SPWHC Southern Pines Feed and Tack Southern Pines Paper Co./ At Home Spa Services by Marianne Hopson Beth St. John Stage Presents/ Pinehurst Plaza State Farm Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Darron Stiles Stilworks, LLC Storm Endurance Sports Studio Elite Hair Gallery Subway-Pinecrest Plaza Elizabeth and Russell Sugg Linderellas’s Quilt Works Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sullivan SWANK Sweet Basil Sweet Feed Catering Talamore Golf Partners Talbot’s Wally Tatomir Ricky and Kathy Taylor Taylor Automotive Taylor Dance TCBY/beriyo Temple Theater Ten Ya Tennis Essentials Art Studio of Fay Terry Tervis Tumblers That’s A Deli/How Ya Doin/Old South Diner The Bell Tree The Carolina The Carpenter Shop The Clothes Horse The Country Bookshop The Darling House Pub and Grill The Design Studio


The Goathouse Gallery and Gardens The Islands Tanning and Beach Shop The JFR Barn The Laser Institute of Pinehurst The Little Toy Shop The Skin Enhancement Center of Pinehurst Dermatology The Spa at Pinehurst This End Up Furniture Amie Thomas Time Out Tina’s Turn TLC Electrical Services Rich and Sandee Tompkins Tramway Stone and Mulch Wes Underwood Unfinished Furniture Outlet Vito’s Wachovia Securities/Wells Fargo Kathleen Waddell The Wagner Family Karen Walker Ted and Jane Weatherly Laura Wellener DDS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whaley Whispering Woods Golf Club Beth Whitman Wild Birds Unlimited Woody and Greg Wilder Ashley Wilson Windridge Gardens, LLC Wine Cellar and Tasting Room Wiselyn Fine Art Photography Kris Witchek Ms. Kristie Wolferman Teresa Long Wooddell DDS Missy and Tony Woodell Coach Woodfield Woodlake Country Club Sam and Sandy Wornom Joanne Worth Lisa Youngclaus Mr. and Mrs. Leon Zhang Steven M. Zoellner, MD

The O’Neal Parents’ Association Summary of Revenue and Expenses Revenue:


Giftwrap Income Tag Sale Lower School Tile Project Other Total Revenue

20,223 5,407 4,000 885

Fundraising School Programs Middle School Playground Equip. Total Expenses





Tag Sale 17% Lower School Tile Project 13%

11,035 5,124 10,000

School Programs 20%

Giftwrap Income 67%

Fundraising 42%

Other 3% Middle School Playground Equip. 22%

Expenses: Fundraising Expenses include: giftwrap, tag sale and Lower School Tile Project. School Programs Expenses include: teacher and staff appreciation, graduation, hospitality, Lower, Middle, & Upper School liaisons, parent education, sponsor a new family, annual picnic and the sunshine fund.


The O’Neal Booster Club Summary of Revenues and Expenses Revenue

Category Administration Auction Athletic Awards Banquets Bank Charges Coach’s Dinner Concessions Gate Interest Income Membership Peking Wok Petty Cash Physicals Senior Recognition Awards Special Projects Irrigation System - Soccer Field Capital Campaign -Activities Center Scorer’s Table and Chairs Spirit Items Valentine Gift Packs Totals

Expenses 125.94 132.44 543.48 13.75 1047.77 3231.33 246.00

50.00 7219.50 3026.00 5.91 6700.00 11250.00 334.00 1180.00

7230.00 334.00 94.63 78.04 3560.00 10,000.00 1000.00

10.00 2,510.00 $32,465.41

907.89 $28,518.27


THANK YOU to all the

O’Neal Booster Club Members for their support this year.

Anderson, Scott and Sandi Averbook, Allen and Emily Baldelli, Steve and Susan Bartiss, Michael and Kathleen Bell, Peggy Bonville, Ken and Susan Bradshaw, Stan and Jean Breitenbeck, Mary Brown, Robert and Monika Chamberlain, Robert and Karen Chavis, Ray and Donna Clark, Maureen Colthart, Michael and Maureen Conklin, John and Marjorie Conner, David and Kathy Cordell, Charles and Cindy Costin, Ruth Cowherd, David and Melissa Daughtridge, Frances Davenport, John and Karen Davies, Keith and Deborah Davis, Carty and Holly Delguercio, Ninna Dembosky, Dell and Mary Dent, Paul and Heidi Dickerhoff, David and Janice DiMaggio, Becky Duffy, Peter and Christa Dyer, Matt and Trippy Evans, James and Krissy Faulkner, Bobby and Teresa Fedder, David and Judy Field, Rodolfo and Beth Fisher, Glen and Vicki Fowler, Mac and Janet Friesen, Bob and Anne Gehle, Jim and Kim Griffin, Mike and Patti Griffin, Neil and Soledad

Hagedorn, Uwe and Dawn Hager, Bill and Kelley Hakas, Joseph and Sharon Hasty, Chip and Dawn Hefner, James and Martha Hindman, Andrew and Mary Horner, Bill and Lee Ann Howell, Lee and Teri Hoy, John and Elizabeth Hudson, Herbert and Ann Jackson, John and Brenda Jenkins, Butch and Nancy Jones, Larry and Jean Johnson, Charles and Kellee Johnson, Olive Johnson, Toby and Sarah Karan, Steve and Lori Keel, Koley and Michele Kelly, Kevin and Carol Klumpar, David and Page Lange, Katherine Lassiter, Stephen and Kathy Lawal, Jide and Gani Levy, Robert and Linda Lucas, Wayne and Louise Maness, Mike and Becky Martin, Bill and Kara Matcham, Tony and Michele McCall, Robert and Pamela Guest McDougald, John and Elizabeth McGowan, Pat and Bonnie McHenry, Ric and Rose McIlwain, Bill and Sherry McMurray, Brian and Konni Meeks, Phillip and Kim Metcalf, Edward and April Miller, Kelly and Peggy Mills, Stuart and Helen Probst Moffett, Lois

Moore, John and Julie Morcom, Wade and Cecilia Noelle, Billie O’Donnell, Jerry and Bev Parrish, Joe and Sarah Pashley, Susan Poston, Huling and Marret Pracht, Matthew and Melanie Riley, James and Belinda Rittenhouse, Thomas and Lenore Roberson, John and Marie Roberts, Guy and Carolyn Ronalter, Ralph and Rosa Russell, Russ and Pam Salloum, Les and Amy Samaras, Charles and Karen Schirmer, Charles and Katherine Schoemmell, Rick and Marie Shalala, Robert and Dawn Sugg, Russell and Elizabeth Sullivan, Kim Sullivan, Lloyd and Sheri Talbert, David and Kim Taylor, Howard and Hayden Taylor, Ricky and Kathy Tighe, Neil and Mary Thornton, David and Ann Marie Viscovich, Rino and Corlea Wagner, Daniel and Marie Ward, Scott Westling, Bill and Lisa Winter James and Francine Woodell, Tony and Melissa Woodyear, John and Gloria Woollens, Scott and Carol Woronoff, David and Fredanel Zhang, Leon and Ming

If you would like to add your support to

The O’Neal School Athletics Program, please contact the Booster Club. 42

The O’Neal School

Address Service Requested Parents: If this issue is addressed to a son or daughter who no longer maintains an address at your home, please send the correct address to: Office of Institutional Advancement The O’Neal School P.O. Box 290 Southern Pines, NC 28388 (910) 692-6920 Ext. 106 alumni@onealschool.org

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