Portfolio - English

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Portfolio ThĂŠophile Paquet 2012 - 2018

parametric study, Hangars d’Orly

Contents Curriculum Vitae Point / Curve / Surface House of dance Port des Cygnes Nieuwe Baan LOCIS HOAS MĂŠmoire(s) du Havre Voorhavenlaan Unilever 30x30 UN-Habitat The terrasse Folding table

- Thesis

- Professional work - Competition - Exhibition - Professional work - Professional work - Competition

01 17 25 35 43 51 59 67 75 81 88 90 92

curriculum vitae

Théophile Paquet architect

theophile.paquet@gmail.com 08/02/1995 - 23 years old French Nationality

educational background 2016 - 2018

École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture | Paris-Belleville, France Master degree

2015 - 2016

Department of Architecture | Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland Master degree - ERASMUS exchange

2012 - 2015

École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture | Paris-Belleville, France Bachelor degree in architecture

work experience August 2017 - February 2018 October 2016 - today February 2016 - June 2018 September 2014 July 2014

february 2014

Johan de Wachter Architecten | Rotterdam, The Netherlands Intern Association l’Armoire | Le Havre, France Administrator, art director and scenographer ENSAPB | Paris France Physical and digital model making workshop supervisor. Laser cutting and 3d printing manager Agence Materia Natura | Le Havre, France Intern Studio BDA | Le Havre, France Intern SOGEA Nord-Ouest | Vinci Group, Le Havre, France Construction Internship

competitions | exhibitions | publications February - June 2018 June - August 2017 September 2016

Point / Curve / Surface | Master’s thesis | with honors Mémoire(s) du Havre exhibition | L’Armoire, Le Havre, France A. Nieto-Linares, L. Nyland, T. Niskanen, C. Nyholm. 2016. Cities in Transition, Studying public life in the Philippines | Helsinki, Aalto University Publications

July 2016

Green Academy Competition | Young Architects Competitions | Finalist

May - June 2016

Cities in Transition exhibition | Museum of Finnish Architecture, Helsinki

April 2016

International design collaboration for Kenya | UN Habitat

June 2015

Wood design exhibition | ENSAPB, Paris, France

languages french

native speaker


speak fluently, read/write with high proeficency | TOEIC - 985/1000 | CEFR - C2


speak, read and write with good competences

mandarin chinese

strong basics for speaking, reading and writing


basics in speaking, reading and writing


Autocad | Rhino ( Grasshopper + Vray ) | Archicad | Sketchup | QGIS Adobe Photoshop - Indesign - Illustrator | Laser Cutting | 3D Printing | AR technology



hand drawing | model making | wood design | charcoal | photographic processing

other interests

saxophone | photography | travels | other cultures | new languages

Point / Curve / Surface


Point / Curve / Surface holistic approach to a heritage urban block master’s final project january 2018 - june 2018

This final project of my masters studies made me explore different philosophies and tools of today’s architecture. The project consists of the redeveloppement of the former french defense ministery, that occupy a whole block in one of the most expensive area of Paris. The surrondings are caracterized by the presence of hôtels particuliers, the urban palaces for former french nobility. This creates a conglomerate of high end heritage buildings as well as big gardens. The site of the project is formed of a hotel, old convent buildings from the 18th, offices from the 19th and 20th. There’s a lot of scales, era of constructions, configuration mixed.

covered public space

Hôtel de Turgot Custodia Foundation 1743 Pierre Salles

Hôtel de Broglie State secretary for digital affairs

Petit Hôtel de Conti Ministry for Defense 1729 François Debias-Aubry

Assemblée Nationale

v oule

in B

rma t Ge

Sain ard

63, 73, 83, 84, 94 69


Sain oule

in B


t Ge

Saint Clotilde Basilica Church - 67m 1846-1857 François-Christian Gau Théodore Ballu

existing situation







Hôtel de Brienne Workplace of the Defense Minister 1726, enlarged in 1839, François Debias-Aubry, Jean Emile Renié

Hôtel de Parieu Private residence Today offices 1832 Jean Constant Protain

Hôtels aux 100 et 98 rue de l’Université Sciences Politiques CEVIPOF Action Catholique des Femmes ~1770

unknown block center

impossibility to cross

street visible structure and pathway through

In order to treat such a complicated site, I tried to aim for an objective and holistic approach to the block. As the block is today, pedestrians don’t know what is inside, and can’t go through. My idea was to use parametric tools to generate a shape visible from the surrondings, signaling the new uses of the block. The inside of the block is covered by that shape, a sort of glass net, protecting from the elements, while offering a vast and continuous public space. Hôtel de Solférino Seat of the Socialist Party Soon to be sold

That public space is divided into areas through landscaping treatment : public market, garden, event plaza, inner passage, ... The collection of rain water played a key role in the design of the public space, as the 13000 sqm roof collects and brings down a lot of water.

