The Orion - Fall 2012, Issue 9

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24, 2012

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AS letter calls for student survey “It’s not my voice,” Virdee said Zingg proposed the compact at the Sept. 24 A.S. board of direc- of the letter. “It’s really a repretors meeting. The fee would sentation of the student voice.” The board of focus on raising directors recomfunds for areas of “I think it’s the best mends a monthly education collecstudent poll to tively decided by way to properly gain an equal students and facrepresent student representation ulty members. opinions.” of opinions from The board of Chico State’s studirectors gathdents, faculty ered suggestions LINDSEY SIEGEL A.S. director of university affairs and staff. The for the letter at its polling results Oct. 8 meeting. The drafted letter is a compila- would be presented to the Camtion of the ideas discussed at the pus Fee Advisory Committee. “I think it’s the best way to meeting.

Katrina Cameron



The Chico Parent Advisory Council unanimously supported a proposed fee amount at its Oct. 6 meeting. The proposed fee could be phased in over three years, starting at $150 a year and increasing by $150 increments for two years. SOURCE • BELLE WEI, PROVOST AND VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS

Chico State student representatives are calling for a survey of student opinion on a proposed campus fee. The Associated Students board of directors reviewed a letter Monday drafted by A.S. President Jaypinderpal Virdee that includes several recommendations for how the university should consult with students during the development of the Chico Compact for Student Success. Chico State President Paul

properly represent student opinions,” said Lindsey Siegel, A.S. director of university affairs. A.S. wants to gain student opinion before taking a stance on the fee, Virdee said. A.S. is not currently for or against the fee. “The biggest message of that letter is to ensure that students are represented throughout the entire process,” Virdee said. “I want students to be heard. It’s our responsibility to make sure the university takes that course of route.” The drafted letter of suggestion >> please see FEE | A5

TANGLED UP Kayla Kashtiban poses in a fashion show hosted by Chikoko, a Chico fashion collective, at the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds on Saturday. Conga drums boomed as Chikoko showcased their “gutter punk gypsies,” who are models posed as caterpillars and butterflies. To read the story, visit


Legislators flunk accountability test, strike back Aubrey Crosby STAFF WRITER

Politicians all over the state have been given an F, and they are not happy about it. The grades are part of the California State University system’s first legislative scorecard, which ranks state legislatures based on how they vote on bills that impact the 23-campus system, according to a press release from the CSU. Of the 119 legislators rated, received an A grade and two represent areas surrounding Chico. Assemblyman Dan Logue, who represents Butte, Lassen and Nevada counties, received a score of 47 percent, an F, on the report. DAN LOGUE The assemblyFormer state senator man representing Doug LaMalfa, R-Richvale, Butte, Lassen and received an F, and Sen. Nevada counties recieved a F on Leland Yee, D-San Franthe report. cisco, received a D. Assemblyman Logue voted alongside the CSU on some bills, such as one allowing foster teens priority enrollment and registration in universities, according to the scorecard. However, Logue voted against the system’s agenda LELAND YEE on most bills, including The senator one that required univerrepresenting San Mateo and San sity administrators to notify Francisco counstudents before tuition is ties received a D increased. He also voted on the report. against the Middle Class Scholarship Program, a bill that would have provided financial aid to middle-income students. Sen. Yee fought back against the poor grade in a press release. “Based on the chancellor’s positions on legislation, I am proud of my D score on his report card,” Yee said in the release. “Rather than fighting for students and faculty, the CSU administration used taxpayer funds to advocate for themselves and their “Based on the fellow top chancellor’s positions executives. The chancelon legislation, I am report proud of my D score on lor’s card is a his report card.” sham.” Yee has LEELAND YEE received State senator many 100 percent scores for support of higher education from the California State Student Association, according to the release. Yee also created his own scorecard for the CSU system. He gave the CSU an F in accountability, transparency and advocacy for students and faculty. He gave the CSU an A+ in advocacy for the top executives. “Unlike the current CSU administration, I am hopeful that the incoming chancellor will represent the interests of the entire university community and that he will put in place a government relations team that will work >> please see FAIL | A4


Gutter punk gypsies strut stuff FACILITY SAFETY

State receives asbestos complaint for Butte Hall Pedro Quintana STAFF WRITER

In the wake of controversy regarding the presence of asbestos in Butte Hall, a complaint has been filed with a statewide occupational safety organization. The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health received the complaint about Butte Hall last week, said Patricia Ortiz, a representative with the safety organization. If investigators recommend removing asbestos or issuing citations or penalties, Cal-OSHA would oversee that process, Ortiz said. A Cal-OSHA representative visited Chico

State Monday and took a tour of Butte Hall with Marvin Pratt, the director of environmental health and safety, said Joe Wills, Chico State’s director of public affairs and publications The controversy over the possible presence of asbestos in the building began after faculty raised concerns that environmental

conditions in Butte Hall could be connected to the cancer deaths of sociology professor Andy Dick and staff member Tami Harder Kilpatric, both of whom worked in the building. Gayle Hutchinson, the dean of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, >> please see BUTTE | A4

Sept. 21

Oct. 15

Last week

Dean Fairbanks, the chair of the department of geography and planning, sends an email to fellow faculty members expressing concern about Butte Hall’s safety

Geography professor Mark Stemen puts up signs warning passers-by of asbestos in Butte Hall. The next day, students receive an email declaring Butte Hall safe.

CAL-OSHA receives an official complaint regarding the presence of asbestos in Butte Hall

Wildcat shop to open after mall overhaul Katrina Cameron STAFF WRITER

The seven-month renovation of Chico Mall is complete, just in time for the Chico State Wildcat Store to open its seasonal storefront there. The Wildcat Store will open a shop in the mall within the next two weeks, said Ryan Winger, a sophomore business major and Wildcat Store customer service representative. The mall store will sell Chico State apparel, textbooks and gifts for the holidays. The location was also used last year, and the store will be in the same spot – straight through the main mall entrance. The Wildcat Store’s income on campus has increased slightly, but sales continue to decrease, said Keaton Bass, A.S. vice president for business and finance. The floor-to-ceiling renovation of >> please see MALL | A4



MALL MUSIC Momentum, a Chico State dance team, performs at the Chico Mall renovation celebration over the weekend. After a seven-month renovation, the mall now has new floors, paint, remodeled restrooms, a family restroom and an updated food court.


World News








Police Blotter






Sex Column




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high low

full week A2 >>

Learn about the StudentAthletic Advisory Committee and its impact in the community. Story B2

Features Radio stations give students the chance to gain professional experience. Story B6

Opinion Drunken zombies roam Chico on weekend nights. Column A6

A2 |


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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24, 2012

WEATHER >> Today | rain

Thursday | partly cloudy

59 44

Friday | sunny

64 44

72 50

Saturday | partly cloudy

74 52

Sunday | sunny

Monday | sunny

75 54

Tuesday ay | partly cloudy

74 52

70 50


Seven people were convicted of manslaughter on Monday for not giving an adequate warning to an area before an earthquake. The city of L’Aquila, Italy was hit by a 6.3 magnitude quake that killed more than 309 people. Source: The New York Times

Students fight to change new fees Since the California State University board of trustees proposed five student fees in September, student groups have been coming up with ways to alter three of the possible fees. Laura Hass STAFF WRITER

Student representatives are trying to change three student fees that could be enacted by the


The Uruguay congress is creating proposals to sell government-grown marijuana. No other government in the world produces and sells marijuana.


The amount students could pay per additional unit after completing 150 units.


The amount students could pay for every unit they retake.


The amount students could pay for every unit taken in excess of 16 per semester.

Source: The Associated Press



California State University system in fee, and if you graduate late you get a November. fee,” McAllister said. The fees are recommended by Student representatives are trythe board of trustees even if Gov. ing to change the course repeat fee Brown’s tax initiative passes, accord- so that a fee wouldn’t be necesing to the minutes from the CSU’s sary until a student retakes a class board of trustees committee for the third time. of finance meeting July 17. The CSU has, however, • The graduation incenchanged the graduation tive fee would require incentive fee by raising the seniors and upperclassmen amount of units seniors who have completed 150 can take before they are units to pay an extra tuition charged for each addifee of about $372 per unit. tional unit, McAllister • The course repeat fee said. would require students NICOLE “There are other ways to who retake courses to pay MCALLISTER change behavior besides $100 for every unit they are Chico State’s assigning fees,” McAllisDirector of retaking. ter said. Legislative Aff airs • The third-tier tuition fee wants to change When California stuwould charge students tak- some new fees dents become aware of proposed by the ing more than 16 units $200 CSU. the fees, they’re not going for each additional unit. to be happy about them, The fees will be decided McAllister said. She sugon at the board meeting in gested that students November, said Stephanie Thara, a contact the CSU board of trustees representative from the CSU. rather than protest angrily. The CSU system is trying to change “The legislature will not take us student behavior by instituting these seriously unless we take ourselves fees, said Nicole McAllister, Chico seriously,” she said. State’s A.S. director of legislative affairs. Laura Hass can be reached at “If you graduate too early you get a

Sept. 18 The CSU approves a $150 fee hike for the spring 2013 semester

Nov. 6 The results of California’s general election will determine whether the CSU’s $150 tuition hike will take effect.

