The Orion - Spring 2013, Issue 10

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volume 70 Issue 10



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Associated Students

the orion • PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY Brett Edwards, Nick Carr, Jenna fujitsubo, scott ledbetter

Up for election [left to right] Jorge Mendoza, Nicole Lung, Michael Barrett, Nicole McAllister, Kory Acosta, Dani Anguiano, Jaycob Arbogast, Marlene Romero, J.W. Dobbe, Michael Pratt, Angelina Pereda, Aaron Jimmy Thao, Eric Paredes, Claire Godwin, Austin Huddleson, Eddie Mejia, Taylor Herren, L.T. Piver, Kaitlin Haley, Ariel Alvero, Blair Chatham

AS positions up for grabs in general election Students vote on smoking ban, water savings, a2 • Read about the possible effects of the passage or failure of two initiatives that will be on this year’s ballot.

Our picks, a6

• The Orion interviewed the candidates and came to a consensus on who should lead the university forward .

election guide

• Visit to read bios and watch videos for every A.S. candidate.


Community mourns student known for upbeat disposition also had a contagious enthusiasm that made our Senior Writer activities more enjoyable Family and friends are remember- for his classmates.” Brett Armstrong, ing a Chico State student who died Drew’s brother, added his Wednesday. Drew Armstrong, 21, a junior environ- thoughts on his brother’s mental science major, came to Chico State Facebook wall. Drew “Words can’t describe Armstrong in fall 2009, according to a press release how much I will always The junior from the university. miss you,” Brett Arm- environmental He was expected to graduate in 2015. science major The Butte County Coroner’s Office is strong wrote. “You brought was expected conducting an autopsy, which includes a so much happiness to to graduate in toxicology test, Butte County Sheriff Lt. everyone. You are the 2015 only person I know that Al Smith said. David Brown, the chair of the depart- can make a first attempt ment of geological and environmental at a wakeboarding backflip, land it like sciences, commented on Armstrong’s a pro and not even realize what an amazcharacteristics as a student in the univer- ing feat that is. Although you remain the world’s most frustrating little brother, I sity’s press release. “Drew Armstrong’s passing is a great will always cherish the times we spent together.” loss,” he wrote. “He chose Vance Armstrong, Drew’s environmental science “He was the light of my father, also expressed his as a major out of a deeply life and I will miss him love on Facebook. held commitment to help “He was the light of my maintain both the planet every day for the rest of life and I will miss him and our society.” my life.” every day for the rest of my Susan Riggins, a proVance Armstrong life,” he wrote. “No words fessor of geological and Drew’s father can describe how much I environmental sciences, loved this kid.” remembers Armstrong as A service will be held at 2 p.m. Friday an energized student. “I had Drew in two environmental sci- at Oak Hill Memorial Park in San Jose. ence classes,” she wrote. “He was the kind of student I really enjoy because Pedro Quintana can be reached at not only was he a bright student, but he Pedro Quintana

the orion •PHOTOgRAPH BY brett edwards

TAYLOR STALL Construction on the new arts and humanities building, also known as Taylor II, was expected to begin shortly after the proposed June demolition date for the original Taylor Hall, but the project has been postponed for six months, and the site remains inactive.

State bond sale holds back progress of new arts building Risa Johnson Staff Writers

Chico State’s new arts and humanities building is not coming soon. Construction on the building will be delayed until the state raises more revenue for California State University building projects by selling bonds sometime between now and next year, according to a campuswide email from Lori Hoffman, vice president for business and finance, and Joel Zimbelman, dean of the College of Humanities and Fine Arts. The CSU chancellor’s office told administrators at Chico State last week that the state would not include any CSU building projects in the spring bond sale, according to the email. The demolition of Taylor

Hall had been planned for June, and the hall has largely been emptied in preparation for the construction, the email said. Relocated classes and offices will stay in their current locations, and the

“We are pointing to a fall bond sale.” joe wills Director of public affairs and publications

glass-blowing studio in Taylor Hall will remain. The Department of Finance is going through some difficult financial periods but intends to fund the project eventually, the email said.

INDEX World News

In September, the Department of Finance decided not to include the construction of Taylor II in its fall bond sales, and the project has been delayed for the second time, said Joe Wills, director of public affairs and publications. The university had hoped that the state would include the project in its next bond sale, but administrators were let down again this semester. The email sent out to the campus community said the university is expecting a bond sale this fall. “We are pointing to a fall bond sale, but cannot say yet precisely when the bond sale will occur and when Taylor II will be funded,” Wills said in an email to The Orion.

Fall 2009

Drew Armstrong begins attending Chico State

April 3

Armstrong dies of undisclosed causes

April 12

Armstrong’s service will be held at 2 p.m. at Oak Hill Funeral Home and Memorial Park in San Jose.

The Orion can be reached at








Police Blotter






Sex Column



85 55

high low

full week A2 >>

sick & tired of inky fingers





Find 14 trading cards of track and field athletes who could be bound for the NCAA championships. Collect them all! Story B1

A student juggles classes along with the demands of opening an upscale bistro.

Attention, house hunters: Get tips that can help you find the perfect digs.

Story B5

Column A7

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A2 |


WEATHER >> Today | mostly sunny

Thursday | mostly sunny

85 55

Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher died of a stroke at the age of 87 early Monday morning. The diplomat, also known as “The Iron Lady,” was in office for 11 years. Source: The Sacramento Bee


Austen Hufford via Flickr

President Barack Obama invited 11 families of the children killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting onto Air Force One after he delivered a speech about gun control Monday.

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WedneSday, APRIL 10, 2013

79 51

Friday | sunny

82 53

Saturday | partly cloudy

Sunday | sunny

80 52

74 47

Monday | mostly sunny

Tuesday | partly cloudy

72 45

75 43

Students to advise campus on smoking, water savings Nicholas Carr Staff Writer

Next week’s Associated Students General Election will give students the opportunity to join the ongoing statewide debate regarding smoking on university campuses. The ballot will also include an advisory measure that will ask voters whether they want Associated Students to promote water conservation on campus. Water conservation The water conservation measure, sponsored by the group “AdvoCats for Water Conservation,” asks whether A.S. should encourage the university to commit to water conservation by reducing consumption by at least 30 percent by 2016. The AdvoCats, an environmental action group organized through the “Environmental Thought and Action” geography course, proposed the initiative. The most effective way to reduce water usage would be to replace the campus’ current

sprinkler heads with more efficient alternatives, said Kaycee Green, a social science graduate student. “Irrigation counts for most of the university’s water use,” Green said. “Replacing all those sprinkler heads could save millions of gallons each year.” In addition to promoting the installation of environmentally friendly irrigation and domestic water systems, the group is also pushing the university to change which plants it waters. “There’s plants all over the campus, like azaleas, that are really thirsty,” Green said. Planting native flora that can acclimate to the dry climate in Chico would help the university’s water conservation efforts, she said. “We’re not suggesting that they pull them all up,” Green said. “Just that they think about what is planted in the future.” Because the initiative is an advisory measure, it will be up to A.S. to follow through on the issue if students show support, she said. “We can’t force them to do it,” Green said. “We >> please see Vote | A4

HOW TO VOTE Associated Students has set up various ways for the student body to vote in the General Election. • Vote online from campus or from a personal computer • Chico State Portal login required to vote online • Paper ballots can be obtained at the Government Affairs Office in the Bell Memorial Union. • Absentee ballots are available, and they must be turned in before 4 p.m. on April 18. • There will be no designated polling stations on campus.

SOURCE • Associated Students

Source: Associated Press

Student becomes more cautious after assault Risa Johnson Staff Writer

Chris Campbell via Flickr

Authorities recovered the bodies of a 6-year-old girl and a 7-year-old boy Monday who were trapped at the bottom of a 24-foot pit near a home in Stanley, N.C. They had been trying to retrieve a toy. Source: San Francisco Chronicle


Patrick Feller via Flickr

Mark Divittorio, a kayaker, helped save a 4-year old girl and 15-year-old twin girls after the SUV they were in veered off the road into the American River Thursday afternoon.

A Chico State freshman and her three friends are taking additional precautions since being attacked last month. The woman and her friends, who requested anonymity for safety reasons, were confronted and beaten by two women at 1 a.m. March 31 while walking home from a party. The attackers threatened the women, saying they would follow them home and fight them wherever they went. “I was really scared they’d follow us home and know where we live,” the freshman history major said. Two of her friends were able to get away, but she was punched and had her hair pulled by the

“It seems like the cops are way more concerned with stopping parties,” she said. “When teenagers are loose on the streets, that’s when the bad crimes happen.” The assaulted freshman received scrapes, a black eye and a swollen nose from the fight, and her friend involved had a ruptured eardrum. “The thing about it was we could have been anybody,” the assaulted woman said. “They were just angry and looking for a fight.” The assaulted woman is advising people to carry pepper spray, she said. She’s thankful her attackers were not carrying any weapons. “I don’t think we did anything wrong,” she said. “We never said anything threatening.”

The assaulted woman said she doesn’t go out at night on the weekends but will think about carrying a small knife and taking a self-defense class, she said. She plans to bring trusted male friends with her when she goes out in the future. Prior to the incident, she made sure not to go out at night alone, but she has learned she needs to take more precautions, she said. The attack was a reminder that there are people out there who want to hurt others, she said. “I already thought the Chico party scene was gross and grimy,” the assaulted woman said. “Now I’m more cautious.” The Orion can be reached at

Reported assaults

2011: 144

2010: 145

2009: 199

2008: 226

SOURCE • Chico Police Department


Health care benefits re-evaluated for CSU faculty

Source: San Francisco Chronicle

Tyler McCune Allison Weeks

Jan. 10

Gov. Jerry Brown releases proposed budget.


