The Orion - Spring 2012, Week 13

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River sweeps student over falls Padula trying to wet his shirt in a pool of water at the overlook STAFF WRITER point, Collins said. The pool of water appeard calm A Chico State student who was hiking with friends at Feather because the water wasn’t rushing, so the current wasn’t Falls in Oroville on Sunvisible, he said. It was 90 day was swept away degrees that day and Padby a current and over a ula wanted to be cool for waterfall more than 400 the hike back to the trailfeet tall. head, but he slipped into Mitchell Padula, a the water. 28-year-old man near“The next thing they ing the completion of saw was him in the water his engineering degree, has not been found, said MITCHELL PADULA and they were trying to get him to grab onto rocks Steve Collins, sergeant at Chico State stuthe Butte County Sher- dent who fell over on the stream, but that waterfall Sunday. didn’t happen, he wasn’t iff ’s Office. able to,” Collins said. Collins said Padula The call came to authorities and his friends were hiking a fivemile trail and followed a footpath about 5 p.m. Sunday, he said. made by hikers over the years to Cal-Fire Butte, the Butte County an overlook point above the falls Sheriff ’s Office, Butte County Search and California Highway on Fall River. Padula’s friends told the Sher- Patrol responded to the call. “We always hope that there’s a rif’s department that they saw Natalie Eucce

chance that somebody’s clinging to a rock or a branch or something,” Collins said. “However, if a person went all the way down the falls then their chances of survival are very, very slim.” Padula’s family was notified between 8 and 9 p.m. that night, he said. Rescue teams searched until nightfall and had suspended the search until 11 a.m. Monday for visibility, Collins said. “That area has just sheer wall and at the bottom all it is is rock and water,” he said. A helicopter will fly over the falls every couple of days, said Kevin Lucero, lieutenant for Butte County Sheriff ’s Search and Rescue. Padula could be on the back side of the waterfall, which is not visible by air or ground, so teams are forced to wait for the water flow to calm down because the

MIDDLE ME THIS Assemblyman Marty Block advocates for the Middle Class Scholarship Act in Trinity Commons on Thursday. Proponents say the act would cut tuition for students who come from families making $30,000 to $150,000 a year.

danger to rescuers is too great, he said. “It could take weeks to a month,” Lucero said. “Quickmoving water flow is extremely dangerous for anybody, even including rescuers that are trained to read it and deal with it. One of our last options is to go in

the water itself, and in this type of situation we would not actually put anybody in the water just due to the sheer velocity and turbulence that is associated with the falls.” Natalie Eucce can be reached at

Grad grants safe for year Master’s level students still eligible for State University Grant in 2012-13 Juniper Rose A SST. NE WS EDITOR

The 23 California State University presidents and CSU Chancellor Charles Reed decided not to cut master’s level students’ State University Grants for the 2012-2013 academic year at a meeting Wednesday in Long Beach. Graduate students didn’t receive their financial award packages two weeks ago when undergraduate students got theirs because of the review by the CSU. The grant policy was being evaluated, and that policy and others will continue to be reviewed and evaluated in the future, said Mike Uhlenkamp, a spokesman for the CSU Chancellor’s Office. The decision to maintain the grants only applies for next year, Chico State President Paul Zingg said in an email interview. Several CSU presidents, including Zingg, argued that the funds should not be cut with such short notice, Zingg said. The grants are awarded to cover tuition, and average about $5,000 per semester for master’s level students, according a financial aid


Rally keeps middle in mind have been cut, but financial issues continue throughout the CSU system. STAFF WRITER Enrollment dropped, tuition went About 150 students ral- up and money is still being lost, said lied in an attempt to cut up to Jillian Ruddell, a non-voting CSU stutwo-thirds of tuition for middle dent trustee and senior multicultural and gender studies major. class students Thursday in MIDDLE CLASS Student clubs and orgaTrinity Commons. nizations attended to The rally, called Make it SCHOLARSHIP show support. Matter, centered on the Mid- ACT AT A The Community Legal dle Class Scholarship Act, GLANCE Information Center, the Genwhich proposes cutting der and Sexuality Equity tuition for families mak- Students Center and the Cross-Culing between $30,000 and from families tural Leadership Center $150,000, said Marty Block, with incomes between offered pamphlets and fliers chair of the Higher Education $30,000 and with information about their Committee. $150,000 could organizations and student The bill would save stu- have tuition involvement on campus. dents about $4,000 per year slashed by The event reached out and $16,000 over the stu- two-thirds. to plenty of students, said dents’ four years in the Erik Taylor, Associated StuCalifornia State University The bill could save students dents director of legislative system, he said. affairs. “These are dollars that about $4,000 “A lot of students learned will make a difference,” per year. more about the scholarship Block said. act, and they are pumped Chico State President Paul now,” he said. Zingg, who introduced the There do not seem to be many keynote speakers, lamented the lack of investment in higher education drawbacks to the proposed act, Taylor said. from the state. “The sole purpose is to help the The act is about “not just stopping cuts but reinvesting in higher educa- middle class students,” he said, “and for those who think it is bad, tion,” he said. Committee and organization funds >> please see RALLY | A4 Luke Minton

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RESPOND Cal-Fire Butte and Butte County Sherriff ’s Search and Rescue personnel plan search efforts Sunday at Feather Falls for Mitchell Padula.

document record. Reed agreed to appoint a group of presidents to study the issue beyond next year, Zingg said. “I think he was influenced by the arguments of the presidents not to change the SUG policy for graduate students so late in the year without thoroughly understanding the arguments and implications of doing so,” Zingg said. Students and faculty will be notified if any changes are going to be made, Uhlenkamp said. Students in the Graduate Council at Chico State have been working to raise awareness about the possibility of the cut to cash grants and are relieved and ready to protect their State University Grants in the future. “It is nice to know that just raising our voices made people aware and not just the administration but also our student body,” said Maija GlasierLawson, an anthropology graduate student. Daniel Levine, a political science graduate student, applauds the decision to keep the State University Grants but is still concerned, he said. “I personally don’t see this so much as a victory, but we are really going to use this as an awakening,” Levine said. “I just feel like at least folks can take a deep breath and they are not going to get beaten out of their funding for this semester. Now we just need to stay focused.” Juniper Rose can be reached at

Treatment changes for anxiety

Natalie Lessa STAFF WRITER

Anxiety, which has traditionally been treated with sedatives such as Xanax, Valium and Ativan, has caused students to become dependent on their medications, forcing a change in strategy by medical staffs. The addictive nature these drugs led to a call for policy changes, said Deborah Stewart, medical chief of staff at the Student Health Center. Students suffering with anxiety disorders used to be prescribed benzodiazepines first, but because of abuse, doctors are now prescribing antidepressants, Stewart said. “Policy has changed in accordance with professional guidelines,” she said.

They take it because it gets them drunk quicker, but in the morning they don’t remember a thing.

TIMOTHY SASAN senior construction management major

Antidepressants fall into a different type of medication and can take weeks to develop their full effect, she said. For this reason, benzodiazepines are prescribed for only a week or two. “Addiction to these medications is quite severe,” Stewart said. “They have very significant

side effects with other types of medications and with alcohol and usually require a medical withdrawal.” One in four college students has abused prescription drugs, according to a recent study on the National Council on Patient Information and Education’s website. Sedative drugs work by slowing down the central nervous system and creating a calming effect, which can be multiplied with the use of alcohol, according to the website. Timothy Sasan, a former Chico State student who now attends College of Marin, has had many friends who got addicted, he said. “They take it because it gets them drunk quicker, but in the >> please see ABUSE | A4








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Check out Mini Con, an annual event to celebrate your inner nerd. Story B1

Want to stay in Chico this summer? Check out Stephanie Geske’s summer job guide. Story B5

Opinion Read about the differences between our animal kingdom and the United Kingdom. Column B7

full week A2 >> Turn to A3 to read about Wednesday’s candidates’ debate. The Associated Students election will be held through noon Friday. Vote online at

Visit for continuing election coverage and up to the minute results.

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WEATHER >> today | thunder showers

70 51 The resignation of Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte leaves the Netherlands leaderless. A lack of support from Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom for an $18.6 billion austerity package led to the resignation. The party has been accused of inciting hatred against Muslims. Source: CNN

Wal-Mart is conducting an investigation into the bribery of foreign officials by senior Wal-Mart executives and lawyers. A New York Times article Saturday alleged that Wal-Mart de Mexico executives paid $24 million in bribes to secure construction permits throughout Mexico. Source: CNN


An unexpected storm hit the Northeast early this week, and up to a foot of snow is expected in some places. More than 75,000 homes lost power in Pennsylvania and New York. The storm follows the warmest March on record for the region. Source: MSNBC

The number of Mexican immigrants in the U.S. has declined to a standstill. From 2005 to 2010, 1.37 million Mexican immigrants entered the U.S. while 1.39 million left the U.S. to return to Mexico, according to a report by the Pew Hispanic Center. Source: CNN


The third discovery of human artifacts at the $1 billion Genesis Solar Energy Project has Native American tribes in the desert east of Los Angeles demanding that President Barack Obama’s administration slow energy projects along the Colorado River.

thursday | partly cloudy

friday | sunny

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saturday | sunny

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sunday | sunny

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monday | sunny

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tuesday | sunny

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83 56 BREAK IT Sarah Ortiz sings “I’m Alive” by Becca during the Day of Silence event on Thursday.