Nov. 13 The CSU board of trustees will meet to discuss three proposed student fees

Jan. 1, 2013 The $150 tuition hike approved by the CSU board of trustees will take effect if Proposition 30 does not pass SOURCE • CALSTATE.EDU

Chico City Council passes downtown smoking ban to avoid secondhand Marisela Pulido COURTESY PHOTO •DONKEYHOTEY VIA FLICKR

President Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney sparred over foreign policy during the last debate of the presidential election Monday, dueling over policy in Afghanistan, Iraq and Russia. Election Day is Nov. 6. Source: The New York Times


Chico City Council voted to prohibit smoking within 20 feet of business doorways Oct. 16, with an exception for people passing through to another destination. The Council voted 5-2, with councilmen Bob Evans and Mark Sorensen opposing the ban. The Chico Internal Affairs Committee will continue to address smoking in public places. MORE ON Secondhand smoke Sidesteam smoke: The smoke that comes from the end of a lit cigarette Mainstream smoke: The smoke that is inhaled by a smoker Tobacco smoke: Contains more than 7,000 chemical compounds SOURCE • AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY

Accommodations for smokers will be considered in acceptable smoking areas in places such as back entrances and alleyways. Ashtray installations will also be considered. “There is no universally safe exposure level or distance which one can be safely exposed to secondhand smoke,” Chico city attorney Lori Barker said. “The exception would allow people who are walking by to be smoking while they are walking past. They will not be able to stand there and smoke.” The ban was presented in August with suggestions to be reviewed to ensure fairness to smokers. The exception in the ban allows flexibility for smokers, Councilman Andy Holcombe said. In order to make this successful, it has to be consistent, Mayor Ann Schwab said. “Everyone has the right to breathe fresh air,” she said.


BLOWING SMOKE Undeclared freshman Taylor Stewart smokes outside of Lassen Hall. The Chico City Council banned smoking near business doors.

Marisela Pulido can be reached at


Flu vaccines that protect against four separate strains are more effective than those that fight three flu strains, vaccine companies said Monday. The new vaccines protect against two B strains and two A strains. Source: The New York Times



Campaign volunteers will have the opportunity to meet Gov. Jerry Brown’s dog, Sutter. The Pembroke Welsh corgi will visit 30 Democratic field offices on behalf of Brown’s initiative to raise taxes. Source: The Sacramento Bee


AS considering resolution in favor of Prop 30 Aubrey Crosby STAFF WRITER

Associated Students is working on a resolution in favor of Proposition 30, a tax increase that would prevent the state from cutting funding from California’s public universities if passed in November’s election. The resolution would support a similar one written by the California State Student Association, a group of statewide CSU student representatives. Associated Students does not officially support or endorse the approval of Proposition 30 yet, A.S. President Jaypinderpal Virdee said. Passing the proposition would not grant the public university systems any new funding, said Lorraine Hoffman, vice president

“The only reason to support this is so that students don’t have to pay more tuition.” LORRAINE HOFFMAN Vice president of business and finance

for business and finance. It would only lessen the amount of money the state cuts from CSU budgets. “The only reason to support this is so that students don’t have to pay more tuition,” Hoffman said. A.S. will make alterations and finalize its current resolution, which will cause a delay in its public release. “We need to make it clear that we do not officially support it or

endorse it yet,” Virdee said. Another change A.S. suggested is the recognition of the student groups on campus that have actively opposed Proposition 30, said Keaton Bass, the A.S. vice president for business and finance. “While other groups might not agree with us, I think there are more that do,” Bass said. “Our mission statement is to enhance the quality of education for our students and to take a stand for them. In line with our organizational goals, this proposition should pass.” A.S. plans to pass the resolution Nov. 5 and publish it electronically, which will allow students to read it before the Nov. 6 election.

Health officials are investigating an alleged connection between Monster energy drinks and five deaths since 2009. Source: The Los Angeles Times

250,000 Californians earning more per year will have income tax raised. Applies tax bracket retroactively to Jan. 1, 2012.

$6 Estimated revenue in the billions from Proposition 30. SOURCE • CALIFORNIA’S LEGISLATIVE ANALYIST’S OFFICE

Aubrey Crosby can be reached at

| College of Communication & Education | California State University, Chico | Chico, Ca 95929-0600 CONTACT | EDITORIAL Phone: 530.898.5627 Email:



Percent increase to state sales tax

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24, 2012

TAKE ACTION California Secretary of State Debra Bowen addresses students and community members at the Bell Memorial Union auditorium Monday. During her speech, she endorsed voting.

Provost takes pulse of university with project Belle Wei, the Chico State provost and vice president for academic affairs, was hired in May and began working in August. Now, she is looking for feedback from students and faculty. Allison Weeks STAFF WRITER

Chico State’s new provost wants to hear what students have to say. Through the initiative Project Pulse, Belle Wei is working to find out what the university’s faculty, staff and students like and dislike about the university, said Lori Fuentes, Wei’s executive assistant. Wei was named provost and vice president for academic affairs in May after former provost Sandra Flake resigned in February. So far, Wei’s conversations with students and faculty have highlighted Chico State’s strong sense of community, Fuentes said. Wei has spoken to students, faculty, staff and Associated Students in 12 one-hour sessions since she started working in August, Fuentes said. “I am working on scheduling more

sessions with faculty and students throughout the remainder of the semester,” Fuentes said. Wei said she has eight meeting times scheduled for the BELLE WEI remainder of the fall Chico State’s new semester, and is aimprovost and vice president for ing to have at least 15 academic aff airs meetings before the semester ends. The session series was named Project Pulse for the mission of taking the pulse of the university from the different perspectives of the people who comprise it, A.S. President Jaypinderpal Virdee said. “Becoming the new provost, it is very difficult to jump in and get your feet wet with everything that is going on,” Virdee said. Wei wants to make sure students receive a quality education inside and outside of the classroom, Virdee said. “Students are a priority for her, and she wants to make sure they truly have that success here,” he said. Allison Weeks can be reached at

| A3


Secretary of state speaks on campus Quinn Western A SST. NE WS EDITOR

California Secretary of State Debra Bowen spoke in the Bell Memorial Union auditorium Monday at an Associated Students voter registration drive. Voter education needs to start at a young age with programs such as “Sesame Street,” Bowen said. “Big Bird needs to be voting,” she said. Although California registration ended Monday, this is the first year in which online registration was available to California citizens. California’s 58 counties had to upgrade software within the last nine months to be ready for

online voting, Bowen said. Registering online is much easier because voters don’t have to take any time to get a form at the post office, she said. “Students, at this point, are doing almost everything online,” Bowen said. “We’ve made it a lot easier and basically taken away all of the excuses for not registering.” Political science professor Teodora Delorenzo also spoke and emphasized the importance of voting. “We have an ethical duty to vote,” Delorenzo said. Quinn Western can be reached at

Graphic design student’s death ruled accidental poisoning Pedro Quintana STAFF WRITER


The toxicology report for Chico State student Carly Callaghan released Oct. 16 revealed that she died of an accidental acute poisoning. Callaghan, a 22-year-old graphic design major, was found dead on the floor of her room by her roommate Sept. 16. She wasn’t breathing and wasn’t

responding to me,” said Megan Collishaw, Callaghan’s roommate and a senior health education major. The toxicology report said that she had alcohol, Prozac and a high level of morphine in her system, said Lt. Al Smith of the Butte County Sheriff’s Office. The mixture of drugs and alcohol caused the death. Callaghan was dead when first responders arrived on the scene, Chico Police Sgt. Curtis Prosise said. Chico police officers

conducted a search and determined that there was no foul play. Callaghan had been diagnosed with bronchitis at the Student Health Center two days before her death, Collishaw said. Callaghan’s death is the third alcoholrelated student death reported in Chico since August. Pedro Quintana can be reached at

Aug. 15

Aug. 18

Sept. 9

Sept. 16

Police pull the body of Daniel Early, 29, from Sycamore Pool. The cause of death is eventually determined to be drowning. Early had a blood alcohol level of .25 percent.

Police find Butte College student Shaun Summa dead in a Chico backyard. The cause of death is later determined to be choking, associated with acute alcohol intoxication.

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo student Brett Olson is found dead in the Sacramento River after a weeklong search. An autopsy revealed that Olson drowned with alcohol and cocaine in his system.

Carly Callaghan is found dead on the floor of her room. Toxicology results show that Callaghan had alcohol, Prozac and morphine in her system.