1728 - 1729 1724 - 1730 1826 - 1830 1840 - 1842 1845 - 1849 1868 - 1877

floors 7 to 11

1881 - 1883 1937 - 1945 1950 1960

floors 5 and 6


1 2 3

4th Floor

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3rd Floor


full protection

2nd Floor

high protection lower protection no protection protected garden protected courtyard protected grid

1st Floor daycare luxurious hotel housing offices luxurious shops

protection rules


Ground Floor


more seen less seen Hauteur d’analyse : 40m Points de vue : 364 Points d’analyse : 456 Points vus : 456 ( 100% ) Point le plus vu : 156 fois ( 34,2% ) Points les moins vu : 12 fois ( 2,6 % ) Points vus en moyenne : 67 fois ( 14,7% )

Analyse des 456 points de la grille depuis 364 points de vue : grille orthogonale 7,5x7,5m points de vue depuis espace publique test tous les 3,5m de haut si point visible -> hauteur définitive si point invisible -> essai à +3,5m jusqu’à 456 points vus résultante = points de contrôle des courbes de la surface de visibilité minimale

north facade

south facade

water collection system

The surronding buildings are relocated to new activities : local shops, high-end shops, offices, market, housings and luxurious hotel, all benefiting from the streets and the inner public space. The once closed block becomes open to the neighborhood for the first time, and allow new forms of urban activites in Paris. A 40m high tower pokes through the glass net to host part of the hotel and offer views on Paris. That tower is covered in zinc, as a reminder of the existing roofs. The glass net is suspended on 30 posts, ranging from 6 to 25 meters high. The 13000 sqm are covered by 50x50 cm glass sheets, hooked with steel knots on steel cables. Some support cables allow to create non catenary curves.

ground floor


1:200 model

flat roof

gravels ~ 200 mm waterproofing - 20 mm out insulation - 15 mm reinforced concrete - 200 mm in insulation - 50 mm vapor sheet - < 1 mm technical space - 110 mm faux plafond - 12.5 mm


finishing - 10 mm osb - 18mm sound insulation - 50 mm reinforced concrete - 200 mm insulation - 50 mm vapor sheet - < 1 mm technical space - 110 mm faux plafond - 12.5 mm

The use of parametric tools at an early stage allowed me to create a shape visible from the streets around, but also reflecting the exisiting buildings. This intervention causes very little modification to them, all more or less protected. The creation of an inside and unified public space creates a double layer in the urban fabric, out of the traditional public/private binary system. wall

plaster - 2x 12.5 mm vapor sheet - < 1mm in insulation - 50 mm reinforced concrete - 300 mm out insulation - 150 mm rain sheet - < 1mm air gap - 30 mm zinc - < 1 mm

tower detail

While parametric design is a powerful process, made entirely of decisions, it is important to also have a more fomal input, in corelation with the digital shaped created, as to make a transistion between parametric and heritage architecture. This project allowed me to explore these two sides, and make them work together.

secondary cable (ø 10mm) main cable ( ø 46 mm )

knot glass (50x50cm) agrafe secondary cable (ø 10mm)

steel post ( base ø 1 m )


structure detail

This thesis project allowed me to explore different areas of the architecture field, especially the question of the preservation and redevelopment of historic buildings in the XXIst century. Renovating the existing built fabric is becoming more and more essential as the ever expanding urban areas are questionned, and the old urban centers are seen as the new place to densify the city. Reconnecting neighbors and offering new pre existing but closed space to the inhabitants is an exciting way to approach the city of tomorrow.

place Jacques Bainville

House of Dance




House of Dance master, first year

Helsinki, Finland

teachers : Pirjo Sanaksenaho - Teemu Kurkela - Ville Hara september 2015 - january 2016

