The Current Volume 3 Issue 7 Corrected

Page 1





Facebook goes public

Megavideo shut down

New spin room opening in gym

Skrillex drops new tunes

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Viewpoints 9 ! 12 Entertainment 13 ! 16 The Quickie 17 ! 18 Health & Fitness 19 !20 Sports 21! 24 6'75&8#5$,)$982#'5$%733#:#;$<6*(*7(+$#=6'#++#5$ *($)"*+$6&/3*8,)*7($,'#$)"7+#$7-$)"#$1'*)#'+;$$

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the current








Hundreds of deaths have occurred due to the recent cold snap in Europe. Of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the current


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ECOS “springs” forward

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EFG:G@ 01#'-&2$3+&'#4'%/*'5#$&%'#6' Borneo where the group went snorkeling. !"#$%$&'(&=$>6/&?/0'/01


Senior Will Skinner and a curious boy from a village in the Sundar! bans. !"#$%$&'(&)$*#&+,#-*./01


Writing in paradise. Junior Alex Carrol journaling in a hammock at sunset. !"#$%$&'(&2340/*&56--63.7 #*81


"#$%&'(##)*+'#,%&-+*'$'.&/'($)! ket in Sandakan, Malaysia. !"#$%$& '(&9*-4:/--&;<3%631


Sophomore Jenna Sciarrino at a Taoist temple in Penang, Malaysia. !"#$%$&'(&9*-4:/--&;<3%631




the current




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The Roatan group says “thank you� to those who made the trip possible. !"#$%$&'(&)*+$,-&.,/012


A headhunter in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, displays agility and strength by leapingn 15 feet into !"#$%&'$()$%$*%+*(($!($'#%,"$%$ bandana attached to the ceiling. !"#$%$&'(&3-44/&5+*/00*4$2


Yu Garden in Shanghai. Small stores all around the area you can easily go in and barter. At night, the lights in the buildings light up the streets.&!"#$%$&'(&6*/4/&7$8/9$2


Photo captures a native child from one of the Hill Tribe Villages in Chiang Mai, Thailand.&!"#$%$&'(& :,-;/490*/&</%$42



A small local farm right outside the Santa Lucia Cloud Forest Reserve in Quito, Ecador, at a small local farm. He was declared to be eaten within the next few days after taking the photo. !"#$%$& '(&5-%#&=-,,(2



Design by Max Martinez

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The Current is a free biweekly student (':4#1#'$* 1)* M09'$/* B%22'-'?* PD0'4* are located upstairs in Cobb at 4200 54th Ave S, St. Petersburg, FL, 33711. Opinions expressed in this publicaI tion are those of the writers and do (%)*('0'441$!2;*$'Q'0)*)+%4'*%<*MB*4),I /'()47*4)187*<10,2);*1(/*1/"!(!4)$1)!%(?** The Current welomes letters to the edI itor. Submissions should be typed and not exceed 400 words. Writers must include their full name, graduation year 1(/*0%()10)*(,">'$?*R10,2);*1(/*4)18* should include their title, department and contact number. All submissions are subject to editing for the purposes of clarity, style or length. The Current holds the right to reject any letters deemed inappropriate. Letters can be sent via email to thecurrent@eckerd. edu with subject “Letter to the editor.” IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII L+'*B,$$'()*:!22*$,(*<,22I2'(-)+* articles covering any arrests that presI ent a clear danger to the community. Charges that would be investigated under this policy include robberies, assaults, weapons charges or illicit drug manufacturing, such as methamI phetamine. The Current will continue publishing a small police blotter for felony arrests, and misdemeanor charges against student goverment 2'1/'$47*G'4!/'()!12*@/&!4%$4*1(/*4)18* members of The Current. We learn of arrests through searching the police arrest database by entering Eckerd’s address, as well as from tips. QuesI tions and comments can be emailed to


life is being undermined,” he says. “Therefore, in my view, whenever possible, the compensatory sanction for that violation should be directed toward the repair of or the building up of the Eckerd Community. Although Annarelli is quite pleased with his model of campus !"#$%&'"'()*)+$%,-+*.,/!0!12*3('4* spending, he worries that some students do not fully understand it. “We try to make this clear to 54),/'()46* )+1)* )+'4'* 3('4* 1$'* funneled back into student life,” he says, “but I guess the misconception !4* )+1)* )+'4'* 3('4* 1$'* 0%22'0)'/* 1(/* 1$'7* !(* '8'0)7* /'#%4!)'/* !()%* the college’s general fund. I want 54),/'()46*)%*9(%:*)+1)*)+'4'*3('4* remain within the student life program and are used for student life projects and programs.” Annarelli’s concerns are well founded, as many students do not know how the college spends .,/!0!12* 3('* "%(';* 1(/* %<)'(* assume the worst. “I have no idea 5:+'$'* )+'* "%(';* -%'467=* 41;4* Freshman Morgan Engle. “I don’t even know,” adds Sophomore Alec Schlosser.

While the student body’s "!40%(0'#)!%(4*1>%,)*.,/!0!12*3('4* spending are worrying, it is perhaps more worrying that students do not know where to turn for information 1>%,)* :+1)* )+';* 01(* >'* 3('/* <%$* 1(/*+%:*",0+*)+'*3('4*:!22*0%4)?* Schlosser indicates that he would ask Campus Safety for such information. However, Campus Safety only has information about 1(/*.,$!4/!0)!%(*%&'$*#1$9!(-*3('47* which are not included in judicial 3('4?* @* 4),/'()* !(A,!$!(-* 1>%,)* )+'* 3('4* 40+'/,2'* !(* )+'* B1"#,4* C1<');*%D0'*:%,2/*12"%4)*0'$)1!(2;* be turned away and directed to the C),/'()* @81!$4* %D0'7* 14* 4),/'()* 3('4* 1$'* 4')* 1((,122;* >;* )+'* Community Standards Incident Review Committee. The Community Standards Incident Review Committee EBCFGB7* %$* H4''I4,$9=* 14* !)J4* 0%""%(2;* #$%(%,(0'/K7* "'')4* :''92;*1(/*!4*0%"#%4'/*%<*)+'*3&'* associate and assistant deans of students, Community Standards Coordinator Lori Meehan and the director of the Student Community Standards Board. The current 4),/'()* 3('4* 40+'/,2'* '4)1>2!4+'/* by this body is laid out in 14 pages %<*3-,$'47*0$!)'$!17*#$%0'/,$'47*1(/*

%)+'$*!"#%$)1()*3('*!(<%$"1)!%(?* In a recent interview with The Current, Annarelli was surprised to learn from Meehan that this 3('* 40+'/,2'* !4* (%)* 1&1!21>2'* )%* students, even by request. “I think that’s important for students to know,” he said. “If I get a speeding ticket, I have a right to 9(%:*:+1)*)+'*3('*#1$1"')'$4*1$'?* I think it’s important for students to know to ensure the consistency of sanctions.” In response to Annarelli’s concerns, Lori Meehan provided L+'* B,$$'()* :!)+* )+'* 3('* information that appears elsewhere on this page, representing some of the most relevant and most common student infractions and their corresponding penalties, :+!0+*!(02,/'*>%)+*"%(')1$;*3('4* and other punitive actions. The Current is not aware of any CSIRC plan to release the entire 3('4* 40+'/,2'* )%* )+'* #,>2!07* >,)* students can brush up on some of the more general procedures of the college’s judicial processes >;* 0%(4,2)!(-* )+'* MBIN%%97* )+'* %D0!12* 4),/'()* +1(/>%%9* %<* M09'$/* B%22'-'?* L+'* MBIN%%9* even includes provisions for students who wish to perform

community service in lieu of paying 3('4* As is the case at many schools of all levels across the nation, many students at Eckerd decline to read or even skim this text. HF* )+!(9* #'%#2'* 3(/* %,)* 5)+'* $,2'46* 1<)'$* )+'* <10)7=* 41;4* M(-2'7* citing anecdotal incidents in which her fellow students were surprised )%*>'*3('/*<%$*+1&!(-*'"#);*>%))2'4* of alcohol or certain kinds of power strips in their rooms. *L+'*MBIN%%97*:+!0+*!4*,#/1)'/* annually, is distributed to freshmen at the beginning of the year. The college publishes only a limited run of copies for new students for sustainability reasons, but the current EC Book always is available on line at the site. Students interested in a paper copy 4+%,2/*/$%#*>;*)+'*C),/'()*@81!$4* %D0'*!(*N$%:(*O122*)%*$'A,'4)*%('?* Annarelli hopes that increased student awareness of college rules and policies will lead to fewer violations and a healthier and happier campus community. “I think it’s important for students to understand what the penalties are and to be able to make informed decisions about their own conduct and behavior,” he says.

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9+0$.%&:;+$* Office hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. VSVIWXTIWYZW?*

<=(>?@A(<BCCDEF !"#$%&'() Vampire power is the electricity consumed by devices while they are '!)+'$* 4:!)0+'/* %8* %$* !(* 4)1(/>;* "%/'?*L+'4'* 1##2!1(0'47* !(02,/!(-* 0'22* phone and laptop chargers, lamps, microwaves, game consoles, televisions 1(/*#$!()'$4*/$1:*'2'0)$!0!);*ST*+%,$4*1*/1;*'&'(*:+!2'*),$('/*%8?*U2%>122;7* standby power produces about one percent of carbon dioxide emissions. Since 76 percent of Eckerd College’s emissions come from electricity, minimizing vampire power is an excellent way to reduce consumption. To minimize consumption and lower costs, plug appliances into power strips 1(/*),$(*%8*:+'(*(%)*!(*,4'?



the current


8*,# !

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Juniors Jeremy Bernfeld and Norris Comer’s vision for change has set in motion a chain of events resulting in an Eckerd College Q)#7<#%,4$ G#+*-%+#$ U#2)$ PQCH QGUR@$$U"7-(<"$,.-+#$,-..2'-72!0-%$ with Head of Emergency _2%2<#)#%!$ >7-(*$ ^0+2$ _#!+;$ ?#2%$ -5$ O!(/#%!+$ `2)#+$V%%27#..0;$ ?07#,!-7$ -5$ C2)*(+$ O25#!4$ V/2)$ C-.'4$2%/$2$Y\XXX$<72%!$57-)$!"#$ University of Miami, they have )2/#$ +0<%0J,2%!$ *7-<7#++$ 0%$ !"#$ +!27!$(*$#T-7!@ The early stages of creation were pulled together by the administration in hope of #+!2'.0+"0%<$ 2$ .-%<H+!2%/0%<$ student response team for the Eckerd Community. “8_+@$ _#!+:$ &-76#/$ !-$ -'!20%$ the initial grant from the University of Miami,” said Colby. “Once the <72%!$ &2+$ *7-A0/#/;$ 8_+@$ _#!+:$ and I began to collaborate on ideas &0!"$8?#2%$V%%27#..0:@$8_+@$_#!+=:$ idea is for the larger Community Emergency Response Team &"0.#$ 8?#2%$ V%%27#..0:$ &2+$ )-7#$ focused on the emergency medical services. I took their two ideas and got together within an initial group of four students which included `#7#)4$ 8a#7%5#./:$ 2%/$ B-770+$ 8C-)#7:@F After the initial plan was verbalized, it was time for action. Colby took the two main

components the administration had to students who were interested in starting up a new program. Being members of ECSAR, Bernfeld and Comer both had the mindset of community service to go with their Q_U$'2+0,$,#7!0J,2!0-%+@ $ ?(#$ !-$ *72,!0,#$ 2%/$ .02'0.0!4$ limitations, the two juniors were unable to provide care at their highest level of medical I(2.0J,2!0-%$ -%$ !"#$ QCOVG$ !#2)$ and had to look for a new way to maintain their skill sets. “We were serving under QCOVG$ !-<#!"#7$ &"#%$ !"#$ J7+!$ &"0+*#70%<+$ -5$ 2$ *-++0'.#$ QCHQGU$ were circulating,” Comer said. “We both jumped on the opportunity, probably because of our EMT training and desire to put those skills into practice helping people on campus.” Working through all the bureaucratic hoops has been a long process but it appears as though *0#,#+$ 27#$ J%2..4$ ,-)0%<$ !-<#!"#7$ 5-7$ !"#$ J%2.$ *(+"$ !-&27/+$ '#0%<$ 2$ *#7)2%#%!$JD!(7#$2!$Q,6#7/@$ “Our goal is to have the team responding to emergencies on ,2)*(+$ +!27!0%<$ !"#$ J7+!$ &##6$ of spring semester, 2012,” team leader Bernfeld said. “Members &0..$ '#$ 5(..4$ !720%#/$ 2%/$ ,#7!0J#/$ to practice in their operational positions, the team’s response structure will be cohesive with -!"#7$ -%H,2)*(+$ 7#+*-%/#7+$ PG#+H Life, Emergency Management >7-(*$ 2%/$ b#2.!"$ O#7A0,#+R;$ &#$ will have established our standard

-*#72!0%<$*7-,#/(7#+$82%/:$&#$&0..$ have all the necessary equipment needed in order to respond.” ECERT has developed in the *2+!$ )-%!"H2%/H2H"2.5$ 0%!-$ 2$ 5(..$ team of students pursuing all the required angles to get the team up and running. “The most rewarding aspect of my job thus far has been working with these dedicated students and recognizing their similar passion for creating a safer place for students to live,” Bernfeld said. QCHQGU$ 0+$ /#+0<%#/$ !-$ '#$ 2$ +!(/#%!H7(%$ 2//0!0-%;$ &"0,"$ &-76+$ as a branch of Campus Safety to 7#+*-%/$ !-$ -%H,2)*(+$ )#/0,2.$ emergencies. Adam Colby is enthusiastic for the added branch. EU"#$ '#%#J!+$ 27#$ .0)0!.#++;F$ "#$ said. “This group can help provide 2%$ -(!.#!$ 5-7$ *7#H)#/$ +!(/#%!+;$ provide leadership positions and experience for students interested in emergency management and could potentially help save the lives of our community members.” The response team is also !740%<$ !-$ '#%#J!$ !"-+#$ &0!"0%$ the organization who are EMT ,#7!0J#/$2+$&#..@$ If the group obtains a medical director who is willing to authorize !"#$ "2.5H/-]#%$ #)#7<#%,4$ )#/0,2.$ technicians on the team to practice 2!$ !"#07$ "0<"#+!$ .#A#.;$ !"#%$ 2$ J%2.$ goal for the team is to have these service hours count toward the required amount of practice to )20%!20%$,#7!0J,2!0-%@ With no experience or

*272)#/0,$I(2.0J,2!0-%;$0!$0+$%#27.4$ impossible to secure an EMS job in St. Petersburg. Once fully up 2%/$ 7(%%0%<;$ QCHQGU$ 0+$ 20)0%<$ to provide experience to those students seeking it. U"-(<"$ )(,"$ -5$ !"#$ '2+0,$ +#!H up for the unit is still a work in progress, the general goal of the !#2)$0+$!-$,7#2!#$2$I(2.0J#/;$I(0,6$ 7#2,!0-%$ 5-7,#$ !-$ '-!"$ .27<#H+,2.#$ disasters, such as tropical storm damages, and more personal +0!(2!0-%+$ 5-7$ +!(/#%!+$ &"-$ J%/$ themselves in need of immediate medical assistance. While the task may seem overwhelming in size and nature to many, Bernfeld and Comer have put the gears in motion for what is expected to remain a cornerstone of Eckerd College for many years to come. “Each coordinator has a set job description along with assigned deputies to assist and learn from them. Our hope is these deputies may one day be able to take on a coordinator position when their coordinator graduates or moves up to a team leader position,” Bernfeld said. With the infrastructure for success around them, expect to hear )-7#$2'-(!$QCHQGU$0%$!"#$,-)0%<$ semester. In the meantime, expect the team to keep making strides in becoming the helping hand for the students, by the students. At the time of printing, Colby is 0%$ !"#$ J%2.$ +!2<#+$ -5$ %#<-!02!0%<$ 2$ medical director.

emphasis on raising revenue and implementing innovative services to continue gaining preeminence in the market for social media. The paperwork shows that Facebook has most national J%2%,02.$ ,-7*-72!0-%+$ -%$ "2%/$ to help manage the company’s transition to public ownership. There are unresolved issues like &"#%$!"#$9SL$&0..$-3,02..4$"2**#%;$ although most analysts expect late this spring. There are also questions about whether the stock will debut on the New York Stock Exchange or the Nasdaq Stock Exchange, which is heavily weighted with technology stocks. At this time there are a wealth of speculations about the potential share price for Facebook’s stock

0%$ !"#$ J%2%,02.$ )276#!+;$ '(!$ !"#$ OHN$ J.0%<$ 7#.#2+#/$ %-$ 0%5-7)2!0-%$ about share prices. U"#$OHN$/-,()#%!$/0/;$"-&#A#7;$ publicize a lot of previously ,-%J/#%!02.$ J%2%,02.$ 0%5-7)2!0-%$ about Facebook in addition to technical details about the coming IPO. Among that information is the corporation’s revenue, cost 2%/$*7-J!$+!2!#)#%!+@$V$<7#2!$/#2.$ of information was also released regarding the compensation of (**#7H.#A#.$M2,#'--6$#D#,(!0A#+@ To the happiness of many potential investors, Facebook’s total 7#A#%(#$ 5-7$ WXNN$ &2+$ YZ@[$ '0..0-%;$ more than twice the company’s revenue in 2010. Facebook’s stated <-2.$0%$!"#$J.0%<$0+$!-$720+#$Y\$'0..0-%$ in capital from stock sales resulting

0%$ 2$ )276#!$ ,2*0!2.0]2!0-%$ -5$ Y\X$ billion. However, these numbers are subject to change as the IPO progresses and the stock price rises. In fact, most economic analysts #D*#,!#/$2$"0<"#7$,2*0!2.$<-2.$-5$Y[@\$ -7$ YNX$ '0..0-%$ &0!"$ ,-77#+*-%/0%<$ )276#!$ ,2*+$ -5$ Y[\$ '0..0-%$ -7$ YNXX$ billion. The market needs Facebook’s IPO to be a success. The second half -5$WXNN$&2+$,"-,6H5(..$-5$!#,"%-.-<4$ IPOs for major corporations like S2%/-72;$ ^0%6#/9%$ 2%/$ >7-(*-%$ that underperformed investor’s expectations. However, Facebook’s choice to go public this spring is providing 7#%#&#/$0%A#+!-7$,-%J/#%,#$0%$!"#$ technology sector.