MORE ON Toxicology results The toxicology report revealed that Carly Callaghan had alcohol in her system, as well as the following substances: Prozac: medication used to treat depression and panic attacks. The drug can improve mood, sleep, appetite and energy level. Morphine: an opiate used to treat chronic pain


A4 |

POLICE BLOTTER Information cited directly from Chico Police Department or University Police Department. University Police Wednesday, 10:02 p.m.: Suspicious subject reported near Glenn Hall. “Reporting party advising two white males, approximately 40s, standing with bikes on lawn between Meriam Library and Glenn talking about beating someone up.” Thursday, 2:41 p.m.: Petty theft reported at Wildcat Recreation Center locker room. “Theft of cellphone and sunglasses, reporting party standing by at Student Services Center. Locate program on the phone shows it in area of West Fourth and Cedar streets. Phone was recovered and returned to owner.” Saturday, 12:29 a.m.: Alcohol violation reported in Whitney Hall. “Female vomiting in lobby. Requesting medics, medics on scene. Female transported to Enloe.” Saturday, 2:13 a.m.: Weapon brandishing reported on West First and Ivy streets. “Advising group of males went running in all directions from Kendall Hall. Advising subject described suspect as wearing all black with curly hair in possession of a knife.” Sunday, 2:34 a.m.: Petty theft reported at Whitney hall bike racks. “Reporting party reporting two males attempting to steal bikes. One is wearing possibly a red sweater and other wearing plaid. Reporting party advising too dark to describe any further. She advised they were yelling at her. In possession of Huffy beach cruiser. Bike being taken for safekeeping.” Sunday, 3:07 p.m.: Verbal disturbance in Meriam Library breezeway. “Two subjects harassing people outside voter registration booth. Subjects are moving along. Subject was uncooperative and soliciting on campus without a permit. Subject was set within 10 feet of main entrance to library.” Sunday, 10:04 p.m.: Elevator malfunction reported at Meriam Library. “Two elevators not working, one stuck on fourth floor. Does not appear that anyone is inside.”

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24, 2012

Chico Police Thursday, 3:36 p.m.: Fight reported on 100 block of East 12th Street. Reporting party states he hit suspect in the face, suspect told reporting party he was an officer before throwing a pole at her face. “Suspect now walking on East 12th Street away from Park Avenue and has taken his shirt off. Issue over suspect taking reporting party’s property from under bridge at Pine and Humboldt streets. Suspect walking back toward reporting party now. States he has no weapons today.” Thursday, 3:38 p.m.: A suspicious subject reported on Picaso Lane. “Subject has been parked from across reporting party’s house for the last hour. Subject will stare into reporting party’s front windows from his vehicle and drive off and come back. Reporting party has now left the residence.” Friday, 3:21 a.m.: Suspicious subject reported on 600 block of West Third Street. “Subjects banging on the door and throwing rocks at the house. Unknown how many subjects are outside. Reporting party doesn’t know them.” Saturday, noon: Neighbor dispute reported on 1600 block of Manzanita Avenue. “Neighbor harassing kids who are playing basketball outside. She is in the mobile home park. Reporting party concerned because female has threatened to pull a gun out on them in the past.” Saturday, 6:30 p.m.: Drunk in public reported on 1000 block of East 20th Street. “Male stumbling along the roadway across the street from Sierra Nevada. Walking westbound on East 20th Street. Reporting party concerned he will be hit by traffic.” Saturday, 7:31 p.m.: Trespassing reported on 1700 block of Beech Street. “Reporting party believes there is a subject in the backyard of her neighbor’s residence. Reporting party hears what sounds like someone in the yard.” Compiled by Marisela Pulido and Laura Hass

MALL: Renovation could bring in shoppers who provide tax revenue continued from A1

Mall began in April, said Lynette Myers, a marketing manager for the mall. The renovations include new floors, paint, seating, remodeled restrooms, a new family restroom, an upgraded food court, a play area and an innovative roof with skylights, Myers said. Chico Mall hosted post-remodeling festivities, including a ribbon-cutting ceremony and a celebration over the weekend. Chico State’s Momentum dance team and ballroom dance club performed among other acts at

the two-day event. The improvements will have a minimal impact on the downtown Chico business district, Chico Councilman Bob Evans said. But the mall renovations may bring in shoppers from surrounding areas like Paradise and Oroville. Visiting shoppers can bring in sales tax revenue, which is one thing the city needs, he said. “This is a good thing for Chico,” Evans said. Katrina Cameron can be reached at

FAIL: Scorecard created to hold legislators responsible continued from A1

wasn’t support for the bills the CSU supagainst – the legislature to address the needs ported,” Uhlenkamp said. The students deserve the best repreof students,” Yee said in the release. Logue and LaMalfa’s offices were unavail- sentation, and that is not what they are receiving, said Jaypinderpal able for comment after Virdee, Chico State’s Associrepeated phone calls. ated Students president. “No vote record can tell the “We need to notify “Within the group of legentire story of a legislator’s islatures within the state of actions on issues that affect and work with California, 23 of them do not higher education,” the CSU legislators to support actively support higher edusaid in the report. “This scorehigher ed.” cation,” Virdee said. “Three card is representative of the of them within our own area bills that are the highest priJAYPINDERPAL VIRDEE received an F. We need to ority for the CSU.” Associated Students president notify and work with legislaThe scorecard was created tors to support higher ed.” to hold legislators accountable for their votes, said Mike Uhlenkamp, a representative for the system. Aubrey Crosby can be reached at “That doesn’t necessarily mean that there

BUTTE: Inspection to be held within 6 months continued from A1

Lorraine Hoffman, the vice president for business and finance, and Marvin Pratt, the director of environmental health and safety, sent an email to the campus community to assure everyone that Butte Hall is safe to work and study in. The email also states that there is no evidence that either of the two deaths were connected to the building. The university has also collected dust samples from places in Butte Hall picked by employees and had them analyzed by a nationally

accredited lab in the bay area, Wills said. The results will be shared with Hutchinson and the employees. Butte Hall was built in the 1972 using asbestos material, said Mark Stemen, a geography and planning professor. Shortly after, the federal government banned “asbestos spray fireproofing” because of the health hazard of asbestos being directly over the heads of building occupants. Pedro Quintana can be reached at

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24, 2012

| A5


Wind gusts blow over rotten tree as rainy weather begins TIMBER! Tree trimmers from Richard’s Tree Service cut down the remains of a rotten boxelder tree that blew over in Alumni Glen Saturday night. The branches were picked up and stuff ed into a chipper. Alumni Glen is a open clearing along the shore of Big Chico Creek, across from Holt Hall.

FEE: Associated Students stresses importance of involving students in discussion continued from A1

also draws attention to focus groups, which can be used for people to express their opinions about the fee. The letter also suggests that town hall meetings about it. “I really appreciate the fact that there are going to be student forums,” Siegel said. “It’s a very important way for students to become educated and voice their opinions.” The focus groups should be marketed through methods such as campus

announcements, student portals, social media and fliers, Virdee said. Some university administrators were present for the discussion of the letter and provided their own suggestions about the letter and the fee. “I think the basis of this letter is very good,” said Lori Hoffman, Chico State’s vice president for business and finance. The drafted letter was originally only addressed to Zingg, but Hoffman suggested it also be addressed to the university’s administrators, including Belle

Wei, the provost and vice president for academic affairs, and Drew Calandrella, the vice president for student affairs. The letter recommends the university develop a website that includes information about the fee. The website may be launched within two to three weeks, Virdee said. The A.S. board of directors also recommends that the university clearly break down how the student success fee funds would be distributed for students throughout the campus. The drafted letter

also asks for a comparison of how other California State University campuses use funds from the similar campus-related fees they implement. All of this information should be available to the general public, Siegel said during the meeting. A completed version of the letter may be an action item in about a month, Virdee said. Katrina Cameron can be reached at


The scary side of Chico holiday weekends This weekend the downtown streets will be filled with costumed revelers, trickling in and out of houses decked out with jack-o’-lanterns, fake cobwebs and flashing lights. Halloween evokes a sense of mischief — fun sprinkled with a dash of fear. And it’s that spellbinding spirit that makes the

holiday a favorite among college students. But the truly scary side of a Chico holiday weekend is not something to celebrate. Binge-drinking, recreational drug-use and crime are all-toocommon activities that students and their visiting friends partake in each time the date on the

calendar gives them a built-in excuse. You’d think the proven potential consequences — hangover, overdose, injury, arrest and death — would be enough of a deterrent. But it seems the prevailing selfassurance that “it won’t happen to me” speaks louder than the words and images splashed on

newspapers before and after every holiday in Chico. The truth is that it could happen to you — or your friends or classmates. When students go out to party this weekend, they should keep in mind Daniel Early, 29, Shaun Summa, 22, Brett Olson, 20, and Carly Callaghan, 22, whose deaths

in Chico in the past four months all involved alcohol. They probably didn’t think the worst would happen to them either, but it did. While out having a good time this weekend, make smart choices, stay safe and remember how easily a good time can turn into a nightmare.