Budget revisions to be sent to Brown NZ Defence Force via Flickr

Devon Gregory Biggs Jr., 36, has been accused of stealing $85,000 worth of army equipment from the Sierra Army Depot in Lassen County last week. The depot contains equipment bound for Iraq and Afghanistan.

attackers while trying to stop them from hurting her friend next to her. Twenty to 30 people surrounded the incident, but no one attempted to stop it. The women eventually escaped the attackers and dispersed into the crowd. They got back to their apartment, cleaned each other up and went right to bed. They decided not to call the police. “I don’t feel like they would have done anything helpful,” she said. “We would have had to fill out a report or something, then be sent back home.” A police car had been stationed around the corner just out of sight of the incident, probably waiting to break up potentially rowdy parties in the nearby area, the assaulted woman said.


State legislature is expected to pass a final budget


The Orion

The California State University system might decide to reduce employee health benefits if Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed budget goes into effect. The CSU currently provides 100 percent health care premiums to faculty members and 90 percent to family members, according to the governor’s 2013-2014 budget summary. The state of California pays its employees 80 to 85 percent of health care benefits and family members 80 percent. CSU employees would be given the same health benefit package if the proposed budget is adopted, according to the budget summary. Hasan MacNeil, a Chico State economics professor, said the cuts are

“plausible,” citing financial pressures to replace with new hires,” he said. due to the economy and the rising “No salary increases along with this costs of health care. makes it tougher.” “Everybody knows health care CSU faculty and staff will not begin costs are rising collective bargainfaster than cost ing negotiations “Everybody knows health of living and as until it is detercare costs are rising faster such greater and mined whether than cost of living and as such greater percentthe budget will greater and greater percentage age of people be adopted, said of people don’t have their don’t have their CSU spokeswoman companies offering them companies offerStephanie Thara in health care.” ing them health an email interview. care,” MacNeil “It is possible Hasan MacNeil Economics professor said. “Those that benefits will be same pressures affected, but nothare here for public ing will be known employees.” until CSU administration speak with MacNeil said it is important to have the collective bargaining units,” fair compensation. Thara wrote. “Thinking as someone who won’t continue to teach here much longer, The Orion can be reached at we have some older faculty we need

Source: The Sacramento Bee

-compiled by Allison Weeks

| College of Communication & Education | California State University, Chico | Chico, Ca 95929-0600

CORRECTIONS The Orion staff strives for accuracy in all it publishes. We recognize that mistakes will sometimes occur, but we treat every error very seriously. If you feel a correction needs to be made, please email the editor-in-chief at

CONTACT | EDITORIAL Phone: 530.898.5627 Email: Editor-in-Chief Jenna Valdespino Managing Editor Ben Mullin Art Director Scott Ledbetter Chief Copy Editor Leila Rodriguez Video Editor Nicholas Kinoshita

News Editor Quinn Western Opinion Editor Carly Caumiant Sports Editor Trevor Platt Features Editor Katrina Cameron Photo Editor Brett Edwards

Advisers Mark Plenke, Lewis Brockus

CONTACT | BUSINESS Phone: 530.898.4237 Email: News Designer Jenna Fujitsubo Opinion Designer Ras Smith Sports Designer Jessica Amaro Features Designer Patrick Sheehan

Online Editor Dan Reidel Copy Editors Kayla Chance Anthony Peters Chantal Richards Nick Sestanovich

Business Manager Mitch Engelking

Advertising Manager Michael Kenny

Account Executive Rachel Tharp





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Zingg doubts effectiveness of AB51 Quinn Western Ne ws Editor

Chico State President Paul Zingg has agreed to look at the proposition of a lower-cost undergraduate degree that could be made possible with the Affordable College Act, but he has not signed on for an Assembly Bill 51 pilot program. Assemblyman Dan Logue proposed a bill for public postsecondary education that would allow students to attain a baccalaureate degree for less than $10,000, including the price of textbooks. Under the program, students who receive Advanced Placement credits in high school and complete a two-year course of study at a participating community college could be considered for entry into a California

State University. AB 51, also known as the Affordable College Act, would establish pilot programs at high schools, junior colleges and CSUs. High school students could take up to 30 units worth of college credit rather than 12, an additional 30 units at a junior college and then transfer to a CSU, Logue said. This fast track would reduce a student’s tuition and their time in college. They would be required to maintain a B average. Initially, Zingg didn’t see the bill as practical, but he has now agreed to look at the proposition. “The bill is shortsighted and unrealistic as it now stands,” he wrote in an email to The Orion. “Even Logue has told me that he recognizes that the cost of what he is proposing

would likely be more than $10,000.” But Zingg agrees that the bill does raise valid questions about access, cost and degree progress, he wrote. Common ground needs to be found to address these matters. “I’m all for high access, affordability and results – that is, improved graduation rates,” Zingg wrote. Logue, a Chico State alumnus, wrote the bill after seeing the cost of tuition double in recent years and students taking four to six years to graduate, he said. A pilot programs would focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics, because those are jobs available in California that are filled by people from overseas, Logue said. If these programs were successful, it could open up to other majors such as nursing, he said.

Prominent alumni return to Chico for annual forum Leanne Patterson Staff Writer

Chico State invited eight distinguished alumni to an interactive panel discussion Thursday to reflect on their professional careers since graduating and to provide students with job advice . Every year the seven colleges at Chico State each select an alumni they feel best represents their department, and they invite them back to Chico State to honor their accomplishments with a discussion and a dinner, said Polly Crabtree, associate director of alumni and parent relations. Seven of the invited alumni attended. They are: Robert L. Toney, who graduated in 1957 with a bachelor’s in social sciences; K. Darwin Murrell, who graduated in 1962 with a bachelor’s in biology; Rand Hutchison who

graduated in 1973 with a bachelor’s in economics and then in 1977 with a master’s in business administration; Lance Lew, who graduated in 1979 with a bachelor’s in speech pathology and audiology; Mark Fitzpatrick, who graduated in 1985 with a bachelor’s in computer science; Ray Griffin, who graduated in 1986 with a bachelor’s in agriculture business; Tim Colbie, who graduated in 1992 with a bachelor’s in business administration. Kelli Chipponeri, who graduated in 1998 with a bachelor’s in English, was also invited but was unable to attend the panel because of traffic delays. When selecting alumni, colleges look for graduates who have accomplished a lot in their lives and are still associated with Chico State, Crabtree said.

“The alumni will go speak to students in classrooms or go to lunch with them,” she said. “They try to build their networks that will help them find jobs.” The atmosphere at the panel was set up as an open conversation. Chico State President Paul Zingg led the discussion, asking the alumni things that weren’t found on their resumes. Students and other attendees chimed in, asking for advice about how to stay involved with the university after graduation other than contributing money and about what qualities alumni look for when they hire new college graduates. Fitzpatrick still often visits Chico State to see his freshman daughter, and he is also collaborating on a program with the computer science department. He was flattered to be considered a distinguished alumni.

| A3

WedneSday, APRIL 10, 2013

“Keep the standards as high as they can be,” Logue said. “We can make this work and make this affordable for students to be able to go to school.” CSU Chancellor Timothy White has pushed presidents to avoid getting involved, Logue said. White has the same reservations and concerns, Zingg wrote. “I’m also for a high quality educational experience and making sure that students actually learn something besides acquire a diploma and that they develop the skills and habits that will not only prepare them to make a good living, but also to lead a good life,” Zingg wrote. Quinn Western can be reached at

DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI The eight recognized alumni: • Robert L. Toney • K. Darwin Murrell • Rand Hutchison • Lance Lew • Kelli Chipponeri • Mark Fitzpatrick • Ray Griffin • Tim Colbie

AB 51 As the bill is currently written, AB 51 would: • Provide more opportunities for high school and community college students to get transferable credit. • Implement a tuition freeze and a $10,000 cap on educationrelated fees. • Require students to maintain a 2.0 GPA while enrolled as full-time students in addition to completing their degree in less than 18 months.


College grads less likely to develop booze issues Allison Weeks Asst. Ne ws Editor

“I could not believe it,” he said. “I found out right before Christmas, so the news was a great Christmas gift.” This is the third year the distinguished alumni panel was held live. The event was previously videotaped. Chico State holds this event in hopes that the alumni will inspire current students. “These alumni have incredible stories to share about the experience they had from Chico State,” Crabtree said. “They are the best of the university.”

A recent study revealed people who go to college are less likely to develop a drinking problem later in life compared to those who don’t attend college. “We are actively Pennsylvania State Univerworking with students sity researchers found that every day here at the people who don’t attend college are six times more likely university who are to develop a drinking probstruggling.” lem by the age of 33. Deborah Stewart People with serious drinkDirector of Student Health ing problems have difficulty Services in all areas of their life and are less likely to enter and graduate from college, said Deborah Stewart, director of the Student Health Service. “It is no surprise that students who develop drug and alcohol problems while they are in college are much more likely to have academic difficulties, and much less likely to graduate,” Stewart wrote in an email to The Orion. Efforts to identify students with drug and alcohol problems are important to effectively treat their problems, she wrote. “We are actively working with students every day here at the university who are struggling with drug and alcohol problems, and continue to see a number of individual success stories,” Stewart wrote.