2+/*3''D%3*/'1*#%<&3)"/%/'0<'0+$"'( !"#-12%(#6%78'" !"#$%&'(")' Mark Zuckerberg forever changed the world of social media in 2004 when he founded Facebook from his Harvard dorm room. For eight years, Facebook has continued to evolve and revolutionize social media and networking as a private company. L%$ M#'@$ N;$ M2,#'--6$ -3,02..4$ J.#/$ !"#$ OHN$ *2*#7&-76$ &0!"$ !"#$ Securities & Exchange Commission POQCR$ !-$ "-./$ 2%$ 9%0!02.$ S('.0,$ LT#70%<$ P9SLR$ 2%/$ !(7%$ M2,#'--6$ into a public corporation. The IPO should not cause any 0))#/02!#$ #T#,!+$ !-$ M2,#'--6$ users, but being a public corporation will theoretically put a greater

9'))*:*%+;;#%#<**;%3&1<#%$'%"1<0'=*%/+1<&#%#+>*$? !"##$%&'("!%)*+,%)*+-.%/012

was the sidewalk put in next to Franklin Templeton. Running from the academic side of campus to the mailboxes and down to the main cafeteria, Annarelli said this walkway is meant to “discourage students from using Avenue of States as a walkway, particularly at dusk.” The speed bumps have elicited strong reactions from students who are concerned about the damage !"#$ %#&$ '()*+$ ,-(./$ 0%10,!$ on their cars. Facilities planted shrubs around certain bumps after students began taking elaborate measures to avoid them, choosing to drive over the grass on the side of the road around the bumps. Senior Rachel Kobernick organized a Facebook group promoting her petition, “Eckerd College for the removal of new speed bumps.” The petition cites concerns over the spacing of the


bumps, potential reduced response time from emergency vehicles, “destruction of school property” as students drive around the bumps 2%/$/03,(.!4$-5$+62!#'-27/#7+$2%/$ bicyclists going over the bumps. Her alternative is a sidewalk along the east side of Avenue of States. “I’m not adverse to campus safety enforcing speed restrictions,” Kobernic said. “I know they’re needed, especially around Omega. I was almost hit multiple times there 8&"0.#$9$&2+:$-%$2$'06#;$&2.60%<;$0%$ 2$,27;$'(!$9$/-%=!$!"0%6$8!"#$'()*+:$ targeted the problem areas on campus.” Though her petition calls for the removal of the new bumps, she says that if the bumps were to stay, she prefers that a wider, less damaging bump be installed instead. Kobernic would like to see a speed bump directly in front of Omega and one by the stop sign '#!&##%$>2))2$2%/$?#.!2@$



Colby cites a decrease in the amount of passing along Avenue of States and a reduction of speed to 25 miles per hour as improvements the school has seen since the installation. “This really goes back to that Respect campaign that we’re trying


to do,” Colby said. “If people were more respectful of the safety of others instead of more concerned about how fast they can get to their dorm, or how fast I can get here, and slow down, there really wouldn’t be much of a problem.”


@')"$"/+)%+(+)?#$% *A+1"(*#% /+1<+":(#%'>% B"(:0"/.%+(;% C'1(*? !"#$%&'(%#)%*+&&+ !""#$%&'("%)*+#,,#-&./%0'12#3+4%5'&&. .'/0#1%2%3+#4'""%)*+#,-% Mitt Romney came out ahead in the Florida Republican primary Jan. 31, taking 46 percent of the A-!#$ 2%/$ .#2A0%<$ B#&!$ >0%<70,"$ in second place with 32 percent, according to the Wall Street Journal. Romney’s win comes after 2$ /#A2+!2!0%<$ .-++$ !-$ >0%<70,"$ 0%$ South Carolina last month, boiling down to what former White House correspondent and USA Today reporter Richard Benedetto says is now a “two man race.” In a conference call with The Current and college reporters across the country, sponsored by the Institute on Political Journalism, Benedetto shared his analysis of the ongoing presidential race, beginning with South Carolina. “Nobody going into South C27-.0%2$ #D*#,!#/$ B#&!$ >0%<70,"$ to win,” Benedetto said. “He did win, and he won decisively. Everybody’s trying to sort out why he won so big.” Contributing heavily to Romney’s loss was what Benedetto ,2..+$2$E*#75#,!$+!-7)F$5-7$>0%<70,";$ including controversy surrounding G-)%#4=+$ !2D#+;$ 2%/$ 2$ &#..H*.2,#/$ I(#+!0-%$5-7$>0%<70,"$2!$!"#$+!27!@$ CNN moderator John King’s opening question targeted >0%<70,"=+$ +#,-%/$ &05#=+$ ,.20)+$ !"2!$ >0%<70,"$ 7#I(#+!#/$ 2%$ -*#%$ marriage, allowing him to capitalize on conservatives’ resentment of a perceived liberal media bias. >0%<70,"$ 7#,#0A#/$ 2$ +!2%/0%<$ ovation from the audience after J70%<$ '2,6$ 2!$ K0%<$ 5-7$ -*#%0%<$ a presidential debate with a speculative question about his personal life. Attacking the moderator has '##%$2$52A-70!#$!2,!0,$-5$>0%<70,"$0%$ previous debates, but the method fell short in Florida when CNN moderator Wolf Blitzer forced >0%<70,"$ !-$ 2//7#++$ 2$ *-0%!#/$ attack on Romney. Romney’s loss in South Carolina was a blow to predictions that he would be the most likely candidate for the general election. His Florida &0%;$ "-&#A#7;$ "2+$ 7#237)#/$ "0+$ position as the frontrunner in the race. Regardless of who wins the Republican nomination, Benedetto predicts that the economy will still be the cornerstone issue in the general election. “If the economy is still looking better and people are starting to 5##.$2$.0!!.#$'0!$)-7#$,-%J/#%!;$!"#4$ &0..$ 2,,7(#$ !-$ L'2)2=+$ '#%#J!@$ 95$ not, if the Republican candidate is able to make a better case or sound )-7#$,-%J/#%!$-7$<0A#$*#-*.#$)-7#$ ,-%J/#%,#;$!"2!=..$'#$0!@F

! 8*,#

the current


B l a s t f r o m t h e pa s t

BY DONNA BACHMAN Long-gone Alumni

Welcome back to the “blast from the past,” a feature showcasing articles from our archives. This piece, from September 29, 1976, introduces new security policies and changed hours for the Health Center. The rest, as they say, is history!

Two new policies, dealing with security and dormitory keys, are under consideration. The security policy has already been temporarily changed; there are currently two proposals for the new key policy. The following procedures will be followed at the security gate until further notice: 1) Security guards will be on duty at the gate from 5:30 Friday pm to 8:00 am Monday. 2) Between the hours or 5:30 pm and 11:00am Sunday through Thursday and 5:30 pm to midnight on Friday and Saturday, the attendant will a) pass through all cars bearing EC parking stickers, b) pass through all cars which one of the occupants is a member of the EC !"##$%&'()*%+),-".,)/01&2!*'&"%)"3)'-0)3*!'4)!5)3"1)*%()!*1)%"')#00'&%6)'-0)*7"/0)!1&'01&*4) '-0),0!$1&'()*''0%+*%').&88)10!"1+)&%)*)8"6)7""9)'-0)%*#0)"3)'-0)+1&/01):/01&20+)7()*%);<54)'-0) destination of the occupants, and the license plate no. of the car. 3) Between the hours of 11:00 pm and 8:00 am Sunday through Thursday and midnight through 8:00 am Friday and Saturday, the attendant will a) pass all cars bearing an EC =*19&%6) ,'&!901) "1) -*/&%6) *%) >?) #0#701) .-") =10,0%',) *) /*8&+) ;<4) 75) *3'01) 10!"1+&%6) '-0) driver’s name, destination, and license number, pass through all visitors who have been =1"=018()&+0%'&2!*'&"%)#0*%,)'-*')*)#0#701)"3)>?)-*,)'080=-"%0,)@ABCC).-0%)"=0%)"1)DEFG HHEE)*3'01)#&+%&6-')@)"1)/&,&'0+)'-0)6*'0)*%+)6&/0%)'-0&1)%*#0)"3)'-0)0A=0!'0+)/&,&'"14)!5)'-0) security attendant will pass no other cars, but will suggest the driver go to the nearest pay phone and contact the person they wish to visit and ask them to phone the gate for clearance. The two proposals for the key policy have been suggested because of the present recurrent lock system and the estimate made by the Physical Plant that some 500 keys are lost per yr. "3).-&!-)#*(),'&88)70)I"*'&%6)*1"$%+J)K-0)21,')=1"=",*8),$660,',)'-*')*88)8"!9,)&%)'-0)3"1#)70) 10!"1+0+)*')*%)0,'&#*'0)!",')"3)LBGEMMMJ)K-0),0!"%+)=1"=",*8),$660,',)'-*')*,)*),'$+0%')8",0,) a key, his/her lock is recorded. That would mean that gradually, all locks would be recorded. The common element between the two proposals is the fact that any time a student loses a room key, he/she will have to pay for the key and get a new lock on his/her door. An estimated cost would b0),"#0.-010)&%)'-0)LHMGHC)1*%604)!"#=*10+)'")'-0)=10,0%')=1&!0)"3)LHE)3"1)*) recording job. A decision should be reached within ten months, as soon as the how and when have been decided upon. N%0)%"%G!-*%60).-ich should be mentioned is the standing of the Health Center’s weekend hours, which will remain the same since it ."$8+)%"')70)=1*!'&!*8)'")900=)%$1,0,)"%)OPG-"$1) duty for the amount of students at Eckerd. One slight change at the Health Center is the additional charge for services. The proposed and present changes in the key and security policies are made to ensure the tranquility of the campus in general and the body and soul of each member of the EC community.

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`/.7= NEW YORK CITY! "! #BKQ&! a(1+! V-/+! [++/.-))1! /2! ,012! 9.(*5! -b5)(.-2! 122*-2! (4! *.3/+! 5(8-.,?! /+7! 0-)52! (*,! )(HP1+6(:-!

5-(5)-!1+!,012!:(2,!/:/I1+9!61,?= NICARAGUA! "! #JKK&! '()*+,--.! /,! /! 5.-2-.8-cI((! 1+! /! 2:/))! 6(::*+1,?! 3-?(+7! d/+/9*/= ORLANDO! "! #]KJ&! N5-+7! ,0-! H--E! 8()*+,--.1+9!H1,0!/+!(.9/+1I/,1(+!,0/,!0-)52! ,-.:1+/))?! 1))! 601)7.-+! 9-,! /! 8121,! ,(! /! ,0-:-! 5/.E= PANAMA! "! #%KK&! a(1+! <.(4-22(.! L/+6?! a/+*2! H(.E1+9! 1+! (.50/+/9-2! 1+! ,0-! 6/51,/)! 61,?= PERU! "! #JMB&! G./8-)! ,(! 6*),*./))?! .160! /+7! 3-/*,14*)! <-.*! ,(! H(.E! H1,0! /! 2:/))! -7*6/,1(+/)! +(+P5.(X,! 1+! ,0-! *+1e*-! 6(/2,/)! 7-2-.,! .-91(+=! '()*+,--.2! H1))! /2212,! H1,0! 8/.1(*2!5.(U-6,2!/,!/+!1+719-+(*2!5.-260(()!1+! /!)(HP1+6(:-!/.-/!(+!,0-!(*,2E1.,2!(4!\1:/= PUERTO RICO! "! #Q_K&! G012! 9.(*5! H1))! H(.E! H1,0! /+! /:/I1+9! -+81.(+:-+,/)c 2*2,/1+/31)1,?! (.9/+1I/,1(+! 1+! ,0-! U*+9)-=! >(:-!5./6,16-!?(*.!N5/+120A

UKIAH, CALIFORNIA! "! #BBK&! '()*+,--.! /,! O*77012,! :(+/2,-.?! +(.,0! (4! N/+! S./+6126(=!G0-! >1,?! (4! ]KYKKK! O*770/2! +--72! 0-)5! H1,0! ,0-1.! (.9/+16Y! 2*2,/1+/3)-! 9/.7-+!/+7!(,0-.!5.(U-6,2= VENEZUELA! "! #%KK&! a(1+! <.(4-22(.! O-+2/7(+! /+7! 0-.! 6(P)-/7-.! ,(! H(.E! H1,0! ,0-!N/)-/2/+2!(4!V(+!O(26(Y!/+!(.9/+1I/,1(+! 0-)51+9! 1+! 8-.?! 5((.! /.-/2! H1,0! 0-/),0! /+7! 8(6/,1(+/)! H(.E=! G0-.-! 20(*)7! 3-! (55(.,*+1,1-2!,(!H(.E!71.-6,)?!H1,0!601)7.-+! 1+!260(()2!H1,0!,012!5.(U-6,= WASHINGTON, D.C.! "! #]QK&! >(:-! 5/.,1615/,-!1+!\fGO!/78(6/6?!1+!(*.!+/,1(+@2! 6/51,/)=!G012!12!/!60/+6-!,(!,/E-!/!2,/+7!/+7! :/E-! /! 71g-.-+6-! (+! ,012! 1:5(.,/+,! ,(516=! <)*2!-8-.?![:-.16/+!20(*)7!2--!`/201+9,(+Y! V=>=!/,!2(:-!5(1+,A YUCATAN! "! #QBC&! T+,-.-2,-7! 1+! /! 6/.--.! 1+!,0-!:-716/)!5.(4-221(+2F!G012!,-/:!H1))!7(! 0-/),0! /+7! :-716/)P,0-:-7! H(.E! 1+! /! )(HP 1+6(:-!6(::*+1,?!1+!,0-!h*6/,/+!<-+1+2*)/=



the current




!!"#$%&"'() THE BEST REALITY TV SHOW OF 2012? A look into the GOP primaries !"#$%&'()"*)+,!-$./01,2)30$-4052)052)+,!-$.60%$,!-7&5'&4 !"#$%&'()*+()*,',)-".+/'--+!01*"2+)*,+3"4-+5'*67'(89

!"#$%&'#(&)*+, !"#$%&'(")' Sometimes I wonder if the race for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination is reality politics or reality TV. After seeing the theat! "#$%&'(&)*+&,-./&0+123/#$.-&4+3.)+&3+('"+&)*+& Florida primary, I felt as if I was watching the ,-./+&'(&.&%+.%'-&'(&562"7#7'"8&'"&59#:&9"')*! +";8&".)*+"&)*.-&.&1"+%#4+-)#./&$.<1.#:-=&>*+& ?/'"#4#.-&7')+"%&@+"+&5>*+&9.$*+/'";8&.-4&'2"& $*'#$+&@.%&3+)@++-&)@'&$"''A%;&.-&+7.-:+/#! $./&+B'"$#%)&.-4&0'-&C.2/=& >*#%&#%&)*+&,"%)&+/+$)#'-&D+."&@#)*&)*+&2%+& '(&#-(.<'2%&5621+"&CEF%;8&.-4&)*+&$.<1.#:-& "*+)'"#$& $'2/4-G)& 3+& 4#")#+"=&E()+"& .-& +<3."! ".%%#-:&/'%%&#-&6'2)*&F."'/#-.&("'<&)*+&H+@)&

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)2"+& $.1#)./#%)8& .%& )*+& FPQ& '(& 9.#-& F.1#)./;& .-& #-7+%)'"& $'<1.-D& )*.)& %1+$#./#R+%& #-& 1"#! 7.)+&+M2#)D&.-4&7+-)2"+&$.1#)./=&9.#-&*.%&3++-& .$$2%+4& '(& 2-(.#"/D& ,"#-:& @'"A+"%& .)& %<.//& $'<1.-#+%& #)& .$M2#"+4& 4+%1#)+& )*+& (.$)& )*.)& many of these smaller companies were failing as it is. >*#%& *.%& )'& 3+& )*+& <'%)& 4+%1+".)+& .)).$A& '(& )*+& JQC& 1"#<."#+%& D+)=& S)G%& /.2:*.3/+& )*.)& @*#/+& C"+%#4+-)& Q3.<.& #%& $'-%#%)+-)/D& referred to as a socialist who hates personal ,-.-$#./&%2$$+%%;&J#-:"#$*&#%&)*+&'-+&@*'&#%& %'2-4#-:&<'"+&/#A+&.&TT&1+"$+-)+"=& 6)#//;& (.$)%& %2$*& .%& )*+%+& $'-)".4#$)& 0'<! -+DG%&$/.#<%&'(&3+#-:&.-&+B1+"#+-$+4&32%#-+%%! <.-&@*'&$"+.)+4&U'3%&".)*+"&)*.-&+/#<#-.)+4&


New speed bumps !"# VS. $#%

Editors Cait Duffy and Josh Keeler debate, and students share their opinions in PerspECtives. page 10

Facebook Users are being switched over to the new Timeline, and not everyone is happy page 10 about it.