Zombie students spotted roaming freely downtown







Most will likely recover the next day after a few aspirin tablets, hours of nausea and maybe some vomiting. They will walk Kevin Crittenden among us, though they will be subdued by OPINION COLUMNIST their condition. They may even proclaim the It’s no secret that Chico has the reputation previous night a success. Much fun was had, of a party town. People drink to connect even though the details are fuzzy. But if you cannot remember what hapwith others, and although getting wasted seems to be a high priority, our party culture pened, how can you be sure? Your friends is not really about the booze. It’s about the tell you what you did. “Say what? I passed out into my burrito?” social connection alcohol allows. Yes, you did. Then you broke a bottle over But where alcohol is a way of life for some, priorities become blurred as one drink leads a stranger’s face and you were arrested. At the core of our expeto another and another, and rience, (sober or not) there eventually, the black-out tipping point is reached. No Chico is the only place is a conflict between the self, who wants to memories will be retained I have lived that allows present feel good, and the future after this line is crossed, yet these half-dead, booze self, who wants to graduthe corporeal engine is revving in high gear, driven by zombies to wander on ate and continue living. So, if you have to party hard, some mysterious shadow of a regular basis. eat some food and drink subconsciousness. water. At the very least, Someone who is blacked this will reduce the severout is not much different from a zombie. Think of the shared traits. ity of your hangover, and you might avoid a Zombies and blackout drunkards are inco- dangerous transformation from mere drunkherent, staggering, usually half-naked and ard to blackout drunk zombification. their behavior has been reduced to survival Also, plan ahead. Walk to your destinamode. Get food. Get home. Find bed. Pass tion and save cab fare for the late ride home. out. Forget about sex in this state. Undead As for post-mortem revival, move around sex is a vile thing anyway. and get active. Take a walk, go for a ride Chico is the only place I have lived that or just stretch out a bit before you shower. allows these half-dead booze zombies to Although this might be painful, it will rid wander on a regular basis. Some of them you of the hangover faster. have a vacant look in their eyes. Some glare Alcohol is contradictory in that it propels animal-like, ready to brawl. Some fum- even as it disables. The will is strengthened, ble with their phones, but their fingertips but the function is impaired. Next time you can no longer keep up with their intent to go out to black out, consider the potential communicate. They find a place to rest, loss of friendships and pissed beds. Nobody someone to fight or they send confused likes a sloppy drunk. texts. Friends become martyrs, acting to help their disabled pals at the expense Kevin Crittenden can be reached at of their own plans for the night.



WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24, 2012

Chico State’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1975

opinions all week at

Red, blue battle causes voters to struggle to color opinions Dani Anguiano OPINION COLUMNIST

Your vote is worthless unless you educate yourself first. Despite the numerous campaigns every four years that tell the public its only responsibility is to vote, the electoral process is greater than that. One cannot simply stop by the polls and fill out a ballot. Voters have a responsibility to educate themselves beyond the mud-slinging of campaign advertisements. Still, this responsibility does not mean we only learn about those we agree with. We have to do more. Most people have made up their red and blue minds when it comes to the presidential election. Consider this: Instead of drawing a line down the D’s and R’s on your ballot, educate yourself about all of the candidates. Too often, we select candidates simply because they subscribe to a similar set of beliefs as our own without even bothering to look at other parties’ candidates. By limiting ourselves to one party, we greatly reduce our chance of expanding our political beliefs and continue to sustain a two-party system. While it is tempting to vote for candidates simply because their ideology mirrors our own, by looking at the candidates of


another party, we might find more in common than we would think. Although I am a registered Democrat, I researched candidates during the Republican presidential primary in order to see if there was a candidate I would be interested in voting for. I found that not all of the candidates were socially conservative, and there were some I liked and thought were capable politicians. The same goes for positions in the California Legislature and Congress. Although many may have already

Don’t let a bumper sticker or commercial decide how you vote. Educate yourself about the propositions, because it is your vote. decided whom they are voting for, most probably haven’t thought as much about what they are voting for. Those who think their vote does not

count in the presidential election can find more value in their vote at the state and local levels. There are 11 California propositions on the ballot. Winging it at the polls is not good enough, and it is damaging to our democratic process. Don’t let a bumper sticker or commercial decide how you vote. Educate yourself about the propositions because it is your vote. There are signs all around campus encouraging voters to vote yes on Proposition 30. Just because someone tells you voting no will be harmful to students does not mean you shouldn’t read the fine print and find out for yourself. Beyond statewide elections, there are also local elections. Students registered to vote in Chico can vote for City Council members who will look out for student interests. By educating ourselves, we ensure our vote really counts. The purpose of a democratic government is the involvement of the people. Although making the effort to research various candidates and propositions is time-consuming and not necessarily easy, it is required as a part of a democratic government. Voting is not like homework. It doesn’t need to be done every day. Voting is that project your grade depends on. It comes up every now and then and requires effort. Dani Anguiano can be reached at

| EDITORIAL BOARD | FALL 2012 Editor-in-Chief Kacey Gardner Managing Editor Jenna Valdespino Chief Copy Editor Dan Reidel

News Editor Ben Mullin Opinion Editor Isaac Brambila Sports Editor Blake Mehigan

Features Editor Juniper Rose Photo Editor Frank Rebelo Multi. Manager Samantha Youngman

Art Director Tercius Bufete Online Editor Lauren Beaven


opinions all week @

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24, 2012

Waitlists, prerequisites, fewer class sections, oh my

| A7

THUMBS Thumbs up to live fact-check tweets during debates. “You, sir, are wrong!”


The registration period is wrapping up, but most of us will be gritting our teeth until next semester starts, wondering if we will get into the classes for which we have been forced onto the wait list. Because of budget cuts, many courses only have one or two available sections, which causes problems for students. Classes are already full, and this is bad news for those looking to graduate. I am a senior and plan to graduate in May. Because I had early registration on Oct. 16, I was able to get into all of the classes I needed, except one. The sixth class I need to graduate pushes me over the 18-unit cap. As an upperclassman, I can take up to 21 units, but I have to wait until January to sign up for the last three. But what if, in the meantime, the class I need fills up? What if I can’t graduate on time because of just three units? When I was registering, I also discovered that a required class for my minor was unavailable in spring. I doublechecked and learned that it is usually offered every semester. You can imagine my horror when my adviser confirmed my fear and told me the class would not be offered next semester. My moment of panic soon ceased when my adviser generously offered some alternative options so I could still graduate. I was thankful, but I never would have known I had these options if I hadn’t met with my adviser. I am very concerned with the requirements stated online not falling in line with what is available to us as students looking to graduate in a timely manner. This is not just, and it needs to be addressed immediately. Students

Thumbs down to Apple releasing the fourthgeneration iPad just months after the previous model. Way to rip people off.

Thumbs up to rock climbing at Yosemite National Park. Oh, the beauties of hanging hundreds of feet off of the ground. Story B5

Thumbs down elevatorsall over campus being out of order. We’ll opt for the stairs the next time around.


are already struggling to fit work and internships into school schedules. We don’t need more complications on top of it. As frustrating as my situation is, it’s worse for younger students. My roommate isn’t that far behind me, because she is planning to graduate in fall 2013. She couldn’t register until Oct. 18, and by that time, three of her required prerequisite classes were already full. Although she was able to wait list 10 units, she is still stuck wondering if she will make it into those classes next semester. Not being able to get into a prerequisite class affects the current semester and the whole map for future semesters

of a college career. Classes will have to be pushed back because most courses cannot be taken at the same time as their prerequisites. This could potentially push a student’s graduation back a semester or even an entire year. I understand that budget cuts make it hard to add new sections, which is unfortunate. But better organization on the university’s part would be helpful. We need to know exactly when classes are available so we can plan ahead, and we need the information our advisers tell us to match up with what is available online.


Carly Caumiant can be reached at


WEEKLY TOP FIVE Top five awkward ways to turn someone down appreciatenitis next Sunday night.” Tara Miller OPINION COLUMNIST

“Sorry, you just aren’t my type.” When turning someone down, this phrase can sometimes get a little bit old and ineffective. And of course, there are other cliched phrases that can be used. But why not get a little more creative? At some point in your life, you’re going to have to turn someone down. I’ve made things a bit easier and come up with some ways to turn that person down and make them stay away. Making future plans Tell the person you will have a future illness. Use your imagination. Instead of saying you’ll have the common flu, say you’ll have conjunctivitis (pink eye) or that you’re going to contract mono from the next stranger you see. You could even make up your own disease. “Oh, no, sorry. I will have ocular dexter

Seasonal allergies This one is specifically for women to use against men. Telling a guy you’re allergic to sex will have him running away before you finish your sentence, unless he’s a gentleman, a virgin or both. But even then, when he hears there isn’t going to be any sex, he won’t be asking again. Occupation Saying that you’re a prostitute will definitely be a turnoff to anyone, considering that some people may take it that you have low self-esteem. They’ll also back off because it would just make for awkward conversation later on, especially when it comes to simple questions like, “how was work today?” Yes, it will give a guy the impression that he might get lucky, but let’s be honest. It’s kind of like getting the sloppy seconds of every other guy with $30 in their pocket. He will think twice before continuing to pursure you.