This project is based on the actual competition for the Helsinki Dance House. The site is located in Ruholoahti, in connection with Kaapelitehdas, the old cable factory, transformed in the 90’s into a cultural center. The project consists of a big hall, rehearsal spaces for the professionals, administration spaces, a restaurant, ... My project is thought as a new gate for Kaapelitehdas. The Dance House works also as a new main entrance for the cultural center, which lacks one.

practice spaces

big hall




The inner oraganization is understood in a section. The different functions are placed on a continuous slope coming from the sea. The rehearsal spaces are suspended on top of the two boxes, one public, the other semi private. The functions rotate around the inner street of the Cable Factory. This one is elongated and highlighted. The relation to the surrondings is primordial. Such a new mass could overshadow the area, crushing down the existing buildings. That’s why I decided to sink the building in the ground.

main lobby

Port des Cygnes




Port des Cygnes master, second year

teacher : Luis Burriel Bielza october 2016 - january 2017

This project is centered on the Ile aux Cygnes, a 1km long stretched man made island in the Seine River in Paris, only a short distance from the Eiffel Tower. Without any kind of program nor expectations, the goal was to use our own affinity and perception of the site to develop a project that could host different types of activities. I decided to focus on the activities created by the river : merchandise and people traffic, touristic cruises, party boats, housing boats, offices, ... My first idea was to transfer all the activities found on the banks to the island.






no rm ig al ila 2m nc e -é ac ta tiv 3, td ée 3m ’al e -d rte éb 4, ut 3m fe rm -i nt et er 5,1 ur di e m cti be -f on rg er es de m 6m et l a ur -a n e av ler du ig te at 6, RE 1m io ro R n u C ge -f er ,p m 6, l a et n 1m ur N e ep -c vo tu ru i re e 6, e ss 6m 20 u rb 16 -p er ro 7, ge te 14 s cti m on -c d ru u 7,2 m e m ét 19 -i ro 55 nn 8, o nd 68 at m io -c n du ru e m 19 ét 10 ro




Franprix Approvisionnement des magasins parisiens

Crues à Paris

Port de Paris Bureaux

Péniches habitées

Métro Ligne 6

Bateaux-mouche Tourisme

Croisières fluviales Hotels-restaurants flottants

Atelier du France


Port de plaisance

Cemex Chargement et déchargement de matériau BTP

Bateau école DEFIM

Vert chez vous Entreprise de livraison verte

Batobus Transport en commun fluvial


structural flexibility

MODULES Modular elements

FEET Vertical elements









BRIDGE Horizontal links




vertical comprehension

In order to accomplish that, I created a machine-like structure that could host all these different kind of program and many more. Based on a complete modularity and self development, this machine allows me to deal vertically with very diverse and often contradictory programs. The structure that spans over the island host a containeur terminal, a parking lot, offices, a restaurant, a ball room, ... while preserving and enhancing the existing promenade. Modularity in plan, section and structure is the key here to gather such a complex and diverse program. THe main interest however is that this machine building is not static : it can grow, shrink and evolve with the needs of the times.

port axonometric machine

Nieuwe Baan


Belgium Rotselaar

Nieuwe Baan social housing competition

Johan de Wachter Architecten january 2018

Nieuwe Baan is the proposal for a social housing complex competition in Belgium, developped by JDWA. Two team mates and myself were asked to develop this project over a time period of a month. This project has fo aim to create 67 new housing in a big plot surronded by row houses, in a rural town in the Brussels area. Our approach was to create as much green areas as possible, linked together with varying degrees of privacy, according to the housings on their sides.


transversal section

N nt

o re ses t

hou ll

o se ses t




sh pari




bloc k2


nt o re ses t

hou ll

o se ses t




rental houses :

appartments :

selling houses :

entrance The project shows 23 individual houses and 44 appartments divided in three blocks. The different housing units are organised around the green areas. The houses have 2 to 3 floors, while the appartment blocks can go up to 4 floors. However, the varying heights allow the feeling of a low density housing complex, despite the consequent number of houses. The outdoor spaces were thought to be a link between the 2 sides of the plot : the town center and an elementary school. They are opened to the public, but offer various degrees of privacy. The main central area offers recreational spots, while the ÂŤpocketsÂť garden act as shared gardens for the individual houses. The outdoors circulations ensure dyanamic


pocket garden section

and diverse ways of driving, walking and biking. The project is easily accessible by bike, while every house is guaranteed for at least one parking spot. The presence of cars is lowered by the dispersion of parking spots all over the site, hidden by green patches. All the buildings share the same materiality : yellow bricks and aluminium. This homogeinity is broken by the different modulations of the entrances, balconies, roofs, etc. All the housings benefit from a double orientation : public space and back garden/balconies. They are then divided in two parts : day ( kitchen and living room ) and night ( bedrooms and bathroom ).

