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* A Focus Area is the equivalent of a cluster of 6 modules (30 credits) and can only be combined with a single major.

** For the Bachelor of Film Arts, Major Subject credits are indicated as 30+15 credits. Each Major Subject has three modules associated with it; one per term for the first three terms. Major students do the 30cr component, and the three associated modules are compulsory, and form part of the major. If a Major student fails any of these compulsory modules, they have to repeat them and cannot substitute them with other choice modules.


*** VC students who opt to double major in two VC major subjects will complete third year with 125 credits.

For module names and descriptions, please see section: ‘Curriculum overview: Subject & module descriptions’


Limitations on major selections

● Condones on 1st year subjects mean students cannot major in second year ● Students must finish second year majors before moving on to third year majors (co-req only)

What makes a student a second year student?*

Students have to have completed a minimum of 90 credits in first year to be considered a second year student.

What makes a student a third year student?*

Students have to have completed a minimum of 90 credits in second year to be considered a third year student.

* The above rules are being phased in and will be applicable from 2024. In 2023 the theory subjects (Visual Culture and Film Theory) will be used as the level indicator.

Repeated fails (subjects / majors / modules)

After a student fails a subject for the third time, the student will be asked to leave the institution.

Software Training fails

+ Adobe Bootcamp + Solidworks + Premier Pro

Students who failed the software training in Term 1 will be given Week 8, and the student holiday prior to the start of Term 2 to complete it again, free of charge.

If students fail the second time, the student will be given the opportunity to complete the training during the first 3 weeks of Term 2. In addition, the SAS department will be in contact with the student & their sponsor, indicating that they are at risk in Term 2 due to this failure.

If the student fails the final opportunity in Term 2, their studies will be extended and the fourth attempt to complete the course will be financially charged.

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