Psychotic tendencies I have yet to try this, but it could be one of the funniest ways to turn someone down. Acting psychotic will make the future so awkward between the two of you that the person asking you out won’t try again. This could be anything from acting like you talk to your dead baby brother to randomly shrieking and saying someone is trying to attack you when there’s no one even near you. This will work, unless, you know, the person asking you out is into psychos. Playing dumb Acting confused, awkwardly laughing and walking away will leave the person sincerely confused and possibly speechless. I know it may sound harsh, but turning someone down sometimes just has to be done, especially if they are annoying or weird. Think of it this way. At least they’ll get the point that you aren’t interested whatsoever.


Tara Miller can be reached at

Benefits of genetically modified food labeling outweigh costs Ian Scerri-Martin OPINION COLUMNIST

Voting no on Proposition 37 is like cutting off your nose to spite your face. If passed, Proposition 37 will require labeling for all genetically modified food in California. I guess those opposed don’t want to know what they’re eating. One of the biggest arguments against Proposition 37 is the potential rise in food and labeling costs. However, dozens of countries require labeling on genetically modified food, including Australia, Japan and 15 European Union countries. Some countries even impose an outright ban on genetically modified organisms, according to Green America’s website. The rise in cost is estimated to be $23 to $63 per year per family, according to the Sacramento Bee article “Adwatch: Anti-Prop. 37 ad misleads on labeling costs.” While voting no might cut a fraction off of the labeling cost, it could very well come back to haunt us. The potential negative effects could play a role in many future hospital visits. Many low-income families rely on cheap food that contains GMOs. In turn, this means a large portion of the possible GMO related medical patients may be uninsured. If a hospital visit can’t be paid for, Uncle Sam has to cover the costs, and the last time I checked, he was $16 trillion in debt. Ultimately, I think a small increase in

personal spending is far less detrimental for the United States than the serious health issues that could develop if the proposition falls short. Isn’t the purpose of voting for or against laws to look out for citizens and the future of the nation? I don’t see how concealing important information about food from consumers fits into this goal of voting. The funding for Proposition 37 tells a story within itself. The PBS TV station KCET created a graphic of all monetary contributions for the proposition, including every individual donor and the specific amount donated. More than $5 million has been donated in support. Supporters include the food brand Amy’s Kitchen with $100,000 in donations, Clif Bar and Company, the organic energy bar company, with $100,000 and the organic oil company Nutiva, Inc. with $50,000. The opposition has raised close to $35 million. GMO tycoon Monsanto Company donated a whopping $7.1 million. That’s more than what the entire yes on Proposition 37 campaign raised. This is the same company that has highly paid officers who were appointed to positions with the United States Department of Agriculture, ensuring GMOs are subsidized by the government. It should be a right to know what you are eating, especially if it is harmful. Are we living in Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle”? It seems to feel that way. The proposition doesn’t ban GMOs. It simply requires them to be labeled. We

“People are watching to judge character. I don’t think it matters what the questions are about. What matters is how candidates answer,” moderator Bob Schieffer told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Schieffer seems to allow a bit of room for lies in the presidential debate. Of course, this is as long as there is confidence in the words of the candidates. After all, America doesn’t need a president who knows what he is talking about, just one who seems like he does.

have a chance to make a difference that will surely contribute toward a better tomorrow for California. Look out for the health of your family and friends. Support organic farmers dedicating their lives to produce a higher quality product. And most importantly, you deserve to know what you are putting into your body. Spread awareness of the genetically modified madness, and vote yes on Proposition 37.

“Lance Armstrong has no place in cycling, and he deserves to be forgotten in cycling,” said Pat McQuaid, a former competitive cyclist, to the Associated Press. Armstrong’s seven Tour de France titles were stripped after allegations arose of him being a key figure in an elaborate doping ring. It is nice to see a strong, just hand come down on someone who was once the most revered athlete in the world of cycling. Although this is not the first time an athlete has cheated and will not be the last, the athletic community has taken a big step toward honest competition.


Ian Scerri-Martin can be reached at



Artist: Mac DeMarco Album: “2” Former Makeout Videotape frontman Mac DeMarco’s first full-length album, “2,” came on the heels of his first EP, “Rock and Roll Night Club,” and didn’t disappoint. DeMarco describes his music as, “jizz jazz.” With a description like that, it’s hard not to be intrigued. Most of the tracks feature a heavy amount of whiny guitar riff s and a lot of deep basslines, making a seamless blend of jazz and pop rock. Vocally, DeMarco sounds like a more coherent Bob Dylan with a focus on women. The track “Annie” has a wistful, classic rock feel to it, while “My Kind of Woman” has a slower pace that any lovesick bastard can relate to. The 22-year-old Canadian shows a great deal of promise in his first album. –Compiled by Blake Mehigan

The Orion encourages letters to the editor and commentary from students, faculty, staff, administration and community members.

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A8 |

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24, 2012



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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24, 2012

Chico State’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1975

DOWN AND DIRTY Chico State players tackle a Cal Poly San Luis Obispo player on Saturday in the third annual Archibald Cup at University Stadium. The Wildcats fell to the Mustangs 33-18 in the third annual exhibition tournament.


Men’s rugby club preps for new league competition Jake Martin STAFF WRITER

The Chico State rugby program can be traced back to 1918, but nearly 100 years later, there’s something different about the current men’s rugby team. The team is moving to a new league, replacing five senior starters from last season and getting young players comfortable in their roles. The move to the new league will be good for the club, and playing different teams will bring new enthusiasm to older players, said Patrick Boal, a senior and the men’s rugby club’s president. Despite Chico State being a Division II school, the rugby club plays in Division I-AA. Chico State’s team will face Humboldt State, San Jose State, San Francisco State and University of Nevada, Reno, in the Pacific Mountain Rugby Conference. Until last season’s 2-4 record, the team had reached playoffs six seasons in a row in its former league, the Northern California Rugby Football Union. “We feel like our record didn’t reflect us as a team,” said J.P. McKinley, a sophomore scrum halfback. “The biggest difference is the leadership was still learning last year, and it seems now they are more vocal and overall more confident.”

DRAG ME DOWN Sophmore Brandon Johnson tackles a Cal Poly San Luis Obispo player on Saturday night at the third annual Archibald Cup.

As they gain practice time, new players will become a crucial part of the team’s depth and overall success, Boal said. “With three different fall tournaments before our official league play starts, we think that our young guys will develop and be able to mesh well with our veterans,” Boal said. Karl Schmiegel, a senior forward, is going into his final season on the team and is focused on its youth. “It’s about the young guys and passing the torch down to them and teaching them something hopefully positive,” he said. The team has more than 20 returning players, including 10 starters, Boal said. With more than 40 players, the men draw large crowds. “Basically every home match we have over 200 people coming to cheer for us, and there is no better feeling than playing well in front of a home crowd,” Boal said. The club fell to the Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Mustangs 33-18 in Saturday’s third annual Archibald Cup. The next exhibition tournament, the Holiday Classic, will be played Nov. 17. Regular season begins in February. “I think we have something positive brewing, and I think we are right where we need to be, ” Schmiegel said. Jake Martin can be reached at

SCRAPPY Members of the men’s rugby team tangles on the pitch behind University Stadium.

PUSHING FORWARD Members of the men’s rugby club engage in a scrum in a match against Cal Poly San Luis Obispo on Saturday. A scrum determines possesion after a ball has gone out of bounds or after an infraction. There are three rows of interlocking players to a scrum, and the players attempt to gain possesion of the ball by kicking the ball to their teammates.


Late 1960s


Nov. 20, 2010

February 2012

The rugby club is established at Chico State. It is one of the oldest clubs on campus.

Club begins to resurface after popularity had dwindled, once again becoming one of the most popular sports on campus.

Chico State alumnus Matt Dillon is inducted into the Chico State Athletic Hall of Fame. Dillon played football and rugby, leading the rugby team to the regional playoffs in 1988.

The first Archibald Cup is held against Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. The game is played to commemorate Bryan Archibald, a Chico local and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo alumnus who died at 32.

Mitch Jagoe resigns as the Chico State rugby club’s head coach. Jagoe had coached the team for eight seasons and founded the Chico Oaks Youth Rugby Club in 2011.


B2 |



of the

S#10ABLE VILLAESCUSA senior setter Year Games Aces Kills Assists Digs 2012






Total 108


288 4135



Wildcat athletes volunteer for charity Isaac Brambila OPINION EDITOR

Fans are accustomed to seeing Chico State athletes drench their jerseys in sweat trying to win games, but the athletic department’s community service isn’t recognized as often. Chico State athletes unite every year to form the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee, a group of students in the athletic department who come together from different teams, but the camaraderie has created a united front to serve greater purposes. Co-presidents John Brunk, a track and field athlete, and Luke Palmer, a soccer midfielder, lead players from every team to serve the community through fundraisers, canned food drives and other student-athlete-organized events. Over the past few years, the committee has worked with charities such as the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Adopt-A-Soldier,



SABLE VILLAESCUSA Position: Setter Class: Senior Height: 5 feet 8 inches

The senior Rancho Cucamonga native had 83 assists in games against Humboldt State and Cal Poly Pomona on Thursday and Saturday. The English major is second all-time in assists at Chico State.


