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Registration for non-degree purposes may only take place with the approval of the Registrar. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that he/she copes with the workload. The student cannot hold OW responsible for any failures that may occur.



On the completion of a student’s registration, they will receive a Proof of Registration (POR) from the Registrar: Student Administration & Support office. The Proof of Registration is a document that serves to confirm the student’s registration for a specific academic year. Selected subjects and modules are listed on this document. The OW will also issue a timetable to each student. The POR and timetable issued by OW constitutes a contractual commitment by the client / student to pay for and attend the classes as per the stipulated time slots. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the subjects listed on the Proof of Registration are correct, and are reflected on the timetable. Students should make contact with OW if any amendments are required. Day classes are scheduled from 8:00 - 18:00 Monday to Friday. Evening classes are scheduled from 17:00 - 21:00 Monday to Thursday. Both documents will be made available via the Student Portal upon the completion of the registration process.

*The OW will not customise any students timetable according to their requirements. **Lecturers are not responsible for the timetable and cannot allow students to change or move their classes.


OW does not issue a timetable for the whole year, but per term. Timetables will be released on the student portal two weeks before the start of a new term. Students will be informed with an email letter of the release.

The students are responsible for reporting any timetable or Canvas issues to the Student Admin Desk before the commencement of classes. Problems not brought to the attention of the administration department before classes start can result in students missing classes which OW cannot take responsibility for.


Student cards will be issued after a student has been successfully registered. Student cards will be issued at Orientation as part of a students welcome pack. A student's welcome pack, which includes their student card, will not be issued without proof of identification. Students will be requested to provide OW with a photo to be used for the student card. The first student card is issued free of charge and is valid for the full duration of the qualification. In the event of loss or damage, you may apply for a duplicate card at OW’s help desk. The replacement fee is R50. Students are required to show their student cards to gain access to the campus. Students may be required to show the student card when on campus, to attend a class, or when writing an exam.


A student only registers for one year of study at OW. After the year has ended, students who want to continue their studies must renew their registration (also referred to as re-registration). OW determines the re-registration period/time. A registration fee forms part of the re-registration process. This fee will be communicated during the information sessions.

A returning OW student needs to participate in the re-registration process if they wish to continue their studies. Re-registration consist of an academic and financial registration and a student is only re-registered for the new academic year once: + Academic registration is completed; + Financial registration is completed; + Registration fee is paid; + Registration agreement is signed and received; and + Student code of conduct is signed and received. + Debit order form signed and received.

Re-registration is only permitted if: + The account is in good financial standing; and + The student is still within the maximum number of study years prescribed.

It is the student's responsibility to attend the information session and familiarise themself with the re-registration process and period. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that they know which modules to register for (academics will assist with this matter during scheduled open evenings that form part of the annual academic calendar). OW provides the opportunity for students to familiarise themselves with the process and academic content. OW cannot accommodate one-on-one sessions with students who did not partake in any of the re-registration support tools provided.

Once a student is re-registered they will receive a Proof of Registration. The account holder and the student are obliged to pay the fees due as stipulated during the financial registration.

The OW reserves the right to cancel a registration/subject or module based on the following: + The student does not meet the academic requirements/rules for progression into another level as determined by OW. + The student does not provide the required documentation as stipulated in the process. + The student provided false personal or academic information. + The OW did not receive any registration fee payment. + The student did not apply within the prescribed registration period

It is essential that students who are not going to return to continue their studies inform the OW via email.


Learning resulting from formal routes will normally be recognised via Credit Accumulation and Transfer (CAT). Students who studied at other South African tertiary institutions and wish to transfer to OW must follow the application procedures for new students. CAT applications cost R1200 for new students. A student may receive CAT for a maximum of 50% of the credits they completed at their prior institution. The student must submit the following documents with his/her application: + A completed CAT application form with proof of fee payment + The student’s full academic records stamped by the institution + A certificate of conduct from the previous institution

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