The Orion can be reached at

Allison Weeks can be reached at

SOURCE • Alumni assoication

A4 |


WedneSday, APRIL 10, 2013

POLICE BLOTTER The police blotter is a selection of information cited directly from Chico Police Department and University Police Department. University Police Friday, 9:45 a.m.: Civil problem reported at Meriam Library. “Reporting party reported he checked out some books from the library for a friend a few months ago. She has not returned the books and he now owes the library late fees. Reporting party has tried to contact female but gets no response.” Friday, 3:46 p.m.: Suspicious subject reported at Langdon Engineering Center. “White male adult wearing dark blue shirt, blue jeans and white tennis shoes and Hispanic male adult wearing blue jeans and pale green or blue T-shirt in possession of bolt cutters and appear to be cutting locks, tires.” Friday, 9:04 p.m.: Suspicious circumstances reported at the parking structure on the corner of West First and Cherry streets. “Several vehicles attempt to race down structure.” Saturday, 3:03 a.m.: Assisting other agency requested at 1500 block of Nord Avenue. “Assisting Chico Police Department on stabbing call.” Saturday, 1:07 p.m.: Bike complaint reported at Plumas Hall. “Three juveniles on BMX bikes doing tricks in between Plumas Hall and Butte Station.” Saturday, 1:35 p.m.: Suspicious circumstances reported at Plumas Hall. “White male adult with a handsaw wearing black glasses cutting bike lock.” Saturday, 3:31 p.m.: Animal reported at Nettleton Stadium. “White Camry next to ticket office by Nettleton, with dog locked inside and windows rolled up.” Saturday, 5:17 p.m.: Assisting other agency requested on the 1100 block of Nord Avenue. “Chico Police Department is requesting University Police Department to handle. Reporting party advising sister’s boyfriend slapped her.” Saturday, 9:39 p.m.: Transient problem reported at University Police. “White male adult, long gray hair, pony tail, glasses, sleeping in planter box for past one hour.”

Chico Police Thursday, 8:28 a.m.: Drunk in public reported on the 600 block of Manzanita Court. “Male guest just called the front desk very upset. Accused staff of robbing him during the night. Male subject states someone stole his money, clothes and truck. His girlfriend is also gone. Reporting party requested check on guest, as he sounded irrational. Subject in room, intoxicated, unable to report a crime. Male half checking out in lobby. Subject now walking around the property, intoxicated. Subject contacted again and arrested for drunk in public.” Friday, 8:20 p.m.: Neighbor dispute reported on the 800 block of West Fourth Avenue. “Reporting party’s neighbor is becoming increasingly harassing. Tonight he was yelling obscene sexual comments to her daughter. Subject has extremely odd behaviors, banging on railing, taking screwdrivers to the underside of reporting party’s windows.” Saturday, 12:43 a.m.: Stabbing reported on the 1500 block of Nord Avenue. “Possible fighting in the quad. Additional stabbing. One of subjects possibly armed with a gun at scene. Two stabbing victims and one hit in the head with a tire iron.” Saturday, 1:07 a.m.: Assault reported on the 700 block of West Fourth Avenue. “Reporting party states she saw a subject get jumped. Suspects left in green Honda toward North Cedar. Four male adults in vehicle.” Saturday, 4:55 p.m.: Attempted murder reported on the 3500 block of Esplanade. “Gunshot wound, left side of the head.” Sunday, 1:14 p.m.: Sex fondle/ battery reported on the bike path. “Reporting party was just grabbed by a male subject. Subject approaching West 11th Avenue and Esplanade at the bridge. Subject grabbed the reporting party while she was jogging.” Sunday, 10:05 p.m.: DUI crash reported on the 100 block of West First Avenue. “All over the road, hit lower pole. On West First Avenue between the Esplanade and Magnolia Avenue, vehicle hit light pole. In front of West First Avenue, power pole damaged. Across the street, another pole leaning that should be checked also.” -compiled by Risa Johnson and Isabel Charles

Is It Your Time To Lead? The Orion, Chico State’s independent student newspaper, is accepting applications for its two top leadership positions for Fall Semester 2013. Editor-in-Chief The editor-in-chief has responsibility for all decisions pertaining to the production of each issue of The Orion. This includes (but is not limited to) style, content, tone, quality, layout, production and editorial viewpoint. The editor-in-chief establishes and enforces editorial policies and guidelines, recruits and supervises the newspaper staff, and coordinates work on all of The Orion’s publishing platforms. Compensation for the editor-in-chief is provided through a monthly stipend. Business Manager The Orion business manager is responsible for the business operations of the newspaper and its publishing platforms. He or she handles billing, payment processing, and payroll with supervision of Orion advisers and keeps accurate and up-to-date accounts of all Orion revenues and expenditures. The business manager also makes final decisions pertaining to the newspaper’s advertising and ad sales, establishes sales guidelines, and supervises staff and operations of the business department. Compensation for the business manager is a weekly salary based on a 20-hour work week. Applicants for both positions should submit a letter of application outlining their education and work experience to Adviser Mark Plenke via email: Deadline is noon on Thursday, April 18. Finalists will be interviewed the following week.

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VOTE: AS initiatives are only advisory measures continued from A2

whatever sentiment the student body expect that the voices of students will be shows next week will fall to their successors, who will be determined in the loud and compelling.” Despite being recently placed on the election next week. The officer-elects will work with curPrinceton Review’s Green Honor Roll, Chico State’s water conservation and car- rent officers during a two-week training bon monoxide emissions stand out as period in order to acclimate them to their areas that could be worked on, said Gabe new jobs, Adley said. This training sesAdley, A.S. vice president of facilities and sion will take place two weeks after the election is complete. services. “They’ll be charged with following Making A.S. operations more sustainable is already in line with the through on their campaign promises,” he said, “including being representatives for organization’s goals, he said. “The WREC is already LEED certified.” what students want.” Adley said, referring to the rating system Smoking ban prescribed by the internationally recThe CSU-wide Acaognized Leadership demic Senate submitted in Energy and Envia recommendation to ronmental Design CSU Chancellor Timoprogram. “We can “If it comes up that over thy White’s office Jan. install newer show90 percent of students are 18 to implement a policy erheads where they in favor of it, we’ll know it banning the sale and aren’t already.” should be one of our first use of tobacco products Given the initiapriorities.” on all campuses within tive’s status as an the CSU system. advisory measure, the Gabe Adley The resolution called vote won’t necessarily A.S. Vice President of Facilities a for a policy mirroring determine whether or nd Services the one adopted by the not A.S. renovates its University of California facilities, but the vote system last year. will determine how The chancellor’s office responded in much of a priority the maintenance is, he favor of the proposal Feb. 28. said. Next week’s ballot will include an “If it comes up that over 90 percent of students are in favor of it, we’ll know advisory measure designed to gauge how it should be one of our first priorities,” students feel about the prospects of a system-wide ban. The measure is sponsored Adley said. Despite a shared goal in supporting by Associated Students. It will ask voters whether they oppose, water conservation, widespread renovations to the campus’ systems need to be support or don’t have a preference toward a smoking ban on campus. approached responsibly, he said. A.S. plans to deliver the results of the “No one’s going to say, ‘We want this to be less sustainable,’” Adley said. “The measure to the chancellor’s office once the responses are compiled in order to question is, does it pan out financially?” Assuming the measure gets approved ensure that students get their voices by students, officers will work with heard on the issue, A.S. President Jaypfacilities management and services and inderpal Virdee said. In 2008, Chico State banned the university administrators to negotiate compromises that are both financially smoking of tobacco products inside all and environmentally responsible, he university facilities and within 25 feet of all doorways and windows. said. With the current officers getting ready to step down from their positions, the Nicholas Carr can be reached at responsibility of following through on


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WedneSday, APRIL 10, 2013

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Chico State’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1975


The Orion endorses officer candidates for AS election Every year, students vote to decide who they want to lead Chico State’s student government, among the largest in the nation, into the next year. It’s a big job. Our Associated Students officers are in charge of running a manyarmed corporation with a sizable budget, allocating tens of thousands of dollars in student fees and making policy that can

remain in place for decades at a time. To figure out who was best suited for these weighty tasks, The Orion sat down with the field of candidates and asked them about their relevent experience, ideas for governance and their motivation for running. We did not endorse


Taylor Herren

Jaycob Arbogast


Executive Vice President

Barrett is running for re-election as current Executive Vice President. His experience, confidence and Wildcat pride are essential for leading the next group of A.S. officers. Barrett hopes to support the well-being of A.S. while ensuring a positive and fulfilling student environment, and his experience in office makes him a worthy candidate. He plans to continue the Building Leaders and Bridging Gaps program to ensure each A.S. officer is ready for his or her job.

Vice President of Business and Finance

Director of University Affairs

This position chairs the A.S. Business Committee and helps make budget decisions pertaining to the Wildcat Store and A.S. Dining Services. The former president of the Chico State Investor’s Club, Arbogast has experience managing budgets and writing grant proposals. He wants to work with students to efficiently fund their events and programs, making him a good candidate.

Acosta, who would be responsible for financing and expanding areas funded by the Student Union Fee if elected, is running on a platform of inclusion, equity and access. He hopes to accommodate all minorities on campus through inclusion of gender-neutral bathrooms and greater handicap access around campus. He would also like to make the BMU a central location for student organization office space.