pocket garden view

LOCIS, finalist entry




LOCIS finalist entry Green Academy Competition - Young Architects Competitions in collaboration with Salvador Hernandez Gazga june 2016 - august 2016

LOCIS Marzabotto as a center for sustainability was designed with the sole idea that it should serve as a playground for the experimentation and exploration of ground breaking concepts related to the advancement of sustainbility. The center is composed by several adjoining spaces that are either carved out from the original factory or pluged into its structure. The original structural grid was respected due to its adaptability for new uses and its cultural value. Bricks, steel and concrete are used on load bearing structures in order to comply with safety standards. On the other hand, composite materials with higher insulation factor are considered for the building envelope.

main entrance

main facade

inner courtyard and garden

longitudunal section

first floor

market hall

ground floor

EXPERIMENT Laboratories

PRODUCE Greenhouse

LIVE Green accomodations

PLAN Administration

MEET Inner courtyard and garden

SAVE Watertank


INITIATE Business incubator

STUDY High level school

LEARN Museum center

DO Workshops

The placement of the added volumes as well as the array of the spaces within the existing structure obbey the site solar orientation and natural wind currents. Each of the spaces within LOCIS Marzabotto targets one specific aspect of a persons life but highlights the areas of opportunities that exists on the matters of sustainability. By having to cope with the spatial needs of experts and the general public, LOCIS encourages the exchange of ideas and experiences throught out its multiple shared facilities. The ultimate goal of the project is to imprint in its regular visitors the idea that a joyfull and sustainable way of living is attainable and much easier than its generally portrayed.


HOAS diversifying forms of living 51




East Pasila

Pasila Center development

Helsinki center

HOAS diversifying forms of living master, first year

in collaboration with Salvador Hernandez Gazga january 2016 - may 2016

The aim of this studio was to explore new ways of designing student housing. It answered a call from HOAS, the student housing operator in Helsinki, which was seeking new form of living, for its future hall in Keski-Pasila. As a joint venture between the deprtments of Architecture and Design, we xplored new ways of making the housing units and the shared spaces, as well as the connection to the street and the city. Our approach was to look what could be done to densify at the maximum a plot, in the

general view

horizontal circulations

fifth floor

longitudunal section housing units

second - fourth floors

vertical circulations

first floor

public facilities

ground floor

shared facilities

basement level balconies

ground floor plan

typical floor plan

housing units

partial model

city of Helsinki, which is one of the less dense capital in Europe ( ten times less than Paris ). We seeked to find the most appropriate shape to allow the best natural lightning throughout the year. This two courtyards option allowed us to create very generous common areas for eating, socializing, playing, working or partying. The big kitchen and the living room bridge allow a greater sense of inclusiveness than traditional housing. Theprivate units are reduced to a minimum, while offering generous private balconies and views. The ground floor is open to the public and is used as a walkthrough to the train station. A shop, a cafe and a gym allow residents and outsiders to meet, as well as a big party room.

common areas

Mémoire(s) du Havre 59

Le Havre


MĂŠmoire(s) du Havre participative exhibition In collaboration with Jeanne Paquet ( art curator ) january 2017 - september 2017

This exhibition was conceived for the 500th anniversary of the foundation of Le Havre. It took place during a year of celebrations, popular events, art exhibitions ... This project aimed at showing what is the city of Le Havre, thourgh the point of view of its inhabitants, thanks to their memories and the objects they link to it. People lent objects, docments, souvenirs for us to conceive an exhibition on the city around them. More than 500 items were colected and divided into different themes : childhood, education, transports, industry, port, ...