Faculty start vote to strike on campus While faculty have been voting online since last week for a strike authorization over their contract, the faculty union and California State University will reopen talks in May.

hope such an action will be avoidable, I believe our faculty clearly recognizes the need to communicate to the chancellor and the board of trustees that educators are a resource worth investing in and that we and our students have been neglected for too long. Simply put, our faculty are Aubrey Crosby always standing up for quality STAFF WRITER education.” Vince Ornelas, president of The California Faculty Association, which started voting the Chico State chapter of the for a fall strike authorization faculty union, said the CFA’s last week, expects support for displeasure is with Reed. “We have been in the negothe strike amid reopening of discussion with the California tiation process for about two years, and we are about twoState University system. The union will determine thirds through the process,” this week whether to give Ornelas said. When the CFA strike vote members the right to strike at went live on campuses, the the start of fall 2012. If a majority of faculty mem- CSU announced it would bers vote in favor of the strike reopen negotiations in May, he authorization, CSU campuses said. This will allow two negocould close for a few days at tiations for the same contract, the beginning of the semes- leading to the possibility of a ter, said David Bradfield, CFA faster solution, and may leave chapter president for Cal State out the possibility of a strike if a compromise is met. Dominguez Hills. “We view this as The strike vote a positive developis taking place ment and the first because of contract most immediate disagreements impact of the vote,” between the CSU and the CFA, said Students are in Ornelas said. The fact-findMike Uhlenkamp, a a place where ing stage, which spokesman for the CSU Chancellor’s their education allows the faculty is being union and CSU to Office. Voting started compromised, present their arguments and evidence at Chico State and they to a neutral party, Monday, and the understand will continue. turnout has been The reopengreat so far, said this. ing of negotiations Susan Green, the will occur May 3 statewide treasurer VINCE ORNELAS and 4 and is sepaof the CFA. President of the Chico rate to include just “The faculty is State chapter of the representatives for very excited to exerCalifornia Faculty the CFA and CSU, cise their opinion Association Uhlenkamp said. and right to vote,” “Both sides have Green said. Online voting, which indicated a desire to reach a started last week at the 23 CSU negotiation agreement,” he campuses, has been popu- said. “We both agreed to conlar among faculty members, tinue negotiating the contract while the process has been she said. Fresno State has seen a good reopened. It’s taking two parturnout at its polls, said Lisa allel paths.” While the negotiation proWeston, the Fresno State CFA cess will be reopened, Ornelas chapter president. “I am fairly sure we are would rather see an “easy” going to get a vote in favor end come from Reed or Zingg, of the strike authorization,” he said. “What we want is to have the Weston said. As of Wednesday, up to 35 chancellor tell his bargaining percent of Fresno State’s fac- team to find a final and peaceulty voted at the polls, but ful ending with us,” Ornelas the number is probably much said. “Zingg could also just as easily pick up his phone, call higher, she said. “We are doing a fairly good the other presidents and find a job, but most of our people quick ending to negotiations.” The faculty union is trying are voting online,” Weston said. “We don’t get to see the to gain student support by askonline numbers until the vote ing them to sign a petition in favor of Gov. Jerry Brown’s revis over.” Of the 300 CFA members enue initiative, which would at Cal State San Marcos, 100 raise California sales tax by voted at the polls in the first half a cent to raise money for two days, with a larger turn- higher education. “Students are in a place out expected online, said Don Barrett, president of the Cal where their education is being State San Marcos chapter of compromised, and they understand this,” Ornelas said. the CFA. A vote in favor of the strike “They have been involved and is almost certain, said Jarret supportive through the whole Lovell, Cal State Fullerton CFA process so far because they can see the quality of their chapter vice president. “My belief is that when the education eroding in front votes are tallied, the Fuller- of them.” ton faculty will be united in favor of authorizing a strike Aubrey Crosby can be reached at vote,” Lovell said. “While we

“ “


Students keep quiet to have gay pride heard Natalie Eucce STAFF WRITER

On Thursday, silence was heard. Chico State’s Prime Time Productions hosted its fifth annual Pride Week for the community. The event was previously called Day of Silence Week, but the organization wanted to emphasize pride rather than just an individual day, said Shyna Deepak, Prime Time Productions’ diversity and social awareness coordinator. Day of Silence is an international event that was created by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network in 1996 after a bullied student was murdered. Day of Silence brings attention to harassment by having those who usually speak out against it remain silent in support, Deepak said. Ant, a comedian seen on shows like “Last Comic Standing” and “The Tyra Banks Show,” performed Wednesday at UHUB. He is famous in the gay community and came to Chico State to support Pride Week and do stand-up comedy, said Evan Thibeau, the Residence Hall Association diversity coordinator. “Students take a vow of silence to raise awareness of what it feels like to

be silenced like closeted homosexuals or members of the LGBT community,” Thibeau said. Some people wore Day of Silence T-shirts while others duct taped their mouths, he said. “Duct taping your mouth is a totally different feeling than just staying silent to the outside,” Thibeau said. “It sends the message harder than just staying silent.” An open-mic night was held where people broke their silence with poetry, fiction works and short stories about LGBTQ issues. Pride Week gives people a chance to meet those with different sexual preferences and realize that while they might dress differently, they all have the same problems, dreams and hopes, Ant said. He added that gay people who remain “in the closet” only create more homophobia and misunderstandings about the LGBTQ community. “Pride Week is an essential part of our visibility,” Ant said, “because it says, ‘You might not think you see us, but here we are.’” Natalie Eucce can be reached at

City approves liquor chain in vote Kjerstin Wood STAFF WRITER

BevMo, a liquor store chain that has been protested by locally owned businesses, is coming to Chico, as City Council voted 5-0 Tuesday in support of the business opening on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway. Chico police studied to see if there was a “public necessity” for another business to be granted type 21 and type 42 liquor licenses by Alcoholic Beverage Control, Chico police Sgt. Rob Merrifield said. The police department found no reason to oppose BevMo’s Chico opening and recommended that the Council approve the request, Merrifield said during the City Council meeting. BevMo does not sell cigarettes or pornographic material, unlike many liquor and convenience stores, which makes it even less of a threat to public safety, he said. Local business owners who sell alcohol are concerned that another corporate chain will detract from the “mom-andpop” businesses in Chico, said Timothy Finn, who works for a family-owned alcohol distribution company, to the Council. “There are so many problems blamed on alcohol,” Finn said. “Why are we bringing in another source to the problem?” Liz Zaninovich, a BevMo representative, said the chain has an excellent record with Alcoholic Beverage Control. The company has had four infractions in its last 13 million transactions,

Zaninovich said to the Council. “We do understand concerns about public safety and selling to minors,” she said. Compared to liquor store prices in town, BevMo’s lower prices are fair, said Ethan McEnroe, a senior animal science major. “BevMo is like the Costco for alcohol,” McEnroe said. Keshav and Prince Pabbi of Star Liquors presented 19 signatures from area stores protesting the chain’s Chico location. While there is always the potential for students to abuse a business like this, it may not be worse than other places that sell low-priced alcohol, McEnroe said. Big weekends in Chico, like Labor Day, could become even more unsafe, said Christie Smith, a sophomore biology major. “People could buy more alcohol, drink too much and get hurt,” Smith said. But it could also reduce the number of people walking to stores downtown at night because they would stock up at BevMo, she said. The Council’s role is not to determine if the business should be in town but to analyze where it will be located and how it will operate under city codes, Councilman Andy Holcombe said. “From my point of view, we legally should support it,” Holcombe said. Mayor Ann Schwab also recommended the Council approve the opening. Kjerstin Wood can be reached at

Source: Los Angeles Times

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A measure to end the death penalty in California will be on the November ballot. If passed, California will use a life term without possibility of parole instead of capital punishment. California has executed 13 inmates over the last 23 years. Source: Los Angeles Times

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DIFFERENT TAKES Associated Students presidential candidates Jaypinderpal Virdee [LEFT] and Shane Morey [RIGHT] debate on Wednesday at the Bell Memorial Union auditorium. Virdee advocated for the Middle Class Scholarship Act and Morey chided the leadership of current A.S. officers.

A.S. candidates take platforms to stage Dan Reidel A SST. NE WS EDITOR

Associated Students presidential candidate Shane Morey criticized A.S. leadership Wednesday during a debate that was moderated by current President London Long ahead of this week’s election. Long didn’t advocate for democracy or for what students wanted, Morey said. He cited that students voted in April 2011 for A.S. to advocate against the Normal Street parking structure, which is scheduled for completion this year. Long, who was asking the questions, seemed to continue running the debate with composure. About 50 students attended the debate. If elected, Morey would support movements like Occupy Chico State, because they are doing things to save education, he said. His opponent, Jaypinderpal Virdee, current A.S. commissioner of community affairs, kept his focus on advocating for the Middle Class Scholarship Act, his enjoyment of college and his attempt to keep A.S. transparent to the student population. “There’s such things as the Middle Class Scholarship Act, and what that allows is students to save up to $4,000 per year for their education,” Virdee said. These savings will allow students to spend time on the things they are passionate about, he said. If elected, Virdee promised to supply students with the information needed to be informed and active about A.S. policies. The debate for executive vice president turned to other issues. The biggest issue for A.S. other than finance is transparency, said Michael Barrett,

an executive vice president candidate who Council and city members, candidate Brenna stood to answer questions. Dillman said. [Disclaimer: Dillman works for Bianka Perez, the other candidate for exec- The Orion.] utive vice president, disagreed. Dillman spoke about the new noise ordiA.S. needs to utilize resources to nance Chico is proposing. show that Chico State is a great camStudents have to act, she said. Chico pus and bring more people to events, MORE ON A.S. City Council needs to know students ELECTIONS Perez said. don’t want the noise ordinance. The Wildcat Store was the main Candidate Krista Farnady hopes to topic for the vice president of busi- A.S. elections integrate Chico State students into started Tuesness and finance candidates. high schools in the area to improve day and end at People don’t trust the Wildcat Store, communication lines, she said. noon Friday. said Shane Franklin Rogers, one of Farnady spoke with Chico police the candidates. Even professors try Vote online at to learn more about the noise ordito find cheaper textbooks online nance and found that the ordinance for students. is up to the officer’s discretion, One way to turn the store’s losses Read the she said. around is through textbook rentals candidates’ “If someone was to call in a noise and making digital textbooks a viable platforms at complaint, they would have to testify option, Rogers said. in court against you,” Farnady said. The other candidates for vice presThe old noise ordinance worked, Read The ident of business and finance had candidate Zach Keller said. Orion’s reacdifferent takes. “Only 1 percent of the calls ended tion to the The Wildcat Store makes more debates on B7 up having to go back a second time,” money in reusing textbooks, said he said. Keaton Bass, one of the candidates. The two hopefuls for director of [Disclaimer: Bass works for The Orion.] university affairs spoke on education and E-books only accounts for 5 percent of the class availability. market, and the store has lost $3.5 million The revamping of the upper-division since 2009, Bass said. themes into pathways is the first step toward A.S. is a nonprofit organization that needs providing an education that lasts a lifetime, to start thinking profitably, said Weijie Ho, said Spencer Hepworth, a candidate for directhe third candidate. The Wildcat Store should tor of university affairs. focus on recouping losses through the used The best weapons to help students get textbook market. classes are students, candidate Nick Bremner The candidates for commissioner of com- said. Students need to let the school know munity affairs turned to the relationship they are not OK with losing classes. between Chico State and the community. The biggest challenge of the position is Dan Reidel can be reached at communicating between students, the City

The Gender and Sexuality Equity Center will host its fourth annual LGBTQ Leadership Conference from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday at the Bell Memorial Union Room 210. The conference will feature guests such as Jillian Ruddell, who founded the conference and is a California State University student trustee. Source: Campus Calendar


Visit Thursday to read about Chico State’s Town Hall where about 650 students learned about political issues such as budget cuts to higher education.