Commissioner of Community Affairs

Jorge Mendoza

to take our recommendations, you can find a full election guide complete with information about all 21 candidates and the two initiatives on the ballot at Now that you’re armed with a summary of the relevant issues, please take the time to vote in the A.S. General Election by visiting April 16-18.

This position needs an experienced candidate with dedication and leadership qualities. Herren has passion for student advocacy and plans to enhance Chico State’s image. She co-founded a student safety group on campus and spent four years with A.S. through Freshman Leadership Opportunity and Community Action Volunteers in Education. She plans to use her experience and combine it with student opinion in order to change Chico State for the better.

Vice President of Facilities and Services

Kory Acosta

any candidates for the positions of commissioner of multicultural affairs or commissioner of student organizations and programs because two candidates for these positions are currently working for The Orion, and we would like to avoid a conflict of interest. If you’re not content

The commissioner of community affairs represents the student body to city officials, and Mendoza has experience that makes him suitable for the position. He has worked with Freshman Leadership Opportunity, where he was able help build a strong relationship with the A.S. He has worked with A.S. for two years and hopes to continue his leadership by promoting student safety, student opinions and community service, all of which are necessary to create a strong relationship with the community.

McAllister, who is the current Director of Legislative Affairs, is suited to represent student interests in academics. Her experience working to promote campus issues on a state level has set her up to work on a campuswide level as well. She is running on a platform of experience, collaboration and representation, and understands the importance of promoting student power and letting the university know what students want.

Michael Barrett running unopposed

Nicole McAllister

Director of Legislative Affairs This officer is responsible for keeping A.S. informed on state and national issues and legislations affecting students. Pratt has served in the Student Senate for California Community Colleges and has the experience necessary to lead this position. He plans to encourage student involvement, help lower tuition and increase multiculturalism within the CSU system. Pratt wishes to unify student opinions and push for legislation most beneficial to students.

Michael Pratt

Commissioner of Environmental Affairs This officer’s job is to help Chico State become a sustainable campus and to promote an eco-friendly environment. Haley is already working toward these goals by serving as a representative on the Sustainability Fund Allocation Committee and working with A.S. Sustainability. She plans to revamp the Environmental Affairs Council and its presence on campus, and would like to focus on innovative ideas for water and energy conservation.

Kaitlin Haley running unopposed


Snapchat captures life’s fleeting memories Kevin Crittenden Opinion Columnist

Few smartphone apps encourage letting go, but I know of at least one and its name rhymes with fat cat. Snapchat has revolutionized the economy of social connection by undoing the fixed nature of messaging. It allows users to share pictures and videos that disappear seconds after viewing. The application also lets users draw on photos and add text. The possibilities for Snapchat are vast, and since the pictures go away after a few seconds, the


that we will lose each second of stakes are low. Nothing is too risky to share, bliss to the nature of time? People usually take pictures because it can’t be saved. The auto-delete feature promotes so they can capture something. not just the strange and the Whether it’s a carefully doctored sexy, but the informational and Facebook profile picture or a panorama of the Grand Canyon, the commonplace. For instance, a “snap” of myself driving motive for using a camera and a friend driving in a car with is the idea of lasting possession. But your favorite pictures — the a caption that says, “Coming back instances of life to Chico!” replaces that put you in a a text message, but particular time it’s visual, fun and and place — will just as easy. Where a text Where a text message would fail, never happen again. message would Snapchat thrives. The Snapchat fail, Snapchat icon is a ghost thrives. The image with its tongue element of the app out floating up makes “snapping” out of a box. a better medium It seems to say, “This moment for expressing sarcasm. But for some, the idea of taking will never come again. Kiss it pictures that vanish defeats the goodbye.” No matter how beautiful, painpurpose. Using Snapchat brings up the ful or hilarious a given instance sobering reality that all things is, it slips away. I don’t think the app is within life are transitory. How do we cope with the knowledge out its contradictions — any use of technology includes a step back from fully participating in whatever is happening in the real

world. In other words, the camera comes between the user and the event, however banal or extraordinary it may be. But again, the quality of connection allowed is distinct from other messaging options. It is motivated by the will to share without becoming part of reviewable digital history. It also discourages the narcissist because snaps are low-res and unfiltered. If you have a smartphone, you now have one more reason to keep it: Snapchat streamlines sharing the events of now. Break the patterns that have defined you up until this moment, because impermanence and imperfection are authentic. Next time you grab your phone to shoot off a text, try sending a “snap” instead. It might take some practice to learn how to express yourself through a new medium, but the giddiness you will feel is a ripple to lift your spirits. Kevin Crittenden can be reached at

| EDITORIAL BOARD | Spring 2013 Editor-in-Chief Jenna Valdespino Managing Editor Ben Mullin Art Director Scott Ledbetter

News Editor Quinn Western Opinion Editor Carly Caumiant Sports Editor Trevor Platt

Features Editor Katrina Cameron Photo Editor Brett Edwards Video Editor Nicholas Kinoshita

Chief Copy Editor Leila Rodriguez Online Editor Dan Reidel


opinions all week @



Take criticism with a strong backbone, positive attitude Zachary Coyl

Finding the perfect place to live

Marty Salgado Advice Columnist

You’ve been anxious all month. Your blood pressure is skyrocketing. Every waking hour you feel the pressure. That’s right, Chico. It’s house-hunting time. If you are still looking for a place to live next semester, I suggest making a decision by the end of the month. The great thing about Chico is there are many great locations, most of which are extremely affordable. I’ve heard of people getting places at the last minute in August after moving back to Chico, but that’s always a gamble. Knowing you have a definite spot in an apartment complex or house with room-

There are plenty of great places on Nord Avenue for one to four people, and there are some three- to fourbedroom houses downtown.

Opinion Columnist

No one is perfect, but no one likes being told otherwise. Unfortunately, criticism is something everyone will encounter, whether they’re a student or even if they’re just working with others. Nobody is going to say, “Hey, you suck and you’re not perfect!” unless you’ve been dating them for a couple months and you just ran over their cat. Terrible situations aside, no matter how critical or biting the feedback is, the important part is how you deal with criticism. I’ve learned there are four appropriate responses to criticism: Ignoring it, accepting the truth, recognizing the critic’s opinion and requesting feedback. Ignore it Think about whether the criticism is actually a problem. Chiefly, is the criticism worth responding to? The fact is that even valid comments don’t always demand a reply. But before you shrug it off, consider a few things: Do you respect the critic? Is this person being reasonable? Is he or she really criticizing your work? And if not, what is it about? Lastly, have you heard similar critiques before? If this last question is true, I would read on. Accepting it The key to accepting a critique is to remain calm. Acknowledging criticism head-on shows maturity and leaves the person with little else to say, whereas being defensive does the opposite.

mates before summer will ease your mind and calm your nerves. Here are a few quick tips to relieve the stress of finding a new home. 1. Search in the right places There are a lot of scammers on, so make sure the housing sites you visit are credible. Check the address listed on the website and contact realtors to make sure the lease isn’t a scam.

4. Take a Saturday to search around town Walk into apartment offices and talk to the people in charge. Ask for a tour before you leave and check rent prices. Later on, you can make a list of the places available and the ones that really sparked your interest. 5. Connect with people via Facebook: Sometimes it’s harder to find a place if you’re looking for a six-month lease. Call friends to see if they are in the same situation. The keys to situations like this are communication and determination. There are plenty of students who only need a lease for one semester, so get out there and find them. - Wisecat

Marty Salgado can be reached at

Editor’s note: You can ask WiseCat for advice @orion_opinion on Twitter or via email at

The Orion encourages letters to the editor and commentary from students, faculty, staff, administration and community members.

Thumbs up to how professional and prepared the A.S. candidates were when we met with them. We need A.S. officers who are ready to lead.

Thumbs down to April’s mid-semester strain. Nothing good ever comes from a tired student with a looming load of work.

Recognizing the opinion False criticism and criticism without justification are never productive. This is best dealt with by brushing it off or by recognizing the critic’s opinion. This method doesn’t require you to agree with the criticism, but instead to sidestep it by validating the commenter’s thoughts. A good response would be something like, “I understand how you might view the situation that way.” This method works to address false criticism and useless general critiques that need to be acknowledged. Requesting feedback I would recommend requesting feedback when you hear a dissenting opinion you find helpful. This last option helps you get the most out of a critique. Requesting feedback opens up communication and makes the critic defend what they say. If you’re face-to-face with the person, his or her tone and other cues can help you determine the seriousness of their problem. The underlying issue may surface during this interaction. One last pointer is to note is the tone in which the verbal judgment is given and disregard it. Then you can focus on the suggestion underneath. The tone, whether confrontational or friendly, is not important. The content is. When dealing with others, you are going to get criticized whether you solicit it or not. How you respond will determine whether your experience is negative or positive. Coyl


| A7


It’s important not to take criticism personally. Remember the critic’s words are only aimed at a small part of yourself, one you are trying to improve. The next step is to see what can be gained from the experience. Although initial criticism can make you feel miserable, remember that it is valuable. In order to grow as a person, it is important to invite constructive criticism and thank others for the suggestions.


Thumbs up to the food column’s photo being in color this week. No one likes a black and white taco. See B7

Thumbs down to some professors not allowing A.S. candidates to promote elections during class time. Faculty should be just as supportive as students during the election.