!9:%15201%;.,/%<"=42-3.4; >*+& ?9S& ".#4+4& .-4& %*2)& 4'@-& I+:.21/'.4;& )*+& 1'12/."& ,/+!%*."! #-:&@+3%#)+;&#-&<#4!V.-2."D= >*#%& #%& '-+& '(& )*+& 3#::+%)& $'1D! "#:*)& $.%+%& +7+"& 12"%2+4& 3D& )*+& :'7+"-<+-)=& S)& $.<+& '-& )*+& *++/%& '(& )*+& V.-=& WX& S-)+"-+)& 1"')+%)& '(& the Stop Online Piracy Act, a day '-& @*#$*& %+7+"./& @+3%#)+%;& #-$/24! #-:&L#A#1+4#.&.-4&J'':/+;&1.")#$#! 1.)+4&#-&.&3/.$A'2)&#-&1"')+%)&'(&)*+& 6QCE&3#//=&>*+&3#//&@.%&%*+/7+4&)@'& days later. I+:.21/'.4;& ./'-:& @#)*& I+:.! 7#4+'& .-4& WY& ')*+"& "+/.)+4& I+:.& @+3%#)+%;&."+&-'@&2-4+"&)*+&$'-)"'/& '(&)*+&(+4+"./&:'7+"-<+-)=& ?'"&)*'%+&'(&D'2&@*'&4'-G)&A-'@;& I+:.7#4+'& .-4& I+:.21/'.4& @+"+& )@'&'(&)*+&3+%)&,/+&%*."#-:&.-4&7#4! +'&*'%)#-:&@+3%#)+%&.7.#/.3/+=& >*+D&'K+"+4&<+<3+"%*#1%&.7.#/! .3/+&('"&.-&.K'"4.3/+&1"#$+;&.%&@+//& .%& ("++& %)"+.<#-:& 7#4+'%& ('"& .-& ./! /'))+4&.<'2-)&'(&)#<+=&&I#//#'-%&'(& 7#%#)'"%&Z'$A+4&)'&)*+#"&%#)+%&4.#/D=& >*+&%#)+%&'K+"+4&.&@#4+&."".D&'(& <2%#$;&)+/+7#%#'-&%*'@%&.-4&<'7#+%& .-4&<.4+&#)&1'%%#3/+&)'&@.)$*&+-)#"+& %+.%'-%&'(&%*'@%&'"&<'7#+%&-')&D+)& released on DVD, which appealed )'&$'//+:+&%)24+-)%&.-4&.42/)%&./#A+= [#<&\')$'<;&)*+&('2-4+"&'(&)*+& sites, and three others were arrested V.-=&WT&#-&H+@&]+./.-4=&>*"++&<'"+&


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Sean and Ethan discuss defense spending.



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the current



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S6A,"Q6@6"T-0-6>>,U"?0/J*"%,"8-+" of tea, but I reserve a special blend of contempt for “Born This Way.” It could be because the song is a blatant attempt at manufacturing a modern gay anthem in pursuit of commercial gain. Or maybe it’s H&86-0&"*#&"<(0*"*?%&"5"#&6(A"?*"$/" the radio I was told “oh, you must love this song,” as if gays are drawn to Gaga and gay empowerment ballads like glittered moths to a V6%&2 But ignoring those reasons, I still </A" %,0&>1" -/&60," '?*#" *#&" 0$/@J0" %&006@&7"/$"%6**&("#$'"+($!@6,"?*" is. It’s not that I disagree with the 6(@-%&/*" *#6*" 0&=-6>?*," ?0" ?/H$(/7" determined by genetics and other biological factors out of our control. I#&" &B?A&/8&7" H$*#" 08?&/*?<8" 6/A" anecdotal, is stacked strongly in favor of a biological basis for being gay. Take my early childhood, for &=6%+>&2" R*" 6@&" W" 5" 1(&N-&/*>," made a dash for a particular set of red heels in the shoe department of Boscov’s, a department store chain at our local mall. X," 6@&" :" 5" '60" 8$/B?/8&A" *#&" proper way to conclude grace before a meal was not “amen” but “and men.” You know, as in “Dear God we thank you for this food, and men.” Why nobody, including %," YDZR" +(&!08#$$>" *&68#&(07" ever corrected me is still a mystery. My memory can only stretch back so far, so I can’t be sure when all that started. Something could #6B&" #6++&/&A" ?/" *#$0&" <(0*" 1&'" ,&6(0"*$"0*&&("%&"$/"*#&"N-&&("+6*#7" but it’s safe to reason, as much as I hate giving Gaga credit, that I was born this way. The search for the “gay gene” started decades ago. Back in *#&" C[\;07" H&1$(&" *#&" R%&(?86/" Psychological Association took #$%$0&=-6>?*,"$."?*0">?0*"$1"%&/*6>" disorders, a biological basis for #$%$0&=-6>?*," '60" -/A&/?6H>," important. Proof that we were H$(/" @6," T$(" H?0&=-6>U" '$->A" 0#$'" we weren’t ill and deserved to be

*(&6*&A"&N-6>>,2 ]$"A&</?*?B&"6/0'&("#60",&*"H&&/" found, but a few genes of interest #6B&" H&&/" ?A&/*?<&A7" >?)&" 0-0+&8*0" in a murder investigation. For now, the hunt continues. But really, who cares? G?(0*7" A$&0" ?*" %6)&" 6" 0?@/?<86/*" A?.&(&/8&"?1"5"86/"+$?/*"*$"6"8&(*6?/" stretch of DNA, a gene here, a whack chromosome there, and say without a doubt “this is why I’m gay?” It certainly lends a sense of 8(&A?H?>?*,"*$"#$%$0&=-6>?*,^"/6*-(&" did this, and nature is not to be doubted. But if I chose it, if I looked at the two genders, weighed my options and picked men over women, does that mean I should be open to 08$(/_"Z,/*#?6"]?=$/7"$1"L&="?/"*#&" City fame, caused some controversy last week when, in an interview with the New York Times, she said while #&("H?0&=-6>?*,"?0"46"168*3"?*"'60"#&(" choice to be in a gay relationship. Whatever makes you happy, right? More frightening is the prospect of what society would do with the knowledge of the precise causes of #$%$0&=-6>?*,2" 5*J0" 061&" *$" 06," '&" would have been stamped out long ago had societies known how to &.&8*?B&>," A$" 0$2" Q?B&/" 6" +(&/6*6>" *&0*"*#6*"86/"A&*&(%?/&"*#&"0&=-6>?*," $1" 6" 1&*-07" $(" 6" @&/&!*#&(6+," *#6*" turns a gay person straight, at least some parents wouldn’t think twice about changing the orientation $1" *#&?(" 0$$/!*$!H&!#$%+$0&=-6>" newborn. To be perfectly honest, I can’t say for certain I wouldn’t 4#&*&($0&=-6>?`&3" %," $'/" 8#?>A" with the intention of making his or her life easier in mind. It’d be a tough decision, one I’d mull over for months, but it’s hard to deny the added challenges facing LGBT youth regardless of their environment, accepting or not. For now, I’m happy attributing %," @6," ?A&/*?*," *$" 6/" -/?A&/*?<&A" cause, either biological, +0,8#$>$@?86>" $(" 6" %?=*-(&" $1" *#&" two. Subscribing to one theory doesn’t change anything, and neither does proving one. Besides, don’t scientists have more pressing matters to attend to? I’m pretty sure Hollywood +($%?0&A"%&"#$B&(H$6(A0"H,"O;C:2" So leave my genes alone, science, 6/A" 0*$+" *(,?/@" *$" <@-(&" $-*" ?1" '&" were born this way or not. Either way, we’re still here.

!"#$!%&'()"$ “Anything is a better alternative to the new speed bumps. ”

!"Erin Stringer, Sophomore

GOP primaries like reality TV shows 123$4235-#6789#:;<=#>

them. L&/6*$(" L6/*$(-%" <(&A" -+" his Italian tenacity by taking on M$%/&,86(&" 6*" *#&" </6>" A&H6*&" accusing Romney of supporting *$+!A$'/" %&A?8?/&" ?/" *#&" 0*6*&" of Massachusetts. Meanwhile Gingrich made & = * ( 6 B 6 @ 6 / *" claims of starting up the American s p a c e program and establishing a permanent “moon base” by the end of the decade. Who needs Gu a n t a n a m o Bay when you can send potential terrorists to a lunar prison? In the end the Florida primary only proved that money is all that %6**&(02"5/"*#&"</6>"N-6(*&("$1"O;CC7" Mitt Romney’s campaign reported

!"#$%&' (#$%&'$ “My goal in life is to not do what chemists do.” !"#"$%&'()'"$*+,-''+*"+."/%-")+0$1()2/-3" '&'/-0"+,"4.(/'"(."52*(+4'"')(-.)-'6""

“Why did Forrest Gump run? Be! cause he felt like it. ” !"#"$*+,-''+*"*2.3+01&"/217(.8"29+4/"4.*-! 12/-3"/%(.8'"34*(.8")12''"6

“Hold on. I have to give you guys #$%&'$()" *$" )&&+" ,$-" $." *#&" streets.” !"#"$%&'()'"$*+,-''+*"2''(8.(.8"%+0-:+*7" 9-,+*-"/%-"-.3"+,")12''6

“You’re sad. You do need to drink this weekend.” !"#"$+1(/()21"')(-.)-"$*+,-''+*"3(')4''(.8"/%-" *-21(/&"+,"$+1(/()'6

“We got to get all this empower '$%&/"0*-."$-*"$1"#&(&23 !"#""021-";4**-./"'/2<-*")+00-./(.8"/%-" .409-*"+,":+0-."+."'/2<"5-*'4'"/%-".09-*" +,"0-.6

Facebook introduces Timeline to users !"#-.%**/*#0),+ !"#$%&'(")' We knew it was coming, we just didn’t know when. However, Facebook has now begun switching -0&(0" *$" *#&" /&'" +($<>&" 1$(%6*7" called Timeline. Many users have already B$>-/*6(?>," -+@(6A&A" *#&?(" +($<>&0" to Timeline, however many, including myself, have opted to not -+@(6A&" *#&?(" +($<>&" 60" G68&H$$)" unveils an entirely new format to present oneself in. Timeline is basically a way to showcase all of your major life &B&/*0" &60?>," *#($-@#" ,$-(" +($<>&2" I#&"/&'"+($<>&"0*6(*0"6*",$-("H?(*#" and has options on the side to 8#$$0&" A?.&(&/*" ,&6(0" $1" ,$-(" >?1&" to browse. 5*" 6>0$" $.&(0" /&'" $+*?$/0" >?)&" 6" cover photo where users can post a picture to showcase part of their personality, whether it is a beloved pet or their own art. Sophomore Ann Marie Arnold said she made the change to Timeline because, “I liked the cover photo, I thought it was cool. It’s kind of fun to have a background.”


Users also have the ability to highlight their most popular or favorite posts, photos and major events. According to the Timeline Introductory page, Facebook claims, “This is where you can tell your story from beginning, to middle, to now.” I#($-@#$-*" *#&" 0?=" ,&6(0" *#6*" 5JB&"#6A"6"+($<>&7"5JB&"0&&/"?*"8#6/@&" too many times for my liking. It seems Facebook is determined to continue reinventing itself to ensure that what happened to sites like Myspace never happens to them. But are the constant changes even necessary? Hasn’t Facebook proven by now that it has staying power after it reached more than K;;" %?>>?$/" -0&(0" 6/A" 0+6'/&A" 6/" Oscar winning movie based on the development of the site alone? Apparently not. Several Eckerd students claimed

they would never opt to make the switch to Timeline citing various reasons. “Timeline seems unnecessarily confusing and inconvenient,” said Sophomore Julia Levy. “I don’t need to go back and look at what I wrote in 9th grade. That’s not part of my life anymore.” As has always been the case with Facebook, user’s privacy is once again the main concern with Timeline. When asked about the lack of privacy Timeline encourages, Sophomore Ann Marie Arnold claims, “I just took some ?/1$(%6*?$/" $." $1" %?/&2" 5*J0" *$$" easy to access so much information about me.” Although Facebook claims there 6(&"0&B&(6>"'6,0"*$")&&+",$-("+($<>&" private, the ability to simply scroll through any year of my life seems like an intrusion by my so called “friends.”

!"#$%&#'%#(%)#*++,#-.%)/#/0+#1+&#23++'#.)432#/0-/# 0-5+#.++1#3,-6+'#-7%)1'#6-43)28

“If you go the speed limit you can’t go over them safely. People are slamming on their brakes and it can cause accidents. An awesome solution would be to put in a sidewalk. ”

!"Becca Cassidy, Senior

(6?0?/@" 9OP" %?>>?$/" '#?>&" Q?/@(?8#" >6@@&A"H&#?/A"6*"9C;"%?>>?$/2"R1*&(" announcing his defeat in Florida, Q?/@(?8#" N-$*&A" *#&" Q&**,0H-(@" RAA(&00"?/"*#&"8$/*&=*"$1"</6/8?6>" A?.&(&/8&0" H&*'&&/" #?0" 6/A" Romney’s campaigns. “We have government of the people, by the people, for the people and we’re going to have people power defeat money +$'&("?/"*#&"/&=*" 0?="%$/*#023" W h e t h e r Gingrich is able to do so in the upcoming primaries and caucuses is up to *#&" &.&8*?B&/&00" of his Super !0#:#$*#+6-&!"#$# PACs. But don’t think it’s all over yet. Step right up and stay tuned for the /&=*"&+?0$A&"$1"+$>?*?86>"+6/A&(?/@7" #$*!6?(&A"+($%?0&"%6)?/@"6/A"%-A" slinging. If I were Barack Obama, I’d keep watching the program, and take as many notes as possible.

“Even with the new speed bumps there is still a lot of screeching tires.”

! John Cassell, Senior

45"#6*&"*#&%7"*#&,"8$0*"%&"9:;;""*$" <="%,"6>?@/%&/*"61*&("A(?B?/@"$B&(" *#&%"6*"C:"DEF23


"!Lauren Thompson, Sophomore


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the current


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When, on my way into campus after the conclusion of winter break, the tires on my old Volvo station wagon were assaulted by what felt like miniature walls, I immediately began cursing Eckerd College for its obvious attempt at ruining my car. I began making plans to come in the dead of night with my socket wrench and remove the new speed bumps. But then I remembered the many times I have walked down Avenue of States either late at night, early in the morning or even in broad daylight and almost gotten hit by a car ,#3:()97@$3,$5#(3B$G%&H$7(6B$'8((;C In my opinion, people drive way too fast along the roads on this campus, and, because we don’t have sidewalks leading everywhere, students and faculty are put in danger on a daily basis when they walk along the road. I am unsure how much these new speed bumps cost the college, but I would be willing to place bets and say they cost much less than laying down sidewalks all over campus. I7",-(#$8).'$9'$-3:97@$)(''$6"76#(,($"7$63%8.'$G2($3#($',9))$JK#((7+L$#9@-,MHC >3B97@$,-('($,-97@'$97,"$6"7'9;(#3,9"7+$?$,-97B$,-('($7(2$6.#5N)9B($'8((;$5.%8'$3#($3$ wonderful addition to our beautiful campus. If you don’t want your car to get ruined, I suggest you start by driving slower. And if you 3#($97$3$-.##&+$?$'.@@(',$)(3:97@$(3#)9(#$7(4,$,9%($'"$,-3,$&".$637$@(,$2-(#($&".L#($@"97@$"7$ time. ?L:($ )9',(7(;$ ,"$ ',.;(7,'L$ '.@@(',9"7'$ "*$ ;9D(#(7,$ 23&'$ ,"$ ')"2$ ,#3A6$ ;"27+$ 5.,$ 7"7($ seem very practical to me. One suggestion was to tear up asphalt in some areas and replace 9,$29,-$@#3:()$83,6-('C$=-3,$2".);$,-3,$;"$(46(8,$,(%8,$',.;(7,'$,"$J8(()$".,+L$'(7;97@$ #"6B'$O&97@C$K#3:()$83,6-('$2".);$7",$;9'6".#3@($'8((;97@C$>-($'8((;5.%8'M$P4,#(%()&$ discouraging.