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POLICE BLOTTER Information cited directly from Chico Police Department and University Police. The male subject is the female’s ex-boyfriend, and she is upset over the ownership of a white Pontiac.� University Police

Chico Police Department Thursday, 10:15 a.m.: Harassment reported on the 200 block of Main Street. “Ongoing problem with subject coming into businesses and harassing employees. Most recently he told them that he has been taking their business cards and putting his name on them and telling people that they can buy drugs at reporting party’s place of business. Subject has also been hanging around at closing time and waiting for reporting party’s 19-year-old daughter.â€? Thursday, 10:33 p.m.: Shots heard reported on the 700 block of West 12th Street. “Two shots heard, sounded small caliber. When reporting party stepped out to investigate, she noticed a subject standing at the corner of 12th and Ivy who appeared to be holding something at his side like a longer ďŹ rearm but unknown.â€?

Thursday, 2:59 a.m.: Drunk in public reported at the rugby field. “Subject walking around field, appears to have been drinking.� Thursday, 7:36 a.m.: Welfare check requested on the south side of Kendall Hall. “Subject sleeping by flagpole. Student taking a nap.�

Thursday, 8:56 a.m.: Medical aid — non-alcoholic reported in Tehama Hall. “Female passed out. Medical requested. Fire and medics at scene. Female Reporting party says staying in class, report taken.� a female is spraying


mace on a male subject. The male subject is the female’s ex-boyfriend, and she is upset over the ownership of a white Pontiac.


SATURDAY 8:58 A.M. Chico police records

Friday, 2:22 a.m.: Drunk in public reported on the 700 block of East Ninth Street. “Man yelling. Reporting party in his house and will not look. Subject between 9th and Cypress eeing in his gray Honda.â€? Friday, 10:59 p.m.: Threats reported on the 1000 block of Mayette Drive. “Ex-boyfriend is sending threatening texts to reporting party’s cell. Posted naked pictures of reporting party on Craigslist with her phone number.â€? Saturday, 8:58 a.m.: Domestic dispute reported on Olive Street. “Reporting party says a female is spraying mace on a male subject.

Friday, 8:14 p.m.: Narcotics violation reported in University Village. “Resident adviser reports the smell of marijuana. Negative contact. No one answered door — housing to handle.�

Saturday, 1:07 a.m.: Battery reported at the Wildcat Recreation Center. “Reporting party reporting she went to a party at Second and Hazel, had been drinking. She left the party and walked to the WREC. Next thing she remembers she was in the creek with cuts and bruises to her head.� Saturday, 7:19 p.m.: Rape reported on the 400 block of West Fourth Street. “Chico Police Department reporting they are at Enloe with victim.� -Compiled by August Walsh and Dan Reidel


LISTEN UP Nicole Munoz-Proulx [RIGHT] informs students about the Gender and Sexuality Equity Center at the Make it Matter event on Thursday. Speakers at the event included Chico State President Paul Zingg.

RALLY: Students make dierence continued from A1

who might try to ďŹ nd some things bad in it, is just a blatant attempt to continue to defund higher education.â€? The event, which was coordinated by A.S., was well received, said Elyse Gutowski, A.S. executive vice president. “It had a very positive impact on our campus,â€? Gutowski said. “It is important to see someone

was trying to make a dierence.â€? Students can sign the petition at and upload videos stating why this act matters to them, Block said. “You can make it matter by taking part in these activities,â€? he said. The Orion can be reached at

ABUSE: Disorder stays mystery continued from A1

morning they don’t remember a thing,� he said. Sasaan thinks sedative addiction is a problem at Chico State and probably at other campuses, he said. Memory loss is one side effect, as well as impaired judgment, coordination, driving ability and seizures from withdrawal, Stewart said. At Enloe Medical Center, there are severe cases of anxiety and other mental illnesses, said Barbra Maguire, the nurse educator in behaviorial health there. But having anxiety

isn’t always a bad thing, Maguire said. Anxiety fuels students to do well on exams, apply themselves in school or prepare for an interview, she said. “It’s a natural reaction, like when you see a cop car in your rearview mirror and get nervous,� Maguire said. When the anxiety begins to hinder daily chores and responsibilities and the worrying becomes so strong that you can’t even show up to take the test, it’s a disorder, she said. Generalized anxiety disorder can be genetic, but no one is sure why people have

it, Stewart said. Researchers believe it may be part of an evolutionary process, being that those individuals who were always scanning their environment were more likely to see potential dangers, and thus anxiety was created. Humans may have used it as a survival technique thousands of years ago, but generalized anxiety disorder now continues to be a growing problem on college campuses as health care professionals develop policies regarding its treatment, she said. Natalie Lessa can be reached at

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The baseball team scored eight runs in the ninth inning to beat Sonoma State Story online at theorion. com/sports


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Stay on your feet Cold as ice Drinking, diapers and drugs – if those don’t say team bonding, I don’t know what does. The creativity in today’s college sports hazing is hitting a new level of embarrassment, and if dressing up a rookie in an embarrassing outfit wasn’t enough, popping pills and wine chugs are now done regularly. Hazing can be defined as any humiliating act performed as a rite of passage or initiation into a group of people, which could trickle down to rookies carrying an abundance of athletic equipment and dirty uniforms. I don’t think these more harmless things should be classified with such a dirty word, but to be under the assumption that hazing doesn’t happen at Chico State or anywhere else is even more ignorant than I can wrap my head around. My astonishment continues when a school that claims to have a zero tolerance policy and doesn’t handle punishment for hazing “in-house” continues to sweep those incidences under the rug. If they won’t hold the athletes responsible for their actions, I’m confused as to who holds the athletic department responsible for theirs. My friends have gone through hazing, and when I grimace at the picture of them wearing nothing but a diaper with a handle of whiskey duct-taped to their hand, they immediately attribute it to team bonding. Wake up. Funneling alcohol or forcing ecstasy pills onto your teammate or brother is not team bonding. It’s dangerous, and Chico State is all too familiar with what happens when hazing is taken too far – remember Matthew Carrington? Carrington was pledging to a fraternity in 2005 when a hazing ritual took his life. While I hope that athletes are more aware of the damage they are doing to their bodies, my concern lies with how they have been socially conditioned to accept hazing traditions. Rookie night is rookie night no matter the name you give it, and a zero tolerance policy is not meant to discourage athletes from coming forward. While peer pressure in college is one thing, students who represent Chico State on a nationwide platform should not have the option to have their hazing incidences covered up by an athletic department or coach who has their eye on another title. Rookie nights are dangerous and can spin out of control very quickly unless there is mercy shown from another teammate. The line should have been drawn at forcing members to compete in a wine chug, but in today’s society, athletes have no problem with biting the bullet and accepting their fate as a new member of the team. The likelihood that rookie nights will cease to exist is about as likely as Chico State bringing back the football team, and there needs to be some responsibility somewhere before the athletic department has its own Carrington on its hands. Allie Colosky can be reached at

HAZING The dangerous taboo that slips by unnoticed in college athletics

what’s really in a name?

athletic hazing breakdown total numbers of ncaa athletes surveyed: 350,000

ha • zing v. [-S, pl.] 1. Force a new or potential member of a group to perform strenuous, humiliating or dangerous tasks. 2. An initiation process involving moderate to severe harassment.

Chico State’s zero tolerance policy in athletics still hazy Adam Levine Price Peterson Allie Colosky THE ORION

While Chico State maintains a zero tolerance policy against hazing, the athletic department’s determinations of what constitutes the crime are concrete in policy, but seem ambiguous in application. Chico State student-athletes caught being involved in hazing will be reported to Student Judicial Affairs, Athletic Director Anita Barker said. The athletic department would never try to handle these issues “in-house,” she said. “Nothing has come across my desk regarding hazing in years,” she said. However, in an incident last year involving the Chico State softball team, multiple players were benched after a coach learned of a “rookie night” where older players had been singling out rookies and making them drink alcohol, said a player on the team at the time who wishes to remain anonymous. The coach and coaches of other teams in the department had sit-downs with their teams regarding the incident to reminded them of hazing rules. When asked about this incident, Barker said the department filed a violation of conduct – as is common with most events involving illegal drinking – and the matter was solved. Barker said this incident was a matter of

79% of athletes experience hazing (about 255,637)

only 21% of athletes have not experienced hazing

40% of athletes say they would report hazing


hazing laws in united states MATT’S LAW A California law that allows for felony prosecutions when serious injuries or deaths result from hazing. Enacted after the death of Chico State student Matthew Carrington died of water intoxication as the result of a fraternity pledging ritual in 2005.



states have anti-hazing laws

conduct and not hazing. There were no hazing incidences involving non-club teams reported to Student Judicial Affairs in the last year, according to the 2009-2010 Student Judicial Affairs Annual Report. There were 14 reports of hazing at Chico State in 2009-2010 but the three involving athletics were issues with club teams. The athletic department tries to prevent hazing by keeping student-athletes informed as to what they can and cannot do, Barker said. “Our student-athletes go through a compliance meeting every fall where they learn about the NCAA and university policies and other things of that nature,” she


states have no anti-hazing laws

said. “During that time we educate them as to what is considered hazing.” After the meeting student-athletes are required to sign a form acknowledging that they fully understand what they were taught and that they are now liable for their behaviors. Track and field head coach Kirk Freitas has never seen any kind of hazing within his program, he said. “Hazing is brutal, and you simply can’t allow it by any means,” he said. “I haven’t ever seen it out on the track, but I make it clear to my athletes that it is unacceptable.”