Adopt-A-Family and Soles4Souls. Palmer said one of the most gratifying experiences was working with the Make-A-Wish Foundation to grant a terminally ill child’s wish of being a guest star on the children’s television show “Yo Gabba Gabba.” The athletes rarely gets to meet those who get their wishes granted, so this particular experience was special, Palmer said. Meeting kids like Mason, the 9-year-old child with muscular dystrophy, gives athletes a great feeling and motivation to continue. In addition to practicing and traveling for their sports, as well as volunteering, student-athletes are busy people. Brunk is enrolled in 17 units and has track practice almost every day, he said. But his desire to participate in everything he can while in college keeps him deeply committed to the program, and he sees the same dedication in many other Wildcat athletes.



Senior track and field decathlete from Oakdale

Davis native and junior men’s soccer midfielder

“Sometimes you see people show up when they didn’t really have to,” Brunk said. Most people involved in the program have something that pushes them to give a little extra, he said. Damario Sims, a forward on the Chico State men’s basketball team, was greatly affected by athletes who visited his school when he was a child living in Oakland, Sims said. The athletes talked about going to college and being a good person off of the field, and those visits encouraged Sims to do the same.

Volleyball head coach Cody Hein drives up and down California each spring in search of the next addition to the Wildcat athletic department. Hein starts recruitment knowing what kind and the number of players needed for the upcoming season. He attempts to meet these needs by watching high school games, picking from club tournaments and eventually getting in touch with chosen players. But finding a good match for the team isn’t the end of the process. Hein often has trouble competing with other schools for players because Chico State doesn’t have a lot of scholarship money to offer. Looking for players outside of

“That’s the hardest part about California is more difficult because out-of-state tuition is more expen- it, not having the money to offer sive, he said. With only two players and seeing other schools take them simply scholarships availbecause they have able to players, “The worst thing more money,” the team is Hein said. already financially about it is not being When senior stretched with 15 able to offer enough Sable Villaescusa in-state players. scholarships.” was deciding “Recruiting is which college she fun,” Hein said. CODY HEIN wanted to play “It’s about relaVolleyball head coach for, Hein began tionships. The talking to her worst thing about it is not being able to offer enough after club tournaments. “The recruiting process was scholarships.” People often think all scholar- real scary for me,” Villaescusa ships are as plentiful as they are said. “Just talking to coaches in for many Division I football teams, general, especially not knowing Hein said. But not all schools have exactly where you want to go, is the capital or backing to offer schol- really hard.” She wanted to attend a Division arships for student-athletes.



22 3 3

Number of seconds into Friday’s game before freshman forward Matt Hurlow scored the first of three Wildcat goals.

44 5 6



2. Haley Uhland, sophomore Browns Valley

7. Kelsie Hanson, junior Merced

3. Lauren Orozco, sophomore Rocklin

8. Ellie Larronde, sophomore Salinas

4. Shannon Boling, freshman Benicia

9. Hannah Wilkins, freshman Bakersfield

5. Alex Shurtz, junior Moraga

10. Sable Villaescusa, senior Rancho Cucamonga

12. Jessica Simms, senior Brea 13. Emily Duran, sophomore Corona


14. Jessica Leek, senior Laguna Niguel

1111 10 10 12 13 12 13 14 14

Sets the ’Cats needed to beat Humboldt State and Cal Poly Pomona on Thursday and Saturday.

The place in which the team sits in the California Collegiate Athletic Association North Division.

11. Katie Morley, freshman Chino Hills



Paul Smeltzer can be reached at

6. Molly Ratto, junior Castro Valley

7 7



II university in California, and after visiting Chico State, she made up her mind. “I fell in love with the campus, and the girls on the team were super close, and just seeing everything associated with Chico State made me really wanna be a part of it,” she said. Villaescusa was worried the fi rst time she talked to Hein, because impressing him was important, she said. But Hein let her know where she stood and told her about other potential recruits. Between 400 and 500 people want to join the ’Cats volleyball team each year, Hein said.

1. Lindsay Quigley, sophomore Paradise


Consecutive California Collegiate Athletic Association titles won by the team.

The Chico State volleyball team is composed of players recruited from up and down California, from Paradise in the north to Laguna Niguel in the south.



Isaac Brambila can be reached




Chico State athletes visited Richfield School in Corning on Oct. 12 to talk to students in the same way Sims was visited as a child. Richfield School has a record for low college attendance by students. “Maybe I can have the same impression that they had on me,” Sims said. This year, Brunk wants the committee to have more handson involvement in community, he said. “I want us to get our hands dirty,” Brunk said, “not just write a check.” The group is now attempting to work with Habitat for Humanity, Palmer said. With the hands-on approach in mind, the student-athlete group will host a charity dodgeball tournament between athletes from all of Chico State’s teams Nov. 6 in Shurmer Gym.

Scholarship limitations hinder volleyball team recruitment Paul Smeltzer


sports all week @


WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24, 2012

STANDINGS VOLLEYBALL Cal State San Bernardino UC San Diego Sonoma State San Francisco State Chico State Cal State Dominguez Hills Cal State L.A. Cal Poly Pomona Cal State Monterey Bay Cal State Stanislaus Cal State East Bay Humboldt State

CCAA 11-2 10-3 9-4 9-4 8-5 7-6 7-6 6-7 4-9 4-9 3-10 0-13

Overall 14-7 15-6 15-6 14-6 14-6 9-11 9-11 10-10 10-11 7-14 8-12 2-18

WOMEN’S SOCCER North Division Sonoma State Cal State Stanislaus Cal State Monterey Bay Chico State Cal State East Bay Humboldt State

CCAA 10-2-1 10-2 5-7 4-9 2-9-1 0-0

Overall 13-2-1 14-2 8-7 6-10 6-9-1 1-11

MEN’S SOCCER North Division Chico State Cal State Stanislaus Sonoma State Cal State East Bay Cal State Monterey Bay



8-1-4 7-3-2 5-6-2 2-6-4 2-10

9-2-4 9-3-2 6-7-2 4-7-4 2-11





Friday, 4:30 p.m.

Friday, 7 p.m.





CCAA 9-4 (14-6 OVERALL)

CCAA 10-2 (13-2 OVERALL)

CCAA 7-3-2 (9-3-2 OVERALL)

Saturday, 7 p.m.

Sunday, 11:30 a.m. m m.

Friday, Nov. 2-4





CCAA 0-0-0 (1-11 OVERALL) L)



sports all week @

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24, 2012

| B3


Volleyball team sweeps; men’s soccer team wins; women’s team splits weekend Trevor Platt A SST. SPORTS EDITOR

Volleyball The volleyball team got back on track by winning its matches against Humboldt State and Cal Poly Pomona. Boasting a total 54 kills, 18 from Alex Shurtz and 10 from Lindsay Quigley, the ’Cats bested Humboldt State Thursday 3-1. After dropping the second set 21-25, Chico State roared back with wins in the next two for the win. Riding a strong performance against Humboldt State, the ’Cats faced Cal Poly Pomona Saturday and won 3-1. The ’Cats lost the first set 24-26, but rallied 25-22, 25-15 and 25-22 for the team’s 14th victory of the season. Shurtz had another strong performance with 16 kills and Sable Villaescusa inched closer to the career assist record with 45 of the team’s 55 assists. The volleyball squad stands at 8-5 in CCAA play and is 5th in the conference standings. Men’s soccer Chico State men’s soccer team held on to its first place rank in the North Division of the California Collegiate Athletic THE ORION •PHOTOGRAPH BY LIAM TURNER Association with a 3-1 victory A STEP AHEAD Junior midfielder Luis Martinez dribbles past a Sonoma State defender in a home game on Sept. 30. The Chico State men’s soccer over Cal State San Bernardino team is in first place in the California Collegiate Athletic Association North Division after eight conference wins and four ties on the season. and a tie with UC San Diego. Freshmen Matt Hurlow scored to ride an impressive offensive In CCAA play the men’s soccer displayed another strong perGAME 1 (Women’s) the fourth-fastest goal in NCAA performance to clench a spot team has outscored its oppo- formance, saving all three of the Chico State 2 in the CCAA nents with 19 goals scored to Coyotes’ shots on goal. Division II hisMORE ON Cal State San Bernardino 0 seven goals allowed. Championship tory taking just Following the Friday night weekend sports The ’Cats now stand 8-1-4 in win, the ’Cats lost Sunday to UC Tournament. eight seconds Volleyball: Jumped from The ’Cats tied conference play and will head to San Diego 3-0. to net the ball seventh to fifth in the CCAA GAME 2 UC San Diego Turlock to face Cal State StanisFriday against Taking a total of 17 shots, with Chico State 0 with their wins this weekend in what proved laus for the final regular season eight shots on goal, the ’Cats Cal State San against Humboldt State and UC San Diego 3 to be another game before heading to the CCAA were unable to prevent being Bernardino. Cal Poly Pomona. defensive bat- Championship Tournament. Akwafei shutout for the fifth time this tle Sunday in Ajeakwa followed season. Carly Singer and Scotie Women’s soccer: Snapped a GAME 1 (Men’s) La Jolla. Goal- Women’s soccer with his seventh Walker took two shots on goal three-game losing on Friday. Chico State 3 The team ended a three-game and Furner saved 5 of the Trikeeper Sam goal of the season Cal State San Bernardino 1 Evans saved losing streak Friday by defeating tons’ eight shots on goal. in the 42nd minMen’s soccer: The team has not lost a game since Sept. 9. three shots in Cal State San Bernardino 2-0. ute and Micah The team now holds a record Megan Tabler’s first goal of of 4-10 in conference play. the game. He Miranda scored SOURCE • CHICOWILDCATS.COM GAME 2 has now saved a the season and Jenny Konishi’s his third in the Chico State 0 total of 32 goals second led the ’Cats to the win. Trevor Platt can be reached at 65th minute. The UC San Diego 0 this season. Goalkeeper Brianna Furner ’Cats were able






Reduced Shakespeare Company

Spiders of the Season

6 - 7:30 p.m. @ Performing Arts Center, Room 144 Free A panel of Chico state employees will talk about whether or not fascism is becoming more prominent in the U.S.