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the sheltered walls of Eckerd X"))(@(C$=-3,$-388(7(;$97$/011$ was tangible. It was real. Here in the U.S., Occupy Wall Street got the most attention, and while the movement has been 366.'(;$ "*$ 5(97@$ ;9'"#@379<(;$ and without focus, that may be the beauty of it. Unlike what the media depicts, the movement was far from homogeneous. Those who participated came from all


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!"#$%&'()*+$,-($'.%%(#$"*$/010$23'$ spent working at a small gas station and mechanic’s shop in New Jersey, learning the ins and outs of a gas pump and basic car maintenance. Time and time again customers came in with popped tires, bent tire rims, skewed alignments, worn shocks and struts and even the occasional broken 34)(+$ 3))$ 5(63.'($ "*$ ,-($ 73',&$ 8",-")('$ the past winter had left in the roads. When I got back to Eckerd College for the following fall semester, I was #()9(:(;$,"$#(3)9<($,-3,$%&$63#$37;$23))(,$ had escaped the same problems as the customers I had met that summer. It was a small comfort, yet one that was taken from me at the beginning of =97,(#$ >(#%$ /01/$ 2-(7$ ?$ ;9'6":(#(;$ the new speed bumps installed across the roads of campus. Installed to protect pedestrians in !""#$%&'%!()*+,*-'&./&*0""!(%%*1// -9@-$ ,#3A6$ 3#(3'$ 2-(#($ '3*(,&$ -3;$ become a concern, the chosen design is a driver’s worst nightmare. The steep, narrow strips better resemble concrete parking chocks than something to remind you of your speed. Repeatedly driving over such abrupt strips can cause the same type of damage my 8",-")($ 6.',"%(#'$ (48(#9(76(;+$ %"',$ 6"%%"7)&$ 5(@97797@$ 29,-$ ;3%3@($ ,"$ ,9#('+$ #9%'$ 37;$'-"6B'C$!"#$',.;(7,'$2-"$)9:($"D$63%8.'$37;$7((;$,"$;#9:($":(#$,-('($'8((;$5.%8'$ multiple times daily, such as myself, it looks like it’s time to start saving that spare change *"#$'"%($.7(48(6,(;$#(839#'C On the note of uneven tire pressure, attempting to avoid the speed bumps by only going over them with one side of your car causes lower tire pressure on that side, which can cause 3$5)"2".,$"7$/EFC To protect those walking on the street, damaging obstacles for cars were installed. But I’m forced to wonder if creating a designated walking path with protected crosswalks would 5($%"#($6"',$(D(6,9:($*"#$5",-$',.;(7,'$37;$,-($3;%979',#3,9"7C

?7.0"101%,.73:,+:"%67"40"%@3.#43%A-7+/B >9%($ Q3@3<97(L'$ 8(#'"7$ "*$ ,-($&(3#$9'7L,$,-($R#',$,-97@$,-3,$ draws my eye. Usually the choice is a 8#(;96,35)&$2())NB7"27$*36($)9B($ S3#36B$ T53%3$ 97$ /00U$ "#$ Q3#B$ V.6B(#5(#@$97$/010C$S.,$,-9'$&(3#$ Time went rogue by choosing a less conventional person of the year, The Protester. I,$R#',$?$,-".@-,$9,$23'$3$6"8$ out by picking a no name mass of WWN8(#6(7,(#'C$S.,$,#.,-$5($,");+$ the whole world had gone rogue. Last year was a year of noise. It was a year where the masses )(*,$ ,-(9#$ 37@',N#9;;(7$ 5)"@'$ behind and demanded change *#"%$ @":(#7%(7,'$ 37;$ R737693)$ institutions that had proved to be untrustworthy. The signs of public distrust were evident everywhere in Europe, the Middle East, the U.S. and even China. One scene I will remember as 3$ ;(R797@$ %"%(7,$ "*$ %&$ /011$ was walking through the streets of St. Petersburg with Occupy St. Pete and my colleagues from The Current. I can still hear the chants of “this is what democracy looks like” dinning around familiar landmarks on Central Ave. and Baywalk. Only a few weekends later many of %&$ *#9(7;'$ ,""B$ "D$ "7$ 5.'('$ to protest the XL Pipeline in Washington, D.C. This phenomenon wasn’t a distant image on the television. The trends of popular dissent were evident even within

*+",-.+/01 !!

;9D(#(7,$ 536B@#".7;'+$ 3@('$ 37;$ ideologies. The only common message was a call for the ;"27*3))$"*$,-($2(3),-$97(Y.3)9,&$ and corporate irresponsibility currently tearing at the fabric of our democratic society. As of now the movement is not dead. Occupiers have carried their cause away from Manhattan and L.A. and on to Congress and the Supreme Court. Due

to the loud presence of the “99 8(#6(7,+Z$ 8#"@#(''9:($ ,343,9"7$ 37;$976"%($97(Y.3)9,&$-3:($"76($ again entered the national debate with such legislative proposals as ,-($S.D(,$[.)(C$ Not all survived the tsunami "*$.8#9'97@'$37;$8#",(','$"*$/011C$ Last year at this time a dictator was in power in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya. A region which once appeared as a safe haven for ,&#377&$ 9'$ 7"2$ 5)3<97@$ 29,-$ ,-($ R#('$"*$8"8.)3#$.8#9'97@C$ Tunisia’s President Ben Ali 23'$,-($R#',$,"$-((;$,-($23#797@$ '9@7'$ 5&$ O((97@$ ,"$ \3.;9$I#3593C$ Egyptian President Hosni Q.53#3B$ Y.96B)&$ *"))"2(;$ 5&$ seceding power to the military in February. The most dramatic episode occurred in Libya. After months of civil war between military loyalists and Eastern Rebels, K(7(#3)$ Q3-%.;$ K3;;3R$ 23'$ 5#.,3))&$ (4(6.,(;$ .8"7$ 5(97@$ discovered in his home town of Sirte. While the North African protests were the most vocal, others were erupting elsewhere. Opposition leader Anna ]3<3#($ 97'89#(;$ 3$ Q9;;)($ X)3''$ protest against corruption and bribery within the ruling Singh Administration of India by fasting. Austerity protests continued in Italy, Greece and Spain where unemployment still remains at unsustainable levels. Rome and London in particular (48(#9(76(;$ :9")(7,$ ".,5#(3B'$ 3FF!GH9IF3I3J!ABCD!KL

Hacking away 7898:;9<3!=>?@!ABCD!E

educate ourselves about laws such as SOPA, PIPA and ACTA, which will threaten the freedom of sharing information on the Internet. However, I don’t believe that hacking into the computers of everyone who doesn’t agree with this is a proper solution. One %.',$Y.(',9"7$2-3,$2".);$-388(7$9*$8#9:3,($ information were to become compromised by Anonymous’s attacks. It’s already happened with UFC president Dana White. After an argument between White and one of the Anonymous Twitter feeds over his '.88"#,$*"#$\T^I+$,-($"#@379<3,9"7$8"',(;$ White’s personal information including his Social Security number, cell phone number, address and legal cases on the site Pastebin. It’s an abuse of power. Professor Anthony Brunello shared his opinion of Anonymous via email. While he appreciates the collective’s initiative to increase public concerns about possible violations of personal liberties, Anonymous’s methods are cause for concern. “They have @(7(#3,(;$ 3$ )(3;(#)(''$ 8)3,*"#%$ 2-(#($ '()*N 9;(7,9R(;$ '"693)$ 36,9:9','$ 637$ ,(3#$ 97,"$ ,-($ "#@379<3,9"7'$ ,-(&$ "88"'($ 37;$ 5#97@$ ,-(%$ down by hacking into their systems,” he said. “This always leaves open the prospect for a capricious act that does irreparable or unintended harm to innocent people and government agencies.” X&5(#N3,,36B'$-3:($#(6(7,)&$5((7$;(6)3#(;$ one of America’s top terror threats by the director of the FBI, with Anonymous being mentioned by name. I can see why. It’s not as if you can see the person who wants to hurt you. With this new form of attack, you can never see who is behind it. Anonymous has good intentions, but I’m concerned about what those intentions might inspire. What will happen when the hacking goes beyond websites?

!" %%!"*,8'"($#


the current




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To the chagrin of Republicans, President Obama has been able to do something his predecessor would never have !"#$%#!&'(&!')*+,&-"$./).#&01.$2&"#1-'*1)3)2)/45&67#"&/8#&*#9/& !#.$!#&/8#&:#*/$+'*&)1&#9-#./#!&/'&!#."#$1#&)/1&3;!+#/&34&$*& #1/)%$/#!& <=& /")22)'*5&>8#1#& .;/1& ?#"#& )%%#!)$/#24& 8#"$2!#!& 34&.")/).1&$1&/8#&#*!&'(&@%#").$*&1;-"#%$.4&$*!&$&/8"#$/&/'& *$/)'*$2&1#.;")/45&A'?#7#",&*'/8)*+&.';2!&3#&($"/8#"&("'%&"#B $2)/45&& C"'%&DEE=BDEEF,&/8#&G;18&@!%)*)1/"$/)'*&1H4"'.H#/#!&$*B *;$2&!#(#*1#&1-#*!)*+&34&"';+824&IE&-#".#*/&)*&"#1-'*1#&/'& /8#&J#-/5&==&$//$.H1,&?8).8&1*'?3$22#!&)*/'&$&+2'3$2&?$"&$+$)*1/& $*&)*!#0*$32#&#*#%45&K*&/8#&-"'.#11&'(&!')*+&1'&/8#&L5J5&#*B /#"#!&/?'&;**#.#11$"4&?$"1&/8$/&.'1/&/")22)'*1&'(&/$9-$4#"&!'2B 2$"1&$*!&/8';1$*!1&'(&@%#").$*&2)7#15&@1&)/&*'?&1/$*!1,&#7#*& ?)/8& M8)*$& #9-$*!)*+& )/1& %)2)/$"4,& /8#& L5J5& 1-#*!1& %'"#& '*& N!#(#*1#O& /8$*& /8#& "#1/& '(& /8#& ?'"2!& .'%3)*#!5&P#/& !#1-)/#& the facts, conservative commentators continue to defend a 32$*H&.8#.H&('"&?8$/&MQQR1&C$"##!&S$H$")$&8$1&!;33#!&N/8#& ?'"2!R1&2$"+#1/&1'.)$2)1/&#.'*'%45O&Q'?&/8$/&/8#&K"$T&?$"&8$1& #*!#!,&/8#&@(+8$*)1/$*&?$"&)1&?)*!)*+&!'?*&$*!&61$%$&G)*& U$!#*&)1&*'&2'*+#"&$&/8"#$/,&)/R1&/)%#&/'&1/$"/&1/$"7)*+&/8#&3#$1/& /8$/&8$1&8'7#"#!&'7#"&V$18)*+/'*&('"&1'&2'*+5

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between disgruntled demonstrators and the -'2).#& !;")*+& 6..;-4& V$22& J/"##/R1& +2'3$2& N^$4&'(&@./)'*O&)*&%)!&6./'3#"5& K*&\;11)$,&/8';1$*!1&'(&-"'/#1/'"1&Y''!#!& /8#& (")+)!& ^#.#%3#"& 1/"##/1& '(& _'1.'?& /'& '--'1#&:")%#&_)*)1/#"&:;/)*R1&3)!&('"&"##2#.B /)'*&!;#&/'&$..';*/1&'(&7'/#"&("$;!5&& China was not immune from populist $./)'*& $+$)*1/& /8#& -'?#"(;25& K*& /8#& 1%$22& d;$*+!'*+& 7)22$+#& '(& V;H$*,& 8;*!"#!1& '(& -"'/#1/'"1&.$22#!&('"&$*&#*!&/'&)22#+$2&1#)a;"#1& '(&/8#)"&2$*!&('"&!#7#2'-%#*/&-;"-'1#1&34&2'B .$2&+'7#"*%#*/&'k.)$215& @1&?#&#*/#"&/8#&$;1-).)';1&4#$"&'(&DE=D,&?#& 0*!&';"1#27#1&2)7)*+&)*&$&?'"2!&'*&0"#5&>8)1&)1& /8#&0"1/&?$7#&'(&"#7'2/&$*!&;*"#1/&)*&$&-'1/B K*/#"*#/& ?'"2!& $*!& +'7#"*%#*/1& $"#& 0*!)*+& )/&8$"!#"&$*!&8$"!#"&/'&H##-&;-&?)/8&/8#&/#.8B *'2'+).$2&.$-$3)2)/)#1&'(&/8#)"&'?*&.)/)a#*"45

M'"-'"$/)'*1,& ?8)2#& %'"#& Y#9)32#& /8$*& governments, also have to answer to public distrust since without consumers such entiB /)#1&$"#&-'?#"2#115&@"';*!&/8#&?'"2!&/8#&$*B +"4,&/8#&7;2*#"$32#&$*!&/8#&!'?*/"'!!#*&$"#& 3#+)**)*+&/'&"#$2)a#&/8#)"&-'?#"&/8"';+8&.'2B 2#./)7#&$./)'*5& K&"#.'+*)a#&/8$/&/8#1#&-"'/#1/1&8$7#&!)b#"B #*/& %'/)7#15& G;/& )*& $& ?$4& /8#)"& #*!1& 8$7#& $& .'%%'*& /8#%#,& $..';*/$3)2)/4& )*& #9.8$*+#& ('"&2#+)/)%$.45& K*&/8$/&1#*1#,&+#//)*+&)*7'27#!&?)/8&6..;-4& J/5&:#/#&?$1&$&/8")22&/8$/&!'#1*R/&.'%#&$"';*!& $22&/8#&/)%#5&K/&?$1&3#)*+&$&%#%3#"&'(&$&+2'3$2& movement, a movement that connected WilB 2)$%1& :$"H& )*& !'?*/'?*& J/5& :#/#& ?)/8& S;.B .'//)& :$"H& )*& QPM,& ?)/8& >$8")"& JT;$"#& )*& M$)"',&?)/8&/8#&/'?*&'(&V;H$*&)*&M8)*$&$*!& ?)/8&J/5&:$;2R1&M$/8#!"$2&)*&U'*!'*5& :#"8$-1&DE=D&?)22&3#&/8#&!$?*)*+&'(&$&+2'3$2& 1-")*+&$(/#"&/8#&?)*/#"&'(&/8#&+2'3$2&"#.#11)'*5



the current


!!"#!$#%&"'!"# 95.:/+;%6/,7%!"#<%*8="->%2,3>"+,2% ?/8=/+;%3?%4+%?4/ !"#$%&#'(&)*%" Asst. Entertainment Editor On a wild night at Eckerd last fall, hundreds of students gathered in the Kappa courtyard to watch former student Nick “Wondo” Aksel Wondolowski use the ancient !"#$%!%&'( &)( *&%( )&"( +,"-( performances. “I was blown away by how good he was,” says Joshua Perlman, a junior living in Kappa. “It’s how simple he makes it look, it’s how organic he makes it look.” According to homeofpoi. com, “poi is a ball, made from *.#%!,$( /#0( +1,"( &"'#2,'!,$( 3%!4( 4#.%&!%5( 54,..( #'$( 5!67,$( with bulrush down.” The 1#..( 8#'( 1,( .%!( &'( +",( #'$( spun rhythmically around the body like a dance. This !"#$%#&'()*+#*,-$.'(#-/' ' ' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''!"#$%&'()"*)+",-"."/'012')34!&5""0)6$"7.& dance has become a hobby of Wondolowski, and he brought the tradition to Eckerd. by with a towel to smother any when asked about her thoughts three days straight without “I just do it for fun,” says 6'3#'!,$(/#2,59(656#..-(5,!5(6*( &'( +",( 5*%''%';=( A65B6,( %5( stopping. I literally just bought Wondolowski, who transferred and performs on weekend nights. often one of the faces in the more and more gallons of fuel. out of Eckerd following fall :4,(+",(*,")&"2,"5(;&(!4"&6;4( circle surrounding Wondolowski The moment I got out of school, semester. “When I’m just doing a routine of spinning a variety during Kappa parties. “Every I met up with my friend Powell it by myself I spin at Sigma, of poi instruments that can be time I see him spin it’s really #'$(3,(3&6.$(E65!(5*%'(+",(#..($#-( where I live, but I like to go ignited and danced with, such awesome. I just sit there and until we went to bed.” to Kappa because they have #5( #( 8&'!#8!( 5!#79( $&61.,( 5!#79( watch forever and ever, and when Since then Wondolowski has parties.” Before his arrival at rope dart, meteor darts, meteors, he stops, I get really sad.” E65!( 1,,'( ;,!!%';( 1,!!,"( #!( +",( Eckerd, those at Kappa were no puppy hammer and devil sticks. Wondolowski started performance theatre. He is now strangers to a good time, but “Everything I do, I practice spinning in high school before good enough to play gigs at with the addition of Wondo’s with,” says Wondolowski. “I coming to Eckerd. “I started festivals and clubs, and is insured talents their weekend events $&'<!( 5*%'( 3%!4( +",( #!( +"5!9( !&( spinning when I was 17, which 6*( !&( FG( 2%..%&'( %'( +",( ",.#!,$( took a turn for the hot. learn, and then I spin with the was three years ago,” he said. damages. One could call him a Wondolowski and a group /#2,5=> C4,'( C&'$&.&35D%( +"5!( 1,;#'( *"&),55%&'#.(+",(*,")&"2,"= of his friends, including other ?@(3&6.$(.%;4!(2-5,.)(&'(+",9>( spinning, he became addicted. +,,#-$./0#123,#45 spinners and someone standing says Freshman Shelby Busque ?:4,( +"5!( !%2,9( @( 5*6'( )&"( .%D,(