MORE ON HAZING In both club and team sports, see A7.

The Orion can be reached at

j[ ock ] talk

How do you feel about hazing?”

“I’ve never been hazed, but if I were I would hate it. I don’t like being picked on.”

“It gives people a bad taste in their mouth. It destroys team relationships.”

“There is an extent on how far hazing can go. I just think it shouldn’t happen.”

Kelli Keefe

Zach Long

McKenzie Dalthorp

freshman | softball

sophomore | track and field

sophomore | women’s basketball

A7 |

sports all week @



Hazing’s familiar face Club sports record more hazing violations or covert technique, impair, make captive or destroy an individual’s A SST. SPORTS EDITOR freedom of thought or choice.” Club sports are separate from Hazing is recognized in college, but the ugly act pops its varsity sports but fall under the head up more often in club sports same rules regarding hazing. Bryce Tavano, the president of than in varsity athletics. The women’s rugby team was the men’s lacrosse team, thinks subject to punishment when an new players have to put in their incident involving alcohol was time by carrying the water cooler and being subject to ridicule but reported in 2010. The club’s season was sus- not to the extent that it will dampended and the players have age the person, he said. “Technically, havjust recently been ing them carry the water back on the field cooler is hazing, but no in competition. one enforces it or reports Genevive Macaraeg, a it,” Tavano said. junior first-year player Violations Club teams sign a conon the team, wasn’t tract with the university to deterred from joining are more ensure the enforcement of and didn’t think hazoften for the no-hazing policy, but ing was even an issue us, and I incidents only get noticed at Chico State, she said. She was unaware of think the if reported. Club sports teams the incident until after university are not included in the she was on the team is National Collegiate Athwhen it was mentioned definitely letic Association rules and in hopes of preventing sanctions like the varsity other cases. aware of teams are, so enforcement “With hazing you that. of rules for club teams is have to have the mindwith the university. set to know it will get The university tends you in trouble and cost BRYCE TAVANO to pay more attention to you your education,” men’s lacrosse the club sports regardMacaraeg said. ing hazing, Tavano said. Hazing is “any The NCAA watches varmethod of initiation or preinitiation into a student sity teams and has more severe organization or student body, consequences when there is a whether or not the organization violation because there is more or body is officially recognized at stake regarding scholarships. “We play to pay, and in a sense by an educational institution, which is likely to cause serious it is different for us,” Tavano bodily injury to any former, cur- said. “Violations are more often rent or prospective student of any for us, and I think the university school,” according to the Califor- is definitely aware of that.” New players are often subject nia Penal Code. Chico State has a zero-toler- to a hard time on sports teams but will join the ranks as time ance policy for hazing. The club sport code of conduct goes on. Micaela Hayden, the presicontract states, “No individual nor organization may, by physi- dent of the women’s lacrosse cal or mental stress or by subtle team, doesn’t consider giving the Andrew Delgado

WILDCAT off the


Eric Frazzetta men’s golf The senior golfer was tied for first place after going 4-under par-68 in the California Collegiate Athletic Association Championship tournament Monday. The Long Beach native led four other Wildcats in the top 10 as they chased their first ever CCAA title and sixth tournament win.

Wildcat of the Week is a regular feature meant to acknowledge the contributions made by individuals to the team. Winners are chosen by The Orion sports staff from nominations taken from all sports. To nominate:



“ “


DANGEROUS HAZING There were 14 reports of hazing at Chico State in 20092010, according to the Annual Report produced by Student Judicial Affairs. Only three involved an athletic team, all of which were club sports. rookies a little extra work to do hazing, she said. “We have the rookies carry the water bottles and have them arrive an hour early before games and practices to set up the goals,” she said. For more serious hazing involving drinking and humiliation, club sports presidents and

officers are required to take a class that shows what hazing is and what will happen if players are found participating. “It was almost a scare tactic,” Hayden said. “We know what is hazing and what is not.” Andrew Delgado can be reached at

QUESTIONABLE HAZING The definition of hazing has many people confused. Having rookies participate in grunt work may seem acceptable to some but unnecessary work [left] could be questionable to others.

(BASEBALL) The number of runs scored in the ninth inning in the Capitol City Clash against Sonoma State. The Wildcats came from behind 7-1 to steal the series from the Seawolves.

1 (TRACK AND FIELD) The place freshman Erika Kalmar finished in the 400-meter dash, posting a time of 56.99 seconds at the Woody Wilson Classic on Saturday in Davis.


Varsity athletics push for zero tolerance hazing policy Andrew Delgado Carly Caumiant THE ORION


The number of strike outs senior pitcher Sam Baker threw in the regular season to help the Wildcats earn a No. 3-seed in the California Collegiate Athletic Association tournament.

s t r o sh Recap

o St of Chic

ate At

Athletic hazing is an issue that has become taboo on college campuses. Chico State varsity athletes understand the severity of hazing and have become their own watchdogs in order to keep the Wildcat reputation positive, but some athletes and those in the athletic department may be unaware of what constitutes as hazing. Michael Storer, a senior track and field athlete, has never been involved in hazing at Chico State but is familiar with the issue, he said. “I think there’s a really broad sense of what hazing really is,” Storer said. “I looked it up in the dictionary, and they say it’s harassment or any sort of ridicule to a person. A simple prank could be considered hazing.” There have been past incidents in which individuals in the community have died because of hazing, Storer said. They were forced to do

something against their will solely to have some sort of positive effect on their image. On sports teams, it is common to give the workload to the firstyear players to welcome them to the team. “I don’t see it as hazing,” Storer said. “I see it more as showing respect for the system. I think a senior helps out just as much as a freshman does.” Women’s soccer head coach Kim Sutton defines hazing as depreciating a player or singling out a certain group in such a way that it becomes malicious, she said. “We have rookies set up goals and set up the field during practices, and that isn’t hazing,” Sutton said. “We also have rookie appreciation day where the roles are switched and the upperclassmen set up the field to let the rookies know we are a team.” Natasha Smith, a senior guard on the women’s basketball team, had a light hazing such as carrying dirty uniforms after a game, always being the last in line to eat and being the

The women’s lacrosse team lost to UCLA 17-5 in the Western Women’s Lacrosse League playoffs. The Wildcats had made it to the Division I quarterfinals.

s hletic source: The Orion FILE PHOTO • FRANK REBELO

last to choose a seat on the vans to away games. “I really didn’t like it because it separates you from feeling a whole part of the team,” Smith said. “It’s kind of belittling to me because it seems like since you’re younger you have more responsibilities when I think everyone should be responsible for themselves.” The acts of hazing seen at Chico State are not anything extreme, said Ben Manlove, a junior catcher on the baseball team. “I personally don’t do that,” Manlove said. “I like to make people feel included right away.” Wildcats have relied on themselves and team leaders to police hazing and set the example. “With basketball it hasn’t really been an issue, but we hear about other sports teams and then we’re warned not to do certain things,” Smith said. “I think it comes from the leaders on the team, so that’s why we see it in some sports and not others.” Sutton has relied on her team

The men’s lacrosse team is on the cusp of playoffs as they head to San Luis Obispo for its final game of the regular season. The Wildcats are currently 8-3.

leaders to communicate with members in hopes of preventing any form of hazing, she said. “I have a real great communication line to my players,” Sutton said. “My players come to me if they have an issue, and if something happens somehow I always find out.” Wildcats usually realize that one incident can damage not only their college career but the program. “We’re here to compete, and that’s what we really want to do,” Smith said. “You can have fun at a certain time, but when season is under way, it’s time to control your habits.” Women’s basketball head coach Brian Fogel is aware of the rookies carrying bags on trips but doesn’t consider that enough to cross the line as hazing, he said. “I don’t believe in it,” Fogel said. “In all my years playing and coaching I have never came across hazing, and it hasn’t been an issue here.” The Orion can be reached at

The softball team finished its season winning eight of its last 10 games. The team travels to Stockton for the first round of the CCAA tournament Friday.

source: The Orion




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Location 1175 E. 8th St. 1245 Esplanade #12 742 W. 6th St. #D 371 E. 7th St. #1,2 1245 Esplanade #4,5,6 606 Cherry St. #2 638 Chestnut A 709 Flume 668 E. 4th St. #3,4 925 Chestnut #2 238 Hazel #3 528 W. 7th St. 536 W. 7th St. 1144 Hobart #3 1048 1/2 Warner HOUSES

Location 715 Flume St. 1048 Warner St. 540 W. 4th Ave. 718 W. 6th St. 1427 Hobart St. 881 Ashbury Ct. 1205 Warner St.