Dr. Drew Pinsky commented on the increased awareness of alcohol abuse in Chico during a Q-and-A session at the Bell Memorial Union on Thursday. “The last two times I came to Chico it was like a frat party,” Pinsky said, “but you guys are really serious tonight.” Observations like this are exactly what we need to help improve our reputation. We can only hope Pinsky will promote our rehabilitating image. This is the kind of press our university needs to to revamp our community image.


reached at

2. Figure out who you will be sharing your rent with Whether you’ve decided to go solo or have a couple of roommates to live with you, this can narrow your search for apartments or homes. 3. Decide on a location There are plenty of great places on Nord Avenue for one to four people, and there are some threeto four-bedroom houses downtown. Nord Avenue gets a bad rap, but I lived there for two years without any interruptions. Talk to your friends to see where they are living and always listen to your intuition. If it’s too good to be true, you may want to think twice. Remember to keep your eyes peeled and check the front page of The Orion for discount housing stickers on move-in specials.

WedneSday, APRIL 10, 2013


Silence assists abuser, reinforces behaviors consequently bottled until something triggers a strong memory. In a study about the long-term consequences and effects of child abuse and Paul Smeltzer neglect, 80 percent of 21-year-olds who were Opinion columnist abused as children met criteria for at least Students who are subjected to child abuse one psychological disorder, according to may go through their entire educational To a certain degree I can understand why careers quietly affected by their past. After living with my roommate for two someone would avoid dwelling on the past, semesters, I’ve noticed he has some pecu- but repressing physical or emotional misliar habits. He’s always so agreeable and treatment only reinforces the likelihood of submissive, as if he can’t trust himself to act mistreatment happening again. Children adopt a certain normal. mentality after being abused. That isn’t to say we don’t Casually taking a They tend to say: “Who cares get along. He’s a great friend, bite of his buttered if my dad picked me up by but there is nevertheless an the neck, it was only for a few invisible barrier of openness. toast, he said his seconds and he apologized. I One day while we were dad used to beat don’t need to tell mom about eating breakfast I asked him him and his brother it.” why his grandparents raised So, rather than having an him. Casually taking a bite “senseless” while easy emotional outlet, vicof his buttered toast, he said they were growing tims build up a reserve of his dad used to beat him and up. anger they don’t know how to his brother “senseless” while cope with. they were growing up. By staying quiet they proHe told me with such a matter-of-fact tone, as if he needed to change tect the abuser, which continues the cycle and results in more mistreatment. the oil in his car or the electric bill was due. Students who were victim to child malNo big deal. But it is a huge deal when abused children treatment can help themselves by reaching decide that dealing with this trauma on their out and opening up to the people around them. The Psychological Counseling and own is a viable option. In the book “Working With Adult Survi- Wellness Center on campus provides free vors of Childhood Trauma,” author Carolyn counseling services for students. Individuals suffering from past traumas Knight writes that a vital component of an event — or series of events — is that it sur- in their life should consider seeking therpasses the victim’s ability to cope and is apy and, above all else, always know that both what they feel inside and who they are therefore overpowering. A child who is not capable of processing matter. trauma shouldn’t have to deal with abuse. Mistreated children tend to have trouble Paul Smeltzer can be reached at dealing with their emotions, which are

• Letters and commentaries may be delivered to The Orion, Plumas Hall Room 001. Deadline is 5 p.m. Friday. Letters are also accepted by e-mail and go directly to the opinion editor at

• Commentaries should be limited to 500 to 700 words and are subject to editing for length and clarity. Please include your phone number.

the orion •photograoh BY alexandra archuleta

Associated Students President Jaypinderpal Virdee and Chico State President Paul Zingg represented our university Saturday at Choose Chico, a student recruitment event. At the event, Zingg pointed out that Chico State has about 200 organizations students can join and be a part of. With this many programs, there is no reason students shouldn’t be active on campus.


johnathon kingsbury via flickr

Album Review: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - “Mosquito” Alt-rockers Yeah Yeah Yeahs continue to push forward and expand their sound with elements of gospel, grunge and experimental music in their first record in four years. On their last record, “It’s Blitz!” Karen O, Nick Zinner and Brian Chase transformed their sound to mesh genres such as art punk, garage rock and new wave. With the new album, “Mosquito,” they remain hell bent on blending genres to create another fantastic album. Karen O’s haunting croon continues to drive the band with a force that few other front-women possess. Take your time with this album and let yourself truly digest what it has to offer. “Mosquito” is not for the casual music listener who is looking for something easily absorbed and pre-packaged. For anyone looking for a gateway band for alternative and indie music, Yeah Yeah Yeahs still proudly hold the torch. - Compiled by Trevor Platt

• Letters to the editor should be limited to fewer than 300 words, must include writer’s name and phone number (for verification) and are subject to condensation. Please include your year in school and major, or your business title.

• The Orion does not publish anonymous letters, letters that are addressed to a third party or letters that are in poor taste. The opinions expressed by The Orion’s columnists do not necessarily reflect those of The Orion or its staff.

opinions all week @


WedneSday, APRIL 10, 2013

| A8

Love Lines

Dr. Drew Pinsky answered questions about addiction, drinking and relationships Thursday on campus. See Features

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Chico State’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1975



Senior, heptathlon

Senior, javelin

Junior, distance

Junior, decathlon

100-meter hurdles: 15.34 Long Jump: 5.3o meters

Javelin throw: 139 feet, 7 inches

5,000-meter run: 14 minutes, 14.88 seconds

Javelin throw: 171 feet, .09 in 1,500-meter run: 4:41.20


Track teams hit the ground running, 14 ’Cats earn NCAA qualifying marks qualifying marks are senior Robin Hannah in the heptathlon, senior Bridget McClarrinon in the javelin, junior Kelly Both the men’s and women’s track Gundert in the pole vault, junior Nataand field teams have gotten off to hot lie Galvan and senior Amy Schnittger in starts this spring, posting a combined the 3,000-meter steeplechase and junior 14 National Collegiate Athletic Associa- Kasey Barnett in the pole vault and long jump. tion provisional marks. Earning two NCAA provisional marks These hard-earned marks enable athletes to compete at the NCAA Cham- is a huge accomplishment, said Barpionships in May, head coach Oliver nett, who achieved the milestone this Hanf said. It’s encouraging to have season. “It has taken two years to perfect my 14 athletes with provisional marks at technique and to this point in the get where I am season. now, and it is so “We start trainrewarding to see ing in September, “Provisional marks give the team all my hard work so it’s kind of hard pride as well as the individual, but we pay off,” she said. to tell where you’re need to stay humble and focused.” “I am extremely at in those first excited for the months,” he said. Oliver Hanf rest of season and “It shows that we Head track & field coach helping my team got off to a pretty win another congood start.” At the Aggie Open March 9 at UC ference title.” On the men’s side, the bulk of the athDavis, sophomore Hakeem Dyson earned his NCAA provisional mark in letes with provisional marks have come the 110-meter hurdles and set a Chico from the distance squad. Junior Isaac Chavez, senior Adrian State record of 14.5 seconds. The previous record of 14.55 seconds was set by Sherrod, junior Dayne Gradone and senior Anthony Costales have all hit David Burton in 1992. their mark in the 5,000“When I got to the finmeter run. Junior J.P. ish line, I was told that I Smith and junior Theobroke the record,” Dyson “When I got to the dore Elsenbaumer have said. “I thought no way, finish line, I was told earned NCAA automatic but then I looked at the that I broke the record. qualifying marks in the clock and I was very I thought no way, but decathlon. This means excited and I couldn’t then I looked at the both athletes are guarbelieve it. It’s weird and clock and I was very anteed to compete in the surreal, and it hasn’t excited and I couldn’t NCAA Championships really hit me yet.” believe it.” next month. Senior hurdler Aimee While these accomRodgers hit the NCAA Hakeem Dyson plishments are nice to provisional mark in the Sophomore hurdler achieve, it’s still impor100-meter and 400-meter tant to keep focus on the events. “One of my goals this year is to make bigger prize, Hanf said. “We talk about while those marks it to nationals in both hurdle events, so getting a provisional time is a huge step are good, the aim is higher and further toward those goals,” Rodgers said. “It’s down the road,” he said. “Provisional saying you’re good enough to go. And it marks give the team pride as well as the feels great knowing all your hard work is individual, but we need to stay humble paying off and you’ll potentially be fly- and focused.” ing to Colorado in May to compete with some of the best athletes in the nation.” Brett Appley can be reached at The other women who have hit Brett Appley Staff Writer

Sophomore, hurdles 110-meter hurdles: 14.50 seconds

Junior, distance 3,000-meter steeplechase: 11:30.44

Junior, pole vault/jumps Vault: 12 feet, 4 inches Long jump: 19 feet, 4 inches

Senior, hurdles 100-meter hurdles: 14.22 400-meter hurdles: 1:02.48

Junior, pole vault Vault: 11-feet, 06.50

Senior, distance 5,000-meter run: 14:09.99

Junior, decathlon

Senior, distance

Senior, distance

Junior, distance

Pole vault: 13 feet-11 1,500-meter run: 4:25.60

3,000-meter steeplechase: 10:44.65

5,000-meter run: 14:24.35

5,000-meter run: 14:08.19

MORE ON Find full stories, game coverage and athlete profiles every week.

the orion •PHOTOgRAPHs BY Orion Staff and courtesy of chico wildcats

B2 |

WILDCAT of the

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WedneSday, APRIL 10, 2013






WEEKEND PERFORMANCE The Chico State men’s track and field team had a strong showing at the Delta Mustang Invitational Decathlon this weekend with junior Theodore Elsenbaumer defeating teammate and reigning NCAA Division II national champion J.P. Smith. The Wildcats also traveled to Klamath Falls with Humboldt State for the California/Oregon Border Battle. The two teams became the “Chumboldt LumberCats,” as they joined together to beat Oregon Tech and Southern Oregon, 90-57. Freshman thrower Kenny Coleman had a personal record with a shot put of 46 feet, 4.25.