7:30 - 9:30 p.m. @Laxson Auditorium $15 for students The Reduced Shakespeare Company travels the world putting on comedy plays and making jokes about our country’s history and the election year.

1 - 3 p.m. @Gateway Science Museum $6 for adults/ $3 for students Halloween is just around the corner, so come learn about spider behavior and anatomy. There will be live spiders!



Agit Props: Contemporary Ceramics

Exhibit: Space Form Light

Free HIV Oral Testing

11 a.m.-4 p.m. @ The Janet Turner Print Gallery, Meriam Library Room 190 Rouben Mohiuddin showcases how architects do what painters do but in solid form.

9:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. @Meriam Library Walkway Free Get tested for HIV. You’ll get your results in just 20 minutes, and they don’t even have to draw blood.

Emerging Police State: Fact or Fiction?

Wednesday the 24th — “Campus Sustainability Day 2012” 9 a.m.-2 p.m. @ Bell Memorial Union Auditorium Free Campus sustainability is something Chico students take pride in, so come talk about sustainability programs and practices.

Follow @theorion_news for breaking news @theorion_sports for live coverage of the games

10 a.m.-4 p.m. @The University Art Gallery, Taylor Hall Room 111 Free An art exhibit featuring the work of internationally known artists, who use clay as a medium to talk about politics.


“Frankenstein”/ “Bride of Frankenstein” double feature 2 p.m., 7 p.m. @ Cinemark Tinseltown $11.50 TCM presents these two classics a week before Halloween.



Pheonix at La Salles 6 p.m.-9 p.m. @ LaSalles Free Phoenix, a local rock and blues band, will be playing at La Salles during happy hour out on the patio.



G-Eazy 7:30 p.m.-11 p.m. @ The Senator $15 A rapper, songwriter and producer from the Bay Area, G-Eazy is performing at the Senator.


Final Last Words 10 p.m. @ LaSalles. Final Last Words will be joined by Stanley and the Search and A Holy Ghost Revival. SAT U R DAY

Out of the Darkness 8 a.m.-2 p.m. @ City Plaza Free There will be a suicide awareness charity walk to raise money to fund educational programs to prevent suicides.


Dada Life 7 p.m. @ The Senator $30 Dada Life, a Swedish house music duo, is performing in Chico. They were on a list of the 100 most popular DJs, and have performed across the world.

B4 |

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24, 2012



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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24, 2012

Chico State’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1975


The sound of dubstep music and the smell of sweat fill Acker Gym every Thursday as members of the Chico Climbing Club spend three hours maneuvering up and down the rock wall. The club was founded last semester by Tim Whitaker, the club’s president, and Brendan Mangano, the club’s vice president. Whitaker first climbed at the Wildcat Recreation Center a couple of years ago, and Mangano took his first basic climbing class through Chico State. “The bug bit me,” Whitaker said. “I was obsessed.” The club often goes to the five or six top rope areas at Bidwell Park, Whitaker said. Installing medal bolts in the rock to tie climbing rope t0 is not allowed in the park because of an agreement the Bidwell family made with local Native Americans. The group also goes to Grizzly Dome, a popular area about 45 minutes away near Durham and Feather River Canyon, where bolting is allowed. Club membership is $20 a year, indoor climbing equipment is provided and trips are self-funded. “We are a social club where we climb for three hours, meet other climbers and make plans to do weekend trips,” Whitaker said. Non-students can make up 20 percent of the club members. Cullen Stowe and Nesta Shey, Chico locals and Chico Climbing Club members, appreciate this rule. The two met at Upper Bidwell Park last year and began climbing together outdoors. They then discovered the indoor climbing wall at Chico State, where they could practice what they love indoors. Climbing is a difficult sport, but the rewarding feeling after perfecting a move or getting to the top of a climb is worth it, Shey said. Stowe has had intense climbing adventures, including when he and Shey hung over a 100-foot drop in the rain and wind in Upper Park. “I think that is one of my favorite memories because it is so terrifying,” Stowe said. Whitney Garcia, a child development major, was introduced to the WREC climbing wall by a friend, went climbing outdoors for the fi rst time in January and then joined the Chico Climbing Club. Every meeting is a new memory for her, but Garcia will never forget a specific outing with the group at Salmon Hole, she said. “There were five of us from the club and we all brought friends, so it ended up being 15 people,” Garcia said. “Somehow we all forgot to bring water.” They were all dehydrated trying to climb on the hottest day of summer, but it was a day full of laughs, she said. Campbell Winslow, a communication major, joined the club two weeks ago and considers himself a novice climber. He joined the club to take part in the organized trips and recently had a very self-satisfying climbing moment. “At the end of the route there was a rhino, which is a difficult jump,” he said. “I tried five or six times and couldn’t do it, but I was fi nally able to do it at the WREC.” Though Acker Gym’s rock climbing wall is only accessible to club members or students in rock climbing classes, all students are welcome to join the club at the beginning of each semester. THE ORION •PHOTOGRAPH BY FRANK REBELO

Risa Johnson can be reached at


CRIMPING A crimp is used on a hold that is too small to grab by the hand. When crimping, the fingers are on the top of the hold and the thumb wraps around to keep the other fingers in place, allowing the climber to pull himself up using one hand.

MATCHING This move is used when the climber wants to move to another point on the climbing route that is unreachable without the strength of both arms.

ILLEGAL Using a bolt hole to cling to holds on the rock climbing wall is an illegal move in indoor rockclimbing competitions.

B6 |

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24, 2012

BLENDING BEATS Earl Parsons, known as DJ Platypus, hosts “Funky Punk,” his own freeform radio show. “Funky Punk” airs from noon to 2 p.m. Thursdays on KCSC, the studentrun radio station. Parsons is in his first semester as a KCSC DJ, and his show is one of 55 broadcasted from the station each week.


Rose-colored glasses Halloween crashers I didn’t understand the complaints about out-of-towners until last Halloween when I watched my visiting friend throw a bottle of tequila against the side of the Student Services Center. My friend laughed. He wasn’t the one that would step over the shards of glass when he walked to campus the next morning. I was. Chico police estimated that the number of Chico residents partying last Halloween was matched by out-of-towners. There were 22 outof-towners and 23 Chico State students arrested over Halloween weekend, according to a press release from the Chico Police Department. Chico residents tend to credit the wreckage from holiday weekends to visitors. It’s not our guests’ fault – it’s our fault. We are the hosts. We are responsible. When I take my friends from Chico to my hometown, I don’t take them out to party. But when my friends from home visit Chico, I feel obligated to give them the bar-hopping, partying action they are expecting. You don’t have to deprive your friends of a piece of the Chico experience, but it’s your job to show your friends how to party right. Chico State students created – and still perpetuate – the raging Halloween atmosphere that draws in partiers. The higher numbers of people on the streets increase danger, but by keeping our friends with us and coaching them to drink responsibly, we can prevent some of the turmoil Halloween weekend has created in the past. People come to Chico with the intent to get rowdy, but without respect for the town, they leave Chico trashed. Respect isn’t inherent. We need to lead by example. Turning around Chico’s reputation isn’t something we can do in one weekend, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make a difference right now. Let them have fun, but show them how to do so responsibly. When your friends visit for Halloween, share the Chico that you know and love – the Chico that is more than just alcohol. This town is a home, not a club. Out-oftowners know they’ll be gone in the morning, but Chico State students have to deal with the aftermath. When your friends return to their peaceful hometowns, Chico streets are the ones left with broken glass and sign-less signposts. Help them out. Don’t turn them loose on the town. What we should be doing is working to change Chico’s standards, not perpetuating our stereotypes. This Halloween, let’s hold our own friends accountable, so the police don’t have to do it for us.