(530) 895-1733 1382 Longfellow Ave. Chico


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Get your jazz hands ready to dance along to Chico State’s Jazz Ensemble Story B2



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Bridging a Jeneration There she blows Behind the bushes on Salem Street between Taylor Hall and Madison Bear Garden lies a tiny room hotter than the overdue sunshine this weekend. It’s Taylor Hall Room 100, otherwise known as the glassblowing studio, and unless you’ve taken a glassblowing class at Chico State, chances are you’ve probably walked right by it numerous times and never even noticed it. I’ve always had a fascination with glassblowing and when I started this semester as arts editor I made it my personal goal to actually blow glass before the semester was up. Thanks to a friend of a friend, I finally did. And let me just say that I had to blow a lot harder than I thought I would. When I showed up to the studio, I was given a brief and informative hands-on demonstration by Robert Herhusky, a professor of art. He handed me a pair of safety goggles and an experience I won’t be forgetting anytime soon. Blowing glass is like blowing bubbles, except it’s a million times hotter, you have to blow a lot harder and instead of the bubble floating away graciously, it morphs into a weird shape if you don’t know BLOW IT UP what you’re doing, which Scan the QR is what hap- code below to watch my pened to me. hands-on Because the glass gets experience at the extremely hot glassblowing after being studio. put in the furnace you have to work quickly and, as I learned, in pairs or as a team. I wasn’t allowed anywhere near the furnace, but even if I had been there’s no way in hell I would have done it. I know I can be a hot mess sometimes, but I didn’t need to suddenly be literal about it. My hands-on fun lasted about 20 minutes or so, and then I hung out and watched the glassblowing students make their own creations, such as caterpillars and mugs, working together to help each other out. Apparently when you want to add the handle to a mug it’s a lot easier if you have a friend helping. Or a few arms. Although I didn’t actually make anything, I did learn a lot and left much more curious than I was when I walked in, and I still made it home with a souvenir thanks to one of the students in the studio. For anyone else interested in glassblowing, classes are offered to beginning students. Check it out, and who knows, you just may see me in one of your classes behind a sweet pair of safety shades. Just don’t expect me to get anywhere near the furnace or any type of flames for the first few months. Try me again when fire isn’t so hot or when glass can be melted by other means. Ice anyone?


Fans of the annual Comic-Con event held in San Diego without the means or desire to head south were in for a treat Saturday as Tehama Hall became host to Chico State’s Mini Con, bringing anime, card and game fans together. The convention, scheduled to last eight hours, included a video game tournament, a variety of panels including “Life in Japan,” “How to Doodle” and “Time Travel 101.” This was the sixth time Mini Con was put on at Chico State, and it was a joint venture between the Japanese Animation Club, Japanese Fusion and the Harry Potter Club. There were about 45 people at the event, and those who felt adventurous went in costume, while some with a craving for magic got lost in the “Magic: The Gathering” room. Mini Con works as an event to give back to the campus and de-stress, said Chris Brand, a senior anthropology major and volunteer at the convention. “It’s to help spread the subculture of being a nerd,” he said. The video game room was busy with activity and a Super Smash Bros. Brawl tournament, while the swap meet room held Chico businesses and merchants selling their merchandise. Part of the experience is the pleasure of putting on an event yourself, said Kyle Erickson, a volunteer and health science major. “If you don’t get to go out to a lot of the bigger conventions, it’s a little slice of that experience,” he said. The convention is open to experimenting with a larger variation of games and consoles in the future if more people become involved, Erickson said. As the day progressed, attendees went from panel to panel, learning and sharing different aspects of what makes comics, movies and games appreciable. The most popular panel was “Cosplay: Overdoing It.” Cosplay is short for “costume play,” a sort of performance art in which participants dress up as their favorite characters. The panel went over the best materials and techniques for making costumes. Panelist Adam Cullen compared cosplay to football fans in all their gear at a live game. “When we go to a convention, people really freak out and they really love us,” he said. Making costumes takes a lot of time and practice, as learning how to model, hunt down sales and learn from past mistakes is key in progressing, Cullen said. The smallest details can sometimes bring out the best in some of the costumes. After the panels ended, the free comics had been handed out and the swap meet had calmed down, the rest of the convention awaited its end.

COMICS COMICS [right and below] Images from popular anime, comics and games can often be seen at comic conventions such as Chico State’s Mini Con or the larger event, ComicCon, held annually in San Diego.

Juan Mejia can be reached at

Jen Moreno can be reached at

VIRAL VIDEOS >> speaking

“Told myself that you were right for me but felt so lonely in your company.” Gotye “Somebody That I Used To Know” 2011

Go online to

“Hot Problems (official single) Double Take” YouTube Blond hair and blue eyes can only get you so far. Apparently hot girls aren’t perfect and face their own problems, just like all the less hot people.

“‘Call Me Maybe’ by Carly Rae Jepsen - Feat. Justin Bieber, Selena, Ashley Tisdale & MORE!” YouTube The young stars and company decide to make their own video while donning mustaches, sunglasses and even a cameo banana.

theorion. com/cale /calenda ndarr to find events going on in Chico

B2 |

Each week a DIY art ote: project will be featured Editor’s Nwith a step-by-step guide.

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ed: d e e n s l Materia • T-shirt

• Duct tape • Scissors

Tee-rriffic tote bags Steps Paige Fuentes STAFF WRITER

Revamp your old concert T-shirts or favorite ratty graphic tee into a simple, stylish tote bag. Don’t spend your hard-earned money on a tote or use those harmful plastic bags when you can whip up a bag yourself. Flaunt your new tote bag and be proud to tell your friends that, yes, you made it yourself.

1. Turn shirt inside out. 2. Tape the bottom opening of the shirt. Make sure it sticks.

3. Turn shirt right side out again. 4. Cut sleeves and neckline out to create straps.


Shape bag and straps to your own liking.

Paige Fuentes can be reached at


TEE-BAGGING If you’re not ready to get rid of your ex’s tees just yet, turn them into awesome totes that you can carry around with you wherever you go.

Music cloud hovers Annual jazz fest over local website enlivens theater Nicole Walker STAFF WRITER

Among the clouds and into cyberspace, a new uprising of music awaits. Chico Music Cloud is a website created to highlight the musical talent of bands and artists in Northern California. Wild Oak Music Group has been working on the site since spring 2010 and will officially launch it Sunday. Chico Music Cloud makes music available for customers and businesses by acting as a gateway for musicians in the Wild Oak area through any is always device. being a Most students are unaware of forefront at the music scene Chico State in town, said Paul to reflect Friedlander, the changes in Wild Oak Music Group adviser the music and a professor industry. of music. “Chico Music PAUL FRIEDLANDER Cloud is designed Wild Oak Music Group to be a one-stop adviser portal to much of the area’s best artists — a smorgasbord of discovery,” he said. The publishing team is currently working on inviting bands to sign the contract for their music to be on the Cloud. Bands should contact Wild Oak Music Group through email to get music on the website, said Garrett Miller, a junior music industry and technology major. The website has genres ranging from indie to metal and electronic to reggae. There are currently eight genres with separate storage clouds. When users go to the site, they can click on a cloud genre of their choice to hear

“ “

music and get links to the artists’ social media pages. The cloud has 30 artists and is continuing to network and contact talent for additional music, Miller said. The publishing team has an agreement with Charter Media, a cable advertising sales group, to link the website’s music from the Cloud to TV for free in order to expose the public to the Chico music scene. The future of the music industry appears to be cloud-based storage with listeners and purchasers in connection, Friedlander said. Wild Oak Music Group works as an experimental learning laboratory that uses innovations in the industry for a consistent representation of other music programs nationwide. The Web design team created the website, and aside from a few minor software challenges, a template has been created and will be completed by the launch date, said Ryan Murphy, a junior music industry and technology major. Although students come in and out of Wild Oak Music Group CHICO MUSIC on a yearly CLOUD and sometimes semester basis, To access the Chico the Chico Music Music Cloud, visit Cloud is part of wildoakmusicgroup. the publishing com/ chicomusiccloud department and should Click on a cloud to continue choose a genre, to grow learn about the and evolve, artists and see where Friedlander you can find more said. of their music. “Wild Oak is always being For more information, a forefront at email info@ Chico State to wildoakmusicgroup. reflect changes com in the music industry,” he said. Nicole Walker can be reached at

Kayla Wohlford STAFF WRITER

Standing at the front of the stage with a silver trumpet in hand, jazz director Rocky Winslow faced Jazz X-press, and with a wave of his hand the instruments exploded with sound. The Jazz X-press spring concert, “Up Jumped Spring,” was put on Saturday in the Harlen Adams Theatre. The Quincy High School Jazz Ensemble started the event with a classic, upbeat jazz tune titled “Sing, Sing, Sing.” With a deep drum bass and loud trumpets, the song was a lively number for a strong beginning. The band then transitioned into the hit “Blue Moon” and featured vocals by its cello player Natalie Kepple. Her soft melodic vocals were paired with the ensemble’s strong clarinets and flutes. The Quincy High School band impressed Chicoan John Williams, he said. “The Quincy band was a really great, impressive small-town production,” he said. Despite being a small school, Quincy High gets to participate in a wide range of activities for that very reason, said Tanner Johns, the conductor and musical director. “This helps produce really well-rounded students,” he said. Johns is a Chico State music education graduate with a teaching credential, he said. He chose Chico State because of its excellent music education program and got to work with some of the best professors in music, he said. The Jazz X-Press of the Chico State jazz program continued the night’s events with Rocky Winslow, a conductor and professor of music. The group performed songs composed by Winslow, student conductor Chris Navarrette and guest saxophonist Steve Williams. The first song, titled “Simple Complications,” was written by Winslow after he was involved in a car crash in Las Vegas. The song started off with dark motifs and fast-paced instrumentals as Winslow waved his hand and each section lit up with music. The dramatic song included strong trumpets and an eerie undertone before transitioning into a smooth, subtle ending. “We’ve been writing a lot,” Winslow said. “It’s one of the most important things you