!3,3-"%3+8"-,./+%A4-%/55";.5%>46+54.>2 !"#A%7;&#'98"## !"#$%&'(")' Bon Iver’s 5,.)I!%!.,$( #.162P( Q%.( C#-',<5( “Tha Carter IV”, The Black Keys’ “El Camino.” These are just a few of last year’s most anticipated albums. Chances are you 8#'(+'$(2&5!(&)(!4,2(&'(#'-(8&..,;,(5!6$,'!5( computer. However, they probably didn’t pay for them. Until now, whenever a new rap album dropped or a season of “Always Sunny in Philadelphia” released on DVD, many 4,#$,$(!&(&',(&)(!4,(1%;9('&IB6,5!%&'5(#5D,$( +.,I54#"%';(5%!,5R(O,$%#+",(#'$(O,;#6*.&#$( #",(*,"4#*5(!4,(2&5!(3,..ID'&3'=( O,;#6*.&#$<5( ",8,'!( 4%;4I*"&+.,9( 4%;4.-( *61.%8%J,$( 5,%J6",( #'$( 546!( $&3'( 1-( !4,( Feds foreshadows what could be the end of the “Megaupload era,” where anything one could want to listen to or watch is only a few clicks away. What does this mean for us as consumers? As far as music is concerned, I think we 3%..(5,,(#(54%)!(#8"&55(!4,(265%8#.(;,'",I58#*,( !&3#"$( 4%*I4&*<5( !"#$%!%&'#.( )",,( 2%0!#*,( 2,!4&$5( 34,",( #"!%5!5( ",.,#5,( &H8%#.( collections of work for free online on sites .%D,(N#!*%7=8&2(#'$(Q%L,2%0!#*,5=8&2=(:4%5( 3%..(",56.!(%'(#'(,7&"!(!&(16%.$()#'(1#5,5(!4#!( will eventually pay for projects that are bigger and more expensive to produce. :4,( 5688,55( &)( #"!%5!5( .%D,( C%J( S4#.%)#9(


Frank Ocean and even R&B up and comer “The Weeknd,” all of whose music is now found on commercials and promo spots for TV shows and movies, can be directly attributed to following this mixtape model. The casual music listener will not feel a 46;,( "%**.,( ,7,8!( )"&2( O,;#T*.&#$( 1,%';( !#D,'(&7(!4,(@'!,"',!=(U.1625(1,%';(.,#D,$( early on the Internet are starting to become things of the past. Many artists have begun to use the model used by Kanye and Jay last year for “Watch The Throne” where a digital release on iTunes precedes the physical album drop by a week &"( 5&( %'( #'( ,7&"!( !&( 86!( $&3'( &'( .,#D5( #'$( *%"#8-(1,)&",(!4,(#.162(&H8%#..-(",.,#5,5=( Personally, I’ll be saving my dollars, as I have for years, for the artists whose work I !4%'D($,5,"L,5(%!R((M6"",'F-<5(',3(#.1629(:4,( U"8#$,(V%",<5(',3(E#JJI%'5*%",$(*"&E,8!(#'$(#( couple select others. At the end of the day, free music and movies are not going anywhere. The Feds are going to make an example out of Megaupload #'$( %!5( /#54-( ,0I&3',"( S%2( N&!8&29( 16!( .,!<5( )#8,( %!R( .#3( ,')&"8,2,'!( %5( +;4!%';( #( losing battle. Megaupload claimed responsibility last -,#"( )&"( W( *,",'!( &)( 3,1I!"#H8( 3&".$3%$,9( a huge portion of that was the downloading of pirated content. They were a clear target )&"( !4,( #6!4&"%!%,59( 34,",#5( O,$%#+",=8&2( is not. They maintain a positive image on


their website, claiming to be a legitimate cloud storage site, and making the bold, yet vague, claim that “people at 86 percent of the V&"!6',( GXX( M&2*#'%,5( 65,( O,$%#+",>( )&"( +.,(5!&"#;,=( Megaupload is no more, but it won’t be long before some other site replaces it.

R.I.P. “MEGAUPLOAD” 21 March 2005 19 January 2012

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!"#!$%&%"'%(')!"*%"' Viral video update


Darren Criss Broadway




Dorm Cooking


Sex on the Beach


@7.+;/+;%,7"% 64-5>%6/,7 !"#$#%&#'()*!+#%#

!"#6%7897#/::(;<#'99 !""#$%&'()*+',#"%-.'#+/ Farmville, a social media game played on Facebook has more than 30 million daily users. With an average playing time of just under two hours, that’s 16.5 million hours every day. Sojo Studios, a rival game developing company, has come up with a way to turn these hours in to charitable donations. WeTopia, Sojo’s new game, allows users to donate money without having to spend any. The game works by having players develop a small town, which can eventually be home to *.#-;"&6'$59(5&88,"(5!#$%6259($&8!&"5<(&H8,59( farmers’ markets and other businesses. You must grow crops to gain supplies, which you then give to the businesses. After waiting the allotted amount of time, the businesses use or sell supplies and turn %!( %'!&( *,"5&'#.( *"&+!( )&"( -&6"( #88&6'!=( @'5!,#$(&)(!4%5(*"&+!(1,%';(2&',-9(%!<5(8#..,$( “goodwill.” Players accumulate goodwill to buy and build other features that in turn 8",#!,(1%;;,"(*"&+!5= In addition to providing goodwill, businesses and the completion of certain tasks will also earn players joy points. Joy points change the world. Every time 100 joy points are earned, players can enter Joy Central and choose from a handful of projects to donate their joy to, including the Haiti Flamands School, Haiti Hot Meals 2, U.S. Change Program, U.S. Mobile Dental Clinic and the U.S. Literacy Program. At the end of each day, WeTopia donates between 20 and 50 percent of the company’s *"&+!5( )"&2( !4#!( $#-( !&( !4,( *#"!',"( '&'I *"&+!(&";#'%J#!%&'5=( :4,(2&',-(%5(#..&!!,$(!&(!4,(&";#'%J#!%&'5( based on the amount of joy donated to each project by every player. The actual money that WeTopia earns comes from players who spend money for extra game features and from sponsors and advertisers. The game is still in its infancy stage, but it’s already creating change. According to Sojo Studios, meals and medicines were distributed in Haiti, construction was started on a new school and an Appalachia literacy program was funded, all while the game was still in its private beta stage. A-( *#"!',"%';( 3%!4( 2#E&"( '&'*"&+!( &";#'%J#!%&'5( 5684( #5( K#L,( !4,( M4%.$",'9( buildOn and the Children’s Health Fund, #'$( ;#%'%';( !4,( 5&8%#.( 56**&"!( #'$( +'#'8%#.( backing of celebrities including talk show host Ellen DeGeneres, WeTopia is on its way to bringing about real change. N&862,'!#"-( +.22#D,"( C%..( O%..,"( is chronicling the story of WeTopia. “Everybody wants to feel like what they’re doing is creating some good, or that they’re 1,',+!%';( 5&2,&',9>( 4,( 5#%$( %'( #( L%$,&( +,,#=/>?@$A0#123,#4B

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9:',%;'%<&//**=%"(%<.',3">? G/$'0H#"(I*0% J+00*(% K0"##% 1+L*#%."#%M0'+=,+E%=*3&$ !"#$%&'("#)*+,-%. !"#$%&'(")' Darren Criss is on a roll. !"#$%&#'()"#*+(,#-(./.0"#&")&%12()#3421$# $2&# ()52)"# 1$"%1"+# 6(,7%)8# /"%,# 91%+:2;<# to Glee regular and, recently, he has taken (="+# *(+# >%)2"5# ?%;652@"# 3(*# !%++8# A(11"+# *%,"<# 2)# 1$"# B+(%;4%8# ,.&26%5# C!(4# 1(# 9.66"";# 2)# B.&2)"&&# 421$(.1# ?"%558#/+82)'DE# a performance that I was lucky enough to see. F(55(42)'#%#7(4"+$(.&"#)%,"#52:"?%;652@"# was not an easy task, especially considering Criss’s approximate two weeks of rehearsal %);# 1$+""G4"":# +.)# 2)# 1$"# &$(4# %&# 1$"# 5"%;# 6$%+%61"+#HI#A2"++"7()1#F2)6$I# It was a risky move for the producers 1(# ,%:"D# 0.1# 21# 7%2;# (@# 2)# 1$"# ");I# >.+2)'# Criss’s run as Finch, the show was reported to $%="#1%:")#2)#,(+"#1$%)#JKIL#,2552()#%#4"":# 3M.&1# &$8# (*# 1$"# JKIN# ,2552()# ,%;"# ;.+2)'# ?%;652@"O&# P)%5# 4"":<D# *(+# %# '+%);# 1(1%5# (*# ,(+"#1$%)#JQ#,2552()#08#R+2&&O#P)%5#0(4#()# Jan. 22, despite January’s reputation as a slow ,()1$#*(+#B+(%;4%8#7+(;.612()&I This massive response to the rising heartthrob might have had something to do with Criss’loyal fan base that poured into New York City in hopes of seeing his brief B+(%;4%8# ;"0.1I# F%)&# S(6:";# *+(,# %+(.);# the world, including countries such as Lebanon, Israel, Australia, Germany, France, the United Kingdom and New Zealand. They waited up to nine hours in hopes of meeting him at the stage door, and some even spent the night in front of the theater’s box (T6"# 2)# $(7"&# (*# 7.+6$%&2)'# 6$"%7"+D# 5%&1# minute rush tickets to see the show. As a person who actually had the pleasure of seeing him perform in “How to Succeed,” I can say that it was worth every penny to see this performer live out one of his greatest





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CY#$%="#0"")#7%2;#1(#&72)#P+"#0"*(+"#0.1#Y# ;()O1#(*1")#%&:#*(+#,()"8DE#&%8&#V();(5(4&:2I# !"#$%&'()"*)+,-,.&/,0)1".."2' “I like to do gigs for free mainly because !"#$%&'(%%)*&+%,--& YO="# &1%+1";# %);# Y# $%="# %# )26"# M(0# &(# Y# ;()O1# dreams. He was energetic and played the part necessarily need the money.” 421$#&(#,.6$#6()P;")6"#1$%1#21#4%&#$%+;#1(# V();(5(4&:2# ;";26%1"&# $2,&"5*# 1(# 1$"# think he had only been in the role for three art of poi. Since the instruments he uses are weeks as he nailed the choreography and sang S%,2)'# 4$25"# $"# &72)&# 1$",D# %662;")1&# 6%)# $2&# $"%+1# (.1I# !"# ;"P)21"58# 7.1# %# 72"6"# (*# $%77")I# CY*# 8(.# 75%8# 421$# P+"# 8(.# %+"# '(2)'# himself into the character that nobody else to get burned, but eventually you learn to will be able to duplicate. not get burned so badly, and it’s fairly safe if If this debut was a sign of things to come, you’re willing to get bruised up a little bit,” 2012 will surely be even more successful for he advises. the star with the last half of Glee’s season 3 V();(5(4&:2#%5&(#)"="+#&72)&#%5()"Z#$"#2&# ()#1$"#4%8D#%&#4"55#%&#%#P5,#421$#U+2&1")#V22'# always accompanied with someone to make %);# "=")# ,(+"# ()# 1$"# $(+2W()I# B"# &.+"# 1(# &.+"# 1$%1# 2*# $"# "="+# 6%.'$1# P+"D# 1$"# S%,"&# keep your eyes on this one. would be extinguished immediately. You can see Darren Criss on Glee The art of poi has spread around Eckerd’s Tuesday nights on Fox, on YouTube with his &,%55#6%,7.&I#V$25"#1%:2)'#65%&&"&#%1#X6:"+;D# 7+(;.612()# 6(,7%)8D# /"%,# 91%+:2;D# (+# P);# V();(5(4&:2# 1%.'$1# P+"# &72))2)'# 1(# (1$"+# $2&#7"+&()%5#XA#C!.,%)E#%);#$2&#+"6")1#B(0# &1.;")1&# 52:"# R%5;4"55# B.)12)D# H("# V$%5")# Dylan duet with his brother Chuck Criss %);#[5(8;#\255"+I#B"'2))"+&#.&.%558#&72)#421$# practice instruments that are not burning, “New Morning” on iTunes.

%);#1$")#'+%;.%1"#1(#.&2)'#P+"I## CY*# V();(# $%;# )(1# 0"")# &72))2)'# P+"D# Y# would not have the desire or push to start,” &%8&#9(7$(,(+"#H("#V$%5")I#V$%5")#&1%+1";# &72))2)'#%*1"+#4%16$2)'#V();(5(4&:2#&72)#$2&# *+"&$,%)#8"%+I#92)6"#0"'2))2)'D#V$%5")#$%&# 5"%+)";#1$"#1$+""G0"%1#1"6$)2]."#(*#&72))2)'D# %# S.2;# ,(12()# (*# &72))2)'# 7(2# 4$"+"# 1$"# spinner twists his wrists to perform a certain 1"6$)2]."I “Since it’s not very documented, a lot of the learning and teaching goes through (1$"+# 7"(75"# 1$%1# ;(# 21DE# &%8&#V();(5(4&:2I# There are poi forums that exist which spread the knowledge of poi and create a dialogue for spinners, but it would be impossible to learn solely from a website. “I’ve probably started between seven and ten spinners,” says V();(5(4&:2I V$25"# 21# 2&# 65"%+# X6:"+;# P+"# &72))"+&# 4255# ,2&&# $2,D# V();(5(4&:2# ")6(.+%'"&# %)8()"# interested in spinning to start, not only because of the fun but also because it can be 1$"+%7".126I##CY1#;"P)21"58#65"%+&#,8#$"%;D#21# gets rid of lots of stress. Everyone should try it.”


“‘My First Hardcore Song’ by 8 yr old Juliet OFFICIAL” Uploaded by thetinaxo on Jan. 19 Views as of Feb. 6: 19,521,431


CV$8#Y#!%1"#?"52'2()D#B.1#[(="#H"&.&#^^#97(:")#V(+;E Uploaded by bball1989 on Jan. 10 Views as of Feb. 6: 18,427,694


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Two days after Christmas, dubstep fans got another present from electronica music sensation Skrillex. Sonny Moore who produces under the pseudonym Skrillex dropped his fourth +"6(+;# 1215";# B%)'%+%)'# XAI# /$"# XA# ;("&# )(1# ].%52*8# %&# %# *.55# 5")'1$# %50.,# &2)6"# 21# only has eight tracks, but it manages to include an array of guest artists from 12th 75%)"1D# V(5*'%)'# _%+1)"+D# 92+%$# %);# X552"# Goulding. The record cover even has a winter theme. B%)'%+%)'# 2&# 5(%;";# 421$# %55# 1$"# 18726%5#

“Skrillex” bass sound of whistles, growls /$"#XA#;("&#"6$(#&(,"#(*#9:+255"`O&#7%&1# %);#4(005"&#1(#'"1#1$"#;%)6"#S((+#0%)'2)'I# 0%)'"+&#52:"#C?.@)"6:#0%&&#*.55#S"`DE#4$26$# [2:"# ,(&1# (*# 9:+255"`O&# ,.&26D# CB%)'%+%)'E# makes the music somewhat repetitive. Still, 2)6(+7(+%1"&# ,%)8# ;2@"+")1# &185"&# (*# I would recommend this album to anyone electronic music ranging from progressive 6+%=2)'#$2'$G")"+'8#;%)6"#S((+#,.&26I house, drum and bass and dubstep drum patterns all merging together. /$"# ()"# %&7"61# 1$%1# &"1&# 1$2&# XA# %7%+1# from previous Skrillex records is the amount (*# $27G$(7# =(6%5&# ;"52="+";# 08# 92+%$D# %# female white rapper from California. There is also an interesting audio sample of an interview of Jim Morrison on the track CB+"%:2)O#%#94"%1IE#/$"#&%,75"#2&#\(++2&()# describing the future of music possibly being one man surrounded by electronics. 6$"8"%1",4.)69"%")!"#$%&'()"*)%9&)":!14.);0$1..&<)/&5'1%&



the current


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6 p.m. Mardi Gras Fire Night @+&%><>";&

8 p.m. Speed Dating .>$&";)*?,

7 p.m. Le Havre Miller Aud.

10 p.m. Another Man’s Trash Miller Aud.

!9 7 p.m. The Turin Horse Miller Aud.














7 p.m. .+/0+)1+')2%3$45)6$7/) Festival at Eckerd Miller Aud.

4 p.m. F0%>+)$;)!&9)*%&%>4,?>A) +&)&5%)*+77+E$?/ @$>%/+;):5+0%7

8)09/9):*! Sex, Love and More: A *+;%7)"<)!%=0%>&4 Fox Hall

8(DG)09/9):*! KL)17+#-):7+44$#$4&4) Fox Hall

7 p.m. .5%)*"7$&$#4)"<)F$7 Miller Aud.

2 p.m. *>"&%#&$;A)B"&5%>)C+>&5 Miller Aud.

Environmental Film Festival begins

D)09/9):*! *$+;")+;E).>?/0%&) Concert Roberts Music Center



#" 7 p.m. Debts to Nature and !"#$%&'()*+',+#Miller Aud.

7 p.m. Environmental ActivI ism after 9/11: If a Tree Falls Miller Aud.

7 p.m. The Importance of the Night Sky: The City Dark Miller Aud.

8(DG)0/):*! .5%).%;&5)*+>%77%7()H$4I patches from the Fault J$;%)1%&3%%;):5>$4&$I anity and Islam Fox Hall

#$ 8)09/9):*! Nature Cure and C#"7"A'().5%)MN%#&$O%) *"7$&$#4)"<)P;&$/+&%) Nationalism Fox Hall 7 p.m. Taking Urban AgriculI ture on the Road Miller Aud.

