Decision makers
Holding Court
Check out to read what the California State University Board of Trustees decided at its Wednesday meeting.
Chico State’s men’s and women’s basketball teams are preparing for the upcoming season. Read this preview so you know who this season’s playmakers are. See Sports B1.
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wednesday, nov. 6, 2013
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CSU requests $238 million for next year
Lassen Hall
Aubrey Crosby
Asst. News Editor
cause alarm
The Orion ∤ ILLUSTRATION by liz coffee
Campus email leaves students scratching their heads up a poster in the dorm telling students to get themselves checked, Cannaday said. Many students just had dry scalps, which The Orion were itchy. “It sort of ran through the rumor mill,” The Student Health Center is telling stushe said. dents not to come in to get checked for lice Although the Student Health Center has after a warning from University Housing only confirmed four to seven cases of lice, and Food Services prompted about 50 stuDavid Stephen, the dents to get their director of Univerheads checked. Alsity Housing and though staff at the Food Service, said center encourage It’s kind of a perfect storm there are a total of students to come in for us. about 30 cases of with health probJill Cannaday lice diagnosed. lems, they are curNursing Supervisor The first cases of rently busy with lice in Lassen Hall an influx of hallowwere confirmed een-related visits, early last week, said Jill Cannaday, Stephen said. In the nursing superresponse, university housing administravisor for the Student Health Center. “It’s kind of a perfect storm for us,” tors advised students that they could get their heads checked at the Student Health Cannaday said. “A couple of people were Center. out sick and we were really slammed after University housing officials are not unHalloween.” Many students from Lassen Hall began sure what caused the sudden spread of lice, Stephen said. getting their heads checked Friday after Head lice do not spread disease and canan email notified students that several cases of lice had been reported in the not jump from head to head, according to a notice sent to residents. Lice only feed dorms. Concerned students asked Student on human blood and can’t live any longer Health Center staff whether lice could live in the showers — they can’t — and one put » please see lice| A4 Mozes Zarate Aubrey Crosby
LICE TREATMENT Follow these treatment steps if you find yourself infested with lice:
1. Remove all clothing 2. Apply lice medicine, also called pediculicide, according to the label instructions 3. Put on clean clothing after treatment 4. Comb the dead and remaining lice out of hair. The medicine sometimes takes longer to kill the lice. SOUrce ∤
volume 71 Issue 11
Head lice can live for up to 30 days on a person’s head.
A louse can lay up to 8 eggs per day on a strand of hair.
The California State University system is asking for additional funds from the state for the 2014-2015 school year. The CSU’s total budget for the next school year is estimated to be $2.47 billion, with $238 million coming from the state budget, according to a presentation by the CSU. In September, the CSU requested $250 million from the state, but that request has since been lowered, said Mike Uhlenkamp, a spokesman for the CSU. “After reviewing it in discussion in the past trustees meeting, we decided to lower it to After re$237.6 million from the state general viewing it in fund,” Uhlenkamp discussion in said. the past trustThe budget reees meeting, quest focuses on we decided funding to meet to lower it to increasing enroll$237.6 million ment and student success and comfrom the state pletion initiatives. general fund. It assumes no tuition fee increases for the 2014-15 academic year, said Stephanie Thara, a spokeswoman for the CSU. To meet the tarMike Uhlenkamp geted enrollment Spokesman, rate, the CSU is California State University asking for $75 million from the state budget, as well as using $85 million in tuition money, Uhlenkamp said. The CSU’s budget request to the state is well beyond what the system received last year, Uhlenkamp said. In the last budget request, the CSU asked for $372 million from the state general fund, Uhlenkamp said. The system received $125.1 million. State-funded support for the CSU system is expected to go up by $1,935 per student by the 2016-17 school year, a systemwide increase of more than $19 billion, according to the governor’s May budget revision. The governor is expected to submit the approved state budget in either December or January. Aubrey Crosby can be reached at or
@aubreycrosby on Twitter
ON Follow updates from the board of trustees meeting on our website.
SOUrce ∤
Alternative events lead to calmer Halloween nights Mozes Zarate Lindsay Pincus
Orion Staff
This year, Halloween revelry peaked on Thursday and petered out after Saturday night, partially because of efforts by community groups to offer alternatives to partying downtown, police said. Both university police and officers from the Chico Police Department worked together to keep Chico safe during the turbulent weekend.
University Police
Police presence may have helped deter crime, said Lt. Corinne Beck of the University Police Department. “In that light, we had every available officer working and multiple officers assigned to foot teams operating in beats throughout campus,” she said. University police made 14 arrests between Thursday and Sunday, Beck said. Not all of those arrests were related to Halloween celebrations.
Chico Police
Because many bars and liquor stores closed
at midnight, Halloween wrapped up early for party-goers, said Lt. George Laver of the Chico Police Department. “Crowds started building between 10 p.m. and 10:30 p.m., then started petering out around 12:30 a.m. or so,” he said. At around midnight Friday, officers dispersed a crowd of hundreds gathered at a party on Ninth Street and Normal Avenue. Most of the party-goers were compliant, but some threw bottles at officers trying to direct crowds, Laver said. The department has to staff up for the holidays to keep the crowds in line. “If we don’t do something to be proactive and try and keep a lid on things, then things could blow up on us,” he said.
» please see NIGHTLIFE | A5
Number of arrests made by Chico Police over Thursday through Saturday nights.
The Orion ∤ Photograph by Dan Reidel
PATROL Revelers packed the south-campus area and downtown on a fairly mild Halloween night. An officer patrols Ivy Street near Fifth Street.
Number of Chico State students arrested during the late night periods.
Number of arrests made for being drunk in public.
Number of DUI arrests made during the late night hours.
Police Blotter
Sex Column
72 45
Sports Read about Chico State dance squads, the Chico State Cheer Team and Expressions Dance Team.
Story B4
Features “Dia de los Muertos,” held from Nov. 1-2, is a holiday for celebrating deceased loved ones.s
Story B5
Opinion Check out The Orion’s new advice columnist and read about Kristina Martinez’s take on loud-mouth friends.
Column A7
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