I WANNA SAX YOU UP Guest artist Steve Williams, an alto saxophonist for the U.S. Navy Commodores Jazz Band, jams out Saturday night at the Harlen Adams Theatre. can do.” The night also featured passionate trumpet playing from Winslow, as his fingers moved so quickly across the device it released notes that resonated through the theater. After conducting two songs, Winslow introduced Williams to the stage, who is an alto saxophonist for the U.S. Navy Commodores Jazz Band. He emerged and jumped right into one of his compositions called “Certified.” William’s powerful saxophone playing was harmonized alongside the Jazz X-Press ensemble. “This is a group of really talented young musicians,” Williams said. Williams arrived in Chico on Wednesday for rehearsal and was amazed by how prepared the band was in performing his songs, he said. “The music I proposed was very difficult,” Williams said. The last song of the night, “Yes, My Friend,” featured loud, steady drum beats and dominant trombone sounds. The audience of more than 100 people gave a standing ovation as Williams, Winslow and the band stood with instruments in hand. Kayla Wohlford can be reached at

Earth Day festivities celebrated downtown Orion Staff Hundreds gathered Sunday afternoon in the City Plaza to hear music and celebrate Earth Day. The Butte Environmental Council and the Chico State Environment Action and Resource Center partnered to host a day of celebration, pedal-powered smoothies and community-building crafts and activities. Chicoans sat in the grass, stood by the stage and danced to the music provided by Brass Hysteria!, Soul Butter and The Resonators. Visitors beat the heat and cooled themselves in the shade of the trees as the fountain sprayed water up into the wind. A man selling balloons used a manual pump to fill rubber tubes with air and twist them into animal shapes and hats for children. Children planted California poppies in empty eggshells at the Kids and Creeks booth, and free fair trade organic chocolate was distributed to all attendees. Teri Snow, a fair trade advocate

working in conjunction with the Chico Peace and Justice Center, collected the chocolate wrappings for a zero waste art project. Butte College sustainability activists brought their blender bike. With a It’s few mechanical components, a definitely smoothie machine a good was mounted sound for on the rear tire to provide iced an Earth refreshments to Day event. thirsty revelers. The event felt a bit like a farmers market, said Tracy Walworth, who BEN JOHNSON came from Santa Butte College student Cruz to visit with her parents. The Resonators took the stage at about 6 p.m. to deliver message-driven hip-hop featuring freestyle, guitar and ranged rhyme delivery. The music brought a larger

“ “

crowd to the event, said Ben Johnson, a Butte College senior and its sustainability director. “It’s definitely a good sound for an Earth Day event,” he said. At one point during the set Chico emcee TyBox jumped onstage from the crowd to take the microphone and join The Resonators for a song. In a combination of talent under the sinking rays of the sun, the division between audience and entertainer blurred as two became one. There were no more than 300 people at the event at any one time during the festivities. Though there were some college-aged people in attendance, families made up the majority of those who came out to enjoy the day. Even after the musicians began to stow their gear, the City Plaza chattered with satisfaction on Earth Day. THE ORION • KEVIN CRITTENDEN

The Orion can be reached at

DEEP ROOTS Hap Hathaway of The Resonators performs at the City Plaza Sunday in Chico’s afternoon Earth Day celebration.

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B4 features

Student work meets the light of day in a research symposium. Story online at


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Children’s miracle fundraiser helps

Ben Mullin M F E AT U R E S E D I T O R

save lives

Mullin it over Hot problems Apparently, hot girls are just like us — except that they’re hot. If your brain isn’t dribbling from your ears after that line, you need to check out “Hot Problems,” the “official single” by high school singing duo Double Take. The song features two young women belting out gems like, “Weird guys call my phones and girls call me names, but like Miley said, I can’t be tamed.” What bothers me about this song isn’t the nasally chorus. It isn’t the lyrics, which are less interesting and far more confusing than an 8 a.m. calculus course. It isn’t even the stupid music video, which features both singers bouncing around in a stationary limo with uncertain smiles fixed on their faces. No, what bothers me is that their “single” has taken the Internet by storm, garnering more than 1 million YouTube views in just over a week. Most of those viewers are people like me, who played the video because of a morbid and inescapable fascination with the embarrassment of others. People like me elevated Rebecca Black’s “Friday” to superstar status, while other legitimate, creative works sat on a server somewhere, totally forgotten. This lack of recognition is not a new phenomenon, of course. Emily Dickinson’s and Vincent Van Gogh’s brilliance was not recognized until years after their deaths. But never before post-2000 America has any culture elevated blatant stupidity to such dizzying fame. If it sounds like I’m preaching from a soapbox, it’s because I’m worried my soapbox will soon disappear, to be replaced by a chorus of screeching women, every one of them bemoaning the difficulty of having a picture-perfect face. “Hot Problems” by Double Take has gained more attention in the last week than the ongoing war in Syria. More people are swaying their heads, coweyed, to the lyrics of “Hot Problems” than following the nuclear disarmament talks in Iran. And by the time the video hits 2 million views, President Barack Obama and likely candidate Mitt Romney will have made opening salvos in what could be the most important presidential race in America’s history. With the advent of social media, we can each pick and choose exactly what we want to see, hear and think about. The problem is, at least 1 million of us would rather think about “Hot Problems” than actual ones.

RECOVERY Jessica Lavine, a Children’s Miracle Network patient, and her mother, Jolene Lavine, 38, celebrate Jessica’s 12th birthday March 21 with friends at their home in Folsom. Jessica’s party was rockthemed to reflect her favorite hobby — painting rocks. It was Jessica’s second birthday since her injury.


Juniper Rose A SST. NE WS EDITOR

Eight minutes after she put on her riding boots, 10-yearold Jessica Lavine was taken away in an ambulance. Jessica took weekly horseback riding lessons near her home in Folsom. She was kicked in the head in 2010 by a horse and suffered traumatic brain injuries that forced doctors to remove part of her skull to relieve swelling. Jessica spent 11 days in the pediatric intensive care unit and seven weeks in the hospital. The hospital intended to send her home when she was still in a vegetative state, but a physical therapist fought for her to go to a Children’s Miracle Network hospital for rehabilitation instead, said Jolene Lavine, Jessica’s mother. Doctors anticipated that Jessica might never recover her speech, sight, hearing or mobility. But after two years of intensive therapy at the Children’s Miracle Network hospital, she has regained her sight and hearing and is in a wheelchair and learning to walk.

In mid-April, the Chico State chapter of the national fraternity Sigma Chi held Derby Days, a charity event that raised more than $15,300 for the Children’s Miracle Network — for children like Jessica. The money was donated to the UC Davis Children’s Hospital, a member of the Miracle Network, where it will support children from Northern California, including Chico, said Jacquelyn Kay-Mills, a representative of Children’s Miracle Network. Chico State fraternities and sororities raise money for a variety of different philanthropies that benefit national causes. The Theta Chi fraternity is raising money this week to fight gun violence with its philanthropic War of the Roses event. Derby Days is a weeklong event, and university-recognized sororities compete to raise the most money for Sigma Chi’s philanthropy, said Isaac Brown, the Sigma Chi Derby Days chairman and a senior communication design major. The Chico State chapter of Sigma Chi more than doubled


HISTORY OF DERBY DAYS 1922: A Sigma Chi chapter at UC Berkeley puts on a skit show called “Channingway Derby,” which led to the creation of Sigma Chi Derby Days. 1935: The “Channingway Derby” comes to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, where the Sigma Chi fraternity holds an all-day track and field meet with 1,000 people in attendance. 1960s: Derby Days becomes a formal fundraising event. 1992: Sigma Chi makes the Children’s Miracle Network its main philanthropic organization. 2005: The Huntsman Cancer Institute in Salt Lake City is added as an optional charity for the benefits of Derby Days. 2012: Chico State’s Sigma Chi chapter raises more money during its annual Derby Days fundraiser than ever before in chapter history. Source:

the $6,000 it raised in Derby Days last year by starting an online fundraising program, Brown said.

Sigma Chi and sorority members sent emails to friends and family to ask for contributions through the new online fundraising program Webraze, Brown said. “Just from Webraze we raised over $10,000 this year, which was more than our total amount last year,” he said. “We just completely blew our last year’s total out of the water.” During Derby Days, sororities buy T-shirts and hold coin drives on campus while Woodstock’s Pizza and Kinder’s Meats and Deli donate a percentage of their profits, Brown said. Sigma Chi members are also auctioned off to sororities, and they then have to work for the sorority by cleaning its house or making the members a picnic. The sororities’ participation was a big part of the success, said Ryan Quintero, Sigma Chi president and a senior business administration major. Everyone was on their “A-game,” Quintero said. “Our goal was always $10,000, but this is the first year that we did it,” he said. “Now that we saw that we >> please see DERBY | B6

Sustainable skateboard flips after competiton Christopher Tavolazzi STAFF WRITER

Weeks after a skateboard made from flax fiber won a sustainable manufacturing competition, Chico State is still riding it to prestige. One of the grand prize-winning skateboards lies in a glass case on the fourth floor of O’Connell Technology Center. Ten of them are lying unclaimed in a classroom in the Langdon Engineering Center. They’re not being ridden anywhere, but they are still moving the department of sustainable manufacturing toward recruiting new students and helping it teach its existing ones. The skateboard was the winning entry at the Western Tool Exposition and Conference for designing and manufacturing on March 27. Chico State’s team beat 14 universities including Cal Poly Pomona, Western Washington University and Brigham Young University to take home the top prize at the Los

Ben Mullin can be reached at

manufacturing program. Angeles Convention Center. Usually, skateboards are made of The skateboard, which is not produced with any petroleum prod- plywood, but some are made from ucts, is sustainable in more than carbon fiber for greater structural one way, said Cody Leuck, a senior integrity. Leuck wanted to make sustainable manufacboards from flax fiber to turing major. It has been SUSTAINABLE prove it was a viable and used to wow potential AWARDS sustainable replacement for students at Choose Chico the petroleum-based carbon Day and represent the This is the 13th fiber, he said. sustainable manufactur- time Chico “Our kind of philosophy ing major. State has won isn’t to invent a new prod“It’s living right now,” the top award at the Western uct,” Leuck said. “What Leuck said. we want to be able to do is The fi xtures used to Tool Exposition apply a new material to it hold the trucks, or axles and Conference and also make the manuof the skateboard during since 1986. facturing process better.” the manufacturing proThe team began plancess, were demonstrated in an upper-division tooling class, ning the project in September said Louks Hendricks, a junior sus- and began working on it in January, Leuck said. They divided into tainable manufacturing major. The level of detail in all stages teams, each taking a different part of the project set Chico State of the project. They documented the whole apart from the rest of the universities, said Daren Otten, the process in detail and produced coordinator of the sustainable a binder, Hendricks said. The

FASHION >> Bright-colored bottoms “shek-o” “Pink’s my favorite

binder could then be handed off to a business, and without any other instruction, the business could manufacture the skateboards. This project was the fi rst time Hendricks had to work closely with other people, he said. “What really allowed us to win the grand prize was essentially the older students working with younger students,” Hendricks said. The project was very involved and stressful but was also a learning experience for everyone, he said. Those involved worked in an environment where there was teamwork, communication, management and a drive to avoid mistakes. “Without the other club members’ help and involvement, it would have been an impossible task,” Hendricks said. The Orion can be reached at

Compiled by Gina Calabrese

“They really

“I would say since

just say, ‘It’s

it’s warm outside

summertime’ for

now, I would tend


toward my brighter


shorter shorts than the black ones.”