shopping and commerce display layout












collection distribution

0 0 20 mardi mardi 6 6 mercredi 7 mercredi 7 vendredi 9 vendredi 9 samedisamedi 10 10 dimanche 11 11 dimanche mardi mardi 13 13 mercredi mercredi 14 14 vendredi vendredi 16 16 samedisamedi 17 17 dimanche dimanche 18 18 mardi mardi 20 20 mercredi mercredi 21 21 vendredi vendredi 23 23 samedisamedi 24 24 dimanche dimanche 25 25 mardi mardi 27 27 mercredi mercredi 28 28 vendred vendred 30 30 1 samedisamedi 1 dimanche dimanche 25 25 4 mardi mardi 4 mercredi 5 mercredi 5 vendredi 7 vendredi 7 8 samedisamedi 8 dimanche 9 dimanche 9 mardi mardi 11 11 mercredi mercredi 12 12 vendredi vendredi 14 14 samedisamedi 15 15 dimanche dimanche 16 16 mardi mardi 18 18 mercredi mercredi 19 19 vendredi vendredi 21 21 samedisamedi 22 22 diamanche diamanche 23 23 mardi mardi 25 25 mercredi mercredi 26 26 vendredi vendredi 28 28 samedisamedi 29 29 dimanche dimanche 30 30 1 mardi mardi 1 mercredi 2 mercredi 2 vendredi 4 vendredi 4 5 samedisamedi 5 dimanche 6 dimanche 6 8 mardi mardi 8 mercredi 9 mercredi 9 vendredi vendredi 11 11 samedisamedi 12 12 dimanche 13 13 dimanche mardi mardi 15 15 mercredi mercredi 16 16 vendredi vendredi 18 18 samedisamedi 19 19 dimanche dimanche 20 20 mardi mardi 22 22 mercredi mercredi 23 23 vendredi vendredi 25 25 samedisamedi 26 26 dimanche dimanche 27 27 0 0 5

We designed the exhibition to showcase the life of an inhabitant of Le Havre with different displays according to the themes. Our goal was to make the people think about where they live, and eventually make them discover some unknown aspects of their town. An other goal was to facilitate the exchange of ideas and memories between generations and social categories. That is why we decided to open the expo in difficult suburb, away from the mainstream happenings of the anniversary. Thus, we wanted to bring a cultural event to people who are maybe nt especially used to them, or don’t dare to visit them. We also wanted to bring visitors from other areas to show them that the preconceptions of the suburb they ahd were unfounded.

20 40

40 60

60 80

80 100 100120 120140 140160 160

5 10

10 15

15 20

20 25

25 30

30 35

35 40



floor lines



meeting and sharing welcome desk


This exhibition was open for 3 months. More than 1200 people visited it, two thirds being residents of the neighborhood. The scenography was made to be simple, as the objects showcased were all different in origin, materials, shapes and sizes. The visitors were brought along the exhibitions to the different displays, where mediators were available to answer all their questions. Particular groups came to visit, such as young migrants, seniors, children, creating some very interesting discussions. As a first personnal project, this exhibition was a success behond my anticipation.



Gent Belgium

Voorhavenlaan social housing

Johan de Wachter Architecten august 2017 to january 2018

Voorhavenlaan is a social housing project located in Gent, Belgium. Set in an old industrial and harbour related zone, this 27 housings projects is divided into 2 buildings. On house holds 2 housings for bigger families, integrated in the existing urban fabric. The main buildings, with 25 appartments is situated on the other side of the plot, facing a canal. Between them, in the heart of the block, is created a big garden, mixing up different layers of privacy. The typical plan of Voorhavenlaan offers 2 sided appartments, offering views and/or access to the street and the back gardens. The appartments themselves are divided into two

street view

street facade



private gardens

shared gardens






private gardens

Voorhavenlaan groundfloor plan


parts : day activities ( kitchen, livingroom ) and night activites ( bedrooms, bathroom ). Every appartment enjoys at least one balcony or terrace, open to the outside, while they are distributed by passerelles on the garden side, offering spaces to meet people, set up a table or plants, etc.

floor plans

The gardens are divided into 4 parts : private gardens for the groud floor appartments, private back gardens for surronding houses, public garden with a playground and a pound, and a shared kitchen table garden. All these parts act as rooms, separated by edges.








or Vo





le eu




te es



Public and private gardens are separated by a long pergola that host many functions : garden storage, public and private storage, shade, ... Every person has a spot to store a bike, while 16 parking spots allow some cars to park directly into the plot.

garden view

I worked on this project after the competition was won. I had to bring some modifications, redraw precisely the project, adapt it to remarks. I brought this project to a definitive advanced design, leaving the office before starting the building permit phase. This project taught me a lot on the matter of precise social housing design, in a built environement.



office space

Unilever office renovation project

Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Johan de Wachter Architecten august 2016 - today