To advertise your event with The Current, contact Current Entertainment at

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The St. Pete Sampler: By the water

!"#$%&'#()**" !""#$%&'#()#*+',('#%&-+#.) A long standing staple of romantic meals, red wine and chocolate seem to be the perfect pairing. ChocoVine has attempted to blend the &3") &") #>%+&%) +;) ?7&$/+&%) E%44%>&) 7$]?%?>9) .5%) taste of their signature wine, ChocoVine Original, is reminiscent of cherry cordials, with a heavy, #>%+/')^;$45)4$/$7+>)&")1+$7%'[4)P>$45):>%+/9 ).5%) _+O">) "<) &5%) H?&#5) #5"#"7+&%) E"/$;+&%4) the palate, and pairs well with strawberries, brie cheese and vanilla ice cream. ChocoVine boasts an alcohol content of 14 percent, yet with such +)5%+O')_+O">)$&)$4)E$`#?7&)&")^;$45)/">%)&5+;)+) glass or two. 1"&&7%4)+>%)4"7E)<">)+;)+O%>+A%)0>$#%)"<)UV)&")UKGT) +;E) "&5%>) _+O">4) &5+&) +>%) +74") +O+$7+,7%) +>%) &5%) ChocoVine Espresso, ChocoVine Raspberry and, ;%3) $;) RGKRT) &5%) :5"#"Z$;%) @5$00%E) :>%+/T) 35$#5),>$;A4)+)O+;$77+)_+O">)&")&5%)F>$A$;+7)>%#$0%9

Looking for a place to take that special someI ";%)";)Z+7%;&$;%[4)H+'\).5%)!&9)*%&%)!+/07%>) $4),+#-)+A+$;)3$&5)+)<%3)4?AA%4&$";49)@5%&5I er you’re looking for a place to cater your sunI 4%&) 0$#;$#) ";) !&9) *%&%) 1%+#5) ">) +) >%+4";) &") dress to the 9’s, The Current has got a place for you. Price $-$$$$ ($ = <$5.00 per meal $$$$ = $20.00+ per meal) Food Quality (1-5 stars)

A. Spinners Revolving Rooftop-Lounge


A.,"9+/B7,%03+87/"2C%D-/2,/+.>2%E.=" !"#+%,#-&,./%" !""#$%&'#()#*+',('#%&-+#.) P&[4) L) +9/9)a"?) +;E) '"?>) <>$%;E4) b?4&) left the bars and even your designated driver is starving. You have eaten Taco 1%77)<">)&5%)7+4&)<"?>)3%%-%;E4)$;)+)>"3) and your stomach can’t handle another 4%>O$;A)"<)1%%<')6$O%)J+'%>49 .5%;) '"?) 4%%) $&() +;) +A%E) '%77"3I orange brick building bordered by palm trees and a usually full parking 7"&9)a"?)5+O%)b?4&)<"?;E)c>$4&$;+[4):+<dT) located at 3590 34th St N on the North 4$E%) "<) !&) *%&%T) +;E) &5$4) 4/+77) E$;%>) $4) !"#$#%&'%()*+,-%.)$$",/0 beckoning to you. Like all great mom and pop diners, Kristina’s is cheap, tasty and open 24 hours a day with all kinds of wild patrons chowing down late into the night. P)5+O%),%%;)%+&$;A)&5%>%)<">)'%+>4)+;E)5+O%)+73+'4)%;b"'%E)0>"/0&)4%>O$#%)35$7%)A">A$;A)";) E$45%4)<>"/)0+;#+-%4)&")A'>"4T),"&5)"<)35$#5)#"4&)?;E%>)UQ9)@$&5)&5%)/"4&)%=0%;4$O%)/%;?) $&%/4)0>$#%E)+&)";7')U89XQT)&5$4)E$;%>)$4)#"77%A%)4&?E%;&),?EA%&I<>$%;E7'9) P)E%^;$&%7')>%#"//%;E)&5$4)07+#%T)%40%#$+77')7+&%)+&);$A5&T)0>"O$E%E)'"?)5+O%)+)4+<%)>$E%) there.



QRQG)S?7<)1"?7%O+>E !&9)*%&%)1%+#5T)67+ 4 stars 14 minutes from campus UUUUU Lunch: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. 7 days a week H$;;%>()LI)KK)09/9)8)E+'4)+)3%%Alcohol available for purchase

B. Shaner’s Land and Sea Market RGGG)*+44IMIS>$77%)@+') !&)*%&%)1%+#5T)67+ 4.5 Stars 9 minutes away from campus UIUU 8)E+'4)+)3%%-)V)+9/9)I8)09/9 Alcohol available for purchase

C. The Wharf RGGK)*+44I+IS>$77%)@+' !&9)*%&%)1%+#5T)67+ 3.5 stars 9 minutes campus UUUU 8)E+'4)+)3%%-)KK)+9/9)W)KK)09/9) Alcohol available for purchase

D. Hurricane Seafood Restaurant VGX)S?7<)@+' !&)*%&%)1%+#5T)67+ 10 minutes from campus 3.5 Stars UUU !?;I.5?>49)8)+9/9)I)KK)09/9 6>$9)Y)!+&9)8)+9/9)I)/$E;$A5& Alcohol available for purchase


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the current


A+01%9.'/')+$*%B"(>*030*+?%C+( !"#!&,--,.).#/01)2%-'34%&)%)5 !"#$%&'(")' D')!"6&,'E+3.#.9&%%3'FGH'I3((&.,7&&('J+)6)%#(&'''''' Baking Bar 1/2 cup Ghirardelli Unsweetened Cocoa K'6!:,'#%%8:!.:),&'L)!. 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature MNO'6!:'5.-%2':#6*&9'9#.*'$.)7"',!4#. 1/2 cup granulated white sugar 2 tablespoons ground ginger 2 tablespoons ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/4 cup molasses 1 large egg Melt the chocolate in the top of a double boiler or in a heatproof bowl over simmering water, stirring oc8 casionally until smooth. Set aside to cool. 1"'#'%#.4&'$)7%;',30('()4&(+&.'(+&'L)!.;'6)6)#;'$#*3"4' soda, and salt. Set aside. In a large bowl with an electric mixer on medium speed, beat the butter, brown sugar, white sugar, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg until (+&'-3P(!.&'3,'%34+('#"9'L!/2;'#$)!('O'-3"!(&,Q' Add the molasses, egg, and melted chocolate and continue beating on medium speed for an additional 2 minutes. On low speed, slowly add the dry ingredients and mix just until combined. C.#",0&.'(+&'9)!4+'()'#'L#(',!.0#6&'#"9'L#((&"'3"()'#' disk. Cover with plastic wrap and chill in the refrigera8

tor for at least 1 hour, or up to 5 days. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper. Divide the chilled dough into four equal quarters, %&#<3"4'(+.&&'R!#.(&.,'3"'(+&'.&0.34&.#().Q'S34+(%2'L)!.' #'L#('7).*',!.0#6&'#"9'.)%%')!(')"&':3&6&')0'9)!4+'()'#' thickness of about 1/8 inch. T,3"4' #' ,-#%%' UO' ()' O' MNO' 83"6+V' 43"4&.$.&#9' -#"' ).' woman cookie cutter, cut out as many cookies as pos8 sible. Place the cookies on the prepared cookie sheets, about 1 inch apart. Gather all the dough scraps into a ball and place in the refrigerator. Take out another quarter of the dough, and continue rolling out the dough and cutting cookies until all the dough has been used. Bake the cookies for 8 to 10 minutes until slightly raised. Using a spatula, remove the cookies from the cookie sheets, transferring to a wire rack to cool.





WeTopia: gaming for change 6789#:;4<=>1?#@ABC#DE

posted to YouTube. “With this project, you can do that.” So why is Sojo, a company committed enough to social change to create this unique system, not a ")"8:.)5('(+&-,&%<&,=' Sojo founder Lincoln Brown explained to the San Francisco Chronicle that investors want to see their money returned to them, and large investments were required to +3.&'(+&'():8")(6+'9&<&%):3"4'(&#-' that’s required to create a successful

social media game. The popularity of social media games exploded in 2009 with the success of Farmville. Since then, dozens of other games have been .&%&#,&9;' ,!6+' #,' >#5#' ?#.,;' Cityville, Pioneer Trail and Words With Friends. Almost all developed by the game developer Zynga, these online games are based on real world time, requiring players to constantly check on their game or risk penalty. @)A)' @(!93&,' 3,' ")(' (+&' 5.,(' company to use online games to

create real world change. Free Rice is a website that quizzes users on vocabulary. For every correct word, players earn 10 grains of rice to donate to the United Nations World Food Programme. B)7&<&.;' ?&C):3#' 3,' (+&' 5.,(' game to create real world change through social media platforms. The social media aspect is the key, as users can return to their saved games any time they want, keep track of how much they’ve donated and share the good news and good fun with all their friends.

Sex on the Beach:

9+(%:'&0%;<=%>'%$.*% ?"#$+(/*@ !"#$%&'"#(%)*%)+ !"#$%&'(")'% As the spring semester begins, a handful of couples are entering a very trying semester. Between study abroad programs, transfers to other schools, winter break hookups back home and even the unfortunate dropouts, some couples are being split apart by hundreds, even thousands, of miles. A year ago, I was in the same situation as I began a semester in London and my lover was !"#$%&'()'(#*&'(+&',&-&,(&.')/')0' required courses. As a result of the semester and summer vacation, we were facing eight months of separation. Let me tell you, a relationship can face no greater test than being apart for the better part of a year, even with the assistance of modern technology. Today it is easier than ever to keep in touch with people from a distance with instant messengers like Skype, Facebook Chat and even video chat on Facebook. Maintaining meaningful contact via phone or computer is a big part of maintaining your level of intimacy. Sit down and talk to each other about your days and what you did, how classes are going or just virtually “hang out” together while not doing anything. I even took naps with my girlfriend over Skype on some days. 10'2)!'(+3"*')0'2)!.',34"356#"(' other when you see something, share it. Get involved in projects together. For example, I made a playlist of every song I heard that made me think of her, she did the same for me, leading to some very fun results. The biggest threat to a long distance relationship that I’ve

seen is the loss of trust. You don’t *")7'7+#('2)!.',34"356#"(')(+&.' is up to on the other side of the country or world. There is no real way to be sure, but the best thing to do is to be perfectly open and truthful with your partner. It may not be fun, and it may be hard, but it is the easiest way to build trust in a relationship, especially with distance involved. Talk to your partner about everything interesting you do, ask him or her what happened in the day. Talk often and hide nothing. That is how you maintain trust and open communication lines. It is also helpful if you have something that is special to you from your lover, a picture for you in a frame, a gift with a special meaning for you or even just a card written to you. Having something that reminds you of him or her will help keep your feelings strong because you can always look at it. You can always remember what it is like to be with the one you love. Unfortunately the reality is that -),(' %)"4893,(#"ce relationships will not be successful. Most will &"9' 3"' #' $.&#*8!:;' 9))-&9' $2' either a lack of sex, cheating or just growing apart because of the distance and lack of physical contact. I was lucky and found a wonderful, patient, loving and devoted partner who could survive eight months apart. With luck, your partner will be someone who can survive the time apart too. If you need ideas of things to do with your lover who is miles away, the website lovingfromadistance. com is a great resource for ideas, including a list of 100 things to do to keep your romance going.

!"#$%%"&'"&()"!*&+,&,"'-" ./0)*1"#'%%)2)3 We want your works! Do you have a picture of life on campus, an interesting take on the palm trees of south beach, a painting for class that you’re espe! cially proud of, or a unique view of the buildings ? What about photos from a recent trip to an Aquar! iam or Botanical gardens? Send them to us at cur! along with your name and class rank to see if your photo makes it into our next issue! We will be open for submissions until April 25. The Current is also actively seeking photographers and graphic designers who’d like to join our award! !"##"#$%&'()*%+,,'"#$&%(-,%(./0,%'1,%2/..%$(33,-4%,0! ,-4%+/#5(4%('%6%7*8*%9"::(%!"33%.,%&,-0,5*







the current


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There’s always enough time for a quickie ACROSS 1 To Dorm Drive what SAR is to Frenchman’s Creek 4 Subsequently 8 Honey or bumble 11 Guitarist Steve 12 An additional one increases tolls, usually 13 Atticus Finch actor Gregory 14 Einstein’s most famous letters 15 Record quest progress 16 The ____-ler, a nefarious Seuss character 17 Hindu goddess of prosperity and Vishnu’s consort 19 Keanu and Sandra film 20 McCoy: “___ dead, Jim.” 21 On the Princeton Review, Eckerd’s forte 22 Parties hard 25 Spirit first added to antimalarial tonic water in India 26 Harshly 29 Controversial law which some say permits the indefinite detention of US citizens without trial 30 Firespinning 31 Controversial international treaty which some criticize for similar reasons to SOPA and PIPA 32 Lifetime ID 33 Old Navy owner 34 “_____ The Void,” Gaspar NoÈ’s 2009 Palm d’Or winner 35 With 33-across, a break between schooling 37 Addams family member 38 With 19-across, suspension killers 40 New Bucs head coach 44 Gratis 45 Arbitrary film ratings board 46 Trent Reznor’s GRP 47 Peter out 48 “Adventure Time” character 49 Some 50 What it never is on “House,” except for that one time 51 Wager 52 Collegiate sport with Native Amer. origins

DOWN 1 Daredevil Knievel 2 Eighth incarnation of Vishnu and Hanuman’s pal 3 The sound of a second 4 Phoenix Suns point guard Steve and folk guitarist Graham 5 End-of-year crunch time 6 This year’s Super Bowl 7 Shirt type 8 John Paul follower 9 Pilate: “____ Homo” 10 ____ out a living 13 “Rape of the Lock” poet Alexander 18 Mets old stadium 19 Economist Amartya 21 Game system with nunchucks 22 MD helpers 23 Promotions 24 Jupiter’s largest moon 25 Party of Paul and Scott 27 4G addendum 28 Household Roman god 30 Between a bogey and a birdie 31 Not pro 33 34-down, for example 34 C2H6 36 Fencing sword 37 “______ get no satisfaction.” 38 Some grade school acquaintances, colloquially 39 Mountain range separating Europe from Asia 40 Class available at the gym, now in a new room 41 ____-retentive 42 Columbus ship 43 Jet black 45 Ultimate deg. for art majors

C7+766%;4::-5./73.45%;"53"9%+4-92 Spring semester hours: G?/4*7$H'IJ$;A5A C-/4*7$K'IJ$;A5A !?#,4*7$K'IJ$;A5A 8#4/#,4*7$K'IJ$;A5A !"?3,4*7$K'IJ$;A5A

Need help with a speech or presenta' tion? Come visit the Rahall Communica' tion Center located upstairs in Franklin Templeton. If you have any questions or want to schedule an appointment, you can email

Scan this QR code with your smartphone to get the solution to this week’s puzzle, or visit

;6-#%2<436.=+3 >5394?-/.5=%@/0"9?A2%5"8"23%":"9="5/B%9"2<452"%3"7: !"#$%&'(#!)*% !"#$%&'($&#)*+%&$,%* !"#$ %&'%(!)$ *+,-$ ./-0/$ *,$ 1"#$ %2.#34$ %5#36#/27$ Response Team, is a student organization within the Department of Campus Safety and Security dedicated to providing emergency assistance on campus. 891"$*/$#:;#319,#$1"*1$3*/6#,$<3-5$=3,1$3#,;-/4#3,$1-$ >?*+9=#4$#5#36#/27$5#492*+$1#2"/929*/,)$1"#93$6-*+$9,$1-$ ensure the safety of the Eckerd community. As a team, they respond to the needs of Eckerd College students, ,1*@)$ 2*5;?,$ ,*<#17$ */4$ <*2?+17A$ %&'%(!$ *+,-$ ;3-B94#,$ *94$1-$1"#$%5#36#/27$C*/*6#5#/1$D3-?;$9/$+*36#',2*+#$ disasters. If you are interested in joining or have any questions, please email Team Leader Jeremy Bernfeld at jabernfe@ for more information. E,$ *$ 5#5F#3$ -<$ %&'%(!)$ 7-?$ 09++$ F#$ 69B#/$ */$ opportunity to not only become a professional emergency responder within our community but to advance as a student leader and role model for the whole of the student body.





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the current





the current


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Wor kou t Pla ylist

A new section brought to you by popular demand, Health & Fitness covers everything from fitness and exercise to nutrition, health and wellness and active clubs and organizations on campus.