Jenna Wilson

Andrew Delgado

Jacqueline Johnson

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ONLINE EXCLUSIVE >> Chico State students buried items representing this generation’s history in a time capsule, to be recovered in 100 years. read the story, scan the QR code below.

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face SE X COLUMN>>

Lexi Brister S E X CO L U M N I S T

Liquid courage evaporates I don’t care how many stereotypes say otherwise. Alcohol is not an aphrodisiac. The rumors surrounding college students’ alcohol consumption are limitless, and unfortunately most are baseless. Perhaps the biggest of these is the so-called libido-boosting power of a few too many drinks. First of all, no one is sexy when they’re drunk. Stumbling, stuttering or otherwise appearing intoxicated in any way really doesn’t turn anybody on. All alcohol really does is prevent you from being able to question your own decisions while at the same time heightening the chances that those decisions will be monumentally bad. “To bed or not to bed the stranger at the bar?” is not the question you want to cross your mind under the influence of a strong cocktail. We’ve probably all experienced at some point the unfortunate lost soul who looks at a drunk person and says, “I wanna take that home tonight.” So let me make it very clear that said lost soul is just looking for an easy lay. This type of person should be avoided at all costs. In case you don’t know how to recognize one of them, they’re the one who looks like they’re picking out dinner in a butcher shop rather than enjoying a fun night out.

In the moment it can be hard to tell how drunk is too drunk, so a good test is usually whether you can complete your own thoughts. If you’re having a hard time finishing a sentence in your mind, don’t even think about formulating one to pick up that blurry hunk across the bar. Also, never underestimate the importance of having a sober friend to pick you up. Men, please also understand that your inability to get it up at the end of a night of drinking doesn’t impress anybody. This is both the greatest irony of alcohol and it’s saving grace for confused, misguided couples. If you want to make a woman happy, try dinner and limit yourself to only one or two drinks. That limit goes for the ladies as well. While most men would jump at the chance to take you to bed, it’s usually not when you’re blurry-eyed and tripping over your heels. Although you may feel more confident, liquid courage usually just encourages you to do something really stupid. Trust me when I say that agreeing to play strip-poker with no idea how to play poker is a very bad call. If you are going to drink, allow me to set the record straight: When trying to avoid consequences, the “I was drunk” line is never a legitimate excuse for anything. An unfortunate side effect of an environment where binge drinking is not only acceptable but normal is that other activities become less fun without the influence of alcohol. If you reach that point, chances are your drinking habits are affecting more than just your sexual behavior, and it’s time to cool it. Lexi Brister can be reached at

STAFF COM MMENTARY to its website. To apply for an A.S. position, go to and fi ll out an application. A.S. is one of three employers on the Chico State campus, according to its website. On the same website both student and career job openings can be found as well as a description of benefits packages and the application process. Places like the Wildcat Store and the Wildcat Recreational Center still need student employees over summer, McCannon said. Others, like the Child Development Lab, need students only when school is in session. After graduation, A.S. employers will know what vacancies they need to fill. Shopping Tips: To maximize savings on groceries, here are some tips to creating a grocery list: 1. On one side of a paper create a daily menu. 2. On the other, write down the ingredients needed for those recipes. 3. Make note of leftovers and when you can use items twice or recycle food. 4. Check the Internet and mail for coupons. 5. Make your grocery list in the kitchen so you know what you already have and can create meals around extra items.

what career position, whether they want an internship or student employment and the region. The Career Center has career fairs for students, and the next one for all majors will be in the fall semester. There is an educational recruitment fair from 10 a.m. Stephanie Geske to 2 p.m. Saturday in the Bell STAFF WRITER Memorial Union auditorium. If you want to stay in Chico Summer living in Chico Couch surfi ng is over the summer, you’ve an option for stualso got to stay busy. HELP dents who don’t Unless you have the WANTED have a lease on money or connections to an apartment for bankroll an all-expenseAll jobs are the summer, but a paid vacation in a vacant posted at more stable option college town, check out is taking over the following tips that humanresomeone’s lease, can help you land a sources said Gina McCamjob and keep you from mon, director of spending the summer at There are 11 jobs available human resources your parents’ house. and posted for A.S. Many stuCareer Center on the site as dents go home for Chico State’s website, of Monday. the summer and hosted by myinterfase. leave their apartcom, allows students ments empty. to create an account lists sumthrough their portal username, learn of job opportunity mertime temporary housing announcements and career from $310 to $435. fairs, and search for available A.S. Human Resources Each year, Associated Stujobs and internships. Applicants can specify the dents employs between 700 kind of job they’re looking for, and 800 students, according

Beat the heat, other applicants with job opportun opportunities listed


Stephanie Geske can be reached at

How Whatdid would you you feel want abouttolast bury fall’s in abomb time threat? capsule?

“It was great, “I would leave I got out of a

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The Hunters of Truth

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Sweet desserts desert gluten, taste great Rebecca Mahan FOOD COLUMNIST

You may have an allergy and not even know it. This one typically isn’t accompanied by red, itchy eyes and sneezing. In fact, with symptoms like irritability, fatigue and skin problems, you may think it’s just another day in college. There is a chance, though, that the culprit is gluten, a protein found in wheat and products that have come into contact with it.

About one in every 100 people is affected with celiac disease, the most severe form of gluten intolerance, according to the Lance Armstrong Foundation. You would probably know if you had a reaction that serious, but many people go every day dealing with discomforts caused by eating gluten without the slightest idea that the solution is as simple as a diet change. Perhaps it’s because of a growing awareness of the allergy in recent years, but I personally know many people who have been diagnosed. Last week a good friend of mine told me that ever since removing


2 hours Directions

• 1/2 cup coffee • 3/4 cup raw sugar • 18 ounces bittersweet chocolate chips • 1 cup butter • 6 eggs • Raspberry syrup • 1 cup raspberries

Preheat oven to 300 F and grease a 9-by-13 baking dish or one similar. In a small pot, combine coffee and sugar. Heat until sugar is completely dissolved. In a second larger pot, combine butter and chocolate and heat, stirring constantly until it is of even consistency. Pour the sugar and coffee mixture into the larger pot containing the butter and chocolate mixture. Keep over medium-low heat, and mix together until smooth.


BEFORE INJURY Jessica Lavine stands with horse named Della during her second week of riding lessons in 2009 near her home in Folsom. She suffered brain damage after a horse kicked her one year later.

Rebecca Mahan can be reached at

DERBY: Fundraiser benefits Chico kids

continued fromB4

serves 6


Other things you’ll need: • Large pot • Small pot • 9-by-13 baking dish • Larger pan • A stirring spoon • 2 large bowls

gluten from her diet, she feels like a brand new person. The reaction seemed extreme to me, so I decided to give it a try myself. Upon asking those affected what they miss most about their previous diets, the answer was almost unanimous — cake. So, half in response to their wishes and half because I couldn’t think of a better way to start a new diet, I decided to try my hand at some gluten-free cake baking. The resulting recipes were so tasty I may very well find myself “allergic” to anything else for a while.

Add the eggs one at a time and mix each into the mixture. Once you have a smooth batter, pour it into the pan. Place your 9-by13 pan with the cake batter into a larger pan, and fill the larger pan with boiling water so that it goes about halfway up the sides of your smaller pan. Finally, place in your already pre-heated oven and bake for 45 minutes. Remove from the oven, and carefully empty water from the larger pan. Drizzle raspberry syrup on top of the cake and top with raspberries. Place the smaller pan with the cake in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, or after at least 8 hours, it will be firm and ready to serve.

STILL HUNGRY? Find more recipes online by scanning this QR code.


DECADENCE This cake doesn’t look hypoallergenic, but it’s actually entirely free of gluten, a wheat product that can produce fatigue.

can go above that there is no stopping us.” It is inspiring to know more about how the money raised is benefiting others, said Cece LeMay, a junior liberal studies major and member of the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority. Students come together to help provide services that change the lives of children and families, LeMay said. Twice a week, Jessica Lavine goes to therapy sessions at the Children’s Miracle Network hospital where she is relearning how to brush her hair, dress herself, speak, swallow food and do all the things she used to. It’s been two years since the accident, and as a parent, the situation can become very tiring, Jolene Lavine said. “There are good days where I think she is going to conquer the world,” she said. Then there are the days when it seems that Jessica is never going to get any better, Jolene Lavine said. At the Children’s Miracle Network, however, they never have those bad days. “They are always reminding us that she can move further,” she said. “They are cheering her on and pulling us through when we are at that point where we want to give up.” Jolene Lavine periodically gets survey calls from the

Miracle Network company in Nebraska asking her to rate her experience with the hospital. “I have yet to get through one of those calls without crying,” she said. “I get so moved by how much they do for my daughter – how they care for her and how much they care for us.” Juniper Rose can be reached at

WHAT IS A COMA? A coma is a profound or deep state of unconsciousness. In a coma, patients can move their eyelids and have natural sleep cycles but lack brain function. Spontaneous movements sometimes occur, and the eyes may react to changes in light and touching. Some people in a coma can even frown, cry or laugh. People have emerged from comas to meet physical or emotional needs. Some individuals never get past very basic responses to changes in the environment, but many eventually recover total awareness. The most common cause of death for someone is a coma is an infection, such as pneumonia. After the injury that causes the coma has been fixed, doctors and nurses focus on preventing infections, providing enough nutrition and making sure the patient does not have bedsores. Source: National institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

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Towering Above the Rest The Orion is now hiring for Fall 2012. Stop by Plumas 001 for information and an application.


opinion B7 |

Thumbs Up to the Associated Students elections. Educate yourself and vote before the elections end tomorrow.