I worked on this project during my internship at Johan de Wachter Architects. JDWA was selected to design the renovation of Becelhuis in Nassaukade, in the historical factory of Blueband in Rotterdam. The brand belongs today to Unilever, the dutch-britsh consummer good corporation. Becelhuis was built in the 1920s and necessitated a full renovation, after almost a century of modification, patches and use. It hosts the office for employees working in the factory. The project comprises open spaces, meeting rooms and office related facilities. I started

The Netherlands Rotterdam

cross section

longitudinal section

second floor

first floor

atrium/staircase detail, longitudinal section

working on this project before the building application. For the application, I drew the plans and sections according to the drafts, as well as made sure that the project was following all building code rules. Following that, I designed all detailed plans, sections, details, build ups and furniture for the tender plans, as well as carefully selecting materials, textures and colors with my supervisor. Weekly meetings saw a lot of modifications according the client’s needs, the general state of the building and the recommendations from the engineers. This project taught me a lot on many levels : construction detailing, material selecting, jungling between all the participants of the project, and also working in a dutch environnement.

atrium/staircase detail, cross section

30 x 30


30 x 30 bachelor, third year

teacher : Alain Dervieux october 2015 - december 2015

The 30x30 exercice’s aim is a library fited for a 10 000 inhabitants city. Without any site, this project’s aim is to teach Modern Space through the free plan : posts are designed to bring spatial fluidity, natural light is primordial. The first step is to choose a hypothesis, translated in spatial terms. Mine is VOW, translated into immediate, delayed, same. The entrance sequence is designed by the use of perspectives.

entrance sequence



second floor





ground floor

The program is composes of a hall, a grown-ups sections, a children section, a multi-uses room, a facility part. The sections are organised thanks to the furniture. The whole space is linked to the free plan. The circling walls are the limit of the 30x30, but it is only a maximum volume. Interiors spaces are independants from it. The outter walls are designed from the angles, and guide the visitors to the main entrance. Through the whole project, I used conventional drawings, but also experimented new ways to show the space. For instance, I developped a way to show what’s on and what’s under the free plan, depicted on the previous page.

Other works


the new public market of Kunda Kindu

UN-habitat International design collaboration for Kenya | UN-Habitat


in collaboration with Fabio Latino, Antuané Nieto-Linares and Sophie Régal


april 2016

UN-Habitat launched a competition to invite students worldwide to think on renewing Kenya’s urban centers, which lacks of adequate urban planning. The design will contribute significantly towards the overall transformation of these areas and to unlocking the towns’ full potential. Our project proposal for the town of Kitui supports social inclusiveness and provides comunity space and qualitative public space that contributes to people’s health and well being. THis project is based on the reconversion of a bus station into a inclusive public market, recreating a new main public space in town.


cultural center

park area

revitalization of the stream

new commercial buffer zone

main market hall

main road





The terraces extracurricular workshop


Le Havre, France

teachers : Anne Boutigny - Marion Dutoit march 2012 - june 2013

The Terrace was my proposal for an extracurricular workshop in high school. The instructors were an art teacher and an architect. In that very confidential studio, i have been confronted by the questions of site and vegetation, in a fallow land. The goal is to be in a harmony with nature, without damaging it, and conceving small projects, with maze or vegetable garden for instance. I have chosen to use a slope, by creating levels with paletts. I tried to make a central space which allows to walk through or just chill. The pallets’ form allowed me to create gardens, seating, and free spaces for art projects.

art projects

hanging out

organic gardening


multi-activities space

Instructions : 1 : Unpack the different elements (legs and surface). Unlock the legs and save the two cylindrical keys for step 2. 2 : Open the legs of the table, and lock them with the two cylindrical keys in the central hinge. Insert the four tenons in the dedicated notches. 3 : Insert the folded surface on the legs. 4 : Unfold the surface.


5 : Table is ready to use !


Folding table bachelor, third year



teacher : Camille Bacoup october 2014 - january 2015

This folding table is an answer to a personnal problem : hosting randomly people in a small space. This project had to highlight mobility, functionnality, modularity... I have chosen to work on a multi-function table. This table can be a pedestal or a table for 4 guests. Thanks to its hinges, it can be deployed in the space, and is a pratical piece of furniture, quickly useful for guests. I was inspired by japanese origami : the process of opening the table is the most important thing in the project, more important than the final use.

Spruce wood

Brass cylindric hinge

Brass hinge

Locking sheath

Steel plate

high resolution portfolio

ThĂŠophile Paquet theophile.paquet@gmail.com

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