>?01%8559%51%-8+7@%-5%5?"1%2551 !"#10,%*"#2(3&*%0 %&'()*+',+-.'/0 9:$% ;)<$,7% ="++$6$% '0#$--% )$#0$,% 8*++% ".$#% (% #$8% >5+0*!.5,."-$% ,"">% (0% 0:$% &(,% end of the center to be used mostly by the indoor cycling classes, or spinning as it is called on campus. This room is the last 600 square feet of the Cobb building that was unclaimed. “I was asking for the space once the gallery and The Current went in,” said Fred Sabota, assistant dean of students. ;?$#%0:"56:%0:$%-.()$%*-%7$'#$7%(-%(%>5+! tipurpose room, open to all students, the main use will be for the indoor cycling class! $-%(#7%$@5*.>$#0%-*#)$%0:$-$%'0#$--%)+(--$-% are the most popular. Sabota says the “hope is to add more spin bikes and add more classes because it is so popular. Right now, (%+"0%"&%0:$%)+(--$-%'++%5.%AB%>*#50$-%/$&",$% they begin.” By designating this space for indoor cycling it will allow space to open up &",%>",$%'0#$--%)+(--$-%*#%0:$%"0:$,%,"">-C%% 39:*-%#$8%-.*#%,"">%*-%6"*#6%0"%"D$,%.,*?(! cy for spin classes, so we’re not being inter!


rupted by other people in the gym, and we aren’t interrupting them,” said Elliott Mc! E(#*$+F% -$,?*)$!+$(,#*#6% *#0$,#F% "#$% "&% 0:$% three indoor cycling instructors. Allie Sartori, another instructor, agrees. “The new spin room means an improved atmosphere for both myself, as a spinning instructor, and more importantly, for the students. It also means spin classes will no +"#6$,%*#0$,&$,$%8*0:%"0:$,%'0#$--%)+(--$-%",%

with other students who are working out and looking to use the same equipment or space.” McDaniel went on to say that the addition of the new room “shows EC’s commitment 0"% :$(+0:% (#7% '0#$--CG% H$% -(*7F% 3I"8% 8$% )(#%:(?$%$?$#%>",$%'0#$--%)+(--$-%6"*#6%"#% at the same time.” Senior instructor, Katie Young even believes that “having a separate room will open up the dance room to other '0#$--%)+(--$-%J%0:*-%8(1%8$%)(#%:(?$%".0*"#-% for students. Having two rooms dedicated 0"% '0#$--% 8*++% (++"8% &",% >",$% ?(,*$01% *#% ()! tivities and give more options to students.” Overall, the construction of the room was fast, only taking a week to plan and a week to put up walls. But a backorder on the K"",*#6% )(5-$7% 5#.,$7*)0$7% 7$+(1-C% L(/"0(% predicts the room will be opened in the next few weeks. The room will have the same rub! /$,%K"",%0"%>(0):%0:$%,$-0%"&%0:$%'0#$--%)$#! ter, a mirror and portable speakers. “Once completed, 100 percent of Cobb will have been reused for something,” said Sabota.

From the iPod o f Johnn y Jones 1. Moar Ghosts n Stuff, Deadmau5 2. Pick Your Poison, Diplo & Datsik 3. Red Step, Bassnectar 4. Good Feeling, Flo Rida 5. Riverside, Sidney Samson 6. Mission Impossible, Tiesto 7. Head Bounce, Drop Goblin 8. Levels, Avicii 9. Somebody to Love, Rusko 10. Breakn’ a Sweat, Skrillex

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Growing up is hard, especially in today’s society where bullying and depression has leaped from school campuses to social networking sites. Add to that the economic recession and other social issues that surround us every day and it leads to some heavy results. One of these is suicide, which according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, claims more than 34,000 lives a year in the United States alone. Of these, approximately 4,400 of those victims were between the (6$-% "&% MB% (#7% ANF% >(<*#6% *0% 0:$% third leading cause of death for American youth. Facebook has recently joined 0:$%'6:0%(6(*#-0%0:*-%#(0*"#(+%*--5$% by adopting a new suicide watch

program. As reported in USA Today online back in December, Facebook has decided to launch a new service where a user is able to report if a friend is posting distressing, possible suicidal thoughts on their page. An email is then sent to that friend that 8*++% "D$,% /"0:% 0:$% #5>/$,% &",% the National Suicide Prevention O*&$+*#$% (#7% (% )"#'7$#0*(+% "#+*#$% chat where they may try to talk things out, acting as an online intervention service. Some students believe that the site should focus on putting other systems in place that could help prevent the adolescents from feeling depressed or pressured into -5*)*7$%*#%0:$%',-0%.+()$C%P,$-:>(#% Rose Cooper believes that “they n$$7% 0"% .50% >",$% $D",0% *#0"% stopping online bullying. Many kids have problems with suicide (#7% 7$.,$--*"#% /$)(5-$% "&% )1/$,!


bullying.” Facebook did in fact launch a Stop Bullying, Speak Up App in September, but 47 percent of young adults between the ages "&% MQ!AN% -0*++% $R.$,*$#)$7% )1/$,! /5++1*#6% *#% ABMMF% ())",7*#6% 0"% Having an alternative, immediate suicide prevention system could be a great start in lowering these disturbing statistics. Freshman Sarah Mitchell says, “It’s a pretty cool thing. It’s easily accessible to a person you can’t get to all the time.” It’s a comforting feeling knowing that social networking is evolving, becoming a tool with the

The Susan G. Komen Founda! tion announced last week that they would reverse their decision to pull funding from Planned Parenthood. The decision to reinstate funding used for breast cancer examinations and initiatives comes after a contro! versial decision last week to end ties to the women's health center. Backlash from the decision was fu! eled by reports that the Komen for the Cure Foundation's decision was a result of increasing pressure from conservative political groups. In response to Komen's previous decision to cut funding, Planned Par! enthood released a statement saying “We are alarmed and saddened that the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation appears to have suc! cumbed to political pressures.” However, a statement from the board of directors and Ko! men founder and CEO Nancy G.

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Brinker said the decision was cer! tainly not a political one, but rather "#$%"&%'#(#)*(+%,$-."#-*/*+*012%345,% ",*6*#(+% 7$-*,$% 8(-% 0"% &5+'++% "5,% '! duciary duty to our donors by not funding grant applications made by organizations under investigation.” Moving forward, the Susan G. Komen foundation will continue to fund Planned Parenthood and promises to “amend the criteria to make clear that disqualifying investi! gations must be criminal and conclu! sive in nature and not political. That is what's right and fair.”

!"#$%&'($)%*++'!,-*./0*' Sunday


6:30-7:30 p.m. Spin (Allie)

8:30-9:30 a.m. Spin (Katie)

6:30-7:30 p.m. Spin (Allie)

8:30-9:30 a.m. Spin (Katie)

6:30-7:30 p.m. Spin (Allie)

8:30-9:30 a.m. Spin (Katie)

8-9 p.m. Yoga (Dana)

9:30-10:30 a.m. Zumba (Carly)

7-8 p.m. Muay Thai (John)

4-5 p.m. Pilates (Liz)

7-8 p.m. Zumba (Carly)

5-6 p.m. Spin (Elliott)

4-5 p.m. Pilates (Liz)

8-9 p.m. Yoga (Dana)

5-6 p.m. Spin (Elliott)

7-8 p.m. Muay Thai (John)


8-9 p.m. Yoga (Shannon)



Wednesday Thursday

8-9 p.m. Yoga (Shannon)


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the current

I n case y ou d i d n ’ t k n o w ... Resisting the urge to tweet A recent study reported by The Guardian UK and conducted by researchers at the University of Chicago suggests that social media may be more addictive than drugs or alcohol. While the study report! ed the strongest desires were for sex and sleep, people were more likely to give in to the temptations of online media.

STD rates rise in seniors The CDC reports that cases of syphilis and chlamydia in the past decade have almost tripled for adults in the 45 to 64 range. This news comes after a study last month in the British Medical Jour! nal found 80 percent of seniors aged 50 to 90 to be sexually active.

More caffeine, please Research suggests products that "#$%&'$("&)*'$*(&+*(,#+*(&--*&.! ing to young people even when they don’t know it contains caf! feine. The study from the Univer! /'%0( #1( 23)&.#( 1#3$4( %5&%( 4+'$6/( "#$%&'$'$7("&)*'$*(+&$6*4(5'75*+( on a taste test, where the ranking increased with each day the drink was served.

We’re not that bad Rebellious behavior in teens and young adults has dropped sig! $'8"&$%.0( '$( %5*( -&/%( 9:( 0*&+/;( The University of Michigan, who has been studying risk behavior in teens for decades, found that teens today show much lower us! age of alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs than their parents.

Oxycodone crackdown The DEA suspended the licenses of two CVS pharmacies in Sand! ford, Fla. due to extremely high demands of oxycodone. The pharmacies, located six miles apart, ordered a total of three million oxycodone pills last year alone, which is more than twenty times the national average. Dis! tribution of oxycodone has de! creased nearly 80 percent over the past three months.

Have a healthy recipe? A grueling exercise routine or a great workout playlist? Email your submissions to currenthealth@



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! !"#$%&" !"#!$%&"#$%&" Rugby Tournament

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Super Bowl Ads

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page 23

Sports Calendar

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Sports Briefs

page 22

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!"#$%& '& ()$*+$'%& ,-'#./0& 12.3& 2'* crosse is back. Eckerd’s club lacrosse team was %'45$6&'/&,-7,&'/&8rd&-4&#,$&9'#-:4'2& Club Lacrosse poll in 2006 before #,$&#$';&"$22&'<'%#&/,:%#2+&#,$%$'"* #$%=&>'/#&/<%-470&'&7%:.<&:"&/#.6$4#/& 6$1-6$6&-#&?'/&#-;$&#:&<-15&.<&#,$& sticks again. @';& @,'?0& '& /$4-:%& "%:;& A'+* 2'460&B'//=0&<2'+$6&:4&#,$&2'/#&C15* $%6& 2'1%://$& #$';& ?,$4& ,$& ?'/& '& "%$/,;'4=&DA$&./$6&#:&,')$&'&<%$#* #+&7::6&#$';0&3.#&'22&#,$&%$'22+&7::6&


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The team has been relying heavily on the experi3 0&706'@,"#6'$"&60C'+:'-0&%+#-'G"45+#'O+,&@'"&6'J"$%' L",-D0#@.' $/0' 5"$$0#' +:' ?/%7/' %-' $/0' "55' $%C0' 50"6%&@' 138+%&$' -7+#0#' %&' S7;0#6' Z%-$+#4)' O+,&@' /"-' -/+$' "53 C+-$'h='80#70&$':#+C'$/0'9056'"&6'D+$/'+:'$/0C'"#0' ?055'+B0#'>='80#70&$':#+C'D04+&6'$/0'"#7)' A5-+' 85"4%&@' "' D%@' #+50' +`' $/0' D0&7/' %-' :#0-/C"&' 8+%&$'@,"#6'J"45"'Q+?5%&.'?/+'C"4'-00C'"'D%$',&60#3 -%g06'"$'hWhd.'D,$'/"-'8#+B06'$+'D0'"'D%@'"--0$'+&'60:0&-0' $/#+,@/'/0#'/,-$50'"&6'F,%7;':++$?+#;)'Q+?5%&'%-'"B0#3 aging around 20 minutes a game. b&'$/0';04.'-0&%+#'*%&-04'E%50-'/"-'85"406'"'D%@'#+50' averaging 9 points and 6.6 rebounds a game while play3 %&@'+B0#'1['C%&,$0-'80#'7+&$0-$)'(/0'%-'"5-+'$/0'50"6%&@' :#00' $/#+?' -/++$0#' +&' $/0' $0"C' "$' X>' 80#70&$)' \,&%+#' J#4-$"5' I/"#50-' /"-' "5-+' D00&' "' :+#70' $/%-' 40"#' "-' $/0' -07+&6'D0-$'-/++$0#':#+C'$/0'9056'"$'>h'80#70&$.'"B0#3 "@%&@'X)h'8+%&$-'"'@"C0'"&6'"5C+-$'h'#0D+,&6-'"'@"C0) At this point, there are only 3 remaining home games $+' 7"$7/' $/0' *"64' G#%$+&-' %&' "7$%+&' D0:+#0' $/0' ((I' I+&:0#0&70'G+,#&"C0&$)' N"5C' Q0"7/'A$5"&$%7' 7+C0-' $+'7"C8,-'':+#'"'@"C0'"$'<'8)C)'+&'R0D)'[[.'Q"##4'^&%3 B0#-%$4' %-' "$' <' 8)C)' +&' R0D)' [X' "&6' $/0' #0@,5"#' -0"-+&' 7+&75,60-'"@"%&-$'*4&&'^&%B0#-%$4'"$'<'8)C)'+&'R0D)'<h)' The Lady Tritons are currently in 5th place in the SSC. A rise to the 4th'-8+$'?%55'"55+?'S7;0#6'$+'/+-$'"' 9#-$3#+,&6'/+C0'85"4+`'@"C0'D0:+#0'$/0'-0C%9&"5-'"#0' hosted at Florida Southern.


Eckerd athletes achieve in academics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

SSC pitcher of the week,%Cuda S7;0#6' I+550@0' D"-0D"55' -0&%+#' /,#50#' \+04' I,6"' ?"-'-0507$06'"-'$/0'(,&-/%&0'($"$0'I+&:0#0&70'N%$7/3 0#'+:'$/0'M00;':+#'$/0'+80&%&@'B+$%&@'80#%+6'+:'$/0' spring season as announced by the league. I,6".' $/0' 60:0&6%&@' ((I' N%$7/0#' +:' $/0' O0"#.' 7"#B06' +,$' "' -%]3%&&%&@' @0C' "@"%&-$' M"#&0#' ^&%3 B0#-%$4'%&'S7;0#6W-'-0"-+&'60D,$'+&'M06&0-6"4)'Z0' "55+?06' _,-$' +&0' /%$.' +&0' ?"5;' "&6' -$#,7;' +,$' &%&0' hitters to receive the winning decision. A:$0#' 4%056%&@' "' 50"6+`' ?"5;' $+' D0@%&' $/0' @"C0' "@"%&-$'$/0'L+4"5-.'I,6"'-0$$506'%&'"&6'#0$%#06'&%&0' -$#"%@/$)' S%@/$' +:' /%-' &%&0' -$#%;0+,$-' ?0#0' :#+C' ?/%`06'-?%&@-)'I,6"':+#706'M"#&0#'/%$$0#-'$+'8+,&6' %&$+'0%@/$'@#+,&6+,$-'B-)'_,-$'+&0'+,$'B%"'$/0'a4'D"55)

Tritons look to keep winning in their tourney G/0' S7;0#6' I+550@0' -+:$D"55' $0"C' @+$' %$-' -0"-+&' -$"#$06'+&'$/0'#%@/$':++$'?%$/'"'-?008'+:'AB0'!"#%"' ^&%B0#-%$4'%&'"'6+,D50'/0"60#'+&'R0D)'>)'E0]$',8':+#' $/0'$0"C'%-'$/0'S7;0#6'I+550@0'b&B%$"$%+&"5.'"'136"4' $+,#&"C0&$':#+C'R0D)'[=3[<)'G/0'$+,#&"C0&$'$";0-' 85"70' "$' $/0' S66%0' I)' !++#0' (8+#$-' I+C850]' %&' Clearwater.


Lightning player St. Louis reaches major milestone The Tampa Bay Lightning have struggled recently, but one player was able to celebrate a milestone with style. !"#$%&' ($)' *+,%-.' $/0' 12340"#3+56' "5$0#&"$0' 7"8$"%&' who has been with Tampa since 2003, played in his 900th game on Saturday Feb. 4. In the game, St. Louis #07+#606'$/0'9:$/'/"$'$#%7;'+:'/%-'7"#00#)' St. Louis has previously won the Stanley Cup, the League Scoring Title, and the League MVP award in <==>.'"-'?055'"-'$/0'5"-$'$?+'"?"#6-':+#'@+"5'$+'80&"5$4' minute ratio.

NBA season well underway A:$0#'"'9B0'"&6'"'/"5:'C+&$/'5+7;+,$'D#+,@/$'$/0' A--+7%"$%+&'$+'"'-$"&6-$%55.'$/0'"#0&"-'+:'E+#$/'AC0#3 %7"'+&70'"@"%&'07/+'?%$/'$/0'-+,&6'+:'-F,0";%&@'-/+0-' +&' $/0' /"#6?++6)'G/0' :"B+#%$0' $0"C' $/,-' :"#' %&' $/0' 4+,&@'-0"-+&'/"-'D00&'$/0'H;5"/+C"'I%$4'G/,&60#)' G/0'-C"55'C"#;0$';%&@-'+:'$/0'!%6?0-$'/"B0'-$+#C06' to the best record in the league. Led by the sensational 85"4' +:' #0%@&%&@' -7+#%&@' 7/"C8' J0B%&' K,#"&$.' L,-3 -055'M0-$D#++;' "&6' :+#C0#' I05$%7' J0&6#%7;' N0#;%&-.' $/0'G/,&60#'5++;'$+':+#70'$/0%#'?"4'$/#+,@/'"'$+,@/' M0-$0#&'I+&:0#0&70'-7/06,50)'

Giants top Patriots in Super Bowl G/0'E0?'O+#;'P%"&$-'#0$,#&06'$+'$/0'(,80#'Q+?5' %&'"&',&5%;054'#+"6)'R"7%&@'6+?&'$/0'E0?'S&@5"&6'N"3 $#%+$-'%&'"'#0C"$7/'+:'$/0'08%7'@"C0':#+C':+,#'40"#-' "@+.'$/0'607;'5++;06'$+'D0'+&70'"@"%&'-$"7;06'"@"%&-$' $/0C)'S&$0#'P%"&$-'TQ'S5%'!"&&%&@'$/#+?%&@':+#'<U2' yards with a 75 percent completion rate, including a stunning completion to Mario Manningham to con3 tinue the game winning drive in the closing minutes +:' 85"4)'G/0' (,80#' Q+?5' !VN' 80#:+#C"&70' 70C0&$-' S5%'!"&&%&@W-'50@"74'"-'+&0'+:'$/0'05%$0'F,"#$0#D"7;-' +:'#070&$'40"#-'"-'?055'"-'@%B%&@'E0?'O+#;'%$-':+,#$/' Super Bowl in their illustrious history. For more on the game, read the article on The Online Current.