Thumbs Up to baseball for scoring eight runs in one inning for the win. Story at theorion. com/sports

Thumbs Down to pushy tablers. We swear, we don’t have any change and don’t want your free lollipops.


opinions all week @


Disrespectful candidates lack focus There seems to be a lack of professionalism among some of the A.S. candidates. These students are supposed to be examples for our student body, but some don’t seem to take these various leadership positions seriously. Some of the candidates’ actions make it seem as if serving in A.S. is just a way for them to strengthen their resumes rather than use their talents to better our campus. At the debate, there were candidates who were focused and attentive with their arguments and their conduct. At The Orion’s meeting with the candidates two weeks ago, some shared inspiring ideas and seemed committed to improving the campus. But some of the others weren’t so professional. Some of the candidates are loosely throwing out terminology — transparency and accountability, for example — that they don’t support with examples of how they will put these words into action. Students need candidates who care about Chico State and have concrete plans for change. At the rate we’re going, the students’ concerns are going to have to wait until these leaders finish their next game of Angry Birds.

Some of the Associated Students candidates need to shape up. Several candidates at Wednesday’s A.S. debate paid more attention to their cellphones than the event itself. Texting, using your phone or not paying attention at an event that is aimed toward boosting your campaign isn’t going to help you get elected. Any leaders holding political positions wouldn’t be texting or livetweeting during a debate. Doing this in the public eye isn’t going to gain votes or support. It’s not only disrespectful to the candidates who are taking it seriously but shows uninterest and lack of commitment to Chico State and its students. Some even seemed lost in what was being discussed at the debate, according to two Orion staff members who attended the event. Rebuttals are a part of the debate. Without rebuttals there would be no debate. So when Lauren McLane, who’s running for comissioner of student organizations and programs, said she did THE ORION • FRANK REBELO not want to rebut because she thought it was rude, CAUGHT Associated Students candidates use it gave the appearance that she was unsure of their cellphones during the debate last week. her position.

Sam Kelly Money in America means freedom of speech at the expense of others. The upcoming election is going to be extremely ugly with overt media saturation by both sides. This will be one of the most vicious elections since this country’s inception based on how much money is involved and what is at stake, said Mitch Eggers, the press secretary for the Chico State Republicans. “There are a lot of things working for each candidate and a lot of things working against them,” he said. “It will be interesting to see how this turns out.” Two very different paths the country may take will be in the hands of our generation. Mitt Romney wants to take a step back to the old status quo and is intent on ensuring that the elites are still in charge of the way this country is heading, said Erik Taylor, president of the Chico State Student Democratic Club. The attack advertisements are going to dredge up all of the same things about race and religion and ultimately take away from the issues we need to talk about, Taylor said. If President Barack Obama can make it about the issues he will win. Obama has accomplished goals long sought after by the Democratic Party, but how successful he has been is questionable. It is things like the Affordable Care Act, immigration and the economy that will determine the election, Eggers said. This country has been enjoying a “decadent” lifestyle for decades, but reality is slowly setting in, he said. The president is going to be the one who leads us into the future, be that the right way or wrong way. Obama’s first term has come back with mixed

But there are kinder ways to fundraise. Quiet advertising on television is just as effective as those infomercials that yell at you — and far less annoying — so I don’t get why the method on campus is the exact opposite. If the people at the tables calmed down and let the students make their own choices rather than trying to be the most invasive in order to make the money, students would be more inclined to donate. I understand how marketing and advertising work, but I’m just asking for a little less yelling on my walk to class. I’ll still donate when I do have change, but you don’t have to yell to make me do it. Lucas Meek can be reached at

Ben Hames can be reached at

reviews. He has largely kept in place or expanded much of the Bush era’s war on terror tactics, both domestically and internationally, and faces a still slowly moving economy. As echoed by the donkey and elephant that I spoke with, as much as any other election, this country is going to go one way or the other with the elected candidate. Obama is not the man who will save us and neither is Romney, but seeing the election for the struggle it truly is can help one navigate the money stream to somewhere the true issues at play can really be considered. The country is at a crossroads between reverting back to the pre-Obama strategies and continuing with the broad strategic shifts he is striving for. It is slow, painstaking and at times unfulfilling because Obama is attempting to do the unfathomable — make America true to its constitution. Indefinite detention, domestic surveillance, targeted killings and global perpetual warfare aside, this is a confrontation with the great American paradox — a country founded on the principle of equality that still struggles mightily with race, tolerance and equality. Creating this type of society has never been accomplished before in human history, and it very well could be idealistic bullshit. This election is about what direction we want this country to go in. It is about us — the college demographic — much more than any candidate. This is us deciding to either perpetuate the same society no one seems to be thrilled with or work to create an entirely new one. ILLUSTRATION BY • CHARLOTTE HILLS

Sam Kelly can be reached at

Aggressive fundraisers pester, harass students Lucas Meek OPINION COLUMNIST

I’ve never felt more belittled than when I was informed that I donated to the wrong bake sale. All I wanted was a cupcake, and I got yelled at by people at neighboring tables for not contributing to their cause. The area between Glenn Hall Scan the QR code and the for You Say ToMeriam mato to read other students’ opinions Library, in about tablers. my opinion, is the most annoying section on campus because of the constant tabling.

People are yelling and crowding the walkway, attempting to get you to donate to their charity — which they seem to believe is 10 times better than the charity being hyped just seven feet from them. Tablers are rude, said David Simmons, a senior business administration major. “One time I was on the phone and this kid still kept talking at me,” Simmons said. “Don’t you understand I’m doing something?” I understand that setting up a table is probably an effective method of making money, and I’m sure organizations have had lots of success with their fundraisers, but they don’t need to do it in such an annoying way. If I don’t have change, then I don’t have change. Israel Medina, a junior anthropology major, said campaigning on campus is a good way to

Read the guidelines to the right for information on how to submit your own Letters to the Editor Editorial Board The opinion editor can be reached at

raise money. “I think tabling is the most effective way to put yourself out there for fundraising or anything,” Medina said. “It’s very visible. Having people at a booth allows students to come up and really see what your organization is all about.” Just this week, I was barraged by a religious group, a festival information booth and the Greek system. I’ll make my own decisions as to when I donate. Your yelling or mob mentality isn’t going to change my opinion. Most students don’t come to campus prepared to donate, said Ileana Enriquez, a senior environmental science major. “If people are gonna donate, they will,” she said. “Your advertising technique doesn’t play “a role.”

The Orion encourages letters to the editor and commentary from students, faculty, staff, administration and community members.

• Letters and commentaries may be delivered to The Orion, Plumas Hall Room 001. Deadline is 5 p.m. Friday. Letters are also accepted by e-mail and go directly to the opinion editor at

Ben Hames O P I N I O N CO L UMN IS T

The animal kingdom I recently came across an insanely rare and beautiful creature that I’ve never seen before and wouldn’t see in my home country in any place other than in some kind of exotic space zoo. A hummingbird just happened to be flying over my previously unaware head and the steps of the Plumas Hall courtyard. It was definitely a great surprise, and it made me think about wildlife in this country. To be perfectly honest, I’m jealous. There is some beautiful wildlife in England, but if you just look at the size of the territory we have compared to that in America, the difference is immense. In California there are wild bears roaming the forests. In the United Kingdom we have nothing that size roaming around in nature — unless you count the Loch Ness monster. Chico State has a wide variety of wildlife around campus, from the dazzlingly beautiful blue jay to the apparently bloodthirsty gray squirrel, which is no surprise as they have effectively kicked the red squirrels out of my country in a form of rodent-based ethnic cleansing. America has some wildlife I could only dream of having in a zoo back home: monstrous creatures such as alligators and bears, huge buffalo and gigantic birds of prey. The list also includes whales, seals and great white sharks. I’ve only ever seen some of these animals in horror films, let alone in real life. This is something I definitely want to see more of while I am in this beautiful country. I want to go to sanctuaries, wildlife hotspots and any other places to check out the animals. I just hope that America seeks to keep all of these species alive. Animals are going extinct at an alarming rate. About 150 to 200 species of mammal, bird, plant and insect go extinct every day, according to the United Nations Environmental Programme. That is a crazy statistic. It is safe to assume that in the amount of time you have been in classes today, at least a handful of species have been wiped off the face of the Earth, never to return. I feel that conservation needs to be taken up a step everywhere — especially in America. For a country that is largely responsible for deforestation all over the world, it would be nice to see wildlife preserved in America itself, at the very least.

Candidate advertising skew election OPINION COLUMNIST

Editor’s note: Ben Hames is an international exchange student from London. Every week, he will voice his opinions about the differences he sees at Chico State.

• Commentaries should be limited to 500 to 700 words and are subject to editing for length and clarity. Please include your phone number.

• Letters to the editor should be limited to fewer than 300 words, must include writer’s name and phone number (for verification) and are subject to condensation. Please include your year in school and major, or your business title.

• The Orion does not publish anonymous letters, letters that are addressed to a third party or letters that are in poor taste. The opinions expressed by The Orion’s columnists do not necessarily reflect those of The Orion or its staff.

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