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Basic Learning Style Assessment

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Learning Styles

Learning Styles

Choose the one answer below that describes you best.

1. When I am trying to spell a confusing word, I usually: a) jot it down b) spell it out loud c) draw it in _the air


2. When I am giving directions to a place, I usually: a) draw a map b) explain in words c) show people in gestures how to get there

3. When I listen to a lecture, I prefer to: a) take notes b) listen carefully c) doodle

4. When learning vocabulary in a foreign language, I prefer to: a) read and write the word several times b) say it aloud c) walk around, label items, play a game

5. When putting together a model or a piece of furniture, I usually: a) read the instructions carefully b) prefer to have someone read the instructions to me c) figure out what to do on my own

6. When learning science, I prefer to: a) read explanations b) listen to a lecture c) study diagrams, build a model, or do an experiment

7. In my free time, I prefer to: a) read or write b) listen to music or a lecture c) be physically active

8. My preference is: a) art b) music c) dance

Now, add up the total number you have circled of each letter. The “a” answers relate to a visual learning style, the “b” answers relate to an auditory learning style, and the “c” answers relate to a kinesthetic learning style. When you have finished, you should have an idea of your primary learning style. This self-knowledge can help you take in, process, and remember information more easily.

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