With a weekendseries sweep over Cal State San Bernardino, Chico State has now gone undefeated in its last three series. Senior designated hitter Cody Webber knocked in five of the Wildcats’ six runs Friday as they defeated the Coyotes 6-2. The team’s bats and pitching remained hot Saturday as they routed the Coyotes 6-1 and 10-3. Sunday turned out to be a much closer battle when the ’Cats trailed by one run until the bottom of the ninth. They then scored a run on a balk and went on to win the game on a walk-off RBI double in the bottom of the 13th inning.

Will Flitcroft freshman golfer

Chico State

the orion •PHOTOgRAPH BY annie maize

relief Senior Jeremy Perez pitched one inning of relief, giving up only two hits in Sunday’s battle against Cal State San Bernardino. The ’Cats won 2-1 off of an RBI double in the 13th inning.

Will FlitCroft Class: Freshman Major: Accounting


The Sydney, Australia native won the Cal Baptist Tukwet Canyon Men’s Intercollegiate tournament, which was held March 25 and 26 in Beaumont, Texas. Flitcroft shot five under par in the tournament, helping the Wildcats finish in second place.

Junior Theodore Elsenbaumer finished first in the Mustang Invitational Decathlon Friday at San Joqauin Delta’s Merv Smith Track.


(Softball) The Wildcats faced a rough weekend, winning just one of seven games in Turlock during the Mizuno Tournament of Champions.


(WOMEN’S TRACK & FIELD) Senior Robin Hannah posted three personal records Friday during the final day of the Mustang Invitational Heptathlon.


The ’Cats sealed their 13th consecutive win following a 13-inning walk-off win over Cal State San Bernardino on Sunday.

Chico State senior Robin Hannah, sophomore Jessica Mixon, junior Sarah Hockensmith and junior Maddie Allen all finished in the top 10 of 17 competitors in the Delta Mustang Invitational Heptathlon over the weekend. Hannah walked away with the tournament title, posting a score of 4,800 points, the sixth highest total in the nation this year. The track and field team then joined Humboldt State to defeat Oregon Tech and Southern Oregon 103-56 at the California/Oregon Border Battle Saturday. Freshman sprinter Gabrielle FinleyVaquera won both the 100 and 200-meter sprints.

After winning seven of its last eight matches, the Chico State softball team hit the road to Turlock for the Mizuno Tournament of Champions over the weekend. The Wildcats’ offense had difficulties bringing runs across the plate, and they were unable to score more than one run in four of their seven losses. Chico State’s sole win came against conference rival Cal State Stanislaus in a 4-1 victory. The Wildcats will remain on the road as they head into a four-game series against Cal State San Bernardino.





W ild C ats




Height: 6 feet, 2 inches

the orion •PHOTOgRAPH BY Riley Mundia

Roughed up Junior pitcher Alex Molina struggled over the weekend at the Mizuno Tournament of Champions. She went to the mound three times, receiving two losses and an indecision.

MORE ON Read full coverage of these games and events online.

-Compiled by Trevor Platt

Standings Baseball Chico State Cal State L.A. Cal State Monterey Bay Cal State East Bay Sonoma State Cal Poly Pomona UC San Diego Cal State Dominguez Hills San Francisco State Cal State San Bernardino Cal State Stanislaus


20 - 4 18- 6 16 - 8 14 - 10 13 - 11 15 - 13 14 - 14 12 - 12 9 - 19 5 - 19 4 - 24


27 - 5 21 - 13 24 - 10 24 - 10 21 - 13 22 - 15 19 - 17 16 - 17 12 - 24 11 - 21 7 - 28

Softball Humboldt State Sonoma State UC San Diego Chico State Cal State Monterey Bay Cal State Dominguez Hills San Francisco State Cal State East Bay Cal State San Bernardino Cal State Stanislaus


Friday, noon


Cal Poly Pomona

Saturday, 11 a.m.,2 p.m.


Cal Poly Pomona (DH) Sunday, 11 a.m.


Friday, 1 p.m., 3 p.m.


CAl State San Bernardino (DH) Saturday, 11 a.m., 1 p.m.


Cal State San Bernardino (DH)


Cal Poly Pomona

Men’s Track & Field Friday

Chico Distance Carnival

Women’s Track & Field Friday

Chico Distance Carnival



Chico Twilight Invitational

Chico Twilight Invitational


20 - 4 18 - 6 17 - 7 16 - 8 12 - 12 10 - 14 7 - 17 7 - 17 7 - 17 6 - 18

Overall 33 - 11 31 - 9 24 - 16 19 - 17 24 - 19 23 - 18 15 - 25 12 - 26 13 - 29 13 - 27


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| B3

WedneSday, APRIL 10, 2013

Freshman athletes excel in successful first seasons On the green, at the plate and on the track, freshman athletes continue to shine

Slugger Freshman center fielder Alli Cook has batted .311 and stolen 17 bags in 18 attempts so far in her first season playing for Chico State.

impact player right off the bat, posting a .323 batting average with 32 hits and 23 runs. Cook wants to develop as a leader and someone who can be relied on both on and off the field, she said. The hardest part of playing team sports is the expectations people have of you, Emily Duran she said. Staff Writer “A senior or junior expects you to make Many freshmen have a hard time adjust- those plays, not because I’m a freshman, because I’m her teammate,” Cook said. ing to college life. Another athlete teeing off her career as But this year, Chico State’s newest ’Cats aren’t hanging out at the back of the pack. a Wildcat is red-shirt golfer Dani O’Keefe. After spending one year at San Jose The Wildcats have seen runner Aja Erskine, softball center fielder Alli Cook State, O’Keefe transferred to Chico State and earned a spot on the five-person travand golfer Dani O’Keefe eling roster. defy freshman stereo“When I came here, I kind of realized types and claw their way there was more to it than going to school to centerstage. and playing golf,” she said. “It’s been Erskine is one of two tough with time management, but I’ve freshman runners to been slowly able to figure it out.” make the 45-person travO’Keefe tied for eighth place and shot eling track and field team. her third straight sub-80 round at last She has found success in week’s Grand Canyon Invitational. The the 400-meter race and is dani o’keefe Wildcats clinched fourth place and their ranked fifth in the Cali- Freshman center fifth top-five finish of the season. fornia Collegiate Athletic fielder With three years of eligibility left after Conference with a perthis season, O’Keefe has set goals for sonal record of 58.02 seconds. Erskine’s good attitude and fun spirit the rest of her collegiate athletic career, are contagious, head track and field coach she said. She has aspirations of going to regionals, winning a tournament, earning Oliver Hanf said. “If she hasn’t motivated her team, she the No. 1 spot on the team and bringing a positive attitude to has certainly motithe program. vated her coaching Regardless of staff,” he said. “A senior or junior expects the times they run, Erskine often the numbers they reminds herself she you to make those plays, post and the scores has three years to not because I’m a freshman, they shoot, Wildimprove her times because I’m her teammate.” cat freshmen are and mature as an athsurpassing normal lete, she said. Alli Cook expectations. “I don’t really think Freshman center fielder Their efforts about age,” she said. have more than “I just think about just an immediate the training, how hard I train, and that it’s going to be put impact on the programs, Hanf said. “They represent our future,” he said. to the test.” While the track and field team has only “It’s important to integrate them the best two freshman athletes on its traveling we can from the start, but big picture is roster, the Wildcat softball program has down the line.” relied heavily on a group of freshmen this season. Emily Duran can be reached at Center fielder Cook emerged as an

the orion • illustrative PHOTOgRAPHs BY Annie Maize

Team effort Freshman runner Aja Erskine is one of two freshman runners to make the 45-person traveling team.

SERVICE DIRECTORY CALENDAR We active all cell phones!

CAMPUS TODAY Career and Internship Fair

@ Bell Memorial Union 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Check out potential career opportunities and internships relating to all majors. Representatives include Yelp, UPS, the FBI and more.

T h u r sday

The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain @ Laxson Auditorium 7:30-9:30 p.m.

A post-punk presentation will be performed by a ukulele orchestra from Great Britain.

SUN d a y

No Child Left Inside

@ Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve 9-10 a.m. A family-friendly, nature-centered event will provide kids of all ages with the opportunity to explore the outdoors.

FURNISHED HOUSE AVALIABLE 3 BD/ 2 Ba Garage w/ Enclosed Bk. Yard w/ Patio Free Utilities $1200 per mo. Tulare County, CA For More Information Call (209) 595-9665

F r i day

Sat u r day

KCSC Radio Pool College of Party Agriculture Spring @WREC pool Tours 11 a.m. to noon

9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Come out every Friday to the WREC pool to enjoy the sun and listen to some cool tunes provided by Chico State’s very own KCSC radio DJs.