Juniper Rose can be reached at


Radio stations take on interns, provide student opportunities Nicole Gerspacher STAFF WRITER

KCSC In the basement of Bell Memorial Union there is a small room where students’ thoughts are broadcasted live over the airwaves. This room is the home of KCSC, an entirely student-run radio station on campus. The radio station can be taken as a class and also offers paid positions to members on the board of directors, said Genevieve Jones, a fifth-year international relations and psychology double-major. Jones has been working for KCSC for six semesters and hosted shows each semester. She is now one of three DJs for the radio show “IndieCredible.” It is rare for students to begin working at KCSC and immediately have their own show, but DJing comes naturally to her, she said. “The show is kind of like the goal at the end of the race,” Jones said. “We don’t prepare beforehand. We just have a really good chemistry, and that just comes off on air.” Jones was convinced to join the station by her friend Lauren Knight, a fifth-year communication design major. Knight has been with KCSC for seven semesters and is the music director. She is responsible for getting the station’s music from promoters and record labels. Knight has received many opportunities because of her work at KCSC. “I was able to intern with two radio

companies in New York last summer,” she said. She hopes her work with KCSC will eventually land her a job overseas. “I would love to work for Triple J based out of Sydney,” Knight said. “They are a very successful radio station and also play a lot of independent artists.” KCHO Chico State students are also involved with KCHO 97.1 FM, another radio station affiliated with Chico State. KCHO, also known as Northstate Public Radio, is a nonprofit that works with National Public Radio. “We have two or three nursing students that intern each year,” said Brian Terhorst, KCHO’s general manager. “They are working in PR, learning how to talk about health issues and present them to the public.” This semester, KCHO also has two journalism student interns. The atmosphere at the KCSC office is different from that at the KCHO office. KCSC’s entrance room has a couch and coffee table with computers and desks along the walls. Background music plays from the station in the common room area. KCHO has a desk and a reception area in the entrance of its building, and live talk shows can be heard in the background. Both radio companies have intern positions available for interested students to apply for.

STAFF POSITIONS AT KCSC Promotions staff: face of the station Productions staff: runs audio and video content Library staff: organizes all music Music staff: reviews and rates music SOURCE •LAUREN KNIGHT


HOW TO LISTEN KCSC can be heard at and on the official KCSC app. KCHO can be heard at and on 91.7 FM.

Nicole Gerspacher can be reached at




Call 530-898-427 or email Crossword Across



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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24, 2012

| B7

FOOD COLUMN: Ramen made healthy

O-FACE: Just fake it already


Whether you live in the dorms or have a stack in your cupboard, ramen dominates many college students’ diets. Why is this flash-dried meal so popular? Reason No. 1: It’s dirt cheap. WinCo sells ramen for 7 to 10 cents per package. Get 10 and you’ve only spent a dollar. For $3, you just bought food for a month. Then there’s the flavor. Sure, your cholesterol may have just shot up

10,000 points, but pair six flavors of broth with noodles and you can’t go wrong. But instant noodles don’t have to be unhealthy. This recipe is a new take on the same plastic-wrapped noodles we know and love that will give you one more reason to love ramen. For this dish, we’ll focus on how to use the noodles dry. We’re making ramen salad. With the combination of ingredients such as mandarin oranges, almonds, green onions and cabbage, a quick, easy and cheap meal can be produced. Annie Paige can be reached at

Ramen salad PREP 5 minutes TOTAL 15 minutes SERVING SIZE 2


feels good” is a nice reassurance that they are doing something worthwhile. Faking it doesn’t necessarily mean that Aubrey Crosby you aren’t getting the pleasure you want or SEX COLUMNIST deserve. Instead, it may be a good strategy to I’ve heard men talk about how they feel get your partner more excited and aroused. inadequate when they realize their partners While it may not feel right to fake your fake orgasms. My first thought was always, orgasms, it was definitely the touch my relationship needed to step up the sex. “Guess you should have been better in bed.” When my boyfriend and I first started havSo, imagine how I felt when my boyfriend told me that he has pretended to cum. Not ing sex, we enjoyed it, but we didn’t go out of because I suck at pleasing him, but because our way to show each other that we were into it. Needless to say, things he was tired. were boring. Still, it was enough to make I figured out that if I was me feel like a lousy lover. Don’t be afraid to bored, he was too. After I I don’t advocate faking it moan a little louder, started showing more of an all the time, but occasionally faking or exaggerating an arch your back a little interest, he started getting more orgasm can actually solve the higher, say their name excited about our sex life. Making it a big deal when problem. or do whatever gets you pretend to have your big Think about it. Almost your partner off. moment has the same effect every woman I’ve slept with as over dramatizing when you is either ridiculously quiet do have it — it lets them know when they finally orgasm or they let out a nice big moan. Honestly, which that they are doing something right. Trust me when I say the confidence that comes with would you rather have? Being a little more responsive when you this information improves your sexual prowhave an orgasm or when your partner is ess more than you think it could. Don’t be afraid to moan a little louder, arch doing something that feels good helps them become better lovers. It will make your part- your back a little higher, say their name or ner more excited, and once they realize you do whatever gets your partner off. Overdoing like what they’re doing, they will be more your reaction a tiny bit is the best and healthiest way to boost your partner’s ego. likely to continue in the future. Having the ability to give a man or woman You don’t necessarily need to pretend he’s the world’s most amazing lover, but men and a mind-blowing orgasm is something everywomen alike love it when you show that you one deserves to experience. Don’t go out of your way to take that away from your signifiare into them and into the moment. Letting your partner know in subtle ways cant other. that you’re enjoying what he’s doing is always a good idea. Even if you aren’t able Aubrey Crosby can be reached at to reach your climax, a nice moan or a “That

WHAT YOU NEED Salad: 1/2 head green cabbage, chopped 1/2 carrot, shredded 4 green onions, chopped 1 package ramen noodles (Oriental flavor) 2 tablespoon slivered almonds, sunflower seeds or sesame seeds 1 can of mandarin oranges Dressing: cup salad oil 1/2 tablespoons bal3 samic vinegar tablespoons sugar 3 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon pepper 1/2 flavor packet from 1 ramen noodles

HOW TO MAKE IT TOAST the nuts or seeds in a warm oven for 6 to 8 minutes and let cool. COMBINE cabbage, carrots and onions. BREAK up noodles and add to vegetables. ADD nuts, mandarins and the mixed dressing shortly before serving. TOSS well. THE ORION •PHOTOGRAPH BY THE ORION STAFF

B8 |

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24, 2012


Biology student explores nature, culture abroad Corey Bruecker STAFF WRITER

Students in their junior year don’t often spend time exploring jungles. But Ellie Oliver, a senior biology major, spent last year in San Ramon, Costa Rica doing just that. She learned another language and met new people, all while earning college credit. This may seem like a big adjustment, but it was all part of Oliver’s long-term plan, the senior biology major said. “I’ve always wanted to study abroad,” she said. “My brother studied abroad when I was a kid, so I knew coming to Chico that I was going to. It was just a matter of when and where.” She began the planning process early to ensure that she would still be able to earn a degree in four years. “I started planning when I was a freshman,” she said. “I was constantly bugging the study abroad office about options and meeting with my major adviser to make sure my classes would count.” Oliver studied abroad through the University Studies Abroad Consortium and met several times with Jennifer Gruber, the interim coordinator and USAC program adviser. “Ellie is one of those great students who wanted to study abroad for the right reasons,” Gruber said. “She was really thinking outside of the box by going to Costa Rica. I think it was a great fit for her personality.” Going to Costa Rica was prompted by Oliver’s love for biology and the country’s thriving ecosystems, she said. Though she went to Costa Rica to experience living and learning in a new place, Oliver gained more than knowledge while abroad. She developed lifelong friendships and picked up a new hobby as well. “There are so many beautiful

birds,” she said. “I got super into bird watching.” When she returned to the U.S., Oliver joined the Chico State FieldNaturalists, formerly known as the Chico State Birding Club. Club adviser Shelly Kirn met Oliver when she was a freshman in the Biological Sciences Honor Society, which Kirn also advises. She continues to be impressed with all that Oliver is able to balance. “Ellie is kind of special,” Kirn said. “She’s graduating with her biology degree in four years. That’s pretty unusual in itself for any biology major, but Ellie is accomplishing that on top of being in the honors program, and she studied abroad.” Living in a foreign country did come with some challenges for Oliver. “The language barrier was difficult at first,” she said. “I only took a semester of Spanish before I left, so it was pretty hard to communicate with my host family for a while.” By immersing herself in the culture in Costa Rica, she quickly adapted and became confident in her Spanish skills. It also helped to have English-speaking USAC program directors around for support. For Oliver, it was harder to leave Costa Rica than it was to leave home. “I didn’t have a big culture shock period just because I was so excited,” she said. “But I definitely experienced a lot of culture shock coming back to the United States, and it was really hard to say goodbye to all the friends I made.” She is now a study abroad advocate and she encourages everyone to look into it if they have the opportunity. “It’s worth it,” Oliver said. “It was the best thing I’ve done in college and the best decision I could have ever made.” Nicole Gerspacher can be reached at


WILDLIFE Ellie Oliver bird watches on campus near the George Petersen Rose Garden on Friday. Bird watching is a hobby Oliver picked up while exploring Costa Rica during her year studying abroad in San Ramon.




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