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held at Florida South3 ern. S7;0#6' ?"-' $/0' #,&3 &0#3,8'%&'5"-$'40"#W-'$+,#3 &04.':"55%&@'$+'i[3-00606' L+55%&-' I+550@0)' A$' $/%-' 8+%&$' $/0' G#%$+&-' 5++;-' poised to reach the EIAA' $+,#&"C0&$' :+#' $/0'9#-$'$%C0'-%&70'<==X' and the seventh time ,&60#'Z0"6'I+"7/'G+C' L4"&.'?/+'%-'%&'/%-'[2$/' season as head coach. The deepest run in the tournament oc3 7,##06' %&' $/0' j=<3W=1' season when the Tritons #0"7/06'$/0'S5%$0'S%@/$)' G/%-'$0"C'5++;-'7"8"D50' +:' C";%&@' %$' _,-$' "-' :"#' this year, able to beat just about anyone on any given day. The remaining regular season home games will be against Palm Beach Atlantic at 4 pm on Feb. [[.'"@"%&-$'Q"##4'^&%B0#3 -%$4' "$' >' 8C' +&' R0D)' [X' !"#$#%&'%($")*%+##!,"&6' "@"%&-$' *4&&' ^&%3 versity at 4 pm on Feb. !"#$%&'()&&$*#'+),-'.)-*/'.%'.0*')$&'1%&')'/2)3'4"#-5 25.

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6K?1/24D/:X89?/;89/?@:/:4?K9:/B2C:=/ In a wise coaching move the pre< UK8I6/ D21E/ F7G:9D/ @2D/ 6I06?K?I?:D/ J521:96/ 5K0:92551/ ?8/ CK4KCKY:/ ;2?KBI:/ 78CK4B/K4?8/?@:/6:784D/C2?7@/8;/?@:/ A::G:4D=/ RK2CKH6/ 6QI2D/ 84/ 2U:92B:/ A26/0KBB:9/?@24/F7G:9DH6/J521:96E/0I?/ the game eventually came down to ?:7@4KQI:/24D/3?4:66=/ S@:/ S9K?846/ 02??5:D/ @29D/ ;89/ ?@:/ 396?/ 3;?::4/ CK4I?:6/ I4?K5/ C241/ 8;/ the Miami players seemed gassed 24D/ 0:B24/ ?8/ ?2G:/ 8U:9/ ?@:/ C8C:4< ?IC=/F7G:9DH6/396?/?91/2B2K46?/RK2CK/ 72C:/ ;98C/ ;9:6@C24/ 679IC@25;/ Z80/ R2091E/A@8/?88G/2/QIK7G/9:6?29?/2;?:9/ a penalty and burst through the line 8;/RK2CK/D:;:4D:96/;89/?@:/6789:=/ S@:/0816/K4/05I:/6789:D/2B2K4/2/;:A/ CK4I?:6/52?:9/84/2/B9:2?/:X89?/01/6:< nior Leslie Claridge, who hit a Miami J521:9/ AK?@/ 2/ 6?KX/ 29C/ ?@2?/ 6:4?/ ?@:/ D:;:4D:9/?IC05K4B/0:;89:/DKUK4B/K4?8/ ?@:/?91/Y84:/DK9:7?51/0:58A/?@:/J86?6=// S@:/ 6:784D/ @25;/ 62A/ C89:/ @29D/ A89G/01/F7G:9D/0I?/AK?@/08?@/?:2C6/ A:29K4B/D8A4/2;?:9/?@:/584B/A::G:4DE/ 84:/6KCJ5:/CK6?2G:/5:D/?8/?@:/[I99K< 724:6H/396?/6789:E/:4DK4B/?@:/6@I?8I?/ ;89/?@:/A::G:4D=/RK2CK/C242B:D/?8/ grind out another score later in the 6:784D/@25;/2;?:9/6AK?7@K4B/027G/?8/2/ ;89A29D6/B2C:E/I?K5KYK4B/?@:K9/6KY:/?8/ push the ball in. F7G:9D/DKD/48?/BKU:/IJE/246A:9K4B/

W 78-72 (EC) Kearse 30 Points, 7 Rebounds (EC) Bodney 17 Points

(EC) Cuda 6 IP, 1 Hit, 0 ER, 9 K’s, W (EC) Spinelle 2-4, 2B, 3 RBI’s, R


Women’s Basketball Jan. 28 v. Florida Tech W 72-70 (OT) (EC) Charles 20 Points, 6 Rebounds 6 Assists (EC) Young 18 Points, 6 Rebounds Feb. 1 @ Nova Southeastern Uni. W 50-48 (EC) Charles 17 Points, 8 Rebounds (EC) Young 15 Points, 6 Rebounds

Feb. 4 v. No. 14 Rollins College L 62-55 (EC) Charles 14 Points, 7 Rebounds (EC) Bestry 13 Points, 4 Rebounds

Men’s Basketball Jan. 28 v. Florida Tech W 58-57 (EC) Mack 20 Points, 8 Rebounds (EC) Sears Jr. 9 Points, 5 Rebounds Feb. 1 @ Nova Southeastern Uni.

Feb. 4 v. Rollins College W 71-57 (EC) Mack 21 Points, 5 Rebounds (EC) Sears Jr. 12 Points, 7 Rebounds

Feb. 3 v. St. Thomas University L 6-3 (EC) Regidor 3-5, 2 Runs (EC) Spinelle 2-3, 2B, RBI, R Feb. 4 v. St. Thomas University (DH) L 13-6, L 2-1 (EC G1) LaRose 1-2, HR, 2 RBI’s (EC G1)Del Monte 3-4, 2B, R (EC G2) Wilder 7 IP, 2 ER, 5 K’s, L

Baseball Feb. 1 v. Warner University W 7-5

with more points to preserve a large 5:2D=/\47:/K46KD:/8;/?:4/CK4I?:6/9:< C2K4K4B/ K4/ ?@:/ B2C:E/ F7G:9D/ 0:B24/ ?8/J521/?8/?@:/7587G=/S@:/S9K?846/9:BI< 52951/GK7G:D/?@:/0255/D::J/K4?8/RK2CK/ territory and continued to dominate ?@:/ J866:66K84/ B2C:/ I4?K5/ ?@:/ 3425/ A@K6?5:/ 68I4D:D=/ F7G:9D/ ?88G/ ?@:/ B2C:/ 2B2K46?/ RK2CK/ 01/ 2/ 3425/ 6789:/ 8;/%!<!'=/ S@98IB@8I?/ ?@:/ A::G:4DE/ F7G:9D/ J521:D/ ?8/ ?@:/ 6?9:4B?@6/ 8;/ ?@:/ ?:2CE/ spreading the ball out and letting ?@:K9/ 6J::D/ 24D/ 0255<@24D5K4B/ 6GK556/ 6@8A=/ S@:/ 9:BI52?K84/ DKC:46K846/ 8;/ V2JJ2/ +K:5D/ ;29:D/ A:55/ ;89/ F7G:9DE/ A@8/ A26/ 75:2951/ C89:/ 78C;89?205:/ running wide near the sideline than 241/8;/?@:/UK6K?K4B/?:2C6= S@:/ 9IB01/ A::G:4D/ 78475ID:D/ ?8/ ?@:/7@::96/8;/F7G:9D/;246/84/?@:/6KD:< lines as their Tritons outscored their 8JJ84:4?6/ 01/ 2/ ?A8<D21/ B924D/ ?8?25/ 8;/ *#<!'E/ AK44K4B/ 08?@/ C2?7@:6/ K4/ 784UK47K4B/;26@K84/24D/6:??K4B/2/?84:/ ;89/?@:/;I?I9:/B2C:6/84/V2JJ2/+K:5D= F7G:9D/ @26/ ?@9::/ B2C:6/ 9:C2K4< ing in the spring regular season. The ?:2C/?92U:56/?8/+?=/R1:96/?8/?2G:/84/ +,-./24D/?@:4/@26/@8C:/B2C:6/84/ ?@:/ ?A8/ ;8558AK4B/ A::G:4D6/ 2B2K46?/ RK2CK/ 24D/ .T+/ ?8/ D:?:9CK4:/ ?@:/ 784;:9:47:/AK44:9E/A@8/AK55/?@:4/2D< U247:/?8/?@:/J5218X6=

(EC G2) Gibson 1-2, R, SH

Softball Feb. 4 v. Ave Maria University (DH) W 7-2, W 3-2 (EC G1) Bierchen 1-3, BB, 3 Runs, 3 Steals (EC G1) Dougherty CG, 2 ER, 4 K’s, W (EC G2) Sasso CG, 1 ER, 2 K’s, W (EC G2) Jeffares 2-4, 2B, 3B, R

(,)%-.'/+0$1&+% Friday !&

Saturday !!

Sunday !'

Softball v. Georgia ColSoftball v. Colorado lege and State University 3 Christian University 1:30 p.m. @ Clearwater p.m. @ Clearwater

Softball v. Lindenwood University 9 a.m. @ Clearwater

Softball v. Lynn University Women’s Basketball v. 5:30 p.m. @ Clearwater Palm Beach Atlantic University 2 p.m.

Men’s Tennis v. Barry University 10 a.m.

Men’s Basketball v. Palm Beach Atlantic University 4 p.m.



Softball @ Northwood University (DH) 2 p.m.


Baseball v. Saint Leo 7 p.m.


Softball @ Flager College (DH) 1 p.m.

Baseball v. Ave Maria University 7 p.m.



Women’s Tennis @ Saint Leo University 3 p.m.


Men’s Basketball v. Barry University 4 p.m.

Tuesday Men’s Tennis @ Saint Leo University 3 p.m.

Softball v. Palm Beach Atlantic University 11:30 a.m. @Clearwater

Women’s Basketball v. Barry University 2 p.m.




Wednesday !" Women’s Basketball @ University of Tampa 5:30 p.m.

Thursday !)

Baseball v. Clearwater Christian College 7 p.m.

Men’s Basketball @ University of Tampa 7:30 p.m.

22 Women’s Basketball @ Saint Leo University 5:30 p.m. Softball @ Webber International University (DH) 6 p.m. Men’s Basketball @ Saint Leo University 7:30 p.m.


The Official Student Newspaper of Eckerd College

! !"#$%&"

Feb. 10, 2012

!"#$#%&'(&)*+,#-+&.+/01%231,4 !"#$%&'() *+(,-) .+/"0) +) ,12) 3'42) $5") 4627) +7+620$) 8269",06$-) '#) *6+.6) 62) :;<;=) >,6$'2) 96?$',-@) A('9"%) &'() *+(,-) 4+$?5"0) +0) B+3,+6?) C6$D7",+E3F) G,"$$) H+-,"0) +23) *"E(",$) H?54+,D) I,"I+,") #',) +) 0?,1.) +7+620$) 8269",06$-) '#) *6+.6@) G"E'4%) J+I$+62) !"0E6") JE+,637")0$6##+,.0)560)4+-)$')+)369627)$,-)+7+620$)$5")8269",06$-)'#)*6+.6@

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Men’s rugby returned home for 4.-)/" ;/04" $*!('F:10" F'4(.-0" $G" STUS" 6'04" 7--,-*8" 7)4." '" 47$!8'C" rugby jamboree that brought to! %-4.-/" 4-'F0" G/$F" M6$/)8'" V16G" Coast University, University of P$/4."M6$/)8'"'*8"4.-"W*)B-/0)4C"$G" Miami. #'C" $*-" $G" 4.-" /1%HC" 7--,-*8" featured an early game between WPM"'*8"D)'F)2"?$4."4-'F0J"04C6-" relied on larger forwards, which kept the play tight and the score (6$0-" G$/" F1(." $G" 4.-" ;/04" .'6G2" The teams traded possessions and 0($/-0"1*4)6"WPMJ0"01:-/)$/"($*8)! tioning proved to be too much for Miami in the second half, and the team from Jacksonville eventually pulled away for the victory. The late game on Saturday was 4.-";/04".$F-"($*4-04"$G"4.-"0:/)*%"

0-'0$*" G$/" 4.-" >/)4$*0<" '" G'(-" $5" '%')*04" MVOW2" >.-" 4-'F0" 0:6)4" their fall series at one game apiece, MVOW" 4',)*%" 4.-" ;/04" ($*4-04" UX! 10 and Eckerd exacting revenge on 4.-)/" Y'::'" M)-68" .$F-" XZ![" 4./--" weeks later. The Triton men were '*\)$10"4$"%-4"4.-)/";/04"7)*"$G"4.-" spring and put on a show for the home fans attending the game. Initially, both teams came out ]'4<" 7)4." *-)4.-/" 0^1'8" F'*'%)*%" to break through the other’s de! G-*0-02"9G4-/" 4.-" ;/04" 4-*" F)*14-0<" the game began to open up. @(,-/8J0" ;/04" 0($/-" ('F-" $*" '" loose ball that was kicked around )*0)8-" MVOWJ0" 4/C" _$*-" 1*4)6" 0-! nior Ben Weiskopf fell on the ball, H/-',)*%"4.-"04'6-F'4-"G$/"4.-";/04" points of the match. The try seemed to open the ]$$8%'4-0"G$/"@(,-/82"W0)*%"-\(-6! lent ball control in the forwards and superior speed and ability in the

backs, Eckerd continued to pound MVOW"7)4.":$)*40"G/$F"*-'/6C"-B! ery position in the back line. Eckerd’s next few scores came in rapid succession, including one try covering more than sixty percent $G"4.-";-68")*"/$1%.6C"$*-"F)*14-2" The outstanding play started with '",)(,$5"G/$F"MVOW<"7.)(.<"'G4-/" H-)*%"('1%.4"$*"4.-"]C"'*8"^1)(,6C" :'00-8"$14"4$"4.-"7)*%<")4"7'0"$5"4$" the races. After weaving through the defense and executing a few more excellent passes, Michael “Shiva” Best broke through to score one of four tries in his “Man of the Match” performance. `16)'*" ?1(," '*8" M/'*,"9/(1/)" `/2" added several conversion kicks and Buck also tallied three more points $*" '" :-*'64C" ,)(,2"a.-*" 4.-" ;*'6" whistle sounded, Eckerd emerged with a convincing win, beating !""#$%&'()#*+,"#-.

9&:*0%+4#%1+3*%)+&5.#;%)"<*%&:%$'%#&:*0%.7:* !"#$%&&#'()*+)( !""#$%&'()#"%*+,#() With the Super Bowl each year comes possibly the most wide! ly anticipated part of the game, the Super Bowl commercials. Here is a look at the elite eight from 2012 in my opinion. I judged them on a funny scale from 1 to 10. 1. Skechers"!"#$%"&'()*% This commercial starts out at the beginning of a greyhound race, where they announce that a pug named Mr. Quig! gly has been added as a late addition to the race, wearing +,-(.-/0"/1**)*%"0.$-02"3-"%-40"$5"4$"'"06$7"04'/4")*"4.-" race, but then quickly pulls out way in front of all the other 8$%02"90".-"'::/$'(.-0"4.-";*)0."6)*-<".-"0,)80"4$"'"04$:<" turns around, and moonwalks across it. Then he turns to the camera and smiles. After a quick description of the new Sketchers running shoes, it turns to Mavericks owner Mark Cuban holding him and talking about a new contract. Funny Scale Rating: 9.6 2. Volkswagen =">.-"?'/,"+)8-">-'0-/

This commercial is literally just a full minute of 11 dogs barking to the tune of one of the songs from “Star Wars.” One of the dogs is dressed as Chewbacca, another as an @7$,<"'*8"'*$4.-/"$*-")0"8/-00-8"'0"#'/4."A'8-/2">$7'/8" 4.-"B-/C"-*8<"'"%/-C.$1*8"8/-00-8"'0"'*"9>!9>"7'6,0"'(/$00" 4.-" 0(/--*2" >.-*" 4.-" A$6,07'%-*" 6$%$" '::-'/0" $*" 4.-" screen, as well as the words “Back. And better than ever.” Funny Scale Rating: 9.3

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3. M&M !"DED"+4/)::)*% >.)0"($FF-/()'6"04'/40"7)4."'"G-F'6-"H/$7*"DED"4'6,)*%" to two women at a party, and then a guy in the background starts laughing because he thinks she’s naked. She then gets mad at the guy, telling him about how she looks naked H-('10-".-/"$14-/"6'C-/")0"H/$7*"6),-"4.-")*0)8-"$G"DED0" and that only a fool would go to a party naked. Then a red DED" ($F-0" )*" '*8" 0'C0" I+$" )4J0" 4.'4" ,)*8" $G" :'/4C<K" '*8" 04/):0"$5".)0"$14-/"/-8"6'C-/"'*8"04'/40"8'*()*%"4$"LDM9NJ0" “I’m sexy and I know it”. Funny Scale Rating: 8.9 4. Doritos"!"D)00)*%"O'4 This commercial starts with a guy out in his backyard gar! dening, where he sees a big dog in the middle of burying his missing cat. The dog then comes over to him, growls intim! )8'4)*%6C<"'*8"06)8-0"'"H'%"$G"P'(.$"O.--0-"#$/)4$0"$B-/"4$" 4.-"%1C<"7)4."'":$04!)4"*$4-"4.'4"0'C0"IQ$1"#R#P>"+@@"P1>! HIN” attached to it. The guy nods and smiles. He’s sitting 8$7*"'4".)0"4'H6-"-'4)*%"4.-"#$/)4$0"7.-*".)0"7)G-"'0,0".)F" if he’s !""#!%/0$#12!)#*+,"#--



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