The College of Agriculture is offering tours of the University Farm.

Mon day

Conducting Difficult Meetings @ Colusa Hall 110 2-3 p.m.

This workshop will provide tips for leading difficult meetings and remaining calm while dealing with the challenging topics and attendees.

T u e sday

Seven Strategies for Impactful Leadership @ BMU 210 Noon to 1 p.m.

Learn how to be a better leader by using seven strategies used by Associate Director of Student Judicial Affairs Dr. Maurice Bryan.

B4 |

WedneSday, APRIL 10, 2013

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Autism awareness

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Chico State’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1975

The doctor is in Dr. Drew Pinsky came to the Bell Memorial Union Auditorium to lecture on Chico’s alcohol problem, fighting addiction and his career in radio and TV. Pinsky’s relationship call-in show, “Loveline,” is broadcast on Z-Rock 106.7 from 10 p.m. to midnight Sunday through Thursday.

the orion •PHOTOgRAPH BY brett edwards

Dr. Drew provides remedies for booze, love, addiction at Q-and-A event Jessica Barber Staff Writer

Television and radio personality Dr. Drew Pinsky discussed Chico’s alcohol problem, relationships and addiction on campus Thursday in a Q-and-A with the Chico community. Pinsky received dozens of questions from an eager audience in the Bell Memorial Union Auditorium, and he was able to provide insight on many issues important to college students. The booze problem Several students requested Pinsky address Chico’s alcohol problem and the community’s recent reductive efforts. “I’ve been here three times in five years,” he said, “and I can tell things are changing on this campus.” Change is evident in the way the campus looks, in the topics students want to discuss and the manner in which they discuss them, Pinsky said. “The last two times I came to Chico it was like a frat party, but you guys are really serious tonight,” he said. “It’s confirmed my suspicion that things are really changing here.” Marlene Romero, a senior studying psychology and agricultural education, was the first to ask Pinsky for his thoughts on alcohol consumption and Chico State’s reputation. Before Pinsky had a chance to respond, a voice rang out from the back of the auditorium. “Party on!” In response, the audience erupted in applause. “That’s the Chico I know,” Pinsky said. Shifting to a more serious tone, he offered his analysis of the situation. “This is a fine community, really diverse, and you don’t want it to go away, but you want people to be able to go and smoke their pot and drink their beer and not die,” Pinsky said. The audience was receptive to his comments, nodding

along and respectfully remaining silent while he spoke. The issue of alcohol at Chico State proved intriguing to Mayra Barrios, a freshman animal science major. “Dr. Drew’s input on the alcohol problem at Chico State was really interesting and important right now,” she said. Relationships As the discussion progressed, students began to ask questions about romantic relationships and the differences between men and women. Biological priorities for the two sexes are never more different than at age 24, Pinksy said. Many audience members spoke up about relationship problems. One woman said drinking is sometimes necessary before sex to prevent developing feelings for a partner. “Oh, the F word,” Pinsky said in reference to “feelings.”

“I’ve been here three times in five years, and I can tell things are changing on this campus.” Dr. Drew Pinsky Radio and TV host

“Every time I hear that it breaks my heart, that women have to self-medicate to have sex. Why don’t you feel entitled to be who you are and ask for what you want?” Another woman asked how to make men want a relationship and develop feelings of their own. “The answer is that you can’t,” Pinksy said. “If they don’t want to be in a relationship, they don’t want to be in a relationship. But it doesn’t hurt to let them know what you want because if they know, they will be able to consider it.” He also offered an explanation for why men are more inclined to act upon sexual urges than women.

“Studies have confirmed women experience higher levels of sexual arousal than men,” he said, “but a woman can experience arousal without drive. Men, on the other hand, always experience the two simultaneously.” Pinsky then addressed a common question. “So, I always get asked what initiates a woman’s drive, the scientifically proven answer is intimate conversation. Conversation will get you sex.” The last notion made the audience laugh, with many individuals calling out in agreement. Addiction Adopting a more serious tone, Pinsky addressed several questions about addiction. Audience members spoke about friends and relatives with alcohol and drug abuse problems. Pinksy recommended long-term treatment for those struggling with addiction. He also made sure to establish a distinction between the person addicted to drugs and his or her addiction. “The self becomes clouded by the addiction, by the biology of it all,” he said. “Most of the time, people who say they want to quit genuinely want to quit and are constantly trying to kill the addict inside them.” He then discussed prescription drug abuse, specifically how Americans need to stop taking so much medication. “We’ve gotten very confused between happiness and euphoria,” he said. “Medication doesn’t make you happy. Any time you put a prescription drug in your mouth and are not being closely monitored by a doctor, it’s extremely dangerous.”

The Orion can be reached at

MORE ON Read more of what Dr. Drew had to say about alcohol, relationships, addiction and own his career during his Q-and-A event.

Student opens wine bistro downtown Liz Bowen Staff Writer

The rows and rows of shiny, hanging bottles on the back wall at Tannins assures customers expecting fine wines that they came to the right place. The stellar part about the restaurant? One of our own Chico State students opened it. Many students are excited to graduate, anticipating the career that may await them in their post-college life. For Nathan Ahlberg, a senior sustainable manufacturing and technology major, a real-world job is already in the picture. Ahlberg, 26, and his business partner, Tori Goble, recently decided to open a restaurant in downtown Chico, because the duo dreamed of a wine bar and bistro near campus. “We wanted something different from what we always see downtown,” Ahlberg said. “We wanted a nice place to get appetizers and wine at a good price.” They found a location on West Third and Salem streets and decided to buy it. Thus, Nathan Tannins Wine Bar and Bis- Ahlberg tro was born and opened in The senior February. The business gets sustainable manufacturing its food from S&S Organic and technology Produce and Natural Foods major recently and its wines from Southern opened Tannins Wine Bar and California. Bistro. Ahlberg didn’t have to take out loans to start his business, but there was still quite a bit to be done. “It’s a lot of paperwork, applying for a business license, alcohol licenses and taxes,” he said. Opening his own restaurant has always been one of his goals in life, Ahlberg said. As he worked to open Tannins, he was

the orion •PHOTOgRAPH BY pedro quintana

bar and bistro Pollo marsala, a chicken dish with mushroom sauce, is one of the many entrees featured on the menu at Tannins. Other dishes include tapas-style small plates, soups, salads, pizzas and steaks, which are paired with varieties of wine and draft beers. also attending Chico State as a full-time student. “It takes a lot of time to do both,” Ahlberg said. “I focus on school as much as I can but am really busy trying to handle business.” He transferred to Chico State from Ventura College in 2010, after visiting his best friend in town, he said. He enjoyed the outdoors and knew Chico was the right place for him. Ahlberg’s adventurous hobbies of fishing, swimming and hiking keep him busy when he is not running the restaurant or completing school work, he said. By running Tannins, he has made connections with brewers and produce suppliers. Burgers and Brew, another local business in downtown Chico, opened its doors on West Second Street a few years ago and has found enormous success. Trying to open a restaurant in Chico is

extremely competitive, Burgers and Brew manager Bob Wagner said. “We had some great advantages to start with at Burgers and Brew in terms of dynamite location and products,” he said. “But many restaurants here that last have already been in Chico for generations and generations with loyal followings.” But Chico’s restaurant and beer landscape has been changing rapidly. Restaurants have been catering to craft beers and specialty products, making it more competitive between businesses, Wagner said. “Coming into the restaurant industry you need to know your market, know your product, find out if you are filling a niche or not,” he said. “If you don’t want to take a huge risk in buying a business, I would move toward a cart or a food truck first.” After graduating in May, Ahlberg plans to

stay in Chico and work at Tannins part-time while he looks for a full-time manufacturing job. But before that, he hopes to complete a manufacturing internship at Digital Path, an internet service provider based in Chico. “Tannins is the focus right now, although it’s finally got a little less crazy recently,” he said. The restaurant specializes in appetizers, steaks, small plates and shareable food. It’s a 21-and-up venue with more than 30 wines available and seven different types of beers on draft. “The goal with the restaurant is that people can have fun, come in and enjoy themselves over great local dishes,” Ahlberg said. Liz Bowen can be reached at

B6 |

THE O-FACE: Adult moves from adult films

Chantal Richards Sex Columnist

I watched my first porno on accident. My boyfriend and I were flipping through channels at the tender and innocent age of 11 when we discovered a very graphic adult film with a name I’ve long since forgotten. It piqued my curiosity. Porn has become my Obi-Wan Kenobi, teaching me forces in the bedroom considered taboo. I have found six popular themes that show up time and time again in these films.

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WedneSday, APRIL 10, 2013

Trash to Treasure: Picture frame chalkboard

for some people, but not everyone. The first time I was peed on, I groaned in dismay. I am not one for paraphilia, but my partner was having a grand old time with it. I just lay there mortified for about 10 minutes before soaking myself in a piping hot shower and turning red from scrubbing ferociously. Strike that off my list of sexual experiences I would rather do without. When your partner is into peeing on you and you are not, tell them so before you are soaked along with the bedsheets. Keep the urination for the toilet, because not everyone is into being rained on by a stream of gold.

Peg me, baby, peg me! Pegging goes beyond traditional sexual roles, requiring a woman to wear a strap-on and give it to a man in his anus. This can be empowering and pleasurMasochistic pleasure Masochism is frowned upon because able for both parties. Women can feel it makes it look like people are in pain dominating and sexy for being able to during sex. However, when practiced dominate over men. Just as woman have a G-spot, men consensually and safely, screams can be cries of pleasure. I have watched people have a P-spot, or prostate, that can be get held underwater while giving oral, stimulated through pegging. For the right being whipped until welts develop and man, this can be so pleasuarable that he orgasms. having various sex toys When pegging your inserted into areas where partner, it’s important a common vibrator usuPorn has become my to lubricate a ton and go ally goes. Obi-Wan Kenobi, slowly. Jumping right in To become adept at teaching me forces could tear the man’s anus, masochism, you have to turning his moans of sexpush your sexual limits in the bedroom ual bliss into screams of by finding pleasurable considered taboo. pain. techniques. Start small with handcuffs, gags and Ménage à trois sex toys, and then work Think about it: you can now experiyour way up to the more extreme things you have always fantasized about. But ence pleasure from multiple people at always remember the acts you perform one time. People who participate in orgies typimust be consensual for you and your partner. Creating a safe word helps avoid cally spend maybe five to 10 minutes with one partner before switching to explore either of you pushing things too far. with someone else. These swinger-parties became popular because of orgies. Throw it in reverse From my count, I have seen five penises Anal sex has been around since the Greeks, but porn has made it popular. in one woman at the same time — one in Taking it from behind was once consid- the mouth, two in the arse and two in the ered disgusting and was often met with vagina. But keep in mind, if you do not like a grimace, but that’s not always the case sharing your partner, don’t. Also, it’s nowadays. Most people I’ve talked to have important to agree on the third partner in attempted anal sex at least once and have a threesome, because you want a mutual agreement on who you will be inviting to never looked back. There are reverse sex positions that the bedroom. are not performed anally, including doggy-style, reverse cowgirl and “ass- Cum on my face Spoiler alert! Most pornographc films to-mouth,” which involves performing felacio shortly after anal sex. It’s impor- end with semen streaming down a womtant to rinse after this act because there an’s face, a film angle called “the money are certain bodily fluids you do not want shot.” The appeal of this gesture stems from sitting in your mouth. Rimming, the practice of licking a per- an underlying need to dominate your son’s anus, is another backdoor sensation partner. In reality, no one likes cum covthat could be pleasurable, like receiving ering their face and dripping down their chin. oral from the other side of things. Because nearly every porn ends this When rimming, don’t be sloppy and lick with too much saliva. This is an act way, people have decided to splashing cum on every part of the human body. of pleasure, not a spitting contest. Keep a towel handy to clean up the If you are into the bum-side of things, remember that lubrication is your best sticky mess, and more importantly, take friend. If you do not lubricate, you won’t a shower right after. Love it or hate it, porn is here to stay be able to walk or go to the bathroom without pain and you’ll be sleeping on and it teaches us about forbidden sexual acts that often get adopted into our daily blood-stained sheets. Take things slow when first experi- sex lives. menting with anal sex. You don’t want to jam it in there. Chantal Richards can be reached at And be sure not to put anything that’s been inserted in one orifice into another before washing it off, unless you want MORE ON to end up in the doctor’s office trying to The O-Face explain how you got ill. Golden showers I will never wrap my head around why people find this attractive. Urolagnia is a paraphilia, an act that attaches sexual arousal to objects or situations. In this case, the paraphilia involves being urinated on while having sex. The smell or sight of urine is arousing


Getting framed A picture frame can be worth a thousand words once you transform it into a chalkboard that you can write messages on and decorate with interesting art.

Cierra Goldstein Upc ycling Columnist

Part of the reason I began my upcycling hobby is because I have too many useful things that don’t work for their intended purpose. For example, take the photo frame I had sitting around. It was ugly. So ugly it had been stuffed away in a box at the back of my closet since I moved last summer. I had an idea when I emptied the box of junk and found it during spring cleaning.

My unattractive frame would gain new life with a facelift and some special paint — I would make it into a chalkboard. Framed chalkboards aren’t a new invention, but they’re classically stylish. I wanted a “Welcome” sign for my apartment, and for less than $2 and a little time, I now have one I can erase. You can make yours itty-bitty or big enough to cover a wall, depending on the size of your frame. Mine fits perfectly on my kitchen counter. Cierra Goldstein can be reached at

MATERIALS: ●• Picture frame with removable backing● • Chalkboard paint (Available at Michael’s for less than $2 for a two-ounce bottle) ●• Acrylic paint, if you plan to decorate the frame ●• Paint brush ●• Chalk

INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Remove the backing from frame. 2. Paint the backing, following the instructions on the chalkboard paint. 3. While the backing dries, decorate your frame as you wish. I painted mine white. 4. After everything is dry, prime your new writing surface by rubbing chalk over the face, both horizontally and vertically. Wipe clean. 5. Use your chalk to write, draw and be creative.

Chantal Richards will be a guest on Just the Tip, KCSC’s weekly sex talk show, from 10 to 11 p.m. on Sunday. Scan the QR code to tune in.


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WedneSday, APRIL 10, 2013

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READERS, DIGEST: Beef ­— it’s not for dinner

Alexandra Archuleta Food Columnist

Meat is a building block for growing strong muscles. It supplies us with the energy we need to go about our day, it’s easy to buy and the recipes available are endless. The thing most meat-lovers don’t know is that there are a ton of meat-free recipes that have just as much protein as a cheeseburger. Meat also costs more per pound than vegetarian alternatives like legumes and quinoa. Alternatives to meat have fewer calories and contain more protein, and people who eat less meat are typically leaner and healthier. And even though it’s been raining lately, summer’s only a few months away. I can picture it now: barbecues, bathing suits and beach balls. What’s one thing about this summer that will be different? Meatless burgers. I started looking at a lot of vegetarian recipes lately because, quite frankly, raw meat freaks me out.

There are health perks of eating less meat, but I just like the fact that I don’t have to touch a lifeless, juicy piece of meat to satisfy a craving. The meatless burger can be made to taste just like the classic American favorite we all know and love. A typical meatless burger base contains any combination of quinoa, black beans and oats. These fibrous, protein-filled foods are absorbent enough to soak up all the flavoring of spices, just like meat. Whether it’s barbecue sauce and Worcestershire sauce, chopped jalapenos and chili powder or teriyaki and pineapple chunks, the meatless burger is truly as customizable as you’ll let it be. This week, I’m making a Greekinspired quinoa burger. It’s got Mediterranean veggies and is a perfect meal to kick off your summer. I love serving it with sweet potato fries and fresh greens from the Thursday Night Market. For a low-carb option, wrap the burgers in lettuce instead of a pita bun. I strongly recommend you introduce this meal to your diet this summer. Alexandra Archuleta can be reached at

MORE ON Watch Alexandra Archuleta give a tutorial on how to make the Greek-inspired quinoa burger. It’s sure to make for a healthier summer. the orion •PHOTOgRAPH BY Alexandra Archuleta

no beef You can’t have a burger without beef, you say? This quinoa burger has just as much protein as the favorite American meal but with fewer calories and less cholesterol.

WHAT YOU NEED: ●1/2 cup rinsed quinoa ●1 medium carrot, cut in large chunks ●6 scallions, thinly sliced ●15 ounces great northern beans, drained and rinsed ●1/4 cup plain dried breadcrumbs ●1 large egg, lightly beaten ●1 tablespoon ground cumin ●2 tablespoons olive oil ●Coarse salt ●Ground pepper

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HOW TO MAKE IT: • Cook quinoa according to directions on package. • In a blender, pulse carrot until finely chopped. Add quinoa, half the scallions, beans, breadcrumbs, egg, cumin, 1 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Pulse until combined but still slightly chunky. • Form mixture into four 3/4-inch-thick patties. In a large nonstick skillet, heat oil over medium; cook burgers until browned and cooked through, 8 to 10 minutes per side. • Meanwhile, in a small bowl, combine yogurt, lemon juice and the remaining scallions; season with salt and pepper. Serve burgers in pita topped with cucumber and yogurt sauce.


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WedneSday, APRIL 3, 2013

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Schedule of Events APR


Keynote SPEAKER Monday: 7:00 pm , Holt 170

Colleen Winter marketing director and co-owner (with her mom) of the wildly popular online sensation, Chico-based clothing retailer Lulu’s. APR


Movie Night Tuesday: 7:00 PM Ayers 201 “ The Social Network explores the moment at which Facebook, the most revolutionary social phenomena of the new century, was invented ...” from MovieWeb.



Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship Wednesday: 7:00 PM Ayers 120

Matt York founder of VideoMaker magazine. Currently Matt is focused upon growing a new Social Entrepreneurial Venture; One Media Player per Teacher (OMPT) which provides video technology and training to charities working in the poorest places in the world. APR


Technology & the Entrepreneur Thursday: 7:00 PM Ayers 120

Andrew Gazdecki Founder and CEO of Bizness Apps, one of the nations’ leading suppliers of mobile apps for small business. In just two short years since Andrew graduated from Chico State, he has built his business up to over $6 million in annual sales. APR


Business Concept Competition Finals & PITCH PARTY Friday: 5:00 to 8:00 PM, Selvester's Cafe. A first in Chico, this year the BCC finals will be part of a Pitch Party. Ten finalists will be competing for $1000 in prize money, not just with a static PowerPoint, but with an hour of “speed pitching” to over 40 judges who are all entrepreneurs, domain experts, or industry professionals. Open to everyone!

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